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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
THE UHK; mi AHA, ritlDAY, AUdUST III. 1!K. 15 t RKAI. K3TATK flOVTH H1IK Last Chance to Buy Cheap Lots SOUTH SHIMER'S NEW ADDITION Sixth and Dorcas Sts. Only-35 Lots-Only Sale Starts at 2 O'clock There are only 35 lots, ami wo have made the price bo that they will all bo sold by Satur day niirht. PRICE $400.00 TO $700.00 TERMS, $1Q0.00 Down, $10.00 PER MONTH 6-HOUSES-6 We also have six houses in this addition, ranging in price from $1,200 to $2,500. TAKE A HARNEY OK FAItNAM CAK AND GET OFF AT DORCAS STREET. WE ARE GOING TO SELL EVERY HOUSE AND LOT SATURDAY IF POSSD3LE. COME EARLY IF YOU WANT A FIRST CHOICE. SALESMEN WILL BE THERE, v American Security Company 17th and Douglas Sts. REAL ESTATE FARM tt RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Ulii FOR information about fine truck, fruit, corn and altaifa land, write W. tt. Per kins, Aahdown, Ark. I an ir r"a Uve Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Kmith Co.. 114-14 City Nat. B. T. 38JS. Colorado. 1 HAVE for aaie ISO aorta of level land In Morgan uounty, Colorado, can all be Irrigated; four milea from town. For particular address Chaa. Phelpa, Wel- duna, Colo. 1 HAVE SO.OijO acrea ot good lands for sale la Uncoin and Cheyenne oo unlU-s, Colo. One-lenta cash, balance ten an iiuai payments. Tne crops In eastern Colorado are Just aa good aa they are in any perl of ttie United n you .. want a bom write me. W. J. Morehart, Alankato, Minn. o lewa. RATE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a food description of your land and send it to tiie bloux City, la.. Journal. ' Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five word every Friday evening, Beturday morning and every Saturday venliig and bunday morning lor one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for Ui or So words, $4. or 16 .words, to. Lars eat olroulatlon of any Iowa newe- paper, 2eO,0uo readers daily in four greet aiatea. FOR &AIEV-An Iowa farm of 40 acres; 170 acrea in corn, balance pasture; good improvements, good orchard. W ill sell on , ?aiy terms and low rate of interest. Ad 1 tress V. W. Bis bee. Turin, la. Minnesota. IIKN. farms; low price, easy terms. Min nesota Land Co., P. O. Box 817. Omaha. UeT out of the mud; come to west cen - tral Minnesota and aee the bumper ;rops grown with sn unuHUal amount of 'ainfall. Harvesting now under ideal con .iltl'ina. Hoads fine. Ulland Liand at Loan lompany, Fergus Falls. Minn. Nebraska. i FARMERS. LOOK! U'u will sea any reliable farmer with ' tjood equipment, a good. Improved, 440 ucre farm in Kim bail county, Neb., tne iuunty of big cro-pa, on a cash payment of SI an acre, the remainder, crop pay ; uient plan, price $15.60 an acre. THE W; F. SHELTON COMPANT. Omaha Nat. Bank Blag., Oman a. Neb. o i'OJl 8A m . w acres, well improved. 6 tulles from Meadow Grove. XNeb., and has good eoU;-lUo per acre; HuoO cash, balance terms,, Casper Thelsen. Osmond, ieb. ' i-XJlt SALK as) acres, lht miles from Wavne. Neb.. 1 mile from state normal; 510.0UO in improvements; miles woven! wire fencing; 8 wella, it windmills; 80 acres alfalfa; loo acrea pasture.- If interested come or write L. W. Owen, Wsyne, Neb. FOK HALE, and will take part trade, a I good 240-ecr farm, IM miles west of Umaha. wen improved ana in cultiva tion. Price ITS per acre. Addrues Owner, rlox 244. Central City. Neb FOR SALE At auction on Aug. 18. 1Mb, at the farm, the 1. C. Cornfield farm of 2M) acrea; good improvements; IS miles from Grand Island and S miles from HI. Llbory. This la one of the best all-around farms in hiwtnl Co. Mortal Dakota. o iEED AN OUTING. .. TAKE IT 'NOW AND JOIN our excursion party Tuesday. August J7. ..ound for the BIO CROPt on our farms in North Dakota. You can bargain for; our farms by paying tl an acre down, i balance on your terms or on the crop! payment plan. We can help you. Try j us. Wm. 11. Brown Co., e N. la. 8all st.. Chicago. o Texas. TRACT 1,104. consisting of $ acres and towu lot in Francitla. Tex., the Gulf coast country, for sale for $1-; must sell; worth more than double the money. Ad dress Lock Box 3. Aahton. Neb. W yeaniaa. FOR SALE Vi section of the best land In Lincoln county. Plenty of good water. 18 per acre. Write for informa tion. Mrs. M. Murphy, P. O. Box No. W). Hawllns. Wyo. ' Mlrrl kaaa, ea m a. ID-ACRE farm 111 per acre; 30 cash and M per month; no interest: rich soli; ftne land; pure water, good title. Write W. T. Toung. Jr . Kimball. Neb. LARUE WHoItiALK TRACTS in Mon tana, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Prices and terms right to those who mean busi ness. Hethenngton Land Co., Cedar Rapids. Ia. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS. ( FfcJR CKNT. TOLA N D A TBUMBULU US btm Bldg. llOO TO I10,ft mad promptly. F. L Wead. Wead Hlri.. lih and Karnana Sta CITY and (rm loans, &. b't. $ per cent I. H. I' Co.. 414 Slats Bank. WANTKD-Qood farm anTUyToana at lowest ntil PKTEH8 TRUfT CO.. 1(31 Fa mam t ITT. property. Large loana a aiwrUliy. W. li. Thomas, tHal Bank Bldg. 4 KKAli KHTATlv ciH"TH SIDE Sewer, walks in lay high two feet Houses in excellent repair, new floors, newly painted and decorated, city water, toilet, iras and electric lights. Very easv terms. REAL ESTATE. LOANS MONET on nd for city and farm loana H. W. Bin. V. City National Bank Bldg. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. 810-12 Rrandeia Theater Bldg. WANTE1-Clty and farm loana; lowest rates. W. O. Templeton. COS Be. T. 220. REAL ESTATE) FOB EXCHANGA FOR EXCHANGE Clear oornnr lot. 60x 140. Lowe's add.. Omaha, for good ftve paasenser automobile. Address T B1, Bee. OMAHA realdenoe property exchange for Bloux City property. Box 69. Sioux City. REAL ESTATE NORTH BjDE Look 24th & Manderson $4,200 ; Seven rooms, hot water heat, quarter aawed oak. Fast front, corner lot, Pv Ing paid in full. Best bargain on the North Bide. House alone could not be replaced for leas than $4,500. Practically new. Newly painted on outside and newly decorated within. It's a snap. Bee for yourself. Our sign is on the property. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153. State Bank Bldg. Your Architect will say that the new, strictly modern, up-to-date bungalow we have In Boule vard Park is one of the best built homes In Omaha. It has rooms and bath, all large and well arranged, oak finish, beamed ceilings, bookcase and other spe cial features. Lot and location are Ideal. Will sell on terms, or take good lot as first ptyment. Rasp Bros. lflf McCague Bldg. Douglas ISM. FONTENELLE PARK $50 CASH 4 rooms; elty water, eiectrlo lights; ce ment hasonumt? Ktalrw,w In flu.,jij t . r. Price. $1,460 with one lot, or $1.$M) wltii two lota. Located 4U07 N. 43d tn.. east of Font telle park. Keys at 4143 N. 43d. C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandel Theater Bldg. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK, grass, shrubs and trees giving splendid shade and uniformly distant from each other, all In now, not promised for future years. Pav ing taxes yam. no sneas, aiieya or dis agreeable environments. On car lines, near schools and churches; five new houses completed, or nearlng completion. Can be sold on easy payments to responsible par ties. Keys at inv residence, B. J. BoanuelL pnone Doug. 88 or Web. SHU. 1108 N. tia St., handy 4-r. mod. flat.. $17 RASP BROS., 108 McCague Bldg. BUNGALLlW-4-room, modern, new and up-to-date in every reepect, Ud and Ames, Oak Chatham addition. Web. 4228. BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow, strictly modern; corner lot; sacrifice tor quick sale. 4'Jfl Grand Ave. Phone Webstsr 827. HEAL ESTATE WEST 81DB PoppletonPark Home Near Saunders achool and cathe dral; east front, corner, 60x125; nearly new; full 2-storr gquare. Price cut 10 per cent from $3.00 for Immediate sale; $300 cash, balance 35 monthly and Interest. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Ns.fl. Douf. 3715. o For Sale A spkndld home tx-opertr located In the very choicest residence district, JOd fct. between ttrnam and Dodge. Modern in every way. and In exrellit repair, can vased wails and ceilings, handsomtily decorated; two bathroorao, billiard room, library, a spacioias combined sun room ana sleeping porvct: beeutirul hardwood finish and floors. Fine trees and shrub bery. This is an extremely effective home and must be seen to be appreciated. Price la riant and terms reasonable. Let us show you this attraoUv home. D. V. Sholes Co. glt-U City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4H ex Hi NUAIXJW fur ' sale cheap; ternis. leaving city. Phone Walnut 4.X REAL EATR IS VESTMENTS luH or rant. Irriaiie biilldli'.K. lltn aud ekii ax d. 3b8. Apply 11J4 Gust C REU, KSTATK SOUTH RIDE Saturday water and cement and paid for. The lota and aro from one t- above tlio eidewalk. Phone Douglas 5013. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Some Cheap Ones Ixts 6, 7, a and 2S, In Block 4, your choice. 1250. Lots 6 and 18, in Block S, your choice, 1150. All In Paunder aV Illmebaurh's Addition to Walnut Hill. Sewer, water and gas In and paid for. Two have brick sidewalks also. The owner Instructs us to sell this prop erty. See It at once. A. P. Tuk'ey & Son Phone Doug. 602. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bldg. o. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." 11AILWAY TIMB CARD UNION STATION Tenta and Huaa, Chirac 4t Nor,Tvester NORTH. Depart. Twls City Bxrnes.,.. a !: a kota Pisinpr , a 1 a sat eloiu i ttr Losl t a t to pm s1lnukiolls Bxiirsas a 4:4 pal Tela cur Limite-l a i.v pm EAST. DtoTar trxolal Carroll Local a T:CS sol rUwksre Kipraaa a T:4 aa Chicago Ical .vU M pen Carroll Local ....a 4:M pm Chlcass ripcisl ....a M pia aa f 'raaciaoe Umltsd ali u am Oteruuid LJmlt4 a :i pm Orasoa-WuhUntoa Liailta4..a i n pa Us Aosalas LUaltwl . .ia pa WrT. Cbaerea IXeal a( taa UDcals-Daliaa ilsaa Lauoola-Lous Plaa -. . t:U pa HstlB(s-Bipior b I li pa DMawuo4-Uut BprlBs a lilt pa Casper-Laaaar ....a 4.14 pa Makaik Ok We-at. Leula Kxpraaa....a t M pa Malt an Bxpraaa a 1:01 aa lialoa Paclflo Arrive. ei:N pa a 4 .M aa a 4:4 pa all M aa a IiUis T:I4 aa a 4:4 pa all :M pa a 1:44 pa alO PO aa a 74 aa aio u aa a T .M aa al4ii4 aa I D pa al4:ii pa a :24 pa a t:K0 pa au4 aa a t:li aa alliat pa a 4 41 p all: aa at:. pa a l :M aa a 4:4 pa a 4 o pa l:a aT:Hpa a 1 11 pa a 4 44 pa ai4:aaa Owlaa4 Limlud CplKoraia Mall ....... Omaka Bxpraaa AUasta CipraM i.. Ls Assalaa Uaaitag.... Colormao IxprMs Colorado Kpaolal Hal Fraaeune L4alt4., ..a a-es sa ..a4.fcpa Vau'u'aai ..a 4:M pa . .all W aa ..ai0:s aa rsellls usiim si:a aa Nana Plaua Looa.1 .a 4:14 aa Grand Ulas4 Laoal a 4 M pm airoaumirs Lal pa Illinois teatr Chloata Umlted a I an pa Caloaxa Bxsraas ..... ae aa ainlonlaadale k4.Mpa Chieago, Mtlwaalt St. Pi Paolflo Umltad ,... T.M pa Chlcaae Bpaeial a 4:s0 pa Chlcaaa Darllast apaelal a T:14 aa Calltonil Mall a i H pa Maiulla lal a Ckteaa Great Western Tela Cltr IJalta4 s 4:at pa Tula Cltr Biprass. -a at aa Cbioase ipias 4.a pa MlaaeaH Pavclflo L C. t It I Wiprtm a I OS aa g,. c A IH. L- bpraaa .all :U a. C. A Pa Ckteasot Hlx Islaaa at pM Mktft. funky MoeaUlB L4bium....s 1:4 aa 4 Plaass loal rwwtw tie es aa Chloaaa Pally Bxpi at.Maa Cbicaaa M" Kapraw a 4 it pa Ma Mulaaa Laoeal raaaantsr. .a 4 H am Cktcaeo-Nstoraaae Unl (.at pa Wattff. CM.-Nab. L4mlU4 ta Liacola.a I U aa Colorado Callfaral a....a I d p OkUkoaa A Taxes Iipna.4l:NM aeuky aioaalala UbM., au.Mpa a waa alMpa s l a pa aal all:1l aa a T:ld aa an 14 aa a 4 ipa ailitsaa aa lpa l ad p a J:a ara a led pm 4:pa I flaw all: a bia a 4:44 p. a l - m a. ali a a I u4 aa :47 pa 4Pa aU :M aa a l4 aa BURLINOTOJI TAT!OW Tenth aa Maseav. Brllata - latNM WMT. Danaut. Arna a 7 ie aa et:i,m a 4. it 4 4 t aa Mata 5 1:44 pa 1 11 pa a l a p. pa a 14 pa Daevar Lin Had a I la aa Plabnuka Lea ... ll Sla Piabnaaa Eapreas s S it aa UaNll Ldioal ll Mpa LaulsTtlla-aw-barlav k 4. at pa plortaeaat, aek Hllla. Mae- tena aad Waafclagtoa .a 4:14 pa gMlrlea. Hastluss aad uraa4 lalaod a 4:14 pa Daerar-Callfaraia 4lS,a aastlaas-tiraad islaad adMpa UBWl. . .WW Mm Calvrade-Calilsral. Marts- vam-vi M t in. IJh aa a A mw ' raUase aag lUIBula.. IUWI a-. yialtaaauth-PaolfM gaassa Clty-Sl. St. Larala. ate.... aaaaas Citp-ai- J a dailj- b sally a 4pa M Mte Idla W3CBSTKB 8TSXKBT aTA?0 teeatk aad Weeeter. HI. tkleaa, Oaaahav t. $!, Itlaaaapalla Depart. Arn,a .. kt l.s aa klSpa ..... 4 tt p. a ail:td aa I ?j aa a d i pa p.14 aa Suadar. Tela "ir riaa, r.... awaa CMy itierwrn j'usx l l'.v I'aarnaar... gavtaraoa Lial a aailr. b Sally ataa l:14aa I .1? V T.etaa f ? ?" a 4:a;. yiatlaoasuia-T-aciua .aui aa pa, e t ad a CWloa loal k$apa bus,?" Cbi.o lUpraa; 4:41 pa a 4 3 p2 Ki.ieaao L'"f4, ; 4:pa a4arZ Ckloaea aa4 .lltaola a t a aa all UNSUI SOUTH 'aaapa -a p u aa. a d M aa aapb all at aa aaaast g4ap. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET aaaapMa t New Wheat ii Strong- and That Ce real Sella at an Adrance of One to Three Cents. DRY WHEAT SUPFLY LACKING OMAHA, August 1!. 1915. New wheat waa strong today. st-MIng from Ht3o higher than yesterday. Com was a good sailer and the corn buvera paid from '4fti more for this cereal today. Oais sales w-re tew, and oats were quoted practically tinrhanged. Mills In the southwest are railing for dry wheat today and are wliuna. to pay any prices. Itei-ent rains placed wheat shocked, In practically all section of th atate of Kansas, in bad condition and It la unfit tor grlmling. Twenty-live mills reporting In that slate are either shut down or will bo before the end of the week on account of lark of dry wheat for milling. All dry wheat is being absorbe by mills at fancy prices. Clearances were: heat find flour quap to 7 26,000 bu.; corn, 4S,ooo mi.; oats, none. Liverpool closed with wheal !i81d up, and corn unchanged ta Id lower. IMmary wheat receipts were l,lt,0n0 bu. and shipments 4in,0u bu., against receipts I.,a,0(i0 bu. and shipments of 79J.OHO bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were RIS.00 bu. and shipments 4N,u0 bu., again receipts Ot 424.0U) bu. and shipments of 609.000 bu. last year. ITlmary oats receipts were K3.000 bu. and shipments 22SMWO bu., against receipts of 1,444.000 bu. and shipments of l.SUK.UM bu. last year. CARLOT REOK1PTS. WheaL Corn. Oats. Chicago 437 l; loJ Minneapolis 121 ... ... Duluth 1 Omaha 52 2 10 Kansas City i:il 10 6 Bt. Louts 11 It M Winnipeg tl ... These cash sales were reported today: Wheat No. 8 hard winter: 1 car, old, 1141; 1-3 car, old, fl.SIK; 1 cars. 4171; 1 oar. $1.2H',i; a cars, 11.2"); cars. 11.18; 1 ear, No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.17; 1-6 car. tl.lSi; 7 cars, 41.13; 1 car, ll.U; f - cars. $1.12; 1 car, II. im. 1 car. $1.11; 1 car, $1.10. Hample: 1 4 cars, $1.0f,: 1 !- cars, tUH; 1 car, $1.00'4; I car, 11.02; 4 cars, $1.00. Corn No. 2 white: cars. 7Mc. No, 1 yellow: 1 car, 74 Ac No. I yellow: i car, 74o. No. yellow: 1 car, 7h'c. No. I mixed: t cars, 75V. No. S mixed: 1 ears, 7fc. No. b mixed: 1 oar, 744o. No. 6 mixed: U car, 74c; car, 74V. Oats No. 3 white: 2 cars. Mo; U car, 62c. No. 4 white: 1 car, new, 42; 1 car, new, 3S)a. Kye No. 2: 1 car, new, 7c. Hsrley No. 4: 1 car, 64c. Rejected: 1-5 oar. 66c. OmaJia Cash Prices Wheat: No. J tur key, $1.3!b1.4n; No. 3 turkey, $l.!m?1.39. No. 1 hard, $i.$lty1.42: No. R hard, $l.lS4y 1.41; No. 4 hard, 41.1MH.11; No. 1 spring, $4.3V61.37H: No. t durum, tl.&Vfi'l.S?; No. $ durum, $1.3401.85. Corn: No. 3 white, 75(ii'75c; No. 8 white. 7nia75ic; No. 4 white. 7txff754c: No. 6 white. 74(ifrBc: No. 4 white, 74V,if.i4V,o; No. 2 yellow. 7tW;6Vio; No. 3 yellow, 7M(fi76o; No. 4 yellow, 754 T6c; No. t yellow, 751i'iiyr5Wc: No. 6 yellow, 7fa7Mtv, No. I mixed, 7Tff76tie; No. 3 mixed, 74ifP7Dc; No. 4 mixed. 74'4 eyi44c; No. 6 mixed. 744374 V: No. mixed, 74r(r744c Oats: No. 3 white, 4.t'iW MV; standard, 4itiiX3Hc; No. 3 white, 42r53c; No. 4 white, SOHtglc. Iiarley: Malting, 70-(T72e; No. 1 feed, WVtftNe. Uye; No. I, 1.0Stirl.C; No. 3, $1.07'.H 1.08. ClIfCAOO GRAl!t AND mOVISlONS Feature of the Trading; aad Closing Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Wheat- developed much strength at times today. Influenced largely by reports that millers and for eigners were active buyers at Kansas iCIty. With September at $l.lljl ll'4 and lUecember $1.08(4. the market closed un settled, Ho off to lMic up, compared with last night. Corn finished He to Ho net lower, oats at Mo off to a shade advance, and provisions varying from 22V&C decline to a rise of 86c. It was said also that the mills at Min neapolis were showing activity in the purchase of September options on wheat. The immediate Incentive was unsettled weather which prevailed today over a large portion of the wheat belt and which threatened to Increase further the serious damage and delay already Inflicted on much of the winter crop. Bearish reactions In wheat took place shortly after the opening and just before the close. The earlier setback, which was the more forcible of the two, seemed to be owing in a measure to flattering reports from the harvest In the north west. The later downturn resulted mostly from profit taking by holders. Com held within a narrow range. Crop reports were a little more favorable. Wet weather lifted the oats market. Later, however, prices eased off as a result of Increased notices of consignments, from first hand. Packers selling ribs pulled down the value) of provisions. A rally In the pork market, though, took place afterward on account of covering by a leading short. The demand for shipment of provisions was only moderate on domestlo account but fair for export, Futures ranged as follows: Artlcle Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close, lea y Wheat Hept- 1 10H 1 11 IH HI 1 00 Dec,. X (WW lr IdtW 1 0B4 1 00', Corn Bcpt. 76H 7fH 75H 75"a 76H Uec. 4H 64 " 64 44 H Oats Hept. 411. 41 41 41 41 Dec. 41 il 4XH 40H 40 Pork Kept 1$ $5 14 25 13 80 14 06 13 SL'H Oct.. It 86 14 80 IS 80 14 10 13 2H LSept 7 HTH S V2 7 91 8 00 K Oct.. $ 06 8 10 $ 02V, $ OVH $ 07Vi Ribs Hept. IH 66 $ IW, t2 SIS Oct.. I 10 1 S 10 I $96 8t6 S07H Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 red, $Lltftl.l; No. 8 hard, $l.l.i8. Corn: No. 3 yellow, lUn:'c; others nomlnsl. Oats: No. $ white, new, BltiiZc; No. 3 white, old. iovtti.; standard, new, 64c. Uye: No. i nominal; No. 8, $1.03. Barley: 7isic. Keed: Timothy, $5,6047.00; clover, $,.'ia.20. fro vlslons: Pork, $14.00; lard, T.Wht; ribs, $.o.iy.00. Euusi Higher; receipts, 48 cases; st mark, cases Included, liaise; ordlnarv firsts, lixvl7Hr; firsts, northeru, liViV llu'Wo: firsts, southern, 17tjl7w. BllTTKH Higher; creamery, 80t24Hc. POTATOfJ-6tealy: receipts, an cars; Virginia, barreled, $1.60; Jersey, bulki 67c tfoc. POULTRT-Allv higher; fowls, lSVic; springs, lTialSc. UUA1IA UEKEBAL MARKET, BUTTER No. L l-b. cartons, ac: No. 8, KO-lb. tubs. 23c. CHKHBhi Imported Pwlaa, 8fic; Amer ican Iftwlaa, &c: block Hwias, tic; twlna, 14c; daisies, 14c; triplets, 14c; young America, lHc; blue ialjel brick, Wv; llmburger, 8-lb., auc; New York white, Iw'ic; imported French Roquefort, dije. KISH-Trout. 16c; white fish. 1-; hali but, 1-k:; channel catflali, 16c; herring. 7c: codfish, WylL'c; mackerel, 16c; salmon. laa14c. KP3T POTATOES Kansas. $I.7G bbl. BEtF CL'Tri-itibs: No. 1. Ir1c; No. 3 14C; No. J, lftc. lAlns: No. 1, r-'Hc; No! 8, 80c; No. 8, 174c. i hucks: No. 1. l,c; No. t, UVc; No. 3, PV'- lUiunds: No. 1. 17c; No. 2, lc; No. 8, lio. Plates: No. 1. Pc; No. 8. r.c; No. 8. 4 ic r'rult and vegetable fumlahed br Ollllnskl Fruit company: FKU ITS Oranges: California Valencies. IijOs. tim. ws, iia, 6V-., H bo t r lks; California Valencia, l-'w, l7An, 2m, a, ,i.,a. 2uue, $w.U per bo. Lemons: Kxtra fancy Oolden Bow. Sous, inn, :60 per box; ex tra fancy tiunklal. Sous, StOs. $u.00 per oox; Hed Ball. $4 60 ier box. Peaches: Cali fornia C rawfurda, toe per crate; Callfor liia Klbertas, 70c per crate; luo-crete lots, w,ho per crate; 6uocrate lota, bbc pr crate; per bu., $1.26; 2b-bu. lots. 41.20 per bu. Plums: Burbanka, II Oo per craie; Wickaons and Kelseya, $ ptr crate; Tragedys. blue, $1.40 per crate; lilamonds. liungarlans and Uroas, il 4u per crate: Wli-kaona. $1.16 per box. Pears: Califor nia Bar Hot ta, $luo per box: Washington liartlells. fancy, $1.76 per box. Orapes: Per crate, $1.76. Bananas: Medium fruit, $7.u0iti a. 4 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Chan- fulnola and Port IJinon, 4c per lo. anlaloupes: California onles, tia. $3 00 per crate; California standards, $i .V) per crate; Moapa Nevada standards, 42 76 ner crate; juniboa. $2 6o per orate; ioniea, $25 per crate. Watermelons: per lb., lVc VKUKTA HH-iH Cabbage. hoine-Krown and aouthern, IS" r M. Head lettuce, $1.0i) per dox. laf lettuce. per ds. i'eppers. one per basket. Tomatoes, jl.00 - baKe'.. Onions. V akliiiigluti, li'-jc per lo. eler . yo er los. Cuciimlieia, 41 00 p-r basket- i'araicy, per ilix. Wax aud gitau bvaus, pvr Laakct. Oixtn BKMM LIVE STOCK MARKET while, sue per bu. rwcet potatoes, $1 ?i pr hamper. M'T-Walnula, No. 1, 1o por lh. I'll berts. l.V fer ll. Mraall. riKa per lh. Pecans. U4o per l. Almonds, ;0c ivrr lb. ........... .. . , T-r io. no, 1, roasted, c per lb ; .IuiuIh. raw. 7c per In. : r.e. t tad A. snaasa IK .M1SCKLI.A S'Hu 'n (-rackerlack. $ M per case; 11.75 mr half esse. Cornpops, 1 K per rase; $!.. hmr tfu K lllkK ii K .NF. R A L MARKET ataiss f the Itay Varlees f'nmanodltlee. NKW YORK, Aug. 11-FUU'll Pteady. IIKAT Moot, firm; No. 2 red. $1.23, c. -'r. '". spot; No. 3 hard, $1.31, c. I, f Nfw York, to arrive; No. 1 north ern, iViluth, ai.u,Vi. and No. 1 northern. llrm. September. $l.lta . I'OHS-x, steady; No. 3 yellow, pftUc, "lake and rail, August shipment. OAltl Knot firmer: standard. aHc; No. 3 wnllo. 4m v i. HAY Strong; prime, $ .64; No. 1, tl.4fi$ l.oo; No. I, $1 .4nvl.4i.uj; No. 3. $1.8rn.3i; ahlPPlng. $1 Siyrl fc. IUl't4 Wiet; state common to choice, 1!14 crop, Mrl.V; Psclflo coast. 1VII "r"P. l-ll l-c: 101$ crop, etrllo. HlDl-itsady; liogota. SOflJle; Cen tral America. te. LBATH KH 1-lrm; hemlock, firsts. Mc: se'nnds. SOiti 31 e. PKOVISIONS-Pnrk, steady: mess. $KM Jlli.rtl: family, $J0.ii21.t; shoit clears, $l.004i.W. iioef. steady. Lard, firm; middle west. $1 lft't 26. TALLOW-Vulct; cty, 5V4c; country, 61ii.'c: special. tr. Bl'TTKR Steady : receipts, RR pkas creamery extras, ;dJJ7c; firsts. 42.,V seconds. SSiiUV. KtiOS-Kinn; reivlpts. 12,400 rases: rresh gathered extrss, 4(u2Ro; extra flirta, 22i2.y?c; firsts. l"v-(Clc; seconds, l7"44r1o. state whnle milk ( r., . 1. riu.. Mi clals. l.Wtrl4o; white. I.t4rt34ri colored. lOl LTUY-Llve, steady; western chick ens, broilers. is,v f..,l. in... ...(....' .. 41.120. Oreasefl. qiilet; western roasting ..i,.,, i.Bai riesn rowis. Iced, iswl7c; ' -'1 . I ncj B. H f-(l, iO(( lU Kaeaaa f lip lraa Prevlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 13. Wil EAT No. t hard. $l.(jil.41; No. $ red. $1.22: Kepi tember. $1.11S; liecember, $1.07S1 07; May, $1.1ojl.lo4. 1 CtJRN No. $ mixed. WMpTIc; No I white. 7tc; September, 72S'8-(2l4jfl; Decem ber. HOSfEfOIZ; May. Klc. OATS-No. 3 white. l-glHc; No. t mixed. tHOMe. HUTTEH-reamrrr. Wo; firsts, $80: seoonds. i3e; packing. 18tjc. I0O IS Firsts, 18c; seconds, 13'to. I01TLTUY Hens, 18c; rooiKrrs, c broilers. 16c a . Minneapolis firala Market. MtNEAlOI,IH. Aug. 13.-WHKAT-Septemlier. $1.11; IVormher, $1.074; No 1 hard. $1.66is; No. 1 northern, $I.4oSj riOTTR Unchanged. H A KLRY 4Wr77c. RYK-II OdUl 0f. imAN-$21.60. tX)KN-.Vo. 8 yellow, KMSWe. OATX No. 3 white, MfErMWc. FLaAX-$I.7(rWim.73. . I.oala Cirnln Market. ST. Im, Aug. 11-WHFfXT-No. , i.ihi.i; rsio. z nsrd, nominal; Hp lwl 1 18 niSV4: imer. $1.09Vatr Vxm.VNo. 8, 7iifirHe: No. 2 white. Inber, 74Stl4ac; December, OATS Nominal. Liverpool Oral Market. LIVLRPOOU Aug. 12 WHEAT-Spot. No. 8 Manitoba. Us 7Hd; No. 1 northern Duluth. lis 7d. CORN ripot, American, mixed, new. Vs. Coffee Mark!. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-OOFFRE-A sud den falling off of the Inter-Hantns move ment and indications of steadiness in Mraall were followed by considerable cov ering In the market for futures her to day. The drop in the ftantos movement was considered likely to have been the result of measures to prevent too rapid an accumulation at the porta, hut offer ings were not so active aa earlier In the week and after opening at an advance of points., the market became still firmer later In the day on rumors that the Hrar.lllan government was preparing to sustain values, The close was olrll points net higher. Bales, H0,r, Including switches from Heptember to later months. August and September, 4.34c; October, U.SHo; November, 6.4i!o; December. .4:o; January, .61c; February, $.6fc; March, .6c; Aprtl, 4c; My, ifflc: June, .T3o; July, 6.78c. flpot steady: Rio 7a, 7c; Pantos 4s, vHu. Cost and freight were about five points higher for Santos grades, but a shade ensler on Rio. The official cables reported sn advance of 10 rein at Bantos and a decline of 60 rels at Klo. Stocks aad Hone's. Quotations furnished by Rums, Rrinker 4V Co., 448 Omaha National bank building Omaha: ' locks Bid. Aikad American Drurslst RysAlna idu Araarlcaa Bmaltsr Baa. ptd. A II M Aalna. enmtaos Ill 1x4 Burxaaa-Naah, T par cast pfd n lot bank of Kloranoa pm 1lr National Bank, Omasa a ' 44 lommarcial Nat. bank. Co. Bluffa 1M .... tlesre A Co., pfd t$ H Fairmont iTeajnary, 7 par naat pfd...,iniVa .... Fairmont fraamsrr, oomiaon I'M 1.1714 Herald Hulldlni. 4 par cant pfd tt ino Kanaas (laa Rlao., T par oast at PT Uncoln tiaa A Bias. Ltiht, earn 14 IT Uncoln Telophase Co., eoa pt (7 Lion Uondlns A guratp Co la l& Norfolk National Bank Ill jm Molina Plow, lat pfd sa Omaha A oouncll Bluffa St. Rp., pfd.. TIUj 71 OawLha National Bank 1KJ 171 riaundera-Kannadr Building. pt4 MV4 loo Union mock Yard a hXsok r) Piu, Huiibersar a eons. ps tl Cotton Market. NF,W YORK. Aug. 12.-COTTON-pot, quiet; middling uplands, .4oo; no sales. Futures opened steady; October, .4fio; December, .7c: January, S.8V; March, 10.10c; May. 10.30c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of from 8 to 8 points. Cotton futures closed steady: October, S.4ic; liecember, 8.7c: Jarluary, 8.82c; March, 10 07c; May, 10.30c. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 1S.COTTON Spot steady; good middling, 6.60d; middling, 5.4id; low middling, id. Bales, $.0uo bales. Sloag City Live Ntuek Market. BirOX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 1A-CATTLB Receipts. 800 head; market 10rl6o lower; native steers, tn.uii.UJ; butchers, $s.2T 8.00; cows and heifera. $.".s6i6.0; Block ers and feeders, n.SaT.; calve."ti s.r.. HOfJS-ltecelpts, 7, W0 head: market steady; heavy, $A.r4j7.20; mixed, 4o.6tra ti.06: light. l&3ritf.60; hulk, $fi.4)i7.'. rillUKP ANU LA M 11 H Receipts, 8,000 head. ht. Juaenai Live Stock Market. KT. JOKKPH, Aug. H.-CATTIaB-Re-cwlpts, l.iui head: market strong to 10c higher- steers, $7.0iii 10.00; cows and heif ers. $4 0(bSmj: calves. ti.00ri( 10.45. llOJ8- Itecelpts, 6,000 head: market steady to strong; top, $7.60; bulk of sales, MIKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, .0iK hefid: market weak to lOo lower; lambs, $H.0Oii4 Metal Market. NKW YORK Aug. 12 M KTXliid Lead: Offered at $4.60. Helter, not quoted, Co ter: Hull; eleotrolytic, $17.7r,i lK 00. Inn: Firm; No. 1 northern, tH-totl'lB 00; No. !, tl.S.xy ir. 7f.; ,'(. I southern. $15 OOrn.iB 50; No. 2. $14 764U6 :S. Tin: Easy. $J4 Mnif.. At Ixindon: H Hit copper, fn7 6e; futes. If 10s; eluutrolvtlc, fil 10s. Mpot tin, A'uVl As; futures, i.1.1 Pa. Antimony, flat. Lead, tJO 4s. fepelter. CX Oil aad Stoela. SAVANNAH, fix, Aiag. U.-TlRPE.V- TI N B Firm, 3Ka'c: ssles 3X2 bbla.; re ceipt. Xla bnia; tux-t, rJ 14 Dbia U iHI N Firm, sales 1.077 bbla. ; receipts. m bbls. : shipments, none; stock. Kl.luO bills. Quote: AH, p.iiO; Cl, p7; K, $i06; F. HI"; O, $3.2F; HI. $3.80: K. $3 40, M, $4.H; N. $4.86; WO $3.66; VW. $.1.70. kagar Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 12 KtlQAR Raw. firm: centrlf uaaj. 4. 77 ill 6c: molaaaea. i.wtj-i Cc. Refined, firm: 16 points higher; cut loaf, S.luc; crushed. 440c; mould A, 42&c; cubes. 4 06c I xnx powdered, $.$6o; powaerea, a.sw., io. x, s.ouc tCvspiareteat Apples aad Dried r'relts. NF.vV YORK. Aug. IX BVAPORAT10D A PPLBH Uteady. HR1KU FR11T8 Prunes, ciulet. Aprl cots, steady. Peaches, quiet. Raisins, firm. A "For Bale" ad will tarn second-hand furniture Into cash. Cattle Receipt Light and Trade ii Steady to Easier Sheep and Lambs Very Slow. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER OMAHA. August . 1M5. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Official Monday 7.WA 4.M7 14.fl! Official Tuesday 4.4 7,3i4 1K.047 Official Wednesdsy .. 2.a4 K.iar: 11.S34 Katimale Thursday .. J.WI ,ii U.nno Four dnv this week.. I, W.I33 3.1( Kame rinys last week.. 14.741 24. 4A 4, Pame days 3 wks sgo .10.IK2 4J.MI i,4 ame ilsys 3 wks ago. .16.2116 Sft. 1 6i,!S Same days 4 wks ago.. IJ.0S8 17. fw 41.Ptt .Name days Isat yer.,10,V IV.cnU M.M3 Jieeember. 7c: Januarv, .lee; March. The follow Ing table shows the average price for hoaa at the Bouth Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I 1016 mi 4 'I'MI HXf "ill I July $4. July M. July r. July n jJuly -"j. July . July 81. Aug. 1.1 I 8 641 T7 7 47 $ 8n k l $ T2V I S 4W 7 671 S 4M 4 Z7' T 41 S Still IW! a I 7 i 4 k $ M 7 44 7 44 87 14 44 s st' mi I t e, i in 4 8 S 82 8 67 7 W 4 S7 7 P4 4 V! f Y 8 44 7 47 1 I t 17 4't 6 4. 4 Ml 7 731 $ 8J T t m: 4 Ml f in) 4 r,4 7 I AUg. I S m S 441 7 ! 4 4V t H 7 $ 40 8 04! 7 84i 4 7' 7 76 t 4 4 40'M T l 8 ' S Ptl T TO! I 63 5 4fl 7 70 8 3i 8 M I 04 7 4S 7 64 I AUg. Aug. Aug. Aug. W vr , $ OP, 9 S ISA, I 4 ? R S", I ; 17 T W " I ill I M Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 141 7 I li 7 i.S a I m , a 1 w I IDI I ID I r.j a fail - I ..I a 7 ' 7 So 7 87 T 7! Of-li - I a I VI I TO S &7'( 8 POj I 7 SMI 7 44 7 41 7 34 7 42 7 23 7 SI Aug. II. S 4o, S 02; 8 14' 7 31 7 8.1 Aug. 1$. 8 7 7 Ml 8 041 7 11 7 961 Sunday. CATTLE Receipts this morning wer very fair for a Thursday, 6 fresh cars being reported In. For the week receipts amounted lo W.Kxi head, being the largest for any recent week and larger than a year ago hy over 4.OU0 head. The market on beef steers was a little slow and dull this morning, for the rea son that Packers already had a good many rattle on hand and were not In need of any great additional number, the result being a alow and weak trade from start to finish. Prices on beef cattle are around 10Q00O lower than last week. There wer only a few rows and heifers In sight and they commanded about steady prices. The market on butcher atock ia not very different than what It was a week ago at this time. The hettergradea of feeders war lower and slow at that. It took very choice weighty feed ara to bring $4.15. Light feed era, on he other hand, were In good de mand and they sold quit freely at good firm prices. Wuotatlons on rattle: Oood to choice yearlings, Jany8 ; fair to good year lings, $7.7FIi.00. good to choice heavy beeves, $; fair to good corn fed beeves, $4.f6U'9.26; common to fair ourn fed beeves, 7.8f4)Loa; good to choir red heifers, $7.4iN04M; good to choice fad cows, SrVfrHtf ; good to choloe grass heifers, $6 6OJT7.00; good to choice grass cows. $4.26414.75; fair to good cows. $: 6vU 400; common to fair cows. 417:'r.fiO; good to choice feeders, $7.MKU.16; fair to good feeders, $rt.6i"U7.60; common to fair stnekera, $&.6otX.6o: stock heifers, $8.7641 6 60; stock oows, $6 6OW4.0O; stork calves, SftfliVfnM; veal calves, $7,0041000; tat bulls, stags, etc 4 as07.86. Representative sales: HOtlH Receipts wer the largest of the week to date, atout 134 loads, or S.OuO head, allowing up. The run for the first four days 01' the week foots up 23.1H3 head, being a few head short of a week a so, and nearly 14.( smaller than two weeks ago, but a gain of almost s.onO over the same days last year. This week's receipts are the smallest sine four weeks ago. Packers started out bidding about steady with esterday's general market, btit before much of anything moved prices had Improved, so that the market opened at figures that were about steady with yesterday's high time, or nearly a ntnaet nrmve the average. Trade was a hump -backed affair, with the good tim In the middle, when some sellers thought they cashed hogs at a btttlOa advance. One buyer was laying out, however, and as hn refused to put his drove on the basis other" packers were buying theirs, it was no more than natural that values weakened long before the close. HHKBP -Supplies were more liberal then on Wednesday, estimates calling for about forty-seven cars, or lft.oflO head. The week's total amounts to 62.1H6. being 16,6m0 larger than last week, three times as heavy aa two weeks ago, and a gain of moi than 11,000 over last ear. This week s run is the heaviest ot the year. Yesterday's trade was a long-winded affair, ami It was Iste In the day be fore the hulk Of the lambs was cleared. In tlio end packers enforced (heir de cline, and the bulk of the offerings sold at $X6b. with a few as high as $H.7. which means that they were about a dime 1e low Tuesday. Today's trade opened even duller than Wednesday's, and buyers seemed very Indifferent as to whether or not they bought anything. One little at ring was cashed In early at about steady prices, but psckers were asking reductions on the hulk of the offerings, and aa sellers thought they got a pretty raw deal yes terday, they decided to hang on for a while at least. The Ic wus broken earlier than was the case yesterday, when three or four strings were ess lied on a steady to ion lower basla Several bunche took fi.Ofi. with a few around $3 66. and a five-load string aa high as $$.70, the top. A good share or the lambs were still unsold at noon, however. There were hardlv enough aged sheet) sold up to lunch time to make a basis for quotations. Feeders also wer very alow in moving, the dullness of the butcher trade holding them bauk. Quotations on sheen and lambs: Lambs. good to choice. $ft.6iiT4.tfi; lambs, fnlr tn good, $. 60: lambs, feeders. rt.ff,n $ 26: yearlings, fair o choice. S4.26U4.S0; wethers, fair to choice, $6.7.J;t.H; ewes, good to choice, $rt.vv.2E; ewes, fair to good, $5.O("A.0ft. Representative sales: . No. A. Pr. 0 Idsho lamia S rs - Idaho lamhs K 0. 2 Idaho lambs, .'. Iffi XI Idaho I am be A X . 77R Idaho lambs '.. ' ITT. Idaho feeder lumbs 'A lo 1077 Idaho lambs fcl v. CHICAGO 1.8 VK STOf'K MtHKUT tattle Klrw Moats Weak Sheep ' Weak. CHICAtlO. Aug. 12. CATTM' Re ceipts. I0110 head: market firm; native beef cattle, $4, western steers, $.70.r: cows and heifers, $3.103.10: calves. $k.tKi 1I.G. HOtiR-Recelpts, 11,000 head: market weak at " advance: bulk, Sb.70a7.aTi; llirht. $7.10it7.Sf; mixed. $H.ri0m7.M); heavy. 14 fc'OT.aO; rough, $4 S' J'i.M; pigs, $7.UOi4 .0. XHFKP AND I -A M BS Receipts. 17.OH0 head: market weak; sheep, tu.Wit to ; lumlis, $n.7.Vt..6. St, l.ea's Live gloek Market. ST. !(.' I , Aug. l2.-OATTLJ.i-Re-celpis, 1 head; market strong; native beer steers, 7fKi0 1F,; yearlong steer and heifers. $K.6UJHO.(0: cows, 4.00it(.00; stockera and feeders, H.CHSyh.Zi; southern steers, $."; cows and heifera $4.00 44 bo; nattva selves. Ouyll u). HOJS Receipts, 4.6U1 head; market nigiier; pigs ami Hunts,; mixea a snd butchers. $.407.isV; good heavy, $, 4r7.4. HHBKH AND iJtMBrWRecepls l.H0 head; market lower; lambs, SS.W.WS; sheep and ewes. $n.6uS.2a. Kanaas Cltr Me tek Market. KANSAS tWY, Aug. 11 Receipts. 1.400; market higher; prim fed ateera. tv.&; dressed beef atuera, $ djy.fdl. western steers, I7.0mi .5; stivkers and feeders $ RmIiS S; bulls, 8b.X4j6.7B; calves. $6.01 djilO.W. HOJS Receipts. IH) head; market Steady; bulk. $7. 107.46; heavy, t7.0ttjn.3b; packers and butcher. $7.10tj7.(n; light. $7.Mi70; piga. $7.0o7.2B HUBttH AND UAMHK Receipts. S.I00 head; market lower; lamia, $ 2Mr..7&; yearlinsa. W&anM; wethers, id:ix,vli . wes, Stock la Sight Cattle. 2 v Hoc a. uAieen. ll.ouo 17,tii) ' l.'.UO 7. MM l.ttK) 4.600 . la ii .10o 8,SU0 48.3W Clilcavgo .. . Houih Omaha Moux City .. laouis .... Kansas City . 2,l , l l.SiO 2.4U0 Totals ...10,400 NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Exchange Beflectt Disappointment at the Small Bate Increases Granted Eoads. LONDON AGAIN A SELLER NKW YORK. Aug. 12 Hlsappolntment st the fitihII rate Increases allowed tne western railroads by the Interstate Com merce commission was plainly manifested by the course of today s stock mnrket. The better known trHiiportat Ion shares were barely steady when not resctlonsrj , and trading In these Issues wss on a yerr reduced scale. Canadian Pacific and "800, recentlv among the strongest stocks, declined 2 to 4 points, while some of the more potential issues were subject to constant pressure. Iindnn, acting for Its own account, and presumably for continental Interests was again a seller here, but In lesser volume than yesterday. The Perlflca and fulled Ktates Steel figured mainly in these offerings, with an admixture of F.rlea and some of tho metal shares. War specialties resumed their leader ship, more than t per cent of the dsy s extensive operations containing anout a half dnsen of these Issues. Mocks long dormant, like Allls-Chslmers, common and preferred. National Knameilng and the Rumelys occupied places of prominence. Allle-Chalmers common made a new high price at 4c-.4. with s like distinction for the preferred at 7RV The rise In these shares waa accompanied by reports that Hcthlehem Steel Interests had gained con trol of the company Other new high records Included Bethlehem Hteel pre ferred at ISO. Oenersl Motors at 204. iV Illys-Overlsnd at 179 and Mudebsker at 4.1'e. Bethlehem preferred made a max imum gain of 2:1 and Willys-Overland gained IrtV Other industrials and equip ments emerged from months or vears of obscurity with gains of 3 to 7 po"t Word from Washington to the effect that this government would not consider Immediate intervention in Mexico caiwed a setback In certain shares, notably Mex ican Petroleum, which lost four points. Final prices were confusing, standard stocks evincing a heavy trend, with mixed changes In the specialties. Total sales amounted to SlO.fkO shares. Rates of exchange on lxindon broke to lower quotations, demand sterling falling to $4.7S;l4 on heavy offerings of con tractors' bills. Continental exchange wss virtually unchanged from minimum rate I'ncertalnty waa reflected in the bond market, gains being offset by losses. Total sales, par value, aggregated $3,820, OUO. Panama registered ts deolned per cent on oall. Number of sales and lending quotations on Bloom wer as follows: Males ( Hlah. Iiw. Ctaaa. 1,1100 11 MS Xal Alaska Onld Aaarlcaa Heat ftusar... Amariraa Can A marl nan Haielt. A get American P. A IV, pfd. American Kuaar Kaha. Americas Tel. A Tel..., Aaterlcaa Toteoce St. t SI I . , 82. 4ii Ml M4 a.ios 11 1"7 .4 111H liS "" tot 1&: lll'i 1"0 glMa :. S Line aH ?v Anaconda Mining 1 ICO Atchlann Baltimaea Ohio Bmnklra (Hapld Transit. . California Patroteua 4.enn iov inr. if5. 3,IM 44 BSi tt! 4" iii l.ana liv. 14. Caaadlaa Iarltla I rD 1M, US Central liaather 3 n 41V, dV insaapaaae a Ohio.,,., gum t'hlresn. ureal Weston... 4l Hi la H't ! 137 4' 4.. 1 4 4 5 Chi., Mil. A Kt. I-aul... 41 a-H Oilrato aV Nartbwsatsra. d'O lrva U'7 vTiino Cop r-ar ......... rnlorado pual A Irno. 4Vlorado A Foul ham . Ilenvar A Rla Oranda. Itanrer A t. O , pfd.. Iilatlllera' aeurltlsa . r.rla nenaral glsctrlo tlraad Northern, pfd... .. 14. 4ft 44 .. 11.40 41 4Sa , (.MM s 31. s r,i i5i i i;o n 11a il"' 11R Oroat Nor. Ora ctfn 14. mo 4JH Ouaxenhata Eiploralloo. . 1,(U4 4 41 1'a 4W XJ-. lid', 73 3." 104 n llllnma Uantral Inlarborauxh Ma., pfd Inaptratlon Ootw l.tnn tt 1114 imarsallonal liarra.ier.. l.un n7v lu. Kanaas Olr. Mouther., lt.pmi w tehlsk Vallar t, 44 144 X 14. lli.V, Uiuiavllla a Nashville.. Mexican patrolsura 111 I,7i a 1 4.40K 7 t.' 4 2 Miami (Mppw 2IS a 4 i.v. l 1 111 Ml, 1 l a 4 Mo., Kan. A Taxaa.,. Mlaaourt ractrio National Blarull National 1 ad N.vaila Coptier Naw Vork ( anlral ... N. T , N. II. A II ... Norfolk A Westers .. Northern Paolfla Pacific Mall FacKlo Tel. A) Tel.. Hannarlvanla Pullman ralace fnr.. I.IM d'4 64 4. 4) w 41 d4i lion lia loau 10s v. 2, !)' I" losie liiav, l.k 24 a 32 St', 111 2,404 10 149 10SJe IF4 11 ' l tlSk 14 Her fonaolldatad Hoppor. haadlna lajno m 1MH4 i:.ui Hapunlln Iron A Blool 4. 404 4 Kork liland ti Rack laiand re., prd.... ft. U A 14. F 84. P(d.. gouthara ParlMn Houihora Jtal'war Ton noaaea 4ppor Tamaa romranr 1'nlr.a Paolflo linlon pacific, prd t'nltad glalaa Stool tinned Miataa Btsel. ptd.. Utah fVppar Waatarn t'nloa Woatlnshouaa Kleotrl .. Montana Power a 14. l 2. P0 4,1110 sH 40 W 4 'a 4 t 1 4 w 1H 42 Ida 1.41 14XH II.' U.00 1U 141 ur 1 . r.Pio 11 71 14 1 111 111 112'$ . MP M (f . 1 71 Tl VI . 114 iu 11s . .; 4 . M ISO P4 40 tl .M4.4u 4H 44 42 Ourlhla Htaol AIUa-4'halmara Total far tka dar. Ilt.friio hra. New Vork Money Market. KFW YORK. Aug. 12.-PRIME MER- CANTlIiF. PAPF.R-4ia4iM4 per cent. HTKH.I.INO KXOHANijB-Blxty-dav bills, $4.; dema.d, $4.7?7R: ables, $4.74i0. H1LVKH Bar, dc; nexioan aouars. "o. . ., BONDrJ Oovernment, sieaciy; rauroaa. Irreanilae. TIMB XjOANS Easier; sixty dsvs. iKtt J4 per cent; ninety nays, lr cent', six months. 3, tier cent. d'Ai.i, money Steady ; highest. per cent; lowest. IH per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; last loan, 14 per cent: clos ing bid, 14" per cent; oiierva ev m vri cent. New Vrk Money meruei. Closing quotations on bonds today were: tf. . erf- 4s. rag.... 7HI.. K. A T. lat 4a. 74 do esopea P7 Ma. Pan. sr. aa.... 1 t' g la res US) N. T. Ian. dak aa.103 do coupon ma N. T. C. 4a lW!.1ll V. g 4a. rag IS N. Y. . 4a 1IM da roopoa '- N . ,T. N. H. A H.. Panama rouoos. I'll ev. 4a ! Aaiar. Hmelt. a....1'i7 Nor. Pac. 4a Pin, A T AT. '. 4a.lil. Nor. Par. (a armour a . 4 .1.. ' "rt. H, K rat. 4s. . ft I Alcklaos Bs. 4a.... ' Pee. T. A T. 4a.... P7S la I. A '"Ho 4a " Panna. eon. 4s...l0i"a fantrul raclil.- 'a . K' Panna. sen. 4a.. 4S Phaa A Ohio .. ' Kaadlos sn. 4 " t?.. B. A 4 . I. .. I A g. r. r. 4s. M l I 4i. l' n. Pac. . (s M v.. R. I P.. r. 4a So. Ja. raf. 4a.... ao t'olo A n rot 41aa. M Ho. It. 4a M II. A I:. O ral. aa. 44 1 nlna Pacllle 4a 44 Frle an 4 t nlnn Pai llle ev. 4x. tni; linsral Blartrle'" V. H. Ituljbar 4a...1' Ol. Nor. lat t'ta.. 44 t'. H. "'eel 1"i!. Ill i 'en. ref f ... M Wahaah la aa '' K. C, g.. rcf. .. Weal, ''alas ., S2'a t N. un. da... Si Want. Klaa. cv ie.-lLlw Bid Ilrp- taonda Merket. ! NKW YORK. Aug. 12.-CTTOX-Cbt- ton goods quiet: yarns quiet; men's weui manufactures nre figuring on wr oniera for wool goods t;1 be delivered before February V. Imtwrters of Kuxlish sult- i ings state that they will not buy at 'in-. rent abroad and will not blinj In many goods for spring, tan ton raw silks higher and Japanese grades lower. l.eedu Stork Market. I.VTXN. Aug. 12 Censdlan Pacific and Orand Trunk were favored In the American section ol the stock market, but the rest of ire list ruled rosier. The closlnar ' ' ii xtsdv. KII.VBR- Bur, Zi l-1Sd p'r ounce. MCNKY fid per rent. ' IHHi' tl'NT RATF.i Hhort bills, 4M:, ner cent; three months, 4Vuu per cent. Hark Cleerluas. OMAHA Aug 12. Hank clearlnxs for Omaha today were 8l'.ai0.6to.O and fur tne corresponding dav last year 32.400,874-36. FRANKE TAKES CHARGE OF THE AUDITORIUM Charles Kranke has started his work si manager of the Auditorium. He ia mak ing a survey of the building and expects next week to have recommendation ready for the city council. Ills appointment was unanimously con firmed by the city council. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. R. Pre J and family hav arrived borne from a three eeUs' trtD through Colo rado, where tlvy visited st various points. For the Denver A Rio rOande road J. . Kennedy has lw appointed assistant general paaeenaer agent in Bait LAe City, vie i. HaatlAa, XOaagOa-l. ,