THE r.KE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. AlTifST 14, l!t.". BEIEF CITY NEWS sai TwUm t W.w Bmim Trm aWsstul faaa, ST.. Bura.-Ornd.a Tatar's Coaayl ! mfna' sJaassfkt Uco tooar. a ad tppnn la n EXCLUSIVE!!, rind out what nihiM mmrin ptctun iktUrt of t.r. Tot Safety rirtl In Llf Insuraiic. mtr V?. II. Indo. general afrnt Btal Mutua) Llf Aimnnct Co. of Worcester, lias., en of In oldeat (71 years) and beat on (aniea on earth. Kowlay t rhUaaslphl Word wi re ceived In Omaha thl wrek that Harry Bowley, formerly foreman of the Use Printing company and la tor advertising snanaser Ot the George Lee rompaiiy, had tteen promoted to manager of the Key ton Type foundry of Philadelphia, teal Cb aad Craokara The Hen Biscuit company. Twelfth and Capitol J avenue, rw porta to the police that thlevea grained entrance to one of their cara on Thursday night and stole two bones of crackers. John Davis, who lives nearby., also makes known that a largo fragrant Cheese was taken from Ms kitchen, STla.ty Says for Insulting- CU1A Hubert Wimple, charged wltn making Indecent proposals to the 10-year-old daughter of a prominent Omaha attorney, was sentenced to ninety days , In the county Jail. The Incident occurred at Sixteenth and Harney street, Thursday night, as the child was sitting In the family car outside the Owl Drug stone. The father a pea red against the man In police court. 1 GARRANZA SPURNS OFFERS M PEACE Tells Hit Washington Agent Not to Treat with Repreientatire of the Villa Faction. GIVES REASON FOR ATTITUDE Omahans to Attend Kansas City River Navigation Meeting Probably no less than a halt doxen or ten representative Omaha business men will go to Kansas City as delegates to a river navigation conference to be held thera August 17. J. W. Gamble, Robert II. Manley, Congressman Lobeck and UVnlr TTus-hM ua imM those who are pretty aura to go and a half doien others will go If It la possible for them to get away at the time. Some of the officials of the Commercial club will be in the delegation. The conference Is called by the river navigation boosters of Kansas City. They have called for delesats from all th liver towns that have any interest in the navigation ot the Missouri river. The conference will take up the matter of fighting to have the Missouri river de velopment continued. The preliminary re port of Lieutenant Colonel Dekayne of the United States army corps of engi neers was not favorable to the continu ance of the development with federal money at this time. The congressional policy as outlined and worked out a few years ago contemplated the expenditure of $20,000,000 within ten years on the de velopment of the lower stretch of tho Missouri. Unless a vigorous protest, with good reasons, can be- raised, this plan, it is possible, may be abandoned by the federal government following the army engi neer's report Local Grain Men Say the Dardanelles . May Be Opened Soon The fact that grain brokers for France and England late Thursday cancelled orders In Chicago and New York for the delivery of more than 1,000,000 bush els of wheat during September had a depressing effect upon the Omaha grain market. The cash market here followed that of Chicago and commenced eelllne off from the opjening of the morning session of the exchange. The loss for the day ranged from lc. There was no old wheat offered, but of the crop of this year, there were thirty-four carloads on the market, selling- at $1.09tl.lK per bushel. Corn sold off In sympathy with wheat, the decline being waic. There were twenty-eight carloada, the sales being made at 7-lQToVtc per bushel. Oats were strong and steady to 2c up, the prices " being 50tfS:c per bushel, with sixteen carloads on the market. Omaha grain men cling to the opinion that the drop In prices at this time is a forerunner of a decline that Is to con tinue until a much lower level is reached. They assert that perhaps the drop new Is due to the early opening of the Darda nelles, which wHl result In the release ot the Russian wheat crop of last year that has been held back. WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Presl- dent Wilson on hi return from Cornish, N. H., today wag given a comprehensive account of the Mex ican situation In all Us phases by Secretary Lansing. , The secretary told the president that official reports Indicated that the situation in the vicinity of Brownsville mag of a local character and that quiet prevailed at Vera Crui, where there had been aome anti-foreign demonstrations. He out lined In detail the discussion of peace plans at the New York confer ence yesterday of the American dip lomats. Look for Early Peace. Neither the president nor Secretary Lansing were Inclined to view the sit-1 uatlon as requiring any further precau-' tlonary measures than have been taken in sending battleships to Mexican waters and more federal troops to the Texas border. They devoted most of their tlm to a discussion ot the Inter-Amerlcaa plan on which they aro planning their hopes for the early restoration of peace In Mexico. 1 The appeal to all factions has not yet been sent, although signed by Secretary Lansing and the ambassadors and min isters of the six central and southern American governments participating in the conference. A list of chiefs, gen erals and governors is being compiled and as soon as the locations of all are determined the appeal will be telegraphed simultaneously to every part of Mexico. On the eve of this action came the announcement from the Villa agency here tonight that General Carransa ha flatly refused to enter Into any peace conference with his opponents. Knrlqus C. Lrlbrente, Washington representative of General Villa, gave cut letters which have passed between him and Kl'io Arredondo, the Carransa representative here. Mr. IJorente began the correspondence in observing in the press that Charles A. Douglas, counsel for General Car ransa, had filed a brief with the State department calling attention to the pres ence In Washington of Louis Cabrera and Ellso Arredondo a Carransa rep resentatives, and saying that "either or both of thera, I am assured, will be glad to confer with any element ot the Mexican people with a view to further ing the common Interest and the peace and welfare of the nation." Mr. Liorente promptly telegraphed Gen eral Villa and was instructed to begin a discussion of peace terms. Mr. Ar redondo replied that he would refer the matter to General Cananxa, whose re sponse came today in tho form of in structions to Arredondo not to enter into negotiations , w'v the Villa agents. The Carransa message -set forts, that there could bo no negotiations with the Villa forces becaure their troops on July 12 last attacked a military convoy train, killing many Innocev people. THIRD ATTEMPT TO MAKE AUTO TRIP INTO IOWA The one-day auto booster trip of Omaha business men into Iowa, has not yet been given up. Like Banquo's ghost it has arisen for the third time, having twice been abandoned on account of rain. The trip, It la now announced, la to be made probably within a week or ten days. It contemplates an itinerary taking in Red Oak, Qlcnwood, Tabor, Essex. Sid ney, Shenandoah, Emerson, Hastings and Malvern. Wanted to Take Boy , With Him in Navy A pathetic ease came to the notice ot the local navy recruiting station at the Federal building when a nice appearing man entered with a boy about 6 years old. The man gave the name of Henry Chandler and said that he was from Chicago. He asked whether or not ha could johi the navy and be allowed to take his litUa boy with him. In his story he explained that the mother of the boy had died some months ago, and he had lost his Place as clerk In a Chicago store when the firm failed a short time after his wte's death. Since then he has been looking for work in several cities, finally coming to Omaha, only to be unable to secure a place. He said that he had promised his wife on her deathbed that he would not place the boy in an orphan asylum and that be would always re main with him, but that he was nearly out of money and could find no work, so thought that he might be allowed to enter the navy and at the same time be allowed to keep bis boy with him. FINDS WAY TO GIVE THIS WOMAN DOUBLE SENTENCE Blanche Edwards, colored, arrested on a charge ot vagrancy, was sentenced to ninety days In the county Jail. Some time ago Blanche was sentenced to a Ilk term, but appealed the case to the district court- Judge Foster discovered that she had not paid a filing fee when she ap pealed so her sentence will now total 180 days, the longest Issued from the Omaha police court. BR0WNELL JUNIOR SCHOOL ON NORTH FORTIETH STREET Tha Junior school of Prow noli Hall will be held this year at 138 North For tieth street. In a house belonging to t. Barnabas parish. The authorities of ft. Barnabas have kindly offeivd one of the Sunday school rooms of tho new church for gymnastics and for general assem bly. Tho Junior school receives children from tl.e fourth to the seventh grades. As th number of pupils Is limited, an early registration Is desired. Th J-mlor department will be In charge cf the same teacher a last year. Miss Rathbon. Smith colletr. and Miss Vker. Mount Hobok college. Have a(ilar Baw.l Mnmil. Tek Vr. Kings Nw Llf I'lUs and l ave a daily easy movement of the bow els. Cur constipation. Only &c All iruggists- Advertisement. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS If. Kay, a musician at the Orpheuni theater, has returned from a three months' tour through the west. Including the calirornia expositions. Mrs. Ida Iewls and daughter. Trevena, of Kalamazoo. Mich., are visiting U. II. Williams, clerk at the Castle hotel. Dr. W. O. Thompson, president of the Illinois Ptate university, will be In Oman next Wednesday mornln to visit his brother and family. U. A. Thompson, who lives at 4040 Charles street. flZBU ON BABY IN ITCHINGSCALE On Neck and Head. Cross and Fretful. Stopped Growth ol Hair. Trouble Disappeared. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AtlD OINTMENT "When our baby was about four months old. b was troubled with caema on bis seek and head. That oa his head covering the whole top and stopping the growth of his hair. It caused him to lose all the hair from tha part of bis d. It was in th form of aa Itching seal and w had to mak him sleep with mit tens on bis hands to pre vent Una from scratching. Ha was cross and fretful. "Finally, w derided, to try Cutleura Soap and Ointment. He began to b benefited right away. In one month's time th trouble had entirely disappeared, and la a snort time his scalp was la a healthy con dition." (Signed) R. . Lowder. OI W. lmn St.. Chicago. 111. Jan. I. 1W1S. Sample Each Free by Mall With S3-p. Mala Book on request. Ad dress post-card CaitUia, Ipt. Tt laai at. Sold throughout th world. ! Saturday, August 14, 1913. BUROESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY. -Phone Douglas 137. TH YHJ WILL WANT T (SET IN M ALE F MEN'S & Wilson", "Ideal" and Other Well NEXT MONDAY Wo will start our Second Annual August BLANKET SALE CI renter preparations, assuring that it will bo bigger than ever before. Average off 334 Windows aad gaaday - Papers. (MEAT Including "Earl WIRT Known Makes Shirts that were $2 to $3.00 9. 5c 35 Sitk Shirts, Sitk Ftbre Shirts, French Madras Shirts, Cheviot Shirts Penang Shirts, Percale Shirts, Oxford Shirts. Shirts that were $1 to $1.50 I Shirts that were $2 to $3.00 I Shirts that were $3.50 to $5 69c IT'S been a long time since you had tho opportunity to share in such wondertul shirt bargains as these. But here they are Saturday, every shirt in the lot new, desirable, stylish, tho very sort of shirts you want that's what makes this salo so important. ; At But a Fraction of the Price at Which They Were Made to Sell and no man can come here and leave without supplying himself with plenty of shirts for tho entire season. All mado coafc style, neck band with cuffs attached, either soft or stiff, all izes 14 to ISM;, arranged for easy choosing, wide selection of good patterns and positively first quality. Made without a flaw to fit comfortably and perfectly. It needs but a glanco at the shirts to impress you with their unapproachable value. Frendihip Linki, 1 9c CJTERLINO Silver Frlend ship Links, at 10c each on Saturday and we will en grave them free for you while you wait. orress-lTasli Co mm. lor. $3.50 Silverware, $1.95 CJUEFJISU) plated ware. Including sandwich plates, fruit bowls. Jam jars, vases, etc.. were to $3.50. at 1.05 each. nrgeas-Maab. Co Mala floor. "'saaaaaaaaBiMBBsssBas New Fiction T WO new books. Just out A "K" by Mary Roberta Rlnehart. and "The Lovable Meddler," by Leon a Dalryni ple. Price. $1.85. Co atU floor. Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose. Usually $1 to $1.50, Saturday at 59c AMAKEli'S surplus of pure thread silk hose, strictly first quality, with high spliced heels and double soles, lisle tops and all silk, in colors of black and white; regular $1.00 and $1.50 quality; specially priced Saturday at 59c pair. , Burrees-sTash Co. Mala Floor. We Want You to See These Beau tiful "Wirthmor" Waists at $1.00 IT la really revelation to hum the high character of these walU. The styles In Wirthmor waists are always anl lien tic, attractive and appealing; the workmanship of the beat and the fit as near perfect as can be. Theae waists arc giving so much general satisfaction that we rn unhesitatingly recommend them, knowing that everyone who bnys will be more than plcnwed. All new niotleU shown for the flrwt time Saturday. . Wirthmor Walsta sold only here are always worth more. Clearaway of Fine Blouses Continuing our August sale of blouses Including laces, nets, lin gerie, georgette crepes and crepe de chine. Georgette crepe hlouHew, were 15.95, now $4.87. Lace and Chiffon bloiine. were 90.50, now $3.25. Hand embroidered roiles, were $10.05, now $3.48. Lingerie blouaes, were $5.O0. now fU.BO. Lace and chiffon blouaes, were $5.05, now $2.48. Crepe de chine blouse, were $3.00, now $2.70. Barg;as-Jrash Co. Second Floor. All Short Lines of Women's $3.50 to $6.00 Pumps now $2.35 A are.Ta C Mala Tloor. Your choice of any man's sailor Straw Hat in stock. formerly $2.00 to $3.50, Saturday 45c arys-irash Co. Toart Floor. Drugs and Toilet Specials Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's KEMAUKABLE clearaway that should and will bring forth a generous re- uponse Saturday. The short lines from our entire second floor stock offered like thla and including: XffhitB nnmns " " r , ,. a ruin vur $3.50 to white canvas pumps. natoTit. t-flri AnnrtM nnrrma patent colt pumps LlnM kid skin pumps CO 35 dull calfskin pumps argsss-sTash Co.a.eeBd rioor. Exquisite New Conceits in Fall Millinery Here Saturday at $5 FRIDAY morning' express brought In, from our Millinery Expert, now in tha East, a charming array of new Fall Hats to sell for $5.00. Turbans, sailors, etc.. Individual in styhs an unusual variety for such an early showing. Co. a.cond Floor. Clearaway of Women's Summer Dresses That Were $15 to $25, Now White Ivory manicure pieces, SOc values 22c Removable chamois buffers. loc Powder puffs, sanitary pkg..lOo Thermos bottle, 1-ut $1.70 Carafe, quart Rise $3.00 Colorls bottle, 1-quart site, 14.00 value $1.08 Thermos lunch boxes and cups. Pebecco tooth paste, SOc size, 20c Cantbrox shampoo, SOc site.. 20c Poisonl's powder, 60c size... 21c Abonlta powder, 60c slze....tfc Mnie. Isebell's face powder, OOc slxe 10c Amolln powder, 26c slxe 17c Jergen's Benioln and Almond lotion 18c Williams' talcum powder .... lOc Bath salts, 00c slxe SOc Falniollve shampoo, f.Oc size, A4o Rlce powder, Imp'd., 60c slxe, 20c Abonlta toilet water, 25c site, 10c Jergen's violet glycerin soap, Oc Sloan's liniment, 26c size.. 10c Sal Hepatlca. 25c size lflc Jad salts, 75c size 40c Hill's cascara quinine, 26c size, for l2o Esksy's food, 76c slxe 02c HATHINC1 CAPS. All 86c caps 10c All 76c caps 42c All $1.00 caps OOo Eani-flush, 25c can . 17c Ivory soap, cake 34c Toilet paper, 6c grade, 8 rolls, 2Ac Toilet paper, crepe finish, 10c grade, four rolls .20c 20 Mule team borax, 1-lb Oc Household ammonia, 1-qt 13c Kirk's bath soap, 10c cake. . .Oc Liquid veneer, 60c size 87c Borax chips, large package.. 10c Come On In, the Water's Fine, Bath ing Suits at Price EVERY bathing suit In the house bas been given notice to vacate, and If the price has any thing to do with It they will go out rapidly Saturday. Men's Bathinf Soiti, Womca's Batuiaf Suits, Children'! Battling Suit, H Price Boy's Wash Suits to $2.50 Saturday $1.00 INCLUDING Oliver Twtat and reatee styles, combination ot colors, In plain and stripe I ef fects. In blue, tan, brown, white; trimmed with pearl buttons and nicely finished. Boys' Hats, GOc. Boys' straw or wash hats, wide selection of styles and kinds, were up to $2.00; Saturday, OOc. BorgvsaNasBi Co-Teartk floor. It's Doubtful Indeed if You'll Find Greater Values Than These Summer Suits at '13.65 Suits That Are Reduced From Our Regular Lines at $20, $22.50 and $25 EVERY garment 6trictly hand-tailored. Thin is a practical demonstration of our splendid organization; it will appeal to shrewd business men men who know. The suits are superb Burgess-Nash standard Quality, the broken assortments from our higher priced lines, ranging from f 18.00 to $25.00. Men's Palm Beach Suits at5.00 Every suit is made ot genuine Palm Beach Cloth, double cold water shrunk, stayed at every seam and double welt stitched. A suit made to hold Its shape and It does. 81xes 32 to 60, for stouts, slims or regulars. Burgs-aTaaa Oo. Tonrta rioor. II KD W1NQ CillArK JIUK. 1-plnt size 21c 1-quart size .43c Vi -gallon size 80c nrrss-Th Co. Mala Floor. MM $10.00 I'M I I l! "AX mm I7 w TO DAINTY, summery effect" in voiles, dimitieB, crepes and lin gerie materials, individual in style and desijrn. Only one or two of a kind just the sort of dress you want to finish out the season with. Dresses that were $15X) to $23.00, in one group Saturday at $10.00. .NOTE: As the quantity is limited we advise early selection. Clearaway of Palm Beach Suits That Were $10.00 to $16.50, at $5.00 NATUIiAb Palm Beach shade, also black and white shej herd checks, made in the smart belted effects, plain tailored and many other pretty models finished with pock ets and belts. Sargasa-BTaah Oo. Baooa floor. Clearaway of Children's White Dresses Extreme Reductions TWO gronps, including a variety of good, desirablo stylo for girls, ages 6 to 14 years, some soiled and mussed by display. Dresses that were to $2.50, now 59c Dresses that were to $3.50, now 98c Four Tables of Hardware Clothes racks, 3-n prong, 10c kind, 5c Home oil, regular lOo bottle 5c Wire coat hangers, at, 3 for 5c Clothes pins, spe cial, 60 for . . .5c Koll wax lunch pa per at 5c At 5c Heavy basting spoons, at ... .5c Tooth picks, 10c kind, at 5c Paring knives, spe cial, at 5c Wire strainers, spe cial, at fic Combination appla rorer anit cooky cut- vtr, t for s Nickel plsted towel bars, lOc-t Apple corer and sllcer, 16c kind, at . , 10c Clothes Una llo kind. 10 Irn sis. arat.r. apwlal, 10 Japan coal ana iiat noon. i.r flown 1 lo Potato ricers, were 26c, 13c Lot of enamelware coffee pots, preserving kettles, etc., were to 49c, at. . . .15c Ixt of steel , shears, nickel plated, were to $1.00, at 25o At 10c Paring knives, asserted. 10c Wire strainers, assorted, 10c Clothes lines, 4c klnd.lOo Aluminum egg and cake turner io (.Mouse traps. 10 in box.lOc At 15c At 25c BartM-sTah Oo. f Brooklyn egg and cream whip, 25c kind 15c Home oil outfit (bottle, oil stone and oil can), 25o kind 15c Egg timers and boilers, 49c values 25c Pocket knives, assorted lot, t 25c We Develop To) r your film free of charge when order is lett for printing. 'EVE RYU ODYS.GTORE I'll be there aoy hour you say." J