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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
K THK BKiS: OMAHA. i'iilDAY, AWTST 1.1, 101.. Bringing Up Father Copyright. 1tg, International News Pervloe. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus S II . S ' ' . A RE CEPTION TONic? 2JI.0UT I JL WHA.T IN f VOTt-OMt OF THEM IN LOSELES-thTy SoE.X V M , ) (T) xJU."He. HAVE too rt MEr VrrrW hav e,eEN o k,nq YQ SSSr K5f o? ? ? n N m . "ft done J aroumo oowr moth 4 ' : ' 1 t: I ; ltttl " Offey, Kb r-hleh!, lb .. Kelleher, sa Knehr. c .., Bteraer, p Cantwell. p OMAHA WINS CLOSE GAUE IH TWELFTH Double by Smith and Breen'i Single Win Extra Inning Combat from the Linki. GAME SrOHED BT UMP BAITING Will wonders never ceaaeT The never will. The Rourkea yesterday copped an extra-inning gam. It took Juat twelve Innings for Marty Krura trlb to defeat the Unka from Lincoln, but they did, and thua made It three vlctortea out of the laat fifteen 'games played. The acore waa 1 to i. Both of the Omaha runa were earned. The ftret run came In the opening frame when Breen singled, atole aecond and acored on Cyrua Foraythe'a knock to left The winning; count waa reentered in the twelfth when Smith doubled to left and came romping Joyously home when Dick Breen combed a single to center, on which Smith marked after a desper ate sprint to beat Heinle Schreiber'a throw to the plate. Breen la the Star. Dickie Breen waa quite a factor In the home victory. Dickie made three hits, had a hand In counting both runa and handled eleven chance at aecond with out a bobble. Dick alao copped a base. Marty Krug waa another shining light. Marty accepted thirteen chances at ahort without a muss and swiped two bases. Karl Smith atole two bases, loo, and Cy Korsythe, who la a cripple, copped one. Some base stealing. The Links scored their one run In the ninth on an error by Schliebner and hlta by Williams and Schrelber. Link Athletes Crabbed. The Lincoln athletes tried to make a Joke out of the game by conatant crab bing with Umpire Van Sickle. Van Sickle' is without a doubt the cream ot the league's umpiring ataf f, but la In bad with the club owncra because he lias nerve enough to fire any obstreperous athlete out of the park. In fact, at the recent St. Joaeph meeting the magnates Instructed O'Neill to bounce, among others, Van Sickle, but the Western loop! prexle has so far wisely refrained. ' The Lincoln playera evidently thought I .they were playing In a lot behind some! gas works yesterday. They crabbed and fussed and stopped the game by their wrangling. Van Sickle finally ordered Manager Mc- jTS "i"'',f"" Intyre. Red Whalen'and Harry Williams ! Button! 2b.:!: Totals 39 IS 16 27 IS 8 Bated for Clark In ninth. Sioux City S D 0 1 ! I 0 0 1-11 Denver 0 0 1 0 0 7 1 tt-lS ' Two-base hits: Boothby, Ppencer, Mll .', Rhard-, Shields, McCormick, Don nelly. Sacrlfie hits: Davidson, Miller, Kelleher. Sacrifice fly: Hensllng. Stolen lases: Donnelly, Kane. Double plays: Boothby to Hensllng to Kane, Callahan to Cooney to Kane, Cooney (unassisted.) Innings pitched: By Boothby, 1 (none out in second); by Sterser, 4 1-8; by Clark. 8; by Cantwell. 4 1-8. Hits: Off Boothby, l; off Sters er, ; off Clark, 1; off Cantwell, 6. Bases on balls: Off Boothby, 6; off Sterser,. ; off Clark, 3; off Cantwell, struck out: By Clark, 6; by Cantwell, 1 Wild pitches: Boothby. Hit by pitched ball: Kane by Sterser, Miller by Clark. Time: 2:42. Umpire: O Brlen- CUBS TAKE LONG ONE' FROM CARDS DBS MOINES WIN) TWO GAMES Wlchea Lone Rlaa-erlasr Match and Pitching Duel. DBS MOINKS, Aug. 12.-Des Moines wort two games from the Wichita team this afternoon. to 8 and 8 to 1. The first waa a alugglng match and the second a Pltchera' battle. Score, first game: WICHITA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. .411411 .10 10 0 0 .48 2 0 0 0 .611800 . 4 0 0 4 2 0 . 4 2 0 1 2 0 .401011 . 4 1 2 3 2 1 . 4 0 0 8 0 I .8 1 1 1 ' 0 0 .10 0 10 0 Bennett, cf Thleslng, cf .... Fox. If Tallion. rf Patteraon, lb Brltton. 2b Hetling. 8b Hosp as Griffith, c Riley, p Southern, p See-Saw Contest Goinj Thirteen In ning ii Won by the Rojrsri. SAIER IS BACK IJT THE GAME i .ST. LOUIS, Aug. 12. -Chicago opened ! Brooklyn' Its series here with a seo-sa'V tontejt, ' aburli Which It Innb trnrA til 1 I. In Ih. t hlr. I V." . . . - ' ... . i-ioiliotl ... Standing of Teams WE3TKBN LKAOL'F. I'layed. Won. Lost. Pet. Den Moines 11J 7i 40 ,B4S ll-mei- 1" H 4:i .Wl Lincoln WJ M M Toptka Ill M fo .WJ Ploux City KXS M .4M Oinnha Ill M m . .4.9 Wichita 107 4fi M ,4. St. Joseph 108 40 IK .377 NAT. LKAOt'K. I AMKR. LKAQt'K. W.l.Pct. W.L.Pot. ..M 45 .Mil Boston 35 .U.'2 4 .t19 I'etrolt H4 . 4 .615! Chicago 62 40 .608 ,.b2 4 .fln Whbii n 4J . i ill ill! K'p. Vnrk lllfal lor. terntli Inning, to 3. i New oYrk..4 40 ,EA Cleveland '..! 61 isiiO St. Louis scored In the first Inning. Iho , Innati 67 .4.IU1 8t Louis...) 64 .3K4 ui. i'u 1.. ui i ruin ....1.1 viallnra teftrA i Vi o 4 ln I V. a I it H I V. I n n I litr on ScUultes homer to the 'rllit field! bleachers. Deschsr tepeated Schulte's per-; formanco and tied the score for St Louis, but a scries of singles In the thirteenth brought In Murray, Fisher and Schulte with the winning runs. Victor Saler. who hds been nursing in juries for three weeks, returned to the game as a regular and helped C Icago to victory by scoring fifteen putouts from the first sack. Score:'. . FLD. LEAtSTH W.I..IVt. Chlcngo ...59 4o AG! Kan. City .bS 46 X Newark ..M 4 Pittsburgh M 46 .iV.i' .t. Iiils Brooklyn St. Paul . Mlnneap's ltullBPS Kan. (.11 v M 47 .M lulnvllle 4X 0 .423 Clevoland AAIER. ASSN. W.UPct. 44 .hit I .68 60 .b9 49 . T. 4-1 ..67 fa .W3 .54 64 0 ..47 6 .143 CHICAOO. , AB H.O.A.E 8T. iins AB.H.U.A K Totals Hunter, cf.. Mills, ir Hahn. rf Jones, lb.... Hartford, as Sawyer. 2b., Kwoldt. Sb.. Oraham, c. uiuiKan, p.. 1 Breen Thomaa p... Totals 3 8 1 DE3 MOINES. AB. R. H. 6 . 6 6 . 4 , 6 6 4 . 3 . 8 1 . 0 .49 O. 2 8 0 16 1 1 0 8 8 Murray, rf.. 1 I Flhr. M....S 1 1 Rrtlillt. If... I 8 Zlmratrm., 8b. 0 I Hir, lb 4 1 U Williams, ef t 3 7 Phalati. lb... 6 S 1 Archer, C....4 1 Vitinhn. ...! 4 Knlaakpy .4 4) Homphrtrt. 0 0Butlr. fii,hr. It.. 5 OMIHar, tb....4 . Lnns. rf I OHratt. lb. ...4 tWIIinn, c(...4 OKnydar. 0....I I 8tetMl.. Sb....S 04llM. p.... I 0Dflaa ( Orlnar. e v p.e I 4 I 11 16 29 1 Smith, ef ...... Breen. 2b .... Korsythe, rf .. Wells, o McChesney, If Tannehill, 3b .. Schliebner. lb Krug. as 8 .... 4 Blodgett, p Totals H. 1 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 o. 0 0 a 0 1 0 10 0 I loyd, 2b Wolfe, If McOafflgan, sa . Mrlntyre, rf Khman, rf Williams, lb Whalen, 3b Schrelber, cf McAllister, b-lb 1 ants, c Dawson, p 43 1 LINCOLN. Aa r. 6 4 1 .... & 8 8 t 0 6 6 6 6 8 30 19 II. 0 2 E. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 out of the Dark and chaaerl Rr-.r i HetllnK. Sb Moon of the club from the ' bench, i !.b Whalen was permitted to return later. Southern, p aa he was an extra player. Van Sickle also chased Cecil Thompson of the Rourkes, who threw In his oar. An offi cer was called to show Williams the gate. As a result the game dragged and was tiresome. But for the continual wrangling, for which there waa abso lutely no occasion, it would have been a mighty good game. of ball. . The Links play here again today. It will be ladlea' day and the game will be called at t o'clock. Score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. A. O. E. ...6 1 1X0 0 ,.. 1 ... 4 0 ... 6 0 4 6 6 One out when winning run scored. 'Batted for Bennett in ninth. Batted for Gilligan in eighth. . Wichita .. ....0 2 8 0, 0 0 0 4 0 Des . Moines 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 1 Home runs: Fox I), Sawyer. Three base hit: Hunter. . Two-base hits: Blley, Tallion, Hahn, Jones, Graham. Bacrlflco hit: Patterson. Stolen base: Hartford. Left en banes: Wichita. 7: Pes Moines. 8. Hltv Off OIlllKun, 8 in eight Innings; off Riley. 12 In seven and one-third in nings. Struck out: By Ollllgan. 2: by Thomas, 2; by Riley, 5. Bases on balls: Off Ollllaan. 1; off Thomas, 1. Double play: Hetling to Brltton to Patterson. Passed ball: Griffith. Time: 2 -04. Um pires: Ryan and Cuslcks Score, second game: WICHITA. AB. It. II. O. A. E. .. 3 1 0 0 0 0 ..3 0 11 0 0 .3 0 0 2 6 1 ..4 0 2-2 0 0 .. 4 0 0 6 4 1 .. 3 0 1 0 0 0 ..4 0 0 10 0 0 .. 4 0 2 4 2 0 ..3 0 0 0 4 0 Hublnsan, ,Tal. ...... .U 1 Batted for Vaughn In eighth. Kan for SaUe In twelfth. Chicago ,M t I t t 1 1 0 H I M St. Louis. 1 1001 00000-8 Three-base hit: Saler.- Home runs: Schulte, Besoher. Stolen bases: Williams, bescher, Murray. KaMied run'j Chicago, ; St. Loul( 2. Sscri.lce hit: Humphries. Left on bases: ChlciKo, 7; 8t. . auia, . Base on errors: St. l.oUls U. leases on balls: Off . Humphries,- 1; ofi fa11- off oriner. 1; off lloblnson, L lilts: Oft Vaughn, 7 In seven Innlnps: off Humph ries, In six Innlnssl off Bailee, In twelve Innings: off Oriner 1 in no inning, none out In thirteenth; off Robinson. 2 in one Inning, struck "A-'.y Y,uf- 1; by Humphries, 8: Xiy Sallee. 4. Um pires: Lyron and Easjn. Mamaax BlanU4 t.lants. ' PITTSBURGH, Aug. 12.-Pitcher Ma maux shut out New oik here today. Pittsburgh winning, 4 to .'. He allowed the visitors tnjr .,- - and onn Da ae on balls, ana urj.c it. . - runs himself. Score: new YonK. rrrrsBy rt-iit. AB.H.U.A nuraa. If 4 0 I 0 tCoMallO. rf..4 Bennett, cf. Fox, If... ftnodsrau. ef.4 1 Doyle. Jb 4 : Kleu har. u. .4 Wfrkla. rt....S Itbert, lb. ..I Braliwra. lb. I MOvera, .... Tfaraau, S...S Grant 1 Muhrwaon, p HabblDiton .1 Kluar. a 4 1 Totals 31 , DES MOINFS. AB. R. Hunter, cf 4 Bills, if . 3 Hahn, rf Jones, lb, Hartford, as Sawyer, 2b Kwoldt. 3b Graham, c Muaaer, p 24 IS Totals .. Wichita ... Dea Moines Two-base hit: ...29 2 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 2 0 Bl' Is. Sacrifice hit: Tal A. 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 1 . 0 12 1 0 0 0-1 0 0 -8 E. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 lion. MuKser. Left oa bases: Wichita, 7; Des Moines, 9. Struck nut: By Musser. 3; by Southern. 2. Haes on halis: Ofl Mus ser. 2, off Southern. 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Southern, Jones: by ii.i.-nt-r, Btnnett. Wild pitches: Southern, 2. Doub e plays: Tallion to Brltton to Bosp t2), Kwoldt to Jones. Time: 2:04. Umpires: Cusick and Byan. 1 t e l Collins ef...4 0 f S 0 1 (iJohnitM. lb. I 0 10 I 4 3 OHInrhman, It. 4 1 t tWasnar, M..4 1 I I 1 Vlo. b 9 0 II 0 ( fiB.IM. tb 3 lit t Olbaoe. e i 2 110 1 OaUmaus, p..l I 1 0 t 0 Tstals ....30 17 11 u t I OB' r 0-0 4 TOPEKA SHITS OUT ST. JOB Drammers Severn l.nse by Seore of to Nothing. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. Dashner's pitching fur Torek a and six hits in the third, five off uston, an amateur, and one off Kelfer, was the cause of St Joseph defeat here today. Score; AB. R AB. Bostlck, ochran, Totals , Fisher, lb as , 3b I 10 15 19 2 Two out when winning run was scored. Omaha 0 0 0 1 Runa Hlta Lincoln louna Has ..1 ..8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-J 38 0 01 1 1-10 bases: 1 .0 000000010 .10024)131 Two-base hit: Smith. Stolen Bmlth (2), Breen. Krug (2)T Korsythe. uiw nu: rorsyine. uounie plays: Krug to Breen to 8'hlicbner, LJoyd to McGafflrfan to Williaina. Left on bases Omaha, 10; Lincoln, . Struck out: By Bloilgett, 6; by Dawson, 7. Baaea on balls: Off Blodgett. 1: off Dawson, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Dawson. Kruir. Tim.. a-fc I. ..1 . . ..J ...ura. .v. LiiiiLiirc:! van du'kib. BEARS TOO MANY FOR SIOUX ladlaas Start Off llroif, bat Lose, rifteea to Klevea. BIOIJX CITY, 'la.. Aug. 12. Bioux City ataj-ted off strong, but the Bears were not to be denied and they won, la to 11 bcore: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. Cooney, 2b . InvM.on, If 4 aliahan, s I Jeune, rf Kane, lb ... Richards, cf lilt-bards, 3b i onnnlly, c . Boothby, p . Clark, p Crosby .. . Totala .. re r, cf ... M I rr. rf .... M.Vormfc-k If I ..ny v. 2b . S3 11 DENVER. AB. R. ( 3 1 2 1 H. O. A. E. 13 4 1 3 4 0 2 3 3 3 10 1 i 0 8 8 0 0 2 2 0 0 113 4 15 17 12 1 H. O. A. E. 4 4 1 180 2 4 0 0 18 3 1 Tydeman. rf Brown, If .... Lattlmore, cf Jackson, cf .. Monroe, c Rapp, o iDashner, p . . H. H. 0 O. O. A. A. 2 1 1 0 0 8 0 1 1 Totala 7 16 27 Nicholson. If Orodlck. 2b .. Heliner, cf .., Km, lb Boultes, 2b .. Watson, rf .. Groeling, as . Bliss, c IFuaton, p Keifer. p .... Connelly .... Widemann, P Totals .... ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. 4 0 0 0 ...3 0 ... 1 ... -o A. E. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 27 10 3 Batted for Kelfer In eighth Inning. Topeka 0 0 i 0 10 0 1 0-7 St. Joseph 0 0 0 0-4) Two-base hit: Brown. Baaea -on balls: Off Kelfer, 2; Dashner, 2. Struck out: By Fuston, 2; by Kelfer, 2; by Dashner, 9. Double play: I -at tt more, Boslirk and Fiaher. Hits: Off Fusion. 9 in two In nings: off Kelfer, i in six Innings; off Wideman. 1 In one Inning. Stolen base: Monroe. Sacrifice hits: Fisher. Wideman, Jackson. Time of game: One hour and fifty-five minutes. Umpire; Glesel. t Tea t eats at Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Aug. 12 -Ten-cent base ball will be Inaugurated at the Federal leaaue park here tomorrow. Announce ment to this effect was made by the management of the local team today. Ad mission to the pavilion hereafter will be 26 cents tod to the grandstand W cents. - Tala ... to 8 ti t 0 'batted for Tesreau" Ih lxths' ' Batted for Mathewson In eighth. New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 Two-base hit: Baird. Double play: Fletoher to Doyle to Brainard. Earned runa: Plttaburgu. 4. Bases on balla: Off Mathewson, 1; off Mamaux, 1. .Hlta: Off Tesicau. in five Innings; off Math ewann. 8 in two innings; oft Kilter, none in one innlg. Struck out: By lesreau. 2: by Mathewson. l; by Rliler, 1; by Mamaux, 3. Umpires: Klem and Cock 111. the Empress Wins . From California B. SHENANDOAH, la., Aug. 12.-(Bpeclal Telegram.) A close race, occurred today, the closing day of the fair, flva heats be ing required to decide the 2:22 trot, which waa won by The Empress, owned by H. B. Armstrong of Pleasanton, Cal. Sum maries: 1 Pacing. 2:17 class, purse 300: Bud weiser (Mumford Mumford). Plckrell, Neb), first: Redwood tL. P. South worth, Ravenna. Neb), second; Millie Brlnger (J. n. Zenricher, Horton, Kan), third. Best time. 2:14'. mM Trotting. 2:22 class, purse 403: The Ban press (H. . L. Armstrong. Pleasanton, Cut), first; California B. (Earl Reealey. Syracuse. Neb.), second; Heck tW. II. Richardson. Rochester, Minn.), third. Best time. 2:19. Four and one-half furlongs, purse 3110: Gertrude Dlx (H. Shields, Tulsa, Okl.), flrat; Bessie Davie G. W. Sptcer. Leon, la.), second; Orphan Boy . (J. E. Irwin Shenandoah, la.), third. . Chicago Federals Sign Arnold Hauser CHICAGO, Aug. 11 Anouncement was made here today of the signing by the Chicago Federals of Arnold Hauser, who for years waa one of the greatest short stops In the National league. Hauser dis appeared from the game three years sgo when he fractured an ankle bone. He was a member of the St. Louts Nationals fet that time. He la said to have recovered completely and will replace Jimmy Smith at short. Buffalo ...47 (it .4:ir Mlln-Aiikea .44, SI itUl Baltimore .36 67 .S60 Cohinibus ..42 67 .83 Yesterday's Hesalts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Denver. 16; Sioux City, 11. Lincoln, I; Omaha. 2. T01 eka. 7; St. Joseph. 0. Wichita. 8-1; Des Moines. -, NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York, 0: Pittsburgh, 4. Chhago. 6: St. Ixiul. :l. AMERICAN LEAOUH, Detroit-Washington, rain. Chir-ago-Phlladelphla, rain. Cleveland, 6; New York, 4. St. Louie. 0: Boston. 1. FEDERAL LRAOUE. Plllsbiirsh-Bnltlmore, rain. St. Louis-Buffalo, wet grounds, ' Chicago, 2; Newark. K Kansa Cltv. 2: Brnoklvn. 9. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul. 11; Loulsvillo, 2. Milwaukee, 12; Indianapolis 12, ealisd on account darkness. Games Today. Western League Denver at Sioux City, Lincoln at Omaha, Topeka at BL Joseph, Wichita at Des Moines. National League Cincinnati kt Pitts burgh, Chicago at St. liouis. New York at Brooklyn, Boston at Philadelphia. s American League Washington at Bos ton. Philadelphia at New York. Federal League Pittsburgh at Balti more, St. Louis at . Buffalo, Chicago at Newark, Kansas City at Brooklyn. LE3 MANN'S BAT PUTS1INX ATOP Hitting- of Nebrajkan Keeps Newark Feds from Capturing- First Place. TWO TO ONE IS THE SCORE NEWARK, N. J., Aug. 11-Leslla Mann's hitting kept Newark from taking first place today. . In the seventh his single tied the score and In the ninth he tripled and counted on a squeese play. when Hanford, batting for Hauaer, bunted safely. Hauser played his first game for the Whales at shortstop and seemed to have lost none of his old skill ln the field. He walked once. Score: R HE Chicago ......0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 7 0 Newark ......1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 7 2 Batteries: McConnell and Fischer; Moscley and Rarlden. Tlpa Whip C'aseys. BROOKLYN. Aug. 12.-Brooklyn made two out or three games from Kansas FOSTER ONCE MORE SHUTS OUT BROWNS Red Sox Hurler Also Factor in the Offensive Work of Leaders of . the League. BOSTONS SCORE FOUR RUNS BOSTON, Aug. Il-Foater shut out St. Louis for the second time In tha six game series today, the Red Sox scoring four runs. He also was a factor In the local's offense, his two doubles figuring In three runs: Score: . BT. IXl'lfl. BOSTON. AH H.O.A B AB H O.A B. hnttna. If. . 4 0 t 0 eflnnusr. rf.. 1 I s a Aiutla. In... 4 1 I 4 I Droit, is I 1 I 8 4 tialer. lb.. ..4 3 14 1 8pkr, rt..4 114 4 Pratt, lb 3 0 4 1 OUnln.r. lb. ..I 4 4 I Walker, ef .1 0 I 1 4 lwl. If. ...I 114 1 Howard. rf..l 1 0 4 OO.rdn.r lb .1 1 1 4 ljtv.n. M...I I S 1 Harry, lb.. ..I 4 i 3 Asn. e I IIS K'aily, e I 1810 waiimaa. p. l KIT SFoater, 8114 ToUU ... IS4 1j1 Totals .I..34 8 17 li"t St. l.ouls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 Boston 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 Two-base hits: Foster (2), Cady, How ard. Stolen base: Wellman. Bases on balls: Off Weilman. 1; oft Foster, 1. Struck out: By Wellman. 1; by Foster, 8. Umpires: Wallace and Connolly. Indians Beat Yaaks. NEW YORK. Aug. 13. -Cleveland evened the series with New York today by win ning the fourth gsme, 6 to 4. Warhop was hit freely. Donovan In the last two Innings struck out three men. Walker pitched well for Clevelsnd until the eighth when he weakened. Haratsd checked a Yankee rally by striking out Alexander. Score: CUtVSXANTJ. NEW YORK. AD H.O.A B ABHO.AB. Will. tf.... 14 0 fiHIah, ef 4 118 1 Evana. lb.. ..4 14 1 (Parkins., sal 3 8 4 1 rtiapman. sa I 1 I I 1 M.Lai, lb.. 4 3 11 Jarkaos. rf..l 8 11 ll'lpn, tb 4 110 Klrko. lb. ...4 111 1 I Took, rf I 114 1 Hmllh. If. ...I 8 ! OHartlr.ll, If.. I 1 4 ft 4 WnmbM.. 3b. I 4 11 Pnna, ih I 1 I 8 4 Kcan. e I 4 f 1 4 Aleiandar. 4 Sail 4 4 Walker, p. ,.4 8 11 OWarhoa, ...l 14 10 Haratsd. p. . 4 4 4 0 ( Xh.wh.r. p.. I 4 1 0 H'aldwalt ...1 440 Totals ....Nil 2T1I I Donovan. p..4 4 0 ( Orss 4 4 4 0 4 ' ToUl Miorrll ' Batted for Shawkey In the seventh. Batted for Donovtvn In the ninth. Cleveland 1 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0-8 New York 0 0000018 0-4 Two-base hits: Wills, Klrka. Hartaell, High, Smith, Home run: Jackson. Stolen base: Smith. Earned runa: Cleveland, 6: New York, 4. Double plays: Boone to Flpp; Klrke to Walker. Bnseson balls: Off Warhop, 1: off Shawkey, 8; off rWalker, 4; oft Haratad, 1. Hlta: Off Warhop, 7 In three and two-thlrda in- T nlngs; off Shawkey, 8 In three and one- mini 111,11111,, mi iinnuvin, 1 in two in nings; off Walker, In seven and two thlrda Innings; off Haratad. 1 In one and one-third innlnss Struck out: By Walker. 3: by Harstad, 1; by Warhop. 3; by Shawkey, 8: by Donovan, 8. I'mplres: O ioughlln and Hlidebrand. (eatral City lfaa F.aay Win. CENTBAI, CITY. Neb., Aug. U-(Spe-clal Telearam It waa a very eaay matter for Central City to win the second ?ame of athree-same sertea with North latte today, 14 to 8. The feature of the fame waa the strong halting lineup of 'entral City, Bosen getting a home run. Batteries: Central City, Alexander and Orant; North I'latte. l.tiby, Blight, Taffy and Holiday. North I'latte won the game yesterday, to 4. Batteries: Central City, Davis, Wright and Orant; North I'latte, Hartey and Holllday. Central City will play Aurora tomorrow. Marsans Case Goes Over Until Friday CT. LOUIS, Aug. 12. The petition ti set aside the Injunctions restraining Armando Marsans from playing ball with any team other than tho Cincinnati Na-. tlonsla, which was to have come up for hearing In the federal district court today was postponed until Frlilsy, because two attorneys for the Cincinnati club were unable to reach here today. gnathera Association, Mttle Rook, 4-4; Memphis. -?. Birmingham, 0; New Orleans, 3. Chattanooga, b; Nashvlllo, 1. Atlanta, 0; Mobile, . SOMETHING DOING AT 5 ill Sattft Utk. Strasjle Watch Windows and B Friday Evening Papers .City bv a 8 to 2 victory In a twelva-tn nlng pitchers' battle today. Brooklyn tied the score in the sixth inning, scoring two runa The winning run was scored with two out ln the twelfth Inning on Fred Smith's triple to the left field fence and - Ueorgo Anderson's single. Score: R.H.E, Kansas City ..1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 1 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1-8 t Batteries: Main and Easterly; 'Marlon and Land. i Shenandoah Wlaa Toa-raey, SHENANIOAH. Ia . Aug. 12. (Special Telegram.) Shenandoah won the baaa ball tournament at the Phenandoah fair by defeating Tabor, i to 1. Essex placed third, winning a 4 to 6 game from 1 mo gene. Batteries: Shenandoah, Hayes and Custle: Tabor. Kammerer. Wynian and Mct'loy. t oast l.eagra. Salt Ijike City, 2; San Francisco, S. Oakland, 1: Ixia Anaeles, 2. Vernon, 2: Portland, 2. Called end ninth; dsrkness. Aaaerleaa Associativa. At Louisville: R.H.E. St. Paul ..1 ......111 1 Louisville 2 8 4 , Hail and johnaon; Hoch, Fills, Taylor and Croesln. At Indianapolis: . It H E. Milwaukee 12 11 2 Indianapolis 12 14 2 louf.hi-ty. Bhackleford, Rhoadee, Slap nika and Brannoh, Hughes; Wtills, Cran dall. bchardt, levereiia and Blackburn, (t'alled end tenth Inning; darkness) Haevs Poetpaaad. GRAND RAPIDLY. Mich., Aug. U.-Itain raussd a postponement of today's grand circuit races, which were to have closed the local meeting. Am attempt will be made to run todayg races tomorrow. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bea "For Rent." i Fashion's favorite for, Spring and Summer Ide 'SShtxr k Collars CtO. . 101 CO., Haksrs, HOT, I. V. far gate a tba fellowku nraaa. 4 Anaa sio sa. ia4K Ii ANU Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. 1 17 Douglas Street fP -1 rgi n ' 1 mm IP H Mi Frtm Hmrti dnnebrgt tf Ftlitu f m Shiktspttrt't "Kmi Htnry IV". T7 1 1 Falstaff is the true aristocrat among brews. M.BWJFP SA c6trMt product vS tA .lywrri mrt is the summit of brewing perfection, attained by Lemp's 75 years of brewing experience. Faletaff's exquisite flavor is the supreme triumph of scientific brewing. Its unvarying uniformity is the result of a perfect method applied to perfect matetials and safe-guarded by a thousand precautions to prevent the slightest variation. Berlsa(4, Bread and hear are asde of the sams materials: eersaia, raat and water. Bread M solid , beer i. liquid both are alsbly nourishing. Phtalciasa praacrtbe besr lo eroduos euergy, build tissue god straagtuea aervea. 1 Qf fl The Latop Brewary U the Old., t la America with a inlf' AOtU National fatroaae-75 yaars' Bra wing ExparUsxa 1 tl XU 1 I ' h BL 4V' 1 '"n-h. Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Neb. T.Ufkkssq. Dous. 876