Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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jkMreaa communication relating to news anl M
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drew will be changed aa often m requested.
Aanurt 14
Thought for lAe Day
When t'er a twlU deed it wrought
When t'tr U tpoke a nolle thought
Our Aserts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise. Longfellow.
Yea, but how much Is It going to cut off our
coal bills here in Omaha? '
Texas la geographically the blggeitt of all our
states, but It Is not yet the whole union.
With a federal judgeship vacant In Nebraska,
the pie counter pressure Is renewed. Stand
back, and don't crowd!
As residuary legatee by purchase of that mili
tary balloon, an Omaha aero club ought to find
It easy now to Inflate a membership list
Agitation has been started to keep the Baa
Francisco exposition open another year. Profit
by Omaha's experience, and don't do It
The newest German timetable reads, "Peace
la certain In October." We all hope so, and we
hope it means this next coming October.
It seems a shame to take the money from
the poor of Europe, but what else can be done
when they insist on It over the conn tart
No car famine alarms going up this season.
The grain tonnage will be the biggest ever, but
it will not be bunched so as to cause transpor
tation congestion.
Despite wet weather, Nebraska has Its prom
ised record-breaking wheat crop. Merchants
aud manufacturers with goods to sell to farm
ers w ith money to buy Ul take notice.
Where the Epworth lesgue managers at Lin
coln seem to bave fallen down Is in not ad ver
t's! Jig those pink tights in advance, and thus
reaping the full benefit at the box ofiR-e.
Strictly speaking the adverse report of Lieu
tenant Colonel De&kyne on Missouri river Im
provement ia not unanimously condemned by
parties concerned. In adjacent railroad circles
the report will be hailed as the most sensible
outgiving of an official typewriter.
No one will dispute that Twenty-fourth street
ought to be as wide as any thoroughfare In the
city. Undoubtedly, it Is one of the narrowest
and crookedest streets on our municipal map. So
the problem resolves itself again Into the old
(Question, "What are we going to do about it?'
A Spanish prince has filed a petition in
bankruptcy la New York, acknowledging liabili
ties of IS6.645.93 and asseU of 1887.28, the last
two figures representing bis available cash. The
Inventory averages up to the royal touch, hut Is
hopelessly outclassed by the reach of native
bankruptcy princes.
Omaha's High school principal was lured
away roia us by Loulavllle, and to fill his place
we take Oklahoma's High school principal. That
i the ,way In this competitive game. Fortu
nately, however, we bave so far escaped having
any other city tempt our matchless municipal
ater works manager away from us.
Tlia atona cutter employed by Drexel Maul hava
fclj Ktie out on a strlk folluwiiia' tha stoppasa of
work va tha II. IS. bulldlrur.
Jrff I. Jonrs. a former Pea employe, la paaalnf
eruintJ tli iUvanaa on n fount of a new boy at tha
l:ci-avation for tha EKthanga building at tha South
Oi. a I, a alock ard U In-li.g puttied forwaid rapidly.
1n t.ii'l.jthjt will b of brhk. threw atortea hUh. with
bast ami Manturd loof. 4t100 f-et. Tlia lower
loom will i mcd for office and banking room,
tiia uht tloura will b uac-4 aa a hotel.
t'imrila l-fch. the popular agent of tha Union pv
clrio at l-rj! t-prliigs, U here on tiia way to Mocklar
t Jerida county, whtie be baa a ranch and a flu lot
of Ku R.
K. If. Kocetpr. a ho h b-n 111 for aome tlma.
lift tor Uif.o r-wiriKH and iliii'luu.
(". Iiuitn nl fmnlly of hall I.ake City ar at
tha I'sfctun.
W. J. t'omurii 1l ft fur to wct-l.n' a I. . n ln tha
l,,.'. Cllrf Ju,U. lko Will atU'liti to tll
Cai.ii cf my aUurnty.
Jn,. ul I--. v.. si Id btk fiom spirit J -like, where
i. Su.:"y v.. A it-main a l.lm 1)1 ttr.
War ia the Wneat Pit.
At least a skirmish In the wheat pit, being
fought by the bulls and the bears, has to do
with the war In Europe. Cancellation of or
ders placed by the Allies for a considerable
quantity of wheat is giving rise to much specu
lation as to the reason for the action. It is ad
mitted that, even should the war be terminated
immediately, Europe will still bave to eat, and
that it must buy largely of this country If it
wants wheat. New sources of supply will not
fuly account for the move, either, for the road
to Russia Is not yet open, nor do present condi
tions indicate It soon will be. Russia's crop Is
estimated at 40 per cent over last season's yield,
and that of the United Kingdom is placed at 7
per cent increase, and Italy's at 12 per cent,
but these countries together produce but lltle
more than half as much wheat as doea the
United States. It is not possible, even with
their Increased production, that they can pro
vide for their domestic needs, let alone care for
the armies in the field. The Argentinian sur
plus was long ago requlstloned, and vthe little
available from Australia and New Zealand will
rot cut much figure In the general situation.
Shrewd traders incline to the belief that the
move of the Allies Ism behalf of the bears, who
are Interested In bringing down the price paid
the farmer. The American farmer, generally,
U In a commanding position here, for be is not
forced to rush his grain to market.
It Carranza "Saving: Bis Face V
Carranza's action in refusing to confer as to
peace terms with Villa because of the latter!
violation of the rules of warfare is a block in
the path of the All-American negotiations, and
some little effort may be required to remove It
This excuse is a rather flimsy one, coming from
a man who excused the assassination of Benton
and others, and who has long been well aware
of the character of his late general. In the end
It will be rather an awkward proceeding for
Carranza to entirely free himself from responsi
bility for Villa's many deeds of violence, most
of them committed while avowedly a follower
and supporter of the "first chief," who did little
or nothing to check the career of his lawless
supporter. It may be that Carranza Is trying
to "save bis face," a practice ia which the Mex
ican politician is quite as adept as the Chinese,
end that he will yet be found amenable to the
appeal that is to be made to the Mexican people.
Pressure from the outside will steadily increase,
and, while only moral suasion is to be used for
the present, the expediency of joining in a set
tlement that will have the support of all fac
tions may yet appeal even to the peculiar patri
otism of Carranza.
The City Planning; Commission.
The municipal authorities are about to in
augurate the city planning commission for
Omaha provided for by act of the last legisla
ture. Fortunately, positions on the commission
do not carry with them any salaries or other per
quisites, so that it should be possible to select
the members with a sole view to their special
fitness to perform the duties devolving upon
them. ,
The special need here la for men of broad
and far-sighted vision who can see the still
Greater Omaha ahead, and who will refuse to
submit to shackles of greed for present personal
advantage as against community benefits.
Omaha's original city plan, as we have before
observed, was laid out on broad-gauge lines, tar
In advance of Its day, and Us modification and
further development calls for like broad-gauge
ideas. Omaha's best citizenship and best talent
lias never boon wanting when drafted for a big
job, and the mayor and council should not fall
to constitute the first city planning commission
cut of the ablest and best equipped men in out
On to Petrograd.
The Nova Vremya, which is the newspaper
mouthpiece of the czar's government, sees Petro
grad as the objective of the present German
kweep. It argues with reason that no compari
son may be made between the strategy of today
and that of Napoleon. While the principle itiv
volved may be la some degree analogous, the
details differ so vastly that the similarity is sooa
lest. And yet the purpose of the campaign,
avlde from Its main object of crushing Russia,
may only be conjectured, for the Germans bave
not as yet taken any of their toes Into full con
fidence as to the intent or detail of any, of their
military operations. Reviewers may easily un
derstand the possible effect of what has already
been accomplished, but to undertake to deter-
n ine in advance what the next move of the kais-
et'a military machine will be la simply to la
lulge in guesswork. If the present advance is
directed at Petrograd, It will mean that Russia
has set before It a task equal to that of Francs,
Deeper in the Hole.
The second fiscal year of the government un
tUr the present democratic administration closed
on June SO with a deficit in the budget of $38,'
000,000. This would be a serious problem un
der any sort of conditions, but It is made the
more portentous by the fact that the third fis
cal year of Wilson's term begins with the prom
lse of an Increased deficit. The revenue for the
month of July last fell $16,000,000 behind the
receipts. No reason exists to think that this
condition will soon materially Improve, espe
cially as the year begins with the largest appro
priations ever made by congress fqr governmen
tal expenditures. Income from Import duties
and Internal taxes are not likely to swell, the
''war" tax can not bring In very much more
money thaa baa been derived from that source
so tar, and the Income tax is not to be collected
again until the end of the year. Unless some
unseen source of revenue may be discovered, the
ear of democratic administration now one
month begun will be recorded ln the annals of
the government as the one of most prodigal ex
penditure and biggest deficit la our history.
The latest computation ot war losses shows
5,300,000 dead and 6,478,000 men more or less
shot up. So far the record faila to show that
any ot the men responsible for the war have
received a scratch. Why the disparity? "Sim
pleton!" exclaimed Thomas Carlyle, writing long
afo. "Their governors, instead of shooting one
another, had the cunning to make these poor
blockheads shoot"
Tho Question of Munitions
The Outlook.
ALMOST at tha name time teat week correapondt-ncs
between the United States and Ureal Prltaln and
a communication from Auatria to tha United
Ftatea were made public. The Austrian communica
tion was sent aeveral weeka a (to, but Its text was nut
lrued In tranalatlon until Auruat L Tha Auatrlait
communication, on the other hand, though nominally
addreaaed to the government of the United 8tatea, la
obviously Intended to affect American public opinion
In thua 'appealing to American public opinion the
government of Austria-Hungary ahows aatutenesa.
Jt has wisely Ignored both tha objects of
Germany and Auatria and the methods which
they have used to attain the objects, and ha
directed Ita appeal to American public, opinion on a
subject whlrh appeala not to the reason but to the
feelings. It has selected for Ita subject the export of
munition of war. Americana hava Ixen horrified at
the very magnitude of the war and have wished to
avoid being drawn into It, so the Austrian govern
ment virtually say to America: If you wtah to keep
away from all asaoclatlon with this war and maintain
your neutrality, prohibit the export of munltlona. Tha
Auatrlan government skillfully refers to the Hague
conventions, to which It knows the American people
ar by their feeling of humanity attached, and says
that thoae conventions would not interfere with tha
prohibition of the export of munitions, becauae, ac
cording to all authorities on International law, "tli
neutral government ia not permitted to allow unhln
dered trade In contraband of war If this trade as
aumes such character and proportions that the coun
try's neutrality, ia thereby Impaired." The Auatrlan
government then go a on to declare that the extent
of American trad In munltlona la such aa to Impait
America's neutrality. The argument thua comes
around to the point where it begins: that If America
wishes to observe neutrality it should prohibit tha
export of munitions of war.
On a subject of this sort Americana anould bas
their opinion, not on impulse and sentiment but on
reason and understanding. In order to reach a
sound conclusion on this subject, the American cltisen
who wants hla country to be law-abiding, Just and
wise, should consider three questions 'concerning tha
export of munltlona:
1. Is it lawful?
1 Is It right r
t. Ia It expedient?
As to the lawfulness of the cltlsens of a neutral
country dealing In munitions In time of peace or war
there la absolutely no question. The lawfulness ot
such commerce has been affirmed again and again,
and by such American authorities as Jefferson, Hamil
ton, Beward, Hayard, Blaine, Foater, OIney and Hay.
In every war belligerents have ordinarily attempted
to secure for themselves whatever benefits they could
Oermany is not, the only country which has sought to
prevent its enemies from Betting multions of war, but
no belligerent has ever been able to show tha unlaw
fulness of trade ln such contraband. It would weary
our readers fog us to quote here the decisions thM
have been rendered In courts and by executive officer
aa to the lawfulnesa of such commerce. It Is fair to
say that no practice haa been more specifically and
uniformly upheld by International law. It. is an
unneutral act for a country to allow Its cltlsens to sell
to one belligerent what that country refuses to allow
its citizens to sell to another belligerent. But this 1
not the case at present. Perhaps tho tersest expretf
aion of tho right I to be found in the words of Thomas
Jefferson when he was secretary of state. He aald, in
1703, In an official communication: "Our citizens have
been always free to make, vend and export arms.-'
Mr. Hay, when secretary of state, said, in almost aa
terse language: "Neutrals ln their own country may
sell to belligerents whatever belligerents choose to
buy." And by more than one authority. Including Mr.
Feward, Lincoln's secretary of atate. It Is pointed out
Into what tangle of law and practice the prohibition
on commerce In arms would involve such a aautrol
Country as the United States. -
What Austria asks of us, therefore, Is not to ob
serve law already made, but on our own Initiative
and by our own Independent action to make a special
International law for its benefit
But, though the export of arms may be lawful,
the question remains whether it Is right. There ara
some things that the law allows which are wrong.
Is this one of them? Thoae who hold that the makins
or export of arms In time of war Is wrong must base
their belief on the assumption that war Itself la neces
sarlly wrong, for If it Is ever right to mako war It
1 alo right to make the Instruments by which war
Is waged. Wo do not believe that American cltlsens
who celebrate with pride the Fourth of July oi
Memorial day will take the position that war Is
necessarily always wrong. If It was right to make
war against the British redcoats In 1776, If it wa
right to make war In defense of the union in 1861, It
was right to make the muskets for the continentals
and th rifles for the Army ot tha Potomac. And It
It was right to make those arms. It was right for us
to buy them from others and for others to sell them
to us. The only ground on which an American whe
remembers the history of his country with pride can
believe that it la wrong to export arms Is that tha
particular belligerent to which those arm are sold Is
engaged in an unholy war. This position an Individual
can take, but be cannot aak hla country to take that
poaltlon without asking hi country to become un
neutral. So long, therefore, as an American cltlaia
Wilkes his country to remain neutral, he must hold
that it Is ln accordance with good morals as well a
in accordance with law for fellow countrymen of his
to sell arms to a belligerent ,
What Is both lawful and right however, may be
Inexpedient Is It expedient for th United States to
allow Its cttliena to aell arma to foreign nations at
war? Th United eMatea cannot advocate ln thla mut
ter a rule which cannot bo universally applied. To
oppose the selling of arma to other nations means to
advocate th rule that no nation shall uao any arms
except those that It manufactures Itaelf. This would
mean that ewltserland. a little country, surrounded by
great nations, would hava to tax Itself for tha main
tenance of great arms factories If it were going ta
defend Itself against enemies; it would mean that so
long as the possibility ot war and th consequent
neceaalty of defensive war exist every country would
have to adopt tha militarism of Oermany and eataV
llsh for Itaelf Its Krupp works; that every country, no
matter how devoted to peaoa it was, wout have to
keep armed to the teeth; It would mean specifically
that tha United Btatea would have to deny Itael th
right to buy arm from other nations in tlm ot war,
and therefor would hare to prepare at once gracl
stores of ammunition and keep thoae stgores
of ammunition not only replenished but also
renewed with vry advance in tho science of warfare.
The very statement of thla fact ahowa that a rut
against the export of arm would b highly Inex
pedient Trcico Told Tales
Aa Aweicat Often.
A man la tha English veteran reserve ws called
up recently. After a week at bis new quarters he
was brought up before the officer commanding for
not cleaning bis rifle one day. ald th officer com
llem. you'r an old aoldler r-nl!sted, I sea. f
suppose It haa been many years slnoe you were repri
manded? What vu your last offense? Can you re
member what It waa?"
The old aoldler, with Irony on account ot the T
peated aaaertlona ot bis ago, replied. "For not cloania'
m bow an' arrow, air!" Plttaburgh Chronki Tele
Pwreo ( ' Aaaaclatloaw
Whll th owner of th touring ear dismounted.
during necessary re pa Ira the young front wheel
timidly aked the old back wheel:
"Don't you get weary of the social wtilrV-rvolv-
lug and revolving and revolving?"
"You'll get ueod to It" UM th old wheni. "Our
owner ta a spinster, with nothing to do but go round.
till sometime I feel Ilk a Daughter of th KevoluUoa
inyaelf." J udg.
end I assure
J7T J O t.
during tha
you would
bing or
The As4l4oto (or tha Hates.
OOAI.ALLA, Neb., Aug. K.-To tho
Editor of The Bee: Let those would-b
bellgerents who want to help the kaiser
und Oott "atrafe" England, or help to
Joffre Germany off the map, let them
take a slant at the Mutt and Jeff pic
tures In the Sunday Bee, August S, they
are a good antidote for the hates.
Reorganise Aaerlrsa Illaalratora.
OMAHA, Aug. 12,-To the Editor of
Tho Boe: When Edwin 11. Blaahfleld
was In Omaha some two years ago to lec
ture before tha Society of Fine Arts, he
said. In conversation, that If anyone
cam to him from abroad and would wish
to tee American art he would point first
to our Illustrators.
In scanning over Omaha's art acqulnl
tlons w notice the lack of this, one of
America's foremost branches of art One
should be aware that the average citlxen
la not necessarily deeply immersed ln th
study of oil paintings. The illustrators of
current books and magailnea have their
admirers. '
I am writing this aa a suggestion to
tho "friends of art" that they recognlxe
the need of an auxiliary collection to
their anticipated purchaaca. Omaha
should have ln its municipal collection
an original of such artists aa A. B. Frost
Leyendecker, Franklin Booth, Gruger,
Caatlgne, Gibson, Fisher, Flagg, Foater,
Wcnxel, A. L Keller, Maxfjeld Parriah.
Howard Pyle, Orson Lowell, Reutardahl
or others. These artist have their de
vout admirer and rightly so. Surely a
publlo organisation could procure through
tha publishers specimens of the artist's
worka at a very nominal cost in com
parison to the high prices asked for oil
paintings. They would exhibit a wide
range of technlo and would never lose
value as an asset to any collection.
Not av Religion War.
OMAHA, Aug. U To the Editor of Th
Bee: I do not agree with Luclen Stab
bine that tha European war is a religious
Austria did not Impose ita religion on
Serbia, aa thla writer states. Cathollo
Austria declared war on Serbia. It can
not be called a Cathollo war unless Aus
tria waa ordered by the pope to declare
war, which ia outside of his Jurisdiction.
Simply becauae th emperor of Austria
Is a Catholic doea not make It a religious
war, nor President Polncalre of France
being an Infidel make It an infidel war.
No power In Europe has worked mora
for peace than the pope. If we call tha
present struggl a' religious war it would
be Froteatant war and not Catholic,
for Emperor William of Oermany Is the
head of the Lutheran church, King
George the head of the Anglian and th
cxar the head' of the Russian church.
Her ar the heads of tho three largest
communions ln Europe outside of tha
Cathollo fighting each other. And only
one. as bead of a church, that tried to
prevent and Is trying to bring the war to
an end is the head of tha Cathollo church.
But it la not right to Mama tha Prote.
tant churches for this war. When Em
peror William declared war on the allies.
he did not do It aa head of the church,
but as th emperor of Germany. Tha
same with th king and the csar. Th
main cause of this conflict Is the struggle
for commercial supremacy.
Goodbye, Dear Goddeaa.
OMAHA, Aug. 11 To the Editor of The
Bee: As th Goddess of Liberty on the
city hall la about to b removed, allow
me to addreaa her, figuratively speaking,
and ln thla style:
Dear Goddess of Liberty: When , a
member of tha city council of Omaha I
did on th 10th day of June, 189t aaalat
ln placing you on . your high pedeatal
and from thoae majestic and lofty height
you hava had ample opportunity to ob
serve events and affairs during that quar
ter of a century. You were then a blush
ing maiden In the heyday of your youth,
surrounded by men in which you had tha
utmost confidence, who Installed you In
a new palace, on that was completed
without the breath of scandal, a living
monument of economy and strict com
pliance to Ita plans and specifications.
You bad scarcely been installed when an
attempt was made by mandamus and
other proceedings against that council to
foro them to accept a bid of MO, 000 in
place of on of $27,000 for the furniture
now In that palace, but th Goddess of
Justice on th court houao cam to th
reaoue and a tlJ.000 attempted steal was
averted and you were spared your
precious tears. However, dear, goddeaa.
It waa not your lot to remain in happiness
and contentment for you in your blissful
ignorance and innocence were soon Intro
duced to a gay world, when in 1891 you
found yourself ln company with man
whose conduct you did not approve and
who preaenc was so odious to you,
and for nearly five years you suffered
th suffering of th meek and humble
la the Garden of Olivet. In your Infancy
.you beheld a beterogeneous community.
but soon saw it turned into a community
of demons, a discordant and diversified
mass of people. You soon found our con
stitutional provision of liberty of con
science but a mockery and th "Goddeaa
of Bigotry and Fanaticism" about to be
Inatalled ln your piac and atead. You,
dear, Goddeaa of Liberty, for a period of
five year, or nearly so, saw tha people's
taxea ruthleasly squandered against the
earneat protest of a helpless minority,
and you wept Again you wept when, dur
ing that regime you beheld our treaaury
looted ot thouaanda ot dollars, the fruits
and legacy of their predeoeeeore' econ
omy, and thla all taking place under tha
ayaa of th so-called Guardians of Lib
erty, men more holy than thou. Thla
condition of things you beheld in daylight
and In darkneaa. thick darkneaa through
it came till dangerous night waa o'er and
tha star of hop returned.
"Dear goddeaa, while you had your sor
rows, you tlkawla had your Joy. You
braved th summer's heat and withstood
tha wintry blasts of twenty-four year.
You lived to see th Augean stable
cleaned; you lived through that muoh
feared, predicted, yet unfilled prophecy
that th pop of Roma would soon b In
stalled ln tha city hall; that alone should
have atoned for your many aufferlnga.
"During tho last fifteen year of your
eventful career you have had ample tlm
In which to dry your eyes, manicure your
wrinkled forehead and tak your much
deserved beauty sleeps.
"And now. dear goddeaa. aa you have
been peaceably ordered to vacata your
throna, I regret your departure and shall
ever look back with fond recollectiona to
the day I aasiated In placing you in that
spot oa the city halt and I am more
than pleaaed to know that you depart, as
Vl came, la th reign ot your friends.
yon that had you remained
balance of this administration.
have had no occasion for sob
The Caller Your husband la wedded
sighing. Bo, goodbye, dear lady.'
to hla dun, ta he not?
Mr. Uronks Nrt much. IT sems to
be ixrfectly devoted to it. luck.
r. muiiivAiiii.
jonea I don't ace your husband at the
club of late. Mra. Brown. .
Ti vn i. m f hnma now
Canton (Ohio) rtrpoMiary )
I do not want to be a king
Or potentate or anything
l.lke that. I do not want to fight;
1 want to get my Hoop at nlht.
I would not trade my cot
For any caatle they have got.
Who ko forth girdled for the fray.
To, burn and loot, outrage and slay.
I can go home and ait at
And hold mv kid upon my kn-es
And look out at my icanlt-n plot
And be contented with my lot.
I can take in a picture show
And not be nervous when I go
Or fear aome titled enemv
Will drop a lyddite bomu on me.
I get no diplomatic note
Which stirs me up and gets my goat
No murder Is upon my soul.
For world dominion's not my goal.
I'm happy aa a common lob.
Who's got a home, also a Job.
I would not trade my atate of mind
With any one of royal kind.
No blood of infant stains my hands;
I have Invaded no one's lands
1 would not trade my old felt hst
For all the cans and helmets that
Are worn in any craay renlm
That seeks to alny and overwhelm.
Gold braida and clanking rabera punk
To me are merely uaelea junk.
and enjoya life In hla own way aa I want
him to. liouaion t-nronicie.
"There's not much petticoat rtilo nowa
days, ln spite of votes for women," was
""No," amlled McFeei "there's not much
petticoat." Judge.
"Blinks says that when he waa young
he was the architect of his own fortune. '
"Didn't thev have any building In
spectors In those days?" Philadelphia
What to Eat
In Hot Weather
MEATS, heavy and greasy foods,
should be eaten very sparingly
during hot weather. They heat the
system and tax the digestion. Faust
Spaghetti ought to be indulged in
during summer not only because it
does not heat and is very easy to
digest, but because it is also ex
tremely nutritious. It contains the
rich gluten of Durum wheat, which
is a blood enricherand muscle builder.
There is practically no end to the
ways that Faust Spaghetti can be pre
pared to make relishable eating.
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