Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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he Bees Home
ine P
Pin Money Frocks
Republished by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar
Parents and the Child
r ,
Life &
On bleak bold bill, with a bold world under,
Tj dreary world of the common-place,
I have stood when the whole world seemed a blunder
Of dotard time In an aimless race.
With worry about me and want before me.
Yet deep In my soul was a rapture sprint
That made me cry to the gray sky o'er me,
Oh, I know this life Is a goodly thing.
I hare glren sweet years to a thankless duty,
Where cold and starring, though clothed and fed.
For a yonng heart's hunger for Joy and beauty
Is harder to bear than the need of bread. y
I have watched the wane of a sodden season,
Which let hope wither and made care thrive,
And through it all without earthly reason
I have thrilled with the glory of being alive.
And now I stand by the great sea's splendor,
Where love and beauty feed heart and eye,
The brilliant light of the sun grows tender
As it slants to the shore of the By and By.
I count each hour as a golden treasure,
A bead time drops from a slender string.
And all my ways are the ways of pleasure,
And I know this life is a goodly thing.
And I know, too, that not in the seeing
Or having or doing the things we would
Lies that deep rapture that comes from being -
At one with the purpose that makes all good.
And not from pleasure, the harp may borrow,
That Vast contentment for which we strive,
Unless through trouble and want and sorrow
It has thrilled with the glory of being alive.
Epicurean Episodes :
Tho flentlo Art
of Dongh Making
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There Is much complaint nowadays
among- women because their husbands
do not know how to make dougli like
father used to make. Nor Is this to be
jwondered at, because there is nothing
which Is such a
comfort In a home
as plenty of dough.
Therefore, It Is
naturally a source
of keen disappoint
ment to a girl who
has been brought
up In a family
where the head of
the house was an'
expert dough
maker to find out
that she has mar
ried a man who Is
totally unskilled In
this useful domestic
a e c o m pllshment.
'upon which rests
so much of the
peace and happi
ness of matrimony.
Before the Introduction of. golf, and
country clubs, and especially before the
middle-eced men took to tangoing, prac
tically every American man was a good
jdough maker, and dough making; was
the great national pastime. Men found
thelr chief Joy In making dough, leav
ing It to their wives to distribute It as
they saw fit among Jewelers, milliners,
idressmakers, etc., etc.. and so the divi
sion of labor In the family was complete,
and peace and harmony reigned In- the
home, and we heard little of divorce.
Unfortunately this happy stale of af
fairs .Is changed. Even the older men
eem to have lost much Of their slight
of hand at dough making,, and the pres
ent generation of young men, especially
city bred young men, seems to be totally
Ignorant of the art, and to lack the
tieoessary energy and bustle that are re
quired, to turn out even a passable article
of the staff of life.
They ' prefer to live upon father's"
dought or to marry a girl with enough
dough for two, Instead of making their
own as their fathers and grandfather
did. Indeed, some of our glided youths,
especially such as have traveled abroad,
turn up their noses t the ancient and
honorable pursuit of their forefathers,
end declare that nothing would Induce
them to soil their hands with such menial
I Poets and other men afflicted with the
artistic temperament also peak con
temptuously of dough making. These
seldom have any dough, -but it Is to
be observed that those who most
I, despite dough making have the least
compunction In subsisting upon that
i manufactured by others. People who live
upon the dough made by other people
re called spongers.
I Every man who is a good dough maker
has his own special recipe for doing It.
These differ In detail, but the secret of
all successful dough making Is work.
No matter how you start If you'll Just
work It hard enough you can turn out
sn article of dough that takes the prise
at any pure food show.
! The kind of dough which has always
been our national boast has been the
famous American brand known as self
ralntng. To make this, take a poor young
boy, preferably one who has been raised
on a farm, or In some small hamlet,
and mix him up throughly with a Job.
It doesn't make any difference what that
Job Is. Any kind of an old Job will do.
for this kind of a lad amalgamates
slly with work.
Then pour in a concentrated yeast made
up of ambition, a grim determination
to get at the top, and a hungry desire
Tor money and the good things money
buys. Knead these well together, and
before you know It, It will bubble up
aver the top of the pan. and you will
lave the old-fashioned self-raising dough
that our fathers used to make, and on
ablch so many American families have
irown fat and aristocratic.
It takes tune, labor and Incessant
tatchfulnees to make dough, and many
nvn lack the Industry aud Patience for
his, so they attempt to hasten the
iroceas by injecting a lot of water and
tot air Into it, thus making what Is
known as aerated dough. This, however.
Is not nutritious, and seldom' keeps for
any length of time. -
The only wholesome doug-h that can be
recommended for dally consumption Is
made by using a mixture of honest brain
and brawn, that Is set to rise in the
warmth of opportunity, worked until it
Is light, and shortened by plenty of
elbow grease.
Dough that is sweetened la called cake.
In the making of this American men
excel, and they delight to feed their
families upon It, although Its effects are
most injurious, for It almost Invariably
gives the. children the swelled head, and
the wife hardening of the heart, com
plicated wtih social aspirations and
symptoms of oulturine, , which carries
her off to Europe or fashionable health
resorts for about eleven months of the
To make cake dough American family
style, take a large amount of dough, the
more the better, add to this a barrel of
unselfish devotion, mixed In equal parts
with loyalty and pride. ,and flavored with
a desire to give one wife's and children
all the good things In the world.
Work this mixture through winter's
colds and -summer's suns until you. are
ready to drop with exhaustion, and then
bake It brown by long- hours in store or
Office, and serve up either at the family
table, or send by express to the wife and
children where they are enjoying them
selves away from home.
The making of this usually results in
the funeral of, the husband and father,
but the family can still make many full
meals on what remains of the dough,
. Occasionally. ' when the wife and chil
dren are particularly unaDnreclatlva nf
the cake that Is served to them, the
dough maker gets careless and let th
dough sour, or else he turns to making
dough for some other woman with a
sweeter tooth, but this does not happen
as often as might be expected.
Probably, the most exoert nmfMiknii
dough makers In the country are to be
xouna on wall street. Here the dough
makers sometimes have' mlmlo battles In
which they throw dough at each other,
but this Is very naus-htv conduct i i.
sternly discouraged by the attorney gen
eral at Washington, who Is always be
laboring them with a big stick.
All wives should tncauru thai. ,..
bands In dough maklnr. it. kma
out of mischief and promotes domestic
fv i I v sis! (. 1 jv, u
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; . j i . . . . v JUL.:-, .i-,,v
Materials for the school girl's tailored
suit of serge or velours may be procured
for (21.60, and the suit made to the meas
urements of the individual may be pur
chased for 1 40.
This negligee in crepe de chine requires
five yards (7.60), and in cashmere five
yards ($6), and $1 tor satin and embrold-
T r
ery Bilk. Made to order in silk, $26, and
in cashmere $21.
The evening frock requires 2 Vi yards
of taffeta for drop skirt ($3.75), AVt yards
of chiffon ($4.60), 7 4 yards of taffeta
($11.25), yard of shadow lace (67
cents), taffeta for sash (50 cents), and in
cidentals ($6), making a total or $26.57.
Made to order, $50.
ll Virginia Tcrhune Van Ie Water.
CopyritM. f15. Star C.rnipnny.
"Sho.n1 rare i s n: . utaun or ciirt a
child's ambition?"
A Bee rendr-i has -written Mil mienlcn.
It In not an osy one to answer. Much
may depend upon what the ambition la.
We remember the vwrlous ambitions of
our childhood. They were wonderful. I
faikcy there are few smill boyi who have
nt determined at some stage of their
ear'y caret.t to be engine driver. Many
of tin m at one time or another have
pianned to become soldiers.
Parents have no nee.1 to cur such am
bitions. As years pass, wild fancies are
replace.! by dreams of other kinds.
"I hate to see my boy making a fool
of hlnwlf," complnlnfd one fslher. "Ha
la planning a career that Is absolutely
Impracticable. His every thought and ef
fort lend In the direction of ons Idea."
"Is the Idea one that Interferes with
his uaefulneJr asked an elderly friend.
"Well, no. I'll lell you what It Is. He
plans to make enough money In his regu
Isr line of work to buy a ranch In tn
west snd settle out there to spend the
rent of his days by the time he Is
"I think It s a mighty good trlng." tlvi
friend remarked gravely. "Can't you. e
thnt everyone works better with some
objective In mlrd. with some cherished
Idea for which he works? Let the !sd
"It Is not unworthy ambitions that I
am afraid of." a certain mother declares.
"But I'm afraid of losing roy child."
She Is a widow with one daughter, for
whom she has sacrificed much. Th
mother has always hoped that she and
tho girl might spend many years to
gether. Now the young woman wants to
follow a certain line of work that wilt
put thousands of miles between the psr
ents and herself. She Is a loving daugh
ter, yet she Insists that she has a
"career" before her. The mother will bo
left at home alone.
"The girl Is selflaht" disinterested rela
tives exclaim. ."She owes a duty to her
parent. Think what that woman has suf
fered snd renounced for hcr
"But." the girl pleads, "mother may
live for years and how about my career?
When she Is gone It may be too late for
me to take It up. I must live my own
"The mother must not be considered lit
such a matter," said one woman to whom
1 spoke of this esse. "She has had her
youth and her life. Would she dwarf her
daughter s existence?"
Yes, we echo, and try to keep a note of
sadness from our voices It Is the rule of
the agi-s.
Do You Know That
Turkish baths are unknown to the
Bulclde la most frequent In large cities.
Tho Palvatlon Army originated fifty '
years ago.
The Great Well of China Is oved 1.400
miles long.
Read It HereSee It at the Movies
By Gouverneur Morris
Charles W. Ooddard
Ceanlgfet Wis, Ms
Advice to Lovelorn
Make No Apeloales.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 22 and the
only support at home. My home Is ex
tremely humble and for this reason I
never Invite my friends there, as I hava
been told a man doesn t care about a girl
unless she has a nice horns.
I you think I ousrht to tell thern my
home la hmnhls K r , u. .. " '
. r i uivna mem, or
should I let them find out for thenv
T. i f2'n? cln mna neat. but.
as I said before, very poor, and I am
very sensitive about it. M. tT
Don't have any false pride about a
home that has the two great qualities of
being clean and neat. Pri.ia .h
so snobbish as to value you less because
rou a mere rtrl v,
taken up the task of keeping- up your
.... are decidedly not worth having-.
Don't be sensitive about it x.
worthy of the brave little wage earner
who to worthy of admiration. Invite
your friends horn unH ... ...
-..ww invm in
true spirit of hospitality that offers what
...... .apecia courteous appreciation
of its best however "humble."
enJ'rniT" r-un. girl.
ranee, li h'0T uTWiVln,
Would von aiivUa .
A bit of powder dusted ever your face
to take fiway the slightly unpleasant
"Sloee" the natural oil gives to many
kins Is perfectly unobjectionable. Use
either a simple rice nom-rt.r
and do not coat your face with It In the
jnineuui way many girls do today. If
you do not need even a little talcum, by
all means give it up; In sny case do not
use it conspicuously. To bs inconspicuous
is to bs In good lasts.
bjmopeu of l evlous Cliapt-era.
John Amesoury is killed In a railroad
aoclUanl, and his wits, one oi Ameriua's
roost beauiUut women, oiee troiu uie
shock, rovin a -yta-old oaugmer, who
is taken Dy rror. euituer, aaent ( vne
interests, tar into the AdironuuCM, wuere
sne is reared in me seclusion ot a cavern.
i ifuten yeais mler 'ioiumy Barclay,
has just quarreitid Willi - nis aaopied
tainoi', wanuois mio me wouuw ana .un
covers the girl, now known as Oeiesua,
in company with Prof, tttllllter. Tommy
takes the girl to New York, where sne
talis Into the clutches ot a noted pro
curess, but is able to win over tn
woman by her pecular hypnotic power.
Here she attracts ft'redais the rerret,
who becomes attached to her. At a big
clothing laciory, where she goes to work,
she exercises her power over the sirla.
ana Is saved from being burned to deaUi
by Tommy. About mis time KUUiter,
Barclay and others who are working to
gether, decide It Is time to make use of
Celesiia, who bas been trained to tnlnk
of herself as divine and come from
heaven. The first plsce they send her Is
to Bitumen, a mining town, where the
coal minors are on a sirtke. Tommy has
gone there, too, and Mrs. Ounsdorf, wife
the miners' leader, falls In love with him
and denounces him to the men when h
spurns her. Celeatia save Tommy troro
being lynohed, and also settles the strike
by winning over Kehr. the event of the
bosses, and Barclay, sr. Mary Black
stone, who Is also in love with Tommy,
tells him the story of Celestia, which she
has discovered through her jealousy.
Kehr is named as candidate for president
on a ticket thai has -miller's support,
and Tommy Barclay Is named on the
miners 'ticket. Htillltsr professes him
self in love with Celestia and wants to
get her for himself. Tommy urges her
to marry hlin. Mary Blackstons brines
Mrs. Gunsdorf to try to murder Olestla,
while the latter Is on her campaign tour,
traveling on a snow white traiu. Mrs.
Ounsdorf ie again hypnotised by Celestia
and the murder averted.
Oue thing; was sure, rreddle mustn't be
discovered in the morning. 80 he made
his way forward to his own quarters, his
teeth knocking together with fear ot Prof.
BUlleter, but encountering nothing more
dangerous than a number of negro
porters sound asleep. '
The next morning Prof. BtUleter re
covered the leather case which he
Imagined to contain what was now his
ose remaining pair of extra glasses, and
without opening It slipped it Into hie
alstcoat pocket.
The glasses themselves were, of course.
In the Ferret's possession; throughout the
day he kept his ear open In the hope
that a reward would be offered for their
return. None was, end presently. In his
usual hsppy-go-li.cky wsy, he had for
gotten all about them.
Through the night, now standing by the
hour on sidings, now at water tanks, now
crawling forward, the snow-white train
had covered the few miles which separ
ated Its last stop from the chief city of
the north woods, which was to see the
finish of aCelestla's "upstate" cam
An energetic tramp walking the ties
could have covered the distance In about
a quarter of the time.
Less than midway between the last
stop of the snow-white train and the
chief city of the north woods was
Tommy's old stamping ground, and the
cave In which Celestia had been brought
Tommy, traveling through the night, at
first on a bicycle, along the ties, and
then on foot, knowing- now that there
was a cave to be found, and about where
to look for It, had discovered the entrance
thereto. Just at dawn,. and had penetrated
deep enough to discover certali traces of
human habitation and deceit.
. Of thaaa last three he select a tap.
nlshed metal star that had once shone
like gold, and put It Isj his pocket.
Further Into the labyrinthine avuem at
caverns he had not dared penetrate, for
fear of being lost "When I bring Cel
estia." he said, "to show her the proofs.
1 11 onng a bail or twine, like people In
fairy stories, so that after exDlniinir wa
can find our way out."
All through that night another person
had been Journeying through the north
woods; but With a different motive.
Tommy had hastened toward something
which he hoped was ahead; Mrs. Ouns
dorf had been fleeing from something
which she feared was behind.
Having made a great circle, aha
out en the railroad track, and walked the
lies. But she did not reach that city to
which all were bound until tha miH.u r,t
the afternoon. Then Inquiring the way.
ana niaing her right hand (because of
the blood stains which ehe hail raI hjMn
able to wash off), she sought and found
a certain quiet hotel of which Mary
BiacKstone nad given her the address.
It Was to this same addreaa h
Tommy, fresh from his discoveries, had
hurried for a bath and rest. The rest
turned Into the same kind of rest that
a fallen tree enjoys. Ha afoot uwa in.
on his narrww bed, and was aroused late
in ine afternoon by a sound of voices.
The partitions of the little north woods'
hotel were of thin pine boards The oc
cupants Of room No. 1 could hear tha
snorlngs of room No. four rooms away.
Mary Black stone had the next room to
Tommy's, and to this room came Mrs.
Ounsdorf with the hand she dared not
show and her story of murder done In
the night.
To Tommy It did not nutiM wh
murdered t'elestla. She was dead. Ha
listened In a kind of trance to tha story
of the killing. Il heard Mr Ounsdorf
, rejecting the pearl necklace, and he over
heard a violent struggle In which Mary
Blackstone prevented Mrs. Ounsdorf
from killing herself, and got the knife
away from her and a little later he
heard Mary saying, "Take this, tfe only
a quarter of a grain. Tou'U sleep and
Then he left his room and burst open
the door of theirs, and In a voice so weak
with passion and horror that It could
hardly be heard, he whispered to them
the things that they were and was gone.
A moment later he was running at full
peed toward the railroad station. And
a few minutes later the two women, in
an automobile which Mary bad com
mandeered, were fleeing, as they
Imagined, for their lives.
To get away to hide In the woods to
escape to Canada anywhere for a respite
nothing else seemed to matter to them.
Borne man tried to oppose Tommy's en
trance to the observation end of Celes
tla's car, only to be thrown so violently
to one side that he realised he had en
countered a force with which he could
not cope. And Tommy, half dead with
grief and rage, burst into the car and
found himself face to face with Celestia.
She was standing and, appeared to be j
in tna beat or health; but she had a daaed
look, or rather an Inattentive look. 8 he
did not seem to resent Tommy's violent
Intrusion In the least, nor to be sur
prised at It, nor to express any other
emotion. The clock In the car Indicated
a tew minutes to I.
During the day Celestia had spoken to
half a dosen audiences. Many who had
heard her first speech had heard the
other five. And the culmination of
upstate tour had been a triumph.
"It's so wonderful!" exclaimed Tommy,
"I heard hut you're not even hurt, are
you V
"I am going for a drive." said Celestia.
In an expressionless voice. "1 the ear
"Tee, the ear Is there," said Tommy.
"I have to go at o'clock."
She neither looked at Tommy nor spoke
to him, but as the clock began to strike
I she hurried out on the rear platform, de
scended to the ground, and crossed tha
down track to a large blsck touring car
that was watting at the side of the road,
the engine turning slowly.
Ths driver of the car, a dark man,
heavily goggled, sprang to the door for
Celestia. Freddie, the Ferret, who was
hanging about, also sprang te perform
the same office, with the result that this
mall service for their Goddess fell to
the lot of Tommy. At least he was ths
one to get his band en the dorknob. But
he did not at once open the door.
Celestia' s behavior was so strange that he
thought she must be III. While he hesi
tated, ths driver said, "Here one side!"
M Surprise
the ramily
Serve the best maca
roni you ever tasted
in the most appetizing
way you ever tasted. It
will be something new for
dinner and a welcome sur
prise for the whole family.
This is how to do it Get a package of '
ri .a- tr a -j -W M
1 .sj sj .ar
and cook it in one of the fifty or more delectable
way in which it can bo prepared. You will find that
Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti is different from the
ordinary kinds.
It cooks more quickly 12 minutes instead of 20
minute. It is firm and tender and tastes better than
any other you have ever tried. And it is as good as
it tastes. Made in the largest macaroni factory in
America, by the most modern methods.
You never tire of Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti
there are so many different ways of preparing it.
Quick and easy to cook in hot weather shorten the
time in the kitchen and lengthens the time at the din
ner table because they ail pass their plates for more.
For Sale at Leading Grocers'
Skinner Manufacturing Company
TU Lmgt Mactmtni Factory U America
(To Be Continued Tomorrow)