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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
THK IVKK: OMAHA. tltlDAY, AUUUST U, 11)15. ROLLER BEARINGS III BEST TRACTORS HOW Hyatt Boiler Bearing Manager Ttlli of the Advantage! of Hii Uie ful Aooeisory. SAVES TIME. INCREASES POWER One of the Striking Exhibits at Show ninniplx H mm m mmmmmm Accessory manufacturers were not alow to recognise the Importance of tha Trac tor Farming demonstration and many were there with leree exhibits. - That ac cessories have a great deal to do with th success and efficiency of a maohlno was Iropresapd upon the mlnda of thoi In attendance. It haa been demonstrated that no farmer ran expect the best re- j fiht From iricior n lnienor aocessor - uwd In its construction. This f: emphatically presented by C. M. Es;w, general manager of the tractor deportment of the Hyatt Roller Bearing company. Listen to what he says re. carding bearings: "Saving of time, which la of great Im portance to all Americana In this day and age, reaults from uae of Hyatt bear ings In gaaollne tractor. la Matter ef Labrlratloa. "With a plain bearing tractor It la necessary to Inspect the bearings at least once and sometimes two or thros times dally to make sure that the parte are property lubricated, while with the Hyatt bearing, one charging with lubri cant, owing to the hollow rollers, will last almost Indefinitely. Where the Hy att bearings are mounted In a transmis sion case, they obtain sufficient lubrica tion from the oil used for lubricating the gears. For Independently mounted boxes or wheel hubs where the Hyatt bearing Is used. It Is only necessary to replenish the supply of lubricant as It leaks out from the bearings. The owner of a tractor equipped with Hyatt bear ings starts bis day's work as soon as his motor turns over and is not re quired to spend from one-half to three quarter of an hour looking after the bearings before he can begin work. "Tractors) equipped with Hyatt bear ings are designed to take utmost advan tage of high grade materials, and are much lighter, more compact and more efficient than a tractor having plain bearings throughout. Reduction In weight minimises the rolling resistance of the machine, saving unnecessary fuel consumption in propelling the tractor. Deed Material I Used. "While it is true that in order to ob tain the highest possible efficiency from the use of Hyatt bearings the entire de sign of the tractor must be built up on the basts of a small amount of good ma terial rather -than a large amount of cheap material, yet It Is possible to apply Hyatt bearings in tractors having the ordinary proportion aa designed for plain bearings. And by thus using the spiral flexible roller bearings a marked increase In efficiency is obtained through the elimination of friction." - x;. 3" 1 V . . 1 t it W .. ; 4. t 17 r i a .-. . I '3 ntwumwssi gmi'nc 'in m INTERIOR OF THE HVATT ROUUBR- BEARING COMPANY'S TENT. To do her buying on the wisest busi ness principles Is the aspiration of every woman who takes a pride in her home. Her attention to the store advertisements Is a part of her routine of work in home management but an interesting, not an irksome, part. The woman who studies the "ads" does Ilk to r save a little' money wherever that is possible but she does not save at the expense of quality in the thing ha buys..- "'? Ak-Sar-Ben Goes to Tractor Show Same Day Ox is Roasted At 1 o'clock this afternoon the board of governors ot Ak-Rar-Ben are to start In automobiles for - Fremont to attend the National Fane , Tractor de monatration on the 1.000-acre field north of town. Banners anu pennants will be flying from every machine that goes out. A crowd is being worked up besides the governors to make the run to Fre mont, as Friday la known as Omaha and Ak-Sar-Ben day. Commissioner Manley of the Commercial club has been busy for some time getting in touch with members of the club and others In the city, to get a line on who Is going and how many. At present It looks arf though some forty or fifty automobiles In all might make the run, the number de pending on how the weather behaves and what the morning promises Friday. Moat of them will go in automobiles, while some will go on trains. AH those going In automobiles are to drive to Ak-Sar-Ben headquarters at 1717 Douglas street and get pennants before starting. Friday is the day when the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha la to roast oxen for a big barbecue at Fre mont. Free sandwiches of-cholce roast oxen are then to be' distributed when the roast is duly done through. HEPWORTH FINDS THE WESTERN FARMERS AWAKE One of the most interested of all the spectators In attendanoe at the Fremont Tractor demonstration is A. W. Hep worth, vice president and general man ager of the Nllson Farm Machine com pany. Mr. Hepworth chose to come and personally look after the display ot the Nllson machines. Mr. Hepworth expresaed gratification and surprise at the crowds which have been - attending the Fremont demonstra tion, crowds not merely sight seeing, but seriously Intent upon business. It shows, says Mr. Hepworth, that- western farm ers, particularly the Nebraskans, are greatly Interested in Improved, practical ways of doing things. And that since tractor farming haa proven a success they are eagerly taking up this more advantageous way of tilling the land. Mr. Hepworth states that, although other shows have created considerable In terest and have proven of value, none compare with the Fremont demonstra tion as regards actual results In busi ness done. Advertised price-concessions must be genuine for the merchant who did not see to It that they were would not abide for very long in this community, though be advertised ever so much. ii A. re,cuor Lends a Now Moaning to tho Word SIMPLICITY and MULTIPLIES EFFICIENCY i -law. . , i i i, i , ..7, i 1 . . as - ft ' ; - w " 4f St V-eaeasTHA OMMi sat . 1 U S j aw- The Simplex Offers the World's Best Dollar Value Farm Power Machinery, It is a Big, Four Plow. Heavy Duty Tractor The Simplex is the 100 Per Cent Efficient Tractor. SEE IT AT FREMONT. MnfE SIMPLEX TRACTOR CO. 311 SOUTH THIRD STREET. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. YOU HAVEN'T READ ALL OF THE NEWS 'TIL ' YOU READ : THE . WANT. ADS THE j3' (o 5 5 FOUR-PLOW TIMT!! Latest Addition to the "Flour City" Line A a The "KINNARD" Tractor wag designed with the view of solving. It Is equipped with the four-cylinder, vertical valve-ln-the-bead the small tractor problem, by meeting the demand for a substantial, type of motor of the well-known Flour City design; two speeds for small tractor of a site and type that will show the greatest economy . wrd Rnd onB pre; Hyatt Roller Bearings throughout, except and service on the average farm -r v, h m .,- Am , tv. h. , , oevice. in aesigning ana equipping the KINNARD, we have nimsetr. known Hour City heavy duty tractors We make this announcement tna motor barings; Spring mounted In front, and Automobile steer. . tn Th. nt ln dev,ce' ln dnlng and equipping the "KINNARD," we hav, s ln the bands of the farmer heen guided by our 15 years' experience in develoolnr the well -known Hour City heavy duty tractors. . S Plenty of Power and Sufficient Weight to Pull Four PIowo ? n VYA (Lite fedftrr 11' 4 i ii SEE THE "KINNARD" AT WORK IfJ FREHONT K1FJP3ARO-HA0KIE& OC3PAWY lliMi,ltl s f..!na. c if .v ' v