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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
ini.v j? 1 ell about the apartment you have for rent in your oee Want Ad, tor through it you will address directly a great majority of the apartment seekers in this city. THE 1JEK: OMAHA. ..... AUfllTST T WANT ADS Went received at any Mm, but to Insure proper classification must he Pr sen ted before 11 o'clock roon tor evening edition end 7.30 p. m. for morning end Funday edition". Want art received after uch hour will be under the beading. To Lata U C. Ur." CA8H RATBS. . eve wnaocuUv Urn, 1 cent ft word wh Insertion. ,,, - Two of mora consecutive times IV centa One Umt, f eent a wont CItAROB RATES. Sereti consecutive time. cents aach Insertion. . ,, - Three eon.eout!ve UnM, J cent "ne aarh lnartli. One time, ii cents ft una. Count elg average word to ft " Mlmlmum charge, JO cents. An advertisement Inserted to r run until dtsoontlnuea Duit ba Stopped or written order. . All dslms for error tnnrt within fifteen dare after the lt Inser tion of tba advertlmnt ton eon place, Jrour want ftd In Tba bee by tiephnn. tnn4 TELEPHOND TTLER W DRATHI AKD FCKKBAI. HOTICKS FKARN-Elmer Scott, aged M. Aug. IX. i a - 1 -... Unffmann f UneTfti horn r rldajr ;la- m.. to 8t Philomel- a churl-n, V a. m. inicriiiem wvi -cemetery. HA US ET M rs Bad!, beloved wife of Michael, daughter of Hugh Mallanags, Sa year. She la survived, besides her husband and parents, bjr two sister, Mn. Kom Donahu and Mla TherUa; one brotber, Kdward. Kuneral Saturday morning from resi dence, 7u 8. 4th St., at t-M, to PL Peter church, a, ro. Interment at Bt Mary a cemetery. OSTBRM ETER May, aged 14 years, sfUr an unices ui ii wwvhb. Funeral from Heafey & Hearer's chapel, Iirth and Farnam, today, Burial, Erley, la 8 ALT Rom 1 1 A., beloved wlfa of David A. fcaly, August 11, aged 70 year. Funeral from Dodder' chapel, Th u re ds y, at I p. m- Interment at Pleasant Hill i tmetery. LOUUB NOTICES. The Modern Woodmen anl Hoyal Neighbor of tha sucond district will hold their annual picnic at Uellsvue, Hatur uay, Aug. 21. Liall gatm-a and dancing will fee free. Lie nee platform 4Uxu. with a good floor and union mualc. Alt neigh bor are expected to coma and bring tne.r mends. BIRTHS AND DUATHS. Births Don W. and Alma Amsden, Crown Puinl avenue, girt; Michael and Catherine lowd, hospital, girl; KUwurd L. and iclla lKldcr, Hurt, boy; John and Kale Lnglen, 'tis North Nineternlli, girl; Frank and Surah Hall, 21lfc Cuuilng, girl; r.rnent ajid Jtlauile Ulhson, 4U l.u layetto, boy; Kranrleco and Alerceile Uutrra, V.M tiouth Tweniietn, girl; lleirv t and IjOUIso U. Uottsrhe, M Ninth Thlrty-flret avenue, boy; M, C and May Morrimey, Ml North Thlrty-f irt, boy; Heyinnn and Olive Uruch, 2M harlrs, girl; I My and Margaret 1'rlen, 2tf Jw Caiui, loy; Andre- and Anna Pearaon, Manderaun, boy; Achlel and Mnry Florin ItoKa he, M North Tlilrly-nliilri avenue, boviJohn and Kinina ihliedly, ."WO Ohio, oy; lian and Lcttla Ttinm, Mt Houth Twentieth, girl; i'harlos M. anil Urace Wllher, 4i"J Weheter, girl; John and Lucy VVaUniler, 31 Caatellar. boy; K. M. and Uella Welbrtdice, 2424 Franklin, boy; John and Hephania WcmUk. 1111 North Twenty-eighth. Mouth Hui Vv,v ixuia ai Liamv wnitatioor, mu 8uuih Twenly-tlrst, girl, Ieatha Vernon Paxter, 1 months, 1111 Hrisao; Joaetih P. rkhnilts, JS, W.4 South Ninetrenth; Ixnils A. Kyle, "7r.f &l North Twenty-sorond; Mary J. Illrka, 69, hoo pital; Bernard A. Uella, in, 1O0 Pork Wild avenue; ltoaalla Paly, 70, Stuo North Twentr-thlrd. MtRHIAUR LICKNUES. The following couple were granted I c-tise to wed toiniy: Nsme and Healdcnce. A a" 'Vllliam Ca'hro, Omaha 21 lienate Doiejs, Omaha M l-'rank J. Holmes, Omaha. r. Mabel Van lleek. South Omaha n Weyne Getty. Omaha. tl Kl&nche Wilson, Omaha 14 Krlward Srrnu-f. Orlawold. Ia 13 Nancy Cole, Orlirwold, I a IS J. !.e, Mnmer, Omaha IT M. fc.Lbi-1 Oatchell, Omaha 11 Archie n. Gilbert, Omaha over It Dorothy Newlands, Omaha over Zl Nathan Castleman, Omaha. 21 June Beckmsn, Omaha 9 Clarence E. Kid well. MsyavWe, Kr.... M (Georgia F. Beyers, Kverett, Wash it Wllher Jones, Hancroft, la S3 Poda Jones, Algotia, Ia 19 Frnept F. McCartney, piour City la.. S3 Florence M. Fsnnlng, Niagara, Falls, N. Y HI H.lllXi I'KHMIIH. R W. Whit. K! Florence boulevard, frame dwellin. 2.M0: Harrv Wolf. Ml Houth Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, tl.000; Harrv Wolf. Sl Boutn Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, I!."; Harry Wolf, ha Houth Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, 2.0ol, Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slluee for cnoviea. Bend your copy to ua. We can reproduo photos or will pre per your copy. W will color as directed, tee photo Dept. lot Bee bid. Dewstswa. EMPKESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. Kyea That Bee Not, three-reel Fsanay, Hearat-Bellg, No. O. Ham comeV. The Wonderer Pledge, Blograph. iHl.SCLS.-i. iil7-l bOUGLAd. Margarita Flher. In a wonderful four art Mutual mastervicture, 'ine Girl from Hit Towu. v. liaa duality moots a closer . nisl y. A or. a. 1TII AND BINNBT. crtAND, Ths Romance of fZalne No. T. lie iierry JKno. lil draiiia. lirei-t Ix.t on the l-njrlishtjtnat, com. LOIliKOP. iiili AND LOTHROPT Francis X. puatiraaa and Beverly Banna In In the tilnre of the U,ts, trri. APOLIX). 2824 L1IAVENW0RTH. Tr, New Vslet. lAibln The (uinimoiiinn gljot, Klos-aph. 1 imih.1,-1 Jr ftr, tha Kky Ni. a MONROE. W""t6ES FARNAM. Mney, a ftve-reej world feature, full of b:lliul eitr ai,d eiaUMaie ooeiun, rin-t ii;i..'a i koM.a .ur. CilPIIKUM. I4TH AND N. ! try on a Crutch, Thanhauser drama. '!' iiys'ic J'wrl, Al,!io drama. ' " -e i-"lrir a -a. erm iTH A.Ni) N. Mr J.rr's VscM, Vttagraph. 1 mi.:. y s rat-in, iLin, t-recl. Ax.vorx(Tii:Ts . ,- li.urt Tml. Plion Ioug. 6!l. -. I .-i C.A. tiur' vjk. suuuuerT MOVIES FEATURES TODAY GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. Tha Romance of Elaina No. 7. ArOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Diamond From tha Sky No. &. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Margarita Flnher In a wonderful four act Mutual maaterplcture, Tha Girl from His Town. MONROE, 2665 FARNAM. Money, a five-reel world feature, full of beautiful scenes and elaborate costume and settings. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS He Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Hmm 101. WILMS C. CROSHT, undertaker aad em balmer, new location, 2II-2f13 N. 24th flt. The most up-to-date, modern undertak ing parlors lu the city. Tel. Web. 47. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you waat people who are willing to pay for what tticy are geltitm you will have no regret If you buv or advertise through the used car column otjrheliee 1'hono Tyler FOR SAt.E My used OliloinotTi touring car, hi good condition, M. Car can be nil 2M Farnam St, lf REWAKD for any magneto we cau't rei nlr. Colls tepd. Pa ysdorfwr. ?10 N, lg. o One slx-ryllnder Cole. One four-cyltniSer Croxton-Keeton. One foiir-oylm.ler Chalmera. Prh-es from tM to $l,i0 H. PKLTON. ?J Farnam ft IndnstrlHl Clarane Co.. th Harney Kta Overton's for b-aky mdiator. Soo. dealera. NF.riHASKA Hulck Kervl. ttaUon, lIi -. ,.n ,,, L. x ni'na i oti:aa Til. wiNlKNKl.L,ai AUTO CO.. lis . 18th Kxpert repairing; bargains In used cars, guaranteed as represented. BUSINESS CUANCKH If VAMP hllalnn.a -.. . . l lUiU invBUgaiion And is Juirt what it U ss(iVr-llMsrl t t i.i . V" . advertised, or If you are iklnr , In --- , .. yuu wui oe Per- S'r.'V?. SI W?- H? the Busim?.. ini m Tl . . '"" wnen Duy. ing or sellnlg a buslneas t hone Tyler lOob. FOU HALKMjr stock of books, statlon- ... t,.r ' . . ,V'" " ". -- , v ma uaying ooou stores in southern Iowa; muit if quick . D: on? of Paying booh M.w,.r; T'ory-don la"'1"' res J. J. C WNTKl'ro 'nuney-inaklng busl- eccUe.1 I am obllipd i0 sell my houne movlng bUKlness. 'i:,ay terms. I. A Jtli!rPL'y j'""! teneva St.' Bleu City, Ia. rif,,fK "u,r" ,n good town; ;aait sales l!,0"0 to 10,0ua; stock Invoice IS jui; home K'.inio. Will invoice or lump, no f IGNB, show cards. Clark aV Bon. 1). 1378. TO GET In or out of bualnaas ' call on OANOSTAD, iii Bee Bldg. Uoug. 1477. ltKAI, MltHla U I i.l nu 111... It l handled; all states. F. V. Knlest Omaha. HKH Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar galns In estahllHhed shows. 1. TilATUltH Huy, lease or"sell yourtlie ater, machine and supplies through Theater k'noh. Co., Hog Farnam. 1. XVl. OWNKRS-Ust your prot'erty-with-W. W. Wllllama, I2) Nevbl Blk. U. 407. lO tSF.lA, or buy a bi'alnesa, call on Buach 4k Porshoff. Frenser Hlk. 1). 181. FOR PAUK-Or trade, blarWsmlthshp and garage la Co, seat town. Address Y wA. Ilea. FOR BAI.U-One of the best opportuni ties In Colorado; only general merchant tllNe stock In town surrounded bv a aood ; settlement of first claes farmers. Block land fixtures will Invoice ta.&oo, and last year' sales run IKUxw. Reason for selling, tickness. Write for particular to box 12, (Wlilard, Colo. OKim KKY 8 TO R E, doing good buslneas; I living rooms; will trade for late model auto. Tel Wei. ater 6UW. HAkr-.iit it-Mmig 86 a month; finn .111... kill. ,. . .. L'AM metlon. write l"o B. 8th Wt.' Dotig. frffg. 1'Ort 8ALfc-Urug stock, doing good busi ness. Located In oentral Nebraska town. Will sell at a big discount. If taken at once. No dead stock or boose Joint Had better than 116.0 O business last year, might consider lend trad If suitable. ArtdreasJY , Be. EDUCATION A!, Boyles College Day BchooL Night School, complete bualuesa course, luxuplet shorthand or stenotype couise, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and tog 1 1 n. Students atmtttl at any Uiue, Write, phone or call for 1911 catalogue, bOYLK4 COLXKOkl, H. U. boiLtii, President Tel. D b. lioyles B'.dg.. tanaha. Neb. FOR sale, the follualns; scholarhia la a first risit Omaha H;ilne College: One unlimited combination bualuea and shorthand course. One unlimited sienuirratilila eoueaa. Oue Uiiee months' buslueaa or atano. grauhlo rouraa. Win be sold at a discount at the offloe of Ttia Omaha Bee. ixa tkUJt Feraltare, lioasehold booda, fcJto. Public Audlion Wa will Vi (. . -a..- , . , . i .ii- , - --- - - - i , iivii Rimiri lilts wek. lna IiTi r-i, i..n..r I i-. brass bd. lihrary tabic, leather cf.alr a gooa as new, sUo g K-d re fers. Hu lien ood as new, sUo g K-d rol lers. Hu lien net, nigs of all sues, .vhlua, linens. hes will be peeil t:are .. Don't his sale. to loth. O's'e'.ia Van VUlliri etc. niis 4t btor Co.. 1IU btreel tnuaiico HAhOAlN.S IS rL'MN'ITL'RF. AND haiuiwark, i- n. :tii wrn i -7 C . axu raxiMun st D. flat. KOIt 8 ALU FOR SALE Here Is a rlaaxincatloa thut Is of the utmost Inportanre to every rnkT, aa this column olfers some ex ep tlotiHl opportunities every dy and a small want ad will sell yo'ir article at Its full value. Phone Tyler 1'". l-nett-t, no UMKn, BTF.KEOTTPB matrices make the best and rheepent lining for poultry houses. They are 172n Im hes, stronger and more diirnhle tarred felt and practically ''proof, 'fa? a hundred at The Hee off Ira. MXt grain. 10 lha. H Wi. W agner. HOI N. !. Hariri aad Veklele. Grocers, Attention! OUR large stock of delivery wagons (Rtudsbaker's, snd our own make), of fered at low prices to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck bolle. JOHN SON-PAN FORTH COMPANY. lfc-31-f N. lth nesr Clark fit FRF.BH COW, . Phone South 102). TYPEWRITERS. HO and up. V Bee Blflf. VlffcW tiiMta eold, llileu. repaira.l Central Typewriter gc. mot Farnam. Miarellaaepas. $3.20 Golden West Whiskey, run quarts bottlid In bond, pre paid. Caokley Pro.. Omah. CARPKNTKH tool, hovel, pl ks, Jck crew. 10-penny match vending ma Chinee, 50e each; good hors. $; hameaa, 110; express wagon, ": kitchen utensils, one electric piano, 1 sideboard. 1 hall tree, 1 Iron bed. J. C. I8H. 1IW3 B. 2Hh fit. Harney Ui. bK'ONt-HANI Burrough adJing ma chine. I'.xcellent condition. Must sell quick. Address J 7!). Bee. FOH BAI,K New and second-hand carom and pocket bllllnrd table nd bowling silos and accessories; bar futures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. eJ7- H. 10th St. T 2d-haud motor, dynamo, InP'W magneto, etc, mechanical repairs. Le Bron i&lectrlo Workalla-M B. Uth St 1XUBLK-8URFACB Planer. 10-Inch, Whitney make. In working condition, for sale chep. May be seen at actual work at the Kretchmer Factory, Wl Eleventh Ave., Council liluffa, Ia.' A snap It you apply soon Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. , Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. . ' North Platte, Neb. HE! J WANTED TKMALH Clerical aael Offlee. Htenographer , f5 BU-noarapher, temporary . ...lJ5 Walt Ref. Co., KlfMO-tf Hmndels The. KXP, steno. (good plate)... ..I'd wk. ..112 wk. r.ii. Mill ciera, inn., Kxp. 8teno., Hpeedy and accurate IIS RtXJKRS ItEKKKENCH Ct)., Paxton blk. STKNOURAPHKR, for, wholesale house; prefer girl of I or 8 year' experience. In assisting credit manager or book keeper In handling account, etc.; must be bright, quick and worker; give ex perience, references, etc. Address K 811, l lee. EUJOTT-F1SHER operator, who can do billing; prefer some experlenoe; must be neat, quk-lt and capable; give experience, references, etc. Address B (HO, Be. MANY good positions open. BL'BINKHS MEN 8 REFERENCES ABBN, niwomnn or Inn wonq. WANTED Young lady for assistant DooHKeeper Who lives at home with parents; must be accurate and neat pen man ana turnisn reterences a to reliabil ity; position permanent. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., lKth and 1 lodge Bts. factory TnStt QIRT, to learn hairdreaslng. Oppenhelna lluaaekeepera nod lfoweatlc. 1HK hervant uirl Problem Bolved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. This applies to resident of Omaha, bouth Omaha and Council Rluffs. Biing ad to The Ree offlee or telephone Tyler IMiO. A C.ll'.l. for housework. 1HPark Ave! Gafll, wanted for general housework; gihontrlglpjjy;105 N. th 8t WANTED At cnee. for one montiiTgood girl for general houaework; small coun try home: modern convenience. S la fata Hy. Appl y lutft 8. 11 ht. Ct M f'ETE NT white maid, that 1 neat, like children, can cook; good refer ence. A reliable, permanent place for right party. Mrs. C. E. Walratn, 1MI Bo. 83d ht. H. H-3. WANTED A good white girl for general housework; small family and good wanes. 41 H. 8Mh Bt. 1'hone liar. MS. COMPETENT white girl for general nousework; 17 per week; reference re- qulied. Phone H. M8 from 7 to 7.80 p. m. WANTED Girl for general housework. Appl y S70 Karnam M. or phone H. 6479. WANTED ExLieiienced, competent gen eral maid. Apply 1S5 8. Sfllh Bt. Phone Harney W14. ' COMPETENT second girl. Kill Farnam Bt., H. ik;s. BliarellaavoMk. YOt'NO women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit tha Youne Women a Christian association building at bt Mary's Ave. and l.lh Bt-, where they will be directed to suitable boarding 1'iacrs or oinerwise asaiatna. look lor our travelers' g"'-' at t'Bion station. Ollt I, wanted at Neumayer for dining ivuia auu viiaiuucr -vora. HELP WANTED MALE , Llerlcal ss Offlee. Exp. Office Manager ,1V Exp. Office Manager.... Iiuo ;xp. Btenographer (speedy) $ 70 "I", urain .levator and Imp. Mui.l 7i Roger Kefrren-e Co., 640 1'axton Blk. Btenograjiher , 7u Btenographer 6t' Bookkeeper (bank) u0 City salraman (Investment !() THKCANtj AUKNCY, WW H Hldg. BTENO.. out of town t o Btenographer et AiIB Rh.F. CO. gr-u-42 Brand. The. fcTENtkJRAFllER Rrixht, caib! young man, hustler, rapid eteno. ; prefer I or J years' experience; munt furnUh Al references; salary to suit ability; the experience, age. references, etc. Addrex F sii lee. 6ALli.-MAN- to a years of age, well etucatrU. nuetler, real saleamaa; only flrst-cutss man considered; good salary to right man. Give age. reference, ex perience, etc. Address C S10, Ree. H!'";H-uitAIH commercial "positions. WE6T. RhFERENCtJ BOND Ab3!. 72 Omsba Nat. Hank Hldg. Young man, study law! Downtown even ing seaMons. Law dept. 1; N I V KRB1TY OK OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See A. G. 1 tloniM ii, 4.10 Omaha NatlmiMl Bank. Aii, alraiuia mm4 feallrltwra. WE have a good place for a live Insur ance man. &t'.iti'al 'n-uent Health & Ac cident Aim'n . 4 i Cliv Nat ai,a Ud. CuAI. aeits wa-iied In every town; gel a trial csr. 1. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. CITY solicitors t eiice Itguirt'i. ante. I Beat if rfefer- baiary to rlgnt uian. Call Meiieiay-Omaha Nuiserv Ca.. 4..3 Btute Bank I'UM . or Zlat and Aveau A. Ciiunell Huffs. Ia; wTNTri-T"H Y'T.AH'; 1-1 AND REl'UTa 141. E MAMTAi'll, A BALPii MAN OV CHAHACTrll A.S'D AlilUl'V, Vnl NW MAN PREKKUKKD MHO CAN Fl KMsil Hl- .-j'l' Or lihr'KK K.vri S. APIM.Y AFTi.ll t A. M., 2)lil FAR NAM BT A 'ill' Bale'' ad w ii tui it second-hand furniture Into cash. 1IF.I,P WANTED MAI'K Kaetwrf aa 1ir. Poaltlon Now Open. Free Catalogue AMEBIC AN AUTO UAKHtK WA NTKH Man to run my shop for 1 or I months; will pay good wages: state exiwncnce, how old, where worked Isat; no hooxe fighter. Harry Irwin. Kelrfar. B. I). WANTED Men to lesrn the barber trsde. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Waires paid while learning. Tools Included. Write for I'liiRlrntrd catalogue. MOLKB HARHF.R COLLEGE, 114 8. 14th bt., Omaha. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages raid Tools given. Poritlon guaranteed Ch!1 Trt-Clty Collere or write for Information. 1174 lourlas Omnha. WE nee'f men: had to f rn down two Jobs per week lately. Get In. Lear, by our method. Oet one of the, toba Cstslogue p. R. free. Vehra uto- mobile chonl. I4" Leavenworth St. Drug stoie anapa. ooe Kn-l-if. Re B it. 4 iaf.r lla rtenna WEN wanted: government jobs; 190 per month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15. flample qunotions free. Frnklln Insti tute Dont r?1 F ftm-hetee. N Y. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS in post- Olflce. rallwav mall and other hranchra re good, t'reoare for "exams" under former U. H. Civil Service Becrctary-;- miner. Pnnltlet O 96, free. Write to day. Patter-on Civil Service School, Ro chester, N. Y. WANTED Names of men, 1 or ever, wishing government jobs, fffl month. No pull necessary. Address Y 01. Uee. 1IEIJ' WANTED MALIC AAD VlbAlAl.lC. ! STENOGRAPHERS When In need of a poation, call on us. NO CHARGE Doug. 1284. Remington Typewriter Co. WK WILL, start you In the cleaning and ujvinx uusiiifsb; iinio caiiia. neeaeu. Big profit. Write for booklet. Bcn Vonde System, Oept. 240, Charlotte, N. C. SITUATION'S WANTED WOMAN with little gill want place as cook In boarding houao. Aildrcaa K Uui. Be. YOUNU men want steady work of any kind. Walnut 431. MIDDLE-AOIVL) widow would Ilk to take charae of roominv hntiMi. or house keeping for respectable and refined fam ily of one or two person, or companion for lady; am experienced. ' Addres C J3, t Rea. ' i WANTED By young lady, position as clerk in large department store: well- experienced In parcel post work, etc.; can lurniau gooa reierencea. Write lor Par tloular. Address Y 600, Bee. WANTED Poalllon a watchman; have been watchman for C, U. & y. K. R. In Omaha for T years. Address C KM, Uee. 11KL for general housework wants posi tion at housework. Phona Web ster 2244. POSITION wanted by young married man a collector or solicitor. Phole be tween 1 and 2. Webster 6590. bi nixuuKAfriiiii. young man, experl- II ..mA J ... m .9 1.1., i 1 I" I v......, . i . v . . v nvi . ,nf J.IIIU. . Willing to Mart at moderate salary. Rcf- erenuea. w niing to accept in or out or city. Addres L. 911. Boo. M1DDL.B-AOED lady would like a posi tion as nousegeeper or general house work. Address K 910, Bee. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ad la Omaha' Ioat and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised la The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. BP1TZ DOG. TEDDY, HAIR CLIPPED ON BACK. HARNEY 9H7. OMAHA A COUNCIL. BI.UFF8 BTREICT HULWAI t.XJ.Mr'ANT. Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway rompeny to ascertain whether, they left It In the street care. Many articles each day are tamed In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4S. LOST Dog, small collie, clipped; 13 re ward. Address Al viz, uee.- PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association bulldinu at 17th St and Bt Mary's Av., where tney win oe airectea to auitabie boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt GORDON, the Magaxlne Mas. Tel. Doug. I wll not be responsible for any debt that Mra. O. T. Noves makes. Mr Q. T. Noye. Morris, Minn. PET STOCK PCRE fox terrier male pup. $5. Macjr, Sprlngftold, 8, D. Walter BWAPPEIW 4XILTMN Wanted to Bwap. Wny not advertise something that you no longer have any TWO, 3 or 6 well-furnished. 5121 N. 23d U"-JJ0T. n1. 1 m'"'a" yu" reuliy Bt. After 11 a. m, phone Web. 1063. need? it cot you nothing to loin the hwapper' Club and you will find It lots! Ilosaekerplasi Ruoiai. of (un swapping tiilima. Will Kooin Ivt, !li DAVKMORT 2 OR 3 NICELY Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler lOuO. j FI RNISHED FRONT HOCSKKKEP. ACREB-Eoultv' In fine Benson acre, to trade for auto In good condition. Wal nut 8:e, A FINE 60-lnch length roller top oak desk and revolving arm chair to match; to exchange for what I ran i.,e. What have you? Address a. C. 13v, liee. ANtiORA CATS Will swsp for writer. C. F. 8 . 1541 Wlilis Ae. ty pe- AlHO-4-passenger, 1S14 mod 1. ' Cams- lion auto, in nrm- isss shape. v in trade for roadster. Addreaa 8. C. law. Ho AUTOMOBILE to exchange for eo. -l y ,. bouse and lot Address 8. C. Uii. Bee. Al'Tt.MOBILl'-Wanr to trad 111 five paaaenger Yrlle. In good shape, sll new tlrwa. for smaller car, to use fur loud wwi; Foid preferred. Addreaa t. C i:uj limai.a Hee. Al'TOMuHlLES For other auioi.ii. i bargains see thu "Autoiuublie " ciaasiw tan. .u III fti 1 N 1 Sf4 CHANCE Will trade iny confeciiunery, ice cream parlor an 1 small stocK of groceries, well located', for Clear Oinuha lot. Address 8 C. 1JQ4. ii i. Ul.'SINKBsTHANClHivt a cleaning pressing and tailoring bualneda. earn f i om I!.) to 1 a moiith. downlown b- catlon; let me show you. VYhM have you to offer. AtAire i:C. Hee. CAT let white turn cat to Hvtap forwuat have you? Ad'lrea B. C. lima. CAhl't-.N I KK loola. shovels, picks. Jack sciewy, P)-petiiiy niatli vending ma chines, boo em h; good horae, t-; bai nr, Jitf, exorets w anon. '. kitchen utenaiU, out elei HI'' piano. 1 eldebottrd. 1 hall tree, 1 tron bed. s ill exchange all of these article for sood auto truck, uiamonris or what have you to otter. Ad tress a. C. car Omaha Bee LKSK Will swap large roll top dealt for sectional bookcaaes, or what will you take? Addreaa S. C. VU. He liRtS.-J Bl'lT Have full dreae suit sis 40, coat l0; worn only four times. What tie you to liade for It? Addles 8. C. lr Bee. H'MH HEIX8 What em I offered for 4: 1" 10. dumb bells, all new: jast the thing fur boys' club. Address 2?. C. t. Bee. LI AM ON T k a r a f "dTu fiioTrd to ward s good uaed planu; uo Jul,. Audre.s 6. C. Ltl. ins. bwappkrh roi.nix tll.l-X 1 Kit.' Two fancy eldtric fixtures, shower snd Inverted seml-dlreot; also two Indirect, suitable for picture ahow; I will hang these fixture; value, tlXi. I want old auto, diamonds. What have con to offer. Address B. C. Bee. ENOiXEEIVH TOOLS Such as pipe tools, taps, dies, cutters, wrenches, pipe tongs; for motorryrl or old model Ford, Ad1rcas 8. C. Par Bee. GOL.F clubs Bet of left-handed" club to whp f i r right-handed ones. Address 8. C. 1 1 1'ee. OROCF.RY BTORE, doing good bulnes; has I l$rge living rooms; fin location. Address H. O. IWi, Hee. 1 Msaon truck In good running order, valued at 117.1, to swap for what have you? Addreaa S. C. LW, care Hee. IX.lT oOxHo, located at 46th and Grand Ave., to trade for Ford car In good con dition. Inquire 2910 8. 17th fct.. I'oug. 4if4. MAX WEI. j Roadster, in good condition. I Will conKider motorcycle or will pay i difference on Ford or Ford chassis, or t uli.l h.v. ifnid IHh.... U r 11,7 IIm rz-zr ' - -i-rr-- v- - . iiiLLi.r.iti siock ana iixiure tor ex change; established trade; owner retir ing, account of poor health. Address S. C. Hee. MINING STOCK Have 20 1100 share In Black Hill Mining company, Issued June 7. 1915. Will swsp all or part ot these for used automobile. Address 8. C. 1.131, He. PIANO New Emerson 4)0 piano to trade for gnd clear lot or auto roadster. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1343. Bee. PlANt I have a I3J0 piano that is of standard make and In first class condi tion; will swap for a good diamond. Act quick If you would take advantage of a sacrifice offer. Address 8. C. 13ut. car Hep. fcol.II gold watch, diamond locket for fthotgiina or rifles. Frledmsn, 1211 Doug. STOCKS Will exchange stock In going local corporation, not overstocked and with oil vii nee orders, for good light car. Ford preferred, or will give stock. Ad dress 8. C. 1342. Uee. j STOCK of clothing, shoe and millinery. What have you of equal value? Ad dress 8. C. 1344, care Be. BTCUIO camera and outfit. 1x10; price ITS. or will trade for diamond of equal value. What have you? Addres T 661, Bee. SEWING MACHINE Singer. MO sewing machine, drop head, -drawer; perfect condition. What have you to trade? Ad dress 8. C. 1334, Bee. FOR RENT A part meat aael Flat. The For Rent advertisement appearing th '"r Ror col uunn of Tha Be dallv cannot be teat for variety that wllr hiring to rent. Phone Tyler 100 CLiOSE-IN APARTMENT. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR BCHOOI Each apartment 8 rooms and bath; newly papered and finished throughout; easily worth $-0 each; rent for I12.&0 and 115 per apartment Come and let us show you something 'nice right close In or phone for appointment. D. E. BUCK CO.. 912 Omaha National. Douglas K22I. I-R. mod., 640 8. lth. Tel. Web. 4769. water frM IIS - rw4 am fl I RtahhltlB. i i 6T. CIAIR Apt. (-room Apt H. 647. Angelua Apt, I and 4-room apt H. 20?4. o Chicago, 2110 Modern 7 rooms 140. D. 75f5. 6-r.OOM brick flat; close, modern and desirable; only one block from Farnam, car line; 130 in summer, 27.b0 In winter. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Btate Bank Bldg. (-ROOM apartment, St George, 113 N. 31st Ave. Phone Tyler 1536; evening, Web. 174. o Famish A part meat. 4-ROOM sjt, nicely furnished; front view, trlctly modern: price J6 per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard & Manul Apt.. 21st and Howard. Phone Doug. 0164. Hoard e 1 tsoina. Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding bouse of the high est class will best be found In the Fur nished Rooms column of Th Bee. Phone Tyler lQUO. ST. MARY'S AVE., 2u63 Walking dis tance: IR ber week. LA HUE, beautiful furnished room for 2 or single with ex. board. Web. 843. Famished Houses. COMPLETELY FURNISHrTD. 4 room, 5 a week. 2 rooms, 13 a week. First two weeks free. P. 8711 or Web. 5340. FaraUhrd Hoom. FOR RENT Sept. 1. S furnished rooms, private bath, heat, light and water, nice location, Farnam Bt. and Blvd. II. 1399. o WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at 18th. 1M) rms., II; GO rms., 11.60 & up; weekly & monthly rates; cool, quiet and home-like. If you do not see anything that suits you in the way ot Furnished Rooma you can call at Room 101, Bee Bldg., and ask for the Flv Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or bearding bouse In any part of the city. The Pratt, cool, close In, 312 8. 26. P. 1188. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL BANKORD, 19th A Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th A Farnam. S. KTH ST.. 211 Mod. room i,lcl nJ8,,, Private family, close In, $16. mo. Famished Hsasekrrplsg Rooms, Four nice rooms; new bath. 1112 8. Uth. i roo'" "d 1-2 8. 11th lmu bmjuwahlk R C.N 1. lafuralahed Hooaaa. S UNFURNISHED rooms. 118, water In- eluded. 2ttf Dodge Bt A. FVkles. II oases and Cettagcea. North. 1109 MAPLE, all moCern but heat Web ster loM. I- i goath. 1 muum, modern nous, hot Jones. 133 nt per monfi J I. Kemp. Douglas 97. f-R COT AGE. mod. ex. heat: from car. 6th and William. P. 7: block 241. 7-Rmm mod. brik. 1.U0 Park Ave. For Rent outb Lalt of double brlcn house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail modern, at 1611 Bouih H fet., near park school, oaa Mock east ot Hanacom para Tel. Harney lion. .X PACIFIC J-r., modern; wUl put in beat condition, l.."S, Hu3 I'm a Ave., 7-r.. mod., tn fine con dition. ;. A KM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler lojii. Btate Bank Bldg. TO NEW BUNGALOWS. 7 rooms each, strictly inouerii unl v.r. fine, I.7.W and l. liJ7 8. 2tth 6t Tel. Red ISM or Tyler lliJ. M Iseellanrews. FIDELITY lcic FHEE Pboae rojlaa Ha for complete list et Vacant bouaae and apartments; also for stoiage, moving. Uth and Jackson Bts. trie the Central FMmrture tnorea. FBEI HKNTAI. LIST. Globe Van & Storage Sfrea. mcves, packs ship; t-hors van and I met. 11. ii per br.; storage U per trta. gatlafsctlon guar. P. 4 A TV. IA ( Coatln u edonCol7TuTs Pag . ) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleaee the most critical: ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. RFrTn ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 208 Brandels Thea. Kerr? Title Guarantee and Abstrsct o.. a modern abstract office. 8. 17th Bt. Phone P. 57. AUVKHT1SIMO 2VOVKLT1ES. M. F. Briefer A Co.. IJth, Farnam. P. 7474. AHATltk F1NISIIINU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Ptioto Craft Shop, 416 Be Bldg. Dept. D. A CCU I' NT A NTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS A I.'HTED Books oponed and closed. Coat nyatem Installed Let me call on vou to explain tne advantages cf mv audit service svstem. Address 43J 417 Ramge Hldg Phone. Doug. 7408. ARCHITEC I 9. Everett S. Podds, 612 P.txton Blk. D. IWL AiiOHNUll, A T. Plhinson, fill Paxton Blk. P. 1804. ALCTIOM.ER9. Powd Auction Co.. llld-18 W.O.W. R. 37ig. AITO INMRAMK. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 2S1. AUTU HAUIATOIt MUPAIIIS. Omana Radiator Rep e-o., 2024 Far, p 2001. BAKKHIKH. H. REEDKR. 1B0 N. 18th. Web. ItPT. BGDDIKO. OMAHA PILLOW CO.f 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feathefa and mattresses of all kinds, mjki miurwwn ann gown cover BRASS AM) IHON FOUNDRIES. Pjon-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bt. CARPKXTEItS AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVKNSON. 823 8. rra. Douglas 6S20, Leasard A Son, 1906 Cap. Av. T. 16.12, CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL, ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lwrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. I46L Dr. C. K. Brlygw, 2323 Harney. Red 7701.' CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 820 Par. Blk. R,.a 497, UAMCIIiU ACAUUMIK9. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic D. ISTt Summer rales now at Mackte's; private leason dally. 1816 Harney. Poug 644L PHEgdMAKlAO. " Terry Dressmak'g college. 30th A Farnam MISS BTTTRPT. 2418 CASS. P. 7870. UHESS MAKING COLLKtiK. Kelster Pressmaklng Col.. 1628 City Na. IVBHS AA U CLKANERS. BTATK Pry Clng. Co.. 130 N. Uth. V). 807t DETlLtTiVES. JAM Eel ALLAN, ii2 Neville Block. Evl- flAnCM mi A I -t, . . DUNTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room, H17 Douglas. D, 3188. URUUI, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 order; catalogue free. 43herman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Term. ELECTRIC AtUTOtt REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.P.tSTt " klectrolysis. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 80S5. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. NEW YORK sample atore. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak ulu and dresses sacrificed. 206 N. 16th fit r XRNALES anu tin WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wat 237L FLORI9TS. BATH'8. florist. 1804 Farnam Bt D. 3009. L. HKNDERSON. 1814 Douglas. P. 1268. Member FlorUt TeWgrapn Del. As n. ilESS A SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam Bt a ru-iMAmiTTK. 1611 Harney. Doug. 100t "SoLU AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. l-20 Harney Bt Est U&8. I.NBTRLC'AION. English. Frenchr instruction. 306 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6919. General Office. 13th and Manderson Mt. JUSTICES OF THH PKAChi. H. H. CI-AIBORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. R. 7401. Notary Pufc. deposlilun tno. C. W. BRITT, 301 Baker block. LA I N DRIES. CHICAGO LACNDKV CO. Pougla 2971 LlTlS STOCK COMMISSION. MA RTI N BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING HXTLRES, WIRING nTTTJiriM Thomss. Pouglas 2619. UUltlVirx J4I Cuming Bt. MOVING plCiLRSi MACltla.. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion Picture machlneand aim bargains. MO't'Oill 1 CCkiS. HARLET-PAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Men." mot Leavenworth. MLSIC AND ART. RagUiua piano playing posiUvele taught In vo Uaaons. iM earning Bt. Walnut Hii.9. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa, cigar, candy. 133S Park OCl LISTS. Eye exsmlned. glasses fitted, pay as yon can I'rs Mccarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OIL IIIRMEHS. PUT a blevert or a Johnson A Le oil burner In your hot a.r furnace, hot water or steam plant. N Kb RA BK A OIL AND FURNACE CO.. 1115-14 City Nat. Bk. P'g , maha. Neb. ' OSTEOPATHIC PAltklAlANS- JOSFPHINE ARMTRONO. 615 Bee RHg PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red fill. 1 . H. A. Ftureea C36 Rrsndels Theater Bldg. PLATING. Acme Plating. 1U P. r?7. 8 15th Bt PLI MES CLEANED. Dyed, mad ovar. n t-iaai. ut ct' ksa. PA IJfTIMG AIVD PA PER. JIG. HUGH M'MANUB. 417 N. 40th. H. S7S3 1ST CIABS workman, day work or con tract; no Job too large or small. D. 1290. PAPER HANGING Extra good value In wall paper this month. 83 and 14 per room. Including paper and work. H. SfiSt. PRINTING. WATERS-riARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 8. 13th Bt CENTRAL) PRINTING CO. DOUO. 3714 POUQLA8 Printing Co Tel. Pongla 844. RtBBAOU COUPANIKS. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This 1 the man to call If you have any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster 6819. SAFE) AND TIME LOCK. tCXPEHTS. o A Trn Opened, repaired, comb. J M P M changed. F. E. Paven- port, 1406 podge. D. 1821. ICALU REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 113 S. 12th. P.2911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. It Harley Shoe Rpp'r Co.. 20M Fam'm. R.844A SEWING MACHINES. TT? rent, repair, sell needle and VV parts for nil sewing machine. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney. Pougla 1661 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bheet Metal Company. 110 B. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug. 48"! STORE AM) OFFICE FIXTURES. PESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Bupply Co., 414-11-18 8. 12th. Doug. 27it TOWEL SUPPLIES. exaaaaaa OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. 62A TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDER YOU, 108 N. lBth St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREL1NO A STEINLE, 1806 Farnam Bt. TU'EWHITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. SH 8. Ml 8t All make for aale or rent KENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer. Low rent Cal'. Pouglas ia4 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. enp. WEDDINU STATION EKf. Wedding announcement a. Poug. Pgr. Co. VVIihia AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 18th St Wine, liquors, cigar. Plat dinners 11 to I, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSF lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch, MEDIOAIi RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guaranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. PILE8, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured, write lor dook on rectal dtseaaes with testimonial. Dil E. R. TAKKV. 340 Bee Bldg. RUPTURTC cured In few day without pain. Call or write Pr. Wray, 301 Bee Brag.. Omaha. Established 1891 o FOR RENT Hornsea and Cottages. Mlaeellaaeon. TTrtncnu Orelgh Bon A Co.. Bei Bldg. Gordon Van Co. Moving. Paoalng, Btoiaga. tl N. 11th St Tel. P 8S4 or Web. U83. Maggard's Van and storage Co. Call os fer es- tl mates for mov ing, packing, shipping. I7l3 Webstsr 8b Pcugla 14M. J. Ci Reed tai oriig! w A-VVeVA ijrt Farnam. P. 141 WE HAVE rodded 84,000 building since ivio, ana never had one struck. We guarnnteo eve ry Job. AMERICAN Lightning R LOU CO., 703 8. 16th 8t FOR RK.N'T-7-r. house. Phone Tyler 1148. I-ROOM cottage for rent Tel. Har. tielo. Store Btad Of rive. LARGE modern store near postoffloe; low rent. G. P Btehhina. 1610 Chloago. Office on 17th St Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON TIIE STREET. Private Office Waiting Room ISO 8q. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. One Small Office For Rent Good Location Fourth Floor. Water and Electnrc Light. Frna. $12.00 Per Month. The Bee Building "The building that is always asw." Office. Room 103." WANTED TO KEXT WILL lease 4 or 10-roorn modern house, prefer close In: csn furnish best of ref erences. Apply tt-'l Bee Hldj. Web. so. o WAN'TKD Reliable real eatste company to sell large tract of Texas laud, sub divided. Aiiiii ess ItoK 36. U la. OFFF1CH furniture bought and sold, il f HmI. tfS Karuam. 1miiw 114 H IOH KT prices lor old clothing. D 4714. Tela nuya vi-thing U't hand. Web. 4uO SniT'iiit- '.-t oia.. L'lttij... !. Sail. tf OH 20 aciea &'m land close to some Nabrsska tiwn: out t price and deeuiipe tlou. Address If fcj7, bee. (CONTINUED ON PAGE FIFTEEN, COLUMN ONE.X