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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1915)
THE BEE: OM.MIA. TliUKSDAY, AtT.l'ST 10, ini.". THE OMAHA DAILY DEE rot'PKD BT EDWAHi) ROSKWATER. VICTOR ROSKWAYER, KD1TOR. ' The Bp Publishing Company, rroprletor. PrB Rt'ILDINO. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entered at Omth poetofflce ss soon!-clBeB matter. ISKM9 Or SUBSCRIPTION. Pr carrier Py mail per month, prr yar. liefy eM KundaT fio 4 w puny without Hiinday. rVvenlr.e; sn.l "unf-av "e Frrnini without Sunday.... 4.W Sunday Pee only 1 9) Bend notice of of a1dre or comp'alnta of lrr trulartty In delivery to Omaha Bee. Circulation tvn-art merit. ni-MITTANCK. Jt.n.H tnr draft rrM or postal order. Oatr two cent tamra received In piymtnt of small ao t:nts. I'erannal checke. escept on Omaha and eastern xchanra. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bra Hullrtln;. jLouth Omaha 3i N arrect. Coiinrll pluffe 14 North Mala street. 1nooln i Kittle Wulldins. Chios iro Wl Hum Hiil'dlns;. New York Room IW, J Fifth avenue, ft. liOnis-MS New Jlank of Commerce. Waehlnaton T Fourteenth Bt,. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Adilremi communications relatlnp to mi end edl. tortal matter to Omaha bee, Editorial Department. JULY CinCULATIOJI. 53,977 Stat of Nebraska, Count of Dourlae, ss.: Inrifhl Williams, circulation manager of Tho pee Puhllehiti comMny, heir duly iworn, Bays that the averaia circulation for the month of July, 1814, waa M.S77. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manasar. giihscrit-ed In my prenrnre and eworn to before ma. thia M dav of AnmiM, Ja1B. RObEKT HUNTER. Notary public Subscribers leaving tho city temporarily should haT The Bee mailed to them. Ad drees will be changed aa often a requested. Aajrast IS Thought for the Day I've allue noticed that great success le mixid vith trouble more or kei And it$ Ih man who doei the beet Who fete more afrit than all the retU Jamt Whitcomb Riley. Cheer up! The sun la shining somewhere. Texas it the storm center ot the nation In more ways than one. Possibly the Russians are trying to break Into the porting pages with a upe'd record. A wet season plainly ha no 'depressing effect on the crop of early budding political ambition. If v get a Missouri Pacific receivership, .will It hasten or retard that overdue Dodge ttreet viaduct? No matter In what manner mob law Is ex ecuted, it demonstrate! the cowardice of over whelming numbers. Aa all weather machinery it out of gear, It U not surprising that the equinoctial slipped a tog and advanced Its date. Large as the American dollar appears on the foreia-n exchange counter. Its swell front falls to Impress the home butcher or grocer. Lawyers Taft and Walsh are exchanging TimnHments. When lawyers fall out It be hooves the Innocent client to "hit the trail." Just ia Illustrate how contagious habit Is, snother Georgia mob lynched a negro the next dsy. Of course, there will be sn Investigation. Tea, cf course, It la a downright shame to let .a federal Judgeship salary go to waste because of no one to draw It, when so many are willing. The sins of the railroad looter checkmates loSitlmate railroad development and should be as a crime against honesty and progress. The School board tax levy la needlessly in flated at least 1100,000 which ts going some after changing control of the board on the strength of the extravagance of the old one. What Will Georgia Do About Itf With the whole country aghast at the mob murder of Leo M. Frank, the all absorbing Ques tion Is, What will Georgia do about It? No one can read the account of the deliber ately planned and unimpeded lynching without telng forced to the conclusion that the authori ties were either cognizant of, If not In complicity with, the blood-thirsty outlaws, or wilfully and recklessly negligent of their duty to protect Irank. knowing full well the danger with which be was constantly threatened. Secretary Daniels rushes into print to give expression to his Indignation, coupling with It the statement. "I have no doubt the governor of Georgia will employ every possible agency to discover the mob murderers and to bring them to trial and punishment." For The Dee, we regret to say that we enter tain a whole lot of doubts, and believe we re flect the general sentiment of a multitude of dcubters. Members of the Georgia prison board have already begun exculpating the prison offi cials, and the governor, instead of immediately acting, waited to be called upon to do something by the sheriff of the county in which the crime v-as committed. Of course, Georgia will go through the forma of Investigation, and may even return a few indictments, but Georgia will have to do more than merely make motions to regain any measure of outside confidence in its purpose to protect life there and to do justice. The Looting- of the Bock Island. The astounding disclosures made by the In terstate Commerce commission as a result of its Investigation of Rock Island affairs have been laid before the Department of Justice, as well as the public. Tt is now to be determined if any process of law is capable of reaching the men who have been guilty of the unscrupulous jug gling of other people's money, as shown in this case. The report of the investigators shows the loss of many millions of dollars, due to the wrong handling of the business of the company, charges misrepresentation to stockholders and other forms of deception, and points out that the stock of the company, selling at over $200 a share twelve years ago, has been brought to 20 as a result of the mismanagement of those in control. This wrecking of a prosperous cor poration through alms of ambitious financiers Is another significant signpost on the way of business, and its lesson cannot be mistaken. It is peculiarly illuminating to find in the report that large sums were paid to individuals and other agencies, whose clamorous advocacy of truth and righteousness In all things might lead casual observers to look upon them as sleepless sentinels at the temple ot justice. One of these Is C. H. Venner, who has so persistently attacked the credit of Omaha, and another is a Denver newspaper, whose boast is that it has a "heart and soul." It evidently baa some of the other things that make up physical and spiritual perfection. - Aa for the Rock Island 'railroad, It should soon be rehabilitated and restored to Us high place among the trafflo bearers of the world. It traverses a prosperous region, serves an In dustrious and thrifty people and no good reason for its being long in the hands of a receiver can be noted just now. As ft new regulation, near-side stopping necessarily causes contusion. It will require some day to make the custom as smooth as the near side-stepping of the jitneys, when an ordi nance appears in the distance. , Rival war powers, in their negotiation with the Balkan statt-s, give a good exhibition of the lplaa activity cf political slate-makera at a convention. The Balkaneers appear determined to drive as hard a bargain a an American third party holding the balance ot power. The high est bid takes the goods. First estimates of storm damage In Erie thrunk about 60 per cent when checked up and tlroi'.ar shrinkage Is to be expected In the esti mates of gulf storm losses. Our experience vKh our own tornado havoc taught us that the itndency almost always is to exaggerate de- t'.ructlon by the elements. Why Japan Unit Fig-Ming-. The case between Japan and Russia has sev eral times been referred to of late, and quite lecently has been cited as evidencing the power of the United States In the settlement of great wars, in most instances the facta nave been misstated, especially aa to the part the United States had In the settlement. It Is true that Ireslden Roosevelt did negotiate the armistice, and the good offices ot this country in the pre liminaries to the Portsmouth conference were accepted. Whatever of Influence this country bad In inducing Japan to accept a peace that did not carry with it all the mikado's government might have sought must be considered In con nection with some other very Important factors One of these la that Japan was bankrupt. It v as costing that country a million a day to keep Us armies in the field, and the last hundred days of the war, leading up to and including the decisive battle of Mukden, were financed prac tically by funds obtained (n the United States. Japan sought to float an unsecured loan of 100,000.000 in Europe, and was refused; this loan was underwritten by ft syndicate of Amer ican bankers and it was on this money that Japan was able to prosecute its share of the war until mediation was proposed by President Roosevelt. Victorious, but penniless, Japan was ready to conclude a peace on any torms that did not carry abandonment of everything gained by fighting, and Von Wltte knew what he was doing when he answered, "Not ft kopeck!" to the Japanese demand for indemnity. And Japan knew it, too, and did not press the point These facts should also be recalled whenever talk of Japanese attack on the United State Is heard. The little brown brother ia active and ambitious, but not altogether without common sense or realization of his own limitations. Bohemia in the Dual Empire Xaaseys ' retotar Tsajoroff la Tha Bohemlana and the Mayara. aa the only to considerable nationalities wholly within the boundaries cf the Auatro-Huncarlan emplra, deserve special men tion In any account of the past and present of the dual monarchy. Fracie, the capital of the Czechs, la one of the rH- et centers of civilization In central Burope. The (widen period of Bohemia came In the relgne of Ottokar. the rival of Rudolf of Hapeburr, and of Otto- kar's son, Wenreslaiia II, who was kina of Poland and of Moravia, as well as of Bohemia. The memory of Wenreslaua Is cherished by Csecha as an Ideal of national unity. The Cserh nation took a pioneer part In the vaat Intellectual and religious movement known aa the Re formation. John It ue, the Bohemian apostle of non conformity, preceded Martin Luther by a good half century, and was the flrat great continental leadir of thought to respond to the teachings of John Wycllf of Kngland. The Huaslte protest against the existing ecclesi astical order took on a distinctly national character. Mummoned to Rome by Pope Alexander V (1410) to ex plain Ms Wycllflte doctrines, Huaa declined to obey the summons. His defiance of the Papacy produced profound Impreaslon, not only In Bohemia bnt la Poland aa well, and ha was greeted aa a Klavlo leader. Placed under the ban of heresy, (fuss In 1414 re paired to Ccnstance to defend himself before the ecumenical council convened there. Although be had safe-condurts granted by Wenreslaua IV of Bohemia and by Siglsmund, German emperor and king of Hun gary, and waa escorted by a powerful suite of Bohem ian and Polish noblea. he was publicly burned, with his writings, and hla ashes were cast Into tho Rhine. The five hundredth anniversary of hla death was oh. served In Bohemia ar.d In many Protestant countries this year a an event that marked aa epoch la tliu liletory of religious liberalism. In the war that followed the tragedy of Conetanoe, Siglemund waa eventually victorious, but the Impetus which Husa and his aid, Jerome of Prague, had given to the national awakening waa too great to be Sup pressed. The Oarmanlxatlon of Bohemia was definitely halted. The University of Prague, founded m 184 on the model of the University of Paris by tha Emperor Charles IV, for many yeara served as a battlefield In the struggle between the nationalities. Finally, In 1SSJ having found it Impossible to give to tho ancient Institution a distinctively Slavlo character, tho Csech professors and students, under the patronage of tbo t.mperor Francis Joseph, succeeded In establishing a separate university a an offshoot of the one founded by Charles IV. Ths relations between tha older institution and tha younger present a curious duality. The Bohemians avail themselves freely of their right to the use of tha exceptionally rich library of tha German university. om mingie not at ail with the German students- state of affairs which adds to tha flavor of academic life In tha splendid old Csech capital. That center of Slavlo culture has served within tha last fifty yeara as a source of light and leading- for tha so-called younger Blavlc nationalities, such as tha Serbians, tho Bulgarians, ana the Montenegrins. The University of Sofia. for Instance, Is In soma sense tha daughter of the University of Prague, as many of tha teachers In ths Bulgarian Institution either war AnhitmUM were educated In Prague. The first minister of edu cation In Bulgaria after 1U liberation In im was Ir. Constantln Irecek, the eminent historian and aroheol gist of Prague. In tha fine arte. D science. In Industry and aom- merce, the Bohemlann are regarded by Slavs tha world over as the premier Slavlo nation. Bedetsky. the Aus trian general whose name is a tradition In tha dual monarchy, ana who was the great military figure of Europe In the middle of the nineteenth century, was uonemian. Dvorak, tha composer, whose iimn la well known In America; Smetana, writer of operas: Mme. Janauachek, who delighted and Inapt red. Amert. can playgoers a generation ago; Xubelik, tha violinist AiaaariK, the philosopher, are exponents of Csech cul ture. The marvelous collection of glass flowara In the Agassis museum at Harvard university, tha handi craft of the Ciech Blatschka. Is a monument not onlv to the skill of the maker but also to the scientific morougnnees of the designer. Twice Told Tale3 s gvf-- n ii BBSBSBBaaBaSSSSBSBasSSSS O f . . s; M -. f . 61-, Tbo lxyul I KiiiUh atock of gooda waa finally a-!4 by oiiltr of I be dUtiict court for tTft.One on a bid c it in by N. M. Lurard, who ia referred to aa ' the myeteiluua purchaser." A party of young gentlemen, Nate Creary, Charles Jt; iel. Will Hamilton. Ware Foeter, Clrra Chase and K 1, l ornlali, w-nt over to tne tsiuxte to attend a n''jiil Kbt j.i.1,10 fctven by some of the fair lilutfltea. On aivount of 111 btHn County Clerk Letvltt has -t r.,:tti il hi rexlt-nuMon to the county board. A runaway i.otta attached to a bayrake create4 r .i 4 i-ni le eiotif uirnt at tbo corner of Fifteenth, ir..i lJtUe. Sir. Mackry, JT3 Caaa street, entertained a nura- l-r cf friends In honor of Mli-e Minnie I'uvn.1, who la - u, if l.eie from IVtroit. V. i..k'r. n traritig dow n a barn belonging to John A nt.fc'.tiii fuunj in one ot tbe orcKea ninety i..)t vf 'iil't. a i!rk arj.l aevrl fiehhooki and The off . Ivl count t f the state cvtrau Just niaJe I r-..:x-i iiiier-i. nt ln gta 1 Mas ha and I.ln- . . , . .. !!..'. r y I'UtUmouih, N'-l-lska Clti !i.r an J t;,.il . -arxj aie the oely other St- i.-l-a tjotiS itu our ;,',-'.. Like Satan Sebuking Sin. It certainly takes gall for our amiable dem ocratic contemporary, the World-Herald, to 'call" Judge 8uttoa for asserting that "for yeara the brewers and liquor dealers elected the majority of our city officials,' and joined with the law-breakers to control our elections." Judge Sutton's wild assertion needs to be 'called," but for the World-Herald to do It is like 8atan rebuking sin, for where can an olfender be found who has done as much aa the World-Herald to spread that very impression? For yeara the World-Herald has rung the changes in every campaign about the delivery of the "red light" district, about boodle-bought votes and about combination brewery-corpora tion slates. Of course, It has always tried to pin Us Imaginary conspiracies onto the wicked republicans, but it is nonetheless responsible In large part for the flagrant misconceptions which Judge Button 1 only echoing. It the World-Herald has gotten to the point now where it sees the error of Its mendacious ways, we con gratulate that newspaper as well as the people of Omahu. Qalck Thlaklaar. The Chief of Police of Cincinnati tells this one: "A Oerman shoemaker left the gas turned on In hla shop one night, and upon arriving in tha morning struck a match to light it There waa a terriflo ax plosion and the shoemaker was blown out through the door, almost' to the middle of the street. "A policeman rushed to his assistance, and after helping him to arise, Inquired If he waa Injured. Tha Teuton gaxed Into his place of business, which was now burning quite briskly, and said: " 'No. I ain't hurt. But I got out shust In time, hr- . . fiat SatUfacMoa, ah Ri.kt. A motorist was stopped by a policeman for speed ing, whereuron be became angry and called the polioe. man an ass. After ha had paid his fine, tha Judge re proved him for what he had said to tha officer. "Then I mustn't call a policeman an ass?" bo said. "Certainly not," said the Judge. "Tou must not In sult tha police." "But yon wouldn't mind If I called an ess a polios man, would youf" "Why. ao. If it, gives you any satisfaction," an swered hla honor with a smile. Tha motorist turned to the man who had arrested hlro. "Oood day, policeman," ha said, and hnraodlately left tha room. Boston Transcript. Nelgkborhooel Diplomacy. "My neighbor, tn the most urbane way. has noti fied ma to keep my chickens out of hla garden." And your v "With the utmost courtesy I have Informed him that my chickens may go where they please." , "Toil must have been reading up on dlplomatio matters." "Tea. tt all illustrates current progresa. a year ago. over the eame episode, wa would have been scrapping." Louisville Courier-Journal. The futile struggles of tbe bul'moose to aLake off George W. Pur kins goes to show that Cheyenne has no monopoly of broncho-busting rider. Tbe bullmoose knows whence Us fod der comes and lets George do 1C People and Eventa During a storm at Plattsburg. X. T.. a lightning bolt struck a woman and melted the earrings from her oars. Moral: Don't wear earrlnga. A New Tork lawyer who died retatly left an estate valued at 2...T09. which knocks the assertion that an honest man cannot earn $1,000,000 In a lifetime Five-cent Jitneye are no longer a factor In trans portation In Bt. Louts. Most of tha remaining Jits have protected themselves Into the taxi class, with a mini mum rate of 10 cents for passengers inclined to kics. It Is stated by union officials la New Tork that 10.00c American machinists have gone to England In the laat ten weeks, most of them on a six months contract at 15 W per day, with bonuses and transpor tatlon. The chief of pollca of Ahington, Pa.. 1 much peeed because a report that he was dead brought him a fine bunch of appreciative obituaries and floral tributes He regarded the hint, altogether too plain, and got "all net up." The state soologtst of Pennsylvania offers 1100 for satisfactory proof that there is such a thing aa a hoopsnake. It Is doubtful It the money will be claimed. The hoopsnake breed waa exterminated la the days of the bicycle when their hides were converted Into emergency tires. Aa immature, society man at Pitman, N. J., with a hobby for secondhand socks, has been rounded up by the police for raiding clotheslines decorated with feminine silk hose. Two barrels of the goods were discovered In his possession. The police, realising that his upper alory needed a maaaage, turned vocal hose a blin and let him go on promising to be good. Oa tka gkaely Ma. OMAHA, Aug. To the Editor of Tha Bee: As a matter of Information, will not some one volunteer an explanation whether a bualneea conducted on tho gambling house basis, although perhaps enough different to elude such a "shad owy" classification. Is entirely legitimate and under the sanction of the authori ty of Omaha? To make a long story short, we have within tha city of Omaha a smooth talking auctioneer, loudly and craftily describing a polished up piece of Jewelry of the pawn shop class, and a small group of mothers' sons done up In sublime Ignorance drinking In every phraae, swallowing the whole dope with out even making a nasty face. But, for fear tha prospective "customer" may get a chill before tha hook gets wholly down, and In order to insure the aaf transfer of tho coin of the realm from the loose pocketa of tha purchaser to the tight till of the sharper's register, a couple of well trained "soldiers" are floated out into the arena to guard the safety of the pub lic. One of them stows himself away for future reference by looking on with claimed hands In wide-eyed, ' open mouthed wonder, while the other "falls" for tho watch that Is being pseeed out over the case by the auctioneer. Eying It keenly, and with businesslike caution, Mr. No. 2 pronounces tha watch a "Zl Jerwel. 10-year caae. 14-karat wonder," and, placing It gently back on tha case, heavea a algh and casts a longing, lin gering look upon It. By this time the auctioneer's spiel Is Just right, and Mr. No. 1 cinches all chance of losing such a bargain by placing a $5 bid on the treas ure. Not to be cheated out of his prise. No. i sets the figure up to SS. But their chances are all spoiled, for Just at this time our country cousin, who has been worked up to the boiling point, slops over and bids 17 3ust before the hammer (flat) drops. It is very possible that purchasers patronizing these establishments are get ting honest value for their money but. In my opinion, there Is a great deal larger chance that they are not Will they bear investigation T Has the Com mercial club of Omaha and the Associa ted Retailers of Omaha looked Into the way this business Is conducted'.' ' If so. Is tha stamp of approval of these organ isations placed upon It? GILBERT W. UHL.HR, 1322 South Twenty-eighth Street. A Wortky Maw Goae. SOUTH SIDE. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 11 To the Bdltor of The Bee: In the death of Joseph O. Eastman another gallant union soldier has passed away to meet the rapidly Increasing numbers on the other side. The brav men who rallied to the support of tho national union when It was assailed by the hands of traitors and who, after four years of struggle, preserved our nation from destruction, will soon be only a memory. But their deeds of valor will live long after them and all future generations wilt arise and call them blessed so long as our nation shall stand. It behooves us to honor ths few re maining old heroes in every way we can to make their remaining days, days of pleasantness and ease. . Mr. Eastman was one ot the noblemen of earth and the world la the better for bis having lived In It for the last seventy years. Hla . influence was aver-for tha good of mankind and the sweet Incense of his high character will savor the earth for long numbers of yeara to coma. felt proud to be able to consider the quiet and unassuming Joseph O. East man as one of my most intimate friends. Wa who knew this man of small stature but of great character will miss his genial presence so long as we may live. Could wa all leave the luminous memory behind us that he baa left we would not fear what others might say of us when ws have passed to the great beyond. It ts with both sorrow and gladness that I pay this small tribute to a valorous old soldier, a worthy cltlsen and a true friend. F. A. AGNBW. Stekklas Caneladea the Debate. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. l.-To tha Editor of Tha Bee: Time Is too short to particularise on matters l llglous. Religion is tha prima factor In social and political organisation au thority from God by a priest to control the minds of the common people. It co operates with government to got re sults, which are wealth and power for the priestly and governing class, and poverty ana servitude to tho common people. As the people become Intelligent they become less religious and mora democratlo. All tho despots that have ruled this world, from the most ancient to the pres ent time, had their religion, and priests who taught the common people to obey the despot. The king of England swears la his soldiers with a Bible tn their hands to fight for their God and king, The esar of Russian claims that ha la tha representative of God. and that God ia fighting for hint for the fatherland. Tha emperor of Germany, speaking to ma soiaiera, aeciaimed that God was fighting with hint to establish a German Roman empire to govern the world. When church and stats go to war for Power and plunder, aa these four prin cipal sTovemmenta did in this European war, minor activities are of little mo ment, and small Intereata get ground up In the general contention. Hera is where the objection to Imperial wealth, religion. and power comes tn they grind up every thing to their Interest. Religion and royalty never change. In Europe they are opposed to ths representative dem ocracy of France; the letter of the Ger man emperor tt the Benedictine priests discloses tbe whole scheme "tha altar .and tha throne must stand together" to auppress modern democracy In Europe. That Is what this war la about, sly as they keep It, and there Is plenty of the same sentiment here la the United States. With ths greatest regard for tha com mon people of Europe, they are tha slaves of their religion compelled te fight for tlelr oppressors, to , baptlxa their countries with their blood, and fer tilise It with their ashes. And tor what? To perpetuate Imperial wealth and re ligion a tyrant's power. Religion held tha chattel slave to hla master; tt drrrea victims to alaugbter regardless of the "why." It haa burned and beheaded the world's bravest and best. Religion la now on trial at ths bar of civilisation; Its record la written In ths Innocent blood of Its helpless victims; It Is puno tualed with mother's childbirth pains and the cries ot orphan children. The super cilious nonsense ef "Billy" Sundsy and "Billy" Bryan cannot adjourn the court. Cl'CIBX STUBBING. Note Tu stop an interminable discus sion ef religion, this letter mill have to cloee the preeeot debate. said in rujr. it 111 I rode all tha wav in to Harlem In the same subway car with you the othr dav. Billy That s strange. I didn't see you. Alillv Oh. I don't know. Tou had a seat and I waa standing. Judge. flheranclng Is fine for people, don't you think T lie Ye. it exhausted Pmttn a wire so that she a gone into a sanitarium for a ear. Life. "The rrovMona of nature are won derful. The giraffe Is peculiarly built ao as to reach the foliage on a tall tree." And I eiir-oose the tree arows so tall In an effort to keep its foliage out of the giraffe's way." Washington Star. Mary and Tommv had been to hear a mllonrv talk at Sunday school. Old he tnil vou aliout the Poor heathen?'' father inquired at the dinner table. lea. air. answered Msrv. He said that they were often hungry and when they beat on their turn-turns It could he heard for miles." New York Evening Post- J: KABIBBUE KABARET 0Uft& VMX WOW tV? A SMej-: "she vw awfully dfar r ME, THttS Virff I rA Her upi bat "When the lawyer for the r'elntlff irot thrnuah I we sure he was rig" u When the attorney for the dcfenrlanl : fln-i-K-rf 1 ri, cat-tAln he waa right. wn"a the Judire got through I didn't anos? who was right. t Hieourgn i'"i- AUGUST TWELFTH SPECIAL. A dancing bey, a perfect T. Tall hemlock crowding up the elirr. A swarm of bethers on the Wncti;, And In the distance blue, a skirr. A whistle shrill, a hum, a roar: White arrtoke a-tralllng o'er the trees, A clanging bell, a halt, a crowd. And here and there a muffled sneeie. In the rrowd are noses of all types The dainty nose with .upward tip. Also the Roman and the snub. But all agree in this they drip. There one may see Mack eyea and brown. And grey and all the varying blues. But. like the poslea in the bog. They're In a chronic state of oose. A snuffling sodden-kerchiefed throng, A constant chorus of "Ac-t-choo" The northbound flyer leaves behind When it flies onward from Bay View. (Next Mom.) A dripping sky, a sodden bay. Mtst-kerchlefs blotting out the blue: A stubborn gale that blowa and blows Has the weather got hay fever, too? -BAYOLL, NB TRELK. Bay View, Mich. "Why did she throw over that young man?" 'eema he was an efficiency expert." "Well?" And he tried to tell her ehe didn't know how to kiss," Louisville Courier Journal. Mlas Sweetlelgh Me marrv you? Whv. you're old enough to be ray fatherl Mr. ointime t ar rrom it! But I'll admit that you seem voiimr enough t be my daughter. Chicago News. "Where're you living now, Podgers?" Nowhere. Boarding at the same old place." Browning's Magazine. Well, how did you come out with your Jury duty?" 1 dont like it, conressea Mrs. worn- Save Tho Baby Uso tho reliable HORLICEt'S ORIGINAL Malted milk Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently, Endorsed by thousands of Physicians. Mothers and Nurses the world over to more then a quarter of a century. 1 Convenient, no cooking nor additional milk required. Simply dissolve in water. Agrees when other foods often fail. Sample rVs, HORLICK'S, Racin; H is. cyNo Substitute) iV'fust as Cood' mm HORLICK'S, the) Original 9 iSl Low Summer KGursion ores to tho Great Outing Region of Hinnosota and northern Visoonsin Ashland. Wis $21.78 Bayfield. Wis 21.79 ftlrchwood. Wis. .. . 19. IS Cable. Wis 20.13 Cbetek. Wis 10.10 Cisco Lake, Mich.... 29.05 Dalntb. Ulan 20.39 Eagle Elver. Wis. . . . 23.80 Gogebic Lake. Mich. 24.83 ITayward.Wla $19.80 Lac da Flambeaa.Wls. 24.40 Manltowlsh.Wls 23.90 Minneapolis, Minn. ;. 14.33 Phelps. Wis 26.30 St. Paul, Minn 14.33 St. Peter. Mian 12.30 Three Lakes. Wis..... 23.13 WoodrnU.Wla. 24.30 Lv. Thre trains daily via St. Paul "and . Minneapolis. Omaha 7:45 a. m., 6:45 p. m. and 9:05 p. m. Numerous fast trains daily to Chicago connecting; with the Fisherman's Special Lv. Chicago 6:05 p. m. daily for the finest fishing country in the World. For full Information call or address JOHN M ELLEN, General Agent Chicago & North Western Ry. 1401-3 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. (TaL Douglas 2740) figf NWsSs Summer Fares East! The Wabash is the short direct line from Chicago to the pleasure places of the East. Take advantage of the low summer fares via Wabash: Round trip fares from Chicago Buffalo Niagara Falls Toronto Thousand Is. Pic ' SacketU Harbor Clayton, N. Y. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Baldwin, N. Y. Lake George, N. Y. (30 day limit) 18.35 New London, Ct. 26.50 18 35 St. Joknsbary, Vt 26.60 18.3S Concord, N. 1L 26.80 19.90 Boston, Mass. 27.75 18.80 Now York City . 28.65 19.40 Fabyao, N.H. 28.55 23.85 Portland, Me. 28.80 25.20 Atlantic City, N. J. 31.15 25.20 Rockland, Me. 31.40 WABASH Find out about these and other summer . fares East, from Chicago, via Wabash at WABASH TICKET OFFICE, 311 S. 14th St. H. C Shields, Coal Agent, Passenger Department. Omaha. hi THE BEER YOU LIKE The sweetness of the choice barley malt, combined "with the fine flavor of imported horns, makes ita taste roost delicious. Save Coupons and Get Premium. Phone Douglas 1S33. LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY, Distributors