Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Strateji Point Commaiidiiij Rirer
Ifieraea Captured, with lAtgt
Quantity of Material
BERLIN, Auk. 1. ( Wireless
(o 8ayTtll.) Ttt following an
ronncement waa tuade hero officially
"Tho fortraaa of Korno, tofthar
with ail tha rorta and aa amount of
war material, which hat not bn de
termined, haa bea la Gorman hand
since laat night.
"Mora, thaa 100 cannon weroj
taken. The fortrena waa raptured by j
t-torra la aplta of the nioat tenacious
rrsisiaoce by the Ruanlans."
Mil I lory eirwrt h ssrffd that the
loss of ths fortress nf Kovnn would be a
ssrtous Mow to the Rul ns. The rrltle
of the London Tinea, ta an artlrte pub
lished thU morula. Mr:
"It ths enemr succswls In reducing
KoriKi knd U therebr aMs to cross (he
Xlsrosn, they will be In the rvar of this
Russian line north of the Kvents, and
with tbe Junction of the two wlnaa of
ITeld Msrshsll von Hlndeatwrg s army
tha pocUloa of the Russian right flank
wm bo very difficult."
Tha officii! Oerman etaUtnent of yes
terday announced the rapture of forts
on the front of Kovno, with 4,500 prisoners
and lt guns.
This wss Interpreted as foreshadow
ing the fait of the fortress proper, but
Its accomplishment so speedily was
hardly expected. The famous German
general. Mrld Marshall von Itlndenburg,
personally took command of tha army at
tacking Kovno. Selection of Germany's
national hero for this tssk Indicated
the Importance attached to It by tha
(k-tman general staff.
Kovno, oapltal of the r.osslan province
of the same name, la on the right bank
of the Ntemen. It Is a fottress of ths
first class. The civilian population of the
Itr la more than TS,90.
The capture of Kovno probably will r
suit In welding tha northern and central
Teutonic fore Into a consolidated line
from the Uulllo provinces to Oallda.
Kovno Is a unit of a lino of fortresses
running from tha Nlemen south - and
east, connected by railroad. On this Una
are Grodno. ftrest-LiUovsk and Iulk. .
Tha capture of Kovno raises the Quea
tlon whether the Russians will be able
to retain this line, or whether they will
again be compelled to maka a general re
Retention of tha remaining positions on
this front might expose tha Russians to
a flanking movement. The rapidity of
l ha Gorman advance aince the fall of
Warsaw oa August I la Indicated by
the fart that they are within thirteen
miles of Brest-Lltovsk, which Ilea about
IIS miles east of the captured Polish
capital. The tine to which they may
now be compelled to. fall back la about
'M miles east of Warsaw.
Kovno la R'O nines' southwest of Petre
grad. the possibility of an advance
ag4tnt which Is now being considered
In Russia and England.
Interior at New Home of University Club
1 - "f : r
mr ion ?
(Continued from Pare One.)
lured, some palnfu'Jy, but none seriously. washed away at Bcabrook, about twenty
leied ou the transiwrls KUpaLrlok and
Wtm Iwrrp Throat Teaaa City.
WASHINGTON. Aug. lt.-The latest
dlapatrh sent from Texas City this morn
ing my Major General, Dell said:
"Violent wind and rain, greatly In
creased after filing first message yester
day evening, reaching culmination at
about midnight. Tttay waves and flood
water combined rose to an evaraae
height of three to five feet throughout
Texas City and the surrounding oountry.
All ramps . are a total loss. Including
wooden structures. fot a vestige Is left.''
The dispatch continued: "All public
and private property In ramp is almost
a total loss except animate, transporta
tion and ordnance equipment. A few ani
mals and considerable harness were lose
Property et every description Is soat
terd throughout the city. Floating
wreckage la piled up In the Streets. Vio
lence of the wind was such that many
craft of considerable else were blown
anl floated into the city near the bay
ahore. ' "
Ceaaaeanal Greatly Jkgfltae4.
"'The command waa greatly scattered,
seeking shelter during; tbe. bight. The
storm still la too violent to accomplish
anything" this morning except the rescue
of women and children and search for
drad and Injured. Temporary hoapllal
waa established In the Southern hotel
ycerday. Most of the dead and la.
jured were dlacovered and oared for laat
"The most substantial business hou
and reaideucea stood, but some were un
roofed. A considerable number of small
frame buildtnga were blown down and
fU.-a.U-d In street. Borne were blown oft
of foundations. All temporary wooden
buildings were wrecked. IHvlaioo hoa4-
i:iortr, atores and property are a total
"The dpot iuartermaater'a Texas City
branch stors house was unroofed. Prop
rtr sad supplies were eoaked, but are
nioa'.t)' unealable. Small brldgee are
am; roada generally are linpaaaable. !
A! railroads, telephone and telegraph
lines temporarily are out of comralsalof
No communication with tbe putetde:
itotbing hard from GaKeaton. A num
ber of fe-oiIe are homelees and without
food, but the vUlble sup4y probably wlU
laat until It can be repientahad from
Houston. Am furnishing food and aucoor
to needy regardleaa of their statue.
Tt.rre la no immdiate nd of outside
Im r;4ed.
Another tlupt'li. awaited from )Vxas
( lif laat ti it at l.'aild:
"A violrnt tropical Urm with wind snd
rain has been to prorr here flnce-:ivn.
IVind from t;iu tn'iv'.viut u.t elgh'.y.flve
to 1jO im it t per -li'iur, I'H backed up
tr In lK. Va'. Camp Is txle and
ik t-cn atandoiied for safety tClectrk)
lil.l t'-iui oit of 'jih minion. ' Dark
rn rcii'lrra an .ktniiatp of the damage
lit 1LI until tlie H ti m subsMee. Some
u.jurua. bj nt ')ad y..i reported. Gel-4-.tca
not o. in.uly heard fro, but on
arraUM'4 tl T-iit-aevenih Infajitry,
iiiii4 on lout fcroond, haa abandoned
na vfnp end irsoved.
"vijiie a auiuuer not et listed are la-
Only one. civilian la reported dead. All
Injured being cared for In our hospital.
Much discomfort, but no serious suffer
"Only anrlous menace to health Is lack
of water, Large sanitary force already
organised and at work. Troops now se
curing shelter. No serious suffering
Temporeiure mild."
aig Die la Hal ves. ,
HOUSTON, Tex., Aug-. ll-Vla Hall
road Wire.) So far as known In Galves
ton only nix Uvea were lost In the tropi
cal storm In OaJvseton proper, according:
to staff correspondent of a Houston
newspaper who retumnd here after a
perilous trip to the Island city. He says
undoubtedly several Uvea were lost In out
lying districts, but as ample warning had
been given a large proportion of the
Inhabitants had found places of eefety.
A relief party, which returned here
late today from Virginia Point, between
here and Oalveston. reports between
twenty-fire and thirty deatha at that
point. Several bod tea have been recov
ered. One hundred persona are ma
rooned without food on Red Fish bar
near Virginia Point
.hls A trains Walk
A throe-masted schooner la lylnti
against the sea wall In front of Hotel
Calves. ' Two large barges broke from
their moorings during the storm and
battered out the center of the causeway
connecting Oalveston with the mainland,
while the approaches at each and of the
causeway are badly damaged.
Captain tntjao of the tug Seminole also
arrived hare from Galveston today. He
said the death toll In Oalveston and vi
cinity may reach several hundred, al
though comparatively tew .persons were
killed In the city proper.
Meaaacee Cenfaand.
fiAN ANTONIO. Tsx.. Aug. It-It Is
believed In army Circles here that the
Washington wireless haa In some manner
confused messsges from the Buford say
ing the camp at Fort Crockett Waa com
pletely wiped out, and taken tt to moan
the camp at Texas City. The wlrelees
at Tort Bam Houston, the strongest in
the country outside of Arlington, did not
receive the message, although It has been
tuned In with Oalveston ever since tbe
storm began.
eve Drown.
TEMPLE. Tex. Aug. ll-Beven per
sons were drowned at Hitchcock, Tex., a
small town lust north of Oalveston. It
was announced at Atchison, Topeka
Santa Fa railroad division headquarters
here today. The water Is standing three
feet over the railroad tracks at Hitch
cock and the entire vicinity la flooded.
Wire communication over the railroad
Una was established with Hitchcock this
milvs from Houston. Three persons are
reported to have lost their lives at that
Mr. Montgomery described conditions
along the prairie similar to those that ob
tained m the )ft storm.
"We eaw thousands of dead animals
along the way," he Bald.
He said they could see the buildings
st Fort Crockett and all seemed undam
aged. He could recognise some of the
U1I buildings In the city with whkili he
was , familiar, but was most Impressed
with the gravity at the situation by the
fact that the grain elevators were fone.
Be res of
Lives SUportea Loot
la Texas.
DALLAS. Tex.. Aug. 1. -Boo res of Uvea
were lost .and millions of dollars' worth
of property wss destroyed In the West
Indian hurricane that swept the Texas
coast yesterday and tha day before, ac
cording to Information received today
from the stricken districts which have
been cut off from wire communication
with tha outside world. Before nooa the
total number of dead reported waa nearly
a hundred, with no definite news out of
Galveston, which city Is believed to have
been hardest hit.
Dead Faag oa Beach at Texas tlr
Probaetr fro as Ualyeetoa.
AUSTIN, Aug. is. According to the
Houston Post story of 'conditions at
Tsxaa City, baaed on an Interview with
K. V. Rhodes, who brought the Texas
City appeal for aid to Houston, ths
bodies of sight women were found washed
ashore at Texas City Tuesday. These
bodies are supposed to have come from
Oalveston. In 1M0 many bodies from
Oalveston were washed up at Texaa City.
Damage which will run Into millions of
dollars haa been dons to the cotton crop
in Texas by the storms of Monday and
Tuesday. Reports from towns In central
Texaa aay that cotton open In thebolls
waa blown out of the bolls and was
beaten Into the ground by tbe heavy
It Is estimated that Bo per oent of all
the cotton In this auction was open and
that from one-fourth to one-halt of the
open cotton waa lost. On this calculation
the damage wUl be from H to a per
cent of the OntliO cotton crop of central
Texas." . , (r .' ;
The first editions of the Hounlon papers
to rea3h Austin since the storm of Mon
day night arrived today. Their Informa
tion as to conditions at Oalveston is not
complete, as neither the Chronicle nor
the Poet had been able to get a men
Into Oalveston.
Seabrook la said by both papers to
have been practically annihilated so far
aa houses are concerned.
Tbe Houston Poet carries an appeal
from H. B. Moore for food and supplies
for the civilian population at Texaa City
to be aent to Major General J. Franklin
Bell, U. 8. A., who la commanding at
Texaa Oty.
Because of dasaao to property at
Houston, twenty special officers were
sworn In and every one on the streets
after t:V o'clock Tuesday night waa
forced to give a food account of him
self, according to both papers. A relief
committee met In Houston Tuesday and
arranged to send a boat of supplies to
At Kemah. on the coast, only one house
haa been left standing, according to
Frank Annslle of Seabrook, who escaped
to Houston.
The Southwestern Telegraph and Tele
phone company's loss at Houston Is esti
mated at 1100,000, Practically every big
establishment in Houston reports dam
age. The Houston Post declares there
have been but two deatha In Houston a
negro who encountered a live wire, and
a carpenter whoee bam fell on him.
The Poet reports ten houses down at
Bellalr and two persons Injured.
coast havs suffered severely.
"we left Alvin at o'clock In the
morning with a relief train, twit were
stopped by the waters at Hitchcock.
From Hitchcock to Oalveston, the track
apparently Is under water. The Hitch
cock yards were under water, and bales
of cotton, lumber and other debris were
floating about. At t o'clock this morning
the water was five feet under the high
eat stage at Hitchcock.
"At tha height of the atom the wind,
which was accompanied by a heavy rain,
was so strong that a man could not atacd
against It.
"A marine pile driver Is reported to
have pounded asralnst the causeway and
damaged the slope, but the report la
not confirmed. The storm U still rag--ln.
but not so severely as aa first"
laalgrestlonr Can't Eatt IV
Dr. King's New Life 11 Us stir up your
liver, aid digestion: yoa feel fine the
next day. Only Sc. All druggists. Adver
Munitions Plant
Machinists Want
Eight-Hour Day
NEW YORK, Auk. 1I.-J. J. Keppler,
vice president of the International As
sociation of Machinists, before leaving
for Washington last night, said that he
would urge at the executive board meet
ing1 of the aaeoclnllon there today an im
mediate national strike. In all arms and ,
ammunition plants, wnicn nsve rerueen
to grant an eight-hour day.
Mr. Keppler said be had been forced
to take this stand because of whst he
termed 'open hostility of the National
Metal Trades' association," which, he
asserted, had several times gone out nf
Its way to prevent private settlements
between the union and the shops. Kep
pler also declared Insinuations that for
eign Influences were brought to bear In
many of the machinists' strikes waa an
other ground for this move.
"I have also been hurried Into this de
cision for a national ' strike," Keppler
said, "because of the Insinuations that
German Influences are back of us. That
Is Just propaganda to hurt our cause.
and we will show that such Insinuations
cannot hurt us. The machinists will
allow nothing to stand In the way of
their eight-hour movement."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Remuel Com
pere, president of the American Federa'
tlon of Labor, Issued a statement last
night expressing the opinion that a dill
gent Inquiry should be msde of charges
published by the New Tork World that
German agents In the United States, with
the approval of high officials of the Ger
man government, have been fomenting
labor troubles In plants making war sup
plies for the alllea
Mr. Oompera reiterated his recent as
sertion thst sttempts had been made to
Involve him In schemes to call strikes.
He said that an Inquiry would be fruit
ful of results If directed at efforts to
oorruptly bring- about atrlkes among
longshoremen and seamen.
Aberdeen Eemains
Upon the Dry List
PIERRE, 8. D.. Ang. ll-(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) That Aberdeen remains In the
dry list by a majority of one is the decree
of the supreme court In Its affirming the
lower court of Brown county, in the case
of A. L, Ward et al. against C. C.
Fletcher et al.'
The Issue waa one of counting disputed
ballots and the supreme court finds that
thlrty-eeven ' votes ' were . erroneously
counted' In tbe affirmative and forty-five
erroneously the begatlve, and
with a negative majority of nine shown,
the ohsnars leaves Just one majority
galnst Uoense lor the aocoad largest dty
In tfc; ..cate.
Grata Elevators Many Other
Baliaiaaa Are Destroyed.
HOUSTON, Tex., Aug. ll.-(Vta Temple
and Telephone to Dallas. The Houston
Chronicle prints the following interview
with . R. Montgomery, a Houston corre
spondent of the Oalveston News, who got
aa far aa Virginia Point, the north end
of the Causeway, Wednesday, and
viewed the wrecked city of Oalveston:
"I ant confident the number of dead
In Oalveston la large. J ooukl not see
aa elevator oa the port aide of the city
and my opinion la that the number of
buildings destroyed will run into the
thoi'sands. I believe tne property loes
will be greater than that of 19U0."
Montgomery made bis way to the dratr-
brldge of the Oalveston causeway and.
owing to the fait that this structure waa
swept aeay, he waa forced to return
to Houston. The map made the trip In
an automobile.
"We encountered Indescribable condi
tions," he aald. "The road bridges et
Clear Creek end Dickinson were washed
out and we sea our automobile over the
railroad bridges and across ths ttea"
"We saw thousands f bales of cotton
on the prairlve all ths way from Virginia
point, (the mainland end of the Galves
ton causae ay), to ths town of La Marque.
far inland. These were washed from
Ga'vestoa ducks by the great tidal wave.
"The water must have been several
feet over the causeway and serious dam
age must have been done to It by the
washing out of large quantities of fill
lncs In tbe center."
Tne Chronicle also reported that it re
ceived Information that fifty persons
are dead at Teiea Ctty. but accounts tor
only twelvs soldiers whe pertahed when
the Thompten building at Texas City
collapsed. It la said these ware all
private soldiers, no romnUas toned offtoera
having lost their ltvas. ,
The re H road drawbridge bes beea
British, Norwegian
and Spanish Ships
Sunk by Germans
LONDON, Aug. IS. The British steamer
Bonny of 1,702 tons gross, and the Span
ish steamer Isidore, 2,044 tons gross, have
been sunk. Twenty-one of the crew of
the former vessel and eight of the tatter
were picked up.
The trawler George also was sunk. Its
crew waa saved.
The Norwegian steamers Romulus and
Mineral have been aunk. The crews were
The Mineral, a vessel of 149 tons gross,
waa built In 1890 and was owned In Nar
vik. The Romulus, of 820 tons gross, was
built In 1913 and hailed from Kragero.
Eeceiver Named
for Ship Combine
TRENTON, N. X. Aug. 18. A receiver
was appointed for the International Mer
cantile Marine , oompany, a New Jersey
corporation, by Vice Chancellor Bakes In
the court of chancery today. -
Chauncey O. Parker of Newark Is the
receiver. Counsel for the company ad
mitted the allegations of Insolvency. The
application for a receiver was made by
Emerson E. Parvln of Plalnfleld, N. J., a
SeMiere Killed by CoUapso at Betid-
lace aa Cvlllaaa Drewaee.
WACO, Tex Aug. IX. A oopy of the
sixth edition of the Houston Chronicle
of Tuesday says:
Twelve soldiers were killed at Texaa
City during last nlght'a storm, whsn the
Thompson building, a new three-story
structure, collapsed. Eight were killed by
falling brick, while four drowned later.
About thirty or forty civilians, many of
them woman and children, also lost their
"Those killed were enlisted, men.
"Military rule haa been established at
Tsxaa City and the aoldiere are fishing
corpses out of the water as fast aa thsy
can be looated. ,
"The first rumor to reach Houston waa
that between M and 130 aoldiere were
drvwned, but this report was denied by
A. 11. Doty and T. J. Moran. whe reached
Houston late Tueeday afternoon, making
a trip to Texaa City In an automobile oa
the railroad track. They aald only twelve
soldiers lost their lives and perhaps three
Uniee aa many were Injured."
rie4 Threa Miles Farther lalaaa
Thaa Darla ISO Storm.
CHICAGO, Aug. la. W . F- M arson, i
general superintendent of the Atchlaou. 1
Topeka sV Santa Fe at Oalveston. tele- !
graphed the general offices here from
HlU'hoock, Tex., seventeen miles north
of Galveston, today, stating that the
water extended to Hltchoook, and at cer
tain potnta It was three miiee further in
land thaa lit the disastrous flood of 1M0.
"I understand," Mr. Mar son tele- I
grapltcd, "that the rttlaena of Oalveston
had twenty-four hours' warning to move
to the business section of the oity end
hope this waa done, although grave feara
are felt.
"Rescuers at Httchoocfc have recovered
the bodlee of seven droemed pereooa aaa
cored for several Injured.
"Small towns between Wallia and tha
One Big Fact
Not Advertised
ia the 2 H icralna of a harmful drag In the average cup of coffee.
Coffee roasters know that there Is caifelne, a subtle, poison
ous drug: In "Coffer . But they dodge the Issue and taJk nbout
flavour. Proof lies ia the fart that some coffee conoeras have
tried, without much success, to rid coffee of Its caffeine.
' Dally blows of this ooXloe-dru, finally result for most people,
la nervousness, headache, heart flutter or aome other form of
caffeine poisoning.
You max not think coffee hurts you, but to be sure, quit
coffee tea days and use the pure food -drink-
It la made of wheat and a bit of vtholenome molasses. The
tasty, Java-like flavour makes the change eay aa well aa bene
ficial and there'a ao drug or other harmful element ia Poetura.
There are two forma of Iostura: POSTOI CEREAL tho or
iginal form must be boiled too and 25c pkga. IXSTANT
P08TVM the soluble form la made ia the cup with hot water,
Instantly BOc and DOo Una. The coat per cup is about the aame
for both kinds.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Major Wallace
Accidentally Shot
Major William Wallace of the Ninth In
fantry, United Flutes army, waa shot and
seriously wounded at the ramp of the
National Guard of West Virginia here
last night, when a revolver was acci
dentally discharged irvlde of a tent Just
as he was passing. The bullet cut off
two fingers if his left hand and passed
through both legs nesr the thigh.
Negroes Lynched
for Poisoning Mules
MOJfTQOMERT, Ala.. Aug. lS.-"Kld "
Jackson and Henry Russell, negroes,
were lynched early today at Hope Hull,
ten miles from here. Another negro,
whoee name has not been learned, was
rescued from the mob. but died at s
The negroes were charged with poison
ing mules oa s plantation several month
Thompson-Balden Co
Dependable Linens
Reduced for Thursday's Selling
Bleached Table Cloths
$2.50 Bleached Table Cloths
$5.00 Bleached TaWa Cloths
$8.75 Bleached Table Cloths
$10.00 Bleached Table Cloths
Fine Bleached Napkins
$3.50 Fine Bleached Napkins
$4.50 Fine Bleached Napkins
$5.00 Fine Bleached Napkins
$7.50 Fine Bleached Napkins
$10.00 Fine Bleached Napkins
$2.75 a dos.
$3.00 a doz.
$3.89 a dos.
$5.00 a doz.
$7.50 a doz.
$1.75 Bath Mats (colors) $1.25
A Sale of Turkish Towels
45c Tcrkish Towels, Thursday
75c Turkish Towels, Thursday
$1.00 Turkish Towels, Thursday
We have taken from our stock' all odd
pieces of Furniture and .'priced them at
much lesa than actual cost some at one- ,
fourth cost. In fact, we put a price on
tbe article to positively move it from
our stock. These goods we have as
sembled on our main floor, for inspection
only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
August 10th, 20th and 21st, but no goods
will be sold or orders taken until Monday
morning, August 23rd.
Doors Open 8:30
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Sebastian Merrill
and his Comedy YIP-YAPS.
Sensational Cycling Novelty.
Hufford a Chain
A Coontowa RevlraL
Decker & Adams
"Laugh Promotora."
The Halklngs
Pllhouette Pantomime.
"Tie Mystery of Mary"
A 3 -Reel Broadway Special
IfU Admission IfU
IWW fcssms SiU 19c Eika lUU
warns xu. a.aa
J Sll !. ..1 ,
xmMATn lino Hit iris weex
Edward Lynch 5L5rS.
Harts Tsmyssvs Chrsatsst OosssaV
Mats., IBo, 88s Brrs- a So, Mo, Ms
sfsxt Wssi Tfcs Xoaor of the Tssaily"1
Direct from tha Battla Arena.
The Dee's
Real War Photos
Best of Them All
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West.
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, 2502 N St.
Telephone South 863.