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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
12 TIIE BKK: OMAHA, FKIIAY, AUflUST 1.1, 1915. SOUTH SIDE HAH FATALLY BURNED T. W. Mttthieisen, Proprietor of Auto Repair Shop, Burned When Blow Torch Explode. DIES LATER AT HOSPITAL F. W. MatthlMwn, proprietor o( tha South Omaha Auto Tire Repair ahop, 621 North Twentjr-fourth treet, South Side, was fatally burned yesterday morning at t.10, when plumber'a blow t!rch with which ha was working blew up, enTelopIng bim la a mans of Tames. First aid appliances were made by Dr. J. J. It am pal, but be hud been burned to crisp In sereral places about the lees, chest, arms and stomach, lie was rushed to the South Omaha hos pital in the police ambulance, where be died during the afternoon. MattMeitstn had been pumping air In tils blow torch too hard. It Is said, and Just aa he was making rvady to repair a a Inner tuba, the bottom blew out, praying him with a mass of flames and gasoline. , Frrd Brakman. a visitor st the shop, witnessed the explosion and threw hi coat about the burning man. In frenzied haste, his whole body a moas of flames, Matthlessem rushad Into tbs street, loudly calling for help. A moment later hn pitched headlong Into the printing ahop of Butler O'Brien next door. Butler Mirey a beary guilt about his body, mothering the flames, but not until he .had been fatally burned. Coming from Kremonl a year before, ,Matthleaaen set up a repair shop and baa maintained tt sine. Telephone rails to Fremont, where his relatives live, brought the Information that they were our of town. A brother, John, In Wahoo. was also notified. He wss a middle-aged man, bout. 4ft years of age, and wss well liked. He was the South Hide agent of the Manhattan OH company. William O'Brien, proprietor of the print hop, was severely burned on the right arm when Matthlesaen rushed Into his hop a few moments after the explosion. Ha was attended br a doctor and Is un able lo leave his bed. George Says Water Board Will Give Him the Service I. E. George advised the city council that the Water board agreed to create a 'Water district In a new addition south of Dundee without requiring payment of ad ditional money for connecting the "dead enrfii" on Howard street. Having failed to get satisfaction from h Water board Meesra. George brought the matter to the city council last Tues 0ny, but In the meantime the Water ioard made the necessary arrangements for the service requested. . t Special Trains to Bring New Subjects The Union Pacific will run a special train from Fremont neit Monday night, when tbs live wires of that city will come to Omaha In. full force to learn of the mysteries of the Isle of Pep at the Ak-her-Dcn d n. Equipment wl be pro vided for. the accommodation of 699 per sons. That the Fremonters may have plenty of time to meet old King Ak, it has been arranged to have tbs train leave f remont at :U In the evening, , reach Omuha at T:30, and returnlg, leave at 11:30 o'clock. The same evening the Northwestern will run a sveclal train from Dodge, bring ing pereons from Intermediate stations, Joe fischer and practically ail tha male lpulatlon of Dodge will be here, fc lecher Is to put on his exhibition. l fo14 Not Walk wtib. Rtieasalaaa. A satisfied patient writes: "Sioan'a Liniment cured my rheumatism, am grateful; I can now walk without pain." Only lie. All druggists. Advertisement. French in Market for 2000 Horses A rench contract for K.OUO war horses will be filled at the local stock yards horse rtrxrkct within the next few weeks. The order came In Wednesday and local burse art n are sourtng the" country for all available horses. The trnile In the luiree market has been excellent during the winter end there re good proejx-cts for a full year's order coming. The exacting requirements of the French buyers make the picking of the steeds slow. . t Llfmm CM1BPELL COMPANY 51 TRADERS CLDCM KANSAS CITV, F.0. Just Slips . Or , . V I - - -"-.'AX, , ' ONE OP THE BIO MACHINES THAT Tt'RN9 FOUTl WIDE, DKEP DOESN'T HEED MANY ORDERS Salesman of Ladies' WaUti Over whelmed Whrn He Findi the Line Companion Belli. LIKE TO WOEK FOR THAT FIRM A spick and span young traveling man, wearing a shepherds plaid suit an4 a kaleldoscoplo tie. sat down beirMe Cyrus J. Morton of Boston In the lobby of the Fontenclle. Morton Is a quietly, but richly dressed gentleman with gray hair and he carries a cane. "ell, how's buslnensr variegated youth. Inquired the Why. I don't think I can complain about business conditions," said Mr. Mor ton. "I called on elevrn houses this morn ing and got an order of each." enthused the young man. "Pretty good, ehr "Yes, that seems to Indicate prosper ity." aald the quiet man. "Make the small towns, do youT" "Well, no, I really don't do much In the smaller places." "Booked anything hcreT" "No, I haven't booked a single order. In fact, I have booked only one order atnee I started on this trip four weeks ago. That was In Baltimore." "Only one onSerT Why, say, I've been on the road this trip not quite three week yet and I have over 112,000 of or ders. BuMness sure Is quiet with you. Don't the house klckT! -. "No," said Mr. Morton, with a hint of a smile, "they seem satisfied." "Bay, I wish my people were that way. I'd loaf all the time, you bet. I get a holler out of 'em aa quick aa I let down on the orders." "Borne firms are that way, 1 presume," acqulmced Mr. Morton. The enthusiastic youth eyed the other la wonder for a moment. Then he said: "Say, my llne'a ladles' waists. What Is yours?' Steamahlpe," said Mr. Morton sol emnly. "I booked an order for three big vessels In Baltimore." "Oh," gasped the salesman of ladles' waists. And soon hs disappeared In a dase, moving weakly In the direction of the bar. mm Traveller ltsa-a Experience, "In the summer of 1M I had a very se vere attack of cholera - morbus. Two physicians worked over me from 4 a. m. to ( p. m. without giving me any relief and then told me they did not expect me to live; that I had best telegraph for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter 60 cents and told blm to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and take no substitute. I took a double dose ac cording to the directions and went to sleep after the second dose. At I o'clock the next morning .1 was called by my order and took a train for my next stop ping point, a welt man, but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack," writes II. W. Ireland, Louisville. Ky. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement IMPROVERS FAVOR THE WIDENING OF 24TH STREET The Southwest Improvement club has taken bold of the proposition started by the Omaha Real Eatate exchange of widening Twenty-fourth street to pre pare for the day when It la to K the prtnrUal street of the city. At a nwetlng Wednnadsy night the secretary was In structed to request the city commission to appoint a city planning committee, which should work upon the proposition. toll." Through the Ground When at Work ' 4 bM , S. - I City Employes Have Their Pay Boosted The city council ratified a renolutlon by Mayor Dahlman, Increasing the salaries of Deputy City Clerk Prlmeau and A, B. Patten, Emll Hofmann and Margaret Boekhoff of the city clerk's office. I MAN WHO HOLDS DOG I BITTEN ON THE CHEEK Dr. Walker of the Vienna hotel, 1011 Farnam street, took out a dog belonging to another guest at the hotel, for an airing. ' The dog soon began to act strangely. Walker sat down and took him In hlsvarms. The dog snarled and bit htm severely on both cheeks. Walker hurried to the police station with the animal. Arriving there the dog lay down on the floor and began to foam at the mouth. He then Jumped up and ran Into the establishment of the flcott Tent and Awning company. He was captured and locked up In a room at the Vienna hotel. The dog will be killed and Ita body examined to see whether It was mad. Walker was at tended by Police Burgeon Shook. PLANS GOING AHEAD TO CARE FOR LETTER CARRIERS The National Association of Civil Service Hmployes has already begun ar rangements to entertain the National As sociation of Letter Carriers while the latter are In Omaha for their national convention during the early part of Sep tember. A huge publlo mass meeting Is being planned to be held in the Audi torium on the evening of September I for the welcome of tha delegates to Omaha for the convention, which h4n a.n ror the convention, which begins Sep- wu "ol m" sales and that tember 4. Prominent speakers are being,""0 4 wl" Pfve to his own mistaken secured. ... mind that "advertising does not pay." NEBRASKA AUTO ASSOCIATION IS TO MEET IN BEATRICE The fifth annual meeting of the No- braska Btate Automobile association Ill be held at Beatrice, August 17 at S p. The business meeting will be held at the Commercial club rooms and In the even ing a luncheon will be given by the Gage County Automobile club. - Oovemer Morehead will drive hla car to the meeting and give his views on "Qooil Roatla." Congressman Sloan hmm I promised to attend and talk on "Federal ' Aid." . . FINED FOR DRIVING JITNEY WITHOUT ANY LICENSE Paut Malonejr. aoi Pierce street, was' fined fl and costs In police court for operating a Jitney without a Jitney II- 1 cense. TU la the first arrest occasioned ' ( by the discovery that serral owners of machines have been hauling mn to work In the early hours of the morning, before they themselves sought their regular dally toll. Iiy not operating their ars ss Jitneys during the remaining portion of the day. It Is asserted that they thought It perml usable to avoid taking out a Jitney llcenae. . I LOW OVERHANGING TREES MUST BE KEPT TRIMMED The rtty commleeioners Intend to en force a city ordinance which prohibits branches of trees to overhang sidewalks lower than eight feet. Many complaints at being received at the city hall. EM area its cit In a days' us. Saves three-'fourtha of the work of spread ing straw and handle old stack bot toms or manure aa well aa new straw. Can be attached to any header-bars or hay frame in a abort time. ' Easy to put on or take off. Kany to operate, gtronfly built, can't clog, on't break. Works equally well on windy or calm days. Light draft. Kl'iCt lAIi KIO.K TUIAL OlHatt The first five men In every county who write for my Straw Epreader er ftook and Trial proposition ran biive a Btmplex Spreader on SO days' KKtK TU1AU Uon't wait, but write at oace. If ou have straw to spread. Thomas CWpcr, Director North Ia kota Agricultural KK-rliii-nt Htaw . tioit, aayst "Straw la beneficial also as a mulch to conserve the moisture and rive the young wheat protection from tha violent wind and drifting SEE IT AT FREF.IOHT "Til - , ' , rUBROWS AS IT PASSES. 1 Cashes Pay Check j and Loses Money j Out of His Pocket! J. J. Dore. U28 North Twenty-eighth street, Bouth Bide, railroad employe and father of six small children, cashed bis monthly pay check at the Brandels bank and a few moments later noted that 160 of the money had slipped out through a hole In hla pocket He had one dollar ' left Dore la a widower, his wife havlrig died about a year ago. He has two chtl- j dren In a local orphanage and at the time he lost the money was ahopplng j with bis eldest girl. I The family have no means besides the father's Income. MRS. FLORA R. CUMMINGS DIES AT SIXTY-TWO YEARS Mrs. Flora Jl. Cummlngs, aged 62 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. U T. Bchonlau. 4288 Parker street. Funeral servlcee will be held at the undertaking parlors of Duffy & Johnston mis afternoon at X: with Interment lt Forest Lawn cemetery. IMPROVERS WANT ANOTHER CITY CHARTER CONVENTION The West Leavenworth Improvement club has requested the city council to call another home rule charter conven tion. This proposition will be discussed by the committee of the whole in a few weeks. . Only good goods, priced so that ,. are also good values at the prices fixed are Vadvertlaable." Unless .riv.niu,i ,Un1 ,uh th advertising r thm will not mean aales and th OY a D WITH Mr. Farmer: What does this mean to you? Simply this: The PEOKIA is th Best Tractor Buy you can make, for it gives you ICO cents' worth of value for every dollar it costs. Notice how supremely simple it is'; how easy to et at and how durahle it is. Tho stand-up-and-deliver construction is what spells Service-" for you, and service is what you are really buying in a IVactor. Make the "Peoria" your "Buv Word" in your Tractor Purchase, and join the Big Growing Army of Satisfied Peoria" Customers. " You cr.n get your i'eotia" promptly by giving your order NOW, but Early Delivery cannot be assured if you delay longer. Besides, you want to take advantage of the liberal offer we are making to purchasers during tho Fremont meet, which includes Your Faro To aid From Your Home. Co mo See Got the Evidence Bo Convinced FEORSA TRACTOR COMPANY Offk-Ul lloadquartera: ROOM 23, DEXTER HOTEL fc aw3 ILmmaL ITa!! TTniaiy IZplZiI li DQDSOAL LIE0 FLEXIBILITY flUB ECONOMY . J I L i w 1 I -- ; t .v.v-. . i -' -t. r- , f: ; v rv.! t'Jhat the EJilson Farm Machine UJill Bo: pull, with perfect ease, a 4-bottom 14-inch breaking or stubble plow at a speed of not less than 2'i miles per hour, and at a cost no greater than many small tractors which pull only two or three plows. f raw P-rtrn 7116 Nils0n Farm Machmo is not a chcaP tractor. It is n quality prod LiUW 1 IILC uct through and t3irough,ith a real guaranty behind it. The material and workmanship used in its construction ore of the highest order. It is built to last to hold together, to give thoroughly dependable service for many years as long or longer than any tractor ever made. It is not built down to a price, but up to a standard. Sec it at KJolsm Fromnnl LwJaOlh) 426 IN KNEE PLOWING THIE F n -'- -Kr'r!; - I i 'v .! v - ' . 'iJa--"' J - V - e--r-Jx- a , v ' .;Sty'v-y .... ,7c-TT , ;.;';; r ' - - '-; -.-vT I- . , " ''.'". t !v5 r . .. i -i ' umi i ...i. ii. IU..L1J..J iiiiiiim. n - nun in i mi i mini PEOniA. ILLINOIS LOUNGER IMPLEMENT CO., Omaha, Nebr. STATE DISTRIBUTORS Ha POVJEl. AHD DOOABILIIY, LIGHT HEI8HT. mm By the Unique Way in Which Traction is 7ft nn ill ihL (THE QUALITY TRACTOR WITH v. is? 11 aero Washington Ave. North, Minneapolis, 1 1; Get into business via the "Business Chances" PANTS SMASMES !! RECORD Secured in the THE PULU Minn: At tha iJcinoiuitratioa Ground, J uat Kollo the Crowd to Oar HI it Tenia. See It at Fremont On BO ) i i i