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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1915)
THE UFA): OMAHA. YYKDNT.KIiAY. AlHU NT 11. 15lf. FOB KENT Moa eml 4 nttnges. OBtt. For Rent (South hir ef double br"c Sous. 7 rooms, 4 Mroonn, l modern, st liU South 29C lit . near Turk school, one block east of Manaoore park. Tal. Harney 1509. Mlaeellaweoaa. FTDELIT1' svi. FREE Phono DcjKlaa r8 for ecmplet llat of vacant bouaes and apartments: also for txrag, moving. 14th and Jackson Uta. fl2.00-lt.4 N. Win St., S rmi., mod. ex. heat. U5.084.Xl X. 25th Ave. 6 mil., mod, ex. beet. $17.00-Svi2 Maple St.. 5rma., mod. ex. SH.rift-tor'l n. soth St.. I rim, all mod. J.f; (Ki Kmtnct. 10 rint... all mod. $27.502613 Sherman Ave., u rmi., Ml mod. $'?8 004124 N. lHh St.. 6 rms.. bitnsalow. .0i-lT:i5 S. 29th St., S mm.. Mil mod. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Fth Fir. Urn. Nat. Hank Bldg. Iong. ITSt . SER the Ontrl Furniture Store. KRRI RENT AT. 1.TRT. GlobeVan & Storage teres, idcvm, pack ships; l-horx van and 3 men. H 14 per br.; storage 11 Pr Brio. Satisfaction guar. D. 433S A T-. t TTrmaou Gralgh Sons Co.. hs bKl In all i parts of the city. Gordon Van Co. i Moving, scaing. Stoiss. $ N. 1Kb fit. Tel. D Her Web. li3. Maggard's leg, packing, chipping. 1713 Webstar Si Dcuglas 14M. J. C. Reed w vvv,u 12V7 Fu-nan moving, aiorasa 1207 Farnam. it. 14 W'E HAVE rod-Jed i,nno buildings sln-e lyio, and never had one struck. We Juarantee every Job. ' AMERICAN .KlHTNlVd Tl An vm li mil. at l-KOOM modern brick house, 610 N. 20th St. Thomas S. Kety, care of Jlurgisn- ifO N. 22D., 10 rooms, modern. t. 24 Cap. Ave., 7 rooms, modern, Mfi N. SfOth, 4 rooms, 114. TtlNQWALT BROS., Prandolw Th. P!d(r. YOR RKNT-'-r. house. Phone Tyler '1140. -ROOM cottage for rent. Tel. Hax. Wi: Lieaseholda. ' - Leaseholds 'W2xl3J feet of RTound at the northeast orner of 17th and Jackaon His., only two blocks from urges-Nash company tore. Suitable for a down-town garage. Rental, only $720 per year. No reap prateement. Prloe, 3Fi,000. A C1X)S1-1N CORNER North weet corner 15th and Howard Sts.; improved with a aubatantlal 8-story brick build ing; good store rooms and a hotel ot fi rooms. Near Orhpeum theater, oppo ertte Auditorium, and only one block from Itlth and Howard Sts.. Omaha's best street car transfer point. (Lease W years. INo reappralsement. Price, $;,000. Georjge & Company thone D. 7M. 902 City Nat. Pk. PM. tores Bkd Offiues. FRIVATB corner office, reception room, stenographer - and telephone, in State Bank building to responsible attorney at . 40.ii0 per month. AddrcKS J S7S. Bee. LARGE modem store near postoft'lee;, low rent. O. P, Stebblns. 1G10 Chicago Office on 17th St : v Double Windows , , ONIjY vacant room AVAILABLE ON THE ' STREET." : : . Frtvat lfflc Waiting; Room X80 Sq. Ft. 118.60 The Bee Building ' ' . ; Office Room 108. - One Small Office For Rent Good Location Fourth Floor. Water end Electrtc Light, Free. $12.00 Per Month. ' The Bee Building "The building that Is always new." Office, Room 103. WANTED TO HTJT WANTED ReliMbla real estate company to sell, large tract of Texas land, sub d I v lded, Auuross Box 36. W Internet, la. OFFF1CB furniture bought and solJ- J. C. Reed. IkTI Farnam. Doug. U4 , HIGHEST prices lor old clothing. D.4714. ,. Yala auys everything tod hand. Web. 4a0. Bliantiy mwki man iraue uisjim. 1. MXl. ' 15 'OR 20 acres good land close to dome Nebraska tiwn; quote price and descrip tion. Address V 6L7. Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM 4t HtnlH LA MIS FOR SALE CavlAcwrauau live Oak Coloojea, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 1-14 City NaU Ba. P. stifc '. FOR SALE OR TRADE Beautiful Den ver home, s lots, ll-room house and ' garage and outbuilding; pressed brick, lull cemented basement; new nurd wood finish; new Capitol hill, on principal ' boulevard; wilt also consider lrsUe- lur clear Property Dear Omaha. Cull Hiei B..K. PrUt. bard, iiarley iiutcl oiualia. laws, ttaVe totj a farm roR sale? Writ. a good dwcrlution of your land and jeaj It to the bioux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every . Baturdajr venlug and bunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads oo - twelve dlfforeut days for U; or to words, H. or 76 wordj. to. Largest circulation of any Iowa news '. 'paper. iO.GUv readers dally In four great aLatea. Miaaeaofa. MINN, farms; low price, easy terms. Mln. uesota Land Co., P. O. Box 317. omuh. UET out of the mud; come to Wrsl oen tral iinncHotii and sue the bumper .irupi uroHn will' su unusual amount ot rainfall. Harvesting now un.itr ideaj con nitions. Roads 'inc. I Hand Liind it Loaa Company, Fergus Kalis. Minn. Nortk Dakota. U NEED AN OUTING. TAKE IT NOW AND JOIN Our excursion party Tuesday, August 17, bound for tl.o BIO Cltul'M on our farms in North Dakota. You can bargain for our farms by paying $3 au acie down, balance on your terms or on the crop payment plaa. We can help you. Try us. Wm. H. Brown Co., t N. La Sail, r.. Chicago. ' Wasklaatva. Free Land If you are a practical fruit man, we will give you abkolutely free 40 arres of rich valley l.n I. for your labor. ciiihlMtli)g of planting- .nd cariir for 40 acres of upls. we will furnish the trees, you furnish the la I or onlv. I. ami la located In the lunnniM Yaklini valley, Vah mcton, within inllm of a live liUKlltrig town pn main line railroad! snd worth l per acre. Further particulars of W. T. Smith Co. City National Bank Iilli. REAL ESTATE FA It M A Rtllll L A Ml roR RtLB FOR 8Al.n-l acre, well Improved. ( mile from Meadow Orove, .Seb., and ha good mill; IHli per aire; $2,f eaah, balance lerina Liuper Theisun, Osmond. Neb. , MlirrlWii,a, MO-ACRE farm, lit per acre; $30 cl and 50 ner month; no Interest: rich mill; fine Mini; pnro Water, good title. Writ W. T. Young. Jr.. KltnWl. Neb. bbal estate toA?r FARM LOANS, f. PEH CENT. TOLANP ft THl'M BULL. 448 Bee Bldg. $)0n TO lio.OfK) made promptly. F. D. Wend, Wcad RMj;.. lth and Farnam Bta CITY and firm loaiie, i. W. per cent J. H. Dumont A Co.. 4llState Bank. WANTED-dood farm and city loan at low "at rate. PETERS TRUST CO.. ISM Farnam. CITT property. Large loana a specialty. W. H. ThomsS. State Bank Bldg. MONEY mi hand (or city and farm loana. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bllg. 6FE u first for farm loana In eastern Neb. United Slates Trust Co., Omaha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carl berg. WO 13 Brsndele Theater Hldg. WANTED CHr and farm loans; loweat rates. W. U. Teinplcton. lies. T. JC REAIi ESTATE ACRE AGIO FOH SALl Bargain, Ixit 6H Seymour Lake club. Bt I roiwrtv with the eluh. which includes life membership. Phone Marney li4. o REAL ESTATTjFOR KXCHANOK FOR EXCHANGE Clear comer lot, 0 140, Lowe's add., Omaha, for good flva- paener automoniie. Address Y fltl, noe 1'RACTICALLY new g-cvllnder car and one-half ton truck: will exchange either or both for equity In bungalow, or what have youT Address B. M.. Care Pee. OMAHA residence property exihange for Sioux City property. Box. 59. Sioux City. REAL ESTATF XORTH SIDE Two Good Building Lots-80xl28-$200 Each Tocated north: 1H blocks from car line and paved street; an excellent place for chickens and good garden ground. Easy terms, $10.00 down, $i.00 per month. No interest and no taxes for I years. Shuler & Cary Phone P. 4EtJ. W4 State Bank Pldg. A Good Buy Fine four-room cottage, with four full snted lots; plenty of fruit. In a good neighborhood, near 34th and Ms pis Hts. Can be bought on easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 10D9. 107 McCagim Bids;. Classy Bungalow Five-room; has oak finish In three rooms, one a sun room, beam ceilings. bookcHses, window seat, fina large kitch en, with convenient pantry and Ice box room; furnace heat; cemented basement; fine lot, paved street, close to car; lo cated near 19th and Laird streets. Easy terms, or lot taken as first payment. Rasp Bros. 10S MoCaguo Bldg. Douglas IATiS. A Dandy New Bungalow - - All modern and half block from car line. In beautiful now residence district. $J00 cash and balance tc suit. Telephone today and. If description sounds good, we will send an automo bile to brine you to see it. Today Phone Wal.-1343 or Wnl. 682. ' Any week day phone Doug 2926. Look at This 1S14 N. 18th St.. rooms, hot water heat, gas and electric lights, completely modern, two blocks to two car lines. Rent reduced. See this today. Keys at our office. . Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas Wi. UA Bee Bldg. Modern Home Not Far Out Parlor, dining room, with colonnade opening, library, with large sliding door, all three rooms In oak, large kitchen, nice front bedroom and bath room on first floor :two nice bed rooms and store room on second floor. Entire house nicely decorated; fine lighting fixtures. Entirely modern. Including first-class Turnace. built honestly throughout. Paved street. south front lot. Near Sherman Ave. car. school, stores, etc. This Is a splendid property and can be, bought light. Scott & Hill Co. Dougles 1009. 307 McCagu. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK, gras. ' shrubs and trees giving splendid shade and uniformly distant from each other, all In now, not promised for future years. Pav ing taxes paid, no sneus, aucys or an agreeable environments. On car lines, nesr school and churches; five new house completed, or Hearing completion, van o. sold on easy payments to responsible par- tie. Keys at mv residence, 11. j. ecanaeu. Phone Doug. 3W or Web. 3ull. t . BITNOALUW 6-room, modern. , new and up-todat. In every resect, -2d and Amea, Oak L'hathura addltiun. Webster 4XH. ' ' BBAUTIfUL 7-room bungalow, strictly modern; corner lot; sacrifice for quick sale. 4UH1 Grand Ave. l'hone Webster K!7. A HEAL HOlffi $200 CASII $25 ONTIILY An ideal home- of $ rooms, with hot water heat, all kinds of fruit, barn, fine largo comfortable porch, built cottaae btyu'. with 6 rooms and bath downstsirs and 3 up; lot 47X1W. on Lartmore avenue. It will appeal to you when you see It, and it ' certulnly a snup. PAYNK INVESTMENT CO. Sin Floor Omaha Nat. ' Bank Bldg. Doug. 17&1. f REAL ESTATE SOUTH BIDE ft2,800 FIETyT) CLUD DISTRICT Seven rooms, strictly all modern, close to school and car line, epienuid location, near 38th and Mason streets. C 0. CAULBEKG,'' 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. V REAL ESTATE WEST BID 55 An East Front Lot Cathedral District Sewer, water, gas and sidewalk la and paid for: one block from csr line; mod erately resu n-uu. Swii.oo M OO Cash. We alll linn nee ycu tor a horn on tliia lot. . . Shuler & Cary Phone D. 42 J3. 204 BUI Bank BIdtt REAL ESTATE WERT RIPE A Large Corner Lot Bargain West Farnam District ' 78x128 ' Only- $f,25.0 Only This priiV ' Includra sidewalks, aeeer, water mn In and gaa nmln; lot la k-vel and on the cxii'"t grade, and en solid ground; surrounding property restricted to niooVrate-rrlced home. Shuler & Cary 302 -J04 Plata Bark Bldg. Owner Wants to Sell Beautiful 7-Room House Thin house Is located U block from car line. In beautiful section of the city, where everything Is modern snd nu-to-dale, and where the surroundings are ex tremely pleasant. Mouse Is finlshd In onk In principal rooms and la well built and very conveniently arranged. Will Take $500 Cash As Firnt Payment and Balance Can Po Arranged in Monthly . Payments. For further particulars telephone Dong. 3w any week dsy Choice South and . East Front Large Lots $275.00 to $375.00 $5 Down $5 Per Mouth No, Interest, , No Taxes ' For TVo Years. ' Near Good Car Line These lota are high, affording a splendid view; they are practically level and on grade and are splendid lots for building small homes. ' Phone us for full particulars. Statesmen and autos at your service. Shuler & Cary Phone D. 4233. N4 State Bank Bldg. REAIi E8TATF MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Rent Payer You'll Be Interested in This Ad If you're tired of continu ally paying out your hard earned money for the pri vilege of living in a land lord's house Why not let us build you a home, espe cially planned, to suit your Individual tastes T A horn, that you can pay for as you earn A home located In one of the Rrettlest nw residence districts tn maha, close to car Una, and where there are modern conveniences. Will be pleased to show, you this ad dition today and explain our way of furn ishing; new homes on the easy payment plan. Telephone Wal. 1343 or WaL G82 Today or Phone Dong. 292(5 any day next week and will send a car for you. Bankers Realty Investment Co. Offices: Ground Floor Be. Bldg. $3,350 Bungalow Five larce rooms, atrlctlv all modern. with oak finish and nicely decorated throughout. One of the nicest bungalows we know of on the North" Side, with full east front lot; nice lawn; paved street; paving all paid. Glover & Spjain Doug. 3842. W City National. A BA Hil A IN for cash; having moved from Omaha I will sell or trade for land In Minnesota or North Dakota, th. DroDertv at 1M1 Capitol Av... oonelstlnr ef nearly 3.400 sq. feet of ground, with a brick building tnereon, at a sacnlloe. If a quick deal Is made. Address your offer to C. K. Elving, 21i Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE VACANT LOT, east front. 41st and California bis., 62x130. Price $760. ' Oeo. Schroder, 4o$ Ware Block.' Pbon. Red 4444. . REAIi EHATR I INVESTMENTS KvH BALK or rent, trackage building, Utli and Sswaid. alias. Apply lt-4 Oust St. . . Cwffee Mark.t. . NEW YORK, Aug. lD.-COf KEB-The heavy movement of new crop coffee In Bran I seemed to 'itli more impression on sentiment in t'l. market for coftee futures today and price hrok. quite sharply ; undr liquldtition. The market oix-ned at a decline of S to 11 pointa and active months sold about 11 to 13 points net lower during the middle of th. dsy. Tli. cloee was a shad, up from th. low est 011 covering, with last prices showing a net dentine, of 4 to 11 pointa Males, begs. AuKuat and September, 4. a", October, 4.4nc; November, ti.iio; loeinher. 4 Vic, January, 4.4M-; Dncember, S.iuk;; March. 4.57c: April, S io( May, 47o; June, 4.7'ic; July, 4.77:. Btxit. quiet; Rio No. 7, 7'fcO; Santos No. 4, Cost nd freight otfei. wre Irregular, averaging about uuchangsd at from SVnC to fur Santos 4s, while sale, were rsported of Hio 7s at 4 .Mto, or a suada under yesterday's offers. . , 1 111 1 Dry Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. DRY OOOW4 Cotton gooxU quiet. Yams quiet. Large orders hav. been booked by Italy for cloth and blankets for army purposes and woolen mill are running to nearly 70 per rent of capacity. The alik trad, show Improvement. I laitr Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 10. 8rOAR-Ra w, firm; centrifugal, 4.44c; molasses, J.,o; 1 rcflnad, firm. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET New Wheat Holds It Own, Advanc ing One to Two Cents, and Corn Makes a Small Gain. OLD WHEAT FALLS OFT A BIT OMAHA. Aug. 10. lft.V Old wheat la off, selling So lower than yesterday s prices. New wheat held Us own today and advanced lw.'o htjrher. There was a fairly active demand for corn and this cereal advanced o. Both old and new oata war reported un changed. The export demand at the seaboard yesterday was light, and for nearby load ing, business was further restricted by otters from th west. I'lear weather fur the last few Hirl tierniltlAfi runmiilnii l of harvesting and favorable weather for one or two week will see cutting of all gralna completed and considerable thresh ing rone. Liverpool spot: Wheat, le lower to He higher; corn. mlo higher. Primary wheat receipts were) l.OSS.Ono bushels snd shipments M3.0U0 bushels, against receipts of l,tft,0m bushels and shipments of 1,014.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were .uW) bush els and shipments X14.U0O bushels, against receipts of 41.0iw bushels and shipments of fc.4.000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were M3.000 bush els and shipments &W.O0O bushels, against receipts of 7W.000 bushels and shipments of l.)7,0u0 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Jbv heat Com. Oata Chicago , .44 Hi 101 Minneapolis . .157 . 14 . M .121 . 77 Duiuth Omaha Kansas Otr 11 21 Ht. Ixiuls Winnipeg .... 22 These ssles were rennrte fnm tolav? Wheat; No. I hard winter: i car (old), I1.8R. No. S hard winter: 1 car, il; 2 cars, $1.18; 1 car, I1.17H; 1 car, $1.17; I car, H IS. No. 4 hsnl winter: "4 car i er. sin, i : S"' .TT Sample 1 car. We 1 car. : W ear, i car, iw-; l car, Wc; I car, ; 1 car, fcto. vv.. iiv. m wiiiiQ. cars, ino. o. white: 7Hc. No. 1 yellow: 4 care. 7;; $ care, 74Vo. No. S yellow: 1 oar, 75c; 3 cars. 74"c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (near white), 741c; H oars, 74c. No. nnxeu: cars, ,o; car, 7aia Hample: j r. vk i car, ,c. uau: no. I White: JH cars (old. bJc; 1 car (red and new), 46c; 1 car (new). 4Jc. No. 4 whit.: 2 cars (old), tifcc; csr (old), 61o; 1 car (old and new), 41o. Kamle: 4 car, 4'c. Omaha l'al Piloas Wheat: Niv " tur key, ll.18iil.3ti; No. S turkey. SI.1Uav1.3K- No. 2 hard. ll.lSJrl.SS: No. a hard. 11.14m I 'dl; No. 4 hard. 11 miul Nn 1 aurinu 1 ISO 1.44; No. epring, $LlMtr1.41. Corn: No. X white, 74'.'tei No. white, 74iJI 74So; No. 4 white, 7k,r74q; No. 6 while, 7SV,Jt73c; No. 6 white, 7i4ff73o; No. S yellow. 74jfto; No, $ yUow, 74Ht 75c; No. 4 yellow, 74&74S40; No. t yellow, 7m.tf74c; No. 6 yellow. 7SV7Hto; No. i iiu, u'ii-ro; no. s mixed, Tswiw: TV; No. mixed, 7724c; sample, mixed, MlflSc.. Oats: No. 2 whlta. 6M4io: standard. fc-'VnWVkc: No. a whlta alAiiS 52c; No. 4 white, 614C1H40. Barley: Malt ing. wu74c: no. I feed. 64gWe, Bye: No. i. Wii:c; No. a. souvio. CRICAGU GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Keatare. f th Tradlaaj Closlmgr Prices Bear4 of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 10 Torrential reJna 4 parte of Kansa and all of the nouth- nan a good oeai to ao with rallylrur the market today after an early decline. Prices closed firm. 12(imn hn l..t night. Corn gained io to kBe net, and oats SiOc. In nrovlalons the rtniah ranged from 2!ic decline to a shad, ad vance. Short sellers of wheat became decldedlv nervous In regard to reports that In many inaces in western Kansas! tnere had been storms wrilch amounted to a cloudburst. Further declines tn the movement of the winter crop tended to also Increaae miiiten sentiment during the last part of the day. and ao, too, did Word of neavy export sales. Beartah constructions put on the gov ernment crop report were responsible for rreneral selling that forced a sharp brenk n wheat prices at the start Favorable weather In the northwest and In Oanala proved also for a while a decided disad vantage to the bulls, Predtrtlons of a railing off in receipt here gave strength to the corn market. Firmness In oats was based largely on a material Improvement in th. seaboard demand. Provisions lacked aggretsilv. support. The market was fairly well sustained though by gossip that stocks of cut meats were decreanlng and by the fact that hog pi-Ices were on the advanca. . futures ranged as follows: Article! Open. High. I low. I Close,, Bafy. Whoati t ! Sept. 1 08V, 1 07 1 0M4 1 07 1 OS7. Doc..) 1 Wri 1 CbVal 10614 X g', I Vila Corn J 1 I J I Sept 74i K ( 744 74T 74 Dec.. 63-SI 4'4l ' 63 C4 . 6S Osts II Sept. 3 SPTif SSS 8H Dec. S9', 4(i' J ' ' t Pork 1 Sept. 13 5 IX SO I 13 73H 18 87 H 18 00 Oct.. 13 a 14 (M I U Be 1$ 7A 14 00 Lard J J Sept. IS 8 15 I 110 115 8 IK Oct.. J 17V 8 $ 16 8 $4 8 22H Ribs II I Sept. 8 16 U I W I 20 Oct.! ITS' tn I 10 HIS I 16 B t TTTKn lllglier; creainniT. ZAiUi'ia. K3G: Higher; receipts, 0.344 cases; at iW r'i, rases Included. l617Vc; ordinary fliVn, l&HrVtc; firsts, northern stock, 174IHc; firsts, southern. ltH4vi7o. pt)TATt, ; receipts, so cars; j Virginia, barrelled, L6w jersey. bulk. 1 oi'iTyjv, POULTRY Alive, higher; fowl. 18Hc: springs, lti'iil'c. l ash prices wheat: no. 8 red. UJ 1.15; No. 8 hard, tl.21fcl.24. Com: No. 2 yellow. SObKlc: No. 4 yellow. 7WWt0o. Oats: No. 3 white, new, 47H9c; No. $ whit, old, blV1r.c; atannsnl, blVro. Rye: No. I. $1.06. Barley: 4fc. Timothy; $&.607.10. Clover: $8 Sfrffrll W. Pork: $13.40. Lard: $S.07W. Ribs: $S.7t-Jf.lB. I ' NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatloas of tb. Day aa Tsurloma CoaantodltlM. NEW, YORK, Aug. lO.-FLOrR-Carely teany; spring patents, SH.eutr.oo. WliEAT-Spot, firm; No. $ red. SLlt, e. I. f. New York; spot and No. 3 hard, II. 27V. to arrive; No. 1 northern, Duiuth, H.l'i'-i, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. Il.oy. c. I. f. Buffalo. Future wore steady: September, $1.1V CORN Spot, firm; No. I yellow, $S-o, lake and rail, prompt shlpmeuta. OAT 8 Spot, steady; standard, 4tt4: No. HAY-flrm': prime, $1.46; No. i. $1.40 1.46; No. 3. $l.itfU1.3u; No. 8, $1.2a; aulp- Dlng. Il.16iiI1.20. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice. 1P14 crop. Ofilic; Paclflo coast, 1914 crop. lifivlMs: WIS crop. D-ft'llc. HIDKS-Steady; Bogota, $0lc; Cen tral America, eic. LHATHKlt-Flrm; hemlock, first, 32c: second , sou 31c. PROVISION! Pork, steady: mess. S16.CS i 17.00; family. $..; short clears, Beef, steady. Laid, fliin. middle west, $S.lbiit.&. TAUAW-Quiet; city. lc; country, 6Vic; sptK lal. (Hie. BUTTER Steady; receipt. $3,2f3 tube; creamery extras, fy'Vai.c; firsts, 'iAi 24c; seconds, 2iVuiaWc. KOU6 Firm; rvcelpta, 1316 cases; fresh gathered artrss, ttVflrc; .xtra firsts. 21iu3c; first, l"jAHtc; seoond. UH fe'in1 CIlKFSK-lSasler: receipts, 7,007 bta; state, whole milk, freeh, flats), white and colored, siatclals, lJVa'llc; bum, colored average fancy, LP4'o'lJc: same, whlta, lia i3ic. POULTRY Allvs, price not settled. Dressed, easier; western frosen roasting chickens, Uya.'2c:- fresh fowls, Iced, loVsc; fresh turkeys, load. HlSc. I. Loala Ural a Market. T. LOU 1 8. Aug. 10. WHEAT No. I red, 11.1711.14; No. 3 hard, nominal; Sep tember, $1.07; December, $1.07al .07. (-OK. No. 3, 7c; mo. 1 wnite, thokuc; September. 74a: December, SlHSWvc. OATS Nominal. Liverpool Ural Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. la-WHEAT-ftpot, No. 'i. lui utock; No. 8, lis 7a; No. 1 northern Duiuth, lis 7d. i .t 1II.1-Siot, Amcilriu, nitied, new, ts. rLOL'R Winter patents, w. 4d. Kaasaa City Ceraeral Mark. 4. KANSAS CITV. Mo., Aug. 10. WHEAT -Higher; No. 3 liaid, ILu', Nv red. $1 ltl 1: Septemlicr. $1 0Kin.0S'; leremlir. $1 i'il ; Mav. $fl iMHN-Higher: No. 1 mixed, T.tSVMc; No. 1 white. Tfx-; Septemlier, 71ty(;iV; December. tM'llV: May, ae. OATS No. $ fWhlte, SHVV'-. ; No. I mlxefl. 4.W. Hl.'TTLK Creamery, 27o; firsts, iio; seconds, ;e: pai-king, I. KOOS-Klrata, lie; swonds, K'ie. lt)CLTRY Hns, 11 V: roosters, c; broilers, 176 1A Mleaee polls UreJa Market. MTTTNKAPOI.1S. Aug. lo.-WHEAT September, I1.06S: Iecemher. tl OS; No. 1 bard. ).&: No. 1 northern, 1.4tSW I MS; No. t northern, Il.yil.4.V KLOVfb lTnohangvd; shipments S7.l bbls. p.nt.ET-Rirrrc. KICK 1 06. BKAN-J21.U0. ()KN Nix I yellow. llftWi-'. ATS-6;Vc. KLAX-t t'stlsa Market. NKW YORK. Aug. 10,-COTTON-Spot. steady; middling . uplands. I9.I&; sales, W teles. Cotton futures ripened steadv; Octo ber. S.Joc; December. ic; January. .7c; March, 97c: May. 1017c The cotton market closed steady at net loss of 11 to 16 points. Cotton luturea closed steady; October, Jc; leceniUr, .Bic; January, .ci March ; May, Slo.lfic. LIVKKPOOL. Aug. KX-COTTCN-not, eaaicr; good mlddhrg. K.aikl; middling. Sd: low middling, 4.IXV1 fsles, I.Oiio bales Oil isl ft eat a. SAVANNAH, Oa., Aug. 10.-T1BPF,N-TINIQ-Klrm at a4; sales, 7!4 bales; receipts, ftil bales; shipments, S10 bales; stock. CT.M bales. ROHIN Firm; sales, 7M bbls.: rei'elpla. J.M bbls.; shipments, 1.601 bbla.; stock. Mi.444 bbls. tjuote: A. B. '. and D. 1Ki; K and F. UlO; O. .!WfS: II and I, HIS; K. H4f.: M. M.0f4it.; N, 14 ; WO. i.0; WA', 15 W. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.-MRJTA1J leaiL offered at $4.W. Copper, dull: electrolvtl. ill: electrolytic, nd unchanged. .Tin stesdv. $t4.avti:i4.7j. At Ixindon, spot .Topper, !!!: futures, 7t lis; electrolytic. LKl Na. Spot tin. filSl: futures. tlM. An timony. liV lcad. fl 17s 6d. Ppelter, t7. Evaerated Apples and Dried I r.lts NRW YORK. Aug. 10.-BVAPO11ATED APPLt-Hteai1v. DR1KD KKCfTH Prunes and raisins, firm. Apricots and peaches, stesdy. ciiicaoo MVK rrot'K markkt Cattle firm llosa Stroar heea Weak. CTIirAOO. Alia. lO.-OATTl.K-Recelpte, 4,tfM hesd; market firm; natlvo beef cat tle. 8H.Ki4110.8O; western steers. 8H.7Wi9.Oi; onVTs and heifers, $J.liXii.i0; calvea, 7.7iW 11.S0. HOnS Receipts, g.ono head: marnet, strons: unchanseil to 10c higher: bulk of sales, $H.4il7.hO; light. 8fi 8it7.70; mixed. $.2fi4j7.(jo; heavy. KloQTglO; rough, 8ii.l0ii 120; pigs, iiWVr7.60. HllHKl AND LAM Br4 Receipts. 4.0"O head; market weak; sheep, 8MKK(l.0; lambs. IT.OO'uS.SG. Kansas f'ltr Live Stock Mark.t. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Aug. 10.-CATTL11 Receipts. .r00 head: market strong; orlme fed steers. tH.Ma 10.00; dressed beef steers, IH.OOmO.fiO; western steers, $7.60ct .2S; Blockers and feeders, Hus.OO; bulls. $,".2f.75: calves .004i'10.1S. HOOS Heoelpls, 10.000 head; market strong; bulk. !.fc'.n.40; heavy, $A.a'ti7.IIO; K ackers and butchers. H4j7.424: light, MOm'7.4V: pies. M.7iV?f7.flO. HB)KP AND IJtMHH-Recelpts. $.000 head; market lower; lambs, $s.4Tii.tW; yesrllngs, M.7Ra7.M; wethers, K527.(I0; ewee, tti.3tj6.75. SI. I.nala Mr Stock Market. BT. IX)UI3. Mo.. Aug. 10. CATTLE lain heed: market higher; na tive beef steers, $7.604tlO.U; yearling ateera and hetfera, ix.wmo.tii; cows stockers and feeders, WOO: southern steer. $K.X6iat.KS; cows and heifers. i.W(J .W; naUve calves, 8 OOrulO.60. HOOH- H.celpts, S.4O0 hesd: market higher; pig and lights. 7.irr7.TB; mined and butchers, $7.4TxU7.76; good heavy, $4.76 tj7 25. HHBEJP AND LA MBS Receipts. 4.00$ head; market higher; lamb, $$.00a.0; heep and ewe. $i.uosj7.24. - Sloaz City Mv Stock Market. FlOine riTY. Ia., Aug. 10. OATTLB1 Receipta, 1,4u0 head; market, steady: na tive .imii IS mttt 2Tii rflwi and helfera. 14 8f.M- stockers and feeder. 84.00s'llng, $7.75i.(i0: good tn choice heavr 7.2ft; bulls, stags, etc., to.00frft.09. ' 1 beereg. m.ttj.M; fair to good oornfed HOOSRaoelpU. 4 head; market. IV; uwevee,; common to fair oorn Maher; heavy, $4.707.15: mfxrd p Vy.r fed beeves, 7.2(8.45: good to choice fed $.7nj light. $4 ixiW.40; hulk. H.t.75. iWIki.Ihiiij.'uaT m KHEEt AND LAMBJ Keceipin swcow. $8.BiKji7 26; good to choloe araaa head. St. Josepk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH." Augf. 10 CATTLE "Rn- eelpts, 2.W0 head; market steacy; steera, 17 OfKtutO.oo: cows and heifer. $4.00410.00; calves, $4.00410.16. HOOS Receipts. 4.W30 neaa; maraet steadv to 60 higher: top. $7.40; bulk of sales. $6 4087.40. 8HEKP AND LAMB8 Re"lpts. 4,500 head; market weak; Iambs. $8 00500. Live Stock la Slgkt. Receipt of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets: vauie. nogs, oneep. St Lout 4J i.40 Kansas City S M 10.000 Sioux City 1.400 4,WW Chicago .0" .W0 South Omaha 4.700 7.000 4.000 300 14.000' JO.OnO ToUl receipts 24.400 34,400 47,300 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1, l-lb. carton, Xc; No. 1 80-1 b, tub. 230. OH EKSkt Imported fwUi, Me; Amer ican Swiss, Xuo; block Swiss, Vx; twin, 14c; daUie. 14c; triplets, 14u: Young Anieriia, UVto; blu. laiiel brick, Wa; Umburger, $-lb., 30o; New York whlta, lyc; Imported French Roqu.fort, 4oo. KltjH-'l'rout, 16c; whit, fiaii, 13c; hali but, lHo; channel catfish, 16o; barring, 7o; oodflah, 10(ul2ci mack.rel, 16c; saimoo, lUliO. BW EFJT POTATOES Kan a. $2.76 bbl. BEEK CUT-Ribs: No. 1, UH40: No. 8, 19'ic; No. 8, 16c, Loins; No. 1, K&o; No. tiuoi No: 8, 17A40. Chucks: No, t i2V; No, 8, UW: No. $, ltounda: No. 1, 17o ; No. 3, 14o; No. 8, Win. PlaU: No. L Dc; No. 3. Vic; No. 8. S4C Fruit and vegetable pnoo f urn la hod by Ollllnski Fruit company: FBI' ITS Oranges; California Valencia. 100s, litis, 2MHa, 1:4a, $w, $4 M per box; California Valencies, 16is, 17an, 21'i, Vf, $6.00 per bix, Lsmuus: Extra fancy Oolden Bow, 80ns, Urns, $.V60 per box; ex tra fancy Sunklat, $uus, Suos. $0.00 per box; Red Ball, $4.60 per box. Peaches: Cali fornia Crawfurde. 46o per crate: Calltor i.ia Llbertas, 70c per crate; luu-crat. lota, ;vo per crate: 6-craie luU, eva per craw; per bu., $1.2o; 26-bu. lots, $1.30 per bu. Plum: Burbank, $1.00 per orate; Wlcksons and Kelseys, $1.24 pir orate; Tragedya, blue, $1.40 psr crate; Diamonds, Hungarians and Uross, $1.40 per crate; Wlcksons, $1.16 per box. Peers: Califor nia Hnriletts, $lou per box: Washington Hartlett. fancy, $1.76 per 'box. Urapes: per crate, $1.76. Bananas: Medium fruit, $2 0042 36 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, Cban guinola and Port Llmon. 4c lf lb. Cantaloup..: California ponlaa, 6e, $3.t8) tier crate; aiiiorma M'HianiB. s-.w y elite; Moapa Nevada standards, ti l i'i crate; jumoos. S2.W per crate; ponies, $3.26 per crate. Watermelons: Par lb., lc. VEOETABLEM Cabbag, home-grown . i.,k..n 1 lu, tM,e It. 1 f ,ia it lattuce. Kiiu v ..... , - ----- -. $1.00 per do. Leaf l.ttuc. 4Uo per do. berts. lie tier lb. liraalls, liVe par lb. Pecan, llvil per id. Ainiunoi, sue per 10. peanuts: No. 1. raw, 4 pr lb.; No. 1. roasted, $0 per lb.; Jumbo, rw, 7o per lb.- Jumbo. roaMed. 0c fer lb. ilSOKLLA N HOI'S Crackerjack, $8 60 per case; $1.76 per half case. Cornpops, U 36 per case; $168 pr ?' ca. ' Bisk t learlags. OMAHA. Aug. 10 Bank clearings for Omsha today were tv.6l6.810U, and for the corrtspondlng day la it year $J,4f,- o.'i.SO. Apartments, flats, bouse and cottsges can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rnt." Tomatoes, i w (i 144 ... per basket. Paraley. 36 tar 4, Wax m J - 2;;;::;:;!iT ! t H and green bean. oo per basket Oreen . J JJ M 4 t to peas, 6O0 per basket. New beet, carrot J J - w , 4 g and turnip. 40o per basket. Radish. 200 J? J4 ... 144 ir dos. New potatoes. 70o per Mj,"":''.., war- lajgeat whits. 60o p.r bu. bweet poUtoes. $1.7 " "J rr .arl- ot per damper. . ... .... -" the larvaat for a Tu OMAHA LIEJTOCK MARKET No Very Great Chang in Cattle ot Any Kind Sheep and Lambs Are Lower. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS HIGHER OMAHA. Aug. 1. 1& Receipt were: Cattle. Mogs. Sheep Official Mnndav 1t, 4.MT 14.B1 Estimate Tueailsy 4.7m 7 so.oao T0 days this week.. IJ.SF5 11.S47 W ill, -me nays laet wee k . . in .tvii fame days I wks. ago.. T.7U I.-..77H Name days I wks. ago. . IW 19i MO.aso j Sam. days 4 wks. ago.. .. ,4 IN.fct Same days last year.. 7,U U7 ,M ! The followlnw tahl. show, the average price for hoaa at the i im.i.. iiva stock market for th. laM few days, with comparisons : Date, t I'.iH inn .mm mi; i-m ,sie no7 July U July 24. r ! $ 7 $4 I S Sal 1 ST P'ii: Ml e iff 7 8 8-1 I 7 ST - 1 ) Ml T7 7 4T1 $ 8 8 18 72Hf (8 1 7 S7 8 4ft) 17 T1 U 8 S I T V-I M HI 7 4 $ HU $ (Ml 8 (PI I t M, 8 til 7 !U l a 5 1 1 im 7 ; t hi 7 14 $ I Mi 7 7 $ I 7 44 July K. July r. July M July xu. July 90. July ft. . 1.1 I api s M 1 i 1 M 1 a AUg. I Aug. 3. Aug. 4. Aug. $. Aug. . ! "I . $ 4h, 7 8S1 JB 7 S T 4 SO I 8 tl 7 Ml 7t: 7 1 5 I 04 W4.I t h$ l 8J17 70TM 3Si 7 701 8 til 8 Ml 7 041 7 mi 7 M 7 S&l 3 171 7 rl I 7 711 7 M 8 li 8 ini 7 1 7 1 I 7 $ IS 8 1 7 S3 7 SW1 7 n $ 19 7 8 7 27 i 7 r. 7 40 $ H 7 tstl 7 7 81 7 41 Aug. 7. Aug, 8. Aug. . 62W. Aug. 10 'Sunday. nEXTBtPTS CARS. . CatUa. Hoga tfheep. H r's. 1 .. in. at hl. i' 1 S I 1 :i -57" "i I ... 1 1 34 7 1 u II "i u 1 114 71 4 abash 1 nion I'sclflc 10 Missouri l-nciflo 4 t:. N. W east.... C. t N. W west... 40 C., Ht. P., M. O.. $ C, R. A Q , aat... 8 C, U. A VI . west.. SI C. R. I. 4V P., east.. It C, It. I. P.. west. 1 Illinois Central .... I Chicago Ut. West.. Total receipts DlSPOSrTION-HKAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morrl aV Co 0.7 ao 1,Im8 Swift A Co 781 l.ttW 4.714 Cudahy lacking 4.5o.... Llt! l.M J.f.l Armour Co ;2 J, Ho Hchwartg A Co tio .... J. W. Murphy " l.itHS l'acking Co.... So. tuna ha racking Co. St. ( lair Packing Co.. W. U. Vatisant Co Kenton Vansant A L... f. n. Iewia Huston A Co J. H. Boot A Co J. It. Bulla I. K. Hues Kosenstock Bros Kellogg Wertheimer A Degen... H. K. Hamilton M 10 8 31' M 73 87 120 14 24 48 188 1M mt it ao 38 8 27 10 11 3o 74 277 3 67 2M Sullivan Bros. Rothschild r Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Hlggin Huffman Roth Meyer r? I sober g Baker, Jones A (Smith,. Tanner Broa. John Harvey I A V iCline Other buyer 4,067 Total 6,044 S.144 17.186 CATTLE Caul, receipt were r.ry much anudler than yesterday, although It wa a fair run for a Tuesday, a total of 187 car being reported In. This make a total for the two day of 12.364 head, th. largest of any recent week and larger than a year ago by almost $.004 head. 1 he market on beet steurs was alow and steady to a Utu. easier than yes terday, borne cattle that buyer Just hap pened to want, brought prtnaa that were no different from thus, prevailing yester day, white tn other case salesmen thought they wer. forced to take off a little. Cow and heifer war. In moderate sup ply and In good demand so that prices were generally steady with yesterday. Offerings at stocker and loader were quit, moderat etht morning and as there wa aom llttl. Inquiry tit. market wa generally about . steady. . Quotation on cattle.- Good tn ehAloa yearlings, $ ft 86; uir to good yemr- 1 v-ii.w. f -a ,u uciviue inw cow, $4.kiit4.76; air to good oowa $6.6u$ 4.00; common to fair cows M.7&W.M; good to cholco feeders, $7.60ta.SO: fair to good feeder. $ft.6ocr7.SO; common to fslr stocker. $S.60i.60; stock heifer, $5.7f.($ 4.60; stock oow. $60Oft.(j0; stock calvea, $4 0010.60; veal calvea, $7.0OM 10.00; fat bulla stags, .tc. $6 4j7.26. Representative aalea- BEEF STEERS.' Kn- At. Pr. Je. 'at. rr H v.. .1171 T 1 to imx I f 7 74 44 u-4 S 14 DinMia ahj ifiM" 4 404 I IS II. IM 74 41 tut t 4 . HBTFERU. til IM $ 11 4 28 ...... ' ts .. 84 4 s . M 4 44 ., II I M .. 114 I 04 .. 1M 8 M .. IM 14 M 7 4 4 CALVaiW. . ....... im f ti 1 . 1 do " ' t .m.... 144 4 40 . I 174 141 1 S s BTOCKKK4! AND FEEDERS. M tl 744 T 4 S::::::::::::K-iS u ,u,tw- HOO Another verjr moderat run wss Ui. order of the day, only about 116 car or 7,6u head showing up, Total for th. two day. amount to 12,t'4 head. whl"h la 2.000 larger than a week ago and mora than twic. aa larg. as for tb earn, day last but la over 8,000 smaller than the corresponding period two week agt. Report from other market wer. only strong, but all local buyers wer. out after hog early, and aa supplies' wer on the lightish order, shipping trade opened strong and In most esses a dime higher. Good lislit reached $7.30 on more than on. occasion, and butcher weight sold high a $7.00, when they were good enough. Both packers and shipper seem to prefer th. In-between weights of good quality, and It is these kinds that hav. shown th. most advance this week, a they are th. object of a good deal of comiMititkm. Killer trade opened out In fair een on about the same basis aa shipper boss had sold, that is generally loo higher. Trad, wa uneven, and whtl. sum. sales war. only quoted a nhikel higher, others wer polntd out that looked aa much a To above yestemay. Movement wa fairly active and a prtty decent clear ance had beeti made before 10 o'clock. Neither the shipper nor th packer want the grassy hog, and a it waa a pretty hard proposition to get a bid on soma of th. green tuff this morning, ther. were eeversi loads of tr.t. sort left after th. bulk of th. offering had been cleaned up. Most of th. killer sales were mads at .S0'!-. ,h M I""" around $6 4... Price paid ranged from $4 10 to $7 30, and there wa pretty good sliowin a high a $7 00. u,',h" , "J,. M " to 4 I?"""" 'lto 4 ..a a ia v, - - i7 t,t ij 4 14 for F.o- es- day since last October. KUmetcs Palled for seventy-en. care, or which bring th week total up to Sk,212 head. This ts a gain ovr laM week of 10,000, 1 more than three time a large two week ago, nd ov.r 1400 larger than for the earns day last Tlk two days' total 1 the bav lest 1no the laat week of Oo-oler. Pajckers Intimated yeoterday that If supplies did not moderat lowar prloe would be In order, and with th largest run of tlie sesaoit -here today they made lh-lr prediction good when they started out bidding a emsrier lower on the-bulk of the leivb offerings. IMie of the flrat ls nnitli was a four-i ar string of rans Unilie st $ . which wa only l!ttt: undr vesterday, jhut from that time on pack- 4. . ,... 111 1 Ill M I th I4 IN IN U StJ ... 4 7i T7 H hlnmi r.e u i a IM Tl m "H i ers T"'t th. limit at $V7S. ami the next good lambs to move took this figure. hll. some aot So deeirable went to .'.. The mnvetiHMit was Very .low, snd at a let. hour la th. forenoon most of the iHmbe were still unsold, as a good many ellers a.r. still refusing to make large a conoeaslon as Packers demanded. Aged sheep war. In larger supply than on Monday and prices broke In sympathy with the slump in lambs. Decline wsa hardly ao severe, however, snd urh sales as were made earlv were not quoted a over IV off. (mod yearling touched $7.0)1, which might hsv been jr.. off, but teat ewea at $A.3S ant others st 84 10 were not over ISc lower. Quotstkms on sheep snd lamb: Lamb gmid to choice, IV 74 1 .:, Iambs, fair t good, $R.SniiS.7.i: Inmha. feedete. 17 Sdti im yearlings, fair to chol e. .2"ai7.00: weth ers, fair to chelre, $f..7TPiiv.'Vi; ewes, gool to ehnlre. HOttfrti : rM fslr to goml tV0r9 oft. lUiiresenlativ. rales : No. Ht feeder Ismbs ixo 1'tah feeler lambs 117 Wyoming feeder lambs. U Idaho lamba 81 Idaho lambs let Idaho lambs 1JH7 Ilsho lam lie 2 Idaho ewea A v. . M . f7 . :a . ail.. . M . V. ,. .vt . 101 Pr. IS 8 r, 8 1.-, ( 1 M en 8 Ki 4 h ST(CK8 AT4D KODV, Hevlew of Osrralloai oa Stock K. eh a a are Derlasr.tfce Day. NEW YORK, Aug. tfl Condition of more substantial snd enduring rhnrm let- .V. contributed to today very strong an, I active market. After yesterday's nlahly promising cron report, came the nevts that the Interstig Commerce commission would In all prohahilttv grant Inri-easel freight rates to the two score lallioeli traversing the western section of tin country. This aiau'tcd In a brrwd demand for the better known railroad Issues. Includ ing the traiUK-nntlental group and th: hard end soft coal share. Canadian Pacific also made the strik ing gain ot points on announcement late yoeterdav of the maintenance of the regular dividend. Even minor roads ap peared appreciably in the forward move ment and apart from the rlae In th railways the most Interesting develop, ment of the dav wss the further activity of United States Steel common, whirl touched 74, Its best price since ll12. The price fell back over a point shortly after midday, when the publication of tl. Julv statement showed an increase, of about HH!.ti tons, whereas a larger gain had been antlf-inate1. K.ven at flint twin-evei- toT.ay's exhibit waa the rnnat favorable of 7ny since February of last year. war speclaltlea were not entfeiv ne glected, new high quotations being reg istered by tlenernl Motors, common anil pi-erer-red, at 2i'l end KW.l. respectively , vVeatlnghnuan at 1 1 Wlllvs-tverlsnd at t0 and Studehaker at 87". The Inteat turn to events In Mexico was reflected in th strength of Southern Pacific, Amiiinn Smelting, Mexican 1'etrjleum. Railways of Mexico and shares of other corporation whose Interests are more or less bound up with the future of that country, Total sale of stock aggregate 1,120.000 shares. Impending Imports of gold from Lon don, via Halifax, were without effect on the weakening exchange market, demand starting following the low level of tt.ioV while checks on Parts broke to the new record of 4'.7R, Italian exchanse depreci ated to the new low record of In. 37. Honda were stesdy, hut relatlvelv ntilct. Total aalee, par value, wer. $3.17.'i. United States bonds were unchanged on call. . I ., Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.-M ERCANTI I.I : PAPER .'IVi'.l1, per cent, sterling ex change, elly-dsy bills, $I.7W; Oi inoinl, . $4.7Mfii cshles, $4.70. SILVER Bar, ..c; Mexican dollar.'. J7c. - BONDS Government, steady; rullroad, ateady, LOANS Time, steady; sixty daya. 1 per cent; ninety days, per cent; six months, 8'4 er cent. MONKV Call, steady: high. 2 per cent: low, li er cent: ruling rate, 1U V cent; last loan, 3 per cent; closing bid. 14i per cent; offcied at 2 per cent. Closing quotations in bond today were: V. a. rt. I. ft..'Hb. N. an. M....41S 4o esusos I1SM , K. A T. lt 4s.1S V. g. , r tim4Mo. P. t. Im.... ia eeusna 10 H. Y. C. 0b. . I'm', V. . 4, rg ) M. V. 4. ' UMil l-l! (to eoaina ..I10HN. T. n. , .....iot ranams la, eoupoa.ini N. T . N. H. A H. Aasr. Smelt. 101 ev. 4 Ml A. T. A T., ev. 44.lol1( Nnf. Pac. 8a........ Anaeur Cm. 4a. SIHOra: S. L. r. '4a.. n AtekUea sea. 4 '.-. Ttl. 4 Tel.. 4a. ri, Ital. Ohle 4s atireiM. cam. .. .Jia On. P. 1st .a l'mina- sa. 4a ' C. O. 4H.... M a. L A F. r. 4t. MS C, B. A Q. I. 4a, HUKfl. Par. ev. Ii 44 O M A B r g S M. ran. ref, 4s C. R. I. P. r. . Rr. H M Cols. BA ref. 4a II I' ulna 4a K1H t. R. U. rot. la.. 4A llnloa Fae. r. 4... Tlrla sn. 4a l'iVljU. g. Hubher a..10'i O.n. Rlae. la.' 141 V. . ileal !' , N. lrt 44s.. H4 Wahaah ltt a naiXa III. Oa rsf. 4i ... " Waat, rmoa .! K. f. ,8. rst. 4..IJHW. glee. sr. a... Ill sis. . .' Loadoa Slock Market, , IiONDON, Aug. 10. A good tone pre vailed In th. American section ot th slock market. United state steel ana Union Pacmo were strong ana equip ment stock were In demand at advanc ing price, under New York Influences. Canadian Pacific waa firm, following; th. declaration of th regular dividend. The closing wa firm. MONEY SHU rr cent.'. SILVER Bar, 23id per ounce. v DISCOUNT RATE.S Short bills. 4'4t-, per oent; three month, 4"a(du"per cent. Would Apply the . Golden Rule in Handling Emigrants AN FRANCISCO, Aug. I0.-Appllcat1on of th golden rule was asserted to be th only possible solution of th ImmlSTratlon problem before th International Immi gration congress which opened a throe day eloa her today, Ira B. Cross, assistant professor of economic at th University of California: "A constructlv domestlo Immigration policy 1 badly needed. W must make a conscientious effort to fore th people In 'this country Int. an American rc tliat will stand together fur America In time of peace and war. "The Issue Is: What can b Sou ' to make th work of th malting pot mors tffectlvt? "Th. government Industry and pliilan lliropy a yet hav scarcely geratefhed the urfac of thla most Important and frul -ful field of untold promise. "Even our greatest authorities seem to lose their ability to reason clearly and Judge fairly when considering this que tlon. "W oppose th Immigration of any rao. no matter what It virtues, that comes tn any larg number. W must realli that Immigration la both llabil Ky and an asset." - Jtent room quick with a Be Want Ad. Wal v. Baaaalaatlem. EL PASO. Tex. Aug. to. Twenty -five filibusters and alleged adherent of Vic torian Huarta, arrested last week near Fort Hancock today waived examination before United State Commissioner Oliver. The Sien were detained In default of I.4.0U0 total bond pending th. action of th. grand Jury In Outobcr. : j SELDOM GEE y 1 big kite Ilk tlu, but your nor I may hav s tmnrh or bruis oa bis Ankle, Hock, Stirl. K nee or Tfaroat. Will clca it otf wiihout kyir.g th kors up. No tiUter no bair 4aTraa. PAIlA41llMIA.l.MHlaT ft S asa a, vmw wMi.Hwaivi4 wtu j gv rw drop reij-iittd at an application. 2 en Smii 4cllnn4, Dcfib row m -r tyeul IwwjuN tes Book 3 K free. AoaOhiW.NE. Bala Srt cauiiU. IMM ruetul acira(k ka aiilS Claala, bum, Wtaa. Bioac. VitrK-Me lint IliwSla, Ol4 4M. A.twa fu. rr( 41 l4 at nHH .f ,iuf fii M 4iir4. ll.nuiftrtur A I'. r.r.lOUM.. r.0. f ll)4 lea )( It. 6,ii .14