T11H OMAHA SUNDAY VIEWS OF TRACTORS WORKING AT FREMOM i (i FREMONT TRACTOR SH0WA SUCCESS Attendance Large, Demonstration! All that Were Promised and Sales Satisfactory. . 7 v ( Vf i : t iff .' W. ' MANAGEMENT 13 PRAISED f ) 1 v i ' Made 1-$ V", :'.- UiiAVER t-'-f; i t i!JMtH . V ' 1 1 111,1 V ? . ' . ' "V. . V ""v- '".w . 1 ALLIS - CHALMERS ROTARY TILLER by Allis-Chalmers Mfg-. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. if - :i)r; " ALLIS-CHALMERS 3-WHEEL TRACTOR " 7r. " Made by Allis-Chalmers Mfg-. Co;, Milwaukee, "Wi. . 1 IKC Rr ; - M , , - BEAVER MOTORS - Made by Beaver Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 4 t ; , t t 1 WALLIS "CUB" TRACTOR Made by J. I. Case Plow Works, Radne.'Wis. i . 1 i- if. : 5 ? V . . , Thrr hn not " brn another trctor 1-ow this yr, unj prrhips no ttrrw In the rl, that !) plranpj the tractor manufacturpri more than did tha Na tional Farm Dfmonntratton, whlrh cloaed at Fremont, Friday. Whlla tha ahowt at Hutrhlaon, Kntd and Champalrne, thla year wer mora or tnaa aueceaaful, the ralna at all of thaa put tha damper on the demoiutratlon and on tha buying artlvltlra, ao that It remalnad for tha Fremont how to rap the climax. Tractor men are greatly pleaaed with the rrault of their week' work at Fre mont. They cannot prmlie too hljhly Ihla Frftnont ahow. which la, after all, the rhuw that atarted them all on tho path. Three year aso tha flnt ahow of thla character waa held at Fremont. The other ihowa In Kaneaa, Oklahoma and 111 nola, are merely copied after the pattern of the bin ahow at Fremont, which waa originated, planned and exe cuted by the Twentieth Century Ffcrmer publication of Omaha. Maar Sale" Arc Mad. ' With aoine of the tractor manufacturer celling aa many aa 100 tractors and even more during the week, there waa good cause for a cheerful parting, when all pulled UP atakea Friday evening. Many 'of the' companies Bold upwards ot seventy-five tractors during the week, and-one firm -reported 100 tractors sold to one dealer In Kansas, who la to repre sent the company in that state. It was a good buying crowd that at tended the tractor ahow all week. Tha tractor men aaid ao. Demonstrations or no demonstrations, the sales booths were always Crowded with proapecttt purchas ers, and for a time the tractor men dur ing the latter part of . the week, wrote orders almost as fast as the pencils could work. The success of tractor farming haa long since been demonstrated. The ques tion with the farmers simply Is which style of tractor do they want, or which atyle of tractor Is peculiarly fitted to their especial needs on a larger farm, a small farm, a hilly farm, or a level farm. Keepa Back laTaders, "We think of the tractor as a machine ot construction, but It la also cspable of greet destructive power. "This Is vouched for by Edward Molnar of Budapest, Hungary, who has been In attendance at Fremont looking over trac tors for the Hungarian government. Count Molnar tells of how he mobilised 790 tractors for use In the wsr, and how he used tlO Holt Caterpillars In dragging forty-two ' centimeter guns and twenty-ive-ton loads of ammunition over snow and Ice In the Lupkow and Uisok Passes UP to the firing Unas In the mountains. He asserts that this alone enabled the Hungarians to keep supplies of ammuni tion on hand to repel the Russian hosts, raving Hungary from the invaders. UraaVa Fresno! Streets. Mayor Dahlman, Omaha's Cowboy Mayor, tried his hand at operating a Hart-Parr tractor at Fremont Friday, And despite the fatal thirteenth, per formed in great stylo, piloting the "Lit tle Devel" over the field and turning up the sod i;l.e a veteran. The Hart-Parr tractors made a hit With the populace of Fremont, too, as they were used to grade seven city blocks, grading nearly half a mile of city streets in three hours. And It coat tho Fremont taxpayers nothing so they should worry. T.-tk It Home to Try Oat. Talk about guarantees, the Sandusky Tractor company offera one whloh shows absolute faith In the product on the part of the maker. The Sandusky Tractor, "The Uttle Fellow With the Big Pull," Is offered to prospective buyers on a proposition whereby they may try It at home for three days. This enables the farmer to see for himself just what the machine will do at his work, and cer tainly speaka well for tha manufacturer who can ahow such Implicit faith In his product. Palverlses the Soil.' The Allts-Chalmera three-wheel Tractor and Rotary Tiller were two singular ma ohlnes which attracted a 'great deal of attention. The tractor with Its cast steel frame, differential, and easy steering qualities is worthy of comment, but most attention was given the tllier which Is a BwUs Invention. The tiller does its work by means of long, strong steel forks which dig into the ground and turn it up in a perfectly broken and pulverised condition, thus preparing the ground for seeding at one operation. Maay 1'ae Beaver Motors. The Beaver Manufacturing company, makers of the beaver motors l ad a very elaborate and complete display at the Fremont Tractor show. Beaver motors are designed (.specially for tractor work and are being used to advantage In some of the leading machinos. Their work Is giving . very good satisfaction, and this, together with the interesting display put on at Fremont, gained many flattering comments from visitors at the demonstra tion. Traetor with a M airier. E. i. Sweeney of the Cweeney Tractor company makers of the "Iron Horse," ;eils an Interesting eiperlence which 11 laHlru!ji the deairnbilltv of a muffler on a , tractor. At The conc'.uulon of a dumon uralijn t..e productive purchaser sajd, "Well, Mr. Sweeney, there's one l!j ature about your tractor which greatly oases me, and it is that your machiae s cut drive a man craiy with noise. Mr. Sweeney predicts that In the future, to gain approval, all tractors must be equlpied u'th mufflers, and that other 'improvements 11 bo made with a view I of giving more comfort and convenience to 0erators. I WaIHe ak is Ioaalar. The WaUld Cub tractor was one of the moat "irht after machines on U Krcunda Its si limit performance on Its I UJO-mlle iiuri'iilit I tn, urn ii-.if Its IIend!d .u -Jill. , ve it cx.ut l pre. ! se, to v' v ii't i t "t record t iree a s :tiy-tm . llll.i"K. I: . 1 .MU.f ( ,Ul. kei IllUll til .. lest p. clt..a record. This work la a splendlJ reomroedatlon for the power plant as well as the renarai design of the Wellis Oub, which Is bound to be come popular with the users. . ... ... ' . f ' 9 .:'' ' ; '. t . . X It 1 ; 'y- f A t Made by Made I r v y . ....... , THE HOLT CATERPILLAR Made by Holt Manufacturing Co., Peoria, t LITTLE DEVIL OIL TRACTOR v Made by Hart-Parr Co,, Charles City, Iowa. SWEENEY'S IRON HORSE Sweeney Tractor Co., Kansas City, I! SANDUSKY TRACTOR by Dauch lllg. Co., Sandusky, Ohio. i '- x.r IU. ( 1 1 Mo.