Omaha Da WTIKX AWAT FROM BOMB The Uee is The Paper THE WEATHEB. f yt mi rati if rm im be Nn nm tku a few aara, hava ha maiie4 as yea, Fair VOL. XLV NO. 4fi. OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY MOKX1XO, AUGUST 11, UM.V-TKX PAGES. Om Trelne, Hotel STswe Btsads. eta. Be SIXOLK COPY TWO CENTS. PEOPLE DYING IN MEXICO CITY FROM STARVATION DAILY AMERICA REJECTS GERMAN DRIVF TOWARD CITY OF RIGA IS CHECKED RIGA, THE NEW GERMAN OBJECTIVE Russian seaport on the Baltic, for the capture of which the Germans are making great efforts, both by land and sea. AUSTRIA'S YIEWS ON ARMS TRADE One Hospital Reports Death of Eight Unitde States Sends Vienna Note Children, While Another An nounces Number of Famine Victims. Declaring- Neutrality Not Vio lated by Allies' Baying: Munitions Here. SOLDIERS SHUT OUT ALL FOOD COUCHED IN FRIENDLY TONE The Bee ily i ! i J 1 i .- UM0 ! PI lu M ft Vii M n I B m ( V Woman Arrested for Stealing: Dog: to . Take Home for Her Young to Eat. CAPITAL FALLS AND FALLS i MEXICO CITY, July 31. (Via -Vera Crui, Aug. 8. Via Laredo. Tex., Aug. 10. Delayed In trans mission.) Eight deaths hy starva tion, all children, were reported by the police station of the Second ward today. The general hospital also re' ported deaths by starvation, though the number was not made public. A police court record in the Second ward wai brought to the attention of the American Red Croaa representatlvea today aa illustrative of the extreme mis ery prevailing- among the lower claaaea because of the want of food. A woman waa brought Into court charged with stealing a dog. The de fendant' plea waa that the animal waa stolen for the purpose of feeding It to her children. The Judge dismissed the woman. 1 Food Can't Enter. Despite the distressing conditions the Red Cross representatives and the for eign relief societies have been able to do very : little because the military of--flcials refuse to allow food to enter the city. . Red Cross officials now have a supply of beef and beans sufficient for 750,00 liters of soup. Already applications have come from 60,000 persons, and the present supply will last no longer than a fortnight. Cosee of death from starvation are bring dally reported to the Red Cross headquarters. During the last twenty-four hours thla .e:!tM has seen three chanKes of. govern ment. Such a kaleidoscopic shifting of the political status - has alarmed even this .Ity. accustomed as It has become to rapid changes of political leadership. Zapatistas Go. Shortly after the noon hour yester day the Inhabitants were startled by the precipitate evacuation of the Zapata army before an invisible enemy. . Two hours later the Villa contingent of the former army .of occupation rallied and . street fighting ensued with tha Invading Carrania forces. . At S o'clock the tiling ceased, and in. Its place was heard tbe' clanging of bells. ' Offices and stores which had been In the line of fire were opened and' the oCcii panta emerged to learn that the city had been captured by Captain Manuel Ban dies and twenty men of Carranza's army. It is estimated that 2,509 Zapata soldiers fled before this force, believing It to be much larger. bead All Civilians. ' ' Captain . Ranches Installed himself In the National palace and the Red Cross ambulance and cars gathered up the dead and. wounded, numbering eleven, all of whom were civilians, the fighting having taken place in the main streeta of the business section. The city had settled down to the first breathing spell of the day when the Zapata troops, learning that they had been routed by a force of twenty men, returned. Banches. with his Carransa forcea thereupon evacuated the ' palace, which was taken possession of by Gen eral Castillo, who occupied it during the night. Fleea Police. Castillo, when morning broke, left the palace because of a rumored approach of hostile forcea and General Albania, claiming to be a Villa follower, occupied the government offices. Towards noon heavy firing on several streets leading to ' the national and municipal palaces, an nounced the second approach of Carransa men. This firing lasted all forenoon and well into the afternoon, and when It ceased the Inhabitants were in doubt as to whether tha forcea of Villa, Zapata or Carransa held tha capital of the republic. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wedneaday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; not much change In temperature. Temperature .t Ouaa Yesterday. Hours. ' ). t a. m 6 a. m 64 T a. m ss a. m 70 a. m 73 10 a. m 76 11 a. m 78 II m w 1 p. m si lp. m 83 1 P. m 83 4 P- m 84 i P. m 83 p. m 81 7 p. m 80 5 p. m 77 CoaaparatlT t.oeal Kecord. X915. U14. 1813. 112. Highest yesterday 85 80 3 8: Uwnt yesterday M W 71 60 Mean temperature 74 70 83 71 Precipitation 00 .00 .12 .00 Temreratura and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Nornnal temperature 74 Deficiency for the day 1 Total deficiency aince March 1 2tt Normal redpltatlon R Inch IKeflclcncy for the day 12 inch Total rainfall store March 1. .19.78 Inches Fxcesa alnce March 1 .29 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1914.. i. inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1913.. 187 Inches ftroorls fraa Statloae at T P. M. Station and Stata Temp.Hlgn-Rain- oi weatoer. 1 p. Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. 74 Davenport, clear 78 renver, partly cloudy 78 les Moinea, cletr 7 Dodge City, clear..... 7 Lander, cloudy 78 North Plane, cloudy 73 Omaha, partly cloudy 80 Fuehlu, clear ....78 Rapid City. pt. cloudy 74 halt Lake City, cloudy M Hint a Fe. cloudy 70 KheHdan. partly cloudy. ...82 Hou City, clear 73 Valentine, partly cloudy.. 7 eat. fall. 78 .08 80 .00 80 T 80 .01 83 .( 84 .00 80 .01 S .ft) 83 .00 8 .00 M .0(1 78 .00 M .00 83 .14 83 .ft) ! li- St- WATERMELONS FOR ALL AT FREHONT Two Carloads from Georgia, and They Are Free for All at Tractor Show. SPECIAL TRAINS FOR ; CROWDS Tuesday was Wyoming, Colorado, Fre mont and Dodge county day at the Na tional Farm Tractor Demonstration at Fremont. Acres and acres of ground were plowed by the big tractors and gang plows for demonstration purposes before the many thousands of farmers and busi ness men from a half dozen states who flocked to the grounds to see the demon strations. The tractor short course, which Is a feature of the week's demonstration be gan yesterday morning, with Prof. D, F. Seaton of the University of Nebraska college of agriculture as conductor. Ex perts on the various motors and the various accessories were given the floor to talk on technical points and to answer the questions of the crowds of those In terested. Questions were numerous, for thousands of farmers are today as well versed on tho carburetor; and technical points of a gasoline engine aa a decade ago they were on the spavins and ring bones of their horses. ' ; ' Esperts for lctrerSi Nor Jiayo. the manufacturers'- been asleep on the Job. They have grasped the opportunity to send out experts to give theFO lecturea in the tent and thus get the special features and worthy vir tues of their various machines laid bare before the prospective buyers. Fifteen companies have entered their accessories for exhibit and have furnished their ex perts to lecture on them. Here are the companies that entered for this special feature: Waukesha Motor company, Waukesha, Wis. Hansmann Manufacturing company, Long Prairie. Minn. Bennett Carburetor company, Minne apolis, Minn. Hyatt Roller Bearing company, Chicago. F.ifK-mnnn Magneto company, Indianap olis, Ind. Beaver Manufacturing company, Mil waukee, Wis. Sumter Electrical company. Sumter, B.C. Champion Ppark Plug company, Toledo. McQuay-Norris Manufacturing com pany, Ht. Louis. Pierce Speed Controller company, An derson, Ind. K.-W. Ignition company, Cleveland, O. Perfex Radiator company, Racine. Wis. Wtlcox-Benwett Carburetor company. Minneapolis, Minn. v-Kay company, aisrsnaiitown. la. Burd High Compression Ring company. Rockford. 111. Militia la on Guard. The Fourth regiment, Nebraska Na tional Guard, Is encamped at Fremont, and tha militiamen are detailed to police duty on the exhibition grounds. Special parades are to be held during the week, aa also sham battles by the troopers. Governor Glenn of North Carolina spoke at tha chautauqua at Morse park In tha evening, which waa designated aa special night for tractor men at the chautauqua. How could a tractor show be held with out .watermelons? Tha melon crop around Fretoiont this year Was a failure. Wols Gets the Moloaua, Well, President (feorge Wols of tha Fremont Commerclil v club decided a tractor show Just con Id not be held with out raelona, so ha got two car load a of tha choicest from tha aouth. These have been resting on lea In storage for several daya and are now dally being sliced and passed out free of charge on tha demon stration field. If they last long enough, there Is to be free watermelon for every vIMtor every day of the week. FUabak Toalaht. Special trains on tha Burlington from Sioux City, Lincoln and Beatrice are to bring crowds to Fremont. Theae trains have been arranged for and tba sals of tickets has been large. There la to be a fishbaka at Moras park in the evening for tha tractor men and special enter tainment. Including a battle royal and other sports. During thla afternoon tha flrat aection of tha , 000-foot reel of tha "Romance of tha Plow" la to be made by the Holt Feature Film company. No admission la charged to the show. BERNARD A. MELtA DIES FOLLOWING TYPHOID ATTACK Bernard A. Mella, 40 years old, a resi dent of Omaha practically all his life, died at noon yesterday at hla home, 1410 South Seventh street, as the result of a recent attack of typhoid fever. Ha la survived by a widow, Mrs. Catherine II. Mella; two sons, Lea and Francis Mella; a suiter, Mrs. J. Winters. Hammond, Ind.. and two brothers. James and Martin of Omaha. Mr. Mella had been In the em ploy of Paxton aV Gallagher for the last fifteen years. Tha funeral will be hold at Bt. Pbilo mena'a church, Thursday morning at 1. 30 o'clock. Interment will be la St. Mary's cemetery, Bouth Omaha. t I Ex-Congressinan Sutherland Is in Critical Condition SUPERIOR. Neb., Aug. 10.-Speclal Telegram.) Word has been received here of the very serious Illness In a hospital at Kansas City of ex-Congressman R. D. Sutherland. He Is reported to have a very severe case of acute Brlght's dis ease and the physicians do not hold out any hope for his recovery. GENERAL SCOTT'S MISSIONSUCCEEDS Villa Agrees to Call Off Meeting: of Mining: Men and Will Restore Confiscated Goods. CONFERENCE HELD IN EL PASO EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 10. General Hugh L. Scott, chlef-of-staff of the; United States army, has accomplished his mission to the border. At noon today the following statement wag given out: "General Villa assured me during our Interview that the proposed meet ing of mining men will be postponed rodeflniwtrfr'Wrelgn merrtian-' dlse seized at Chihuahua last week will be restored to Its owners. Vio lations of the law, however, will be prosecuted in tlje civil courts. My mission bere is now accomplished. Villa Croaaea to El Paso. Escorted by a mounted detachment of bodyguards. General Villa entered an automobile early today In Juares and crossed the border to keep his appoint ment with the American chief 'of staff, representative, and Colonel R. E. L. George C. Carothers. Stato department representative, and Colonel R. E . U Mlchle, aide to General Scott, went to Juares and accompanied the Mexican leader to the private residence of J. F. Williams, a banker, where General Scott baa made hla headquarters. On tha In ternational bridge' a detachment of sol diers from the Sixteenth .United States Infantry, were drawn' up as a guard of honor for General Villa, whom they es corted in automobilea to the place of meeting. General Villa a guards also accompanied their chief to General Scott's residence and remained there until the conference was concluded. Mr. Carothers and Alberto Madero, political adviser to Villa, and brother of tha lata President Madero, were the only men present at the meeting between tha two military chiefs. At 10:30 Villa emerged from tho house, re-enterad hla machine accompanied by Colonel Mlchle and Mr. Carothers, and returned to Juares. General Scott, after Mr. Carothere' re turn to American soli, issued his state ment. General Scott said that while hla work here was completed he would remain awaiting orders from Washington. Meslcaa Stocks gold. Tha confiscation of foreign merchants' goods throughout Villa territory was or dered at Chihuahua City July 31, when Villa accused the merchants of charging exorbitant prices. Foreign consuls placed their seals on the atorea of their nationals, but tha stores of Mexicans were sold out at prices fixed by the Villa government plus IS per cent allowed for profit. On August I aelsure of Imports at Juares began. Suppllea of food, coal and other merchandise consigned to mining camps, aa well aa to merchants of all na tionalities were seised and ordered shipped to the Villa government at Chihuahua. Meanwhile a meeting of mining men called by Villa for Auguat I to consider a matter of "great importance" with Gen eral Villa was postponed until August t, when the news of the coming of General Scott stayed all action and postponed tlie mining men'a meeting until August 1L It waa this meeting which waa called off by General Villa today. HE-GATE-CiTY-or-THE-WlSf Omaha hat the hotel ac commodations to make the away-from -home traveler comfortable, according! to his means and his needs. The best for the price and the price to suit. mm . , ft SEWARD SETTLERS LISTENJTO BRYAN Commoner Says His Name and Wil son's to Be" Linked as Friends of Peace. SIX OXEN SERVED AT BARBECUE (From a Staff Correspondent.) SEWARD, Neb., Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) Under ideal oondltloons as to weather the Seward county old settlers' picnic was held today with a crowd of more than 10,000 people In attendance. W. J. Bryan delivered an address In the forenoon to a crowd of about 1.500 people at the park, following out the j lines of recent addresses made slnco his retirement from the cabinet. Mr. Bryan ridiculed the Idea of pre-1 parednesa for war aa being tha beat thing to promote peace and called the war. In Europe a "humane war Inhumanly con ducted." Still After Jlaaoes. He aald the people were refusing to ap ply to nations what It would apply to so ciety and that' tha jingo press of tha coUntry and the jingo public would, put 4 uniform on every- tltisen and a hair trlegtf rifle tn hla Muids ready to go' to war. ' - - He reiterated the statement made In former speeches that it was only tha prepared nations that went Into the present war and ' that had the United States been as well prepared for war as theae were this country would have boen In at tha start. "There are a few people in this coun try," said Mr. Bryan, "who drink blood before breakfaat, prepared to kill a man before dinner for fear they will be called mollycoddles before supper time." He said, tho sentiment of the present time appeared to be along the lines of cruelty, and If any man waa cruel It waa up to the man who opposed him to be more cruel than ha was. la Tboiund Years. Before closing Mr. Bryan said that one thousand years hence tha name of Wood row Wilson and "my name" will be linked with the peace treatlea and be household words whenever tha peace proposition Is mentioned. Oovernor Morehead spoke in the after noon to a large crowd and, notwithstand ing the races and other sports were In progress, the crowd listened attentively. The governor spoke along lines of the ad vancement of the etate. of prosperity and aald there waa no state In tha whole union so favorably situated oa so rich In material prosperity or where the peo ple appeared to enjoy tho good thinga of life so much. Btgr Barkecae. At noon the tig barbecue was sen-ad, half dosen big Nebraska ateera being roasted for tha occasion under tha super vision of Colonel John Teellng of Hast ings. Tho carving and serving waa under tba supervision of Joa Kendall, head chef of tha Llndell hotel at Lincoln, both of whom did their very best, tha people en joying tba repast. Tha program was con ducted well along Into tha evening, the Seward county old settlers' plcnlo being the event of tha season in thla territory. British Cruiser India is Torpedoed . ; ' Off Swedish Coast . BERLIN. Aug. 10. By Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tha British auxiliary cruiser India, of 7. SCO tons, has been torpedoed off tha Norwegian coast. Eighty members of tha crew were saved. Tha place of attack of the India lies along tha steamship lane between Eng land and the Russian port of Archangel. Reatfjord la a bay alx miles long on the northwestern coast of Norway. LONDON, Aug. 10.-The British torpedo boat destroyer Lynx waa sunk yesterday aa tha result of striking a mine, according to an official announcement made this evening by tha British press bureau. Four officers and twenty-two men of tha crew were aaved. Turkish Airmen Destroy Subsea Craft of Entente CONSTANTINOPIJS, Aug. .-Vla Ber lln. Aug. 10,-By Wireless to Sayville.) A submarine of the entente allies waa sunk near Bui air thla afternoon by a Turkish aeroplane, which threw bombs upon the crafu Alt tha crew ware lost. T . Iiii!I!M.i k. . n Special Train from Sioux City to the Big Tractor Show So great has become the Interest In the tractor ahow at Fremont that the Bur lington baa decided to run a apeclal train from Sioux City for those along the line who wish to visit the ahow Thursday. The special will leave Sioux City Thur day morning at S o'clock, and returning will leave Fremont at S o'clock that night. CAPPER TO PROBE ALLEGED GRAFT Kansas Governor Orders Inquiry Into Payment to Former Attor ney General by Receiver. DEAL IS HELD TO BE ILLEGAL TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 10. Gov ernor Capper has directed Attorney Bruster to Inquire into tbe alleged fee of $8,325, said to have been paid by tbe receivers of. the Kansas Natural Gas company to John 8. Dawson, while he waa attorney gen eral. Dawson Is now an assoclato Juatlctj of the Kansas supreme court. The governor directs tha attorney general to start proceedings for the rostoratlon of the money to tbe gal companv, If . Illegally paid. ' Gov. ernor Capper also directed the attor ney general to investigate other fees paid by the company, which aggre gated more than 1224,000. The governor's action la the result of a report of an accountant for the Kaniss Public Utilities commission, who mid an examination of the gas company books. Statement by fSoreraor. Governor Capper in hla Instructions to the attorney general referred tft fees to the amount of $224,015,014 shown In tha accounts report aa follows: "These fees, it seems to me are so out of comparison with services rendered and so far In excess of just and fair com pensation aa to constitute what will ap pear to many as a public scandal. "I note with astonishment that tha for- (Contlnued on Page Two, Column Two.) The Day's War News TEUTONIC PRESSURE oa tho oaaf era war front eoatlaaea heavy acalast the Rasalan positions all alon tha line, nltk ateady retire aneat of brand Duke Nicholas' troopa recorded la most of tho sec tors. Northeast of Warsaw aad p to tho Battle prTeea tho Bna. lane arc making their moat a, termlned ataad. laereaalagly etroa resistance to tho German assaults Is Indicated In thla terri tory. FETROURAD CLAIMS that in tho Baltic provinces tho Germane are helnar pressed bark from Rti em land, nkllt on tho water at tempt by a German battleship fleet to break through tho mine barriers defending eentranee to the t.ulf of Riga waa beaten off. RUSSI A Kg ALSO ASSERT they have rherked German advance graarda la Vllkomer district, at which point tbe Uvadera- are within fifty miles of tho trnak lino railroad to Petrograd. At Kovao It . la de clared that despite tho brlaalnar up of tho heaviest caliber da- , pernio atlaeka mm tho fortress have been repulsed, with heavy loaaes to the attacking; forcea. pressure pa tbe retiring- Rnaslana rontlanea troan In the Warsaw sector and alona the lines to tho southeast. Pro nonncrd for tho Teutonic, forcea aro reported all through aoutbern Poland from tho Vistula to the Bit. ROM E REPORTS rapture of aomo Austrian trenches In Ca ratio pass, la tho Cam la renlon, and m almllar auccoas la) tno Plum Bono. ALLIES ARB AGAIN attacking- vl orously u tho Dardaaellea and arc making substantial proarcaa, af front Atbraa. RI'SSI.tS REPORT new surcease acalast the Tarka In tho (aaeasus, urar the Euphrates river. Tl RlilSII AEROPLANE threw bombs oa aubmarlao of tho en tent allies engaged la tho Darda nelles oporatloaa and aaak tho craft, with loaa of all of Ita crow, Constantinople reports. Penfield Will Probably Present it to Foreign Office Thursday. INSISTS ON RIGHT TO SHIP WASH1NUTON. Aug. 10. The United Slates government today dis patched lo Vienna a reply rejecting the Amtro-Hngarton views recently set forth In a note contending that the great scale on which war muni tions are being exported from Amer ica to enemies of the Germanic allies "is not in consonance with the defi nition of neutrality." The note was cabled to Ambassador Penfield, who probably will present It to the Vienna foreign office Thursday. It may be made public later by agreement between thetwo governmenta. Repudlntea Snareatlon. Though framed In diplomatic language and entirely friendly In tone, the reply la understood to repudiate flatly the sug gestion that the United States has per mitted violations of neutrality and rests firmly upon the right of American export ers to send war supplies to belligerents able to purchase and receive them. The United States always has held that this is n unquestioned right under Inter national law and high officials have pointed out tha tto prevent such ship ments to one country because another waa not In a position to receive them would be In Itself a violation of neutral ity. rPecedents also have been recalled where In previous wars Germany and Austria Imported arms extensively. The Auntro-Hung&rian note, handd to Ambassador Penfield on June 29 waa a lengthy document, setting forth the views of that government and suggesting that the United States might redress the state of thinga complained of by Informing the enemlea of Austria-Hungary that the sup ply of foodstuffs and war materln! to them would be suspended unlesa legit imate trade in these articles bntween America and neutral countries were per mitted. According to Berlin dispatches, this complaint waa aent' after a conference between .the. Austro-Iiungarlan and Qep man foreign offices. Similar notes, it waa sgld, soon would be, aent. la (he United States by Germany and Turkey. Germnas Take Loinza, s Tighten Net Around Grand Duke Arniy LONDON. Aug. 10. Lomsa, tha strong fortress holding tha same relative position on the northeastern lank of Warsaw aa Ivangorod on tho aoutheast, fell Into Ger man handa today, tha outlying defenses hkvlng been taken by assault yesterday. Tha Russians still hold Ostrow some twenty-five miles ta tha southward of Lomsa, but their only purpose In holding It la lo delay aa long aa possible tha ad vance of the victorious Germans and enable the Russian armies to get clear of the widespread net in which tha Teutons aro trying to envelop the forces of tha Grand Duke Nicholas. That tha Rusalana are getting ready for a further retreat seems clear, from tha newa that preparations are making for tha evacuation, of tha Important city of Vilna. Thla information was quite unex pected In London, aa the latest official bulletins from Petrograd conveyed the Impreaalon that the Gorman rush In that quarter had been atammad. The sudden change of front Indicates that developments must have supervlned to Induoe tho Russians to surrender their junction. Six Indictments Voted in Eastland Disaster Inquiry CHICAOO. Aug. 10. Three Indictments. naming alx peraop. . nona of whom are federal government officials, were voted today by tha stato grand Jury In connec tion with tho steamer Eastland diaaster and will bo returned In court tomorrow. Tha atate's attorney aald 'tha grand jury had been given evidence that tho East land waa overcrowded. Evidence con cerning government officials In tha case was cons.dered proer matter for the I federal grand Jury. British Fall Baokr -Then Consolidate LONDON. Aug. 10.-8lr John French, eommander-ln-chlef of tha British forces In Franca and Belgium, in a report given out today by tha official press bureau, aaya tho British troopa have Sllehtly Withdraw a frn mthnir Una smith j of Hooge, near Ypres, but have conaol- uiaiea tno village or Hooge. HARRY THAW GOES TO ROOM UPON ARP'VNG IN OMAHA Harry K. Thaw and hla party arrived in Omaha at T:30 o'clock laat evening. Thaw went directly to his room gt tha Fonta nels hotel without stopping to register. Ha expected to remain two or three days hero. MISSOURI AFTER TRACTOR FXHIBITS cor STATE F!R B. C. PUertaff of fdalia, Mo., S'lper i'tendnt of the machinery and Indus, trial sections of exhibits of the Missouri state fair, was In Omaha last night on his way home from the tractor show at Fremont Large Fleet Which Attempts to Force the Mines and Forts at Entrance of Harbor is Driven Away. x BRITISH MAKE GAINS IN WEST Capture of German Trenches Near Hoog-e Not Followed by Usual Counter Attack. BALKAN OUTLOOK STILL MIXED LONDON. Aug. 1 0. Although military operatlong In Russian Cour land have, hardly reached the da elMvo stage, the Germans, who have) been smashing their way toward It'ga. have been checked. . Almost simultaneously German warships, which attempted to seize the Gulf of niga and attain a strategic position to seslst the troops ashore, were dis persed and damaged. The assemblage of German craft was the largest of any engaged. In tp naval actions of the war thug far, with the exception of th allied squadron at the Dardanelles. It nosed Its way towardg Riga much after the manner of the British ships ranged off the Belgian coast last falL The fact that the German wgjpshJpd were forced to retire is a sourca of satisfaction to the British nraaa. which finds encouragement In the) reslstauca of' the Russians In thU northeastern theater in contrast to tlielr retirement elsewhere. , British Gala In West. The British advance In tha vldntty of Honge. while not mmhinhl. wttfc u tremendous actions In Poland, marked tha most important engagement In which tha British army has f I mired since tho h.t of Featubart In May. The gain waa small and still has to be maintained against . the almost Inevitable rwm.r. counter attacks. The Balksn situation la still ehaotla. Dlspatchea from Balonlkl aav that eh. Austro-Owman plan to strike again at Serbia already has found expression In a concentration of Teutonlo forcea along tha Serbian frontier. It la aald 100,009 men have been massed near Orsova.. Hun gary, wnirn may be tle forerunner of the predicted campaign through Bert la for tha relief of Turkey, Italy aa yet haa .not declared war on Turkey, hut Athena reports that Italian consuls are leaving tha Ottoman empire, entrusting their affairs to their American ootlaaguea if this be true. It probably means that Impending developments In tha Balkans dictated th action of Italy, Many Ru mora Aboat Italy. It baa been rumored frequently that Italy Would send Imnni ta lull) r.. and England in tha Galltpoll operations, tContinued on Paaa Two, Column Two.) Andrews Is in Race In Fifth for Congress HASTINGS, Neb., Aug. 10. (Apeclal Telegram.) W. E. Andrews today author ised tha statement that ha will ha a can didate for tha republican nomination foi congreaaman from tha Fifth district ta 1MB. Mr. Andrews said that he would at. the T roper time enter upon tha public dis cussion of national questions that will bt Involved In tha campaign. Thla announcement dlsposea of the re port that Mr. Andrews might enter 'tha race for tha governorship. His friends i assert that he haa had no thought of seeking that place. Mr. Andrews rendered distinguished service in congress before taking tha place of auditor for the United States treasury, which he held during several different administrations and until a few weeka ago under tha democratlo regime of President Wilson. THE WANT-AD WAY. iTraSTsT-SJ t lTM Lies ! mm Ail Blasts JfTy A 6005 Are you tired of city ufef Would yon Uka to bay a farm Look through tha WAH AD section. It wont so you aay harm. There you'll find, a list of farm That yon oaa afford to hoyl Ton can pay for them real soon, rpr the prtoea aro not high, Other man have nsod this means, They've making may every day. Just lit a small BES WASTX AM, Tow they're tho kind that pay. Tha quickest way to get in touch with a prospectlvo FARM LANr buyer la to nut a soo1-stzl an nouncement about your land in tha rlsaatfled columns of TH'l'J OMAHA. BKJS. Telephone Tyler 1009 and i ' PUT IT IN THE OMAHA liE t