Tllf: I5KK:' 'OMAHA TJintSDAY; 'AUGUST -ft, 1015. r- Bringing Up Father - Copyrirbt. 1W6, International Drawn for The Bee by George McManus CO DOWN TO THE OFTICE AvN'cJJT A PITCHED OF WATER?? CERTMNLY NOT J THIt l A SWELL HOTEL AND YOO ARE. NOT ON5 TO DISCRACE ME - r r REALLV- MAC1E-t MEED P1TCHE.R OF WATER 1 tMD NO .' YOU CAN'T CO NEAR THE OFFICE LOOKIN" AA YOU DO SO TO YOUR K . ' I JT I 1 g 1 CAN'T o BACK TO ME. ROOM THFN. r ; v 1 r - A aN f ) 3 ' v r i v VI m I t? lg fy 1 . i OMAHA GETS AWAY TO A POOR START rdpeni Series at Home by Losing Two Games of Doable Bill to Des Moines. ! SECOND GAME IS A 8WATFEST OmahSv Runs I ii 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 I , lllls I 0 1 0 t 0 0 1 I r. Homo run: Baker. Two bn- hits: Saw yer. Bill. Btolin bases; Ewoldt, l. ' Hreen, Bnkfr. It. Hreen. Sacrifice tilt : I nmitn. . ijnume piav: NiIiIIi-ihht to Hlanrk. IWt on Iikjicii: Ilea Moines, i;, 11. Struck out: Hv BaJcr, A, by Thompson, 7. Bases on balls: off linker. V otf Thompson. 2. Wlll pltrh; Baker. Time: 2:15. Umpire: O'Brien. Judge Sears' Shadeline, 2:07 14 KAWl AMI All. 4 ; Somewhat petulant over ' the , recent trimmings administered them by the lt3iueky and climbing Qrlssltna, Frank I JJell's crew of Boosters took cut their -plt on the Rourkea yesterdsy and aalked off with bargain Mil, Copping vhrn opening fray, 8 to 2, and the sec ZLn. 7 to 1. , .The first ram vu an exhibition of jWhaUn, !b. I how mtnv runa n n ha marlu nn th ! Mcintyre . i .... . ; liuill, c twinur-m numinT 01 fina. i nn irconii ' ijame waa an exhibition of slugging, six- teen Itttt being poled Off the aouthpaw ! ajanta of one Cerll Thompnon. Hear Morrldfre, who began to hit the Mkida m men aa he waa aold to the 1 jot hran, Kii... Sfankeea. ahowed a. Tevemal of form In TyUomapb rt.'. Jhe flmt fray and pitched fairly goofTitrown, If....'.'. Hme, ' lie alo nicked a homo run, I Uittlmore. 2b. j-hlfh atarted the downfall of tou: c';;;;; -iorth. The Booatera only made three j iakaff,' p. '.!!'.! ilta off Ijou in aeven apaanta, but they I ! made aa many runa. In the elf hth Boh j Itigeraoll, recent acquisition, ahowed the j Lincoln 0 0 2 t ina m cnuna, oi nia aoiiar movameni. i During that Inning It looked Ilka 30 cent. J Mb the Booatera hammered home three runa on a couple of blta. Povsrth la Oat. ' Uunager Marty switched the llaeup ot Saffltrftn. a. ."Ifrso, if 'Allium. li .. . Pchrt'lr, cf.... NarVcHon, p. Totala ... Roetick. pa. niviDB i . :v rv t Home -V ''rV.VJv" "rV J-ViV , ,vv. I ' V i -J. ...;v. 1 It. H. O. A. K. 1 I I-,' -y -"W ::.:? I 5 15.:? L.r- I S-' - CL, lW;,'J 1 1 ail b -;v..-- NX) N m-M 1 2 - !! J! 0 , ii V- lM: ,- ....r j s k ii 1 ' L' v ' ' x ---"vi AM. K. II. O. A. K. V, - i ' ... -i'f 4 o o o 1 a :.r . . --'" .' , - v. , , - , 4 I 1 1 0 ,0 i ii i i tn t' 4 0 3 2 n o 0 1 ft 1 1 4 0 110 0 .1 0 I) b 3 0 S O U 0 7 0 I Vlaltera VI the Flr.t and Team the Hrooad. IINCOI.N, Am. 4 To'ka and IJnoIn nivlrli-d a 1oulln-h-iidpr to clow th n. rifa. the vlritora wmnlnit th flret a;aroe, 4 U 3, ind the locale the a-cond, 7 to 4. ocore, riint Kit me: 'Moy.l, 2b vnoire. ir. BOSTON TAKES ONE MORE 0FF PIRATES Buccaneers Drop Third Straight to Stalling!' Brares on Home -Grounds. Standing of Teams WESTKRN LJCAQUE. Played. Won. l-ont. HAL NSCORE IS FIVE TO ONE .33 ft XI 15 hi foroea la Uta aaoond event for luck. ! .A)ao Cy Foraytha hart hla leg trying to run too taat and waa unable to do any of ' hla famoua tangoing. Hippo MoCheeney, ',' now gent, topped from left to right and ; Varney went into left. Welle went be i blnd the bat, rtoe Krueger. retired. But the awltoh didn't do any good as thoae Booster just naturally tore Thompson to pieces. Sixteen blows they ;; garnered and It was aa easy victory for " the hostile crew, r Hippo McCheeney looks Ilka a pretty good player. H hits the ball hard, i harder than anybody ela on the club, ') and he fielda fairly well (or a person of suoh dlmenslona, Kar smith la lajarad. Ear Smith bad a bum day at the bat ltnti...l fur Whuloii In the ninth. ..uozoivvw v -t fnik. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2-4 Home run: K1hr. Two-heee hit: Tydeman. liouble pl: MoOaffigan to Williams' McUafflgan to Uoyd to Wlll Itmm Htolen biwi: Hrown, Uoyd. Pao rlflce hits: Mrtlafflajan, Uoyd, Hchrol wf. Struck out: by Narvson, 4; by Lfikaif, ft. Rams on bulls: Off Nnrveson, 1: oft Khadcllne. with a mark of 8:0714 on a . of the district bench. Shndplln is rn mile track, and il:lli on a half-mile tered In the Omaha DrivliiK club's races! Tul ring, ta ownea oy judge willla u. Bears) here thla week. riTT8BURQH, Aug. 4.-PHtaburgh lost Ita third straight game to Boston today, i5 to 1. Mamaux left the box in favor ot Cooper In the thiid Inning after the visit- ; ors had batted out three singles and two triples off hla delivery. Hughes relieved I tavla when th latter passed a man in the second Inning and held the home team safo until the lest inning, when threo hi.s produord the locals only run. Score: BOSTON. PITT8Bl'ROIl. I AR H.O.A.E If. olllu. cf. ..I JuUomeo, lb.4 Hiucbman, rl.4 V.aor. M...4 Vlw. b Blrd. In 4 Glbaoo. O....I AUIll .....1 Mamaul. Pes Moines H"i 2 3S lenver WWW Lincoln 7 .V 4 Topeka 101 hi Omaha 11 4S 5:: Ploux City Si Wichita P6 41 57 St. Joseph H? X! An AMER UEAQITB. I NAT. LEAGUE. ,'.t. W.i..Pct. Boston 5 34 .M Phlla 61 41 .5M Detroit ....69 37 .15 Brooklyn ..60 46 .521 Chlcano ....58 3S .6041 Boston 60 4 .621 Pot. .C0 .ia .51 6-16 .Vo .49 .418 .7.. SENATORS DEFEAT PALE HOSE TWICE Washington Take Both Ends of Double-Header from Comis key's Team. BOEHLEJG AND GALLIA HURL Wash'n 61 41! 62fil Chlr-sea 47 4K F.P New York.. 45 47 .4KH New York. ..40 4 .6i Cleveland .37 67 . 341 Cincinnati.. 41 63 .438 , "B let the White Sox down with four VaSHINOTON. Aug. 1 Washington tok both games of a double-header from Chicago today, n the first gnmo Boeh- Moran, KUipl . Ib..t t... uoi.y. U..4 MN, CI....I Kri.midt Id. .4 Mints, lb... I Mftranvll., si. I Whaling. S...4 LsvU. 9 X IkUkllM. p. ...3 BOSTON. AB H O A E rt....s l (Ca,r, l 3 0 AB Slo.A E. "r.W e V I V O ! auaaaiu 1 l 7 11 I 1 U 0 4 0 S 1 0 Phlla S 3371 St. Ixmls.. .4 63 .465 r En I.BAOUK AMER. ASSN. W.UPct. W.Ui'ct. Kan. City. .67 4) .6vW St. Paul 3 4 A12 Chicago ....55 43 .Ml .M1nnes,polls.6'i 48 .KS4 Pittsburgh .63 43 .K Indiana rll.64 4K .529 Newark fi2 4 4 . 541 Kn t ltv . FU 4Q r.'t St. Ioiilj....51 66 .V I lxui.vllle ..E')4' .frJo .45 65 . 4601 Cleveland ...4S 63 .4 9 .46 57 . 44HColumhiia ..S9 62 Ste hitH, and Gallia dupllcatod the perform ance in the second contest Scott allowed five hits In his game, and Clcotte and WolfganK. In the second game, allowed the same number. Score, first game: CHICAOO WMHlNdTflX. AH H O A E W.H.U I.E. Lakaff. 0. Umpire: Uelsel. 8core, see ond game: lloyd, !b. Wolfe, If, Yanta. e.. McOafflKan, aa. Morse, rt Williams, lb M. hrelber, cf... Whalen, lb Mclntyre, If McAllister, o 11. Bohraiber, p.... lawaon. p. AH. K 3 3 0 Totals.. Boatirk, aa Cochran. b FlnKer. lb Tydeman, rf... Hrown. It ... i 1 ' Ttapps. c... county PortMoouU, O., la In, watched , Monroe, o . the game from a box and of course Earl i couldn't hit. Papa Smith, who fully looks the part' of a sheriff, la on bis way . to South Dakota to hook the oufts on a ; culprit and ha stopped otf an routs. Another chap who took a lively inter- eat In the doings was Chick Fraser, HuKKlna, P. Uaahner, p. 34 7 TOPlOiCA. Alt. II. 4 S '.'.7.T. 4 3 a ,.,., s s 0 .17 It. O. A. 1 .1 S 1 .1 0 0 0 oil 1 0 0 3 10 0 10 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 10 0 " I 10 H. O. A. 1 0 3 0 3 3 0 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 I 1 3 1 1 3 1 ISO 0 1 3 0 0 0 "5 rf is a o s o s s e K. 1 0 0 0 0 0' iyio. p 4 i s o l i Totabj M 1 1 3 1 Batted for HI Ins In tenth. Rt. Joseph V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Kloux City 0 00100000 13 To-be hits: Clarke, Koehler. Rapp. Bases on balls: Off Kftfer, 2; off Doyle, J Htrui'k out: By Kelfer. 6; by DoyWs I Wild pitches: Kelfer. loyle. Hit by r Itched bull: Koehler by Doyle. Time: :. Unplrea: Ryan and Cuslck. WObVF.S A.U DE.WKR DIVIDB B. . I 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Bears Take First and Wlehra lyoaa; Merond One. WICHITA Kan. Alls 1 Wlkll . .. I llVnvar fllvlrlaH . .l,...I.T-V,'..,l- k.. ..v. 1 . ."enver laklng the first, to 3, and V 3 -T Wichita the second, 7 to , In twelve In- ninns. ecore. llrHt aume: WICHITA. ab. it. ii. o. a. n . 4 0 1 0 0 0 . 4 0 0 1 0 0 .4 0 0 14 0 1 . 5 0 0 1 t 1 .6 1 1 0 11 .412711 . 3 0 1 0 0) .301241 .10 112 1 . 1 0 0 41 u 0 .1 0 0 0 1 0 . 1 0 0 0 2 0 Bennett, ef. .. Trillion, rf.... Patterson, lb. Mrltton. 2b.. i. Kettllug. 3b.. Husp, rs Thleslnn, If... flriffltli, c... Buster, c Oelitt, p ('RrnptHill, p.. Southern .... Totals Spencer, cf. Milter, rf.... McCormlek. Ualluaay, 2b... Hunter, cf. Hills. If. ... Hnlm. rf. ... Jones, lb. .. Hj-trorO, ss. f's vi yer, Zh. Kwoldt. 3b.' Mreen, e. Mogrldve, p. 1 1 1 16 1 0 .' s 2 A'. ' K. the combats. The Boosters are t ere again today. The game will be called at 3 o'clock, .core, first game: DES MOINES. All. R. It M 2 DENVER. AH. R. 4 7 27 . 24 It. II. 0 0 3 1 O. 0 1 3 6 .11 2 4 0 Totals Lincoln Touuka. 0 0 t w v k.i. kit- lttimore. Double tilsy: t x4nnrfluan in Wllllama htoleil rruu 4k base: Wolfe. Saivrlflee hits: Uoyd. H. I Hhlnlda. lb". Pittsburgh soout ChlcH didn't ovldenoo l fchreiuer , wjr". .J""1;-. Tb nw.if'', any symptom, of purch.ltal. after seeing hrfe S'J&I?Y&'&&r" 1; off Ilusgtns, s: on , . Daaliner. L Hit v pitched UaJI: Hy Total Stt 8 27 Svhrolber, 1: by Hunrlna. -.."iVi1 Ratted for Campbell lo eighth. record: Four runa and six hits In lour rVnver 0 0 4 1 0 1 iAjkini. innlnui off ek'hrlnr: no , i . . u . . . .. . A , A . A WIU ,. ........ - 11 II , . .V V V I V V t runs and no hlta In lo ana onunira in., (rfl on i1(U,M; inver. Wichita. 10. ntnira off Dawson; five iuna and eisni Kmd run: TV-nver. 1: Wichita. 2. blta In five and one-thlra inniDKs on Kac-rlflce hit: McCormlek. Two-base hit: Hun sins; two rune and ona hit hi two- Coffey. Tl.ree-bn.He hit: Kellher Stolen thirds Inning otf Daahner. Time: 1:21. . bnsea: Coffey, r'hlelda. Hits: Off tlelst. i.niuire: uowml I Siorx CITY C A rTl R a. s t 11 t 0-0 1 0-3 Tolala 81 ( 6 27 IS OMAHA. AU. R. . 0 H. O. 0 1 A. -mlth. cf. Krcen. lb. ... l-'orsythe, rf, Virus, 3d, .... KrUf-aer, c. .. Mn'hraney, If. ' ISt-hllftiner. lb. vtUlallik, as. .. Noith. p. .... I "VVlls J .Tngvrsoll. p. ToUls 33 , . 'Batted for North in the seventh. l ea Moines 11 Huns I! H" - 'tm.ha - Home run: Mogrldire. Three-base hits- -hllebner. To-bass hltsrjwii """ey. Hiolen base: Korsythe. Ka- .'lce I. its: lliiia. Hunter Mn.ui, fly: Hilis: lft on i J. j'joslew t aable lilt or Staa Bases i ad Drop D-able-Headr. S ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 4. St. Joseph 'could not hit or run bases successfully F 'to.l ay and Sioux City took both games of A a aounio uni, w m tiini . iu i.iw n v i ronifHl Ruins ii mn um viiinnH. In the second lKiyl tMl f e of team link. ame Kelfer pUched welL but hlou l Uy bold the Bt. joaepn m six and one-third Iiiiuuks; otf Csmp- neii. z in one and tnn-tlilrds Innlnvs. Double play: Coffey to Oxllowiiy. Htrui k out: By Hleraer, 3; bv tlelst. 1; bv South ern. 1. Buses on Imlls: off terser, 2: off Oelst. 4: off Camnlel, : off S.nith ern. 2. Wild pltrh: Ueint. Hit bv pitched Onu: Tamiii. ueist ana I'atterson hy Sterser. rime: i 10 1'inplre: Van aycKie. scoie, secnnn name: WICHITA. AM. K. II. n. A. E.' 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 Si-ore, first ai-roe: ST. JOSEPH. 17 10 S 1 0 s 0 1 1 1 1 0-6 . .'"in, . inu: off North t . s- ven lniilnKs: off Innersoll. 1 two ::' Mh4i .rurk out: KHy MridK. J: I ",UJ- "es on bails: Off Mogridss off North. 3: oif Inrii . fl." . W Mil . I . . Ki ueser f2. Tlr,.. t ir. i-JTrT.. . .iBrien. biore. second same "" llf J kl.Ll. l. ' A is. .Jli-nier, cf... .-His. If Hii-hn. rf..,. J 2" n". R . ; ii.ii r i.i d, ss. a-wr, 26.., 1 uoUU, 4l... J35i''n, c , jk-r, p TuUls -nUth. f ' -..leen, 30 '""km, 3k . ei:i, c i 1W 'heenry, rf. lillelMlor, 10. I ;rii-y. if. r oisylha i hiui k. as " k r.-eicr i Koi ipsun. p... . t-tiiou, as T.Kal b ...6 ... 4 R. 0 f 1 0 i I 1 1 1 II. A. W 7 OMAILA. AH. R. esse 9 4 tee 9 es m w u ii. i o A. E.S 4 1 0 0 4 , i I 1 33 I t-jiiKi for Varnry In elahih. K.ti.-d for I (. In eighth. iirtrii(Md out on infield fiy. S .ICltJVS ; !: n ...v ....... .f 1 J 0 u 1 i 1 3 1 1 1 AB. 1C- . O. A. B. Nicholson. If. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Koehler. lb ! llclmer, cf. 4 11110 Williams, rf. 110 0 10 Orodlck. lb 4 0 1 4 t 0 Kai. ss 3 0 1 4 4 3. tiroellug, 3b. 3 0 0 4 1 1 1 Bliss, u. 8 1 T 1 0 Val. p S 0 0 1 3 0 Kelfer. p. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Watson 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals SO "7 "J 5? 17 t SIOCX CITT. AB. It, H. O. A. B. Cnoney, 3b & 0 0-3 4 0 Clark, rf 4 0 1 3 0 Cailshan. aa 4 0 0 3 4 0 ljeune, cf 4 1 t 0 10 Kane lb 3 0 3 14 2 0 Henslllig. tt 4 1 0 2 2 4 Dttvtdsmi, If 3 I 1 0 0 0 iJoniully, c 4 e 2 S 1 Booihby. p ,4 0 1 1 ( 0 Totala 36 3 V 27 SI 1 Bennett, ef Tallinn, rf l', lb... Brltton, 2b Helling. 3b Hou, vs.. Thieving, If Orlffith, c Ril. P 'te p Southern. ...... Vol Totals A. 1 0 0 6 3 o o o 0 3 0 HARRY KOCH KEEPS TITLE JN TENNIS Omaha Player Defeats Coach "Jumbo" Stiehm in Three Straight Sets. 11 i 1? ID Totals ....11 J 17 1 1 'Hatted for Oinson In n.ntn. I 'Batted for Cooper In ninth. 'Boston 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-S ! Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 inrefl'uam nius: sum, maiviiTinv, AVagner. Double play: Collins to Johns ton. Earned runs: Boston, 6; ltltsburgn, j. Bases on balls: oft Davis, 2; oft H'JKhes. 3: oft Mamaux. 2: off Cooper. 1. Hits: Off Davis, 2 In one Inning (none out I In second Inning); oft Hughes, a in eignt Innings; off Mamaux, S In two and two thirds innings; off Cooper,. 8 in six and cne-thlrd innings; Hit by pitched ball: By Cooper, Smith. Struck out: By Hughes, 4: by Mamaux. 8: by Cooper. 6. Umpires: ! Quigley and Emslle. I - Hetls Trim gaperbas. : - CINCINNATI. Aug; 4. Dale kept) the " visitors' hits scattered and Cincinnati ELLIS AND DAVIS IN DOUBLES uenBeH,nelgameito' one.rCClnc?nnatl i ' . hit Appleton hard In the fourth and also LJNCT.N A it 0 4 fnrwtoi -r.!. took kindly to Deli a curves In the sev- Harry Koch of Omaha retained ills laurels aa atata tannl. fhumrtlnn l kA singles hero this afternoon by defeating " Jar., si.'!? I a Coach "Jumbo" Stiehm of tho University rsu t. ib.. l u of Nebraska in three straight acts. Koch osTahlV.' tbll a and Stiehm fought their way through the ' rt. l I t state tennis tournament to the finals in Applet! "p.'.l l the singles by some brilliant playing this " 1 n a o morning. , The Cornhuaker mentor waa no match 'Hummal ,...t a for Koch la the finals, however, and waa forced to wag a defensive battle through out. Kooh had the better of Stiehm In serving and during the first set manager to take It rn straight games. enth. Sent- BROOKfAV. CINCINVATT. AH H O. A H AB H O.A E 1 Oflroh. lb. ... 1 vi oi I Heno. 1 t Waanar. o I Hoc! I OKIlllfsr c(...l It 4 Ortttltb. rf...4 8 0 a 4 s 4 18 3 0 0 OWIIIIama. If I 18 4 0 1 CMollewlu. lb.4 0 II 4 0 4 i i.. a t a a i a 0 0 "Clark. 1 14 4 4 1 a TstaJs a 17 II 1 Totals ...M I 84 10 0 't-nitea icr Wagner In seventh. I tatted for Appleton In fifth. Batted for Dell In eighth. Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 4 Yesterday's Ileaolts WESTERN LEAGUE. TopeVa, 4-4; T,lncin, .1-7. Denver. -; '.Vlchita. 2-7; tied. Des M-nca, 6-7; Omaha, i-1 Sioux ICty, 1-3: rtt. Joseph. 2-1. NATIONAL LEAOUIC. New York. 11-7: Rt. Louis. P-0. New York, 11-7; St. Louis. 8-0. Philaiie!,hln-Chfnif.-. rain. Brooklyn, 1; Cincinnati, 4. IlOHton, 5; Pittsburgh. 1. AMERICAN LFTAGUE. Detroit. 1; Philadelphia, 0, Chicago. 0-1 Washlnaton, 1-S. Cleveland-Boston, rain. Si, Louis-New Y'irk. wet arounds. FEDERAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn. 1: Pttsbunrh. . AMERICAN As'SOCl ATlON. Kansas City, 6; IndlsjispolU, 1. Minneniiolls. 2; Iiuisville, S. Milwaukee, 3-6; Cleveland. 8-0. St. Paul, 0-4; Columbus, 1-0. (James Today, Western Leaa-ue Toneka at Lincoln, Denver at Wichita. Ploux City at St Joseph, Des Moines at Omaha. National LeaguePhiladelphia at Pltts-bure-h. New York at Cincinnati. Boston at Ch'caao, Brooklyn at St Louis. American League Chicago at Washing ton. Detroit at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Cleveland at Boston. Federal League Ft. Louis at Baltimore. Ch'rssro at Brooklyn, PittsLurgh at Buffalo. Murphy. rf..4 Weaver, SB... 4 r. r-i In., tb.t Kournter. lb. I roach, cf....4 1 I f'o lm. lf. 0 firhalk. C....4 Illarkb.. Jh. l t Scott. P 1 0Mnll.r. rf Foater. Sb . nn. cf. Srhans. 3b. lnnli. lb. Ropp. If. tlenrv. c.. 1 V n-ld. aa I i Boahllns, . . 0 1 a 1 1 1 0 1 IS a a 0 6 a l 1 3 i!ii?l;M0RB TO GAME THANWINNING Superintendent English Has Ar ranged Rules to Govern Ball Games in the Parks. Koch will receive a silver cud for the' Two-base hlta: Stengel. Groh. Killlfer. championship in the singles, while Stiehm ! Three-base hits: Stengel. Killlfer. Stolen will a slWer cup a. runner-up. ! Bk.y'nrT.neli'tri. JS.l In the doublcs'Ilarrj' Ellla of Lincoln ' Cotshaw to Daubert, Hersog to Mollwlts. and Guy Davis of Lincoln carried off the Her,f 10 ,n,r' Hersog to Wagner to honor, by defeating McKllllp and Oeeson Br.:Off p'p.e'' 'i'ofV in three straight sots after the latter pair Coombs, 1; off Dale, 1, Hlta: Off Appleton. had succeeded in eliminating Clarko ln tour Innings; oft Dell, ft in three In Powell and Harrv Koch of Omaiia in n,n"BL off Coombs, 0 in one Inning. Struck fk .n. . i .v i "ut. B APPleton. 2; by Coombs, 1; by three thrilling eeta In the semi-finals. Dale. 2. Umpires: JUgler and Hart. Oeeson and McKllllp beat Powell and I y..Vi hl c T,M Koch. M, H H Qecson played spec-; ST. .oris Au j.whlls tacuiar tennis In these sets and wss re- were out in overcoats her today. New aton.iblo for the elimination of the Omaha, fork beet St. Louis two games. The niavMa . i i-cores were 11 to and 7 to 0. In the P . , , . "rst game New York pelted four St. Against Ellis and Davis, however, he Louis pitchers. St Louis knocked was not so successful and the champion- Mahtewson out of the box and got seven ahlr. allond from hla sraso runo m th eelghth Inning. ship slipped from his grasp. ,n b. onA T.,r.a(1 .ow.a Tho acoree ln both elngles and doubles flt. loiiI. four hta, three of these auecea- chainpionshlps follow: jsively In the third Inning, but a triple Bt.NGLKi! FINAL. Koch heat Stiehm O-O. 1, -. DOUBLES FINAL. Kllia and Davta beat Oeeson and Mc Kllllp, 7-5, 7-5. 7-6. play prevented St. Louis seor(- Score: NTW YORK. ST. LOVI8. AB HO.A E AB H O.A.H. Feds Plan New Eaid On Organized Ball Spencer, cf. .... Miller, rf MoOormU k. It Oalloway. lb.. Coffev. Sb Shields, lb K nil her. ss.... Wpahr, c Uaakell, p Totals.. U 7 DENVER. AB. R. t).ae-sj 16 30 IT If. O. 13 A. B. FJurna. If 4 1 I Rabbins.. If-rf.4 a finodgrasa. of. 4 1 4 Doyls. lb . I 4 1 KLtctMr. a. 4 4 I M.rkla. rf-lf.4 4 I IxtMrt, lb... I I a Bralnard. Ib.l 14 Iianlti. c 4 3 1 W.nd.ll. c., 4 0 a I1r..r.. e 1 a I a bwaoa. lt . ..a s na-lwr. If. Otons. rf.... Miliar, tb.. Pm. tb... fVlSB. of.... ss.rii.r. 4 1 1 .4 1 1 I 1 8 a a a I 1 4 i a i Total Jl 4 14 11 1 Tout. ....18 .17 17 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Washington 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Two-hase hit: Milan. Double Play: Fos ter to Gandil. Bases on balls: Off Boehl ing, 3. Struck out: Hy Kcott, 3: by Boehl Ing. 8. Umpires: Nallln and Dlneen. Score, eccond s-sme: CHlCAflO. WASHINOTON. ABHOAK ABHO.AE Murphy, rt..l 114 OMoellsr, rf...l 3 0 0 I (i homer, zb. ..4 " i l u 6 OMIIan, cf....4 1 4 a 4 OKhanka, 3b. .1 1 3 J'" a OOamlll. lb. ..3 0 T 3 a 4 tAcaata, If.. ..3 1 4 4 V 1 fAlnamlth, C..8 1 6 I 0 8 rM"Hid. Sh.l 1110 0 (XTallla. p....l 4 8 3 0 a CHenrj. c 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 t 37 11 0 W- sver, aa...4 0 1 K CoUlna, tb.l 1 1 Kournler. lb. 3 0 II F-lii-h cf...4 1 1 J. Collins. If. 2 4 4 May.r. e I 0 3 Hlackb., lb. .1 0 a ricAtte. p.... 2 a a l.lfhold ....1 1 0 Wolfgang, p. 0 0 0 TO USE SYSTEM OF MASKING That the winning of a game should unaa. c...i a 4 U- .k I .1..- 1- ..!,. .DllbUC. P 1 0 0 ue iu ouiy iuiiue iu iuiuiuiiu ? o , Totals Total 17 4 It 11 a fitted for Clcotte In eighth. 1 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Washington 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 8 Two-base hits: Felsch, McBride. Three baxe hits: Alnsmlth. Stolen base: E. Collins, Foumler, Murphy. Earned runs: Chicago, l; Washington, 3. Double play: Blackhurne to Fournier. Bases on balls: Off Gallia. 8. Hits: Off Clcotte, 5 In eight Innings. Struck out: By Clcotte 8- by Gallia, 4. Umpires: Dlneen and Nallln. Tlarers Beat Marks. FHILADLFPiriA. Aug. 4.-Wyekoffs wlldness In the sixth Inning enabled De trdt to defeat Philadelphia today, 1 to 0. Dubuo scored the only run of his pitching duel with Wyckoff on a pass, Vltt's sac rifice, a paita to Bush, Cobb's single and Crawford's sacrifice fly. Score: DETROIT. PHLADEH.PIMA. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.K. Pitt. Sb 8 0 3 1 0 "!-. Ih...4 Olid 4 'f trunk. rf...t 0 1 a a 0 o"m ii. if. ..4 i a a a a OSchans. rf...t 1 8 a 0 a i ..l 2b. ..3 4 14 4 t OMrlnnla. lb. MUM T.PD e 8 0 4 1 0 3 OKopf. aa lt3 1 (Wyrkott. p.. 8 4 a 7 0 Itu-h an 1 S 1 rbh cf 4 1 I Crawford, rf.l 4 0 ,e neb. I r ... a I l i Rurna. lb.... 8 4 11 I Youna. lb. ..2 a I Totals Itock s A mc. p . OOrln.'. a t i niMuua, "Hoalia - 84 13 tf tl 'Qoaaalaa e.,4 1 I lb. ...5 I 11 OButlw, a. ...I 1 1 lb 4 4 a .a a a .3 i a 14 4 l a a ... l a a Perdu., p.... a e a athletics is a tenet not held Id, very high esteem by Superintendent Eng lish of public recreation. During an inter-park competitive series of playground ball and volley ball to be held this month be will en deavor to inculcate the importance of real sportsmanship and provide in centives for proper language and con duct during games. All contests will be marked on the fol lowing percentage basla: Forty per cent for winning. 36 per cent for clean sports manship and X per cent for reliability. Sportsmanship will inrlude fouls and in fractions of rules, prompt acceptance of officials' decisions and language and conduct of players during a contest Reliability will Include prompt appear ance for play at scheduled hour and date, faithfully carrying out all rules aa to registration and weight. This rule is to punish trickery of sny kind, whether in trying to fix schedules or running In a player or changing batting order, Total. ....21 3 27 17 Tola la ...27 4 27 17 0 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit; Veach. Earned runs: De troit, I. Double plays: Vltt to Young to Burns, Mclmiis to Kopf, Wyckoff to Kopf to Mclnnls. Struck out: By Dubuc. 2: hy Wyckoff, 2. Baaes on balls: Off Dubuc. 3; oft Wyckolt, 6. Umpires: Chill and Evans, R.H.K. 5 S i 1 8 0 Ctv Sanders and Tipple, 'Willis and RUE 2 7 3 3 13 1 ..a 10 34 IS Batted for Val In the ninth. eioux City 04000430 03 St Joseph ........ S 0 0 V 0 0 0 t 0-1 Three-base . hit: Maimer. - Two-base V !t .'"". Kane, Booihby. Buea on V, 7i' . . roller. i;- orr Iim.tliby t Struck out: Uy Val. 3; by Keifrr. S; bjrHoothby. 2. Time: 1A linpirea: Cusack and Ryan, fcvore. swcumiI gnn,K; ST. JoEi'H All. R. H. t). A. K o v II NI-ho!aon. If Koehler, lb , Hflni.r. cf... Williams, rf. Orodlck. lb.. RPl. ss Orueliruf, 4b. Bliss, c Kelfer. p Watson Totala ... Cooney, lb . . . CUrk, rf Palilalia II...-44. l-ejeiiue. if.. Kane, il U.i.llr.u .11) 1 3 7 I I B vl1oli. If S WiCroaoy. c 34 1 HIOUX CITY. AB. R. 4 H I 1 a u I I t 0 13 2 I Matted for Pate In elahth. One out when winning run acored. IVnver 0 200004000 0-0 Wichita ... 1 OS0010S000 1 7 Ull on bases: Denver, 8; Wichita. 10. Earned runs: lienver. 3: Wichita, 4. Sc riiice hits: H'p, Griffith. Two-base hits: Kellher, Galloway. Ortfflth, Tallinn. Stolen ba&e: Bennett. Una: Off RiU-y, 8 In aeven and one-third Innings; off Pat, two ta one and two-thlrus Inulnga TENNIS MATCHES AT BOSTON POSTPONED BOSTON, Aug. 4. The final In the All Coniera' Tennis tournament at the Long wood Cricket club between R. Norrla A llliama II of Philadelphia and N. W. i Nllea of Ikiaton waa postponed today on account of rain. It will bo played to- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Aug. 4.-James 01 A. Gllmore. president of the Federal league, announced here today that hi i league waa planning another raid on ; Organised base ball and that negotlattoha 0 with fifteen star of the National and J ? American leaguea were under way. Mr. I 'Ratted for Betsel in the ninth. 1 Gllmore aald the Federala would endeavor ew oTrk 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 ft-lllalble under this system for 0. to sign several well known players In the " v w w a u- , wm , th f, , although auch a ?,f.ll -nd that other, would be found In Lj"?" ?":. Beacher. Dol.n. ,. - '.U!h team 1 ; i inrwDaae nns: urns, Hyatt. Sto.eci ' " "'"i " moat numoer ot , tne reuerai iu. irainiui viiii n.i maw; iKvie, He.K Butler Lone. D-. in 0 spring. Gllmore said that no amount of play: Butler tc Miller to Hyatt, 'isi -(money withln reason wouM ..and In ,th. j teVn.TV'hVwn'oJf j way of the Federala If they could induce Teercau, 1 off Arms. 4 Hlta: Off Math iauch men as O rover Cleveland Alexander, Jcason. 10 In seven and one-third Innings; 'on isereau. nons in one aria two-thirds 'innings; off Ames. 8 In two and two. Three points off a team's score will be Total n7onat th fnaty for swearing, which provl- Batted for Niehaus in the eighth. 'on Mr English believes, will serve as I a aeterrent He explains it nuv ha team to games. A schedule of games has been made. "Stuffy" Mclnnia to sign contracts. Mr. Gllmore announced that the Fed eral league undoubtedly would have a team ln New . York City next year and that the pennant winner In hla league would again challenge the winner of the world's series this fall. 3tf 13 0 1 0 0 . 1 0 . i morrow and th challenge snatch against M. K. MuLiMighUa. originally scheduled u I for tomorrow, will be put over until "I j Friday. STORZ TO PUY CHAMPS OF LINCOLN ON SUNDAY The Stors are booked to Invade Lin- j coin Sunday, to play the Lincoln Clean ing and Dye works team there. The Cleanera have been champions of Lincoln for two yeara and Deac Meyers, who waa Just fired by the Western leagua club, will twirl, so the Stors will have to hustle to hold thalr own. l o. 3 0 Mala Malta Match. CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Rain again pie "enled the traich ! t '- western tennis tournament at Unt Koivat lodav. After nailing uiilll late 'n t'iu aft ..1-1. .I....I.4-.I tl.-t . . - - - "in uniaif ana I 1 wot ur; nuv Ivk, niU'. l.i r..,.i.. . . I ana anu and culled pUy off 8sstkrrs Aaaactalloa. Naahville. 1; Atlanta 1. Utile Rock. 1: New Orleans. 3 Memphis. 3: 1 Urn. Ingham. 4 (11 Innings). Chattanooga, 7: Mobile. 3. He ix aill Valaalac:. PAULLINA. la.. Aug. 4.-'Speclal Tele gram Ira Btdwrii s Kansas City Red 10. won from I'anllina. a to a The bog son tvenly-Mw of tl.e last thirty games thirds Innings; off Griner. 0 In three ami two-thirds Innings: off Nlehaua. 1 in two third inning; otf Perdue, none In one In nini;. Mruck out Hy T.reau, 2; by Ames. 2; by Oriner. 1; by Nlahaua, 1; by Poeduo. t Umpires: Eaaon Ryron. Score, aeeond game' KaTW tork. T. Long . AIH O.A I. AS H O A S nil It a 1 t S fiailMi W . I a a I ti.hMns . If t 4 1 4 Ing. rf .4 4 4 4 8 ISngraaa. ot.4 t I I Millar. Ib-lb.4 48 l-ayl. lb 4 3 4 aiwlaa cf a I 4 4 ' ' r-artelir. as. 4 3 I 4 (Hasslsa tb.l 4 8 18 Mrrkl rt...4 I 8 4 ....! alls I .brrt. lb.. ..4 4 I I H.. Ib-rfl a 3 8 a lb I 1 8 4 Btlr. a... I I T 8 4 M.f.r. -... 4 18 4 tll.iael. 4b... I 1 4 I TaarMa. P.4 14 4 Maadoaja. 8 1 1 8 8 0: TMala ....84 8 81 8 T.tals ... If 4 87 18 MW I CI S 3 V V v 1 i II Ht. Louis 0 0 0 0 Two-beso hit: Merkle. Threa-beee hits: Bums. Teraeau. Stolen base: Bratnard. Earned runs: New York, 4. Double play: lluUcr to Hugglna to Miller. Triple play: I ajbert to Doyle. Bases oa bails: Off Tssreau. 1; off Mssdows. 2. Struck out: By Teretu, 8; by Meadowa. 1. Umolrss: n j run ail fesahs and Celda Daagerasu. Don't wait, take Dr. Ktnrs New Dis covery now. It will help your cough and soothe tb lungs. 8.c. All druggists Ad ertia aieat American Aaaorlatloa At Indianapolis Kansas ' ty ' Indianapolis Gelbel; Indianapolis, Gossett. Kelley. At Ioulsvllle Minneapolis Louisville Batteries: Mlnneanol's. Honner and Rul llvan: lii-v:ie Vortheon and C'ea.ln. At Cleveland (first game) R.H.B. AM'.waukee 3 9 2 Cleveland . tu i Batterlea: Milwaukee. 8harkleford, Rhoades and Brannon; Cleveland. McCall and Billings. Second Game n it v I Milwaukee j g j icveiana a ( i Batterlea: Milwaukee. Sheckleford and Bmnnon; Cleveland, Urennan and De vout. , At Columbus (first game) R.H.B. St. Paul 0 8 3 Columbus 1 13 5 Batterlea: St. Paul. Williams and Johneon; Columbus, Davis and Coleman. Second Game E St Paul 4 8 8 Columbus 0 S 1 Batteries: St. Paul. Lei ield and Glenn; Columbus, Bennett, Ci rtiss and Roberta. Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. : -'-'rta. ': .'A'l irl ,. I , - . - ' ' ' v. : j r. l. 'iS 4 SO.OMAnA.NtB.. 1 Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in th West Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTEE, 2502 N St. . Telephone South 863