Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE NEK: OMAHA. TIiniNDAY. AtTflUST 12. IfU.I.
The Bees Home Maazline Pa
ILeid It Here See
By Qouverneur Morris
Charles W. Ooddard
BynopsU ot revluus Chapters.
John Amsbury Is killed In a ram-oad
eocioent, and his wife, one ot America s
duel beautiful women, dice troui Uie
stock, ieaivinB a V-yeat-old daugnier, wuo
is taken by Tof. e.uilli:r, aeut of uw
intereata, far .nio the Adironuncke. wliere
aim ia ivaied in me viuaion ot a cavern.
Fifteen years tater Tommy Barclay, woo
has Juat quarreled Willi ma adopted, wauueia into the woode and dis
covers the airl, now known as Ojlestia.
la company with Prof. Stllliter. Tommy
take the girl to New York, where sne
falls Into the clutches of a noted pro
curess, but is able to win over the
woman by her pecular hypnotic power.
Here she attracts Kreddie the tenet,
who becomes attached to her. At a M
clothln lactory, whore she goes to work,
she exercises her power over the girls,
and Is saved from being burned to doatu
by Tommy. About this time Stilllter,
Barclay and others who are working to
gether, de ide it is time to make use of
t'elestia, who has been trained to tliink
of herself as divine and come from
licaven. The first place they send her is
to Bitumen, a mining town, where the
coal miners are on a strike. Tommy has
ajone there, too. and Mm Ounsdorf, wife
the miners' leader, falls In love with him
and denounces him to the men when he
spurns her. . Celestia save Tommy from
being lvnohed. and also settles the strike
by winning over Kehr. the agent of the
bosses, and Barclay, sr. Mary Black
stone, who Is also in love with Tommy,
tells him the story of Celestla, which she
has discovered through her Jealousy.
Kehr is named as candidate for president
n a ticket, thst has Ktllllter's support.
and Tommy Barclay is named on the
miners timet, esuinier proienc Him
self in love with Celestla and wants to
get her for himself. Tommy urges her
to marry him. Mary Blackstone bribes
Mrs. Gunsdorf to try to rmirder Celestla,
while the latter Is on her campaign tour,
traveling on a snow white trsln. Mrs.
Ounsdorf is again hypnotised by Celestla
and the murder averted.
"Are you speaking
Tommy, Icily.
to me?
The man did not answer. He merely
attempted to get hold of the dorknob, and
"Better luck next time." said-Tommy.
"Please Open the door," said Celestla,
"I have to go for a drive."
"What do you want mixing in this?"
said the driver. Tommy aid not answer,
but said to Celestla: ,
"I wouldn't go alone with this man.
Why not take me te iook. aner your I
won't speak even once, if you o ratner
not." . .
"Better get in. Miss," said the driver.
"Something wrong here," said Tommy,
as Celestla pushed him gently to one side,
and started to open the, floor for herself.'
"Hurry up," said the driver.
Celestla. hurried and Tommy's face be
gan to flame with rage. At the same
time he formed a pretty shrewd guess at
the condition Celestla was in.
"How can you tolerate such Insolence?"
be exclaimed, his brows lowering.
"I have to do everything the driver
says," exclaimed Celestia, in an un
emotional Voice
' She climbed Into the car, and shut the i
door after her, the driver sprang to hla I
seat, and Tommy stepped calmly on to
the footboard. The driver, seeing this,
attemDted to throw Tommy off. J.he. foot?
board. Tommy simply got his fingers In
the man's collar. Jerked hint clear off the
car, and let gd. The man fell heavily on
his head and lay still. . .
"If you have to do everything the driver
says," cried Tommy, In a Jubilant voice,
"I shall be the driver! Jump in. Freddie,
while the jumping Is good.-! may need
you." . .
Freddie jumped in and seated himself
by Celestla with every evidence of pride i
and Importance, and the car lurched for-. ;
ward Just as the former driver began to
show signs of life. .
It was only a hundred yards to where
the road'ntered the woods; a dense sec
ond growth of, spruce, . birch, pine, bal
sam and larch, succeeded after about a
mile by a splendid fragment of primeval
forest. 'Here Tommy brought the car to
a stop,: got out, and opened the door of
the tonnaau.
"I'd like you to sit In front, by me."
he said gently.
And Celestla obeyed him like an auto
maton. "There's dirty work here," thought
Tommy. "-.And once more the car went
forward. He addressed various questions
to her, but got no answera It waa as if
she did not hear him. tfhe sat bolt up
right, looking straight ahead with unsee
ing eyes. It was only when he spoke
words or phrases with a semblance ot
command that she showed signs of un
derstanding. As when he said, "Don't
try to fight this road. Take It easy.
Lean back."
The road, came out of the forest, passed
between two swamps, and ascended a
long hill, fenced, and pastured, from
which there was a view of rough farm
land, and In the distance a wooden vil
lage and a steeple In the midst.
At the bottom of the hill a car had
skidded from the road and came to grief
In a boggy ditch. The driver was trying
to lever It out. with a fence rail. Two
women stood watching him. At the sound
of Tommy's car sweeping down upon
them, they looked around, and Tommy
recognised Mary Blackstono and Mrs.
Guntdorf. His face became white and
grim. He gave his engine more gas, and
rushed by them, hurling a column of
thick dust high In the air.
Mrs. Gunsdorf, at sight of Celeetia, be
came for a moment like a stone image of
horror. Only her head turned a little,
and so standing, she looked after the
ear. Then very slowly, as If she was
lifting heavy weights, her arma twlated
and tense roae from her sides, reached
the horizontal and then without a word
or a sound, she dropped dead in the dust.
Next to the church In the village stood
the little parsonage. A car was drawn
tip In front of this, ind In the middle of
the road, looking expectantly at the car
mrn lommy was driving, stood
Htmeter with a white flower In
button hole. Also on the lookout
waa a clergyman and a lady who was
doubtless his wife.
To Tummy the scene was like a page
in a book, wrtttea for children in worde
It at the Uovia.
of two syllables. tUlileter, tuc hito
flower the clergyman. It was almost
too simple.
To etUUter the driver who should
bring Celestia to him was a man of Im
portance. Not until the car was almost
upon him with undiminished speed, did
he divert his eyes from CelestU's face
to that ot the man beside her. Upon
the fact of that man there was a Jubi
lant boyish grin.
Tommy pressed a button, the car gave
one of those sudden signals of warning
that sound like a giant being sick at the
Prof. 8tllleter leaped aside, but
not In time to escape being erased by
the mud guard which sent him rolling.
Freddie, the Ferret, leaped to his feet
for the sheer Joy of being alive to see
his enemy bite the dust. When Prof.
8tlllcter got to his feet, the car
was passing; out of the village. To get
his own car under way was not the work
of a moment, the driver having gone
Into the back yard of the parsonage for
a pall of water, and remained to gossip
with the maid of all work.
But Tommy knew that there would e
a pursuit, and thenceforth drove his own
car, or rather the one with which he had
eloped, as fast as he dared. He had no
personal fear of Btllleter. But he wished,
If possible, to show Celestla the cave,
and the proofa, that she had once In
habited. The state of hypnosis, that
she was In, troubled and distressed him.
But sooner or later. It must pass, he
thought .Certainly nature must come to
the rescue. Meanwhile, he took a pa
thetio pleasure in working on her men
tal condition with a view to promoting
her comfort. '
"You look tired, dear."" he eaM. "Are
No answer.
"The driver says don't be tired. And
you have to obey the driver."
This had a marvelous effect. Her head
no longer drooped, color came into her
cheeks and Into her eyes a look of vi
vacity. In one way Tommy was rejoiced;
at the same time, he felt as if he would
rather like to cry. There was something
so pathetic about her absolute docility.
"Boon," said Tommy, "you are going to
leave the car and go for a long walk
through the woods with me. Yfi'll walk
fast and not get tired. We're going to
the wonderful cave where you lived and
played when you were a little girl, and
which they taught you to believe was
He broke off suddenly. Then asked her
a, question,
'Do you have to do as the driver tells
"Do you have to believe a thing If he
tells you to believe it?"
'"Ye," . ; .. ':
It would be absurd to say that Tommy
was not tempted then and there to do
en unmanly thing. In a few momenta,
by the power of mental' suggestion he
could undermine her belief in herself. In
her origin and in her destiny. It would
cave. They would simply drive on and ,
.k... . - i...i. i.
uu uuui t.iojr vuiuv wiumto f "
land could be married. All this occurred j
to Tommy and tempted nun. cui line;
the good gentleman that he was, he re
slated the temptation at once, and with
finality. If he wa, to shake her beliefs,
It would be by fair means,' open
above board.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow.
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Geo. E. Mlckel. MCr.
The imagination la potentially the no
blest of human gifts, but It becomes a
fearful thing when It la allowed to go
astray and when, exchanging its glorious
pinions for the wings of a hat. It takes
flight In the dark night air of supersti
tion and ignorance, amidst Images of
horror and terror.
One of the most hideous products of
tho Imagination In Its darker moods is
to be seen In the American Museum of
Natural History. It is the copied statue
of the Axtco "Goddess of the Karth." The
whole dreadful story of the gloomy,
bloody Astec "cirilixatlon" la told by this
extraordinary carving. Despite all Its re
pulsive features this story is fascinating
In 1M grip upon the reader's mind and It
is of great importance to Americans who
wish to understand the historical devel
opment of then- own continent. The word
picture that Prescott drew In his history
of the conquest of Mexico has never been
equalled In vividness. Although the reader
should supplement Prescott's brilliant
story with the results of later Investi
gations, v.-h'.ch he can find In any large
But nothing that he ran read will place
before hli? mind so dramatic a represen
tation of that strange, and, even yet
mysterious,' period of American history,
as Is afforded by this statu In the halls
of the museum In Central Park West.
The Altec name for the goddess whose
figure Is shown In the carving wss
Coatllcue, "the serpent-skirted one." It
was found near the cathedral In the city
of Mexico In 171, 270 years after Cortes
overthrew the bloodstained altars of the
Axteo war god. What had happened to
it during the time Intervening since It
was tumbled front Its pedestal we do not
know, but. at any rate, it escaped de
strucUon. It Is believed to have been
carved In the century preceding the
Spanish invasion.
It was a religious symbol, but every
noble element of religious thought is elim
inated from It. It Is a product of the
basest superstition, acting; through an
Imagination degraded to the level of un-
Question I have read In two or three
magaxlnes of the theory of "nature's
finer forces." Are these finer qualities
of force or forces besides those usually
mentioned In scientific books? Reader,
Alameda. May 10, 1915.
Answer This Is a difficult, if not Im
possible, question to answer. The forces
commonly mentioned In university text
books ort "science" are gravitation, heat,
light, electricity, magnetism, chemistry,
molecular attraction and repulsion.
These terms are so fine, or refined,
that they are beyond all imagination.
The more dieooverlea made In their true
nature the more complex and elaborate
they are seen to be. Science .doe not
ven wka of UU what
they are or their causes. All that we
, , . .
Unit UU IV BbUU .111 1
AH these are included In one word en
ergy. Thus, energy traverse cosmlo
"l -
?er at cannot be compre-
hended.' But,, when this radiant energy
strikes atoms or molecules of matter able
to receive, then at certain rates heat is
the result.
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Lesson ot
relieved horror. The squat form is sur
mounted with a flat head consisting of
two huge-fanged serpents' heads, with
their blunt noses meeting In the middle,
and their wicked eyes serving to represent
Science for
If this energy strikes responsive living
nerves, as In the retinas of eyes In con
nection with a living brain, the .effect Is
named light. ,
Energy traverses frigid space, that
upon contact with matter may be ren
dered available as electricity; likewise
cosmicat magnetism.
Light In associated with chemlsm, a
very familiar example being Its action
on sensitive salts on photographic
Many other chemical effects are due
to radiation energy called light, wheu it
strikes the proper kind or states of
Electricity induces magnetism, and
magnetism induces electricity, by a proc
ess whose nature Is not known.
Magnetism can react on light and
greatly modify its wavea All light can
develop electricity, and It can Induce
Chemlsm la in Innumerable phases and
Molecular attraction Is a formidable
force, namely. In a bar of steel It Is hard
and of great strength of resistance to
There la the mystery of molecular re
pulsion also as In ever expanding gases
If free. But the cause of repulsion Is un
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an Aztec Deity
1 a i
the organs of vision of the abominable
goddess. The serpent's fangs stand for
her teeth. Each arm, pressed to the
sides of the body, terminates In a snake's
head Instead of a hand. The feet are
known unless it may be due to electric
ity, for like charges of electricity always
Thus atomic and molecular attraction
and repulsion are exquisitely refined
forces. But these are coarse 1 when com
pared to the effects ot the finer entitles
When we consider gravitation, science
Is against a herculean wall directly
across Its path. There la not the faintest
clue as to what gravity Is. As It cannot
be Insulated, cut off, screened off, or In
tercepted, it must be finer than any ot
the forces mentioned.
One can cut off heat and light, but
gravity passes through every aubstance
known and attracts all bodies beyond.
Suspend any object by a fine thread
out in the open air to direct radiation
from the sun. Interpose a block of
granite; It Will screen oft heat and light
energy, but no effect can be discovered
on gravitation. To discover how would
change all civilisation for the better.
From this fact It la doubtless well to
say that gravitation la a very fine force.
But the magaxlnes spoken of by
"Reader," beyond doubt, referred to
transcendent forces finer than gravita
tion, that Is, to mental forcea Nearly
all of the writers using the term "finer
supremacy means aB.
With a Vlctrola in your
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great claws. Around the fat neck is a
collar of several human hands and torn
out human hearts, with a death's head
pendant, descending over the breast. The
skirt and vesture of the figure ronslut of
a "writhing mass of braided rattlo
snskes'" This terrible goddess wu regarded as
a very old woman, the mother of Hie
Astec gods. Insanity never went further!
But the most amailng fact Is that the
religious customs and rites of the Asters,
whh-h were Inextricably blended with
their social, political and military Ideas
and practices, were of such a character
as to thoroughly accord with the awful
symbols and suggestions embodied In this
foul statue.
How could any people ever descend
so low. How coii.d the Imagination of
a whole race become so universally de
bauched? The Attecs were above all
things warlike. They attained all their
aims by war. They subdued all their
neighbors and held them In subjection by
military force and terror. They bowed
their neoks to a ruler, but elected al
ways from the same family, who was
aar chief and priest In one.
They formed a confederacy, or "em
pire," which was orgnnliod "purely
for plunder and tribute, not at all for J
government or incorporation." if ever
the true spirit of war was shown forth
In human affairs It was In the empire
of Monteauma. It was a spirit of fright
fulness, of cruelty, of merciless oppres
sion, of selfish grsndlsement . The
As- !
tec pictured himself In his "Pnake
Woman," and she, or rather her son,
the sanguinary Hutttllopochtll, repre
sented the horrible side of war the side
that really la war as the Greek Mars
represented the deceitful other side.
And yet the city of Monteiuma aston
ished Cortes by a kind of mock civilisa
tion that had a superficial brilliancy.
Hut every good m pulse that might have
developed Into a seal civilisation was
suppressed, or turned aside to serve the
purposes of a society based only on force,
oppression, bloodshed and superstition.
forces" In book received up here use It
in a mind or mental sons.
One writer on this subject said: "Mind
is finer than gravitation." But he did
not know anything of either. On the
face or this proposition It would appear
that mind ia finer than force, or shall I
say a finer phase of force, than universal
gravitation. But since I know nothing
of the nature- of mind and gravity the
assertion would be Useless metaphysics,
the exact opposite of science.
Ufa la a force; It aasemblea tons ot
matter Into an oak tree or Into an ele
phant One may apeculata here and drop
off Into metaphysics, but thla would be
time totally wasted until t least one
faint clue Is detected as t what life la.
I have a theory that mind ia by far
the finest force in existence, but this
must be a theory until It Is discovered
what mind la. At present, thla seems to
be hopeless. I will not any hopeless, for
a human able to Invent the telegraphone
may be the forerunner of others able to
find a clue to what force and also matter
may be.
Here la a theory: There may be only
one force In existence; all apparent
forcea being phases, and a theory that
there la only one kind of matter, all ap
parent klnda being phaaea.
VktrcU XIV, $150
Ubegaoy or &k
r 'H r A
: I
Pitfalls of
Shun Men Admirers
Who Flatter Only
to Deceive. : i :
' i
Copyright, 1!15, by Star Company.
Men who are not ready to marry. Im
mature youths; or men who .have not
money to spend on theaters, carriages
and flowers, often deny themselves thn
company of un-
married women
whom they ad
mire. But they
will eagerly kill
time by flocking
to the ride of any
married woman
who will permit It.
Alt the most ordi
nary tvpe of mar
ried woman needs
ot do la to flatter
i rv
a d r o 1 1 1 y, listen
well, look unutter
able things and
convey the impres
sion that her heart
Is not quite well.
and there she Is, all equipped for a train
of silly men, who will do their best or
worst to make her forget her pride. - And
the moment they succeed they boast of
their success.
No married woman on earth has lover
llko admirers unless she wants them. It
Is the eaKlest and simplest thing In the
world to make men understand that you
do not want and will not receive such
attentions, and you will soon find these
would-be lovers turned into admiring
friends, who will sing the praises of your
good sense,
Tou newd to realise, too, that InBtead
of "making fools of themselves" about
you. It Is always the married woman
who Is made the fool In the matter of
flirtation, when you sift the subject to
the bottom. The men who you Imagine
dying over your pretended coldness are
merely amusing themselves at your ex
pense in their secret heart
They will read this article aloud to
you, perhaps, and declare that It Is wholly
wrong so far as their love for you Is con.
eernod, but they will know all the tlm
that It la true. '
You will urge aa an excuse for your
action that your husband does not appre
ciate you or sympathise With you; that
he neglects yod. Perhaps,' my dear
madam, he might be your devoted lover
if you exercised upon him all the arts
of fascination which you usn toward
your admirers. It might be worth while
to try.
But even those of you who do turn
from neglectful and unkind husbands to
other men for sympathy, out of pure
hunger of heart atop a moment and
think of all the dangers to which such
sympathy will expose you. If you are'
unhappily married another man's sym
pathy and attention can only Increase
your unhapplnesa and- turn discontent
Into despair and wreck all . hopes of
winning your husband's heart back to