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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
TTIKBEK: OMA1IA. FHIIUY, AUGUST 13, 1913. 11 WALLIS COB SHOWS SPEED AT START jBretki World's Record for Plowing Three-Acre Tract on First Say of Show. FAMOUS FOE ITS LONG TRIP The world! record fop fast plowing wss mashed Into atoms on the opening day of the. Fremont demonstration. The Wall's "Cub" tractor, of crone-country lame, lowered the. record for plowing three acres with a four-bottom plow from 7tt minutes to 77 minutes. Coupled with this remarkable perform ance, was the fart that the land the "Cub'' was plowing had a depression half filled with water across it and the plows had to be dragged through this. Other tractors filled their wet spots with straw and Iirted their plows across, but the little "Cub" pulled Its four plows through without lifting them onec. T The rats of speed maintained by the Wallls tractor was greater than la gen (rally necessary In farm operations, but It shows the reserve energy and surplus power to be expected In this machine. ., Two and one-fourth to two and three fourths miles per hour Is the speed or , dinarlly used, but the Walks people be ' lieve that more power should be on land when needed. The wonderful flexibility and power of the motor In the "Cub" was well shown several times during its famous thousand mile durability run. At times mud holes were found In which the drive wheels sank to the hub, but a Judicious use of hains and lugs nd ths great power of the motor made recovery of firm ground ay. In One bad stretch of road just west of Atlantic, la., one drivewheel was deep in the mud, and the whole tractor Inclined at an angle of thirty-five de grees, and yet the engine righted and pulled out under its own power. The J. I. Case Plow Works, general dis tributors for. the. Wallls "Cub," is highly pleased with fhe performance of Its ma chine, both In the durability run and the field work of the demonstration and believe-that their machine will gain the confidence of all traction engine users. . Its motor Is rated as a fifty-two horse power, with a draw bar pull of twenty six horsepower. ' It Is guaranteed to pull four bottoms anywhere, and in very light soils It will pull six. It will handle tho heaviestloads 6n the road at a speed cf four miles oh. hour, or will pull on the belt any machine In use on a mod ern' farm. . - - .,-.. With the remarkable performance of the "Cub" on the first day' of the demonstra tion. Its record breaking plowing speed, the populsrlty of ths "Overland Limited" was assured. . Made a World Record for Speed ' f. 1 V J. -1 v I ' t - -3 1 X A , - - mmoi THIS WAti.13 CTB TRACTOR PIOW BP THREE ACRES SEVEN MINl'TRS u.N WfcTPNESD AT. IN SKVFNTY- operated and turned In its own width, since it will pivot on one wheel. LION IS ALMOST CAPABLE -: OF RUNNING BY ITSELF Boms machines are so efficiently made during these modern times that they seem to be endowed with life and brains. This Is true of ths l.lon tractor being shown at the Fremont demonstration. The Lion can be started running and thon left entirely alone. It will turn round and round and ground In , a perfectly curved circle and. keep it up for hours without the variation of .a. foot.. - Mjrewer,tbe. Jiinn m n x rtA aAi 1 1 i i 9 4i auicuA o-evca mm well Urre trctcU It is adaptable to ail man ner of clo4 and difficult work, cau "be SIMPLEX STRAW SPREADER SHOWS ITS PRACTICAL USE C. L. Rice and W. P. Byater, In charge of the Simplex Straw Spreader for ths Mansion Campbell company, dll some real, practical work on the grounds of ths Tractor Farming Demonstration and up on the roads round-a-bout. ' Rains fell Tuesday eivening. and Wednesday, but they did not detrr the crowds of peagVe who were bont upon attending ths dem onstration. Crowds came, mud or no mud. They were prepared for mud, but when they arrived at the grounds, they were agreeably surprised to find tnere was no mud It had been covered up with a nice carpet of straw. ' Many wondered who had Rone t,0 such pains and how the work had been done so nicely, the ground being covered even ly with a good spread ' of straw. Ths explanation was soon .discovered when the men named were seen busily engaged In finishing their work with the Simplex Spreader. The machine sure did make the straw fly, not Into ths winds to be scattered broadcast, but upon the ground where it was directed. An even spread of straw was distributed over an expanse of from fifteen to twenty feet nt every trip across the field. It is said that two men can thus cover from fifteen to twenty acres a day. BEAVER MOTOR HAS FINE EXHIBIT AT FREMONT SHOW The Beaver Manufacturing company, makers of the Beaver gasoline motor, Is certainly a strong booster of the Fremont Trattor demonstration. No less than five men from this concern are In attend ance. These representatives consist of General Superintendent W. A. Carrell, Chief Engineer Wallensak, Factory Rep resentative Charles Clounl and Repre sentatives Ralph Neacy and Conway Neacy. ' . The Beaver Manufacturing company Is the oldest maker of gasoline motors In this country. The Beaver motor car can be seen doing practical work In the pe orla tractor.-In whi;S It Is used. LAWYERS BOUND FOR ANNUAL BAR ASSOCIATION MEETING ' The westbound train over the Burling ton,, at . midnight ..will-.: carry .."three sleepers loaded with eastern lawyers go. Ing to the annual meeting of the Ameri can Bar association, held in Salt Lake SEE THE CILJB 99 At This Demonstration The Wallis "Cub" Tractor is enter- ed for ' this year's demonstration and will doubtless be the sensation of the show as it was in 1914. This efficient machine has broken the world's plowing record and has just successfully completed the first 1000 mile durability run ever attempted by a tractor. jr- : , immmammmmmmm at the National Power Farm Fremont, Neb.t last fall. This "little bunch of power" the : Watts " "Cub" Fuel-Save Tractor broke the world's record for fast, deep plowing.' It finishes a plowing job In a fraction of the time required by horses or cheaper tractors and at minimum cost. Works where and when horses couldn't Can t be overworked. Costs nothing to keep when not working. You can make it earn money every month in the year work ing for others, doing road work, hauling crops, etc. 17ALLI0 GOO" T0ACT00 for every traction purpose turns to the radius of its wheel VNMSkA iwklr-k 1 Q at-. a. A I 1 Pull (our 14-in. blows envnrW an4 -I- lit. I.-.. . - " J w B.IU "life UQl toms. In old ground under favwable condition, Onlv '""' '" miw uaea, nencg IE waj outlast three cheap tractors. Speed H to 4 miles an hour. V", P,u11' Punti. with 25 percent reserve. And it wiil do more and better work to a given time. 'i1!1" wear, with consequent eer . "tym ojw ma. t, gpeeas iorward; 1 reverse Gears ahiftMl hu inr,! i.,.. ru. i , Z .. . , . : . . ' ' " -" win wiiceia. a re. moh woior completely protecud. All parts aceossibls. GuaranteVi. "T . ,7m "f, tractor, leans about Of tnaay oiKr auJudvs features of th -Cub.- Address 100 Mead. S. Walus iractor Co. racine wis. 5? W 4 City. It Is probable that hors th party will i be joined by a number of the at torneys of Omaha. LICENSE RECEIPTS ARE SHOWING A BIG INCREASE The elty lloenra inspector reports thst durtnff July his department collected B.ea for H3 licenses Issued, During July last year only aeventy-thrse ilcrnses wst Issued, yielding- revenue of 11,454. Last month ninety-three on pd dlers were convinced there Is a olty 11. cense department now In operation. They paid U.3M. Sells One Hundred Simplex Tractors to a Kansas Dealer The site of the crowds whloli have hren l dn;;y altfriluhco at tlu Vi'm lor Karmlns; ileiri iif.rutinn .''ns en . :nt ter of comment.- Not cnlr have miny Individual Sales bet-n made to. tHrnn-rs. but a lare nurrt)er of orders hnve ten booked with doalers. Some c f tles 'ta per"' sales were quits lsre. The limit srpeared to be reached Wednesday eve ning whvt H. R. TxidhoPB, president of the Pimp! Tractor company, annovnvod ii silu of W tractor. These, were all taken by ons dealer, a prominont burl nees man of 'Wichita, Kan. And that it ss a bonafldn order was svt.lenccd by the fsct that cash stlth ordir was so cured. Mr. Tudhone, In spoaklns of Ml suv cess, attributed It to the fact thnt the Simplex la a remarkabl value at a rea sonable price, offering the farmer an efficient machine at a low first C"t Considerable success is also due to tho fact thst the Simplex Is a very simply constructed machine, very accessible all parts being; open to Inspection and easy to understand. With all tftls ths Simplex Is a four-cylinder, four-plow tractor of abundant power. HANSCOM PARKS WIN FROM THE RIVERVIEWS The boys' pin) f round ball tosm from the ltancom park recreation center de feated the Hlvcrvle paik t-nm en the (rounds of the latter, this bo Inn the open In aame or a series which will be played this month by the Inter-park laue of seven teams. 'Pnm It." was tho most violent expres sion during this opening gime. The superintendent of recreation Is making deportment worth striving for by mem bers of these teams. TWO BOYS AND A COG ARE WALKING ACROSS COUNTRY Two Itarrlshurg r.) hoys. F.. O. and O. R. Otstot. pand through Omeha on a "hike" from llarrlsburn to Pan Kran clsco. They are. dressed In khaki suits, and each carries a knapsack weighing tnirty-rive pound. They are accom panied by italley, a beautiful setter, hrt travels unhampered by any baggago, and who has come every step of the way with them. They have been on the way forty-two days, their best day's walk being fifty-two miles. ' , If you want to . Do your work, quicker, better, easier than ever before, it ii ti ii ii laelgestloar Can't tCatf N Appetite f Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up your liver, aid digestion; you feel fine the next day. Only 3Rc. All druggists. Advertisement. Ban Bareesl Rear Seward. SEWARD, Neb., Aug. II sypeelaO Ths large barn on ths Jones section, near town, was struck by lightning and com pletely destroyed last night. The barn contained forty tons of hay and mors than too bushels of grain. It was Insured for I1.K0. Rent room qulc with a ie Want Ad. V s. - 1 ftasfip the right way in cool or lukewarm water. TtU fc Co., PMeaWpbla. Apartments, Flats, Houses and Cottages Can Be Eented Quickly and Cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." m f is s -ti.j 1 - "fcsarsmassW tssejslf1' VMS lm 1 WILL 1AM' JENNINGS BRYAN TWISTED THE TAIL. .... ' THE OF (Life And Opened National Power Farm Tractor Demonstration at Fremont, Nelr. sssMSg t imiin sMBWsMBiiiiaBiisBMBLafflHffH ' ! The Bates' Steel Mule, is more than a tractor, even Mr. Bryan recognized this fact. Of course it plows pulls three 14 inch plows. But it does more. Its endless track makes it ideal for discing plowed ground. Because you drive it like a real mule one man can drive both iractor and binder in harvest time. It also cultivates corn and other crops. In one machine it combines all the power of a tractor with the general ability of a mule. -' ' ' . ' ' 'a Price .Complete S885 MADE BY pTr3TT TT ME T7HTT T7TT3 WML . 0 rrr? JLLa iMCTOIR CO. JOLIET, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. SI