Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    THK HKE: OMAHA. SATlTllliAY. AlUl'ST 14, 10ir.
ron rkvt
atrnrea and 4ffirea.
LARGK modern tnre near postofflce;
low rent, q. P. PtchMnn. 1no Chicago
tfTORri New modern front living rooms;
fine location for any kind of bimlnrM;
tnt rhi. X1 Leavenworth. Hnr.
A Tor Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into caah.
FFT1CR furnltur bought and aolO- i.
C Heed. 1 "1 ritmni, tMvug. t.14
HIOHhiT price ior old clothing. D 4714.
Tax ouy everything ind hand. Watt. 4W4.
Itiamn in m.. tlUK i.
l& OR 20 acres good land cloae to Home
Nebraska town; uuoto price and de:riD
llon. Aridr? If J. Me.
HAT-Wanted, to correspond with man
who hava cholra prairlo and alfalfa
Jiajr to ahlp. A. H. Kent, Fuel and Feed,
valley Junction. Ia.
BY AUGUST 34th g or 10-room house, or
flat; walking distance. bougl M0.
FOR Information about fine truck, fruit,
corn and alialfa land, write W. L. Par
kin. Asndown, Ark.
Un Oak Colonies, umik better. W. T.
Htnltb Co.. ii-!4 t'lty Nut. B. t. Ml.
X HAVE for Bale lbu acre of level land
In Morgan uounty, Colorado, can all t
Irrigated; lour mile troin town. Fur
particular eddreea Chas. Fheiy. Vvei
osna, Colo.
Writ a good description of your land
and send It to Uie bioux. City, la., Jourmu.
Iowa Moat PowerUil Want Ad Me
dium." Twenty-five worda every Fnuny
evening, fcatuiday morning and every
Saturday evening aud eiunuay morning
lor one tnontn, giving sixteen ada on
twelve different oey tor .; or 6v worud,
4, or 76 wo ran, to.
Largest circulation of any Iowa new
paper, JloO.uuw reader ualiy in lour great
ia tea.
FOH BALli An Iowa farm of 240 acres;
170 aorea In corn, balance pasture; good
improvements, good orchard. Will aeil on
eaay teruia and tow rate of Interest. Ad
nrfm F. W. HiBbee. Turin, la.
buO-ACRK Improved ranch, 8. E. Kansas.
in oil ana gua pays b4o. Two gas weiis.
Price tit.uuo, 'lime on part. U. tfaugn
man, tidy. OKI.
MINN, farm; low price, eaay term. Mln
nesota Land Co.. f. p. Uox 317. Omaha.
The Judith Basin, Montana, where you
tan buy rich new land that will prouuuj
good crop yearly and without irrigation.
You win open your eves wide and be
delighted U you take a trip witb ua and
aoe the big crops. Low railway raits.
See us lor tickets and maps, How many
acres etui you manage?' Wm. 11. Urown
Co., 6 N. 1-a.Salle St., Chicago. o
FOR 8ALEJ 80 acres, well Improved, I
miles from Meadow Grove, .Neb., and
lias good soil; $10v per acre; $2,008 cash,
balance terms. Casper Thelsen, Osmond,
FOR SALE 320 acres, lfe miles from
Wayne, Neb., 1 mile from state normal;
$10,000 in improvements; ml woven
wire fencing; wells, 2 windmills; 80 acres
alfalfa; loo acre pasture. If Interested
come or write L. W. Owen, Wayne, Neb.
FOR 8 ALE, and will take part trade, a
good 340-acre farm, liO miles west of
Omaha. Well Improved and in cultiva
tion. Price ITS per acre. Address Owner.
Box 244. Central City, Neb.
FOR BALE At auction on Aug. IS. 1913,
at the farm, the J, C. Cornfield farm of
2A0 acre; good Improvements; 13 miles
from Grand Island and 3 miles from Ht.
Llbory. This Is one of the best all-around
farm In Howard Co.
WANTED Reliable real estate company
to sell large tract of Texas land, sub
divided. Adtircs Box 36. Wlntorset, la.
TRACT 1.104, consisting of 5 -acre and
town lot in Francllla, Tex., the Oulf
coast country, for sale for $125; must sell;
worth more than double the money. Ad
dress Lock Box 2, Ash ton, Neb.
160-ACRE farm, 12 per acre, $20 cash and
120 per month; no interest: rich soil;
fine land; pure water, good title. Write
W. T. Young. Jr.. Klmuall. Neb.
TOLAND ft TRUMBULL. 448 Uea Bldg.
i00 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D.
Wean. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bt,
CITY and (inn loan. S, uMi. ( per cent
J. H. Dumont Co.. Hi (State Bank..
WANTED Good farm and city loan al
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 1(22 Farnam.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2713.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas. 3 State Bank Bldg.
MONEY on hand for dty and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
BEE a first for farm loan In eastern
Neb. United Btates Truat Co.. Omaha,
CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlbarg,
810-11 Brandela Theater Bldg.
WANTED City and farm loans; lowest
rata, w. O. Templeton. CO Be. T. 2024.
iHi ACRES, clear, timber and blues-rasa.'
Will trade even for high clans auto or
carry difference back. What have you?
o MoCagiHi Bldg.
OMAHA residence property exchange for
fcloux City property. Box 69, Biuux City.
$25 Cash, $10 a Month
5G Fruit Trees
At Benson south front, put In fruit;
mostly Richmond cherries: fine, sightly
acre; easy walking distance to street
car line. Price. I'nio.
HASTINGS & HEYUEN. lt14 Harney Kt.
New 4-Roonv Cot-tage-$l,300.00;
Cash, $15 a Month
Your present rent money will buy thl
nlca cottage, located north and west,
near car line and city park. Phone u
for full particular.
P. OB. x!A Mme Bank Bldg.
shrubs and treea giving splendid shade
and uniformly distant from each other, all
In bow. not promised for future years. Pav
ing tale paid. No sheds, alley or dls
aareeaMe environments. On car lints,
xtaar school and churches; five new house
completed, or Hearing completion. Can ba
sold on easy payments to responsible par
tie. Keys at iny residence, B. J. BcaoiuiU.
Pnone oug. KM or Web. SOIL
BUNGALOW Wooin, modern, new and
up-to-date in every respect, ZJd and
Ames, Qk Chatham addition. Web. 41-iH.
BEAUTIFUL T-rooni bungalow, strictly
modern; corner lot; aacrlllie for gunk
aai. Grand Ave. Phone Webster .'7.
Vacant lot SO ft. south frontage on
Bristol Rt,, Just east of 2621 Bristol Ht. ;
lot I on grade lut ready to ouild on;
aewer, water and gas in street; paving
ail aid for; two; terms to suit ptirciutaor
C. .(. CAliLBKIJO,
tU Braadels Theater Bldg.
in Cathedral
This is your opportunity to get a bar
Fain In a S-room completely modern
house. Is heated by hot water. Also a
small barn. Is on paved street and Is
near school, stores and car. This place
must be solil at thin time, so be sure to
see It today. Address 4u3l Char If s tt.
For prices tall
Creigti, Sons & Co.
Douglas 2.
60s lie Mdg.
Hanscom Park Dist.
Six-Room House
We have a very pretty new home, only
two blocks from Hanscom park, that can
be sold on easy terms. This house Is oak
finished, with beam ceiling, bullt-ln
bookcases, etc.; fireplace, toilet and laun
dry In basement. lot 57xt. Price n.0.
Located at S3.W Walnut Bl. Small cottaga
would b accepted In trade.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 4270.
eton Park
Near Saunders, school and t-ath.
tlral; east front, corner. kot1?k-
nearly new; full 2-story square.
Price cut 10 per cent from 13,900 for
trumediate sale; $300 cash, balance
$35 monthly and Interest.
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.,
1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2716. o
RONOALOvV for .ale cheap; term.'
Leaving city. Phone Walnut 436
For Sale
A onl. Iir1l4 .. . . .
vr .j rI 'oeatea in the
k. i.. 1 reraiuence OlStnct. S3d Bt.
eT...T!"'in. anrt 1lod- Modern In
.... j "i 'Aiciirni repair, can-
nk-.T, ' innwniii Diuiara room,
lmrary. a spacious combined sun room
n'?-K1,,oyni? Pofch: beautiful hardwood
........ .. uuuii. fiue tree ana enruo-
berv This I- n -. i.. . .
, ' 1. 1 1 1 1-1 j- riifcuvs
nonie and must be seen to be appreciated.
t i.vw u nHiik uiu nra reasonable.
Let u ahow you thl attractive home.
D. V. Sholes Co.
15-1 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Douglas 4S. o.
FOR SALE or rent; Uackage building.
Glut fit
tpR 8ALr. At a bargain. 2 lots located
between S2d and Md on Oorby Pt. Each
lot. 60x1 20 ft. J700 for both. Call S21S
Cyrby St.. 'or phone Web. 3104. o.
Half Acres
Set to Fruit
In order to make Benson Gnrden a
fruit growing center, we will set 4 acre
to the best producing fruit free of charge
and care for during 191 with the sale
of each acre between now and Sept. 10th,
up 10 tne saio or a acre.
Hastings & Heyden
Free Land
If you are a practical fruit man,
we will give you absolutely free, 40
, acres of rich valley land, for your
labor, consisting of planting and
eating for 40 acres of applfs; we
will furnish th trees, you furnish
the labor only. Land Is located in
the famous Yakima valley, Wash
ington, within 3 miles of a live,
hustling town oat main line railroad,
and worth $160 per acre. Further
particulars of
W. T. Smith Co.,
City National Bank Bldg.
A Lot as First Pay
ment on New Four
Room House
House is on paved street, ha city
water, electric light and gas. Only 2
block from car line. South Side. Prlca,
SI.&jO. Term, $13.60 per month. Phone
Douglas 4233.
132x132 feet of ground at the northeast
corner of 17th and Jackson St., only two
block from Kurgess-Nash comDanv
store. Suitable for a downtown girVc.
Rental, only $7!0 per vear. No rain
praiseinent. Price, $3o.0ii0. "
corner ljth and Howard Kts.; improved
-uijr uiH-K rul fl
ing; good store rooms and a hotel of
S rooms. Near Orpheum theater, oppo
site Auditorium, and only one block from
lfitli and Howard Sts., Omaha's best
street car transfer point. Lease W years
No reappraiaeraent. Price, SJO.OOi.
George & Company
Phon D. 75. C City Nat. Bit. Bldg.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-COFFK1-J The,
market for coffee futures opened stea ly
at unchanged prices to an advance of 3
point on some scattered overnight buy
ing orders, which were evidently st
tracted by yesterday's bullish reports
from Bratil. but met a good deal of real.
Ising and prices eased off several point
from the best during the middle of the
day. Tho decline was checked by pri
vate cables relet ting a good demand and
higher price In Santo, however, and
buying order In the hand of one of the
prominent local brokers, who purchased
about 25.0r) bags of December, caused
IlKht rallies. Tho close was 4 points
lower to 1 point net higher. Kale Ho MO
bug. August, 4. Joe: September, tide;
October. 4.3c; November, i.iZc; Decem
ber, 4'c; January, .6oc; February. 4 6V;
March. .5c; April. 64c: Mav. .; June.
6.73c; July, 6.7KO. Kpot, steady; Rio 7s. 7c;
Bantos 4s, lc. Cost and freight offer
were higher for Santo with 4 quoted
around i.75i.Koc, while few If any offers
were received from Rio. The official
cables reported no Chang In mtlrel
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Aug. 13. MRTAL8 Lead.
$4.60; spelter, not quoted. Copper, unaet
tled; electrolytic. $17.a"ul8.0U. Iron, firm
and unchanged. Tin: Steady; $34. Vfn 34.75.
At London Copper: Spot. 467; futures,
6 ie; electrolytic, 1S1 li". Tin: Spot.
14 10s; futures. 151 15. Antimony,
IU Lead: i-'W !; apeiter,
1 1
Haaar Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1.1 eil'GAR Raw
firni; centrifugal, 4 molasses, 40: firsts, 2W)'21'fcc: seconds, 17SiUvc.
4. lid 4.1 tic. Refined, steady. Futuiea broke CHLESE Irregular; receipts, 2 21i
from ia to 23 points early today under ac- boxes; atate. whole milk fresh flats, col
li v.. and vigorous liquidaUon. a Llth un- ored special, lnntllic; state whole milk
covered stop loss ordera jfreah flats, while. HV13V; stale whole
Following: Cancellation of European
Order Wheat Market Drops
Three to Six Cent.
OMAHA, August IS, IMS.
Cancellation of orders by the European
nations had a decidedly' bearish etfect
en 'he market today. The local casti
wheat market dropped from t to to. Th
receipt continue.! iihi aini inr v. a
a pretty good demand for the commercial
-.c?,rn.wa '"O weak and the market
declined M'le. Receipts of this cereal
were light and the demand waa only fair.
There was a light run of oat today and
meie wss a pretty good demand for thl
cereal. The market waa fairly active and
ruled n;lc. higher.
Clearance were: Wheat and flour,
equal to ttn.ono bushels; corn, 100.000 bush
els; oats. bushels.
Uverpool-Hpot wheat, 4j0 to ISo lower;
corn, lo lower.
Primary wheal receipt were 1,411.000
bushel and shipments Hne.otO busheisv
against receipts of l.MJ.Ono bushels and
Shipments of bT,A0 bushels Isat vear.
Primary corn receipts were NO.Ot'O bush
el and shipment rNo.000 bushels, agaJnst
receipts of 6.f..0u0 buahels and hlpment
Of 446.000 bushels last year.
Primary oat receipts were M,000 bush
el and shipments l9.onr bushels, against
receipts of 1.514,000 bushels and shipments
of Kb.000 bushels last vear.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 44", lSil 2Tj
Minneapolis J3
Duluth g
Oman a At
Kansas City l.Vt
Kt. Louis 163
Winnipeg 46
These sales wer MnAH4 lmt,v U h..l
No. 2 hard winter: 1 bulkhead', old and
new,; x cars. 1.1S. No. 4 hard winter:
1 car. choice new, $1.17; 1 car, $1.1.1; 2
cars. $1.12: 1 cars. II ml- 1 cars. II 11-
3S-6 care. $1.10: -( car. $1.10; 1 car, $1.W.
No. 4 spring: car, old, $1.25. Pample: 1
cars. tl.tK; 2 csrs, $1.0fi; 8 cars, $U.; 1 car,
$J.tH. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car. 74c. No.
i yenow: i car, 7n4c. o. 2 yellow. 6 cars,
54e. No. S yellow: l car. 76c. No. i
mixed: 1 car, 74c: t-i car, 7414c. Sample:
I 1 7a . 1 t v . , 1 1
J v-',-JB vi. nniir. cars, OMi,
63c; 2 cars, new and old, 60c; 1 car. new
and old. 4o. No. 4 white: t cars, new. 44c.
Sample: 1 car. old. 61c. Rye No. 3: 2-d
car, Mc. No. 4: 1 car. HHc,
omatia Cash Prices Wheat: No. I tur
key, $i.V.ii.J7: No. 3 turkey, Si.lKflri.38:
No. hard, fUelM; No. 3 hard, $1,140
1.34; No. 4 hard, S1.0K91.81 : No. 2 spring.
ft.30fil.3S; No. 3 spring. $1.15fjl.2. Corn:
No. white, 74H6r74c: No. I white. 714
74Sc; No. 4 white. 73ig74c; No. 6 white.
7"q73Hc; No. mhtte. 73M,t73c; No. 2
yellow, 7r.iB75Hc; No. 3 yellow, It'aWc;
No. 4 yellow. 73V,&n4e; No. 6 yellow. 139
ISSic; No. yellow, 72H373c: No. 2 mixed,
74u74c: No. mixed, 748f74Sc; No. 4
mixed, TSVSc: No. S mixed. 73i3
73c; No. mixed, 72lr734c. Oats: No.
2 white. 46Hi4c; standard. 4RaH'; No.
white, MMo: No. 4 white. 4S4(STo.
Barley: Malting, 70ti72c; No. 1 feed. 668c.
Rye: No. 2, 94V(jr90c; No. 3, 83tiffis4c.
Feature f the Tradlag aad Closlag;
Price oat Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Aug. 18. Acute weakness
elxed tne wheat market today m 1 re
S'i'iJ!' "Ji'lons that export sales of
Z.OiiO.OOO bushels had been cancelled. Not
withstanding statements that th con
tract nullified with th Belgium for
quick shipment by way of the Ouif of
Mexico and could doubtless be replaced
a little later with northern wheat at
much lower price, the market cloned
"".l"0".8' irtiSo to 3c under last night,
I'M?. September at $1.07H and December
at X1.07U Corn finl.ha.l Li. k.
. . .. . . TBlf -VJ UUVTU,
oats off 4fiHc and provisions unchanged
to lOo higher.
According to a high authority, the real
reason tor the wheat cancellation was
to be found in tho plana of the Italian
and tench government to fix majclmum
price and to cut off speculation.
Wild ruhc K Dell smashed wheat
price hard right at the -outset caused
further breaks lafei- that In some cases
amounted to 4'9'4Hc, aa compared with
last night a figures. Trader gave but
scanty attention to anything except the
topsy-turvey condition of transactions
with Europe and to effort to untangle
the actual facta.
Rumor that tho cancelling of export
sales might be due to Improved chances
for the Immediate opening of the Dar
danelles were not widely accepted. In
stead, during trading hours opinion
leaned to the view that difficulty at
present in filling export contracts had a
good deal to do with the temporary will
ingness of foreigners to realise a profljt
on this side of the water rather than to
force deliveries that had been bargained
Although wheat allowed some reaction
rrom tho low point of the aesalou, the
rallle wore not well maintained. The
weak foreign exchange situation was one
of the depressing factor In the late trad
ing. On the other hand, there was new
business to the extent of 1H0.0O0 bushels
I ntlie way of sale her today to ea
board exporter.
Corn wa affected by the wheat weak
ness. Oat had more Independence than
corn, but also wa heavy.
Provision ruled firm regardless of the
declines In the grain and hog market.
Covering by short waa chiefly responal-
Future ranged a follows:
Articlel Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Ye y
Dec.. I
Corn I
Sept. I
Dec. I
1 00 1
1 10
1 08
1 07
1 06
1 07"
I 107 V
1 11
1 (Mi
14 06
14 10
t 00
S 92Vi
8 Kn
14 30
14 30 I
8 10
8 1J'
t 87'V
14 30
13 87Vif 14 05
13 96 f 14 16
14 82V
8 ITHl
8 10
8 li
8 HI
t 95
I U f 8 to
8 871 8 7'4l
8 97H
Chncago Cash Price Wheat: No 2
red. SI. 13431.16; No. 2 hard. S1.16l.ia
Corn: No. 2 yellow. SlttalVac; other nom
inal. Oats: No. S white, new, 4,"Vu)
48c; No. S white, old. ooijvjc; standard
new, 61c; standard, old. 6Vtfo7c. Rye: No
2. tl.tfcH. Barley: -i)0c. Seeds: Tim
othy. $i.5Vf(7.0i; clover, $a.6ftj'lS.3&. Pro
visions: Pork. $14.00; Urd. t.02V; rib.
BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 24
EOOS Unsettled ; receipts, 7,S3 cases;
at mark, cases Included, lMilH'io; ordl.
nary firsts, lrt.'a17c: firsts, northern, 18V4
& Iftc; firsts, southern, 17iiiilHVc.
POTATOK: Higher; receipts. 20 car;
Vlrginlu cobblers, f 1 !i 1.U6; Jersey bulk.
E7i &Jc; Minnesota, ttiiiUc.
POiXTRY-Allve, lower; fowls, iSHc;
springs. liiHlHV4c.
Qaatatloa of Ik Day aa Varlea
NEW YORK. Aug. 13. FLOUR Bat ely
WHEAT Spot, weak; No. i red. tl-20.
e. I. f.. New Y'ork; No. 2 hard. $1 24, c. I.
f. , New York to arrive: No. 2 northern,
Duluth. $1 11. and No. 1 northern. Mani
toba, ll.wu.. c. 1. f . Buffalo. Future,
weak: September, $1.17.
corn Spot, weak; No. S yellow, 89c.
prompt shipment.
OAT8 Spot, steady: standard. fiHc;
No. 8 white, Cc; fancy clipped while,
HAY Strong: prime. $1 .65; No. 1, 81 46
1.60; No. 2. tl 4i1.4i:V4; No. 3, l.S(yl.3i;
hipping, tl 2t"&12o.
ItOPS Steady; state common to
choice. 1914 crop, SglV; Paclfla coast. 1914
crop. l?(i&e; 191$ crop, ttyllo.
HIDLS Steadv; Bogota, SOTlc; Cen
tral America, T0.
LBATH Fit Firm; hemlock. flrU. 82c;
seconds 30fl31o.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: me. tK.M
17.00; family. $2ftvri21.UJ, short clrars,
tl0t-f.60. Beef. easy. Lard, firm
middle west, IISOoiittHu.
TALLOW Quiet: city. 6V4c; country.
V. poeclal (Aio.
BUTTER Easy ; receipts. 10,210 tuba;
creamery extra. ZfljZ7o; firsts, 24tfX!mc:
. - i . l,v. filter
1 t ; 1 ni : receiDts 1090 cases- fr..h
' .ilir uni UWij: ilr, fir.i. v-
milk fresh flats colored areraae fsnc-.
We UHc; state whole milk fresh flats
White, UtilS'tC
t n iuii-Anvr, wean j urnirrn CQICK
.fns, broiler. -; fowls, loo; turkey, lit I
i.e. 1 reeaeii, quiet, western irosen roast
It'g chli kens, lci i?o; rresh fowls. Iced.
jl.t17c; fresh turkeys, toed, t31c.
ra'TTKH No t 1-lb. carton. 26c; No.
2, MHi.. iuh t:tc.
CliWh.Mv lmorted Swiss. Sarj AniT
lean bwies. oc; blov k ttwlaa, tc; twins,
lc; dalaics, lhc; trijits, loung
Amrrlis, lVtc; tiie brick. lt';
llmMirger, 3-lb., "c; New York white,
l'y-; Imported Freiu-h Roquefort. ic.
l-tMi-srout, lhc; whit nan, l.V; hall
out, loc; thamiel catfish, lie; herring. 7c;
oodlish, lMU'c; mackerel, 16o; salmon,
nwKrTT PTATOKS Kansas. S2.75 bbl.
HKKF CVTS-lUbs; No. 1. iV: No. 2,
l!Vc; No, 3, lf-. Loins: No. 1. xjujc; No.
No. 3. UV-: No. 3. v- Rounds: No. 1.
17c; No. 2. 1; No. 3, i;to. Plates: No. L
c: No. t. Fc; No. . c.
Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by
UtllineM Fruit company:
FRV'ITS-Oranges: California Valencia.
lOiia, 12, fwa. W4s, We, $S.OO per box;
California Valencia. lf"s, 17e. 2M, 21a,
2:ie, $.Vfs per box. Lemons: Lxtra fancy
Golden Bow, 30us, 3tWe, SV60 per box; extra
fancy Sunklst, HOfle, 3mi, $6.60 per box;
Rod Ball. $4 00 to $4.50 per box. Peaches:
California Crawford. 7o per crte; Call
flornla Klhertaa. 70c per crate; California
F.lherta. lnO-crate lots, S7c. per crate;
California Klbertas, 2oo-orate lots, fltc per
crate; California Klbertas, $1.3 bu. ; Cali
fornia Klbertas, 26-hu. lot. $1.30 bu.
Plums: Italian Prunes, 31. per crate;
Italian prunes, S-crate lots, $1.30 per crate:
Italian primes, 10-crate lota. $l.l!l Per
crate; Wlcksona and Kekseys. $t.JR per
crate; Ilamonds, liunaanans and Ores.
$1.40 per crate; Box Wlcksona, $ per
box, lars: California Bartletrs, $3,00 per
box; Washington Bartletta, fancy, $I.7S
per box. Ore pes: 4-(asket crates, $1.M
per crate. Bananas: Medium fruit, f&flO
to $2.25 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changul
nola and Port IJman. 4o per lb. Canta
loupes, California ponies. Ms, $200 perj
crate; California standard. 32.80 per
crate; Moan Nevada standards, S2.7S per
crate: Jumbos, $2.5 per crate; ponies, O,
$J.? per crste.
VLtlKTAItl.ES Cabbage, home-grown,
l'c per lb.; head lettuce, $1.00 per do.;
peppers, WV per basket : leaf lettuce, 60c per
dox. ; tomatoes, 6o per basket; onions,
Washington, ZHc per lb.; celery, 860 per
do ; cucumbers, $1.00 per basket; parsley,
3uc per do.; wax and green beans. 60c
per basket; green pees, 60c per basket;
new beets, carrots and turnips, 40c per
basket: radishes, 20o per do. New Pota
toes: 70c per bu.; white, Mic per bu. Sweet
Potatoes: $1.60 per hamper.
NUTS Walnut. No. 1. le per lb.; Bra
lls. 12V per lb.; almonds, v per lb.;
fiVbert. 15o per lb.: pecans, U40 per lb.
. i.-v r.uiMn vx n pi vTscaerjai a.
per case: crackerjack, half case, $1.75 per
case. Cornnops. $3.26 per case: $1.73 pen
half case. Peanut. No. 1. raw. fa per lb.;
No. 1 roasted, 8c per lb.; Jumbo raw, 7o
per lb.; jumbo roasted. So Per lb. Water
melons, l"c per lb.
Kansas City Grain Bad Prorlsloas.
KANSAS C0.TT. Mo.. Aug. 11 WHIfiAT
No. 2 hard. 21.27fil.40; No. 2 red, ll.l'.iu
1.21; September. $l.tS; December. l.ot;
Alny. S1.07T.
OORN No. 2 mixed. T7c; No. I white,
l'1tV6r September. TIMtTlHc; Decem
ber, ootic:- My, ti.Tfr3e.
.OATS No. 2 white, 61fitimo; No. 9
nixed. 44fl48c.
BUTTKR-Creamery. S7c; flrt. rc;
seconds, 23c; packing stock, I9Ho.
1OTOS Firsts. 18c; second. 12o.
POILTRY Hen, 11H; rooater, c;
broiler, 6c.
Mlnneaeolla Grata Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. 13.
WHI-iAT September, $1.06T4; December,
$1.0.U; No. 1 hard, 21.53,; No. 1 northern.
FIOUR Unchanged; ahlpment, 44,100
BRAN $'.11.60.
CORN No. S yellow, S21iMHc.
OATS No. white, Ma&4He.
FLAX tl.C8irj'1.70V
Omnka Hay Market.
PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland, tl2.00fii
1J..V1; No.' 7, tll.00HMS.00; No. 3, tlO.OOifH
11.00: No. 3. $8.004110.011. Choice midland.
"r?101 ?i-ljJ2-VlXZ,:. Kraupplie. hav been liberal; on the other
UIO.Oii: No. 3. $7.00i.n0 Choice lowland.
$10.0010.50; No. 1. $9,00410.00; No. 2, $.00
iga.OO; No. 3. t&00i,sCO.
STItA W None on the market; choice
Wheat. ttt.ii36."0.
ALFALFA No. 1 to choices Ill.Ofxn
12.00; No. 2, t9.00igiLOO; No. 3, $7.00,.j9,().
Kt. I.oal Oral a Market.
ST. LOriS. Aug. 13. WHEAT No. 2
red,; no. 3 hard, nominal;
September, tl.OS,; December, tl.t'7.
j CORN No. !. 79c: No. 2 white, 7t79Wc;
1 Septemlier, 73"c; December, 0u"e.
oats No. 2 new, 4tj4ttc; No. 2 white,
Liver-tool Grala Market.
No. 2 Manitoba, lis ftd; No. a, 11 7d;
No. 1 northern. Duluth, 11 7d.
CORN American mixed, new, ta td.
Bvaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt.
APPL1CS Steady.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady; apri
cot, aulet: beache. ateadv: ralalna. firm.
Dry Good Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-Cotton goods In
better demand; yarn teady; wool firm;
taffeta llka sead more fairly higher.
1. Ioal Live Stock Market.
ST. IX5UIS, Aug. 13. CATTLE Re
ceipt a, 9,OuO head; market ateady; STiaUva
beef steers, t7.W0.U); yearlings, ateer
and heifers, $K.6ou 10.00; cow, $rt.0Cn,O0;
tockera and feedera, $4.00rtf8.26; southern
steer. $.V2tfla.H6; oow and heifers, M.uou
t.60; native calves, t. 00911.00.
HOOS Receipt. 8.2UO hed; market
lower: piga and light. t7.40f7.85; mixed
end butcher, t7.6.Va'7.a&j good heavy, $.!)
SHEp;P AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.B00
head: market steady; lambs, $.0n3.&";
heep and ewes, $o.&o47.2j.
Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market.
Receipt. 700 hed; market strong; prime
fed steers. t.6oi4.&; dressed beef steers,
$8.Mi9.50; western st ere, $7.00'9.26; stock
er and feeders. $S.2tl.26; bulls, $6,204
.7n; cslves, $.(XS10.60.
HOUS Receipts. t.6u head; market low
er; bulk, $7.iai7.46; heavy, $4 tuttt. 15;
packers and butcher. $7.1M7.46: lla-ht.
t7.2Mj7W): pig. t6.7ru7.10. -aw
BHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 500
h ad: market steady; lambs, $a.jfa70
yearllnaa. $6.76i7.26; wether. t.60ia7.00;
ewe, t6.00&.78.
! City Lire Stock Market.
Receipt. 0 head; market steady: native
ter. tti 'vi butcher. $f.0Oj7.00; can
ners. $4.00f4.a5.
HOOK Receipt, 7.500 head; market,
loaaoe lower; heavy. .1MJ40; mixed,; light. K-WaTOo; bulk of aales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. t2.00.
Receipt of live stock In the eight west
ern state:
Cottoa Market.
Steady; middling upisnds, t.30c. No sales.
Cotton futures opened steady; October,
S.Sdc: lecember, t.3c; January, t.7c;
W'ch. 16 02c.
The cotton market closed steady at a
net loss of to 10 points.
Cotton future closed ateady: October,
$9.34; December, $9.64: January, S9.7S;
March. $.S; May, tl0.22.
easier; good middling, 6.63d; middling
6.43d; low middling. 4.97c; sales, 7.UW
OI aad Seals,
TINE Ft nn. 38c; sl-s. tea bbl.: r
celots, 637 bbl. ahlpment. t.Vut bbl.;
Stock. 1.4 bbl.
ROSIN Firm: sale. 1.0B0 bbl.; re
retnts, t,26 bin; shipments. 1 (M bbl.;
stock, 61.606 Quotations: A and B, 12 ft:
C and D. ti6: M and V. t3V; O. $t ,
$25: If. I. $3 30; K. tlKftS 46;
M. $4.10; N, ti ki; WO, $o.66; WW, $6.70.
t rade Oil Advaacee Tea (eats.
PITTSBURGH. Pa, Aug. 1$ -Ten cent
a barrel ad varus In th price of prin
cipal grades of crude oly was announced
by tba rWiuth Pennsylvania Oil company.
Thl Is the first chang In price aince
April t, a hen there wa a reduction of be.
Cattle Slow and Weak aa Usual On
a Friday Sheep and Lambs
Both Lower,
OMAHA. August 13. ISIS.
Itecelpls were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Official Monday . ..
Official Tuesday ....
official WV.In, .,!
1 1 ."ia
Official Thursday ...
Lstlmata Friday
Five davs this week .17.744
Rama daya last week.,14.4
Same daya 2 Wks
Same day 3 w'k axo.l.TJi
?"m lv Wks ajio.lS.0U
Pain day last year..a.34
The following table show the average
price for heg at the Houth Omaha live
stock market for th last few day, with
7late71"i- 1914. i1!U3.ll13.-l!ll.llfl.lBiT
July Al. I t'k, 4W t (l 7 7i
Aug. 1.1 T g i S U I 7 t 4
Aug. 2.1 X 4kl T f.l l
7 44
2. It SO I I 04 1 HI t 7
4.1 4 W4, I SKI S 43, I ?'J
1.1 4:v 7 701 1 ui it m: 7 041
. SM.1 T Ml 171 J s .1 I 711 T M
7.1 ibVl 231 111 7 7 Wl I
S.I S 1
.l s sm
I Ml 7 M
? ml 7 Ml
I 1 7
7 Ml
7 27 7 7l t 4
7 23 7 31 7 41
7 31 7 Ml 7
7 111 7 M 7 42
I Oft 7 4 7
Aug. 10, t ?T S f0
Jug. it. 1 till a i
Aug. 1J.I 0 I 7 7 ! S
Aug. 13. I XX, 7 Ml I
3 ll
Ilecelpth and disposition of live atock
at the Union stock ynrda. South Omaha.
Neb., for twenty-four hour ending t
S o'clock, p. m. yesterday:
C, M. 8t. P.
Missouri racino
C N. W east.. 3
C. N. W.. west.. 4
C. Ht. P., M. O.. 1
C, B. ft (J., east.. ..
C, B. A VI. west.. 11
C, R. I. ft P.. east ..
Illinois Central
Chi. Oreat West
Total receipts... M
Oattl. Hogs.
Morrl ft Co....
Swift ft Co
Cudahv Packing Co....
Armour ft Co
Hen wart 1 ft Co
I V ll.irnhv .
udahy, country
1 Henton. t
Vanaant 4k U..
I F. II. Lewis
Huston ft Co..
J. B. Root ft Co..
Rosens lock Kro.
II. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Hro
Mo. ft Kn. Calf Co..
Tanner Bros
John Harvey
Other buyer
Xl U,W
CATTLE Receipt thl morning war
rry light, only 4ts head Wing reported
In. For the week the run amount to
17.749 head, being the largest for a long
time back, and larger than a year ago
by 1600 head.
Buyer having bought very liberally
thia week,' were pretty wall loaded up, so
that they did not need very many ad
ditional cattle this morning. Aa a result
th trade wa alow and weak, a com
pared with yesterday, which means that
cornfed oattle are lower than a
week ago. Western rattle from th rg
hav not shown very much change, bring
very close to steady with last week s
Hog and heifer were low and weak,
but, aa compared with a week ago, there
ha not been much change. Veal calve
have been steady all week, while bulla,
tag, etc., are celling In about th
sain notohe aa on last Friday.
Fleshy feeder are around U-Wltx: lower
than at the beginning of the wek,
the demand hs been rather light, while
hand light stock cattle and cow with
calve by their side hve been In acilv
demand all week, and the tendency of
value ha been stronger. The country
appear to favor rattle tiiat can be turned
out on gras and roughed through the
Quotation on Cattle: Oood to cholc
yearling. $S.0Oif0.70; fair to good year
ling. I7.76tiv.u0; good to choice heavy
beeves, $'.VHM9.M); fair to good uarnfod
beeves, t8.tO(t0.4"); common to fair eorn
fed beeves, IT.m-iiH.W; good to choice fed
heifers, $7.00.60; good to choice fed
cows, $8.601) 7.26; good to choice grass
nelfert, $6.60fr7.2; good to choice grass
cow, V.00; fair to good cow, li.&i-i
t.26; common to fair cow, tl.irni.60;
good to choice feeders, 17. 60ms. 23; fair to
good feeder. $6.6(7.60; oonunon to fair
stockera, $5.60t6.60; sttxk heifer. $v"..7oiif
6.76; stock row, $6.60ir6.O; stock calves,
$6.60rii.00; vesl calves. r'.'J0tJ 10.00; fat bulls,
stags, ate, $o.2(7.6u.
Iteprcscntatlve ssles: .
Kb. At. Pr. No. A. rr.
1 t4 4 (0 4 IW 4 1
1 HM) I U 1 11. 4 10
1 1104 4 00
f :4 IN 3 4. VI
it ; Ik 4 10i 1 ii
1 12 7 it 1 im 7 t '
I 4 I li t tl 7M
1 4W 4 HI Ml 7 ?
4 7M t :t
HOOS Receipts were very liberal,
being the largest of the aeek to date.
About 1st cars, or 12.60O head, made up
the day's supplies, end th total for the
week to date is 40,6tl head, which I 7,no
head larger than last week, and 16,000
heavier than a year ago, but I almost
H.oiiu short of the corresponding five day
two week ago.
A waa the ess yeaterday. shipper ac
tivity mss limited, and shippers pur
chase were light a compared with the
total supply. A (ew good light and butch
er brought nearly steady figure, and
none of th shipper hog looked to be
over I'al'Xi lower. Best light touched
$7.36, which figure waa paid yesterday
for part of a load of immune hogs. Killer
trade opened very bearish and fully lOo
lower, in fact, when bulk of the hog
started to move value looked right around
l4rl6o lower, and as a general thing
packer droves snowed this much decline.
The market weakened off towards the
close and the windup waa very slow and
weak at early decline, some heavy hog
being unable to even attract a bid up to
a late hour. Most of the killer hog moved
at t.4oatl .66, with, of course, a sprinkling
of good butchers on up.
The break that started on yesterday'
olos was th flrat check value hav had
thl week, and current price show a
good healthy gain over last week cloae,
packer drove today selling around ltf
-o higher than last Saturday. Uood light
hav failed to receive their share of the
general advance, and do not appear to
be any more than &g(10c higher for th
rieprrsentatlve sale-:
At. k. Pr.
.. .i4 10 4 04
...lit ... t
.. ... 4 4
...91 M 4 45
...rt 4 41
,. .tm to 4 60
...21.4 ... 4 44
,..27 t 4 40
...114 4 4 M
...IK 10 It)
. . ri 40 4 10
At Ik.
...V ..
...Ill ..
...l ..
,..110 ..
...IM 41
...W7 ..,
,. 1M ..
,.. 4 ;
.. 4
... 4 u
44 4 lt'4
. . 4
t t HI
.. t 14
.. 7 10
40 T 16
4 f !
44 7 U
J ..
n ..
44 ..
MHEfclP Sjppiie moderated a good bit
thl inornliie. when umelhlng like twn-ty-aeven
loads, or about 7,660 head,
showed up. Thl bring the total for
the five day up to W.674 head, which
la a gain of 140 over last week, ta mure
than twice as large a two week ago,
and la 11,000 heavier than for tha eame
week last year. Local euppllea hav led
all markets on moat day thl wk.
The lamb trade yesterday dragged
along until the middle of the afternoon
before everytiilng was f'nslly cleared up.
Price late showed a 10-jJ6o reduction
from th morning market, which meant
fully that much decline aa compared;
with Wednesday. Most of yesterday
late sal were mad around $Mv'..
When most of th old sheep ware
finally Cashed yesterday they showed
a considerable decline, and today' price
for mutton of all aorta were tf.yfoo
below Wednesday' figures. A bunch, of
ewes, which Included a few wethers and
yrarllngr, brought $60. but It Is thought
that $.;& I plenty huh enoush to atop
uood ewes. Yesrlings tit also aharply
down, and It would le soinei lilng 1 hol e
to beat 1460. Fact 1 aged sheep cn be
generally quoted a anywhere from 60c
to ;."- under last week's cloae.
Feeder lnml have shown hardly anv
chance all week, although the tone a
stronger on th first three daya Yes
terday's range of tfi-i.30 wa Just
lalout a her good feeder were selling
last Friday, and tope were quoted aa
lilxh s which price waa paid
Wednesday for more than a losd. Feed
er were alow In moving todey, and
whl! there aeented to be plenty of buyer
In th field, the break in fat lamb ha
taken the edge off the trade.
Quotation on sheep and lambs: Imb.
good to choice, $ awTt.60; lambs fair to
good. $! 24ft 40; lambs, feedera. $7 6tr,i4 2:,;
yearllnga, fair to choice, $f. 764741 si; wetb
er, lair to choloj., t63r.fM.36; ewes, good
to enotce,; ewe, fair to good.
$4.7M) V
Representative sale:
No. Av. Pr.
K feeder lamb M t it
m feeder lamb 67 8 U
33 feeder lamb . , 44 7 75
14 Idaho feeder lambs... M 7
1M Idaho feeder lamb i IKS
4 Idaho lamb 62 60
90f Idaho lamha 70 3 66
Cattle Steady llagra Weak Skeep
CHfCAOo, Aug. 13.-CATTI.E Tte
celpts, l,nm head: market, steady; native
beef rattle, KlOft 10.36; western steers,
$ti.7-ff9oo: -ows and heifers, 110tji9.W;
calves tK.nrM0u.7r.
Hot is Receipt a. 16,000 head; market,
1oii i.v under yesterday's averages; bulk,
th.66tr7.2S; light. 37.06,7.110; mixed.
t.70; bfnvy. $6.21X37.36; rough. KSW.:;
pigs. t''.ootfSl.
SltEKP AND 7JVMB-necelpt, 7.000
head: sheep, weak; lambs, strong; sheep.
$6.IVii..-; lamb. J8.774it.a5.
St. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, loo head: market steady: steer.
r.MtMOno; eow and heifers, $i.0Ctfe.3fl;
cslve. $7.Offl0 2P.
1 1 OOH Receipt, lltoo head; marVet to
lower, at $7.46; bulk of sales. $4Htwr7.40.
hesd: market ateady; lamb. $8 0U-U6.50.
1 1 I.le Steele la SI gat.
Cttle, Hon, Sheep.
South Omatia. .. 4no 7,600
Chicago 1.000 1H.AJI0 7.0H0
" St. Loula S.000 3.300 l.KO
iMou City 7.B1W 300
' 1 Total ...11.600 43,900 18,100
. New Yark Money Market.
PAl'FR tf44 Per rent.
STKRI.1M1 HXt'HANUE 6A-dsv bills.
$4.67: demand. $4.7160; cables, 34.72J6.
SILVER Bar, 47c; Mexican dollar,
Ikin 1 S Government, eaay; railroad.
MONEY Tim loan, easy; sixty-days,
Jtli1 per cent; to day 3ltii'i" tier cent;
six month. 34 per rent, ('all money.
easy; high, 1 per cent; low, 1'4 per
cent; ruling rat. IS per rent; last loan,
14 par cent; closing bid, It per cent; of-
terea at i"a per cent.
Treaaary Bay Silver,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The treasury
today bought 360,000 fine ounce of silver
at 1 4X8.76. and 260,000 ounces at S.4 per
ounce for delivery at the Ban Francisco
Raak Clearing.
OMAHA, Aug. 11 Bank clearing for
Omaha today were t2,tM4,U34.0, and for
the corresponding day last year, $2,t07,
Head of Chicago
Union Stock Yards
Speaks Soothingly
C1UCAOO, Aug. I8.-T0 forestall tha
shipment of Immature live stock to stock
yard and to reassure banker, President
Arthur O. Leonard of th Chicago Union
Stock Yard company tonight Issued a
statement In which h minimised th dan
ger from th reappearanne of the "foot
and mouth" disease. The statement fol
io: 4
Live atock producer, country banker
and th public generally may be reas
sured concerning tha nsw cases of foot
and mouth disease discovered thl week
at several point In Illinois and on ca
In Minnesota, from the fact definitely as
certained by the United State and tat
authorities that this outbreak is due en
tirely to the distribution of a certain lot
of antl-hog cholera serum; that the au
thorities have a complete record showing
each Individual farm where thla serum
haa been applied and every party to
whom any of It haa been consigned, and
that the possibility of It spread I con
fined to a narrow field; that the United
Slate bureau of animal industry nd
Illinois Stat Board of Live Stock Com
missioner hav absolute control of the
situation already; that all animal thua
far Infected and exposed hav been
slaughtered and burled and all suspected
counties quarantined; that thla outbreak
will necessarily be limited In extent and
of a short duration.
All parties having growing or feeding
stock should kep It until ready for mar
ket. There ia great abundance of feed
for winter and a scarcity of animal to
consume It.
It would be folly to ship Immature,
stock now.
Ample provision ha been made by
both tha I'nlted State and the various
state legislatures for full and prompt
compensation to all owners whose atouk
hall be slaughtered on account of foot
and mouth disease.
Thaw Visits Beatrice
to See Judge Hazlett
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 13. (Special
Telegram.) Harry Thaw drove to Beat
rice yesterday from Lincoln, where
he remained only an hour. Hr h came
to ae Judge Alfred Haxtett, who whan
ha was in confinement In Nw Hamp
shire cent In a petition signed by (Jag
county cltlxen asking for Thaw' re
lease. Thaw wa entertained at th Elk'
club room. H will travel to Hasting
Young Auburn Girl
Dies in Strange Way
AUmntN, Neb.. Aug. IS. (Special )
Mia Alberta Muts, IS, daughter of Mr.
and Mra Albert B. Muts, died last even
ing of an Infection of the face that
spread lo th brain from an obscure
cause. A alight welting on th chin In
one night caused her to become uncon
scious, bringing death th following day.
The funeral will be bald Saturday.
A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into each.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful
Overnight Decision in Cosl Road
Gates Event of Chief Im-,
N WW YORK Aug. ll.-Th overnight
decision ef the interstate Commerce
commission, directing sweeping redih--tlon
In rale now charged by the nn
thraclte railroads, was the event of pri
mary speculative Importance to todav's
stock market Shares of the companies
most concerned registered Initial losses
of 2 to 6 points, the balance of the rail
way list receding more moderatelv.
Transportation stock closed with ..
heavy undertone.
War steclsltles, especially those of the
more mercurial character, were assln
taken In hand by pool and syndicate
with resultant advance of 8 In 6 po'nts.
New high records for the dav In' liicl' .l
Wlllya-Overland at 16 and Ptudehaker at
96, the former scoring a maximum "- 1
Vance nt 18 points.
Heavy selling marked tha trading of
the final hour, some of th important
railway and i'nlted state Steel then
elllng at lowest price of the ses-ton.
with a heavy nnsettled tone at the 1om'
Total sale aggi-egated ttt6.0ia shares.
The significant feature of the day was
another aharp break In exchanae on ten
don and Pari to lowest rate ever re
corded since New York became a flnnn
elal center. Demand sterling fell to 470,.
or t4o under yesterdav' minimum, and
Pari check at 6 howed a depreciation
of 60 from the prevtou day's low rate.
These quotation hardened with th close
of the stock market, but It wa never
theless predicted that all forelftn remit
tance would how greater weaknes tin
til drastic measure were Immediately
employed to meet the abnormal situation.
Money rstes remain at recent rv quo
tation and th known cash movement
for the week point to another largo
gain by clearing house Institution to
morrow. Bonds were Irregular, with nrrpw
fluctuations. Total sale par value
amounted to I2.87e.0oa.
United State coupon 4 declined Ho
C"rAimbT of le and leading quotation
on atock were a follow:
Bales t His. L"", Cm.
Alaska Ooia 4.? 446 JJi 4
aais-lraa H- Sur .( " " , "
.msrlnaa oiaa M."n JS
morlaa gr-eit. Bef.. 3.V4 Kit ''
a-nrleaa . a ft., .. v- .-"" J
srleaa Hr Refta... 0 H- "V
Atewlesa Trt. Tsl l.M 1 B Kt
Amsrlesa Tntaeeo .m....
Assnonda MlBlng ,JH ;
-tsltlmor at Ohio. 7.0I M rH I5
Hmemra rt.pKI Transit.. 13 W
C.lltomla PstmlSttts .... J 1H '"
(Hnsttan Psellia T." MH 1;'H
Jntr.l lathw S.4.4) 44 tt i 4!
rhe-ssk. Ohl t.MJ 4Tt 441
rkluio. Oreat Wsst.ra.. we 11H V
Chlesto. all. "t. rl. 1.704 44 4M 11
hi.rj-.'.'.'tw 4
orsaVrC .VVro.::... 16.10. 4H4 Jl4
, Oiifwea
I '.uors
Pesnr RI Orin4s.... J
p.nrsr R. O.. nt "
"""Z ?.::::: -S-S t?5
4-re.t HrU..ra pi. 1 " -" -HJ
OVsst Nsr. Or etfs 4.W0 411 40i 4-
Ounrsnkslra gielnratloa
llllnsls Ostr.1 J"
Intsrhoratish stst., ta... 1'
Insptrstlo. Corf-r 1.6M H
lsu.rnatlonstW.rTe.tsr... 1
K.n. Otr. Boatbsra.... W fJJ
lhih vallsr '. t1
k. 1-. HMmU.a ...... I.' tlVi ' 7
M1..1 rvwDer " '
I tin., K. Tn....
I M'.s-eurl Pmelfl ....
( t,t ul . ...
' 44 6
lsi 14 t
'l.tne 4 44i
, an 141 "1 !'-'
4 ) l4 fi "'
7i 4 4.1 1
National Isd
N.tsiIs rViofs.."..
New York I'-sntrsl..
N. Y., N. H. A II...
in) iiikU, 1CI7S. 1".
E- fWllo 1 0" 10H W
Northern rllle i MW 5!u xt,
1 rsniTin j: -f!
I -".rifle T.I. Tel. "t".J. hinL 1'
I JnnsrUsnt. . tj. ,.,
H.r Vnlldst Oner. . t.Jj - jl-
Hork Ilan4 Ps...... .
. lionk lsln Co.. j
gonlh.m raeltKi " J . ,B,,
VTin"'.. :::::::::: imoo ;
Union r.-i"'". " i -4
I'nlts4 Stats Buisl
ii . lv.,
:!'i;T tit. 4514 ".
t'nltso ms-as
t.h Copeer .
W.hs.h, td...
mmwrvk v n4
Montana Povsr WHi 'ttit TTH "
Cruolbl IMssI IT'iia 44U 40. 41 's
A't1 Sw'se w:'l4.:o0 -.-..
A Noted.
NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-Bradstieet a to-
'nlaemenTI'hou-e trade. ntw-jrW.
optlmlsni. .marter activity in metal nan
ufioTuHng. further alight l,rovenr .nt In
lines that long" have s-ed. heavier buy
ng of pl Iron at advanoed price 1 rela
iively exTellent crop new, war order,
ihat overflow regular ch.nnel. BPlwU
not heretofore engaged In that JPcl
beiu" collection, increased call formo
ney with which to move crop, wn .
though not relief J In the w.y
of hlghar freight rate for weterti ral -?oadaf
a heavj infu. of go d to help bol
terweak rate for foreign exchange,
which Ira at new record low level and
gV.tsined public Interest in the stock
market, comprehend the cbKsf feature of
the week's development.
Beside warm weather ha helped retail
trader to dipoe of summer good at
areata r reduced price. Although the gen
eralwlng la upward. It la mot manifest
Utha Iwn .uel Industry, and Incl
denUlly f-.lin thy future contin.
ua to outstep actual buying. But practi
cally every vkslting merchant, Irreapet
tive of the seoUon from which they hall:
agree that the outlook for fall and winter
Is exceptionally Scd.
Weekly bank clearings,,63,000.
Leadea Steak Market.
LONTX)N, Aug. IS American securi
ties on the tock market were ateady, b it
price were lowered at the opening In
response to th decline In New Yor
yesterday. I.ter the munition shares
advanced, but th rest of th list eloaed
lightly easier.
SILVF.R Bar, S3d per ounce.
MONKT 3t4 per cent.
4T per cent; three month, 4T per cent.
Closing quotatlona on bond today were:
V. 8. it. at. rM ... K. a T. 1st 4.. 74
do esusoa !:Mo. Pas. er. I.... f'4
V. . is. rag HiunN. Y. (en. (Us. .Ji
60 coy so. 10UHN. Y. r. 4S (lMI).l"i-,
IT H. 4s. rag I" N. Y. gtata 4s. . , .lu.
4o eeuae llo-N. T . N. H. A H.
psaaais Ms. eoupoa. .101 rv. 4s 1nts
Anier. .... 107 Nor. Pant ft 4. '4
A. T. T. sr. 4Sis.l01kNor. raulll A. '
Armour C. 4Ss.. HVm L. rsf. 4... H
At.hUoa era. 4 I'.clfl. T. a T. ta.. .
B. l. Ohio 4...., MH'I'.nna. mm. 4Ss....10'.
lira. I'se. 1st. ....... KPtBaa. gm. 4W.... '
Iha A O MmoId mi. 4s.... 4
f . a. a Q ). 4s. 4-h. L 4 I. F. r. 4s. 4H
7 H I 4 P I 4V4S. 'io. Pacific ta....
"., R. I. 4 P. r. 4s. t Ho. Psetfls rsf. 4s.. Ik
-cola. r. 4H. (4 Su. (i.llw.r Im .. . i
P. H. 0. rsf. ta. 44 t nlon Fsellts 4. ... .'.
p.rlo s-n. 4s Mvt'nlon P.nnc er 4.. '
1 Cm. Kleoirls ta. .. 104 t!. fl. Rutbv li 1'
-K. Nor. im '.. si . m. aiMi u n'. .
III. o rsf. ia. . 6 Wsbnah 1st ta l'-.
K. i. B. est 4... a Wm. t'slo 4Hs... WS
I AH an. to... .114 West. Klec. tl . 11"'.
B14. osortsred.