Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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I' i d-v-;- .i-j...m . ' f ) '
Thursday, August 12, 1915.
HAVE rou ever noticed how every telllsh young man. limply mut no
about, fcla helghtT Try It on all those you know. You will find
that not one will confers to a fraction of an Inch less than six feet.
If It la quit obvious they ara fire feet ten Inches, they wilt
sure you most impresalvely, they are Just an even all feet. They fib
onthls score Just as constantly as the woman of Rear 40 fibs about her
ace. Women seem to hate to acknowledge anything higher than 39 until
they are 5S.
Apropos of this rhapsody cornea to mind the well known' matron, who
la always comparing, her age with one of our atrlklngly handsome blond
matrons. The latter's home just now Is in and out of Omaha.
At all functions this youthfully disposed matron No. 1 will insist ha
is Just so much younger than good looking matron No. 2.
. Just what whim can Induce this competition?
Lftgerqniit-Bawkinion Wedding.
A -very pretty wedrttnf too place on
Yednea4ay evenlnsr. at o'clock, at the
home of Mr. and Mr. A. F. Hawklnson,
mi Layf ayette avcnue, when their daugh
ter, ails Kuh llawklnaon. became the
Irt-lo of Mr. Huao Lasrrqulit ot Ia
Tne house decorated with palm,
llanti and bankets of flowrr. A very
lretty corner was ararnaed for the
eremony, which waa performed by llrv.
A. T. Lorlmer. One hundred relatives and
Intimate friends of tha familjf war
Just before tb caramony, Mr. Howard
Pteber sane. "All for Thre.' Then as
the rnu1! chanced to tha Lohensran wsd-
dlnc March, played by Mrs. F. B.
Miller.. Mill Mabel Hem and Mlsa Irene
ralraqulat cama tn, stretrhlns the rlb-
t-one. Mr. Walter Johnson waa beat man
and Mtae Racnhlld Lagerqulat waa maid
f honor. Little Howard Ilawkinson car
rled the tint on a eattn pillow, and little
Vivian Johnson oarried a baakrt of flow-
era. Tha bride came In with her father
and waa attired In a white aatln gown,
with train falling from the ahoulders. Her
vail waa held in place with orange bloa
aomi. During the ceremony a lerenado
aa softly played on the piano.
After the ceremony a wedding supper
waa served. Addreeaea of congratulation
were ntade by Rev. A. T. Larimer and
F. E. Miller and a number of telegrams
and letters of congratulation were read,
During the evening - vocal dueta were
sung by Mrs. Hawklnaon and Mlaa
hrifttlne Bwanaoo, and Mr. and Mr a. F.
A. H anion.
The bridge and groom left for a two
week'; honeymoon trip through tha Black
Hllla and will be In their own hum et
(Dee lolne after October . to, Mr.
Lterg,ulat la on accompllihed music
ian, having been soloist of the Zlon
lAitheran church choir for several years.
At Hippy Hollow Club.
Mr. C. W. Pollard entertained at
luncheon today at the Happy Hollow
club Ih honor ot her guest, Mlaa Fauny
Haytien. of Boston, who la spending the
week her en route from California to her
home. . Covers were placed for. ten gueata.
The Thursday Brldii club entertained
thla morning at the Happy Hollow club.
Four table were pieced for the game.
The i Ladle a' . Bowling club held their
regular came this morning at tha .club. .
Mr. and Mre. C. F. Welter will enter.
tain four guest at dinner. , Saturday
evening,, and Mr. Harold Thompson will
give a dinner of four covers Saturday
evening. " - ' '
At tho Country Club.
Mr. ; A, B. Warren entertained four
guests at dinner last' evening at the
Country .club: F. W. Clark, two; J. A.
C. Kennedy, two; John W. Redlclr. four'.
Charles E. Mats, lx; B. 8. Caldwell. fTve.
Mr.. Robert Btout will entertain lx
gueat at dinner Saturday evening and
Mr. J. Clark Colt eight.:
Senator and Mr. Oil be it II. Hitchcock
will give a dinner of ten cover thla even
At the Field Club. ;
Mr. J. W. Hughe, will give a dinner
of six cover fceturday evening at the
Field club. '
"Wedding AanooaccmenL
The marriage of Mia Haiti llofraann
or riatUmouth. Neb., and Mr. Charles
E- Haney ot Glenwood. la., waa cle
brand Wdnaday morning at 11 o'clock
at the McOaJl Methodist Episcopal
rhuttrh; Rev.- w. H. Underwood perform
ing 'the eerrsnony. There w re ' no at
tandanla. - v ; '
The bird wore her traveling Suit and
carried an arm bouquet of brtde'a rosea.
Immediately altar the ceremrfny the
youni couple left for a trip of several
week to Denver and other polnta In the
west. The bride ta the daughter ef Mr.
and Mre. G. Q. ilofmann of riatUmouth.
She U a araduat - of the Plaltsmouth
ilirh school and highly educated In Ger
man and niuaio. Tha groom I In the real
estate buafnee in Olenwood.
Western TriTeler.
Mr. Earnest -IHuht and daughter, Mre.
George B. Potter, left Saturday for a
tao hionths' trip to Kpokane, the'Pact-
fk- reaat and the California exposition.
Iu f jxjkan Mr. Ptuht will visit on.
It. A. K. rJtuht, and In Loa Anaale will
be with her daughter, Mra. tV K. Xneale.
They'wUI return home ever the aouthern
route, ' . .
Surprise Tarty.' . '
vrrru prty wat given In honor
tt M.. Parbera' Forma n at her home
Tun-ay. Thua preeeot were:
. ' "v. . .
J. , v. . 4
. " f r 4
d . t y :.. i 7 ;
Mrs. N. J. McKttrtrk was re-elected
president of the Omaha Women'a Chris
tian Temperance union for the third term
at the annual meeting held Thunday at
the Toung Men's Christian aaaoclatlon.
Mrs. Fannie Manning Is the first vice
president. Mr. Flora Hoffman, second
vice president; Mrs. ia P. Bweeley, re
cording secretary; Mrs. W. T. Oraham,
corresponding. oretery: Mr. Thomas
Dunlop, treasurer. Delegate to the
county temperance convention to be held
at Klk City August tl, were also selected.
Reports from the department of rescue
work, medal contest and flower mlarsoo
were given.
Head of Oklahoma City High School
ii Chosen to Take Charge of
Omaha Central High.
, Joseph 0. Masters, principal of the
high achool at Oklahoma City, has
been selected as principal ot Central
High school, and Karl Adams, prin
cipal of the Commercial High at
Springfield, Mass., will come here as
principal of the High School of Commerce.
Both ' men were the unanimous
choice of the teachers' committee of
the Board of Education and Superin
tendent Graff. - The recommenda
tions will be made to the School
board at the next regular meeting'
Monday evening, god It la understood
that both men will be ratified by the
The new principals will come under one
year's contract to start with. The Cen
tral High principal will receive t.1,000 a
year, and the principal of High School of
Commerce agreed to come for t2,7M a
year. They will be here a soon as they
can arrange their affair.
"., '
Ww Men Were Here.'
The teachers" committee met Monday,
Tueaday and Wednesday evenings with
Superintendent Orff, discussing various
candidate and negotiation. Measrs.
Masters and Adams were her Monday I
and Tueaday and met the1 committee. Mr.
Master ia at present attending the Uni
versity of Chicago, where ha la prepar
ing for a master's degree. Mr.' Adams
Is In Chicago and espect to be in Spring
field, Maaa., Friday. Final negotiation
with him were held over long distance
telephone. He said he wilt pack hi ef-,
feet at once and return to Omaha with
hla family. .
Stadled In Three State's; ' "
Principal-elect. Masters Is it years of
age, and graduated from' tb ' Jtensas
Stat normal In and at died ac tho
University of California. He la five feel
nine Inch In height and hold a bach
elor's degree from th University of Chi
The Oklahoma City High achool, which
Mr. Mastera ha .administered for thre
year, ha an enrollment of 1.703 pupils
and ranks high among public high
schools. The. school has a faculty of
fifty-four teacher, and during three
year ha been brought 'up to a high
standard of efficiency.
. Among th recommendation submitted
In behalf of Mr. Masters waa on from
Kathanlet Butler ot Chicago, on of the
foremost educators ef the eountry. Mr.
Maaters will com recommended as spe
cially Interested In high schol athleyc
. " !
1 - '
5 .
he - J
j I
t I
0. Clinton Halsley Triei to Paai a
Large Check on Which He Had
Changed Name.
of tha county chairman, Mra. II. C. Bum
asy. Lucy Stone was a plonser In th
sutfrag work and founded. the Woman'a
Journal. - ., - . .
. . ....
Pleasures Fast ,, -' :V"
Mrs. Joseph Meyer 'entertained at her
home Wednesday afternoon. ' The rooms
were abloom with astere and the prise
for the card game were gwardod to Mr.
U Harrln and Miss Gertrude Folman of
New York City. Those present war)
Mesdsmes Mcadamaa
A. Roimff, Ren Ahrams,
M. Meyer, K. Wells.
H. L.. Itoldston. H. OreenblatL.
. IT. ttogaraon.
and debating and egupped with a1 general
administrative knowledge.
Adam Rtagled Abroad.
Karl Adam haa been principal of th
commercial high achool at Springfield.
Mass.. for three year. II waa bead of
th Blair academy at Blalrstown, N. T.,
four ytara and waa In th financial de
partment of the New Tork Telephone
company four year. He was superintend
ent of the ,frfeh air work of the New
York Tribune and ha studied abroad. He
Is lx feet ' two Inches tall and. I de
scribed a being a "typical live wre."
, The new commercial high principal 1 a
graduate ot Hamilton college and 1 a
short story wrtter. He 1 married, ha
one child and I 8a year of age.
Mr. Masters has two children. '
During his recent trip east Dr. Jenkins,
chlrmon of the teacher' committee,. In terviewed
Mr. .Master1. and -Mr. , Adams
and recommended' them to the .board.
There were other recommendation, but
the two men (elected seemed to : be the
mot, available. ,
. Superintendent Oraff aay he 1 pleased
with the choice of the committee,.
In 1920 Omaha
Chnrged with an attempt to pas an
altered check for Iffl.SO, which he ob
tained through hi position a a clerk of
th Credit Clearing company, O. Clinton
Halsey, aged 23 years, son of Rev. Walter
S. Halsey, desn of th University of
Omaha. Is held at th city Jail.
Young Halsey for f. period of some
length ha been emploved by the Credit
Clearing company and wu considered ab
solutely trustworthy. Following hla ar
rest the iter:' waa learned in detail by
Chief of Detective Maloney. who relate t
that Maleey, who had been taking the
place of the filing clerk, appropriated a
check for the above amount made pay
able to the Omaha Clearing House. This
check had com by mlstsk through th
mall to the Credit Clearing company. Hal-'
ley Is then said to have procured Ink
eradicator and after removing the name
Of the Omaha Clearing House from the
far of the check placed the paper In a
"window" envelope with the erased line
of the check directly In the "window,"
from which the transparent covering had
been removed. ,
After thla he I aald to have gone to
the public stenographer In th Omaha
National Bank building, where he rep
resented himself a a tenant of the build
ing, desirous of havlnr some copying
done. He handed tho stenographer the
envelope containing the check and had
her write a fictitious name on the space
as a samplo of her work. From there.
It I stated, he went to the Burlington
ticket office and presented the paper to
purchase a tloket to San Francisco The
clerk became suspicious and stating that
he did not have sufficient money on hand
to caah th check at once, told Halsey
to wait, and on pretext of phoning for
mor caah notified police headquarter.
It waa here that th young fellow was
taken shortly afterward by Police Officer
Charles Pipkin and Special Officer Gor
man. Th lad was juit married last June, and,
according to a representative of th firm
employing blm, who appeared at police
neadquartera, received a good salary.
In vn Omaha,
Without th least Inflation.
Will b a cltr. thl we know
That, lust In population.
Will stand well In the topmost row
Of title of th nation:
A fact that's largeir so because
It practiced annexation.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into caah.
Mr. Ida Rockefeller, 1811 Webstar,
waived examination before United State
Commissioner SInghaua thl morning on
a cnarge of violating the Mann white
Slave act. She ha been bound over to
the grand Jury, and her case will come
up about the last of September. Her bond
was reduced from IS.OOO to $2,009.
Mrs. Rockefeller Is charged with hav
ing brouuht 19-year-old Mrs. Marguerite
Lewis to Omaha from Manhattan, Kan.,
ror immoral purposes. The cave waa up
In police court aome little time ago, when
Mr. Rockafoller waa arrested for keep
ing a disorderly house.
A. R. t
In 1920 Omaha.
With loud ejaculation.
Reached out again to pull In more
Surrounding population.
Two hundred thousand waa th gofil
It had In incubation.
It scored th mark -lth some to spare.
And held a Jubilation.
In 1920 Omaha
Will be of great dimensions. .
If the men of Benson and Florence, too,
Still have good intentions.
Make our city what it ought to ne.
A credit to the nation:
Protect legitimate business from
Narrow-minded legislation.
' On account of the milling demand wheat
continued to make good gains, the ad
vance for th day being one to three cents
per bushel fin old on the Omaha market,
elllne; at $1.38 to $1.40 and new at tl.ll
' to tL21 per bushel. Recilpt were fifty
j two Car loada
' Com waa one-fourth to one-half een(
I up from Wednesday, seJea being made at
78 cents to 7' cents perd bushel. Re
celpts were twenty-eight car.
Don't Worry i
Parsons Pays for
His Dinner, but He
Gets New Members
"Where I th Ak-8r-Ben bunch tak
ing lunch?"
Thus spoke F. H. Parson, newly ap
pointed member of , the Ak-Har-Beri
hustilng committee, a he stepped ln'0
the Paxton hotel lobby.
The bellhop peered Into the dining room,
saw a man with an Ak-Bar-Ben pin, and
aald, "Right In there at that table."
Parson wsttsed In and squatted down
at the' table. By the time he had fin
ished hi dinner the fellow at th table
one by one were dropping out.
"Maybe I'm in the wrong pew." Per
son apologised aa ha began to intro
duce himself to what waa left of th
group at the table. "I came to attend a
meeting of the Ak-Bar-Ben hustling
committee. Are you it?"
"We are not," came the reply.
Caught "In the right church but tn the
wrong pew," Parsons did not hurry away
to find his committee room, but then
and there flashed application blank and
began to solicit membership for King Ak.
In parlor B th real hustling committee
waa Just lighting cigars and easing back
In their chair after dessert, when Par
son came wheesing up the stairs.
The hustling committee luncheon is free,
furnished by Ak-Bar-Ben, .but Parson
had to pay for hi lunch down In th
dining room. Nevertheless the committee
voted him a hero for hustling members
when he accldently fell into the wrong
The membership I now 1,46$, and the
total membership for the year ha been
limited to 1.M0.
I had eczema too but
healed it in no time!
Yes, I know all about how it ttches
and bums I went through torments
myself, and tried every treatment
1 heard of, just as you are doing.
But at -ast an old doctor told me to
use R esino I Ointment and Resinol
Soap then it was "Good night,
eczema 1" Take It from me, old
man, your troubles will be over
when you get Resinol on the job.
Ktslsol Ointment and Resinol Soap contain
aothlng harsh or injurious and caa be sjed
rrertr tor all aorta oi (kin-trouble svse en th
teiidirm or swat irritated suriaca. . Kvery
drugrUt tell them. For trial free, write to
Dtps. li-S, Kesiaol, Baltimore, Md.
M. Ixtitchee.
J. Meyer,
Mi i
Henrietta Meyer,
Parah Ktrauaa,
kim uoia.
. M lanes
Bertha Itothenberg,
Hlla Pnifer.
Waterbury, Conn. jGrrtrud Solomon,
Master Louis Goldnrom. '
Hibbs-Eyder. '
Th wedding of Mis Marl .Ryder, th
daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. E. Ryder,
nd Mr. Albert Illbbs was celebrated
uletly Wednesday noon at th Firat
Presbyterian church In Lincoln. Dean R.
Leland performed the. ceremony. Mr.
Hibb ! a nephew of Mr. M. L.' Illbb
th National OH company and has
mad his home for th last five year
ith hi unci. Mr. and Mra Hibb will
reside at the Strehlow apartments. The
young people were surprised on their re
turn from Lincoln last evening by twenty-five
friends, who had prepared a din
ner tn their honor at their new home. The
guests Included: , .
Meesr. and Mesdame
F. L. Hibb.
harlea VI alker.
Roy toherty.
, L. t'olaon,
Turn liernianeky,
J-'rt, Kurntau.
f ii. inn r-'rnTirl,
i ro. Francl,
A in '.ouck,
l.U' ' N-i.ip. .
Am. NL'voiny,
ii K (. f a Nemc,
J a I'i korny,
li-rt Su-gl,
Jim r"ornilv
J int lrKlti Ul, '
A.,'. ;n Caclsl.
J liiira iivH,
.1 . NoVO!v,
ln Hoi-ificKe,
Mr. n.a Ur. Former).
Heim Nemec,
WHrte Korman.
hupMa Ki!ilk.
Anna Tourvk,
lrfMiiaa Furmtn,
Anna Chloborad,
Irlra Hi.tlek,
r litabvtb Kurinaa,
Marie K. Fornian.
1.1; nan iienruvosay,
Metre. -Frank
KtiuI Jonouanit, ,
Jdtriee favliit.
l.dward ferfron,
Frank Vafsi. '
Jtrn Hona,
Kienk lirciwii,
Joe i aiik.
For tie Tutore.
Mis. Jot. a M. M-'Crowaa will entertain
ii,e tuamWr of th Church txtanaioa
' lely at her ImiiMt, "it Georgia avenue.
it 2 M p. rn., FiUiay afternoon.
A Rellf Wondeiful SfJei of
Men's Shirts I.
Next Saturday. A lucky purchase,
which 3,6bo men may share In.
Watch Friday evening's papers.
,.. ,,.. ,,. , , ,T..i.. nun. I
Notions in the Basement
re4 Battaw sad Clasps, . 1
spietal, eard
5e Netteai Boxta, speeial.
1-Tr Spools ef Oe4 Sewtatg
Ceat awd Paaa Banger,
ayjyaMaaeBfWiMBVespWaaTjBTal aBjsaWsawjBMWjaeMSjjjaHswaWaw - wmmmtmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m wmmiammmmmmmmmmmmmt mummimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
A nre, tmucual aelUng of nanufacturert'. and mill remnants of high grade silks, worth to $1.75 yard, in lengths from'
IVito 12 yard colors and patterns that are up at the tip-top of fashion; such silks are seldom priced like these. It's a great chance.
Muiichnlclc, ,
Kay Foster.
II. Foster.
Council Hluffa:
Ruin Norman,
Ren Telpner,
A. C Hansen,
Oeorae Kuhna.
Thomas Llvlns,
- Meedame -
Mary UohertV,
Kl Taao. III.:
M leee
, llelan Fotr,
Mabel Ijtrson.
Anna Caetwreon,
A luifred Koue,
Sadla rMn.
iiaitie Peterson,
It. Thorns,
K. Krwln,
Fenonsl Mention.
Mr, and Mr. Morris Milder have leased
aa apartment In the New Carey on Par
avenu. ' '
Pr. and Mrs. II. ' A. Adam hav re
turned from a trtp to th Pacific coast.
Mr. August Johnson, -whe ha been at
Hot Springe. Ark., for seven week for
th benefit of hi health, returned home
the first of th week.
Mrs. O. A. rV-ott and daughter,' T'arda.
hav returned from a six weeks stay at
Long Beach. Seattle, Portland and th
California xpoattlon.
' One big lot ef Messallne, Pau da Cyna, Pal
let da Sol, Satin and Taffeta, In plain, pre
ceded and slf-tond figured effects; Including
brown, blue, tan, green, lavender, malx, car
dinal, pink, carl, wistaria, black, white, etc.
Good dreas lengths. . .
Black Chiffon and Grenadine, Sft-lnch '
Striped Tub 8la-.14 to S-yd. lengths.
Thousands ef Yards ef Black and
White Meaasjlne and Taffeta.
' Wsrth te 69c, at, yard
One big lot 42-Inch Strip and Figured Chif
fon, 38-Inch Taffeta and Meaaallns In street
and evening shades.
40-lnoh Crops do Chine, Krlnkled Cropo, Char
meuso, Meteors, Jap and China Silks and Moire
In lengths from 14 to ysrds. All colors.
27-Inch Pongee, Rajah, Shantung and Bengal
ine, In ahades of roaa, gray, brown, reseda,
mulberry, cerlss and natural.
Worth to 89c, at, yard
40-Inch Brocade Satin In all desirable
shades; one lot of 42-Inch Novelty Chiffons.
40-lnch Canton Crops In light pink,tan, Co
penhagen and other ahades.
42-Inch Silk and Wool Poplins In navy, tan.
wistaria, brown, black, etc . ,
42-Jnch Satin d Lux in all strset shades
for separata coats, skirts, dresses or suits. Ons
i, small lot of th wanted Scotch ptalda.
High-Grade Black Sllka In Crepe ds China,
Meteors, Satlna, Charmouas, Crops Indlaa, Bro
' cadsd Crepe 42 Inch wlds.
Worth to 81.78, at, yard
Tho Stroud
aad th
Price, $550
Delivered to your home on
small down payment. Bal
ance in convenient
amounts monthly. The
wonderful playing capa
bility of the Pianola cou
pled with the delightful
piano quality of the Stroud
means musical enjoyment
in your home such as you
never have had before.
Free bench, scarf ' and
music ' with each instrn
icent. . ,'.
Schmo !er & Mueller
1311-13 Farnam St.
SxolnaiT Bapraasntatlva tor th
riaaola riano.
L.jfit-Uti to ricaic.
' Ia.iv r-tonr .Day" . ill b Qoaxrvad
ty !u:i&s county suffracl't by
p. i t: at Hit I.wt.s or Mra V. V. Kin In
1 ... n-ir.. r .l'gitKS wilt coma frcm Wiier
i :!.), Ult Ciiy, Kalxton, Omaha.
J ; o nd i n.. A plo-no liitctiMia
Ki.i Iro ktivaut Tt.o la In char
Kearney Eeports to
Weather. Man on
Eoad Conditions
Porecaatsr Walsh I In dally receipt of
roporta from the Kearney Cornmerxjal
oluh tvlllna m detail of th shower and
road conditions along- th Lincoln high- i
way from hh l(on to North Piatt, a dta- i
tanr of IX ml lea Kvery morning ih .
report la received, and in it 1 Uemlied '
all of th bad spot along that soot Ion
of th road, aa writ a what peaatn' .
motoilat ssy aa le the general condl- '
Hon of th road. Th report n go I
so far aa to tll whether or not th mud
boles hat solid bottom, aor whether
or not autos experk'nr difficulty In gat.
ting through tliam.
Mr. M'slsh Is verv much pleased over
the ld, whirh la newly started, and'
j announces that h will be Only too !
pleaaea to tftv any of th information '
to any tourist who may dealr It. Th
idea la erUfinai with th Kaarneylloa. an.)
Is Very " favorably received at III Int el
weather bureau.
Bssement Linens
Co Face Cloth, 1o
Oa ea ef TarkaH Wash CM ha,
wlib futcy benlerei called "saill see
eeda." SSo Table Padding, 18o
Reavr. doable Seeeed aiMl. Ve
lect year ei lawbea wide.
15o Cr aaii, toe
One Caaa ef t nbleahe4. A 11-Linen
Csasb, tb aheerbeas hlvd, wit
tanry ble edl wt l-yari
Extra Special !
One L4 ef Kanult Table Oetha,
all-llnea. recalettva sue, slisblly
aolM m eMde. ValM la tbe lot
as te .. yeas eswtve tl Cf
trtday. earb
82.28 Spread, 1.88
Year rhetr ( acalUpnl, rat eee
aer r pUia beaunwl ateieeUlea
er crecbe hlndi krft also,
Sampl Plc of Fancy Linens
ftrarfs, dqaares. Center Pleoe, . n .
x- t see. - e.
Cotton Fabric Prices
Are Very Low Friday
Hlsbly Meereriaed roplia. ra all lb
lesdlng fafl abadeai rail belts
bmI ailll muuia btf, IS
velae, rrWtay, yard...........
Faaey Lae ntria Telle and Onraa-
dlaa. aea aWral deeifaa, very desir
able ler wins' street aad
beaas Is KecaJar snes
1, eale prwe. yard,
rin Wblte rilea Create, very altabl
for aatterweari sert aWh, imlat
pebbta weave I rer weanl
labtrowae, aaderol.lrte. e.
Keg. I valaa, friday, yd...
ta-Iaeli Piatbed Mi lew
biitia, earb
raaey Dree Clackaaa. 1a tb
fall patters. tery ealtable (er
weiaea'a hem Aresaea aad ehUdrea'
erbeal dreeeeel fast eelera,
lH giwde, apirl.l Fri
day, yard
sa-tneh Vleaehed Mealht. extra
eaalHy, sen enth peHee
seeaa e(T lbs belt, werth
i. rriday, yard
IhH Be4 Bkeeta. saad (
od 4-4 sheeting I beai
Mltebed er stela. Bpaelai, ea...
Iwll ataatdard Aprea Gtagkaaa, very
geed ejeaiMr, la all tbe waOed
eaecka. aiae, eeeaw aaa Diaea. r-
k vv I IVs eaallty. JTrtOoy, yard
Shoes for $1.00
Haadreds ef ralrs ef FUe WaHe
Canvaa Kb ami Oaferds, rabber er
leather . seles. . rta rateot Leal bee
Famps, wktte berk tepe A Tea pa
leea. Th Calf Ovferde, erttb rabbee
eelee. Bleek rwaepa aad Ox- A m
feeds. All else, ftpleaatd U 1
and 3A vale.. Friday, pale. ... V a
barefeot PeuMtale far a
t hiJdrea, pair 3C
TennMi Oaforda far Mea i.
and Beye, pair C
Heaee HUpper far VMM,
ail kiada, pair
Household Needs
Mlaard near Map, 1.4 Jl.
alee, at ac
C taaa. 1 bar
far -
Li4id V laser, a etae
I-aari WbU Soap, 10 bar
Jobnua's FWar Wax.
peaad eaa far
Final Clearance all Women's and Misses Dresses
i.K lili iViilifJil!, -riiriiiT
i ':3 'j
W have decided to run a final clearance) gala on all Women's and KCsaea' Dresses, regardlega of former value,
appreciate good values should be at our Basement early Friday. They will go quickly.
You who
You can take your cholco of any Woman's or
Ml' 8ummr Wah Or In th Butmint;
actually werth to 89.00. 18 dra to choose
from, every drea a correct atylc; all six a.
Choic for
Hundred of Woman', Mines' and Juniors'
6trt and Summer Drea; many with lac
and embroidery trimming; also fancy colored
and flewrd crep materials. Six from 82
to 44; valuta to 8J 0O, pclal rriday
About 1,000 Dreaaea, sultablo for atreot, porch
and houeo war. Matarlala are of fine s,nS
ham, ratine, crepe and fancy lawn dr. In
fact mot any material wanted. Six from 84
to 44, Friday, special
Ml Silk Costa, Cloth and Long Auto Coats
of wash matarlala, odd and onda and sam
ples fer qulek clrnc. Former
prlcss from 2 to 8, at
Woman'a Wah Skirt, many different styl,
mad of good plqu. duck, Bedford cord. tc
Whils thy last Friday, cholco
A Lot of With WalaU formHy sold up to
81.00; the mat rial are cotton crp do chine,
lawn, pong, etc. Friday, O f)
choice tor J JC
What would please tho family'
more than a nice, new home builti
'out In the suburbs! Some place
laway from the congested, hot and. '
I dirty city out where tho air Is pure
i and where there's plenty of room toH
tho children to romp, piay aaa grow;
healthy. j
Why not five them such a homefl
It needn't cost much you do not;
have to he weaitny in order to
acquire property. A amall invest
ment, then monthly payments same'
aa you now pay rent. Bye and bye
payments are completed and then
you realise that you are a wealthy
man, a property owner, richer by set
many thousand dollars which other
wise would have been paid la rents
gone forever. Moreover your In
vestment will have Increased la'
value so that It will be worth mucoj
more than you put Into it.
Euch opportunities chancea tar
provide pleasure and health for the
family, and at the same time to In
crease your wealth are presented.
In THB BEE dally. Head the Real'
Kstate columns and you are sure ti
see chances ot proflulle investment