4 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: AUGUST 8, 1913. TOPICS FOR AMY OF REST Jtev. Joseph B. Cherry Out on Uii Annual Mountain Climbing Trip in Colorado. CALLS ON OMAHA. FRIENDS Rev. Joseph B. Cherry, rresbyterlan clergyman, who trr tiurrrtier of ytui ss in chtrM of pulpit In the north rrt of the city, but la now located at Walnut, la., was In Omaha, Friday, en rout to Colorado on a. mountain-climbing- tour. During- hU stay her pert of tha day ha called upon a number of hla old Mend. Soma jrnn ago Rev. Mr. Cherry con ceived the Idea of apendlng hla annuaJ vacatlona cllmhlnir mountains. Ha went to Colorado and acaled Pike's peak. Ha liked tha exercise and the trail ao much that he tried It again tha following year. Since then It haa become an annual pas time during hla vacatlona. Up to date Rev. Mr. Cherry haa climbed Plke'a pea thirty-six times, folnf every known trail. He always walk both up and down the mountain and upon one or two oeca lona haa made two round trlpa la one dajr. Sunday at 4 o'clock the following mln latera of the city, aided by their oholra, will preach In the ahady apota designated In the parka: Rev. Charlea Fleming at Fontenelle park. Rev. Oliver M. Baitaly at Hanaoom park. Rev. Hugh B. Spear at Miller park. The Rlverview aervlce will be at I o'clock, following the band con tort, by Rev. Thomae M. Evans. Rev. M. V. Hlgbea of the North Prea byterlan church haa returned from hla ' vacation and will preach In hla pulpit at fwenty-foiirth and Wirt atreeta at 10:30 a m. Sunday. ttaptlst. First, Harney Btreet and Park Avenue, Rev. H. O. Rowland, Pastor Morning service at 10:48, preaching by Iter. Thomaa Anderaon. Dvenlns. union aerv tcea with the Flrat Ohrlstlsn church. Sunday school at M, George Water man, superintendent. Toung people'a meeting at 7. Immanoel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney, Rev. Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30, topic, "Doing Our B-st." Bible school at noon, Charles W, Simon, superintendent. Young people's meeting at 7 o'clock. Evening worship at o'clock, topic, "The Royal Road to Fame.'1 Prayer and Praise servlo Wednesday evening at t o'clock. Grace. Tenth and Arbor, Rev. E. B. Taft, Pastor Hunday school at 10. Spe cial feature by the beginners' depart ment. Morning worship at 11, subjcot, "Some Heorets of Buoreas la the Sunday Campaign." Junior meeting at 1:45. Bap tist Young People's union at 7. Evening worship at I. subject, "A Passion for tlio Apparently Impossible." Mission Hunday school at t, iolo South Fourth street. Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, Rev. J. A. Maxwell, Iwetor Morning topic, 'Christ and Character." Kvenlng topic, "fan Omaha Have a Religious awakening?" Bible school at noon, a. Vy. Noble, superintendent. Young peo Ues meeting at 7. prayer and confer ence meeting Wednesday evening, sub ject, "our Hope as a City." Chrlstlaa. forth PMe, Twenty-second and I-nth-"! K, pter Pasior-Hlble school at :. Mon.lng service at 10. Iheme. A Divine Unrest" Christian Krideavor and Vesper service at 46. bpeaker Rev, Ralph Andrews, Anita, la. First, Comer Twenty-sixth and Harney. Charles H. Cobbey, Pastor Morning eerv- )?...",..".. ,.Hui'J,,rV "Tn Sureties of . Kvenlng service (with First Bnptlst church, corner Twenty-ninth and Harney streets. Subject, '"f ransforma tion." Toutiv People's Soflety Christian Endeavor with Baptist Young People'a union. Baptist chorus at 45. Bible school at V.4&. , Christian Beleaee. First Church of Christ, flctentlet, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-fourth Htreat Services at 11 snd . Hublect, 'Spirit." findsy school (two sessions), t:4S and 11. Wednesday evening meeting at i. Jevnd Church of Christ, Scientist, Pun dee Hall, l"n1erwood Avenue and Fiftieth Hrtt fcxrvice at 1L rHibieot, "Kpirlt." intlay school at .. Wednesday even ing meeting at i. Co srr gat I wataj. First, Nineteenth and Davenport, F. T. Jfoiiee. Pastor Morning worship at 10:10. 1 he pastor having returned from a vaca tion will preach. Plymouth ConffTerational, Eighteenth sn tmiiin, reflerlck w. Lsavltt. 11. Fvanln serce at S. Sunday s-hoot at 4;; .Mrs. Kntrikln, siipertntenrinnt. Adult Hlble olaes at :; lr. In C John, teaihT. Kpworth. lasu st Nellie I"roelat!n lesder. Ti'pln, "My Favorite Wide Character ana Why. Tesrl Memorial, Twenty-fourth snd I-srimor. Karl K. Bowen, Minister Ml Alary Uinn, deaconess, will speak at 10 10 a. m.; no special collection. Hunday scnooi at noon, i niinren s meeting at I p. m. Epworth league at 7 p. m. Kvenlng service, in charge of Gideons, at p. lu. I'rsper meeting on Wednesday evening at ft, Mrs. Madison, leader. Diets Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, Dr. C N. Dawson, Pastor rXinday school at I a. ni. Morning worship at II, with sermon by Dr. O. A. Luce; Kpworth league at 7 p. m. Hvennig worship at t, with sermon by John li, Hex ton. The pastor, Dr. C. X. Dawson. Is attending Hie Kpworth assembly at Lincoln. Flrat. Twentieth and Davenport Tit ua Lowe, Alii. later Humlay school at :16; James Hodre, acting superintendent. Morning worship st II oondui len by Hev. Arthur AUu k of Benson. Upworth league at . 7. a meeting for all young people. Kvenlng worship at K "(iod i uvn Hunv mer Time," by the pastor. Hanscom Park. Wool worth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street, C W. McCaakill, I'astor I'reachlng errvices at 11 and 7:46. conducted by the pastor. Morning theme, "A Mighty Man s Mihty Praer;" eve ning theme, "Concentration." Sunday school at :4K, Kpworth league at 7.. OftklaJ board meets Monday menlns; at . Midweek prayer service Wednesday evening at H Presbyterlaa. First, Edwin Hart Jongs, Pastor Morning aorvleea at 10 at Young Men Christian association. Dundee 8ermons by Bev. A. B, Mar shall. Morning topic, "Tolling in Row ing; ' evening toplo, ''Paul a Visions." Morth, 'iwenty fourth and Wirt M. V. liigoee. D. D., Pastor Sermon by pastor at lojn. Bunday school at noon. So evening service. Oeuliar, Sixteenth and Castellsr, Rev. C. C. Mee-k, I'astor Morning service at li. 8alnath school at :4& intermediate and ttenlor Chrlstlsn Enaeavor at 7. 'Ixwe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. A. F. Krnst. Pastor-lreachlng by !,"I".Jrtor at Hunday school at 11:80. Junior JQndeavor at 8. No evening service. Falrvlow, Fortieth Avenue and Pratt f''et. Charlea It, nnmlng. Pastor Hlble sehool at 10. Afternoon ervajigolla tlo service at Fontenelle park at 4, con ducted by the pastor, aaaleied by Fair view church and friends. Clifton HUU Forty-fifth and Hrant, B. R. Vonder IJpe. Psator Regulsr wor ship with preaunlng by tha pastor at 11. Bunday school at 10. The only evonlng eery ce, at .7. will be under the suspires "f the Christian IDndeavor society. Miss Johnson of the city Juvenile court will apeak. Benson. A. J. ml ..a.. day school at 10. Mornlna- worshlD at Sermon subject. "The Great Uuea. Men a Brotherhood at a. Chrla- unlon evening serv- 11. lion.' Minister-Morning worship at 10:S0: toDlc. "The Worth of a Soul.1' frjvenlng wor ship at ; topic, "King Saul." Bible school at 11. Young People's meeting at 7 p. in. Unlaid. Thirtieth and Ohio, W. ft Hampton. I'aalnr Morning service at P- Patterson will preach. Kvenlna at I. sermou by the pastor. Bun day school st noon. I,. Ptegnm-, superin tendent. Senior Kndeavor at 7. Inter meinnto Kndeavor at 4. Junior Endeavor Kvasaelleal. Oe-Trisn Kvanrellcal, Kljrhteenth an Cuming. V. Omertag. Pasbr Hundsy r-hool st 10. rlaaees In German and Ena Uh. Srn.n ty F U Doescher, dl strict superintendent, of Fremont, at li Union meeting at S. Prayer tneetlng Wedoea Hr Ml Giace I'nl'ed Evangelical, Camden Avenue and North Twunty-sevetith street, Thomas M. Fvana, Pastor Preachlns; at 11 and . Hunday school at 10. Keystone Leavue of Christian En- o'ftvtr at T. Morning theme, "Overoow era" Evening theme, "Fail area." l.otheraa. fti. Mark's FnelUh. Twentieth and Bur-d-ite. I a. Oroh, Pastor Regti tar eervtoe at 11. (ii)lect of sermon, "A Hardened Kvil l)oer May Btlll Hope for Qood." Kunday Pt. Tanl's Twentieth and Bvana, Rev. K. T. Otto. I'astor Services at 10, In r'!en ai s. uoiy communion with eon fern-ion services at 7:e. Bunday school at s. At 1 I'.ev. L Jagt'is or Kansas City wm preach to the deaf mutes in the sign language. S MattheWe Kngilah, Nineteenth and aateliar. Kev. O. V. Bnyder. pastor Morntns servlre at 1L Subleet "Mnt. feattd for Profit." lyother lesgue servlre at 7 4 Selected subject. "IVaver " Sim ony school at 10. fiubject. "The Kingdom Kmintie Memorial. Famam Htreet and i weniy-snin Avenue, Oliver 1. J-.lily. 1'sstor; Rev. C. Franklin Koch, i iwr-aiorrinf woramp at II fci-iiiect. "eslected Warning." tlunday n"oi at v.w, ur r. uuooiuan, euperm tlrace, Fr.gllsh, 1SS4 Jouth Twenty-alxth C. M. fiwihart. Minister Morning worship ni Hlble study at 10.30. Theme. "Mm s Met.a" Kvenlng at . Subject, "Tha t i.i ;ily Young Kulsr." litur Ivague at 1 leader, Mrs. If. Ptela. Afternoon l'll'.e Muity and worship at S, Forty- iiiii'in sou j-arevvnwonn sireeta. .ion. "Ihlity-slxth and Lafayette. A. T. !.rliiior, Pastor Suinlav s:hool at Sir. Cor munlon services and receitlon of new niemners at 11. livening services at '1'u.oai.V morning tha Zlon Ixjlher leasua entertain all the different Li.lir iS"U or me city at a social on the iuocn lawn, jaio.wass servicea Wednea 4 evti.lug. C'tiou practice TbursUay r s con. a. MelLogUt. Trinity. Twenty-first and Blnney llioin.irf x'i'Tt-ii. aetor morninr Ser st Vi.fi. livening service at e.Su. ba.b beth si'hool at noon. Jennings Memorial, Ftf?y--flnt end Hk ory-umiay school at lu. Preaalilng John at 11. Subject, "Elements of i.iestnrea." Young people's gospel meeting at i. l.we Avenue, n23 North Fortieth. A. F T out I h 1 . M intster tlornlnr aervlce at : rt. Kl batli s. lux.l at 11 SO a. m. 1 ne paor has returned from his vacation tti aud will preach the morning enrniou. liei.Min. Sixtieth snd Main. Rev. Arthur i k. Pastor Kibis s bool at M a. in .!oro.i.? orhlp at 11, with icusk; by "e ri.i.'t: s rmon by Mr. K. C. liod.ier V ''' IVorie's iteetlng at 7 p. m. 1 oion open air ni"t!oit on Hm.ttn lwn at i i. in ; Dr. T. liHbeti of Omaha, l m.kr. V''k), Fortieth snl Fsmam, w. H. tlan Endeavor at 7 Ice on the lawn of the Baptist, church at . Prayer meeting Wednesdsy at I. Church of the Covenant, Twenty, aevsntft and Pratt, Charlea li Fleming. :.ftornWorn,n worship at 10: Topic, The Master Worker." Bible aohoot at ?!X?,,l'?yor, . I:l, Evening wor ship at . loplo, "From the Birth of Jesus t the Sermon on the Mount." Vatted Presbyterlaa. tittS1'- Twenty-ourth and Dodge, Hugh B. flpeer, Pastor Morning Worship with sermon by pastor at l;lu. Babbath achool at noon. First Twenty-first and BTmmet. A. a Douglass, Pastor Publlo worship with wi75 J?.ly SHTtt P'- B"aohool with olassea for alt at noon. Union of evening service and Young People. o .MiT'1 IS- at h. Port. fromrso; ftan wwlara! enfaranoe ochrls- MtsoellaBeoaa, at 10. Young people'a meeting It Chicago Street Mission. Mia Chicago. a-?- tur- "!'erintendent-Du7: Ing August services will be held only on Wednesday and Thuraday nlghta ai g? Fontenelle Spiritualist. 414 Cuming and on Thursday at a: on "Hope.'' . The International Bihl- atort.nf. in Uyric building. Nineteenth and Far nom, at I. Dr. V. W. Farwell will i!ST ture. Toi o. "The UnknoS. " ' Union' OwrreJ Mission. 114 Davenport. . v'nVrti. F- Wl" TiSSgy People'a Church. R1K Mnrfh r-iv.- Rev. Charles W. FUvlHe .M.,n n Immrtil and Indestruct ible Being; evening, "Man Accountable and Responsible for Hla Conduct end Character In This Ufa." Sunday school at noon. Gospel meeting Thursday evening. Harford Memorial TTniu t Nineteenth and Dothmp. W. O. Jonea! Minister Morning worship at It EVm- '' worsmn at a HMnanjr school st ltt linstlan Kndeavne at 7 v T m.,,.. eadcr. Praver meetlnir t,a m4i -I finance committee Wednesday at a. First Proaresstve RMrtftialiat. we. ney Meawego and lecture by Mrs. M. Mackle st i. eulet, "Why Should You Be a hl&liituallat?" Wednesday evenlne; at meaaaaea hv Pr-vf Runhwll irviilx at 8, messnges br Minnie Wanda. Lsuites' viu, iirw inurniny in each month at 1:30. Reorganised Church of Jasiia rei f Latter Day Saints, Twenty-fourth anl Ohio Snnrtsy school at :45 Preaching at U by Flder p. N. Craig. Rellglo serv ice at tel. Preaching by Elder H. N Pierce st 1 At u North Twentieth, South Omaha Sunday school at 11. Preaching at U Second Prosresslve ' Hnlettiiatla rrna Ieavenworth. Rev. F, A. Thomaa, Pas tor Services at 11. 159 and t, lecture and messages. Morning subject, "Oood;" evenlmr, "Origin of Man." Tudey and ThursiinV, measnre service. Wsdnaeday at 2:3b. Indies' Aid message service. Fri day at I SO and t, class lecture. First Reformed. Twwntv-thlrd Ntreet and Ieer Park Boulevard. John F. Hawk, ator eiiiuay scnooi at e. ur. H, Busman, suiertntendent. Mornlna: wor- shin at 11. theme, "Intimacy With Christ." Mission band at I christian Endeavor at 7. to lo, '"How Can We Pro mote the Terrtperenee Reform?" Fvening worshln at a. theene. "How Become Clirlstlanf by the People." of fTirtftian Young People's Society Fndesvor st . At 7:.. The l of Material Thlnss to Tesch t the Living Truth." The Sunday school will he held at the church home at Hi North i:i;hteenth street. Von Buelow Gravest Peril to Armies of Grand Duke Nicholas All the Allies as Well as Russia Are On Precipice's Edge LONDON, Aug. 7-The Morning Post tin aa editorial on the Russian situation says: "We would warn the country that the situation is serious. Whatever profea- tIVhoV. Anr 7 The s-restest dsna-er 1 "''" " "- -r -, ,i ruain to the success of the attempted Russian "." """"U has not fallen hack from r- . ( ' - r. ' I ' J VWITT ITMUB liai L IIO retirement In the German General von Buelow's advance In the Baltic provinces, according to the Times military corre spondent In an analysis of tha present situation. "It Is only by acting strongly In tha north," the correwpondenta adds, "that a decisive German victory can be antici pated, and aa the German situation de mands a decisive victory we must assume that Germany will seek It with tireless energy. ' "Oeneral von Buelow wilt not take energetic action for some little time yet. probably not until the other German armlee are all In line east of the Vistula and In contact with the Russian rear guards throughout the line. 'Von Buelow haa the railroad to Iibau at hla disposal and probably haa con nected Shavll by rait with tha eaat Prus sian territory northeast of Tilsit. If he Is to act energetically toward Vllna hla left flank must be secure and probably for this reason be haa puahed his cavalry up to the river Aa, throwing back the Russian column Into the marshes south west of Dvlnsk. a "The Immediate business of the Grand Duke Nicholas la to break clear from the armies which are closing In on him." Heavy Rains in Poland Result in a "Slow Track" AUSTRIAN HEADQUARTERS, Auf. 7. (Via, London.) The posi tion of the retreating Russians be tween the Vistula nd the Bug rivers has grown more precarious as a re sult of heavy rains of the last few days. The marshes In their rear hold the rising waters, confining the move ments of troops exclusively to a few roads. The retreat therefore Is en countering increased difficulties. Russians are -sacrificing men reck lessly trying to retard the German and Austrian advance through coun ter attacks which, however. Invari ably are unsuccessful. The general Impression here Is that many prisoners will fall Into the hands of the Teutons before the Russians reach their new positions. K.C. River Boosters Start Move to Fight . Report by Deakyne KANSAS C1TT, Mo., Aug. 7. (Special TelogTara.) Kansas City began a tight today to counteract a report to tie sub mitted to congress by Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Deakyne, in charge of the Mis souri river, recommending that the pro gram of Improving the waterway be abandoned. A largely attended meeting of the Com mercial club, appointed a committee, oomposed of W, T. Bland, F, O. Crowell, O. V. Wlleon, Leon Smith and R. U Redpath to go to Washington. Tha state ment waa made by the officials of the Kansas City Missouri River Navigation company, which wag formed by popular Stock subscriptions of I1.2&0.000. It said that Lleaitonant Colonel Deakyne's report waa based on 1913 figures. urgent dictates of necessity. "The great, enveloping movement of the German army on the north la not yet oter. It la at present being de veloped. It Is a movement most dan gerous and formidable and It will take all the warlneaa and skill of the grand duke and the magnificent steadiness of the Russian Infantry to escape the toll set for the Russian armies by the great strategist who direct the German offensive, 'The cause of the entente powers at present Is on knife edge.. There I no assuranoe anywhere, save only In that faith which presses forward through dan gers without looking to the right hand or the left We are In front of a sit uation where the only safety lies In doing the very utmost of which a nation la capable of." Rent rooms quick witn a nee Want Ad. "The Fall of Warsaw" Given in Fireworks rain's newest flreworlce aoectacle ' Ana that haa been produced but once In thia country, will be put on in a couple of weeks at the new grounds near Krug park. It may be revised to be known as The rail of Warsaw." American Steamers Seized by Germany MA Iir.-, 5-wrdf-n (Via lond.n), Aug. ?. The American steamers Llama and Wlco, bound from America to Stockholm, livlnn with petroleum, have been seized by the Ucrmnn and taken Into Swlne muende. The Llama left New York on July 11 for Stockholm and the Wlco sailed from Philadelphia on July 14 for the Swedish capital. Both steamer had been held t.p prior to this voyage by the British au thorities. The Llama waa detained at Kirkwall on April while on lis way to Copenhagen, but waa released. Agbln In June the Llama, while bound from New Totk for CopcnliaRcn with a Cargo of gasoline and oil, waa taken Into Klrk wa I, but waa allowed to proceed. The Wlco, while bound, from Philadel phia to Scandinavian port with oil In June4, waa taken into Kirkwall, but was permitted to continue Its voyage when It was proved that its mnnlfeetos agreed with Information sent to the British gov ernment by the owners The captain rt the Wlco reported on May IS wh-n th ship arrived In Philadelphia from Stock holm that he believed ho had run down and aunk a submarine In th North Ke on the voyage. A 'Tor Snlo" ad W, furniture Into cash. turn second-hanl Wellies Shades Wotaast. tri,l'TH, Minn., Aug. 7.-Joe Welling of Chl'-ano earned a shade over Ad Wol gast In a ten-round no-declslon fight here tnnlaht. Woleast lacked his old time aggressiveness. Both are lightweights. If PTE ItsstalgWSassBJaswe erWasrt'iw! a-4 Vttjb A s) t'llSil ASPHALT SHINGLES You can cover your new house 'or re-roof your old one with "TEX-TILE" at less than the cost of good wood shingles dipped or painted. v "TEX-TILE" will last fhree times as long as present day wood shingles and, without any up-keep cost, will remain permanently a beautiful green or rich, warm red. Unfortunately there are already several cheap, inferior imitations of " TEX-TILE." Get the facts all of them before you act. Let us tell you about the original genuine "TEX-TILE" ASPHALT SHINGLES and how to detect imitations. Do You Want Sample, Price and Dooklot? OnBEQUUsB BliOTCEfiS GO. omaha The Cbnrch of LI. wTIl Continue the tert meeting st eleih end Ohio street until farther notlue. Trie meet ings will be ennduoted b-r Rev. Mrs. V. A, Ball, general euparlntendent and founder. Hlindar Services are at 11. aub- jeot, "8plrltiJ Understanding as Taight Villistas Tie Mules To U. S. Flagstaff NOOALEfl, Aria., Aug. 7. An ultima tum sent today by Oeneral Pellaa Callea, Carranza commander, laying stage to Kogale, So nor a, to Governor Joae May torena. Villa chieftain, defending the town, demanding immediate surrender, was answered by the firing of two sheila In the direction of the Carrama camp at Santa Barbara, nine nr. lies distant A brisk engagement between the out posts of th two forces followed. It ceased at nightfall. United States soldier late today es corted Maytorena's family, who have been visiting here, back across th border to the Mexican aide, with a warning not to return. American Consul Frederick Blmplch filed a protest with Oovernor Maytorena against the sanitary conditions which exist on the Mexican side of the town. He said beeves were slaughtered by Taqul Indians,' within ten feet of th consulate door .and that tha American flagstaff waa ueed as a hitching post for mules and horses of th Villa garrison. Bathing Suits for every member of the family For WjDmen Women's One-piocs Suits, with skirt and short slMrves, In medium weight cotton navy with, colored trim. . .$1.75 Same style In wool SU.00 Water Sprite, patented one-piece style. In mohair and silk; unquestionably the last word In water suits frora 83.50 to S8.50 For Girls Girls from I to 6 years, One-Plece Suits (special Ages 8 to 14 years, made with a skirt. In Water Sprite patented suit For Men Men's One-Plece Styles, with skirt, cotton In food heavy wool worsteds. In S1.00 SI. 50 to S3.SO $2.50 to 83.50 good heavy SI. 00 and 81.50 &12.00 nd 82.50 For Boy Boys-Oae-Ptec Suits, la cotton at.....50. 81.00. $1.50 Mail or phone orders carefully taken care of by salespeople who understand. ! 1516-18-20 FAENAM STREET. i-asasssesssssassssassssssssssssisss " 1 ""Si Si. SJS1IISi 'lltnSlB i ! las gill ISSI i il 111) main II i fl HIGHEST GRADE HOME FURNISHINGS, RUGS, CARPETS, REFRIGERATORS, ETC. At '25 to 50 'Reductions' ' - Tomorrow morning at 8:30Bharpf we open our Semi Annual Clearance Sale. ' Our entire stock mu$t be great' ty reduced within thirty days to make room for incom ing fall and winter merchandise and in consequence we have determined to radically reduce prices in order to move this stock quickly. Here is a genuine oppor tunity to save considerable money on tLe highest grade' home furnishings, rugs, carpets, etc. Call early while our stock is still complete. . .We know the . quality and prices will be a revelat ion to you! SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE-IF DESIRED . : J Mi l mft " W CORRECT DESIGN ffcffi ' ff' I. L BVPii L " M )ft ill Chart. II Period Three- " VOW'' W M. reTEtH f. raWty-.J Mir"' lill "brary Suite. . J ImIH W W32fS, ' V lriw, ( a-s rtr, 1 1? rTj solid oak finished fumed I rW3 1 I 11 i.Ut-J i Chair and rockar ara un- TwsEia-l IZ ' TI V7- w ri W r325 OUR MODEL KITCHEN CABI NET. Built throughout of solid oak. Entire top beautifully white enamel lined. Has every known convenience and. must be seen to be appreciated. Regular selling : price $30.00. Special &)f Qtf sole price only yJtJD CORRECT DESIGN Charles II Period Three Piece Library Suite. Mad throushout of solid oak finished fumed Chair and rocker are up holstered In Spanish im perial lea'her. Library table measures 40x20 in. fitted with- roomy sta tionary drawer. Com plete aet of three pieces ltius- rr trated. $ , only tt " 1.78Caai. l.MaiC0Btn See These Two Great Dresser Values JLlStim TheBiggett f Library Suite Value Ever Of fered in j Omaha I P' -"v'! '?''s 1 w'? FitSfclfi 25.-v.-.--j MODERN THREE-DOOR stDE ICEINQ White Enamel Lined Refrigerator A guaranteed Ice e c o n o mlzer. Scientifically constructed with every modern and sanitary feature. Patent ed sanitary drip cup and three nickel wire adjustable shelves. Our sale price i 70 only l4.0 COMKORTABI-R PARIOR ROCK Eft. Very maxeive frame finished in Ajnrl can quarter sawed Imitation oak. l'tv holatrred in Imperial leather over atael spring; construction. Hack neatly tufted. An excep tional value $4.25 IMPKitlAli CIRCASSIAN WALNUT 1'KHSbKlC Has heavv plank top mas tirlns; 41 Inches. French bsveled plate mirror measures I4x2s Inches. Haa en tire swelled front. Thl weok' special prioe only $17.95 A rtAItE BARGAIN GF.M'INK HO I., ID OAK 1KKS1-:H. Base has tbree Isrtte drawers, mirror of Wench plate, very strongly constructed and finished In roiden. An ex- Of wptlona bargain p0.&a A Completely Furnish Cn, ed Rooms; $, 4a any 4 rooms "J jJ you desire ..... $5.00 A MONTH , . , .lMsa.wts.WHrWW.sjis.issisf m 'S? ''' if1 M ""IB!.M ana I ' III Wsisiri' -' ' w -7 T; I sj 1 1 A fin 1x9 ft. Brussels P.u-.' Many pattern to select from. A bis; value ape- i1.,T..p.r.t???....; $6.85 A ii ' "ft. ' Heavy Brussels Hu. Well woven and dura ble Newest da- tf A Off slsna. At only ".WO A Few of Our Specially Priced Huz V al u e . all Tbeut Special offering In a xll ft. Velvet Hub. A wide range of dealrna to choossff 1 7C from. Only Hi.lJ Kxtra fine aualltv Hampton xll ft Axmlnstcr Ru Persian. Floral. Turkish and irismai aaMian. At only A IJ0.0O VALUR METAL BED COM BINATION. Bel haa massive l-lnoh posts, 10 heavy fillers, enameled In Ver- nls Martin. Heavy ateel sprlnc; supported in ine center ana sanitar felt top mattress. Entire combination onry ins; aupponou $12.8 5 1 18.1 5 A aomplst 4a-Mo Ool4 Xeoor. ated Slaaev sjeS wita every po chaas of aso.oo er over. Cask Credit, tamrmtfA jq '1 suis ,t iuisi m m f III -LL.V I ' I a n r fV.C Made INl-8l'Al-LV LARGK i i)l.i.l A L. MHKARY TABLK throiiKliout of selected American quar ter sawetl imltailim nli hv rlank top. measuring- 28x41 inches. Has) )iivy panvl eiL-i "'! lais iiiatfaauitf slislf. A very uew tleslsn at a very low urlce $8.98 i A UW. i o a mo I AG 07 A MAS81VK tioI.lD OAK EXTEN SION TABLE. 11m heavy pedestal supported on four carvad claw feet. j mv.m w ineaeurea s inches and eJt" (v,. iV . irri. r ininnea Koiuen. a oi- bargain at , , " un uw e-n- 4 $9.90 iaaior tcn. at 4v. lUUIi