Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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British Soldiers Treble Area Tor
merly Held by Them in "Anise"
Keg-ion on Oallipoli.
(Copyright, mh. Pre Publishing Co.)
ATHENS. Aug II. (Special Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
Pee.) British submarines bare
succeeded In entering the Black Bea,
and bare torpedoed the Oerman
. Turkish cruiser Brealau. Tber also
torpedoed one transport gunboat. j
Tivcnott. Aur. II. While the
Itusstans are fighting desperately to
eitrlcate themselves from the cordon
..r i.trn.r.iirmin troons. which !
teadlly pressing them mora closely
fn Poland, their allies are working
rTHhl and with considerable
success to open the Dardanelles,
through which they hope to pour Into
nch-needed munitions of
Since Saturday night, when fresh
British forces were landed on the
Osllipoll peninsula, there has been
almost continuous fighting on the
Krlthls. road. In these operations
the Australians and New Zealanders
In the "Ansae region, a naraa taken
from tha initial letters of the words
"Australian - New Zealand army
corps," bay co-operated with new
forces to the north.
Following the succeeds of tha troops
oa ths Krlthla roed and those to the
north of the "Anise" sons, ths Austra
lians and New Zealandera took ths of
fensive yetrday and succeeded In
trebling the area formerly held by them.
Their comrade to ths north, who assisted
them, mad no further profTess, however.
FIT Qmna Blleaeea.
Simultaneously the French battleship
St. Louis attacked the Turkish baUeiies
n the Arietta side of the straits, which
hod been bombarding ths allied position
oa ths peninsula, and put fire out of sis
guos out of commission. These actions
are believed here to be preliminary to a
more ambitious attempt which has been
planned by ths Anglo-French command
era to sweep ths Turks before them. Very
heavy losses which already have been
Inflicted on the Turks have had a dls
octirsging effect upon ths Ottoman
troops, according to reports from Greece.
The following announcements were
made In aa official statement given out:
"The latest report from Sir Ian Ham
ilton states that severe fighting continued
yesterday In the Oalilpoll peninsula,
mainly In ths Ansae son and la that to
the north. The positions occupied were
lightly varied In planes, but ths general
result Is tha area held at Annuo has
Ii(d nearly trebled, owing chiefly to ths
gallantry and dash of the Australian and
New Zealand army eorps.
"While to the north no further progress
has yet been made, tha troops have In
flicted heavy losses on the enemy and
tha French battleship Ft. Louis Is re
ported to have put out of action five out
of sit guns in the Asiatic batteries."
Fifty Tkeuaadi Laadea.
(XlNSTANTmOPLK. Aug. 11 (Via
Berlin. Aug. it, by Wireless to frayvllle.)
Knver Pasha, the Turkish minister of
war, declared today that, according to
ills Information, the entente allies In
their latest operations at ths Dardanelles
hud landed three divisions of troops,
composed of about 60,000 men. The losses
among them, however, he asserted, al
ready had been very heavy.
Knver Paaha'a statement was made In
an Interview with a correspondent of the
Associated Press. Ths Turkish war
minister aald; ,
"1 am fully confident that we will be
able to keep the allies in check on the
11 nil I poll peninsula even If other large
reinforcements are coming. We knew
I hat the allies' aciiatt of two days ago
was due and we prepared for It, with the
result that we were not caught napping.
Losses Very Heavy.
"According to my Information the sl
ims landed three divisions, about SO, (DO
men. No doubt part of them do longer
count, considering the heavy loaaes they
sustained in attacks Incident to the new
offensive. - The ail ted losses have been
ery heavy so far In this new attempt to
force the Dardanelles."
Knver Pasha, reviewing the events at
Eeddul Bahr during the last two days,
"The allies .experienced herd rvslst-
snre In their attempts to force the Turk
ish positions at Bed dul Bahr. Two regi
ments attacking our center there were
annihilated with the exception of about
sixty men, who were captured.
"The allies made three attacks be
tween our center and left wing" with
heavy losses. These were followed by
counter attacks by tha Turks, who are
still In pomeeskoa of one allied trench.
"Attacks on our right were equally fu
tile. About t.OM dead English He oulsld
our trenches there."
U.S.Ask3 Gun Works
What They Could Do
WAFIIINGTO.V, Aug. 13. -American
t,riufacturers of war supplies have boen
usked by the War department for Infor
n.aitoa concerning their facilities, with
Particular reference to what service tha
I olted tr.atea government can expect
iroiu them In case of emergency.
With virtually every private plant la
tlie country taxed to ita utmost oapaolty
tiling enormous orders from the Euro-
K bcllirenta, army official want to
whether expansion of facilities has
kept pare with demand and whether the
Nuvernmnt would be certain of a source
jf supply to supplement the output of
is srsensls and ermorte.
Kven In ordinary times the government
fact uriea produce only a part of the arms
and ammunition fur the array.
e.U.T LAKE CITY. I'tah, Aug 1S.-A
(n 4-ia. fit to keep the California eIK
- t t ifi Dff-t year was inlllated by
' S!t l-ee City Cort,ru,'ril cluu to-
a y, l i'-.1 oj t?i Cviicluit'n t!,at the
i jr ; -!! viar an3 K.iuraiiy una-ttlvd
; iinn. i.-l o.'n'lltl"iiS La'l rua'l It t'npoajtilo
fir i' cf the c.'l tit the country to
London Shelled by
Zeppelin Airships
RERUN. Aug. 11 (By Wireless to
Say vllle, N. T.) The Oerman airship
which raided the east coast of England
Monday night and early Tueeday morn
ing, bombarded, with good results, war
ships on the Thamea, the lxndon docks,
torpedo boats near Harwich and build
ings on the number, according to an of
ficial communication Isaued by the adml
Vote Down Proposition that Seemi
to Question Honesty of Their
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 13.
An add reus on labor conditions, past
and present, by William B. Wilson,
secretary of tha United 8tates De
partment of Labor, virtual selection
of Baltimore as tha place for holding
the 1916 convention, and a sensa
tional attack by former President
James M. Lynch on the delegates ar
rayed against the present adminis
tration, ware the features of the ses
sion of the International Typographi
cal Union convention today.
Lynch' attack was precipitated by ths
discission on a proposition Introduced by
Joseph P. Hannegan, of St. Louie, leader
of the opposition. This proposition would
havs amended the by-laws Telatlrur to
the auditing of accounts, by providing
that each year three local union ehoul 1
choose one man each to convene at the
International headquarters at Indianap
olis, and there with the assists noa of an
expert accountant to be selected by them,
audit all accounts. It also gave the exec
utive committee power to suspend any J
officer of tb Union Printers' Home cor
poration, should any defalcation or mis-,
appropriation of funds be reported.
Convention Defeats Plan.
The plan was opposed by administra
tion supporters as something put forward
merely to embarrass the present official.
It waa reported unfavorably by the com
mittee on lawa, and by viva voce vote the
report apparently was adopted. Former
President Lynch then called for a divi
sion, declaring that he wanted the con
vention to aee "the delegates who are in
sisting that their official are dishonest."
This statement brought a storm of pro
test from the opposition. President Rcott
recognised Lynch who declared he per
sonally waa reaponslbla for the declara
tion and stood behind It, and that more
over he accepted the entire responsibility
in saying that "several of the leailera of
the progressives had been In Jail."
When Lynch concluded, Hannegan and
others of his supportsrs took the floor
end denied any Intention of questioning
the honesty of the International officials.
On a roll call the report of the law com
mittee was adopted 168 to 3.
Wilms n l,.hnr's Straw-ale..
Secretary Wilson In his address de
clared that none of the Improvements In
labor conditions such as shorter hours,
higher wsgrs, safety and sanitation had
com voluntarily, but only through cease-
leas struggling on behalf of the trade
unions, and lauded the national admin
istration tor the passage of the Clayton
antl-lnjunctlon law and the creation of
a department of labor.
Baltimore received the only nomination
as the place for holding the next convan
tlon and will be selected tomorrow.
Huberts Uete A ppolatnteal,
F. C. Roberta of Washington, a dele
gate to the convention, announced that he
had received word of his appointment as
labor commissioner from the United
Btetes to Porto Rico. Koberts has been
connected with the government printing
office for a number of years. He wired
his acceptance to Washington.
Teutons Seeking
Free Hand Against
Enemies in West
PETROORAD vta London), Aug. 11-
Th Novo Vremya confirming report
that peace overture were made to Rue
si oy Germany, aaya Germany offer
Russia delict and the Dardanelles with
a guarantee of the Integrity of the all
Russian frontiers, stipulating that Rus
sia should not oppose the cession of Egypt
to Turkey, nor Interfere with Germany's
free-hand In making peace with Ruaala'a
Auto Figuring in ,
Accident Recovered
While police officer were attempting
to clear up the myatery surrounding an
auto accident near Ralston, Wednesday
night, where an auto was smashed and
several persona were Injured, the Ford
automobile stolen from W. Q. Bhrtver,
Saturday, waa recovered, totally demol
It H. Qlbba and Bryan Oallaway, ar
retted at U! Far nam street yeeterdajrl
ariernoon by Folic Chauffeur Ueorg
Armstrong and Missouri Paclfla Special
Agent lalmtag, are in Jail held for In-
vesication la connection with the affair.
The auto upset bear tha home of Louis
Howard of Ralston and a woman w
W . 1 ) V . . mm-. . .. .
tui nun. i ne ponce learned that a
woman, who gave the nam of Mra. C.
D. Curtis, la In the Wise Memorial hos
pital, the reeult of an accident near
"The House of the Heart." a morality
play for children, wll! be given fey ths
Christian Endeavor eocWty of tha Hill
side Congregational church, Thursday
evening. In connection with a church so
cial. The plsy Is under ths direction
of Mies Kste Fields, Th cast Is as
fallows: v
The "Child." Klele Schwarta; "Wis
dom." Mary Anderson; "Love." Ruth
linxe; "Cheerfulness." Hasel ITnder
wood; "Industry," Jlary Anderson; "Lady
Ooaalp," Jeanle llowill; 'Vanity.- Ruth
Vhlted; "Grumble." Ruby rrtupen;
"Knvy." Oertruds Helling; "Oame Quar
relsome," Marnaret Osborne; "lvalues."
KJHIia Drown, and "Kxitvi'k-noe." Jen
aU iXuasil
Young Woman Will Not Be Wedded
When Clock's Hand Arc Going Down
The hands of the clock hsnglng on the
well In county court moved rspldly to
the eleventh hour.
Justice C. II. Kubat was hastening to
the court house.
Will he come In time? Will he arrive
before the hour hand ceaaea to rise and
W gin to descend T
Dr. Ernest P. . McCartney of Ploux City
and Miss Florence M. Fanning of Ni
agara Falls, N. Y., pondered these ques
tions anxloualy.
Time moved on relentlessly. At 11:01
Justice Kubat arrived.
It waa too late.
"No, I will not be married while the
hour hand la going down," declared the
pretty blond young 'woman, who had
come from Niagara Falls to wed Dr.
"Oh, why notT Tell me why. I would
marry you If the clock stopped alto
gether," Implored the man who desired
to become a bridegroom.
"Because." aald Mlsa Fanning. "Be
causewell, because."
"It la a pretty superstition," quoth Jus
tire Kubat, diplomatically. "If you two
will come to my office and wait till 11:30
Austrian Subsea is
Sunk with All Hands
HOME (Via Paris), Aug. 12.-H Is of
ficially announced that the Austrian sub
marine U-1I has been torpedoed ahd sunk
with all hands in the upper Adriatic sea
by an Italian submarine.
Ths U-1J was of ths latest type of
submarlnea In the Austrian navy. It was
built In 1016 and had a displacement of
1,000 ton. It was 105 feet In length,
twenty-one feet beam and carried five
torpedo tubes. It maximum speed waa
Important to Health
During Hot Weather
Summer Condition Con
tribute in Variou Ways
' to Constipation
' At no time ahould people be more care
ful of the condition of their bowels than
during the hot weather. Constipation
should be guarded against especially, aa
many serious, and often fatal, dlseaocs
are traceable to neglect
Borne people find that certain fruits
have a laxative effect, but this cannot
always be depended upon; a mild laxative-tonic
that will act gently, yet posi
tively, without griping or shock to the
system, la far preferable. A combination
of simple laxative herba with pepsin, sold
In drug stores under the name of Dr.
Caldwell' Syrvp Pepsin la highly recom
mended a being easy and natural In Its
action, to the taate and certain
in Its effect. A dose of this excellent
remedy at bedtime will reatore normal
activity In the morning, carrying off the
heaviness and bloat. Baits, purgatives
iiiiisli ii
The most enjoyable and profitab.e i
way to spend yuur vacation la anion
your friends and In the comforts of I
your own home It' the new fashion
able way. With the money you would I
spend "going somewhere" yuu could 1
niaae yourself a "Vacation I'reaant" rr
a fine IMamond or Watch, and Ilia pleas
ure derived from owning and wearing
a genuine Diamond la Ilka an all-the-yenr-round
vacation. During our An
nual Mld-flummer or Vacation-Time
imiw io ouy ani secure ex
trs. special values. EASY CREDIT
IIS Bracelet can be detached, so watch
eaa be orn pDdaat irui roulr vairh.
Kin stM fllles, mall pHitr !. Full U Hub?
Jews), atckal aavemanl. readaat M(, hbr
whit or sa Slal. UuarantM t run. Erac-
m a ha d)uud to aar mm. aa Sj w ct
each link l sctarhabla. Wa hava J3 J
rut tha arte to "b4 fork.' ana after I .1
this latest Rlo4l WrUl Watch at
TXa&tSl 91.60 A MOsTTK.
vvVMili,', ,
tsiawA Hlni, 14k Mli4
(old iWtt "Port
ttoa" mount CC
lac 51
Hi on 4 Ring
Tootb tnotiui log.
lit. toli4 (old .
as a Month ST.M a Moata
Cpea Ci'.IjTlli 8 p. n., Saturdays Till 9:33
Call or writ for Catalog No, SOS. Phon
lnuglas 1444 and our salesman will calk
I It TIMS S a-ft-A SIT
i LaUJ4UA is
8. lata
Real KsliGi
from suffering means true hap
piness. The trouble due to indi
gestion and Mliousness, is removed
quickly, certainly and safely by
rTjt) n "-
fit tjkvrft Salt aAny Uidiaiu tn Os STarM
t-U sTorywaora. is soaos, llfcu, it.
13 5 il52
II Watch. Xss ' . . M
NPwmt, or RtgularWakt
Let The Bee et you a job.
"Situations Wanted" ads arc free.
o'clock, when the hour hand will begin
to rle. I will then perform the cere
mony." It wae well aald. The trio repaired to
the justice's offices In the Barker block.
Witnesses were called In. Again they
waited the movement of the clock.
The bands crawled slowly along. As
the wedding party watched the tlmeple c,
the thought came to Justice Kubat that
he waa not aura whether It had been
wound last night. Suppose It should not.
Where then would be his reputation for
The hour hand reached 11:80. It found
Justice Kubat standing. Haste might be
"Join hands," he aald.
"I)o you, etc.," he recited, nervously
wstchtng the clock.
"I pronounce you man and wife," he
finished, triumphantly.
The hour hand was atill rising aa Dr.
McCartney kissed his hrlde and the couple
hastened from the office to catch a train
for Floux City, their future home.
Justice Kubat an Inatant later learned
that the timepiece had been wound and
last reports said that It Is atlll ticking
merrily In his office.
eighteen knot above and ten kneta be
low water.
Culls From the Wire
' Life Insursnce waa declared to be the
most syatemstic form of thrift and one
of the greatest of civilising Influences by
speakers at the Sen Francisco convention
of the National Association of Life Un
derwriters. Water was let over the spillway of the
gljrnntlc dam at the big falls of the Mis
souri river, fourteen miles from Great
Falls, Mont. The dam cost I5.000.onn to
construct and haa been building nearly
three yesrs. It will furnish power for
the electrification of the Chicago, Mil
waukee ft. Paul railway. i
and cathartic ahould he avoided a they
upset the entire system, and at beat af
ford but temporary relief.
Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin la not ex
pensive and can be obtained In any drug
atore for fifty cent a bottle. For a free
trial bottle, write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
453 Washington St., Montlcello, III.
22 Hours Away
Yen wilt and oVlis Ktful eaal wsathar
la tKe Georgian Day Country, only
twaMy-tw hoars from Cbieas
by I
Do yo wont to tool abeat oa
wooosa giiaadey Or do yoo wont
to aah, row, noddlo, sail a boat,
swim, play oli or lannia Do yea
aot wtao to own a picturaesjue lmle
island all your own, whore yoe can
hay your own bungalow) Then
got acquaiatod with
Point au Baril
In Csoraian Bay. Eacauont Hotels
aa boaidia houaaa at anooorata
roioa. Yon teach llu lovely suav
storland by the
Canadian .
Pacific Railway
For further information writs
or coll for Booaiat No. 24,
O.A.P.D.. Canadian PaelncRy. V
214 Sooth Clark Htraot E
Opp. Post Otfice, Chicago, IIL V
4tc rmr tKi f rn -giii'-Mf
ja ia. m
f-J aVrM r W
jh-yimAf Jsue jtf ov -
as u
SjMassVMSgli - n ipayj
Commissioner Will Oppose Plan for
Installing Fire Alarm System
Proposed by Chicago Man.
Commissioner Kugel assert that he
will not vote to spend SlSe.tvw ror a so
called standard fire alarm system, aa
urged by E. R. Townsend of Chicago,
representing the National Board of Fire
t'nderwrltera, and also hy various Omaha
men. Mr. Kugel assert that he can take
Mr. Townsend own argumenta and
show wherein It would be unwise for
the cltjr to spend such a large sum.
"For one thins." stated Mr. KMgeU
Greatest Men's Suit Bargains Offered in Omaha
Choice of all Men's Spring and Summer Suits in Stock
Suits worth $181.00
Suits worth $20.00
Knits worth $23.00
Suits worth $30.00. .
No broken lots or special purchases offered, but a choice of
Hart, Schaffntr & Marx
and all other high grade,
guaranteed lines included
nt this price.
Over $10,000 Worth Women's Summer Outer Apparel
To be closed out in Domestic Room Friday, regardless of cost or value of materials.
Every item a rouser. Another One of Our Famous $1.00 Sales,
tf f Women's and Misses Coats that sold to $5.00;
Auto Coats, Wool Coats and Bain Coats
Nobby Wash Suits that sold up to $10.00 Ratine, linen, etc., in
" white and colors, choice "."
Hundreds of Pretty Wash Dresses, sold to $3.00; lingeries, linens,
lawns, batistes, etc., wide assortment .'.
All the Street Dresses that sold to $2.00
fine wash fabrics, newest' styles, all sizes,
at-.. 79
Silk Pongee and Poplin Dresses and a few
nobby serge dresses that sold at $5.98; up
to $7.50, choice .$2.08
Friday's Domestic Room Sales
The) popular interest in these sale, in this great store, where
ItKrKXOAlir.K, L'NI'KKTMCED Cotton, Beddings, Wash Goods,
Ktc, nre featured, Is attested by the constantly increasing patron
age of the Mhrewdest shoppers.
All the dainty 30-inch novelty printed Wash Fabrics, now, yd., 8Vs
. All the popular Voile, 40-inch . fabrics, large assortment of these
25c favorites, yard 12 Hs
Muslin of fine grade, yard wide; no dressing, spring water bleach,
at yard Ge
Muslin, unbleached, yard wide, best possible value, yard 5
Apron Gingham, the best Amoskeag brand, all sixes of checks,
at, yard . .
Bed Spreads, er&chet kind, lars;e else, .old up to 11. SI, each 91.89
- pillow t'sses, the regulsr sixes, none better at 10c, each , T4J
Toweling, IS inches wide, the heaviest, most absorbent kind, yard ioe
Bath Towel heavier, wider and longer than moat ttto grade, each . ...16o
lltick Towels, assorted border, usual 10c kind, each ..TV4e
Print and" Calicoes, remnant lengths of the So kind, yard SVie
v -
Hosiery Specials
' In Domeetic Boom.
Women's Silk Lisle Hose, 25c
quality, black and col- 1 Q
ors; Friday, at, pair.. X7C
Women's 15c Quality Hose,
black, white and 1 A-
tan. pair 1 VIC
Children's Cotton Hose, light
and medium weight, 1 A
pair . . . : 1 VlU
Children's Cotton Hoee, black,
white and Un. O C
4 pair for stsQC
Notion Snaps in Domestic Room Friday
i). M. C. and 1. F. C. Cotton, on
sale Friday, per ball. . . .7 Vis
200 yards machine Thread,
spool 2
50 yards Sewing Silk, spool,
Men's High Grade Shirts AQr
To $2.00 Values, Friday at ... ,
An styles, newest colors, in pongees;
piques, satinettes, fine madras, etc all
sires 14 to 17. ,'
Men's Summer I'nlon Suits, to $1.50 'values,
athletic or regular styles, ribbed or balbrtggan,
choice 70
25c Paris Garters, at ID")
25c Soft Collars, at ?)
7oc Guaranteed Hose, pairs In a box, per
box '. .' 49
Hay den' 3 for Quality Goods and a Saving of 25 To to
SOVo on the Cost of Living
It lb, best pur Cane Granulated
6rar 81.00
4iib. sacks best High Uraole Diamond
Hour, nia-to from No. 1 elected
old wheat, sack 91.73
10 rsrs best 'biin All. Diamond C or
I-auudry guotn White Laundry t)oai
for 8 Jo
10 cskes Cupid Toilet Soap ISO
( ran 1)11 Pardlnes 1
t-lb. cans fancy tlwaet Hugar Corn,
Wax. btrln, Ureon or Lima liean
for .... i
I -lb. cans Early June Sifted
Advo Jell for dessert,
vikods. oka.
Tsll cans Alaska Salmon
Th. best Domestic Mwcaroni. Vermt-
a D.niiuu ........ v
celll or Hpaah.ttl. vkg tH
4 Iba. fancy Japan Rice. Tapioca or
Nsvy iiean. 85
l-lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Psuer Kraut or Haked Hsana ...,T4
1 -ua can California Rip. Oils., loo
tl-os. jar pur Fruit and Sugar Pre-
ervr 8
4 Urn can Elkhom or Vtansflehl s
Milk ..86
M. Ijxn- Psanut Buttsr, lb.. ISVt
K. C. Corn Flakes pk So
W. O. O. or kirvuikiilss, pk So
lrs. bottles W'or-eler Sauce, Pur-
Tomato Catsup, ptcklea, assorted
klrls. or Pr.iard aluatartl, f.r
bottle v,e
Bchepp'a Khredded Cocoanut. for pies
snd ekes, Per lb IS
Ht-rshey's Break fust Coco, lb. .. 86
Th best Tea SI flings, lb 1SV
It Pays-Try
"only nineteen of the 7 fir call last
rear were cent In through the fire alarm
boxe. It my be true that with more
alarm boxes a few more call would be
ent In through them, but th telephone
generally Is used for these calls. Mr.
Townsend admitted that the telephone la
a necessary adjunct to any fire alarm
"According to Mr. Townaend's figures,
the Installation of a standard fire alarm
system would advance Omaha from 2V
to aerond grade by the underwriters, and
would mean a reduction In the annual
premiums' of about 23,onn, with an estl
meted annual maintenance charge of
tl,ono, leaving an Imaginary balance of
SMro. That balance, I maintain, would
In all probability be apent In maintaining
the system. But, supposing we had euch
a balance of tS.Ono, the whole proposition
does not work out. 1
"We could, according to the Chicago!
man's figures, be advanced to second '
else by Instslllng a lot of motor ap
paratus, aggregating about 1100.000. I
(Szeept Sine and Blaeka)
12. 75
rea waisis wiin youe, Doraerea patterns,
sizesjto 44 25c
25c Lawn Dressing Sacques at. .... . .10e
White Waists, to $1.00 values (soiled) 19
White Dresses, last year's styles, at. .49
Less Than Half
Men's ' and Women's Umbrella,
made to sell to 2.00, with para
gon frame, steel ribbed, Ameri
can taffeta covers; .fast black
and absolutely rain proof; slses
26 and 28 Inches, with silk cover,
all styles of bandies;
great snap in Fri
day's sale, at
Deeply cut prices on all ladle'
and children' parasols.
Hump Hooks and Eyes, card, 1
Hose supporters, all . sues, at,
pair 5
Good. Nursery Pin, 3 do. . . f
Pins, 2 pkgs. for 5
Ooldnn Santo Coffee., lb ,
TOMEI. smirrs rAjror
SsalA SXACxts.
. .80
si-oaa vaaCHis, csAia . . ... .
Basket Boa OaUf erala Bartlsst
re 81.T
X.arr Mark Basket xup T etas, too
txb . bt ntzOTi.T rsVEaax
x.ieua, a.j xoaT i.
Th beat CYeatDM-y Butter, carton,
lb. , . is
r ancy No. 1' Creamery Butter, b'ul.
lb ,&eo
r ul Cream Toung- America. Wlscon
sln Crcain or Nw Tork Whit Cheese.
ib , , aoo
tmncy Dairy Tabl. Butter, lb . . .aoe
Good Dairy Butter, lb 89
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese.
In o
Kanty Largs Qumd Olive. Quart.
is ib a. mnr sotatobb to th
C ie
11 lbs. good Cooking Apple to th
leck 10c-lo
V'sucy Sweet Corn, per dosen .,..18
Cabbaas, for kraut.-J for 8e
4 lar. bunches fresh Beet. Carrots.
or Turnip 8
larg bunches frh Onion or 8
Fancy Hesd Ittuo.. head ....Se-TVe
l"ncy Iwnvtr Fe, quart TU
Kancy lnver Cauliflower, tb. ...10
ro Quality OeoS Try myda'
woutJ favor buylnr Ihe motor iulp?rlilt
rather than Instilling th fire alsrm
ystem. We could, st a small expense,
add to Ihe alarm boxe we now hav
and get th desired results.
"Another festure of the situation 1
the admitted fact by Mr. Townsend that
the reduced fire Insurance rate result
ing from the propoaed new alarm system
would not reach the gret mas of home
ownera, but would In a large measure
benefit the buislnesa section, und yet the
entire city would have to bear the ex
pense of paying the ttGO.noo for Installing
the new system and Ilt.000 or more a
year for maintenance.
Apartments, flats, house and cottage
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
Movements nt Oena 'teamen,
net. ' Arrlred Palled.
OFINOA. Danta Allshleri..
XPENHAOBN fnlte Statas.
PAtJ:RMO ntampalla.
Krw YORK rrwierirk III.
KFW YORK Mmttanan.
NBW YORK Mlonahsha Taorsiloa.
All eizfs and the season 'a
best styles and fabrics, all aro
garments bought repnlarly.
our complete guaranteed stock
Sale continues till all
summer stocks are dis
poned of ; but get in early.
odd lots of linenl
Long Lawn Kimonos that sold at 50c, shir-1
t i 1 1 . i i r
Get Your Drugs and
Toilet Goods Friday
25c can .William' Talcum, all
odor loo
tOo Hind's Honer. and ' Almonl
Cream ... ase
60o os. Whit Roe Perfume, per
OS. ; .854
60o tub Pebeco Tooth Pate..SSe
SOo box Java Rice or Possonla
Powder asa
0o Jar Dagfrett Jk Ramsdeil.
Cream . . , 39c
lie Jar Sanltol or Aubry Sisters'
Cream 19
il.00 jar Sal Htepatlca e
1 Jar Horllck' MalteA Milk, Se
So Jar Mentholatum ISo
SOo bottl Peroald of Hydroireit
tor . . 8e
16c bottle Dr. Hlnkl' Cases ra
Tablet 16
(Oo bottl Phenols Wafer . .880
II 50 Hot Water Bottle. rd . .se
Il.tS Pyiinge, red rubber
Ladies' Underwear Specials
Moulin Gowns and Combination
8ults, broken lots; values to
fl.50; on sale, lQ
choice "a C
Women's Knit Vests, values to
16c; all sixes, cp
choice O C
OOc Bnngaiow Aprons, best
styles, well mads, 215q
Children's Knit Union Suits, all
sizes, broken lots, in.
, 17 li
Many Other Specials.
Children's Handkerchiefs. e&.; 2
Men's Handkerchiefs, each, 3Vtt
Ladles' Neckwear, special .... 5
and. 10
26o Whisk Brooms, each.. 15
Men s Furnishing Specials
' In Domestic Room '
50c quality Underwear, shirts or drawers,
rib or Bajbrigtfan, in all sizes; at, per gar
ment 25tf
Men's l0Mjuality Hose, pair . . .... . '. .5
Men's. 10c, quality Handkerchiefs. .... .5
In the If at lepartnient, your choice of all the
Straw Hate, values up to $2.50, at one price. 75
Boy' and Children's Straw Hats, entire stock, to
$1.50 values, la two lot. ...... .5g and 45
Mahogany Dresser
Sale, $17.50
For One Day Only
$25 Mahogany FIUNCESS
Dresser, large beveled mirror,
14x36; top, it inches; Colo
nlal desizn 917.SO
Queen Ann design or the
straight line; also swell front
and other patterns same price.
ANY, f 15.00.
In order to core par th
values, we will sell regulai
Dressers (not Princess), 22x2 h
mirror, 4 2 -inch base, 4 pat
terns to select from. .$15.00
We have several Dressers
In this sal for ...-812.50
One or two of a pattern.
Brass Beds Have Advanced.
On account of the war, we
will raise our price after this
wexk. We have a few steel
beds, full site, some three
quarter and single siies, that
we are closing out quickly for
83.50 each.
FIrat It IPmys