Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tim HKK; OMAHA, WEDXKSDAY, AUUl'ST 11. 1!U..
fa, fT.N. Bargaaa-Qraaaaas
Issssiii asstissi imt, ul apasara i
' The Bm EXCL,CgXYXL.Y. ria sat what
. rUmm aatirtag atatwrt UUrs far.
As Ooloeaa Oonpl Wet Oaorgs
I'syne, 70 jrnn old. a nsrra, waa mir
rled to Mr. Susie Orlffle, 62. colored, by
Rev. A. WiiMf. Thy will live at M
'apltol aveftue. i
Tow gafaty Tint In Life Insurance sae
W. 11. Indoe, general Meat BUU MutuaJ
Ufa Assurance Co. of Worcester, Mut.,
one of tha oidaat (71 years) and beat com
I antra on earth.
Bare Croee Sasv Mr. O. E. Bars, ac
tive head of the Ben; Clothing- company,
left Saturday evening; for an eztenalve
pleaaure and business trip In New York
and other eastern cltlea.
Warehouse la Bate red Th Sherman
A McConnell warehouse at Thirty-third
and Spalding atreeta, waa entered Mon
day night by thlevee. who atole quanttUea
of copper wire and fixtures.
Tin A tor Insulting QUI Carl tUtchey
and 8. M. Pender, charted with Insulting
10-year-old Mary Spear at Sixteenth and
Leavenworth atreeta, were fined 150 and
cost a when arraigned In police court.
Xaalaiam loses Much Monay Peter J.
Chrlatman, 320 North Twentieth etreet, of
the Fontenelle orchestra re porta to tha
authorities that hla pocket waa picked
Monday night of a wallet containing P)
In bills.
Ask Alienation StjnafM-Mri. Matilda
Madlaon la suing Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Taaka of South Side, in district court
for $10,000 damages alleging that "by
coaxing; and threats" they alienated tha
affectlona of her husband, Fred Madison,
a carpenter.
Ak-Sar-Ben Hosts
to Visit Tractor
Show on Friday
Samson and his right hand men are
busy yesterday In an effort to Interest the
Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben In Ak-Sar-Ben
day at the Tractor ahow at Fremont Fri
day. Thla haa been set aside as Ak-Sar-Ben
day and special stunts will be put on
for the men from Omaha. The tractor ahow
will be In full swing by that time and In
addition there will be a big barbecue
with two large steers roasted so that all
wilt have plenty to eat. Fremont
la making; special preparations to en
tertain the knights and that thriving
berg haa something up its sleeve. Fre
mont men and also hundreds from
Podge county Intend to visit the den
here on Fremont night and they expect
to aet a pace for Samson to follow on
that occasion.
Damage Suits and
Habeas Corpus in
Western Land Deal
Suit brought by A. C. Wagner, a real
estate dealer, against Bernard Uphoff, a
farmer of Sterling, Colo., for tl&.ouo dam
ages for alleged false arrest, is the latest
development in district court of a dis
pute between the two men concerning a
land deal. mode in 1918... , ..... ,
Uphoff and Sheriff Sam B. Patterson
tit Rtftrlfnff. f nnM A rri Vfwl with a war
rant and requisition for Wagner, charg
ing that he defrauded Uphoff. Wagner
waa arrested and brought habeas oorpua
proceedings. In which District Judge
English sustained him..
As soon as Wagner was released he
filed the damage suit
May Put Goddess on
Court House Lawn
The Goddess of Liberty may be removed
from the top of the city hall. If tha
commissioners decide to tear down tha
tower for "safety first" reasons. Build
ing; Inspector Bridge will be given tha
duty of escorting the graven "lady" from
her lofty atation.
A few weeka ago the mayor asked for
an estimate of the cost of removing
the tower and fixing the roof thus dis
turbed. Tha council was) advised by tha
building ' department that $2,100 would
cover tha expense, with $20 additional
for taking down the Goddess of Liberty
without disturbing her equilibrium.
Kay See Objects to
Boosts for Omaha
F. A. - Acker, general agent, freight
department of the Northern Paclfio rail
way, while in Omaha said that he Is
such a booster for Omaha that ha gets
In wrong in Kansas City, where he haa
his home.
"I know Omaha so well," said Mr.
Ackar, "that I can't help boosting for It,
and that goea against tha grain In Kan
sas City." .. ,t
Three Men Are
Relieved of Coin
Three different men were held up in
the Third ward Monday evening and the
police think perhaps the same pair
might have done all three Jobs. John
Lahta, Itinerant, waa robbed at Tenth
and Davenport atreeta ot $10. Bam Sam
aon haa been arreated on suspicion. Jacob
Kisler of New Tork, was strongartned at
Twelfth and Douglas atreeta and robbed
of $4.(0. D. II. Linahan of Minneapolis
waa held up at Twelfth and Cass atreeta
and relieved of $15.
Mrs. Jeanette Elisabeth Robertson, a
resident of Omaha for thirty-three years,
died at her home. Twenty-ninth and
California atreeta, Monday. Mrs. Rob
ertson waa tha mother of C. K. Robert
son, and came to Omaha In 1881 She
waa 80 years of age, a member of St
Paul's Episcopal church and for many
years took an active' part In tha social
and religious life of Omaha. She had
suffered for nearly a year with par
alysis. The funeral will take place from
St. Paul's Episcopal church, corner Thirty-second
and California atreeta. thla
afternoon at i o'clock. The body will
be aent to the old home in Janeevllle,
Wis., for Interment
Are Yea Catatlat4f
Why suffer, take a dose of Dr. King
ew ure Pills tonight, you will t
fine tomorrow. Only J5c. All druggists
F. W. Chase of Lincoln it Caught
Under Hit Car and Probably
Fatally Injured.
WAHOO, Neb., Aug. 10. (Special
Telegram.) A serious and probably
fatal accident happened this morning
at 10 o'clock about four milei west
o Wahoo, when an automobile
skidded off the bridge over Cotton
wood creek, dropping about fifteen
feet to lta bed, striking on the front
springs and turning on lta back.
In the car and driving was F. W.
Chase and Pearl Warden, both of Lin
coln, and Elsie Chae of Pawnee City.
Tha two women were thrown out of the
car and each sustained a broken leg and
brulsea Mr. Chaae waa pinned under the
car and had two rlba and both legs
broken and suffered Internal Injuries.
Ha waa taken from under the car In a
few minutee by John Thurston, on whose
form the accident happened and who
waa nearby, as also was Joe Ertckeon.
Tey were taken to Swedeburg and put on
a train for ILncoln to be taken to the
hospital. They had left Lincoln this
morning and were on their way to South
Dakota, where Mr. Chase has a farm.
Injnred Reach Lincoln.
LINCOLN, Aug. 10. (Special. )-Tne
Chase party, victims of the auto accident
near Swedeburg Tuesday morning, were
brought to Lincoln on a Missouri Pacific
train at 11:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
and hurried to the Lincoln sanitarium.
The condition of F. W. Chase of Pawnee
City was considered critical, although the
extent of hla Injurlea was not fully de
termined. Mrs. Chaaa had both limbs
fractured and Mrs. J. El Worden of Lin
coln had one limb fractured and bad cuts
on the face. The last two will recover.
Colonel Brennan of
O'Neill is Dead
O'NEILL, Neb., Aug. 10. (Special.)
Tha funeral of. Colonel Neil Brennan.
who died early yesterday mornings will
take place at St Patrick's church
Wednesday morning.
Colonel Drennan was one of the orig
inal eighteen men who constituted the
General O'Neill colony that came here In
wagona on May 12, 1874. Ills death leaves
only two survivors Tom Connolly and
Patrick Hughes. Colonel Brennan was
born at Klllebegea, Ireland, February 17,
ISM), and was tt years of age.
He is survived by his widow and eight
children, four sons and four daughters.
Wsta Baby Haa the C'roap.
When a mother la awakened from
sound sleep to find her child who has
gone to bed apparently In the beat of
health struggling for breath, she Is
naturally alarmed. Yet If she can keep ,
ner ' presenoe of mind and give Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy every ten min
utes until vomiting Is produced, quick
relief will follow and the, child will drop
to sleep to awaken In the morning as
well as ever. Thla remedy haa been In
use for many years with uniform suc
cess. Obtainable everywhere. AH drug
gists. Advertisement.
FALLS CITT, Neb., Aug. 10.-Speclal )
A party representing himself to be J.
A. Smith and a solicitor for the Omaha
(Bee, secured a team of livery horses at
Rulo last Thursday, Informing the livery
man that he would be In this part of the
county for several days soliciting sub
rrlptlons. When he did not return on
Sunday, the owner of the rig became
worried and telephoned Sheriff Ratekln,
who found the team at Vineyard's feed
barn here. The team was left there Sat
urday and tha man had disappeared. lie
had taken a number of cash subscrip
tions ranging from $1 to $4. The Bee had
heard of the man as ha has worked in
ether parts of tha state.
Trip to Denver Will Result in Plea
of Intervention in Colorado
Wyoming Suit.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 10.-(Speclal.)-Attor-ney
Oeneral Reed thinks the data he was
able to secure at Ienver relative to the
rtghta of water users in western Ne
braska, and now threatened In the lltlsa.
tlon between Wyoming and Colorado, will
he of much value should this state decide
to Intervene. The attorney general spent
three days at IVnver and will later go
to Cheyenne to collect additional evi
dence. Wyoming brought stilt sgalnat Colorado
two yeara and a half ago In the federal
supreme court. An Injunction Is asked
against Colorado Irrigators to prevent the
diversion of water from the Larsmle
river, which, flows Into the North Platte,
Into channels which would send It down
the other side of the dlvl.le. emptying Into
the South Platte.
The state of Colorado claims that under
Its constitution at the time It waa ad
mitted to the union In 1876 It had an ab
solute ownership and control of all water
resources originating within Its own bor
ders. Irrespective of priorities In other
statea. This la the vltsl point in the lltl
gaton. Should Colorado Insist on that
contention, Nebraska will Join forces with
Wyoming In urging the doctrine that
prlorltiea govern, but If Colorado will
waive thla part of the pleadings and have
tha case tried on Its merits Nebraska will
not Intervene.
The Wyoming-Colorado suit will be
reached for argument In the aupreme
court at Washington next October and
Mr. Reed plans to be there In time to
present his plea for Intervention. The
last legislature appropriated $12,500 for
the use of the state legal department In
defending the rights of Nebraska water
Before going to Denver the attorney
reneral conducted a hearing at Sootts
hluff on the complaint of water users In
the North Platts valley, relative to scop
age waters from the irrigation district
there. Both the state and federal gov
ernments claim Jurisdiction there and the
federal government was represented at
the heart.
Thr- , , Talk o Veteran..
Former United States Senator John M.
Thurston and former Pnftiii t., .
Crew of Omaha were atate house callers
today. They obtained from the State
Railway commission sn order for the
benefit of a corporation in which t.iev
are Interested. They loft for Central City,
where Mr. Thurston jmenka vh...i.
at a district Grand Army of the Republic
Bier Hed Willow Harvest.
Red Willow county will harvest the
greatest wheat crop In Us history, accord
ing to J. F. Cordeal of McCook, fonnerly
a member of the state senate, who visited
at the capitol yesterday. The loss by
hall was X per cent of th rmn hut in
spite of that there was a tremendous
yield. Wet weather did not Interfere with
ine harvest and most of the wheat 1
now harvested. ,
, Horaea Are Hhy.
While government reports credited Ne
braska with 1,080,000 horses on January 1,
assessors were only able to find 910,000
head. There were 106,000 mules, or tt.OOO
more than a year ago. Custer is the
leading horse county with 84,664 and
Cherry county Is second with SJ.2S0. Lan
caster county haa 17,100 and Douglaa
county 10,175.
Ancient Medal
Is Unearthed in
Field at McCook
tKrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 10. Special.) A Span
ish medal tOO years old waa unearthed
near Mot Jock recently by Harney Allen,
while plowing if his father's farm. The
piece la of solid silver, weighs an ounce
and three-quarters and Is over two Inches
In diameter, according to former State
Treasurer Oordeal. who la In Lincoln to
day on bualness.
The medal bears no date, hut on one
side Is a relief portrait of Charles III of
Spain, who died In 17SS. The wording on
the medallion calls the ruler "King of
Spain and emperor of the Indies." On the
reverse side Is a laurel wreath enclosing
the words. "Al Merito." Indicating that
the trophy was given to some renowned
Spaniard "for merit."
The antiquity of the medal leada to the
supposition that It may have belonged to
some early Spanish explorer when Ne
braska was a part of the old Louisiana
territory before 1803. The finder of the
trophy, a boy who has lived In Lincoln
several years past during the school
year, may present It to the State His
torical society.
Prosecuting Witness in Sir Francis
Drake Case Declares lie Is
Not Swindled.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 10. (Speclal.)
B. L. May, president of the State Invest
ment company, which recently purchased
the Paddock Hotel block, aaya that he
will employ Beatrice labor fit Improving
the building. He plana to remodel all the
store fronts, build a steel veranda and
make other Improvements, which will put
the hlor-K In tlrst-clas shape. The furnish
ings and improvements on tha building
will cost about $40,000. Work will be
started soon, and it Is the Intention to
have tha hotel ready for occupancy by
October 1.
Fxlward Wilson of Wymore, formerly
of this city, wss brought to Beatrice and
lodged In Jail Sunday on the charge of
attacking Ikllth Wilson, the lf-year-old
daughter of his sister-in-law, Martha
Wilson. Wilson has been making his
home with the family for some time and
is about 40 years of age. He will have
his preliminary hearing next Friday.
Mra. Arthur Brace, a pioneer of this
county, died at a local hospital yester
day morning, aged 49 years. She la sur
vived by her huaband and two daughters,
Jennie and Emma Brace.
Jamea G. Carnahan, a civil war veteran
and an old resident of Beatrice, died
Sunday. He Is survived by three children.
The funeral wss held this morning and
Interment wss In Evergreen Home ceme
tery. The old settlers of Bartieaton will hold
their fifteenth annual plcnlo at that
place on August 18, IB and 20.
tKrom a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MolNKS. la., Aug. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Although the Indictment re
turned against Mrs. Susie 11. Whltaker
charges talis haa defrauded W. A. Al-
I rand In selling him an "heirship" In
the Sir Francis Drake estate, Altsrand
declares he haa faith In the investment
and Is ready to buy more sork. He now
comes forward and saya he does not be
lieve he was defrauded. He declares his
tcMttinony before the a rand Jury did not
even Intimate that he had been de
frauded Thua Mrs. Whltaker n charged
with a crime which the prosecuting wit
ness deolarea la not a Prime and with
defrauding a man who says he was not
Coffee stains? Take them out
of your table linen
Verdoa Womaaj lllea at l.tneola.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. Aug. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. J. J. Culley, who underwent an
operation at a hospital at Lincoln last
week, died In that city Sunday. The
body was brought to Verdon and from
there to the family homo five miles
northwest of Falls City. The funeral
will be held from the residence on
Wednesday. Interment to take place In
tha Maple Orove cemetery near the Cul
ley home.
ew Physical IMreeter.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug. lC-tSneclal
Telegram.) Robert Hamer of Kallapell,
(Mont., waa elected by the board of di
rectors at noon today to fill the office
of physical director of the Toting Men's
Christian association left vacant by the
recent resignation of P. J. Stephen
Rent riot.i qulrn with a Bea Want Ad
Don't hard rub, don't boil-
just put to soak in cool or
lukewarm water, with Fels
Naptha. They'll disappear
like magic.
Pals II Co., Philadelphia.
WASHINGTON, Aug. tO. -The American
I consul at Cork has reported the body of
! M. W, Harvey, presumably a LusltanU
ivlottm, washed ashore on a small Island
off the Irish roast. The laat Ltialtanla
passenger list contained the name of Wil
liam Harvey as a third cabin passenger.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Aug. 10.-(SpecIai
Telegram.) Mayor Madgett haa begun a
fight against the proposed gas franchise,
which fixes a rate of $1.45. He demand
a cut to $1.25.
Ravenna Defeats M anon City,
RAVENNA. Neb.. Aug. 10. (Special )
Mason City Base Ball club loat to Ra
venna here Monday, 5 to 4. Struble and
Greensllt were battery for Ravenna, and
Kelso and Turpln for Mason City. Tur
pln, catching for Mason City, was tha
veteran outfielder for the Fremont league
General Barry
Lincoln Visitor
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. 10.-(Speclal.)-General
P. H. Barry, who waa adjutant general
of Nebraska under Silas A. Holeomb's
administration twenty years ago, passed
through IJncoln today on his way to
Greeley, Neb., for a visit with his four
sons and eighteen grandchildren.
General Barry Is now governor of the
United States Soldiers' and Sailors' home
at Santa Monica, Cel., where there are
about 3.000 inmates. Tha general paid a
visit today at th home of former Gov
ernor Holcomb.
Wets and Drys Have
Rival Meetings
SUPERIOR. Neb., Aug. 10. Speolal
Telegram.)-Superior Is having a touch of
high life again before the saloon elec
tions Friday.
Evangelist Houser In one tent Is having
large crowds and a . stock company Is
fitaylng over from last week with a tent
show on a guarantee, so It Is reported
from the wets. i
For Indigestion and Biliousness
those foca of comfort and well-beingr, there is one
family remedy universally regarded as the best
corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of
digestion. Present suffering is relieved promptly,
and worse sickness prevented by timely use of
Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulate
your liver and kidneys, regulate your bowels and
you will feel Improved throughout your entire system.
A few doses will prove to you why, for the
common and minor ailments of life, Beecham's Pills
Are the Right First Aid
SM eiars fcae. la fcsssa, lOa IS.
Dlrsstlsai af Value Eimslstly t Warn with Every Baa.
A determination to "get
ahead" is found in every
action of the successful man
or woman.
Vigor of body ana brain comes principally from
the food one eats.
and cream
Is the regular rooming ration for thoosands who are M making good,
and who know-that a clear brain and steady nerves are necessary
to success.
Made of Wheat and Barley, Grape-Nats contains all of the
vital tissue-building elements of the grains thoroughly baked, concen
trated, and easily digested.
There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M
'everybody store
Tuesday, Auguat 10, 1915.
l'hona ItouglM 137.
Beautiful New Blouses, Wednesday, at $1
Some wonderfully pretty new blouses have jnst arrived so pretty, ko
dainty and so appealing are these new blouses that one dollar seem
an exceedinsrh' moderate price. It is the frequent arrivals of such
values as these that has won for us the place of undisputed leadership in the sale
of blouses. '
arfaaa-Vaah Oa. Bssead Tlaor.
Peri Lusta Crochet Cotton
In White, Ecru and Colors.
Sues 1 to 10, regularly 10c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 7c
Sizes 10 to 30, regularly 15c, Wednesday special, at spool, each. . 8o
Sizes 30 to 50, regularly 15c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 9c
Sizes 50 to 70, regularly 2Cc, Wednesday special, at spool, each.,.. 10c
Sizes 70 to 150, regularly 2Cc, Wednesday special, at spool, each He
t&c HUpper Cotton, 10c
Slipper cotton in all colors and
white and ecru, regularly sold
for 25c ball. Wednesday at,
ball .
$1.00 Work lias s. Ha, 00c
Gold work baskets, satin lined
in pink and blue, were $1.00;
Wednesday special at, each.ttUo
$1.00 French IUukrU, 75c
French paper baskets, all gold
with French rose denies, regu
lar f 1.00 values, special Wednes
day Htamped Table Hrarfs, 85c
Stamped lluen table scarfs,
stamped and tinted on best qual
ity ecru linen In floral and con
ventional designs, with 6 skeius
for working, sise 20x&4, ea. 83c
Itojral Society flotton, 7c
The well-known Royal Society
cotton, white and ecru, all
numbers (1 to 100), special, at,
yard 7c
KtuinrxHi Pillow Cm, 10c
Stamped pillow cases on good
quality caring, sise 3Cx42 Inches,
special, at, per pair 10c
rillow Chs, pair, 2ik
Hemstitched and scalloped edge
pillow cases, on best quality
tubing, new designs, per pair,
at ....UOc
White Aprons, 10c
Stamped white aprons, with
floss for working, each.... 10c
Oochet Flo, Be
Odds and ends of crochet floss,
all colors, spool 5c
argass-sTasb Co. TSUrtt rtoor.
Burges's-Uash Co. Everybody's Store lGth and Harneys
Remarkable Clearaway Wednesday
of the Season's Latest BLOUSES
'THE selection is an unusually attractive one, includ-
ing all the season's smartest and daintiest creations.
All the most fuvored materials are represented, such as Georgette
Oepe, Net, Lace and Hand Embroidered Voiles.
Some of the Specials:
Georgette Crepe Blouaea, were $0.50, now. S4.R8
Georgette Crepe IUousrs, were S5.05, now $4.87
"e Handkerchief Linen Illoiikrs, were $10, now. $7.50
Voile and Georgette Crepe Mouses, were $15, now. .$11.25
i Lingerie Mouse;, were $5.00, now $2.50
Lingerie 1 Houses, were $6.05, now ' $3.48
(jjfl Lingerie Mouses, were 7JVO. now $3.75 ,
Lingerie Mouses, were $8. OH, now $4.40
nrgaas-sTaaa Co. eoBa rioor.
These Special Values in Art Embroidery
Goods Wednesday Afford Unusual Savings
A TIMELY sale of dainty stamped embroidery pieces, as well as all the accessories
for crocheting and embroidering, suck as work baskets, cottons, floss, hooks, etc.
As an idea of the savings:
' llath Towels
Bath towels, large site, 60c val
ues, each 85c
Hath towels, small sise, 2Ec val
ues, each isc
Torch Illlowa, 40c
Porch pillows, filled, made of
best quality cretonne In attrac
tive designs, each... 40v
Laumlry llas, Each, S5c
Extra large sice, all colors, plain
and floral designs, best quality
cretonne; special, at 85c
Hh utiles and Hooks
Tatting shuttles, special, ea. 7c
Crochet hooks, Wednesday,
at 8 for Be,
Stamped Pillows, 15c
Stamped pillow tops with backs,
floss for working, complete, 15c