10 ". JJM. Bringing Up ROURKES DROP A SHORT ONE, 2 TO 1 De Moinei Win Contest Called in STeath Inainj Became of ' Kaia. IwGEHSCLL UPON THE MOUND DM MOINES, I.. Aug. l.-8polal Tel eorrem . ) Leo Tannehlll cam vary near beating Ma recent teammates In th opening ram of tha aerie between Ie MiHna and Omaha her today, when he noted In th third Inn In en hli own doubl and a two-bager by Bchllebner. A It waa, rain put an end to th eon Diet after Omaha had completed th first half of th aeventh, with th count 8 to I In favor of th leag-u leaders. Ilain fell at Interval during th entire gam. Ira Thomas, aoout for Connie Mack, In th irrandetand dtrrtns; th Kama. ri did not e any atellar playing b raua of th Hprery fleld, althotih both Incereoll for Omaha and Morrlds for the Pooatera put up an excellent brand ef pltchlna;. Th Rourkea started llfe tixed rally in th third that oufht to have (iven them a aaf lead. After Tannehlll had aoored on Schllebner double, Inceraoll bunted to Moarldce. By a quick throw to second Achllebner was touched off th baa and the doubt on Insersolt waa completed at first. Kmlth field for th third out Araln, in the alxth Innlnfe, a doubt play spoiled th visitors' chance .for circuit ef th baaea. InjrersoU singled. but Smith hit to Bwoldt at third. Who completed th circuit by way of trappma; InRersoll at second. ea Molne rushed acroe a brae ef run In th fifth, just enough to noa out a victory. Inrersoll Issued Sawyer a free paaa t first Ewotdt bunted to lairsraoll, who tried to catch Sawyer at second, but mad a poor throw. Both men war aaf. Rarlt man waa aIvan oed a baa on a wild pitch. Qraham singled to center, scortng Sawyer. Mo grid re forced Oreham at second, Breen to Kroff. fewoMt boo red n th play. Hunter forced Mogrldg at sncond. Ingeraet to Krug. Bill filed out io R. Breen. Two rune, on hit. no er- rnrs: Kcore: OMAHA. AB. R 3 A H. 0 1 o A I A o. A. K Smith, rf Tiroon. lb T'orsythe. rf... Kru(fir, c Krus, ss Mri'hesney, If 'I'nnnehlll. Ih... ft'hltehner, lb. JriKro!l, p.... j... J' fFMf I LL PAt - RRf ' CWT TOULL 1 - WELL- VUL ,rYE X YMiS ..Ar."- N r-f0S - fFOR lllf THIRTY OOULARb 32 HNvt TO MOVE OM A - THIRTY- FIVE - MOW 3 nn BY COI tv RNT M rEMT A. MONTH FOR THENTLEMAN if ft r CO ON VOOR WN-I E' iVXfi r?nS? -) 'A 0 THJ hou,e aoout to wnt LV M U must have me nap: ir c l VjAL ' H Li .. ahovillm :: th place - ( !? rKu V -r tome: r: Ecou- cirOCD TTffl Ioh-heiT fC3- ,rS $D Totals tS t DE8 MOINES. AB. R. IT, H inter, cf I 0 0 'i;i. if too Itmhn, rf lei Joni. !h 10 1 Hartford, ea.. ....... S Kuwv.r. 7b 1 11 Kwnlrtt, lb 1 1 Ornlmm. e 11 Mngrldae. P I Totals il 1 "i II O. 1 e 10 a t t l A. 0 (I 0 4 I t 1 1 21 U Called on account of rain. Omaha 1 0 0 l"-a Moines 0 0 0 0 8 0 Two-base hits: Tannehlll. Behllehner. strlflce hit: M'-Chesnry. lft on bears: oniMha. 1; les Moln-s. 1 Btruck out; By Mnurtdge, 2; by Inxersoll, 1. liases on balls: off IntrTK)ll, 2. Double plsva. .stosridse to Hwol.lt to Harlfttrd. Kwr.l.lt ! Bswyer to Jonea psaaad ball: Krueger. Time: l.CZ. Uutulre: Uciaal. - LINCOLN DEFEAT! T11K BRAltt Hesse Teasa Coaae frosa Behind aad Wlsl. LINCOLN. Aug. 11 Although outhlt by IVnver, the l-ais came from behind and wva, I to t bcore: LINCOLN. AH. K. H. 0 O. 11 A. 4 0 1 lovd. 2h Woi.'a, if Mo taffiKan. a .Vctntyr. rf.. S illirna. lb.. f"hritx'r. cf., ... I ... I ... 4 ... 4 I I Morwi, lib 8 McAllister, o.. ....... I .StrtMun, p , 8 Total ... 87 T 27 It DENVER. AB. I- MlHar. rf 4 0 Keit.r, ss..... 8 0 cini'ar. cf I . i.H. oway, lb.. 4 1 .mj, k. If 1 i I. I is, lu 8 1 v. .. ia, to 4 1 Hi-Mtir, o.. ....,. 4 0 :-!u. i.e!!. p. .......... 4 ' 0 p 0 4) O. 0 ft A. 1 1 0 0 e 4 4) Totals . 36 I.ictolu 1 jii.nr 0 4 4 li 0 ft 0 1 24 0 2 1 0 ro-bc.M hits: Williams ?. Osllowsv fM.al.r. in.ut.ia j. lava ki.-Onf firn to Wil l.'i.. f i if to Keliher, William (unas- .,,.!). t ' i.srn lia; l-iilcl.la. lnier, V il- ' af. a. i.'.rtifNn t-t. .l'lttL'e hlta 1 t-if.er. I idroiir lii, Mnii-r. bM.-l l. t ti : ixf Mitchell 3. 1'ltcb.ag recuid: t'.'f M.i- lL 6 runs and 7 tilia In Mven n.1 oi n na iiitiines: orr t,a.kii, l run si"! t o I us in too tf.lios ltitilittf. Tuno; J a. V nii'iie: Van rickie. I MH tlTV TAKES OPEEl t. Joacptt Loan It loirs ef gla la Oae. fUVX C1TT, Is.. Aug. 18-hloux City t'.'.k tne tin-tAi. samite of the eertrs front m. Jbarpu lo'iny by a acre it to I. 6IOCX CITT. AB. R. ir. o. ..' .V. I 1 t 1 .- If 3 l 2 t I s a A. i 0 1 Father Standing of Teams WESTERN LKAQUE. I'luyfd. Won. I.ost. Pet. .MH .6S7 .617 .h0 ,4.) .4'i2 .4.6 Dos Moines Ill 7& 4 Ienver 114 M 47 M M 6H M 6 Topeka ll m Mnroln 112 M HIiiiix City 1)1 t'y Omaha 117 M Wichita 113 41 8t Joseph 1U 43 71 .3,1 NAT.MSAaUB. AMKK. MEAOUB. W'.L..Pct. 69 to Mt UK 3 ..! M 42 . 64 61 MM W.L..Pct. Phlla. ... j.M 45 .UA Boston Brooklyn .7 M) .M;ii I etriU rhlrago ....53 61 .BKi ChU-Hgo tlttslairgh .M M .4' Wash n ... Hoeton 63 63 ,4!f, New oYrk New Vork..M 61 .4K,i St. Iuls.. 61 61 .HD 41 6 .m Bt. Ixuls...61 I .4i.i! Clpvelund ..41 64 .8!0 CinclnnaU .4 68 ,4u3 1'hHa 84 71 .1.4 AM ER,. AHS'N. FED. IEAQUK. W.IPrt. W.I.Hrt Bt. Paul. ...60 4 . Newark .60 4H .6i ,t 47 .W .til) 4H ,6X Mlnnraplls 4 60 .W,2 (Tilrano Iniltannnl 60 61 .Mil Kan. City. Kan. City.. 67 64 .Mill l'lttuburnh .m 47 .Wd ,.67 61 .6 ...V 61 AM ,.60 63 .441 ,,37 10 .34 l'ilsvllln .67 M .613 Ht. Ixiuls.. Cleveland .49 60 .4fJ Urooklyn . Milwaukee 48 61 .44M Hurrnlo ... Columbus ..41 70 .liTil Ualtlmor Yesterdsiy'a Itesalts. WK8TERN LKAOUE. Omaha, 1; Ies Mnlnes, 2. Bt Joseph. 1; Hlmn city, . Denver, 4; linroln. I, NATIONAL, L.EAOUB. New Tork, 1: Brooklyn, 1. Boston, 0: 1'hllHilelphla. 6 Cincinnati. 4; I'lttxburgh, 6. AMERICAN LKAQUM. Philadelphia, I; New York, 0. Washington, 0: Boston, 1. IXtrlot, 4V-J; Clftvelnnd, 1-1. Chicago, s-l: Bt Uula. 4-1. FEDERAL, LEAOUK. rhtnas-o. i: Baltimore. 4. Brooklyn, 4; Pittsburgh, 1. Kansas City, t; Uutfalo, 0. Oavmea Today, Western Ieagu Denver at Lincoln. Topeka at Wichita, Bt. Joseph at Hloux City, Omaha at Dee Moines. National league Brooklyn at New Tork, Cincinnati at Philadelphia, Chicago at Pittsburgh. American League Chicago at 8t. Louis, Detroit at Cleveland. Federal Leagu Chicago at Baltimore, Kansas City at Buffalo, Bt l,oula at Newark. LeJetMi, ef . Kane, ro I 10 I 1 0 HeneMng, lb . Richards, rf , CroMbv. o t... Clark, p ..... Total ... I JOSEPH. it n ST. AB. R A. 0 TVVihjoSeon. If 4 Watson, 2b Hnlmer, ci . llris, lb Houltes, lb Wlllliuns, rf Groellng, ss t onnelly, o Val, p Urodlck ... Totals 86 1 T 24 30 Batted for Val. In ninth. Rioux Otr I !!!- fct Joseph 0 MMM1H Two-base hlta: Watson. Oroellng. Clarke. Bn. Three-base hits: Lejetme. Bac.iiflc hits: Callahan. Kane. Btolen bases: Crosby. IVHtlile plays: Williams, l it. mm nn hallH- tiff Clark. 2: off Val. 4. Btruck out: By Clark. 7; by Vat 8. W 14 pltchea: Val. Passed llls: Connelly. Tim; 145. fmptre; Cuaack nd Ryan. Carter's Option on Cincinnati Club is Allowed to Lapse PASADENA. Cat. Aug. ll-Warren N. Carter, truste of South raaaaena, an nounced today that h would not exer cise th option h holds to purchase the Cincinnati National Iragu Baa Ball club. Th option expires today. Mr. Carter ald, however, that ha expected to go to Cincinnati next week, but, re fused to say whether he would endeavor to renew negotiations to participate on different terms. Mr. Carter dictated th following state ment: - "Mr. August Herrmann has been noti fied that my option on the Cincinnati club, expiring today, will not b exer cised. I expect to leave for Cincinnati In a few days." Mr. Carter was asked If he would seek to renew negotiations to purchase tha club on different terms, when h re turned to Cincinnati. 'I will have nothing to ssy on that point," h replied. Cardinals Put Ban on Sale of Soda Pop to Bleacherites ST. LOUIS. Aug. lt-To prevent the re currence of pop bottle attacks on um pires at th loral National league ball park, such aa was made from the bleach ore airalnst Umpire Byron in th gam with Chicago yesterday. President Schuy ler P. Brttton of the local Nationals an nounced today that henceforth no soda water would fc sold to the bleacherites. Th sal of soda will continue In th gran&aiand a th fans there did not participate in the attack on Byron. Al though hundreds .f bottles and vege tables were burled at him the umpire escaped uninjured. loalarra AmwIaIIai Mobile. 4. 1: Birmingham, 3. 3. Naetivllie, 8, Little Bock, 4 New Orleans. 5; Atlanta. 0, Aijinv.tw A: rhaltaiuuiaa nn; i.ek. CoprrlgM. IM, International Vcw ervl. TIGERS WIN TWO FROM CLEVELAND Detroit Takes Both Ends of Double Header from Indians, Six to Two and Three to One. BOIAKD NEABXY GETS BECOED CLEVELAND, Aug. !. Detroit took both games from ICevoland today, to 2. and I to 1. Nto a hit was made off Boland In tha second gam until there wer two out In tho ninth Inning. Then Ben Paschel, a recruit from Alabama, batting for Pitcher Hagerman, singled cleanly over second, robbing Boland of a no hit game. Gambeganss' two errors, both muffs of thrown balls, gave Detroit all f Its three runs. Cleveland' on run waa scored by Chapman, who waa hit with a pitched ball, stole second, took third on a passed ball and horn on a bad throw by Bush. Walker'a on bad Inning gave Detroit its victory In th first game. Score: CLEVRJANrv DETROIT AH H O A. K AB H O A 15 Wills, ef. ..141 Turiwr, lb... I Chtpmia, u.4 Ill ICMih. t 4 til CJacnhsnn, ef 10 1 OCrewtorl. rf.l I 10 I OVrark. If.. ..I 1 4 .Burns. lb... 4 I OVsuna. lb ... 4 0 10 OBtsniK. C...4 0 0 1 OCorelMBis, 4 Jarkm, rt. Kirk. 1b.. ..4 Hmllh. II 4 Wambss., Ib.t Kuan, s I Watkar, a)6 Pranles. p...l RTani 1 0'NI1I ....1 Paarhal ....1 Mouth worth 0 10 1 0 Tetal M It 17 11 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooo Total ... 17 10 17 14 1 Hatted for Wambsgansa In ninth. liaited for Kan In ninth. trailed for Brenton in ninth. Ran for O'Neill In ninth. Cleveland 0 lOOOOOtO- Detroit 0 414)0000 1-4) Earned ruii: Cleveland. 2; Detroit 1. Two-base hlta Turner, Btanage. Btolen bases: Push, Vitt. Btanage, (.Vbb (3), Hurni, Young. Double play: Young to Hush to Burns: Chapman to Tumor to Chapman. IHls: Off Walker. 4 In two Innings; eff Brenton. I In seven lnnlnjja liases on balls: Off Walker. I: off Bren ton, 1; off Coveleskie, 1. Strrk out: By Brenton, t: hv Coveleskl, 4. FlrJt base on errors: Cleveland, I; i)elrolt, 1. Umpires: Kvana and Cblll. IUVIUNR. DETROIT. AB H.O.A.K I H.II..I Wills, cf 4 OVItt. lb 4 0 3 0 OBuab, as 4 1 3 I I (K'nhb. ef I 110 Crawford, rl.4 8 10 lVaarh. If. ...I 1 0 0 Ofturna. lb. ...I 0 10 i 0 tTouns. lb. ...4 I I I 0 Odtaaata, a... 4 1 I 1 0 OBotand, p.,,-1 0 0 10 t o Totals ....li mil 1 Tnmar, lb . 4 rhapmaa, aa I Jarkaoa. IT.. I Kirks, lb. ...4 Smith. II I Wambag . 3b. I r.van. ID....1 Kaan. e I Haworth. a. I 0 0 llasaraaas. P I 4 oumha. p...S 0 rt.ulh worth 0 0 0 0 0 r-amhel ....1 1 0 0 0 Totals ....It 1 It 14 I Batted for Wamhagansa In eighth. atitted for llagerman In eighth. Detroit i 0 O0I0O1OO-8 Cleveland 00010000 01 Double play: Turner. Wambstransa and Klrke. Hits: Off llagerman. 7 In eight In nings; Combe, none In one Inning. Uasea on balls: Off llagerman, 7; off Boland. 8. lilts I'V Pitcher: By Boland (Che-pmanl. btruck out: By llagerman, 1: by Boland, 4. First lase on errors): Cleveland, 1; le trolt, 1. Umpire: Chill and klvana. Med Take Another. BOSTON. Aug. 11 In scoring tha only run of today' game, the last of the local series with Wsshington, tha Boston Americana accomplished tha feat of de feating the Menu tors In all of the eleven gamea played between tha teama at Fen way park this ar. The pitchers' battle between Wood and Gallia thla afternoon waa notable for th latter' fine pitching and his even more brilliant support by Milan. Hooper's triple, one of the two Iocs! hits, and Mcott s sacrifice fly scored Boston's run at the outset. Score: . WAeHlNiTt.tN. BOSTON. ABH.O.AK UHOXI Kooo. If. 4 110 0 Hoopar. rt.,.1 110 0 Koaler, I1.....4 III I fault, as I 0 8 4 0 Milan rf....4 10 4naker. rt..l 010 Phanks. lb.. I 10 0 OMohlllaal. lb I 0 10 0 0 (taadll. lb... 4 til Iwla. It I 000 Acoata, rf ...I 0 0 0 tareaar. lb.. I I 0 0 Hvnry. s I 4 I f Harry, lb.... I 0 110 M.H.Ida. ss.. Oil (Cut. . 010 (iallla. a ... I 0 10 Wao4, 3 4 0 4 ttllllama ..1 4000 ToUls ....M I li U Totals ....II I 34 8 0 .Hatted for Henry In ninth. Washlrurto. 0 0 0 000 Boston 1 000000 1 Two-bes hit: Fuarter, Bhanka, Threo taa hits: lluouer. btolen kxtse: Milan, l'ouble plev: ltrrv to Hcott to Hobiltsel. lft on baaes: WasUinglon. 7. liaae on balls: Off Wood. 8. Struck out: By O ,111a. t; by N od, 4. Ur.iptres: Connolly ani Wallace. Marks Blaak 1'sska. NBW YORK, Aug. 11 llilladelphi R laying Ita last game of the suae on in e Vork. shut out th Yankees lody, t to 0, It being only the fouuh shut out suffered by New York this season. Braes ler aliuoat pitched a no hit ge-iim as liiwaa aoored Mew lark's only bit with a liner to rlht which WaJeU could not hold after making a fin aiteanpt. lireralur also drove in lttitadelphla's first run with a lunna run Into tlie left field bleaker. President Jaiuea till more and Vice-President Robert B- Ward of the Federal leasue attended th game. Roora: PHlLALiKIHlA. NBW TORK ab.h.u.a a AB.n.uaa Knot aa 1 4 'Mian, cf I 0 I 0 0 I lh.,1.. X S 1 A A 8trunk. lb.. .4 iMtvlaa, rf...l ! . haus. lb. .8 l-f .1 i Malons, lb. ' l-l.ie. lb . ..4 jWaWh. If ..4 i Oidro,. rt..4 I 1 I 0 Ualaal. Ib.-.l 0 I I 1 I fipo. lb I 0 II 0 0 t .x. rf 4 0 0 0 OHartae!!. If.. I t 1 0 0 1 an.-a... la... i liii 0 ahsr.aaak.. A.I 4 110 o io!, p i o l o 3 0 Taaaia .... 17 l 1 MrAvar, A. ..I Draaalar, p...4 T.tala ,...M 10 IT 14 1 batted for Boiiang la seven til. Phlladelphut 0 0 0 1 t 08 New York -0 Home run: Bressler. Stolen base: Da Ws. 1-srned run: ptuladoiphia, 1 loibl ...... K.' .... u .... i. u t ('f. rv Haaes on rrus: pt.llsrt-lp'-' ' u-a n l.aiis. Off Caldwell. 2: off Breasler, 1 Uruck otit- By CaWwell. 4; by B.raHtir. 3. Uuipii-vs Hlldebrau.d and O L nihlin. While Mux Take Tw. BT. IXH'leJ. Aug. 11 Chk-ago opened tka aarM H lauls UmIav bv taking omaha, -Tuesday. august a double-hf adrr from the loc, scores of I to 4 snd 6 to 1. In the first gam St. Louis drew ex actly twice as msny hits as thnlr con querors', but Bcott'a great -control when men war on bases and excellent support of his teammates kept Bt Louis down. Tlte second game was nn exhibition of poor flHdlnif. Score, flrat game: CHICAOO. ST. i-nt'is. ABU O A K AB H O A K Vtirehr. rf.. 0 1 e fffcntton, II 1110 W r . M...4 T. Cllli. ih I Fourntr. Ib.B Auxin. 3b. Kl.l.r. .lb.. Hmtt. 2b.. ewalkar, rf. 0 Howard, rf Oiivan, at.. Olarr. e... 0 0 Brian, t. 1 1 1 13 3 0 iJf'olllne, fi ' rol.rh, cf....l r.r S 01 0 t I Bf?OH p 4 On at I man, p I'sbar, p. 0 CM. ('aba. D...0 llotf. p I I 37 I O'Srvarald ... 1 Totals .11 Total ....31 14 37 II 4 Batted for McCabe In the seventh. Chicago ;.0 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 S Bt. Louis 0 0010001 2-4 Two-las hits: Fournler, Lavsn. Three base hits: Fclsrh, Pratt, Blsler. Btolen bases: K. Collins (2). Karned runs: Chi cago, 6; 8t. 1xuIh, 4. Double play: Black burne to Fournler. Bases on errors: Chi cago, 3. Bases on bnlls: Off Bcott, 2; off Weilman, 4; off Hoff. 1. Hits: Off Bcott, in eight and one-third Innings; off Fa be r. none In two-thirds Inning; off Well man, 6 In alx Innings; off McCabe, 1 In one Inning; off Toff, I In two innings. Btruck out: By Scott. 6; by Faber, 2; by Weilman, 4; by McCabe. 1. Umpires: Nallln and Dlneen. CHICAGO. BT. IjOUIS AB H O A E. AB.H O A ,K. Murphy, rt...4 10 0 OKhottos, If.. .4 t 0 0 0 Waarar. aa ..I Oil lAuatln. 3b. ..4 0111 PJ Collins tb.l 111 OHIalar, lb. ...4 I It t I Foumlar. lb. I 10 0 1 Pratt, lb 4 1110 I i ) r-ol I Ins, If. 4 14 OWalkar. ef .4 I I 0 n Falarh, rf...l 111 0 Howard. rt..4 0 1 0 0 Blackb.. lb.. 4 0 3 1 tlran. as. ...4 0 111 , Marer. s I 111 OAanaw e 4 0 I I 1 alllr, t 0 0 10 Hamilton, s 1 0 0 I 0 Bana, p 4 14 OKoob. p 0 0 0 1 davarald ...1 0 0 V Totals ... M 0 17 13 4 Tetal ...14 1 17 IT I Batted for Hamilton in the aeventh. Chicago I 00000120- Bt. Loula 0 1000000 0-1 Two-baa hit: Bhotton. Three-base hit: TS. Collins. Htolen baaea: Felsch, Four nler, J. Collins. Karned runs: Chicago, I. Double play: Bens to Weaver to Fournler. Bases on errors: Bt. Louis, 3. Bases on balls: Off Hamilton, 1; off Koob, 1. Hits: Off Hamilton, 7 In seven Innings; off Koob, 3 In two innings. Btruck out: By Bens. 1; by Hamilton. 1. Balk: Bens. Umpires: Dlneen and Nallln. Dss't Be Coastlpatea. All kind of ailments result from con stipation. Dr. Kin4fs New Ufa Pills are mild and effective, prevent constipation. 26o. All druggist. Advertisement. I. Edward Trim Albloa. ST. TOWARD. Neb.. Aug. 11 (Rneolal.) St. KXIward made it three straight wins In the tournament by defeating tn fsat Aioion team nere Haiuraay. m. bowtrd won the game after two men were out In the ninth Innlnir. MrKav lost hlsown game by hitting a man and walking two more. Then one hit ended the game. - R.H.H Albion 0 001000 0 ISO fit. Ldward...O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 3 0 A 0 0 I 0 ondny - I . I I U Va LJ U LJ U ta irM J Ire.' - - ' . t . n, 1.015. Drawn for The 6ee by George McManus PHILLIES MAKE K SWEEPOF SERIES Take Three Games Straight from Stalling!' Erstwhile Miracle Crew, RIXEY SHUTS OUT BOSTON PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16.-Phlladel-phla mado a clean sweep of the aeries of three games with Boston, by winning to day's game, 6 to 0. Rlxey pitched in splendid style. The Phillies' first run was duo to three hits In the opening Inning off Ragan. while Niehoff and Kllllfer scored In the aeventh when Tyler was pitching on the "double aqueese" play, Byrne producing the bunt A pass and two hlta scored two more rung In th eighth. Bcore: BOSTON. FHILAEM.PHIA. AB. ll.O A.E. AB H O A K r.an. rf I 0 10 OBrma. lb. ...I Oil Kltzpat.. ih 4 0 13 ORaacrnft. aa.4 0 4 4 0 (N.mpton. cf 4 110 dPaakart, rf. .1 1 0 0 0 Miih. If I 0 10 ocravaih. rf..l 14 0 0 . avhmldl. lb.. 4 110 Ol.tidarua. lb. 4 t 10 0 0 ! (i-itk aw a a a a Au'Kitt it l 1 AAA M.ran'U ..'aa I 1 I 1 ONIahoff. lb. . 4 14 4 0 wnaiins. e...i ill lK'inrar. c... o a o a Hasan, p I 0 1 3 (Uliajr. p 1 10 10 Tlcr p oooo tiewdy .10 00 Total! ....21 I 27 12 0 Totals ....10 4 14 11 1 Batted for Ragan In seventh. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Philadelphia 1 0000023 -6 Two-base hits: Compton. Whaling, Luderus, Whltted. Karned runs: Phila delphia, 6. btolen base: Cravath. Double Clay: Niehoff to Luderus. Bases on alls: Off Ragan. 2: off Tyler, 1; off Rlxey, 8. Struck out; By Ragan, 1; by Tyler, 1; by Rlxey, 4. Hlta: Off Ragan, 6 In six Innlnas; off Tyler, 3 In two in nings. Umpires: Klem and Cockill. Reds Lose to Pirates. PITTSBURGH, At'lf. 11 Cincinnati twice tied the score in the game today with f ictabtirgh, only to lose out In tho ninth Inning by a score of 6 to 4. In the ninth, after Collins and Hlnchman had singled Wagner was purposely walked. Iar then kit Vloux with a pitched ball, forcing Collins In with the winning run. Score: Cincinnati. prrrsBrmciH. AB U O A C H.O.A E. Oroh. lb 4 1 I 1 oOoetello, rf..! 1 00 0 Ro4ara, M..I 0 I 1 ocolltna. CI....S Hanoi, aa. ..0 0 1 Iach, cf ...1 0 Kllllf., cf-lf.l 0 I Orirflth. rf..4 1 Clark, c I 1 I 3 Waxner, lb. 4 0 0 Mollwlli. lb I I 11 Krhnalder. pO 0 0 V.Kolnlts ..1 0 0 OJohnatoa, lb. I OHInchm., if. I OH.Wacnar, as. I 1 10 OVolt. lb 4 ORalrl lb, OOlhaon. o Ogantleha.. 0 ....4 ....4 P 4 ToUia . ..81 II 37 14 3 tear, p. .1 0 . Totals ....10 611 11 I Two out when winning run scored. Batted for Schneider In fifth. Cincinnati ...0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 04 Pittsburgh 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 15 Two-base hlta: Collins, Baird. Three- FIRST PRESENTATION That Wos Irlcld at FEET OF FILM Depicting th rTndrtaI Tartleg f He-wt-aaka' TonBr t kaaiplug it Charley Citlcr. Tt2GS3oy - l7o!Inosd!ay a i.VT.i.nt,s.!", base hit: Wagner. Home run: Oroh. stolen bases: Clark, Costello. Earned runs: Cincinnati. 2: Pittsburgh 3. Base On errors: Cincinnati. 1; Pittsburgh. 1. Bases on balls: Off I-ear. V, off Kantleli ner, 3. Hits: Off Schneider '8 In four Innings; off Lear, 6 In four anil two-thirds Innlnes. Btruck out: By Schneider. 1; by Kantlchner, 2.' l inplreo: Rlgler and Emslle. r.laata Trim nodarerS. BROOKLYN. Aug. 1G. Tying the score in the ninth Inning, New York scored a run in tlie tenth and defeated rBooklyn today, 2 to 1. Dounlas had the Giants shut out, 1 to 0, until the ninth when be was diiven from the box by a double by Burns, an out and Doyle's single. In the tenth, with two out, Lobert ulnglcd siole second and scored on a hit by J. Meyers. Brooklyn cored In the secoi.d on hum mell's single and a triple ty Oetx. Bcore: NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. AR.H.OAK. AB.lt. O.AE. .Burnt. If 4 1 t 1 OH Meyers, cf 4 I 1 0 Hobertaon. rf.4 0 0 0 OO'Mara. ...! I 1 14 1. OauDbrrt. lb. .1 0 It 111 (in'nrat. If.. ..4 0 1 I Gt'uuhaw, 2b. .4 1 I Oil (Hummol. rf. l 1 t 0 0 0 ((Ml. Sb I 1 1 0 0 0 0 Miller, e I 0 I 0 0 0 OnualHaa, p. ..I 0 0 111 OPfeffer, p 1 0 0 17 1 O'HtcnuM 0 0 0 0 10 08chultl 1 0 0 nl)r), lb..,. 4 Flatrher. aa I Mrkle. rf-lb.4 Dralnard. Ib.t Qrant 1 Uabblnst., cf." Schaurer. p. .1 Lbrt. Jb....4 J. Meyers, C..4 Tearaau. P...2 Hnodsraaa, cf.2 siftrquard. p.O 0 10 0 000 ToUla ....!! I 30 14 1 Totals ... ti 7 10 14 0 Batted for Hummel In tenth. Batted for Stengel In tenth. New York 0 00000001 Brooklyn 0 10000000 0-1 Two-base hits: Burns, Ctltshaw. Three base hit: tictx. htolen bases: Dovlo. Fletcher, Ixtheit. Earned runs: New York. 2; Brooklvn. 1. Double plays: Burns to Bralnerd to Fletcher, Merklc to Bralnerd to Tesreau. Daubert (tinas flMerl). - Base on errors: New York, 2. Bases on balls: Off Tesreau, 2. Hits: Off Tesw-au, 6 in eight innings; off Schauer. 1 in one and two-thirds innings; off Doug Ins, 6 In eight and two-thirds innings; off Pfeffer. 2 in one and one-third innings; off Marauard, none in one-third inning. Struck out: By Tesreau, 6; by bchaucr. 1; bv Marquard, 1; by Douglas, 4. Umpires: O'Day and Stockdale. New World's Record for Motorcycles is - Made at Tacoma TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 11 New world's records for 3"0, 200 and 100 mile wer established yesterday by professional motorcycle racers on tho Tacoma Lat tice speedway. Karl Armstrong. San Francisco, averaged 79.84 mile an hour for th 300 miles: 82.8 mile an hour for 200 miles and 81.11 miles on hour for 100 miles. His time for the 300 miles was 3:45:29. Otto Walker of Oakland. Cal., was sec ond, his average being 77. miles an hour. Done Johna of Lo Angeles was third with an average of 76.66 miles an hour. All thre men lowered th 300-mlle record of 76.36 miles an hour made at Podge City, la., on July 4, , . . i.'Battsal K - raul irtt OF" JAM V3UJU mm of TG'flE Rourkc Fnrlc, July 4tli AN ADDED SPECIAl FEATURE THAT WILL APPEAL TO EVERYBODY WITH RED BLOOD COURSING THROUGH THEIR VEINS. WHALES DEFEAT TERRAPIN BAND McConnell in Good Form All the Way, While Svggt Is Hit Opportunely. LES MANN HITS A . HOME EUK CHICAGO. Aug. 16 -Chicago de feated Baltimore today. 6 to 4. McCon nell was In good form throughout,- while Suggs was hit opportunely. Errors, helped Baltimore to four run in th ninth. Mc Connell" and Mann had home runs over the left field fence. Score: R.H.E. Chicago 1 100001JO-09J Baltimor ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 7 i Batteries: McConnell and Fischer; Suggs, Leclair and Owens. Reba Lose to Brooklya. PITTSBURGH, Aug. 11 Hearne wa easy for the Brooklyn Federals today and they defeated IPttsbursrh by a core of 4 to 1. Flnneran passed seven men, but was unhittable when hits meant runs. l2)Score: V,, A BrooKIVn .... J i w w V V r a xk ir Pittsburgh ...0 000001 01 2 2 Batteries:' Flnneran and Land; Hearn and O'Connor. Bines Lose to K, C. : BUFFALO, N. Y.. Aug. 11 With only one hit off Main today the Buffed failed to get a man past second base, while Kansas City hit Ford freely In two In nings for five runs. There was a differ ence of opinion ebout the hit off Main, a grounder to short, which Rawlins stopped, but did not attempt to throw to first base. The official scorer called It a hit. Score. R.H.F Kansas City'. 8 000000 0 2 6 4 1 Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 2 Batteries: Main and Easterly; Ford and Blair. Trap Tournament Opens in Chicago CHICAGO, Aug. 16. Amateur and pror fessional trap ghooter from , practically every atat in th country wer ready today to compete in th opening event of the annual Interstate association, tournament The tournament will Include th Grand American handicap, the classic of th trap shooting world; the national amateur championship at double, and several spe cial events. The Grand American will be decided on Thursday. Mor than 8C0 shooters hovo entered the event. Wool folk Ilenderson of Lexington, Ky., who won the honors at Dayton. O.. last year, la here to defend hia title. . . ' : S; Show n 4 4)