TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: AUGUST 15. 1915. Y01I. milDEHBDRG TAKEffCOMIIAllD Idol of Germany Leading Attack on Great Russian Fortress at Kotoo in renon. Makes Base Ball Popular with Filipinos rETKOGRAD ADMITS EEVERSE3 rETROGRAO (Via Ln'lon). Aug. ' 14. The Russian war rtrico !n an. official communication tonight ad-; mits the evacuation of th towns of Sckolow, Kiedlie and I-ufcow, to the I east of Warsaw, but claims that thai German ia the region of Riga havej been driven back and that near Kovno, tinder the pretmure of the Russians, they have abandoned their attack. fllndrntiara led" Army. LONDON, Aug. U-FIWd Marshal von Hlndenburg- personally haa taken com mand of the Orraan army attacking ' Konno. anJ. according to the German orncial report, haa made further progress In the fighting asalnst the Russians In that reelon. Tho selection of Germany' national her for the duty of capturing the fort- re of Kovno, whle.l stands between th ' Germans and Vllna and the Warsaw j lytrejrad railway, Is taken as an Indica-i tlon of the Importance which the 'Jerman general staff attaches to this operation. News that the civilians had commence 1 to evacuate Kovno, aa well aa Vllna, led to the belief In many quarters that the Kuaslan may have decided to five them up, but la the latest official report from Petroffrad It Is claimed that the Russians hare repulsed the Germans' attacks, ex cept at one point where a desperate ar tillery engagement la In progress. . , Van Harlot Halted. Fwrther north, between Poniewsch and Dvlnsk, where General von Buelow a week ago was advancing rapidly toward the railroad, the Germane apparently have suffered a eethack, for the Itus slans now speak of pressing them and declare they have reoccupled the town of Tovlny, which Is considerably west of the point to which the Germans had pene trated. Mouth of. Riga also the Germans are said to be doing tittle more than holding their own. so that the talked-of advance toward Petrograd seems to be developing very slowly. On the ether hand, the Germans con limit to drive In the Russians to the northeast and east of Warsaw, and with the capture of Siedlle are within a short distance of the Bug river, one' of the main supports of the Brwst-Utovsk line. Jt waa believed the Ruaatanc originally intended to hold this line. Field Mar shal von Mackensen, who commands the Hermans In the southeast, between the V lepra and the Bug, attain ia reported to have been held up by a Russian coun ter attack. The military critics disagree as to the probable line on which Grand Duke Nicholas will select to make his stand, but a majority of them consider It hardly likely that, he will try to hold the Brest Utovak front. , ' l.oaa f (rm Friar. Itmrf, The German crown prince continues his attempt to pierce the. French line In the forest of the Arjonns. ' He kaa had, a few local successes, but the loaaee h Uhs sustained in the series of attacks are declared to have been very heavy. The Uennana also have attacked tn Artols, but without success, according to the Krench account. Two Keppellna laat night visited the eat oast of England, dropping bom ha. Mix persons were killed and twenty-three In jured and fourteen house were eerlouMy damaged. This Is the sixteenth air raid on Eng land since the commencement of the war and In all seventy-six persons have been killed and m Injured. The negotlatlona between the Ralkan states ere proceeding, but thus far there Is no sign of any aettlement of the ques tion at Issue. Cruiser India Sunk In Norway Waters LONDON, Aug. li.-Reoters Telegram company has received the following dis patch from Christlanla: "The British auxiliary cruiser India waa sunk by a German submarine In Norwegian territorial waters, according to the contention of the Norwegian gov ernment. It la officially announced that Just aa Nor ay previously Insisted that the west fjord in its entirety la Nor wegian territorial waters, the govern ment ha on the occasion of the tor ldolng of the India, Informed Germany that the west fjord from time Immemor ial haa been regarded aa belonging . to the Norwegian eea territory. This was specifically the rase with part of the fjord when the India waa attacked," The India was torpedoed and sunk by a Gerutaa submarina on August t. Douma to Look Into Shortage of Shells PKTROORAO. Aug. H.-Vla Indon.) Details given the press of a secret ses sion of the Puma on Aueust 10 shownd tliat ae Inquiry was Initiated to deter mine the responsibility for the deficiency In war supplies. The demand waa mads for an Immedi ate cessation of alleged IrrrguUritlr In tl.e inanufacturtng of war supplies and a 1'irwtlun cf the -horUse of amiuunltluii. General Pollvanoff. . the minuter of war, declared that, for the purpose of an Irrranlal Inquiry Into all that had taken flace to bring the army Into Its dlfflrult situation, thrre would be appointed a commission of Inquiry and an investiga tion would be act on toot ' rtom and reared In the civilisation of Nebraska, skillfully tutored In the use of skates, ball bats, spring rhlckons and Watermelons, t K. Fehtman of Reenter. Neb., Is about to rfencrt civilisation for good. "Earl," as he Is familiarly known to all his friends st home and to his classmate of a half doxen yf.r-. aeo In the l'nl verlty of Nrhrs'ka, is lust hack from a sojourn of a half decade In the wlldl of the I'hUrMilne laianda. Orer there he has been In the employ of Tour fori Kamuel. t'nele Bamiiet looked about him for trustworthy young men to tea"h school among the natives of th Islands. Karl Volunteered, cut looae from the tat university a month; before he waa to graduate. In order to catch the transport which sailed In May five, years aro, and after riding the rmsom of the glassy Pacific for a month, found himself In a hut among the palms and ferns, the only white man for many, and many a weary mile. In a little nipa hot of a school house he took up his wcrk. I Mil Earl mourn for the sight of pale faces? No. "Swat-King," and he knocked a fly to center field. With an unheard of spat tering of bare fret several score of Fili pino boys chsreed this fleeing ball. "They take to base ball like the kaiser to war," said Frhtimnn. And so the Nebraska boy was happy. Why not? . Did he not play ball on the farm Just east of Ileemcr when there were potatoes to hoe? Ild he not spend the noon hour playing hall after plow ing corn? Tea, and did his fsther not catch him playing ball behind the grove many a time when he should have been shocking wheat? V - f all d out In ths "Summer Isles of Eden smil ing In the purple spheres of ear Maybe he organised his spelling class first, but, a there la no record, he per hspa organised the ball team first. Any way, he had the Filipinos playing ball, and laat year he had. barring one, the best native ball team In all the archi pelago. What difference to t'nele Sam whether spelling or base ball was taken up first? Didn't "Professor" Fehllman get a good attendance at school? Certainly he did, for everyone from the kids In swaddling clothes to the grand fathers who remembered the Spanish conquest wanted to play ball, and wanted to enroll In the school. So Korl wss promoted the next year, and the next, until last year he waa su perintendent of a big . four-year high school, and still the pupils play ball. "Tea, I came bark on a visit," said Fehllman when visiting friends In Omaha the other day. "I thought I wonld go Into business here. But, say. I don't get the pace here In America any more. Now, here In Omeha I find you fellows running to catch a street car. "I don't savvy that at all. Over there we would wait for the next car. We get used to that alow, essy movement of the orient, and, men, , I'll tell you It Is hard to get out of the habit. "I really believe I'll get In touch with I'ncle 8am and go back next year to my natives and my ball team." RETREAT BECOMES IIORE DISORDERLY I Czax'i Forcei ia Poland Are Steadily Being; Crowded and Jammed Into a Man. MAKING FIERCE RISISTAHCE AUSTRIAN HEADQUARTERS (Via London), Aug:. 14. Despite tho resistance which the Russian are offering; to tbe pressure of the Austro-German armies on the north ern and southern flanks, the Rus sian amies In Poland are steadily being; Jammed and crowded together Into a mass, the orderly retreat of. which la becoming more and more difficult. On the southern wing, where signs of breaking were observed In the battling around Lubartow, the en veloping allied forces again have In flicted a number of severe blows and driven the , Russian rear guards In upon their main body. The Prussian guards corps par ticularly distinguished Itself in. the fighting la the difficult swamp and scrub country west of the Bug river. C.rK.'.mm tt has broken the most energetic Russian resistance In the region and accelerated Field Marshal Ton Mack enien'a advance against Brest Lltovsk. It Is hoped by tbe German commanders that the effect of this pressure soon will be seen n tbe cap ture of Increased numbers of prison ers, guns and supplies. BRAZILIAN MINISTER TO BE WELCOMED IN STATE WARHTNQTON. Aug. 14 Secretary Lansing made plan today for receiving with formal ceremony Jose Cardoso, Braslllan minister to afezloo. and for many month , the representative of American Interesta In the republic, who I dua to reach New Orleans, Sunday, on tha U. fl. S. Sacramento. Leon J. Caaova, chief of the State department division affairs, left tonight for New Orleans to meet Mr. Cardosa and to escort him to Washington. Mr.' Lansing also tele graphed "to Governor Hall of Louisiana and New Orleans officials requesting that courtesies ' be- extended - the . visiting diplomat. Land Set Apart for Burial of the Dead PARIS, Aug. 14. The Chamber of Depu ties today paased a bill to expropriate land neceeaary for the burial of tha dead of the entente allies fighting In France. The measure waa proposed by Minister of War Millerand. Austrian Submarino Sunk in Adriatic RoVtJ (Via, Fria-Aug. 14. The min istry of mart ne tonight made publle the following official communlcationa: "Tester-day morning In the lower Adri atic the Austrian submarine boat U-a waa aunk. The aeoond officer and eleven man of the crew were sewed, and mad prisoners. Rent room ante wm Be Want Ad. OafesmrBAM Sanatorium This institution is the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated In their os. ample grounds, yet entirely die tlnct, and rendering It possible te classify cases. The one balding being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. Why, then, should he long for the prai ries of Nebraska, when he had found lit tle brown men craving base ball away AR11ED AMERICAN FORCES JOLD LIME 1,600 Soldien, Eangeri ani Peace Officials on Guard from Laredo to Browniville. Wilson Attacks Pile Of Papers Foot High WASHINGTON, Aug. H.-PreaMer.t Wilson f'-d a pil! of papers more than a foot Mull awaiting lits signature when he went to the executive orttca todu, for the first time sines his return from Cor- It was oppreskively hot and the presi dent ork-d in 1,1k j.hirt sleeves. Far- d'.Ka, ttt4i;i!riir to il liar rm hip. coin-n.i-.on cf li'dcral appointees, findings (f stvertil iijy courts and litany other mtiters a"''utuuliitel during Mr. Vtiwjn' ami licit ufrl U-ntly important to I t t:.( t hiu, rrv among !. ilurj. fe.M.tS J. A "fur tio" ad will lurn second-hand -i o tn to cah. ONE BAND CROSSES RIVER RI-M.KT1N. BROWNSVILLE. Tex., Aug. 14. Twenty men crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico tonight near Mercedes, about forty miles up the Rio Grande from here. American officers, warned that such a crottsing would be attempted, had disposed armed posses at sev eral points where the attack was ex pected. ; Late tonight three of these posses were closing In on the Mexi cans, expecting to surround them. BROWNSVILLE. Tex., Aug. 14. United States cavalry and Infantry men, Texas rangers and civilians acting as peace officers, numbering In all about 1,600 person; tonight wrfc patrplfng the International) bor der hetween Laredo and Browns ville, Tex., as a precaution against repetition of tbe raids by Mexican bandits which has created a reign of terror In Texas border counties dur ing the last wek. Only on band of raiders Is known still to be Intact.' It Is believed to number In tho neighborhood of thirty and posses tonight are searching tha country fifty miles north of Brownsville In an effort to locate and arrest or disband the ma rauders. The gang Is said to be that which last Hunday attacked the Norlas ranch house. Some member of the gang are known to have crossed tha Rio Urandv from Mexico and tt is said the gang's avowed Intention waa to conquer a portion of Texas. Manuel Rincones, who said h was forced to Join the band, la said to have given Captain A. V. P. Anderson of the Twelfth United States Inrantry a state ment In which he aald the chlefa of the bjinrt were named Louis, Miguel and Gabriel and that .they carried a white flag on which was embroidered In yellow the letter "K." Urownsvllle Mexicans were said by authorltlea to have declared this "K" stood for Trocopla Ellsondo, one of the chief officers of General E. P. Naffarte, Carransa commander of Mata moros. Kllsondo denied he had any connection with the flag. Captain rox and Captain fcamlere of the Texa Rangers, who have been enisageU In an attempt o Identify the raiding Mexicans, wore said tonight to have evidence that Mjtl.-an from the Interior of Coahulla. a Mexlcin border tela, had brought 'adv&noa Information of the ralda to tho Mexicans llvln In Texas It was said tonljtnt that there kleiics that a majority of tit leaders had fled to Mexico. Altliouah it la officially stated that betwoen flft lett and twenty .Mexkana have ben killed as the result of the raid. It la believed In many quarter that a revised list will ahow greatrr. casualties than that. Several Mexicans lire known to heve teen rhot by offic rs hll endeavoring to escape fcedng taken Into custody, strlcttst oWivanoe of the law la re quired c.f all Mexlcin and carrying by them of firearms has . been forbidden. Kn re ro have made a thorouch search of all the country surrciitvlln.f Drowns villa and era convince I, .t .is i:sid to nlRht, tht the Mexicans of a lanserous character either have been driven out or ar an badly fi wl l. ned aa to be rendered harmltta fcjme anxiety was expressed In Trownvtlle tonight, unofficially, re Kardina" the futui-o activity i f the raid era. PrlvaU. cltlxena were not o much con cerned renaming raids similar to thou lust peipetrRtcrt at over reporta that tn casa ef any repetition of the Americans landing at Vera Cru an attempt ml.ht be made by Ctrransi troops In Mata morvs to sack Brownsville in reprisal. Fo strong tt this belief among soma lead ing ;itln-na that preaaurc will be brvJght to bear to secure more troop at Kurt Urowii, near here, to protect the city. TURKS TAKE TRENCHES 1 FROM CONFEDERATES LONDON'. Aug. l4.-On the Oallipoll the Turks claim to have taken "trenches of 100 yards" near eddul Bahr, and tn the vicinity of Art Burnu that they have captured machine guns and munitions cf war from the allied forvea. I a addition an allied warship la declared to have been struck by a Turkish shell off Art Blair Farmer Hurt i When Auto Overturns! . i BLAIR, Neb., Aug. 14.-t?pec'al Te-j gram.) James Nelson, a young farmer I who lives a few miles west of Blair, was ' seriously In lured tonight In an automobile accident near Kennard. Nelson and three companions were returning from the tractor meet at Fremont and as they were turning the crest of a hill the driver lost control of hi machine. It upset and caught young Nelson. Three ribs were broken and he sustained burn and per haps Internal Injuries. H Is a married man. New Fall merchandise Is arriving al most evsry day now from our buyers, who are at present In New York elty. It Is with growing pleasure and enthu siasm that ws exsmlne ssoh shipment. Thus far we rtsve received the new fell silks, lustrous, satiny material; deftly constructed dresses and suits, emphasizing originality and distinct iveness; nowhere outside ef New York will you be sbls te such a present able showing ef correct fall style. V MONO . No one can sty that any particular feature of new fashlona Is permanent or fixed. If that were ao you could buy all you needed for the whole sea son in a week, and how tired ef them you would be. Once an attractive style Is Introduced and approved by an artiste, a dozen clever deslgnere will find Inspiration for adaptations snd Innovation. Thus fashions are aver Interesting, ever changing, and milady Is ever charming. New styles reach us directly from New York as soon a they are seen to be adopted by women of faahlenable dlssrimlns- tlon. ...... V U.S. REPLY TO VIENNA GIVEN OUT ON MONDAY WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. Th Ameri can reply to the Austro-Hungarian note, protesting against the ahipment of muni tion of war to the allies, already dis patched to Vienna, wllj be given out here for publication In next . Monday morn ing' papers. The American note relteratea the view of the United State that to place an embargo on munition at this time would not be In accordance with the principle of neutrality a set forth In International law. .. . Apartments, flats; house and cottage can be rented quickly, and cheaply by a Be "For Rent." .: v " " " J NEW BRANCH ,, Receiving Station - Installed at ? urgess- Nash Co. We are pleased to announce the opening of a specially ap pointed branch office at the Durgess-Nash Co. 'a store. Look for our department at the West End of tbe Main Floor, Just South of the "Cricket" Room. We trust this will prove a gen uine convenience for those who are down town a great deal. - - Phono Tyler 345 Dresher rothers Cleaners Dyers lll-lS Farnam fit. Choice of Any Summer Frock In Our Entire Stock Dresses Originally Worth Up to $32.50, Must Go At We have 200 fine summer dresset composed principally of white imported dresses in lawns, nets and voiles, with expensive trimmings of lace insertions. Many have con trasting 'shades of silk sashes and beautiful floral corsages in girdles. There are frocks for after noon wear.v party .wear and street wear; inr fact, any lady; or miss will find her dresses suitable; for all occasions. Tale' summer is passing quickly and new fall; , merchandise : Is ; "arriving'' and w feel that We . should make this great reduction: to move the dresses quickly. ' ,.' . . . : ; 7- . ; w TV FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL SILKS W have th 'but itltdti ttock ef tllk in th enttr IV est . Our tilk tlor ia tha larg est Vett of Chicago. . Pretty self-toned, checked, striped, barred, embroidered, plaid and plain effects are being shown In Faille, Oro de Londre, Crepe, Taffeta,' Soiree, Satin and other weaves, i rn priced per yard at 91.60 to. . . j)U0U 8tln-rinlhed Silks In a big array of colors,, for evening, street and after noon wear; 36 and 40 nr Inches wide. Yard. 1.00 to.. .$,.iJO 40-Inch Sued Flnlshsd Charmeuse A silk especially adapted for fall wear; good color assort- ej an ment. Yard ....$l4ef v ' ' - " , - . , V J . . : - : -V We are especially equipped with " all ma terials and designs which hate been clearly, tie fined by the Fall mandates ef fashion. ' Plaid, in self-colored and multi-colored effects, In both bright and the more subdued colorings. Plaids will be used for dresses, separate skirts and waists. Specially priced, ft An yard, 85c and pl.UU 88-Inch Chlffon-Flnlshsd Taffeta, an exceptional wearing quality. In shades of navy, brown, smoke, green, garnet, wistaria.' Copenhagen, black, evening shades, etc. Special Mon- f aa day, yard , ...1.UU 60 Pieces of 8uede and Georgette Crepe, Just received. In air the want ed abades. Yard. ' 1 1 O, C , , 1.60 and HO V M r nh " u rr . sTc rttKtmr X Wt 4A nCf W These From the Hair Goods Store Real Human Hair Switches, fine texture, natural wavy hair; three sep arate stem style; all shades but . . . !0 QC gray pO.vO Men's $25.00 Toupees, made to order In any shade (ME? ff but gray $ JLO.UU Human Hair Nets, largs slsa, special, 2 for.... 25c All. beauty culture work done In Daylight Hair Psrlors, Second Floor. Children's Hair Bobbing a specialty. Notion Values Are Quite Unusual Boys' and Girls' Bk.t.toa - Waists, spactal,. Met 10-ranl Spools Sowing Silk, slondar, osch..... San-SUk. spnlallr 9rieA, spool R. If. O. Croch.t Oottoa. all numbors, spool.... ...... Burkl. rorms, alt alsM and shapos. .ach..... Bhlrrine Cord for dra . sis yards (or. ..21c 3c 3Mic . . . 6c 2V2C ....5c Soekl.t OartM (or cblldm. pair., Plain aad Fancy Waak Kdclns, yard Lars. SJs. Vaea Chamois, apMlal. Moby Rust-Wroof Dtm Faatsnaro, '. card Baby Parts, rcfular Ms Srrad.. rlr '...I Lar.- Slss Shoppina Base, wortb lee. aacb ..:7c 1C ...4c ;.:ic ,18c .19c y y . .; . . .u J Nev Fall Cotton Fabrics Very Good Quality English Shirt ing, In light shirting styles; also neat hairline stripes blue and white, hello snd white and fancy printings fast colors. An excellent fabric for fall wesr. Reg ular ISO value, yard. :....9ic It-Inch Clyslan Rob, beautiful quality, extra- strong weight, ele gant stain finish in neat light and dark coloring and floral combina tions; for comforter cover ing. lOVio quality, yard. :..8ie 17-Inch BeauUful Printed Voiles, tn all the latest printings, soft, sheer and clingy; very desirable for women's street and evening dresses. Special Mon., yd....lUC SS-lnch Finest 84x84 Dress Percale, mostly light shades; neat dots, checks and stripes. llc Q I -value, special Monday, yd...Q2C 88-Inch Fine Cambric, very desir able for women's under- j ciusllns. So' quality, yard....U2C It-Inch Unbleached Muslin, soft finish, standard U L Regular 8c grade, Monday, yard Slits Seamless Sheets, made of extra good quality 1-4 sheeting. Special Monday, each 4Zx3 and 45x38 Hemstitched Pillow Cases. Special Monday, each 4ic 59c lie WASH FABRICS Great Opportunities We have assembled for Monday about 75 pieces of beautiful. high-grade, Imported and Do mestic Wash Dreaa Materials for a final and decisive clear ance. These a materials are worth from 11.25 to 83.25. to be closed out, at, pn yard OUC Printed Lawn and Flaxon Every one knows the excellent wearing quality ot these ma terials. Monday to make room for other goods we shall tloss out these material. at, yard VC Novelty Suiting. In all colors, Strlned Ratine ' and Brocaded Suiting Very pretty for dresses and separate skirts; IS and 38 Inches wide. Special, to - close, yard t.....;..lUC Lace Cloth In the most dainty floral designs, the summeryest of all aummer materials. Wortb Mc, Special Monday. ; n i yard , laSC Beautiful. Sheer, White Organ die, 45 inchea wide, this sea son's most popular white goods; only a few bolts lert. r I at, yard...., ...ZDC Very Special Plisse Crepe We just bought a big lot of fine quality Printed Pllsse Crepe, at a ridiculously low price. White and colored backgrounds, with flonal designs; also solid colors; 10' Inches wide. Worth 18c. The biggest bargain we have ever offered In Pllsse y i Crepe, Monday, yard , 2C V Eurou.