Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
f! A r Ford Will Distribute $800,000 To Nebraska Ford Owners Aug. 1 5 What Will You Do With Your $50 Profit Sharing Check? 11 7? '3 U . . - a 11 II 1 4 ft -tor jurr"-!"- i riTti f v r I X r The Queen of Washers THE LAUNDRY QUEEN lb Hero's tho niachino tliat ellminntoH tho iltudco" from "wn?h da v." The LAUNDRY QUEEN clean tho clothpR thov. ouplily Tid quickly. Cost of running will not ho noticed on your light bill lins ro be UBcd r.t tho same time- in fuet every new washer or wringer featnro j to le found in thy Luundry Queen. Buy Your Household Labor-Saving Devices Hero Washers, Cleaner. Klreless Cookers, Electric Conkers, Fun. Iron and other electric ap pliances. Phone for free demonstration. E. Bo WILLIAMS 303 So. 18th St. Tyler 1011. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE LAWN. - - Found At Last Whet frirynnf who drlvf a car; alio an"lnera. niochiMilrn, painter, etc, bar klwaye waaud. A iiUatnncn tliat contalrta n arlt, ra nr a' I'l. Thai la rloaanr to , Tha4 te o in. urioaa to the skla. That Will Remove Blrt, raaaa, iat an like from the Lands and elothlnr Quickly and parfeotljr, with Of without water. AW11W11X CZ.BA1TBB la war ranisd to do tlil to vonr irfft antlxfai'tion. VTlth AfUaity Claaa. an't a rlotli or a bit f t km1' yon ran cl-n your hand h-n on the roa4 wllhoiit watrr. It tak all alnda of grenra anl ollir npot:i from vour tVutn in !lal for tlia liuth. fori bv tna of lliouaatl'la avti.) wouldn't 'he without M. Onr ik ahvava iiaad. A I'Ib run thnt will laat for muntha only oaata. Juki aa halpiut (or your wlfa foe you. your tnoeay back tf not per foly aatlifid. Hohl by tlrooara anil prurilata. Oft a can at once and yuu will tecum a booatar. . Made in Omaha. Affinity Cleaner Co. inieae Soane XXI. Woodmaa Baildina:. k V HENRY FORD June Kith. 190.1. the Ford Motor Company was officially bora to the commercial life of the world. At the end of the firat flacal year 1,708 cars had been built. The factory payroll held the names of 311 employee. A branch house was established In New York City. At the close of the twelfth fiscal year (July 31, 1915), over 300,000 cars will have been made and sold within the year. There are 36 branches and 25 assembling plants (any one of which does more business annually than the entire business of the company In its first two years), 25,000 employes, with 18,000 on the factory payroll. Business first year, f 1,000,000.00. Business for 1915, 1150,000,000.00. The Ford Motor Company shares profits with lta employes ap proximating about 110,000,000 annually, and will share profits with Ford buyers who have bought Ford cars at retail (from August, 1914, to August, 1915), to the extent of $15,000,000 or more. ' ' Put Your Share of the Ford $17,000,000 In the Path of Omaha's Growth Wearno Park is the name of a beautiful new home building addition which will steadily increase in value as a result of Omaha's growth. Street ear line furnishing a 2minute-nervice to Omaha business dis trict runs along south side of Wenrne Park. All the following improvements aro in and paid for: Cement Walks, Cement Gutters, Storm Sewer System, Trees, City Water and Gas. Lots are beautifully terraced and streets are on established grades and are boulovardetl. Building restrictions, while insurina; good surroundings, are very rea sonable. . : These lots can tt bought on easy monthly payments. . Inquire for further particulars jankers Realty Investment Qo. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 2026. Mr. lWQ. Owner MONEY in, the bank means . independence; it means that an opportunity for investment will not find you helpless. Why not start a Savings Account with that check for $50 which you will receive in August as a refund from HENRY FORD? Start today by depositing at least a dollar with this safe bank. We will pay interest on savings accounts and credit your account every quarter. City National Bank Accidents Happen to Ford owners as well as others. Protect. your self against suits for heavy damages brought by persons injured through accident, with a good liability policy. Special rates to Ford owners. V. Charles Sunblad The Insurance Man. State Bank Bld. Phone Red 1293. : & Bad Tooth? Have It Filled NOW! Don't wait until chilly, fall winds bring you untold pain and agony Don't neglect the Teeth It is dangerous and may cause ser ious diseased or disorders In later years. Neither fear to have the work done because, though It may cause some pain, it will certainly bt less painful now than later. Moreover, If taken In time It will cott less, take less time, and be more satisfactory. My "Sanitary Fall-Teeth" )r Insure Less Pain and More Satisfaction J This is the latest Improvement in dental science, orelnated by me and will tain the approval of the Dental Frofrspion. In this method no dangerous air pockets are left under the filling or In the teeth, nor are there any cracks left where the teeth and gums meet places where germs live and breed. Don't be foolish and lose all your teeth. Investigate our new combination bridge work wlili two or more teeth, and with this new bridge work you will have comfort for years to come. This new system costs uo more than the old, though It Is much more satisfactory. If you will let me examine your teeth I will nlve you an eRtlmate of the work to be dene and if you decide to have teeth treated mr charges will ne reasonable. Let me urge you to take advantage of this FflEH EXAMINATION It la dangerous to put it oft. DR. G. W. TODD, 403 Brandels Blda- 6? IF s FEES PRESSED CUT GLASS NEWTON BERRY DISH This beautiful and useful dUb, FREE with each purchase of 2.V or over during this great Price Sale. 2 SALE ALL DROP PATTERNS IS F6HKITGRE, RUGS and STOVES AT BO OS THE DOLLAR JJPRICE 2 SALE STATE FUIiniTURE STORE. Gor.Uth & Dodge St. "I get hero MORE for my money than in any other store in town" is a plain spoken statement being made by many of our customers every day of the year. Considering th dally Increasing patronage of our tor aa a very valuable aaset. we therefore make It point to give everyone of onr customers MORE KOU THE MONEY. To make our tl metit good we quote sonic of our pricrat $:t..V) mI gs.oo mnnle felt hat, shapes of the latet style, 81.35 l.ftO turn's nile atruw hats at .3D sjiJ 7Sc vp-to-rtate men's sample rape , , , Sot 11.00 turn's eaiuplo drraa shirts at ........... , G3c TV- nifii'a sample attached collar shirts 35c 75c iuen aauiple union sulta at.... 35C S. E. Cor. 12th and Vixtixm 1 S. E, Core 12th and Faxntm STATE SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Saai&al ftaaa. PraatSaai. - stuaur, W hava rttvrr raM laa than r i-nt on aavlna. i Orraaiaaa I "iKi aavaataaata aa4 Slarmay fjta. U ISO. OatAKA. ICS. rboaa SraflM im np rrax prtnio. Aaaets, $1UMO.OO. rr How About a Piano or a Player Piano? An Ideal Pleasure in the Home An Ideal Place to Buy $25.00 Cash; Balance Monthly Payments Bf andeis Piano Deot. ' f z ..:". T v Jlf :a-V; .k Ladies and Gentlemen P Anyone at loss to know just where to get rid of these rebates will be shown upon request at P The Farnam Alleys 1807 Farnam Always Welcome To the Best Here. Complete Automobile Insurance Valued Forms Fire Policies. With No $25 D.ductable for Theft LYNNE D. UPHAM CO., City National Bank Building Douglas 1772 asssMM Msmsmsvh JEL 0