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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1915)
AUGUST 1915. I There is a better market than at the junkman's for that still serviceable furniture which your new rCi 4littvA l wv-. fft. -J r- AiivMf If f 11 a I r v - J m m -I-l a-. C mm -f 1 Vt- r 4 .f axI f" 4" f 1 fl T"l K o tiiiiijjj nave niauc aupciiiuuuo ny an in 111c: jwappcib vuiuiiiii. 11 Luaia yuu iiuiiiiii us k THE BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Want ad nwM at any tlma, but to Insure proper classification nuit ba pre sented before II o'clock noon tor evening edition and 7 80 p. m. for morning anil Pundar edition". Want ad received after uch hour will b under Lb heading, To Lata to Clalfy." CA8M RATE. , Sevwn eonaecu U va time, 1 cant ft wora Insertion. ... Two o? mora eonaeeuttv times 1H cnt A word. Ona Uroa, I aents word. CHARGE RATES. TVvwii consecutive times, cents a una ' "l Insertion. Thraa consecuttva time. 19 conU a lino arh naertlv. On tlma.-'il cent Una. Count six average word to a, una. Wlralmum charaa, to centa. An advertisement Inserted "T Until discontinued niift bo atoppoa oy written order. . . .a. All elalma for ami mtiat bo tthln fifteen day after tlia laat tnaer tion of Uo advertisement I on can tlaco your want ad tn Tn Bea by telephone. . ,M TELETHONS TTLER wis. DEATHS AWD FUNERAL NOTICES JONES Sarah M., wtfa of A. J. Jone. at local hospital; August 10. 1915. Funeral from Crosby parlore, STdl-11 N. 24th ft., Thursday morning, August 12, l)i, at 1 o'clock. Intel nwnl At k orest law n cemetery. Auto aervlca. KTLE Lewi A., a Bed "I year, Aug. 10. at Lister hospital. Funeral at Haynea chapel. 4608 N. 24th St. Thursday at P- m. Burla i at Forest Lawn. Freeport 111., paper plaaaa copy. MFLIA-Bemard A.. aed 40 yeara, month and t daya. AugtiHt 10, IWa. Funeral from family realdenca, 1410 Park Mlda Ave., Thuraday mornlnK at k to bt. 1'hllomeiui a church at oclock. interment In Bt. Mary a ceme tery. QUIOLET-Mrf. Maria, widow of Samuel. ihe la aurvtved by on datiKhter, Mlaa Mary, and ona Bluter.MI Ma 'Maaon. Funeral will ba held Tnuraday afternoon from Oentlemano chapel, J4 leaven worth hi., al a. Interment at Weat Lawn cemetery. BIRTH! AND DEATHS. BlrthKi.o and Pearl Roaenfleld. Vt DtKigc. irlrl; Jamea and Cathertno btevenaon. 173 Boufh Blxtletb, rfrl; t nuik and Wary Bath, Bouth Seventeenth, bouth Bide, lrl; John and Mmnle John, hewirttal, (rlrl; Aithur B. luid Agn.a 1'aynea, Elft CalKornla, boy; Harry aJid AiaorKla VIIon. 2it4 Valley, airl; Ouiaoppo end Wrlo tSexlnJ, North nnhteoiith, alrl: Alllton and lidith I JiUretwm, ,- Nojth Forty-atth rlri; Myer and Fior tnce Rlcliarda. 2208 Doulae hoy. lthaVernon Baxter, f niontha. 1JU VrUH. Lawrence C. Bmlth, 13 year, 25 houtn Twentyaucond, Booth B de Mra. t.. Is.iola.-n davai fcaat Omha Mm. "eter Keholm, S y. North Thjrtaonth: Krancea M. Jl.nn, 23 yeara. N I h d Fenl avenue: Mra. n"? J??l aon 7 yeara, 2S t alifrnla; F""" Wrtl. jr . 4 montha. Thirteen! h iiidUr. caa Jereinlah lce, 83 yeara. boapUal. MAHRIAOB LICBWtES. The following couplea war ptnua llcenaa to wed today: . Name and Kealdenco. Carl KTanka, Omaha ig Vera Henneean, Council Bluffa " Newton Ftrader, Colchoator. Ill f Kva Bmlth. Codar Raplda, I. Concetta. Klatefano, Omaha Charlea E. llaney, uwnwu, llaltlo EX Hoffman, riattamoutb, H John Black. Omaha g Lmella U. Mielko, Omaha " Oharlea E. Moran, Omaha g TiKr Omaha Bril.DIw PERMITS. . Thcmae Mlokell. 43.H Caaa, frame dw!l irg, W. Cnrim liudnlck, ! North FortT-econd, Boiith Bide fnime dwell- North h xteenth. fraino dwelMnic. J. W)loUl-t, 11 J North ty-! frame dw llln. M.(W: Wjonjl uSJ? North Thtrtr-nlnth. framo dwoUlng. VLVM. Today's Hoie Prograns LANTERN glMoa for tnoTtsa. Band your copy to us. Wa c&a rcproduoo photos r will p rape; a your copy. Wo will color aa directed. B4 Fhoto Dept. 101 Bag Bid. Dnwalana, EMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. ITearat-Bellg No. . .. The hear, 4-reel Vltagraph drama. The t all of Yesterday, .aanay. i'reaniy Dud. Vuit to lila Vncla Dud ley a Farm, Esaanay. PRINCESS. 117-1 DOUULA.8. Byd Chaplin In a screaming Keystone i om. A I over's Iot Control, 1-r. The lxlle of Bar K. Ranch. 1-aet dra. Tha Moon Hour, a clever oomedy drama. Monk, GRAND. 1 6TH AND BINNKT. The Man Who Went Out, l-rl drama. Fate Takes a Hand, t-reel drama. 1 he I'eacon'a Whlakera. comedy. IXJTintoK r4TYtANU LOTH HOP." t:iar Kimball Toung In "My Official Wire." Belter than "Hearts In Uxllo,' t reela. iiVle AVENWORTH, APOLLO. Hearst-Pellg. No. . The Rajah's Tunic. J r. Eisanay. The White and lHak hnow-Ball. Vltagraph, BEoSE, 4TtI AND N. The Crooked Path, I-reel Kalem. l-IIHe'a Helreaa, Ixibln. Wat. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. France X. Btiahman and Beverty Payna In Tha (itare of the Uxntm, -r. fea ture Mashera and Bpletere.' W. S, corn. loata lidc ORPHEUM. liTH AND N. Tunmcnd From the Bky. No. 12. The Newer Way, American drama, lulile Ooat, Majestlo comedy. A MOVIES a rrxTiinrc r TODAY -.--rr Jj LOiilUOP, 24T11 AND LOTUROP. t'S-ra KDnhall Toung In ''My Official " ijuiier tiiaa "1 leans In k.ll. OiCfliLL"M. 2 4TU AND N. 1'itrnond From the Eky, No. U, A X XOU X CTM E X T 8 J 1 TNiyiTRXNSi'jTCO! i cars low et rate. Phone Doug, et 11. lun.i.n Y.U C.A. out g para, tuuiuw. II '. 1 : 1' y, uidithr aad oin t .. i-r i-t ii-i., ...1 z. ii S. mh Bt. - ' - lo'iitth', ioMi.,rt undrxak S..J 1-.ik.i4 iu U. tuy. Tel. Wtlt. 47. ANNOUNCEMENTS u Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Of floe Hoom 101. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conalderlng aelllng or buylna a uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want naoDle who are willing to pay for what they are rU!n j-ou will have no regret If you uuj or uirrnm mrougn mi uaei car column ot The Bee. rhone Tyler lOnO. FOR PALE My uaed OldemoMIe tourln car. In good condition. IX. Car can ba een at 2Mi4 Farnam Bt. I1"0 REWARD for anv mac net o wa can't ref air. Colin repd. P.ayndorfer. 210 N. II. o One eU-cylinder Cole. Ona fonr- yllnrter Crouton-Kaoton. One toiir-cylin'ler Chalmera. l'th'ei from h to $l. H. PKLTON. r Farnam Kt. Induatrtwl Oaraae Co.. 20ih A Harney Bta. Overton'a for leaky radiator. 60", dealera. NFRRAHKA Hulck Bervlre Btatlon," 1914 iiw in ni, rnonn LWUfim til FONTENKI-LIS AUTO CO., Il 8. mh BL Expert repalrlnx; 1-nranlna In uaed care, guaranteed aa repreeented. BUSINESS CIIA7ICEH iiy.our .b.uUl Chance will aund IJ"(JJnyt,U4!u',n ana J"t what it la advert ed. or If you are looking to atai t f?ctl"rr."i.ff5 f"r"" " bo per. ;hZ,Ufle, 'f-"u UM the Bnalne.a in. '"'""" o'Tha Bea. When buy m or aeuing a Dunlnenn I'hnna TSi.. t ery and wall paiw. In good Iowa county aeat town: nn. r . i.. i . . - w.ihjf Hower TwvA '.' -" J. C WNTt:l-To ""oney-maklng huaiT tSS&Tx :?U.",t, "-.t .carccrd"",!! moving- biiino-.;; V.'i Aiurphv. OncM m ' bi - i .d'"f '" In a nood town: "aan . aitle to IIO.Ouo- iu i-.,vL",.s-?" lll10- Wl" Invoice or lump- no trade. Addreaa Y 4VI n. lump, no Picture Show For Sale or Exchange -prctu.r,w:7n,rlyfturt,rh 1 7.?"U. th? "?t"rea and la willing to taka rfi.VA" l the r"Urchl price In flrt c aae Omaha property, 'i'hle ahow tiaa alwaya been nn - ..i t 7 ' "7 dreaa M elOi, caro Roe, f ION . ahow crd. t.'lark As Bon. vTvnt. . ... Pina. pong. MT7. HliAli eatata Uualneaa places aupplted of handled; all atalea. F. V. Knteat Omaha. BRK Omaha Theater Bupply Co. for bar- aama in emapimneo anowa. u, SftSO. THKATUHH-Buy, leae or aell your the ater, machltie and auppilaa through Theater Kxrh. Co., 140 Farnam. D. 1W7. OWNFRS-I.I.I VmiF nr..r.Mw lk W r .:.ui-:r .(Lev... .; . n iimwitiw, tun ixevillO rilK. If. 4U7. TO BELL or buy a "bt'iliieaa, call on e t'"iiimii. r render iva. i. saiy. FOH BALK Or trade, blacksmith ahop and gHrags In Co. at town. Address T A lice. FOR BALK One of the beat opportuni ties In Colorado: only aeneral merchan- dlie stock In town surrounded by a Rood eeiuemem or tint ciana farmers. Block and fixtures will Invoice U.M. and laat year's salea run I'&OUO. Iteaaon for Belling:. Mcknaaa. Write for partluulara to Bos 12, wnmra, i-oio. Free Land If you are a practical fruit man, we will give you ahsotutely free 40 screo of rich valley Imtd, for your labor, cnnalsttng of planting and raring for 40 acrea of apples; we will furnish the trees, you furnlrtli the lalxir only. J .and la located In the turnout Yakima valley. Wash Inirlnn. within I miles of e live, bustling town on mala line railroad, and worth llf) per acre, t'uither WlcuPfcra of . T. Smith Co., City National Bank Pldg. GROCERY STORE, dolnjr good bunlneae: S living rooms, will trade for late model auto. Tel Wetmter 61:1. liAKKIli Clearing li& a month; fine opening for man and wire, ror inror iBtinn. write B. Hlh St. Doug, WKt. lavealmeata. Our Nebraska farm mort ifies are not affected by European wars or panics. Amounts t00 to 120 000. W collect' all Interest and principal tree of charge; M 7 years In tho Nebraska farm loan field without a lose Is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COM PANT. HI Ciiualia Nat Bauk Uldg.. Omaha. EDUCATION AL Boyles College Day School. Night School, eompleta business aourse, complete shorthand or stenutype course, complete telography course, civil service branches and Eng- Urn. (Students atir.l'U1 at any tui Write, pbone or call for Vi catalogue. ouii.iK luu.m, H. B. BOYLES. PrealdenL Tel. TV UW. Boyles Hldg.. Oinaha. Nett, FOR aale, the following scholarships In a first clax Oiuaba Buslnvsa Collesa; Oue unlimited comblualiuu Inisinsss and shorthaiid course. On uulimiied sisnugraphlo couraa. Oue tUieo monllis' busluesa or steno- grapuic cuurso. Will be sold at a dlsonuut at tha offio f The Omaha Hoe. von BALB s'araltare, Jloaaeholg tioada, a-ta. SPECIAL AUCTION Wednesdsy at 1 p. m.. AugMat 11, lfMS, at Omaha Van Storage M A. Kill ... -"iev. rim aaie ctu- i.ts of household goods of all descrip. tioiia good rus, linens, diesat-ra, chairs, wing inacl.inea, hand-palnlcd oliina, quilts, everything needed la the housw- FOR SALR FOR 6ALB Here la a rlasxiricatkia the t la of the utmost Inportanco to every reader, aa thla column offera some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Thone Tyler l'v. Faritltare, llejaaefcaltl ols, Ke. BAROAINS IN FURS' ITURF AND HAHDWARF.. N. J4TH. WKR. 107. )PiKS boutht and sold. J. C heed. Iiw f n rna m st. n. glM. FX)R BALK Household furniture., books, first-class condition. 1215 N. Sth Bt. Walnut VM. Horeea aad Vehicles. Grocers, Attention! OTTR larra stork of delivery wagons (Rtudebaker's, and our own make), of fered at low prloes to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck hodiea. JOHN HUM-DAN FORTH COM PANT, IMai-a N. lth Bt., near Clark St. FRESH COW, MS. I'hotis Squth t02. I'oaltry, mi mm r". BTERFs)TTPB matrices make tho beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and mors durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7lo a hundred at The Bee office. MAO grain. I'M Ihs. 11.86, Wagner. Wl N. la M "! InatramvMta. MONEY talks, 175 buys riKht piano, allahtlv uaed. standard MP- Ioug. 2f17. o TT FTC WRITERS, tip and up. 2 Pea Bldg. TKI'K": Hi'i KMa aolil, rented, repairea Centi'.l Typewriter gxe. uw rarnam. Mlacellaaeowa. f0 Ort Ooldan West Whlskoy. 4 full JSK 1 I quarts bottltd In bond, pre i?KJtLjJ j,, id. Caokley Bros.. Omaha. CARPENTER toola, ahovela, picks. Jack acrewa. 10-penny match vending ma chine!. Mo each; good horae. 2b; harnesa, $10; expresa wagon, l; kitchen utensils, one electric piano. 1 sideboard. 1 hall tree, I Iron bed. J. C. IBH. 1022 B. IMh Bt. Harney 241 ELECTRIC MOTORS P.. 230 volts, I phase, new 1 17 P., 2J0 volts, I ohsse, new 40 P., 230 volts, t pliaee, now J P.. 24) volts, I phaae, now l DYNAMOS. W., 110 volu. O. C, new I 71 1-H. t-H. t-H. t-H. IK. 4-K. W., 110 volU, D. C, now iw 14-K. VV.. 130-o volts, new JJ l it. P., gasoline engine I H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov- srnor LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, lis B. 12th Bt BECOND-llANU Burrough adding ma chine. Excellent condition. Must sell quick. Address J 7B0. Bee. FOH BALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys snd accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; esy payments. m urunwii' Ralke-Collender Co.. 407-4'4 8. 10th Bt. STANDARD concrete mlxere for aale or rent. Sunderland Machinery At Bupply Co. " Coat Direct lo You. The Very Lowest Prices. C et a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. HELP WANTED TEMALB Clerical aad Office. F-lllott-Flatier Blller tfl Stock record clerk, bright.. 0 Bteno., bright, quick, exp M Stent)., exp. In credits collecting to Bteno., temporary work 60 Bteno., some exp. required 25 WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., Inc., 7KI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Stenographer and Bookkeeper Stenographer, high school graduate... i0 Bookkeeper (South Omaha) "..) Ledger Clerk, must be good e3 Business Men's Reference Assn. 1319-20 Woodmen of tho World. Experienced Bteno., speedy 116 week Exp. Bteno., good position llOweek Experienced bookkeeper L week Rogers Reference Co., 640 Pax ton Block. Stenographer ... H Stenographer tou WK NEED TEMPORARY STBNOS. Watta Ref. Co., tcw-40-42 Brandela Thea. factory aa TrsSrs OIRL to learn halrdreaslng. Oppenhelm. itoaeekerpera aad Donteattra. THE hcrvant Olrt Problem Bolved. Tha Bee will run a Servant Qlrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired results. This applies tu residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, bring ad to Ti e Bee office or telephone Tyler 10i. COMPETENT woman for general house work, small family. Walnut 171. A GIRL for houaewoik. 1303 Park Ave, Gait I, wanted for general housework; hon5lorlBht party. 108 N. 2oUi 8L WANTED At once, for one month, good girl for general houwework; small coun try home; modern convenience. I In fam ily. Apply JilJa (l. JJil M. GIRL wanted for general houaework. small family: muat understand mokinc V.iM Capitol Ave. WANTED A girl to help with children and housework. Phone Webster 4t1, WAN l El Uirl for anuei i nuuaenuia, small lamlly: apply at once. 101 S. frith St. WANTED A girl for general housework. Address E B. 83d Bt. Phone liar, 1617. WANTED A girl for general housawork; may go home nights; must have ref erence. Apply 42U6 i 'odge. Phono Wal nut 1T4S. WANTEle-A niludle aged lady for cen- eral housework. Apply 618 8. 10th St. COMPETENT white maid, that 1 neat. Iikea children, can cook; good refer enoes. A reliable, permanenl place for right party. Mrs. C. hi. Walrath. Ul Bo. 23,1 m. H. WANTED A good white girl for general housework; small family and good wages 4"7 B. SMh Bt. Phone liar. IMfS. U leccllaaewBS. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and Kth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding I laces or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' g"'s at I aion station. OIRL wsnteil at Neumayer for dining room and chamber "ork. WANTEO fco young ladles to take part in the Thearle-i'ain fireworks sictacl "Vsr of Nations." Apply 2 30 tonight, Washington hsiL HELP WAKTKD MALE Clerical m-mA Of floe. Mechanical draftsman, beginner...... .2-40 Bookkeeper tbouth OinahaJ eo Stenographer (Norfolk) 70 Stenographer (Dea Motnesi 40 Business Men's Reference Assn. 131-a) Woodmen of World. oaleeiiian, cracker Jack ..... Salesman, education of exp Salesman, implement , 110 .. 1 .. liJ .. li0 .. 7i ., 70 -aleaman, gen I store exp Bteno. -Sec'y Iletsll salesman, hdwr fUer.o., rapid, exp Bteno., some exp tVrk. i Iran, city, young man.... WESTERN REF. At BUND ASa.N 72 Omaiia Nat. Bauk Bldg, Inc., HELP WANTED MALK Clerical aad Office. BALK" MAN A-l pronoslflon SALESMAN, Neb. terr..Mimt alve bond OFFICH MGR., Investment. Salary IIM SALESMAN, Investment. ...lino and Exp SALESMAN, city ITS and Exp STKNO.. out-of-town 2T0 OFFICE J)Y 3 to $ WATTS REF. CO., -V42 Brsndeis Theater. HIOH-OltAl'E commercial pooltlono. WEST REFERENCE BOND ASSN. TB2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Young man, study lsw! Downtown even ing sessions, (sir dept. t.MVERSlTY OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. Bee A. C. Thomacn, Omaha National Bank. Aas, galraajK-n mmm lleltors. WK have a good piie for a live Inaur snce man. MutPal 'leneflt Health A Ac. Cldent Ass'n , 4J City Nat Bank Bld. COAT, agents wsnled In every town: get i trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Nrb. WANTED Experienced SRlemnn for territory adlolnina Iowa. Merka lint Co., Ita-s'Moinea. la. CITY solicitors wanted. Best of refer ences required. Salary to right man. Call Meneray-Omaha Nursery Co., 433 Btalo Bank Pldg , or Slst and Avenue A, Council Bluffs, fa. - AfiENTB wanle.5 t sell Whltesel auto- matlo wire stretcher. Hniall caDltal re. quired. Whltesel Btretchcr Co., 2409 8. Mh Bt., Omaha. LARGE MANUFACTURING CON CERN HAS AN EXCELLENT OPENING IN ITS SELLING OR GANIZATION FOR A YOUNG MAN. BETWEEN AGES OF 21 AND 30. IN FILLING THIS VACANCY. WE ARE DEVIATING FROM OUR REG- ULAR COURSE OF INSISTING UPON ONE HAVING HIGH GRADE SELLING EXPERIENCE. BUT WILL INSIST UPON HAVING THE INITIATIVE ABILITY TO EN THUSE HIGH AMBITIONS AND THE DESIRE TO MAKE GOOD ON A BIO MAN'S JOB WITH A BIG MAN'S PAY. THIS IS NOT A FLY- BY-NIGHT PROPOSITION AND NO FLY-BY-NIGHT MAN WILL BE CONSIDERED. CALL AFTER 9 A. M., TUESDAY MORNING AT 1327 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD BUILDING. Factory aad Position Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO t aaaea. Pre Catalogue COLLEOPJ. BARBER WANTED Man to run my shop ror 2 or I months; will pay good wages: state experience, how old, where worked laat; no boose "Tighter, llarrr I Irwin, Fairfax, B. D. WANTED Men to learn tho barber trade. We have originated a plan to leach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Toola included. Wrlto for Illustrated catalogue. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 U. 14tlt Ht., Omaha. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Tools given. Torltloiis guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty College. 1124 Douglaa. Omaha. WB need men; had to turn down two Joba per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of thew Joba Catalogue D. B. frea. Nebraska Auto. mobile school. -i Leavenworth Bt. Drug store snaps; johs. Knelnt. Bee Bldg. BHaoellanooaa. MEN wanted; government joba; HO per month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15. Bample quest Ions free. Frs.nklln Instl tut.. Dept. 221 F. Rochester. N. Y. wanted 200 men and big boys to take pari in the Thearle-Paln fireworks spectacle "War of Nat lone. Apply 7:30 innirnr. Washington hall. OO V ERN M ENT POSITION8 In post office. railway mall and other branches ;r good. Prepare for "exams" under former U. 8. Civil Service Secretary-examiner. Booklet O 36, free. Write to day. Patterson Civil Service School, Ro cheater, N. Y. WANTED Names of men, in or over, wishing government Jobs. f5 month. No pull net isary. AdJress Y 001. Boo. HELP WANTED HALls AND FEMALB. STENOGRAPHERS When In need of a position, call on us. NO CHARGE Doug. 12S4. Remington Typewriter Co. WR WILL start you In the cleaning and dyeing business; little capital needed. Big profits. Write for booklet. Bcn Vonda system. Dept. 240. Charlotte. N. C. SITUATION'S WANTED WOMAN with little girl wanta place as cook In boarding house. Address F lkl. Bee. YOUNG man wants steady work of any kind. Walnut 431. MIDDLE-AO EJ1 widow would like ' to take charge of rooming house or house keeping for respectable and refined fam ily of one or two persons, or companion for lady; am experienced. Address C 8.'3. Be. COLORED girl. 13 year old. wants posl ..Mon taklug cars of children. Phone Web. 2144. YOUNU man wanta position as meat cul ler; good Herman; experienced; win start for small wagea and do every thing Mi store; speaka good American, tall Tylor 2410, Ask for Joe.. ani ed Position a watchman; have v-t-n wiui nun ror i t. Mr i h .v i i .. i uiimin ipr i years. Auarcss C J6, Bee s'l liNDUIUPHEK, youi.g man, exierl enced, desires office work of any kind, v iiiing io start at moderate salary. Ref erences. Willing to accept ln or out of city. Addresa U 911. Be,;. CHAL FEEL'H wanta position, private or commercial; do own repairing; em ployed; best of referencoa. F. Elmore. 410 S Sth. Omaha, CoLOREl girl wanta position aa ohun- nermatii or general housework. Web. urn. M 1DDLEAOED lady would ilka a Por tion as houaekeeper or aeneral houae. work. Addresa K 110. Be. LOST AND FOUND Loat or Found ad in Omaha' Loat and Found medium means the liiiinedn.ta turn of that article If advertled in Tha ppb. on eiiqro'.ino paper. LOST An old-fashioned sold pin with seven swinging Bar Finder call Imui. as tatrf. SPITZ lxx. TEDDY. HAIR CLIPPED HARNEY W7. ON BACK. LOST Blue coat with white stripe, be tween uumn-s and r.lK CUy. Call Wal nut li'.t, or Townsend tlun Co : reward. OMAHA & COUNCIL, BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person bavins- lost some article would do well to call up the out. e of the Oinaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cara Many article each day are turned In and th company Is anxlvua to restore tiiein to the rightful owner. Call Doug, a LOST Amethyst pendant on Sixteenth street, between nurgess-Nash and Brandeis. Two amethyst drops each on small chain with pearl. Call Walnut Reward. 1T lilat k and white checked vmI, ou Leavenworth. Reward. Tel. D. 4477. PERSONAL YOl Nl. women coming to Omaha as i rangers are Invited to visit the Yourg Womeu s Cbrlatiaa assoctaiioSi building st 1 i St. and 11. Mi s Avs., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otnerwiee bl.Slled. Look fur Our travelers' aid al lue Cuion lUuuu. PERSONAL THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so licits your old clothing, lurnlture, maga zines. We collect. Wo distribute. Phone t'ouglaa 41 and our wsgon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt. GORDON. 71. the Magaslne Man. lei. Doug. 1 wii not be responsible for any debts that Mrs. O. T. Noves makes. Mr. O. T. Noyrs, Morris. Minn. SWAPPERS MJLfMX Wanted to Bwsp. Wn not Advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to loin tli hwsppers' Club and you will find It lots of fun swapping thlnxs. Write Room lu4, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler luun, ACRES Equity in fine Benson acres to trado for auto in good condition. Wal nut . A FINE 60-Inch length roller top oak desk and revolving arm chair to match; to exchRMgc for what I csn e. What have your Address S. C. lil'a. Bee. ANGORA CATS-WI1I swap for type writer, c . H, ii Willis Ave. AUTO 4-pansenaer, 1914 mod I, "Carna tion" auto. In first-class shape. Will trade for roadster. Address S. C. 131B. Bee. AUTOMOBILE to exchange for equHy li. house and lot. Address S. C. 1.145, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Want to trade 1911 five- poasenger Vclle. In good shsoe. all new tires, for smaller car. to use for road i " Omaha Hoe, AJ- -"utii. or orner automobile 'uta " Automobli. el.if,- baby led Mnd mntir... i'..,T: tlon; will trade for something useful. Address b. C. i.ttf. Pee. BUSINESS CHANCE-Wlll trade my confectionery. Ice cream narlor and small stock of groceries, well located', for cloar Omahit lot. Address 8 C. l.V4, Doe. BUSINESS CHANCE Have a cleaning, pressing and tailoring business, earns from ll.O to ;T5 a month, downtown lo cation; let me show you. What have you to offer. Address . C. 1302, Bee. CARPENTER tools, shovels, picks. Jack screws. 10-penny match vending ma chines, 60c each; good horse. t25; harness, $10; express wagon, f; kitchen utensils, one electric piano, 1 sideboard, 1 hall tree, 1 Iron bed. Will exchange all of these articles for good auto truck, diamonds or what have you to offer. Adlreas S. C. i:!3, care Omaha Bee. CAT Pet white torn cat to swap for what have you 7 Address 8. C. 1303. DESK Will swap late roll top desk for sectional bookcases, or what will you take? Address 8. C. 1333. Bea DRESS 8UIT Have full dress suit, slxe 40, cost, 130; worn only four times. What have you to Irade for UT Address 8. C. M Bee. DUMB BELLS What am I offered for 4? lV4-lb. dumb bells, all new; just the thing for boys' club. Address 8. C. 1X40, Bee. DIAMOND 4 karat diamond towards Kood utied piano; no junk. Address S. C. 1341. Hee. E'LI-XTTRIC Two fancy electric flxturea, hower and inverted semi-direct; also two Indirect, suitable for picture show; I will hang these fixtures; value, 1126. I want old auto, diamonds. - What have you to offer. Addresa S. C. 1360, Bee. ENGINEER'S TOOLS Suoh ss Dioe tools, taps, dies, cutters, wrenches, pipe I longs; ior motorcycle or old model Ford. Address 8.. C. 1340. Bee. OOLF clubs Set of left-handed' cluba to wttp fur right-handed ones. Address 8. C. llta. Bee. GROCERY STORE, doing good business; has I lures llvlnc rooms: fine location. Addresa B. C. 1307, Bee. I 1 Mason v ... l . , truck In good running order, t 1176. to swbd for what have you? Address S. C. 13". care Bee. LOT 00x146, located at 45th and Grand Ave., to trade for Ford car In aood con dition. Inquire 2U0 8. 17th St.. Doug. 44. MAXWELL Roadster, In good condition. Will confider motorcycle or will pay difference on Ford or Ford chassis, or what have youT Address 8. C. 1347, Bee. MILLINERY stock and flxturea for ex change: established trade; owner retir ing, account of poor health. Address S. C. 1349. Bee. MINING STOCK Have 20 $100 chare In Black Hill Mining company, lasued June 7, 1915. Will awap all or part of these for used automobile. Addresa 8. O. 133.-, Bee. PIANO New Emerson 1400 piano to trade ror good clear lot or auto roadster. What have youT Address 8. C 1843, Be. PIANO 1 have a S350 piano that la of standard make and in first class condi tion; will swap for a good diamond. Act quick If you would take advantage of a sacrifice offer. Address 8. C. 1306, car Bee. SOLID gold watch, diamond locket, for shotguns or rifles. Friedman. 1211 Doug. STOCK8 Will exchange stock In going local corporation, not overstocked and with advance orders, for good light car. Ford preferred, or will give stock. Ad dress 8. C. 1342. Bee. ST K 'K of clothing, shoe and millinery. What have you of equal value? Ad dress 8, C. 1344, care Bee. SKW1NO MACHINE Singer. ttt sewing machine, drop head, a-drawer; perfect condition. What have you to trade? Ad dress S. C. 1334, Bee. THIRTY horsepower roadster to trado for motorcycle or what have youT Ad dress &. C. 1172, care Bee. FOH RENT Apartments ss4 Flats. The For Kent advertisement appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee daily cannot be teat tor variety mat will please aad fill the needs of any ona de- lruig to lent. Phone Tyler 1000. Beautifully finished f-rni. mod. the Pat;e. Phone Harney lj;n. A4t. In CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. GOOD NE1UH HORHOOD NEAR SCHOOL. Each apartment S rooms and bath; newly papered and finished throughout; easily worth tJ eaoh; rents for 112.60 and tl per apartment. Come and let us show you something nice right cloie In or phone for appointment. D. E. BUCK AVCO.. 91 Oinaha National. Douglas -r. mod. Apt.; larue. beautifully finished In Clarlnda, to rent Sept. 1. Ph. H. 13s. o 8-R. mod., 60 8. lth. Tel. Web. 47"-9. STEAM-HEATED, modern, hot water free. 1 and up. O. P. Stebblna. ' ST. CLAIR Apt. -rooni Apt. 1 1. 647. Angelua Apt.. J and 4-rmm al t H 2074 o Chicago, 211o Modern 7 rooms . D. 7vi6. 610 S. 27TH. 6-r. mod. flat. 1:7 60. til B. 27th. -r. mod. flat. t-'7.uO. t O. CARLBERO. Ill Brandela Th. Bldg. Furalak Asartsiesti. -ROOM apt, nicely furnisHed; front view, strictly modem; price t-A per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard A Menu) A pt a,, list and Howard. Phone Doug, 6"i4. Hoard tit ftanta. Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class wlil best be found In the Fur nished Boom column of Th Bea. Phono Tyler 1 ST. MARY'S AVE. tsnce; 4 wr week. &oi Walking dla- CElAKi'REjiT IN N Beautiful grounds. Uuth and Marcy Bu.. Hsiiscom park and Leavenwortb cara Good meals, bouie cooking, nicely served; also plewaant fur nished rooms; price reasonable; try our excellent evratng and Sunday dinners, sua, t hone llarney 4&, LAKOE. beauutui furnished room for I or single with ex. board. Web. Mi. Faralafcea Heaaes. COMPIJ-;tELY FURN1SHPD. 4 rooms, t& a week. I r.K.rus. p a week. First two weeks free. f g;u orWcb. &.is. (Cootinut4 ou Col. 7, This Fage.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms ofi'er quality and expert service that will jjleape the most critical: ABSTRACT OK TITLES. RFFT ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska, too Brandeis Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., g modern abstract office. 8.' 17 th St. Phone D.Wg7. ADVluRTISlXU NOVKLT1E. F. Bhafer Co.. 1?th. Farnam. D 7474. M. AHATKIH F1.MSH1.MU. Ft.MS developed free, If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 414 Bee Bldg. DpL D. ALCOA. vr ANTS. - E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books and closed. Cost nvateni installed Lot me call on vou to explain tne advantage cf mv audit service si stem. Address 4:13 4.7 Ramge Rldg Phone. Doug. 740fi. ARCHITECTS. F.verett B, Dodds. B12 Paxton PIk. D. I9SL AT'fURXEY 8. T. PIklnson. Pll Paxton B',k. D. It04. ALC UtOEKRS. Dowd Auction Co., 111.VM Wr.O.W. U. 37S. Al TO INNl HAM E. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 1S19. ALTO HtlllATilU REPAIRS. Omana Radiator Rep o.. vnn Far. D SPftl. BAKERIES. Z. H. RFFDER.H06 N. lth. Web. SrT. IIEDDI U. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglns 247 Renovates feather and mattresses of all kinds, inaki feather mattresses and down rovers. BHA8S AND IRON I'OlMJHihiS. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Mi rt h Bts. CAHPE.TEa AND LONTRACTORsT 6TEVENS0N. la 8. Doug'.a BS20. Lessard Son, 9m Cap. Ave. T. 1631. CHIROPRACTIC SPIN AL ADJU'Al'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dr. C. K. Brlggn, 2333 Harney Red 7701. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford KQ Pax. Blk. RpJ 4f7. DANCI.VU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic, D. 1S71. Bummer rate now at Mackle's; private lesson, .lally. mj Harney. Doug. 044t" DRESSMAKING. - Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th dc Farnam MIB3 STURDY; 241 CAS3. D. 7870. DRESSMAKING! COLLEGE. Kelster1 Dressmaking Col., l28Clty Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co,'. 120 N. 12th. D. 8071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, III Neville Block. Evt- " "igu in an cases. Tyler 113d, DttNTlSTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 721 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas. D. 1180. DRIGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 10 order; catalogue free. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co., Oinaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 119 N. loth. Terms, ELECTRIC MOTOti UEPA1H1NU. CAHILIELBCTR1CC0.. Bee Bldg.D.ISTI ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allander. 824 Bee Bldg. Red 105. EVEHkTHtNU FOH WOMEN. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak ulu and dresses sacrificed. 206 N, St. FURNACES AND Ti .-. WORK. HABER3TROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal MT1. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam BL D. 1000. U HKNDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D.12E8. Member FlorUt Telegraph Del. AB- HESS 4V BWOBODA. 14U Farnam SI A. DONAGHUE. 16U Harney. Doug. 1001. COLD AND S1LVEB PLATING, WR replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1?20 Harney St Eat. 1898. INSTRUCTION. English, French, Instruction. 306 Lyrlo Bid ILE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6911. General Office. 13-h and Manderson Bts. JUSTICES OF THE rUAtt H H. CLAIBORNE. IU Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary Pu.. depoaltlou ten. C. W. BRITT. 101 Baker block. LAUNDRIES. CHICAGO LAUNDRY CO. Dougla 1971 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DURKIN Thm4,9-CurX''st 2311. MOVING riC'IURS! MACHINE. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine' and lllm bargains. MOTOKC I CLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines tctor Roos. Th Motorcycle Man." 27ut Leavenworth. MUSIC AND A HI'. Ratame piano playing poslUvely tauaht Iu 20 lessons. tJiCunung Bt. Walnut NO'l'lON. NOTIONS, new, cigars, caiidy, 1331 Park OCU LIST. y Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay yoa can. Ira McCarty.'lUl W. O. W. Bldg. OIL BURNERS. PUT a Sievert or a Johnson ft Lea oil burner In your hoi a r furnace, hot wster or steam plant. NEBRASKA OIL AND FURNACE CO.. 111&-18 City Nat. Bk. Bldg . Omeha. Neb. OSTEOPATH It,' PHYSICIANS- JOSFPHINE ARMSTRONG. Wl Bee Pldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnall, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. H. A. Bturgea 3 Brsndels Theater Bldg. yLATl.tU. Acme Plating. 1U D. trrr. S ' 1Mb St. fLlMtl CLEANED. Dxd, mad over. D. Elsele, ILK City Nat fAINTISQ AND PAPERI'fO. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. STO. 1ST C1ASS workman, day work or eon tract; no Job too large or small. D. 30. PAPER HANGING Extra good value In wall paper this month, 13 and 4 per room, including paper and work. H. 9531. PR1NTINU. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 8754 DOUGLAS Prlntlns Co Tel. Douglas . R L B B A i E COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUB RAGE CO. Thi I tha man to call If you have anv ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster Mill. SAKE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A Opened, repaired, comb. f- p n.7 changed. F. E. Daven-w-r-A A. XJ port um Dodge. D. 181. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., BIS S. 12th. D.291L SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BR08 . slioe repair. 2U 8. 14. Harley Shoe Ri p'r Co.. IO Farn'm. R 8440 SEWIU MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell needle and VV parts for all ewing machine tor all Hewing macim 'MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1W. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 4J1 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, afeB, scale, ahowcaaes, helv Ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Flxturg snd Supply Co., 414-11-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2731. TOWEL glPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. Hth- P. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU. 108 N. lBth BU TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FUELING ft STEIN LE, 106 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo.' for 14. Oliver Typewriter Aaency, 1106 Farnam. BUTT 8 Typewriter Exchange, 111 8. lath. St. All make for salo or rent. RENT a "Remington," not lust a type writer. Low rent Cal' Douglas tisl WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk,, 18 yr. enp. WEUD1NU STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg Co. WliVSin AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8. 201 -S 3. 18th Bt. Wine, liquors, cigars: Plate dinner 11 to I, lc. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol' Ava Ten-cent lunoh. IIKDIOAL RHEUMATISM treated uccessfully, re sult gURranted. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fiatula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no 1 . .,ntl , , r-A . YC-W fn.'liA.lf ou rectal disease with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. RUPTURE. Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. Wa nave treaieo. many Hundreds ot men. women and 'children. The cost is deter mined after examination, and tlma re quired to cure two or three week. Call or write for farther particular. Frank H. Wray. Suit I0. Bea Bid., Omaha. Neh, -a FOR RENT Fnralshed Hoom. WELLINGTON INN, Farnam at 18th. loo rooms, II; fx rooms. 81.60 and up; weekly and monthly rates; cool, quiet, home-like. o It you do not see anything' that suit you In th way of Furnished Room you ran call at Room 104. Bee Bldg., and aak for th Flee Furnished Bourn . bureau and wa will gladly refer you to a htgtt class rooming or ooardiug house iu any psrt or tne city. The Pratt, cool, close in, 112 S. 25. D. 8138. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANFORD. lth ft Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th ft Farnam. COOL rooms, close In. Iiil7 Chicago Bt. 8. 2STH ST.. 211 Mod. room, nicely fur- iilsced. private family, close In, $18. mo. Faralaned Housekeeping Rooms. Four nice rooms; new bath. 1112 8. 11th. t rooms and bath. HU 8. 11th Newiy furnUhed, close in. 1617 Chicago St, Housekeeping; Roaai, 3018 DAVENPORT OR S NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEP ING, ItooMS. RV1ASONABLE BENT. laf aralahed Hooaxa. I I'N FURNISH ED rooms, !8, water In cluded. 2iil6 l)Mlge Bt. o. a. K-CKlea. Hoaaea i4 Cottages. North. 1111 N. !2D ST., 4-r. and bath, steel range, ga plate kitchen cabinet, water paid; onlv i7. i Ohio St., 5-r., part modem, 118. RASP BROS., Ii6 McCague Uldg. JK MAPLE, all modern but beat Web ster 6. oath. I-ROOM, modern house. 1407 Jones, fSOl per montn j i. Kemp. lkclas M7. e-R COT AGE. mod. ex. heat; 14 block from car. Sth and William. D. 7241. 7-R(xM mod. brick, 13:0 Park Ave, For Rent South half of double br1c house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, all modem, at 1611 South, St.. Dear Park school, ona Mock east of Haoacom parS Tel. Harney l&c. (CONTINUED ON PAGIS 11, COLUMN ONE.)