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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1915)
AUGUST 1M5. 4 - enononononononononooonononononononononononononononooononononononononononooononononononononononononodooionononopononononcnonono , tt L. -a ErX .rv 14- J 1 l 1 J .X 1 X A a1 a a 1 o g mo woo li io pi uucxuiy ciuiu iu mu icaci mat you nave never inea to onononjnoaoaononoaononoionoaonononononononononoaononononononoaonoQonoDononoaonononononononoaDonoaonononooononononooononQDonODQ THE BEE: OMAIU, WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Insure prnt-er rlarfflftcatlon mut be Pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after such hours v III he under the heading. "To Lai to Classify." CASH RATES. . Beven consecutive time, 1 cent a worn rh Insertion. Two or mora eonaacutlve tlmea 1H cent word. Ona lima, I sent word. CHARGE RATES. Raven consecutive tune. 5 centa a Una each Insertion. Three eonaecutlv tlmea, 10 cent a una aarh Inserlir). One time. 11 cent line. Count six 'aver word to Una, Mlmlmum c ha run. 10 centa An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. . . All cUlms for error rnt ba male within fifteen davs after the laat Inaer tlon of the advertisement. DRATMS AND FVKRIItL NOTICES MATHBN Mary Ann, died August 1,1915, aged 77 years, at the resilience of her daughter, Mra. Anton Olson, 2611 Khar man A ve. Funeral Wednesday, August 4. at f:30 a. m., at the Panlsh-NOrweglsn M. M. church, KSth and Decatur HU. Interment at Prospect. Hill. PRIEST EDITH M., aged S9 years. Fwnrela from Rurkrt chapel. Twenty ninth and Ieavenworth streets. August 3. at 10 a. m. Interment Forest Un ceme tery. C ARD OF THANKS. WB WISH to thank our frlenda and neighbors, also the lodge and fellow employes, for their klndne, aympathy and beautiful floral trlbutea, at the fu neral of our dearly beloved aon and brother, Roy. Mr. and Mra. Andrew Pol lock, Henry Pollock. Father Pollock. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Marlua and Fannie Ginsberg, 736 North Twenty-alxih. South bide, girl; Abraham and Sophie Epteln, lull) Buuth Tenia, girl; r rank L. and Hllma L. Wil liams, 1714 Spring, girl; Forrest and Laura Richardson, boy; Joseph and Antonla, Jackslck, 1423 North Twenty-third, Houtli Bide, girl, Meve and Alice Lugerlng 2ul8 L. South Bde, girl; Charles and lather 1 (outlet t, l.Cl N. 2!t, girl; Hurry and Father Tlgor. Su7 North Twelfth. South hide, boy; George and Marie Katlgan, &M South Seventeenth, girl; Thomaa and Fannin Freeman, 1518 Spruce, girl; Fred and Anna Pltke. 2.1 Iake. girl; IllnseJ and Horn Luplch, 6iT South Thirty-first, South Side, gill; 'William O. and Olive Jones, 1N21 1-othrop. plil; Thnrkel and F.lsle Gottsrhitlk, 2730 Hamilton, girl; Nathan and Bertha Uordy. 2f3 Seward, girl; Samuel and Ruth Ree. Califor nia, boy: Morris and Llllie Rosenberg, 113 North Twentv-fourth, boy; Ueorge and F.lir.nheth Konp. V.2 South Twentieth, South Fid", hoy; Charles. I and Haxel M. Oil.son. 1X11 Mlil'my avenue, boy; Harry and Ka Hurnnteln. l.'M Charles, boy. IVntl I n .vn iii-i- Smith, IS, ttifi Soiith Twenty-awoml. South Side; Henrlch lree-.Ti. ill. Floren'-e; Edith M, Case, ?8. Wirt: Klmcr Ileddlnu, M, honpltal; Orvllle 11. Spurlo. k, 6. .1712 North Twenty fourth: fllndys Houghton, &. VH South Twenty-ninth; Stanley Decknvlck, 1. l North TMrtv-thlrd. South Side; Joseph Mnelk, months, 1 North Twety elffhth. South Side; Anna B. Wilder. IS. 7H North Twenty-fourth: Wllhelm H. Schmltt, 10, hospital: Mra. Alice 8. Moodv, 4 ll'ir. Lothrop; Mra. Anna Smith, SS. hospital. MARRIAGR LICENSF.S. The folloavlnp; couples were (ranted license to wed today: Name and Residence. , Jlarrr W. BerB, Sloug City, la.. Eva McDonald. Sioux Ctly, la.. Harry Miller, nrayton, la. Kathrrtne Koob, lira y ton, la... John nor man, Omaha Rose Voaa. Omaha A Be. ... Ml ,.. 21 ,.. K ... 1 ,.. H ,.. 11 ... s Harry Fi Krioff, Kansas City.... falrw Arnold, Chicago Charles Satterly, Omaha nta Thompson, Omaha David K. F.manuel, TVs Moines... Kthct A liber. Doa Moines Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slide for now. Bend your copy to us. W can reproduce photo r will preer your copy. We will color a directed. Bee Photo Dspt, 10 Be Bid. Duwatowa. EMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. Tl Girl of the Gypsy Camp. H-heel Bll son When Wlfie bleeps, LuMo. Dreamy J "i1 Ones Bear Hunting. Essanuy. )learst-elltf No. aL MUNCKS3. 18 17-1 DOUGLAS. extra. 1- Outcasls of hta-lfty. i-reel drama. Bunin.-ss is BiimI nese. Western comedy. Nor III. ' OUASD. ' 16TH AND B1NNKY. "Theater Beautiful. HOME OF GOOD PICTURES. God Witness, a Feature I reel, featuring r Inrence La Bady. And a good comedy. i-O f liKOP. 24TH AND LOTUKOP." When It Strike Home. 5-reel. World -featuring Orare Y ashburn, Edwin Au g'Jt. Muriel Ostrlche. tlk,. 2824 LEAVENWORTH, ArOLO, The Ooddess. Chapter 11. Vltagraph A FlaabllKht Flivver. Kalem. Whs It Her Duty? Krilaon. West. MONROE JBR5 FARNAM. Kugene O'Rrlen and Elaine HainmersU In in "The Moonatone." a Shxbert Fea., 5-r' Fr..n tie Kanmiis Willrm Collins" Novel' kuulk klile. 84TH AND N. BESSE, A M For O'd Ireland. S-reel Lubln.t en'oipe tol'lietnla. VltsKraph OHPHKUM. 2 4TH AND N. 1'lftr Year After Appom;ls.y. Th. dr It'- Arrow Maldt-n. Hili.w Jrama. When tl.e TUe Came In, . B. drama. Ttn-Cent Adventure, Majestic comedy. A MOVIES k r FEATURES 7 TODAY APOLIX). 2824 LEAVENWORTH. The Go.lJt-ss, Chapcr II. c itA.s l $ in anLbTnnky. C"d a Feature, featuring Flor- ore 1. iiaily, l.O I H i i u i 2 4 T 1 l'AND LOfilliOP.' tvt:en It 8tr, Home. U-reel World, fea j'lli.a c.race Waiit,um. i.tlaln AuausL J.i in !.! oirlc he 2665 FAKNAM. 1 ' ' " O'Brien and Klaine Hammersteln, ni ' 'J i.e i -'oiiaioije," a r-jujt-r-t fr., 5-r! fii,:i ire r aiawus W iia: Cuihns' Noveii AXXOrN CEMENTS JITNEY TRANSIT CO. Ooodeara lowest rate. Phone Poug. S1L Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Re Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendence Offlca 'Room 101. Investigate) T.M.CJL. oufg park, summer? 1,000 Craw Fish Fresh every day. Willlnm Singleton. Call Doug. I1U WK 1IAVK rodded M.OUO buildings since 1114, and never had ona struck. We guarantee every Job. AMERICAN LlUHTNINO ROD CO.. 701 8. HHh St A ITO ACTION WANTED-Concessions and attractions for carnival at- (Imfinti M.h a, 1, 2". 21. Dr. C. S. Hubbard, secretsrv. HAVE contract for concessions tor M. W. A. plcnlo at Helleviie, Neb., Aug. 21. Anyone who can furnish merry-go-' round. uou racn. canny racK and poiHorn """i"! ""rrm irrm nc louareil, lielle- vue. I'hone licllevue 44. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conaldertaf selling or buying a Used car and vou want full value for your money or you wat people who are willing to pay for what they are gci tins; you will hnve no regret If you vr s'jTrriijia taroufn rrie used car pumnfhe Bee'honeTyler 10U0. FOR SALE '(in TRA Drnye-pMsengr Car lb I n H n h I . I I t n n nA . I . for lot. or what hava mut fm ur.K.... 717 or D. KM. t(A hb'Wlnri ... .... 1 any inBHiwiij we can repair. Colls topd. Hayndorfer. 210 N. !, o iinir L.oie. One four-i yllnder Croxton-Keeton, One four-oylm.ler Clialmera. Prices from to $1,000. ii. ri:unN, yyia Famam St. Industrial OnraKe Co.. 20th at Harney Hts. FOR SALE CHEAP Four Mx4V, slightly used csslngs. with almost new Inner V.: r.1"" f""r ,',4'' Continental Rlma- will sell separately or together. Phone 7','ft. Douglas 112, C"..KLTS'Aet.KK Prt raillator and lamp repalra. Ty. 701. got l.eavanworth. FOR BALE or would exchange for a good touring car. Must be of late model. P. -to truck, good aa new. Tel. FOR HALE One 1911 6-pas., SO H. P. I-.verett. n good running condition, for w'eloste? 72m" C"'h nly' r1 brJ- Cadlllao lVn Ford tnh Pl 0 Ford la OaM'nd ?,5 Truck 1M Se buy. se and exchange. THK AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 22"! rarnam. t.i i w.,,- nut rONTENKI.LK AUTO CO.. lit 8. lth ' St F.xr-ert repairing; bargain In used -1 BuunMnrtu mn represented. Overton'a for l.-aky radiator. 50 denlera. NFBnASKA Hulck Serke StaUon, 1114 Farnam Ht Phone Douglas 72t nrsixEH.s chawcks If your buclaes Chance will stand flKld investiMation and is Jut what It 1 advert led, or If you are looking to start ..., ioj vourseic you will ba per fectly satisfied If you use the Business t hance column of The Bee. When buy ir'ilL'ilPS'.jLMIilll'J 1000. FOR SALE Well established busin.-.s; i only one of Ita kind n Omaha; no vun petllion; business will ray for Itself m Mx months. Address HO. Mil. Cl3 h urnnm St., or 'phone Doiulsa lti.1 H0 WJI.L illy a cleanlnn, preaalng nd tiillonnr businera: earna from $150 to lib a month; downtown location; let me show you; reason for selling, other busl- WILL sell my dru store doing a big .....,.,c. nnmni in a ivj town in Ne briiska. Reasons for selling the beet. A snap for drusmst wishing a guod bust nesis and location. Clean slock and fine fountain and fixtures. Y 8:19. Bee, f lONB. show crd. Clark at Bon. D.' 1377 TaTJ.V0'.11!, bu,lness rail on iw. ih nw riog. ioug, 5477 REAL estate Business pla as- supplied or bandied: all atalea. F. V. Knlest Omaha. TH EATERS Buy, lea or sell your the ater, machine and a ipplle through Theater Kneh. Co., 1408 Farnam. P. W7. N?"!?.-U,t J"0"' Protrty with W. iiiiama. 3u isevi.ia hih. d. 4407, T2 6?L.t'0, UT. bi-slness, call on II 11 11 1. A RAMkn 1" 11.1. . . " ".mm. r i.mwt ma. 1 ft Hia Was, parlor. R.K4 Neville bk.MlHs Walton, WELL selected mill nery stock, worth bIu.ii. 1 1 1. 1. . . 1 . . &. ... flahlished exclusive business, near 18th and Farnam, can be bouKht fcr lioO. This la a snap and If Interested, you ahould act promptly. UKKALD M. DREW. . 1091 W. O. W. Bid;. FOR fA LE Or traJe, biarkamlth shop and garage In Co. tat town. Addrdk Y He. FOR BALE A cement block factory In a good town with up-to-date machinery and mixer and doing a good business. C. H. Ktrood Boelus. Neb. WANTED to buy hardware stock in small town, In Nebraska or Iowa; give ull iiartlcuiara In first letter. No trade stock considered. J. F. MeLane, Florenoa. Neh. rtaam I aar llnaae lor Sale. BOARDING and rooming house, oheao. D. 1447. EDUCATTOJIAL Boy les College Day School. Nietat School. oompleU busiuesa utirse. complete shorthand or rleiiolype rouree, complete teltfraphy course, civil service branches and Lug Huh. Students admltttal at any tuu. Write, phono or call fur 1VI4 rataiogue, BOYLKS COLLEGK, H. 1. BoVLEri. President. Tel. D 1Mb ..oyles Hld Omaha. Nela FOR sale, the fuilolng s'holarshipi a first c)as Omaha business College: One unlimited coiublualluu buaiuaa aud Khoriltaud couth. One unlim.lrd aieiiocraphlo courae. Due thiee uiuuihs buainesa or stsoo fiauntc courae. bS. ol1 duc;unt at the office Of The Omaha Be. Ftllt BALE FOR KALE Here 1 claaai;icatloa that Is of the uwuusi liiujituiu to every ja.dtx, as ti,, c.uanu olfers iKUte excep tional opportunities titry day and a ? u,r1v.Trv:iu!r,a?i' L."u.r rUci -i Farallarr, lleBeeaal. Cia, tie. N,KVi.hl'!tJ T,da Pt- Hacrifiee. For iun-s; sle. Any rvasouabla offer ao cei.ied and terms. Phone luuirlaa 4415. OAK (iiiiii.g luUe. 4 chairs, brave 11- leaona.e Harney 47 1 1. S-H tLL Caloric ftrelvK couker. Harney iOl Nil co-i 1 leaviiiK rlty Aug.iat 1 will t il reaaonabla ivuiH,lia five rooms and hall furiiliure. l ur r pur. liaiuiK fuii.i- 1 llfM Clan . lui r.-til ft V ttat 1- BAhOAjNh IN FITRN ITL'ri E ASU HAlllJ iV ARE. IK N. UTH. WEa Iwl. FOR HALE Karnltare, lloasehold tioads, Kte. T)F!SrvS bought and sold. J. C. Reed, JlTi0J2(rt Famsm t r. SIM. KITCHEN cabinet. Tel. Web. IH1. Meraee a as) aatietee IV) buy a well broke, neck rein as-Idle horse. M22 Harrison St. Phone Ho. i2, Grocers, Attention! OUR large stock of delivery wagons (Studebaker'a, and our own make), of fered at low prloes to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck bodies. JOHNJN-DANFtRTIt COMPANY, IMS-gl-m N. lth St.. near Clark St. FRESH COW, US. Phono South 3029. 8TKONO. light wagon for sale; In good condition; 1423 8. nth: Red 3S. Meslcal laslraanrats. SHvhtir tiewi nigh arraoe otano. D. WIT. PIANO-VOICB-VHUNi Uiorough In struction by teachera of great experi ence. 11-14-15 Arlington block, 1511 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 2471. I'ealfeir, e'aas ekst aa.paXs STEREOTTPK matrices make the beat end cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thev are 17x23 Inches, atronaer and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 70 a hundred at The Bee office. Ort-EfKJ INCH BATOR, AI.MOpTT NEW, CHICKENS. WEB. SIM T.aKP grain, 100 Iba. ll.Si. M. Pith. Wagner, W1 TYFEWRlTEns. 10 and up. ZX Pes Bldg. T i t'hH H. I r H.- eolo. ifiueu. repairs! Central Typewriter Kse. 106 Farnara. Hiarrllaarost. BIO sale jn trunk, bag snd aultoaaes. Friedman, 1211 Douglaa St. T0 OA Oolden West WhUkey, full if.-i ZA I Quarts bottl jd In bond, pre- f " ' paid. Cackley Broe.. umana. FOR SAUB lioo Hall safe. Just as good as new; $40 will take It. UAP1LLAC CO. UJT OMAHA, VA Farnam St Doug, . 42S CARPENTER tools, shovels, picks. Jack screws, 10-penny match vending ma cninea, (uo each; good none, z&; harness, 110; express wagon, $V; kitchen utenalla, one electiio piano, 1 sideboard, 1 hall tree, 1 Iron bed. - 3. C. ISH, 1021 & MHh St. Harney 141 Id-hand Burrough adding machine. Kxoei lent condition. Muat aolTciuK-k. J-790, Be. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alle end accessories; bar fixture of all kind; easy payments. The Brunswick-Hnlke-Collndcr Co., 407-40S S. 10th St XT , 2J-hsnd motor, dynamo, INftvV magneto, etc., mechanical . ' repalra. Le Bron lUectrle & Uth St II ETA WANTED TTiMALE Clerical and Off toe. P. B. X. operator and Steno $35 P. B. X. operator and filing- clerk 80 Stenographer, some experience 80 BUSINESS MEN'S RHiFERJUNCR ABS'N, 1S10-20 Woodmen of World. ( : ATTE1NTION STENOGRAPHERS. m?'.0?. ,ooklnf r poeltlon aee Watt Ref. Co., S3X-40-42 Brandeta The. Iselftrr l-eala. GIRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhelm. a...Mo"','er,"' Dwmeetlce. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th s-LtV,",.run B-rrant Glri Wanted Ad FREE until you yet th desired result. This appli.a to reeTdent of Omaha, South I mfl Hal mtA Paiih.,11 Ulnf. l j : a GOOD girl for general housework. Apply at once to 101 Bouth IBlh St. WANTED Portion aa housekeeper. In inana. cj Leavenworth Ht, i!iL'.for,.,"m'rJ houaework. Hadra, ii B. loth Ht. WANTED a girl for general housework. I'hone Harney 1644. " ain lor general houaework, . wage, city reference required. Call Flnrpnna AtU WANTED white girt for gerteral house- WOrk tWA In f.mllu '-II l7 -, . n, WANTED Cook, white woman, between 25 and 35 years, to go with party to New Orleans and return on motor boat trip, (state qualifications. Address Tho. GIRL wanted for general housework; no washing: amall family; good wage. ..unify wn. jtqores 11.11 t. ssa Ht A Ol 1(1, for housework. 1301 Park Ave. UlKI. for general housework In small private family; adults; 840 Davenport. Hnrnev 5t17. COMPETENT girl for general house work, no washing; good wage. 3.04 Burt Ht. WILLI NO woman wants steady position joiiif .lanltor work. Call Red 7525. WANTEI-NUruslll OIRU CALL HAul r r. 1 iwn. WANTEO-Competent girt lit a family of two. IU7 Harney. GIRL for general housework, to go home nights; no cooking; none but good girl need apply; between 1 and 8 evening- 2"M N. IHth. WANTEI Good girl for general house work; good home. Harney 1172. . Mleerlla..... WANTED Idy Interested In ehuroh or child welfare, for 50 daye' work prema nent If satisfactory. Address B-K-i, Bee. YOUNG woiren coming to Omaha at stranger ere invited to visit Uie Young Women Christian asset-hit ion building at Kt. Mary s Ave. and lilh St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaalMted. Look for our travelers' g-M, at I n iqb station. LADY representative In Omaha; salary Sood; for Interview answer Immediately, dreaa A-6. Bee. IIPI-P WANTEl MALK t-lerlvat aail ofllee. Lumber yard manager.'.. sn Parker In wholesale house i Bl tilNESd MEN 8 RHFEUENCE ASS N. liUe-aO Woodmen of World. SALESMAN, A-l proposition Watts Itef. Co.. 5.-4o-42 Hrwn.lels The. hiiiii-oiiAPh coiiinienrial puMtlone. WKaT. RFFERENCE BOND ASSN. TBI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location. 640 Pakton Bik. We have several position open. Roger Ref. Co. A...... a.le.a... ... .l,l,.n. WANTED Inaurance men; salary and high vommiaalon to good Life Insurance man. Addreaa It 4.1 Bee. CITY solicitors wantcL Best of refer encea lequired. baJarv to right man. tall Meneray-Omahe Nursery Co., 4,'J Hiaie Bank Bldg, or Slat and Avenue A. Council Hluffa. la. WK have a good place for a live insur ance man. Mutual 'teneflt Health 4k At ciuem osen. tur Mt bank Bldg. COAL anta wanted In every low 11; get a trial car. J. M, Cox. No. Platte, Neb. 6 1 ' BSC H 1 PTION men. new, ll.uir MsV payment plkn; pnHaJtlon for bustn-ee men: winner: II 00 Immediate romnii. Mn; leaaa furntshe.1; only clean-cut men able to couvriae on buainess rnielllgeatly tierl apl )y. Mi- M.Canu Bldg PALESMICN WANTED. A well established, prosperous company, dialing exclusively in pub lic tiaceaaiile fur the puivoae of further extruding Ita uuslueas is offering a lim ited amount of Its stock fr sale An un t;ni!l oportuiilty for stleamen. Writa tiia I'rotlt Kliarmg Coal. Oil and Uas Co. CtHlusvlil, oklahouia. HELP WAJfTL. MALE Asjeats, Salesmen aad Sollcltere. Very Desirable Spacs for Printing Office Llfhf, water snd Janitor service free. Cheap owtr Inquire The Bee Building Co. lu.erlDtendent's Office. Room 10. WANT Kl Reliable state sales manager for high grade iost reducing special ma chine. Every atore your customer. At tractive commissions; addreaa The Buck ley Specialty A Machine Co., Uma, O. Factory stud 1 aaea. Positions New Open. Pre Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO ..... COLLEOB Mt-. Famam Ft.. OMAHA. NKB. FREE Tt:ITKN FOR SHORT TIME. WESTERN BARBRR CXlIKGR LEARN BARBER TRADE Wagea paid. Tools given. Porltlona uaranteed. Call or write for Information. rl-Ctty College. 1124 Douclss. Omaha. WR need men: had to n.rn down two Jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Oet ona of th.a.. inbi (-Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraaka Auto- n .r. bile School, 1417 Dodge St MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pedal summer rates. Catalorua -lal mailed free. 110 So. 14th St. Cmaha. Drug atore snape; Jobs. Knelst Bee Bldg. Mtaeellaaeoaa. MFN wanted: government job; tM per month; Omaha examination Sept 15. Sample question free. Franklin Instl tu. pent m F. Rochester. N. T. OO V K RN M ENT POSITIONS In poet offlce, railway mall and other brenohea are good. Prepare for "exama" under former U. P. Civil ServW Secret ary-tC-amlner. Booklet O , free. Write to day. Patterson CIvU Service School. Ro chester, N. Y. WANTED Namea of men, Id or over, wishing government Jobs. 16B month. No pull ueceasary. Address Y U1. Bee. HELP WANTED MALU AND rCMAlB. UHNTUMAN nr larlv . ,.vl ..v point representative; Exoensea salarv S-tt64. Bee. STENOGRAPHERS When In need of a position, call on ua. NO CHARGE. Doug;. 1284. Remington Typewriter Co.. BIXUATIOXs WANTED bu uy an eiaeny iaay or reime - fPareKxpr,: t Unen room. Can furnish best of refer - ence. No objection to leaving cUy Ad - uress wra, r.ari. lxue .hlcago St.. "'mntin. .. ' BXPERIHNCED young man wanta rTH.VJT.. m, ' """d nrt time, good STEADY Job. HoSae man. Janitor iar-1 .cpnrtln. will awap for pony, ahotgun den. porter ir ot worli ? HBr!eVt, " BTnyMa Jlf seq" ,V2?JUi'ht hv sober and wllllnir aork aaa... Ayu Addres 8. C. 12S8. Bee. wi, nee. LADY, with two children, would. Uke'" j m hou- Addr-e, S. C. U08. housekeeping position. Addre E. ! - . 7. Bee. MIDDLE aged lady wlshea to tatm oou MtlorT hou'eke.'plrn hoV of .1 able and temperate party. In or out f city. Addres C 7S8, Bee. TEACHER would like to let In connac - tlon wlfn school wishing primary teachera: rltv certifier. r.,i-wJ. good recommendation; will consider posl tlon of governess. Box W. Tekamnh, Neb. MARRIED man want work on farm, ex perienced farmer. Addre D. W. Babb. R. F. P. No. 1. Wlnwlde, Neb. REFINED middle aged lady, competent and rellaWe, desires a position as house keeper In a private home, or will take care of Invalid, or child nurse. Highest city reference furnished: Address L 7S0, Bee, or Phone Web. 6S16. MARRIED man. aged 0. employed In re sponsible position, and possessing thorough knowledge of accounting and aystematlc office management, along with unusual executive ability and clean record, seeks connection with progressive firm, where opportunity for advancement 1 measured by ability ahown. Addre Y 612. Bee. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes po sition aa houaekeeper for buainess cou ple or small family; references exchanged. Address J 0 Bee. YOUNG man, 27. married, German, speak- Inar five lanauaaea dealrea nlana dress M 841, Bee. WANTED Position by young man. 11 years old, clerical. Including typewrit-. ing, three years' experience, very beat of references bond If required. Salary no Item. Addres L S04. Bee. GOOD hou,keper would like position where worlkla light. Addres Q &4. Bee. INSTRUCTOR In draughting and mathe matics wanta position In business col lege. Address B S45. Bee. MIDDLE-AGED lady wlshea housekeep ic.itvuiuio, i incu people or. take charge of rooming house, or ii com- . ' . . . . ing wun reapeciaDie, reiinea people or i' "" luij. uv KDLva in DAin. Addresa M 851, Bee, EXPERIENCED -XPER1ENCED automobile salesman wanta position with soma r.ll.1,1. fi,m. have had six year.' experience In Lo ....... . .un iwv jrrara in nitaao; win consider anything to ahow ability. Ad dress F 348, Bee. LOST AND FOUJTD OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost ome article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha t Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many artlclea each day are turned in and the company 1 anxloua to restore mem in ma nminui owner, call Doug, a Lost or Found a.t t. 1 ini. Vi ' I . - 1 ' r uuiW uiuium means tue iinmeniate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Fo mil paper. LOST WATCH BRACELET. Monogram K. L. M. Reward. Pong. 4477. LIBERAL reward for liiloriiutttun leading to recovery of Ford roadster; license, Nebr. No. IU, Central Tin Shop, L'th and IHxlge. TKRSOXAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a runners are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association bullillnu st lTih 8t. and St. Maiy'a Av whera they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assikted. Look fur our travelers' aid at the I niun station. THE talvalliui Armv induatrial home so licits voujr old clothing, furniture, maga rlnea. We collect. We distribute, phone Douglas 41 and our .w agon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1U0-1UJ-1114 Dodge St. GORDON, the Maaalne Man. Tel. Doug. 71ti WAFFKIUs tXJLfMX Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any uae for and get something you really DeedT It costs you nothing to loin the rwappers' Club and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Write Kuom lo4, lie Bldg , or phone Tyler i'W. AUTOS Will eaclieiitte painting and papei hanging fur used car. any make. Fust rlaa workman. Addres S. C. Hit, care Bee. AUTO Will awap two-paaaenger Argo light roausler. lully equipped. In good shape throughout; will trade for larger car that can be worked over. Addiee B 1 ua 't. SWAPPERS' CX3LOIX Al'Tt Will swap 6-paeaenger Stoddard- I'ayton, fully eiulpned and In good running order; new lee puncture proof tires all around. What have you? Ad rtrresS C. 1. Beiv AUTO Model 10 linirk. 2-pass. roadster, in snrni running orutr; goou urea, vv ill trole for i-paas. car. Address U. C. 12a&, mi. ACTO Model 61. lll Stanley steamer, 4 passenaer. 10 h. n.. new cornier tuha holler; will trade for gaa ear. Addreaa n. :. nee. AUTO fO-h-. p., 12-passenger bus. Will take Ford or what have vou a nart vejmciiit inis car is an laeaj notel and litnev bus and In first class shape. Ad dress h. c. rin, nee. AUTO TOOL Dandy cheat full ef auto mobile tools, will trade. What have you? 8. C. 12fi9. Pee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see thu "Automobile" clasaifi cailon. BICYCLE Man's bicycle, 24-inch frame. In good condition, to trade for bov a bicycle, about Zv-lnch frame. Address S. r. 1275. Bee. CHALMERS auto to trade aa part pay ment on acreage property: ten acre or leea, or what have you? Address 8. C. 121. Bee. 'DIAMOND karat. 1125. to trade for piano; must be nearly new and of good mane, a no reus n. vciv, nee. ENGLISH Bull dog to trade for Bird dog. wufr prcierreq. Aooress x .4. nee. ENOI N K.EiR'8 TOOLSSuch aa pipe toola, tape. dies, cutter, wrenches rlDe tongs: for motorcycle or old model Ford. Ad-lresa S. C. 1274. Bee. 2 flALLONS of auto Imperial Puncture prooi; worth i; to swap for office fur- ' X k-'x'."' ' " o ! -' - GENTS' furnishing store, located In South umana; noing good business, will trde for real estate up to the value of 11,600. Address 8. C. 12NH, Bee. GOOD twin Indian motor cycle for Jl. mond. Address 8. C. 1287, Bee, GOOD residence lot In Cedar Raplda, Ia, to exchange for late model roadster or five-passenger oar. Addres Y-628. Bee. HAVE almost new upright Bush A Lace Piano to trade for Ford or other good roadster. Box 14. Gretna, Neb. HORSE AND WAGON Have good horse ' and wagon; will swap for small tour ing car. Address s. c. lzsi, care Bee. ICEBOX Used short time; good condi tion. Will twap for chicken value to 110 or any thing else. Addreaa S. C, 1265, Bee. HORSE. BUGGY. ETC. Nice little all around horse, rubber-tired bugarv, har ness, gardener's wagon, express harness. ! F,,ow cultivator, drag, feed gr low, cultivator, drag, feed grinder and accessor- nabout In srond condition. Some of my things are new and all In good condition. Addreaa S. C. i-i, nee. MAIL ORDER BU8INESS-01d-etab-llshed business In city. This will In voice about 15,0)0, and I doing; a good business the year round. A splendid proposition for anyone. Doe not require experience. Waa managed by a lady . Muilt kjt . h " " - r ror iu years, very ngnt running expense. fi- !srrt ! t' "fJ'Li"'''.!!'"''.1"-'! I c W?, R?y,nt PP'"n- Addre. ' riKnNyimk, 5,000 OAK poata. worth !350i Wanta lot PIANO, manufactured bv Booth Reoa. ' lmo,t flret clas condition; will 1 XdS?o..08 flnTM Forl ' ftn"rc C. 1?7B, Bee. j RARM OLD RELIO-Sloux Indian vest. I . beaded on buckskin, with flve- 1"" DUCkk'n fringe. Slxe 4S. Design: Four mounted warrior, war Donneta, lances, etc.; two fighting elk, and two elk head. Striking color. Beautiful den decoration. What have you for Im mediate trde. Addres a O. 1288, Bee. bINGER. 100 sewing machine, drophead, -draer; good condition. Will ex change lor chicken or other poultry, or wJl'lth"-v' yu trade? Addreaa S. C. i Tl I , i'.f ccmiuiiuit-Aulomatlo cream aepa rator, slightly used, almost new, to irauo ror cow or Ford chassis, g. c. 1Z78. ciue The Bee. BAUUL.B, steamer trunk, mandolin and xo piai camera. Would like post card lie film kodak or whatT Addre B. O. 1279. Bee. WANT to swap for sectional bookcase. Address. B. C. 1271, Be WILL swap horses for a city lot Ad- -i ' run o. v jyr. i3ee. WHAT have you to swap foi a I H.-P. Fairbanks-Morse vertical gasoline en gine, air compressor, air tank and auto matin air hammer and complete et of Ad-lrHIT Addres 8. C. 1171. Bee. I WOULD take good auto for or part pay- ent on 4-aere tract In Keyeton pi am; "mu""1i ouiiaing sues an i rine home or man or meana. Address M 805, Bee. WILL trade lot worth 11.050 for first clas car. Walnut 5S1 FOR RENT- A part meats ss Flat. Th For Rent advertisement appearing n . - . . - , v . - -. . . ).nh k column ' Tn " cannot be beat for vanetv tnat .... - . y ' - . I i, ,J v. BI'.T 1711. UTJ- i-lrlng to rent. Phone 'Tyler lOuO. 6-KiOM apartment M .a.rUa TiTic" ..l",.nnl' b'; 0eorS". ''I N. wcb 74 ' to 1 ev.enln- Angelua Apt.. 1 and 4-rooin apt. H. 2074. o t AND ( ROOM apartment, north, strlctiv modern, greatly reduced rent. 2601 Sher man Ave. LOW RENTAL. Fin six-room apartment, in Hanacora park district, near park line car. Janitor service and heat; only 545. Thia la a nap. Ask for appointment to see lt- 8COTT at HILL CO., Douglaa DUPLEX fiat, strictly up-to-date, 4 Dewey Ave. Tel. Red 10M. FOUR rooms, second floor, modern apart menta. heated. t?2.60. Phone Wsl. H41 Nc. v wuu.u oruK Hat. hot water neat. 223 So. 301 h Bt.. $3. MAPS A. HANSEN, McCegue Bldg. LOW RENTAL. Choice 0-rooin apartment, downtown; aavo carfare; aee janitor. loug. 6236, 5'aralskeel Asirtaaewla. 4-ROOM a,pt., nicely furnished; front view, strlctiv modem: price M per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard Manul AH., list and Howard. Phone IVug. tVxV4 Board aaa tionma. Furnished Room that offer every mod em convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the clun eal class wlil beat be found in the Fur nished Room column of Th Bee, Phone Tyler lft RKEDhT 10 N. th-Beaiitlf ill lawn: homelike surroundiiute.; meal un excellent; rooms single or en suite. D. 8SW. N. 2oth, tit Palatable family style meals', 15c; meals with modern room. Koine pnvlleRes. IS to 17 week. BOARD it rni., wk.; table bd , 53 60; walking dls. 3iM St Hiry i Ave. R. Feralahed lloaaea. WIIJ. rewt furnished eight-room house, Wvst Farnam District, for four months. Harney lO'J. Fern lamed Rooaaa. If you do not see anything'- that suit you In th way of Furnished Room you can call at Room 104, Bee Bid., and aak for the Flee Furnished Roum bureau nd wa will gladly refer you to a high clas rooming or boarding houa la any part of I ha city. PLEASANT front room; modem: pri vate family; newly furnished. Phone H. bm IX)0ANT"tiu181 I": ewly fur- ' nlahed, new management. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REKD ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract omce in Nebraska. 200 Brandels The. ADVERTISINQ NOVELTIES. F. Shafer Ar Co.. 12th. Farnam. D. 7474. M. AMATF.UR KIN19iiIU. FILMS developed free If purchased from rnmo jrart Shop, i-nee mag, i-'epi. l, ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opor.od and closed. Cost Hvstoru Installed Let me call on vou to explain the advantage cf mv audit service svstem. Addres 4J3 437 Ramge Bldg Phone. Doug. 740,. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk, D. SL ARTIFICIAL STONB3 8IDKWALKS SIDEWALKS. dHve. floor, walla, rtep. copings: anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. ISM. John Grant Paving Co., 630 Paxton. D.tJlL O B.Grant Mgr. W.802S. ATTRACTIONS. rTCNIC I'ARTItTI DEtrtfNG RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HANSCOM TK. ATTORNEYS. . T. Dlklnson. R11 Paxton Blk. D. 1S04. ACCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-W W.O.W. R. 32v5. Nafl ale Auction Co., 127 W. Q. W. AUTO INSCKANCM. AT7TOMOBILB MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglaa 2S1! ATJTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep 2oM Far. P 2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. RREDKR. 150 N. Wth. Web. S2!T. REDDING. 0 MAHA PILLOW CO., 1507 Cuming. j-ougiaa X467. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kinds, nnikis feather mattresses and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. Hornby Blue Print Co., 302 Om. Nat. Bk. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. nth and Martha St. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 821 B. WJ. Douglaa W20. tessard Ik Son. 190 Cap. Ave. T. MSI CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'SI'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Batrd Bids. D. (4a Dr. C. K Brlgga. 2323 Harney. Bed 7711. CHIROPUblST. Carrie 3. Burford. 20 Pax. Blk. Red 4S7. CONCRETI9 CONSTRUCTION. Western repreeentatlv of YET, V irTTT.B COMPOSITION flooring. INVF.8TI GATE. Wl-11 City Nat. Bk. Bid. D. M7t DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERB Academy, da lo. D. 1S7L Bummer rate now at Mackle': private leasona dally. 181 Harney. Doug. 544t DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college. Wth A Farnam 8EWINO BT DAT HARNET 6077. MISS STUR.PT, 1416 CASS. D. 7S70. DYERS AND CLEANERS. BTATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. P. 15071 DETECTIVES. JAMBS ALLAN, 112 Neville Block. Evl dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1130. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 911 W. O. W. Bl(5g Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglaa. D. H80. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4 Mo Conn el I Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Term. ELECTRIC IIOTOH REPAIRING. CAHII. ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.D Dt7 ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 24 Bee Bldg. Red SOfS. BV ERY THING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburat. box pleating: covered button, all else and style; nemauicnuig, picot edging, ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. D. im. NEW TORK sample atore. Muat vacate, building coming down; cloak, suit and dresses sacrificed. .20 N. ltstn kl FURNACES AND TIN WORK HABERSTROH, 4025 Hamilton. Wat TL FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam SL D. 1000. L. HENDERSON. 151S Farnam. D. IKS. Member vFlorlat Telegraph Del. Asa n. HESS at SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE, 1611 Harney. Doug. 1001. COLD AND SILVER PLATING. WR replace everything ot metal. Omaha Plating Co.. :M Harney Bl Est Is. HAT CLEANlNti. Panama cleaned. P. Elsele. 11M City Nat INSTRUCTION. Fjigllsh. French, instruction. S06 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE "PHONE WEBSTER 6911 General Office. 13th and Mandereon Ma. Jl ST14 ES OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 6U Paxton Bit R .74oL Notary Pu.. deposition stena, C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO.ExchgeBldg. L1UHT1NU KUTIHES, WIR1NU. DTTT?KIJ Thomaa. Douglas K1S. UUHJYi-N 2419 rilmln(f fct. MOV1NU PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., Uth and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLF.Y-DAVID8ON MOTORCYCLES, Bargain In used machine. Victor Rous, "The Motorcycle Man." Hut Leavenworth. ML SIC A 14 D ART. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In a leasons. llui'uiiimi ht. Walnut X NOTlual. NOTIONS, new, dsara. candy. lUS Park MC8ICAL INSTRUCTION. PIANO-VOTCE-VIOL1N; thorough 1n struotlon by teacher of great experi ence. 1.V14-16 Arlington block. 1511 Dodge Ht. Phone Douglaa 1471. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay aa yoej can. Pre. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OIL BURNERS. PtTT a Slerert or a Johnson A Le HI burner In your hot aJr furnace, hot water or steam plant. NEBRASKA OIL AND FURNACE CO.. 1116-10 City Nnt. Bk Bldg., Omaha. Neb. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 515 Be Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Stunrcs. 630 Brandels Theater Bldg. A1NT1NU AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANITS. 417 N loth it - VaINTINO and iMDerhiniln at... class workman, day work or contract: no ob too large or small. Tel. D. 290. PLATING. Acme Plating. Ill P. 5277. A 1.1th 8t. POSITIONS WANTED. FEE TJS for a Bteno. or bookkeeper. Free service. Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 491 L PRINTING. WATERB-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality Prtntlng. Tel. Doug. 1190. 624 8. lath St CENTRAL' PRINTING CO. DOUG, I7S4, DOUQIAB PrlnUng Co Tet Dongla S44.' RUB BAGS) COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RTJBBAOB OO. Thl la th man to call If you have any aahe or Un can to haul. Phone Webster WIS. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. 1 C A L? LTC? Opened, repejred, comb.' Opened, rhsnged wjill UnTi 'hanged. F. E. Daren port, 140 Dodge. D. 1K1. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Btandard Bcale Co.. S1I 8. llth. D.J911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS . ghee repair. Ill 8. 14. SEWING MACHINES. TTT, rent, repair, aell needle and VV CI PrU for all sewing mai "MICKEL'S, machine. ti NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Dougla 1663. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 119 By 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Boreen CV., Doug 4691. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTUR DESKS, safes, ecalee, showcase, ahalv- in, .in. f vuf, WT"i I, ismwna, ruium and Supply Co., 414-15-18 B. llth. Doug. 1714. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, ?0T B. llth. p. 52, , TAILORS. CHAB. C. LANDBRYOU, 108 N. fflth 8t TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO ft BTBINLE, 1S0S Farnam St. . TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1805 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, til & lith St. All make for sal or rent, RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer. Low rent. Cal'. Douglas vol . WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlatlanaen. Id fl. Paxton Bk.. IS yr. exn. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptsr. Co. WINES AND LH4UORS. ALEX JETES, 1-1 8. Mth St. Wine, liquor, cigar. Flat dinners 11 to t, 10c. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunch. BlEDIOAL RHEUMATISM treated aucoessf ully, ult guaranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Be E Bldg. PILES. FISTUTJl CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURK cured In few day, without P'n- Cal! or writ Dr. Wray, I0 Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established ml -Z FOJI RENT Farnlatted Room. W. FARNAM dls.; reference. WaL 1209. Sleeping room. 12.60 wk. 2310 Harney St. NEWLY furnished and papered room In new house. West Farnam dlstrtot: board if desired. Phone Harney 6370. Mod. 5 mo, 241.1 N. 20th. Web. 8511 The Pratt, cool, close In, 212 S. 25. D. 1138. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL BANFORD, lth at Farnam. HOTEL HARLKY. 20th A Farnam. S. -front rooms, single or ensulle, modern. . iui in. t'-rj a.anoon c iiutl ioug. zvli. Furnished large front room to rent close in. om h. zist Ave, rnone uougla 7W. 1421 DODG-Modern light twuaekeepmgi raaaunaviau . S4TH, lf.o 1 nicely furn. front room, heat with bath, aus for nnkin . a electricity paid; walking dls. St. ij. 7665. FURNISHUD housekeeping room. Finn cool suites, two and three, shade, piano, $4. 002 S. 2Sth. KLEGANT LIGHT HOUHKKEEPING RtWIMS. PHOND WEBSTER 477L North 22d. til 4 Front room, mod., reas. bT. MARY'S AVE.. l.3 1 rooms furn. complete; modern. Phone D. tii2. MODERN suite of housekeeping; rooms; Four nice rooms; new bath. 1111 s. llth. rtxiina and bath. 1112 H lltb DAVENPORT, "018 TWO OH TrlREH P'CELY FL R.MSHED FRONT HSKG. Hewaee ss4 Cettaaea, Soath. $-ROOM. modanv house. IJ7 Jonea, $a ot amnii, LKuglaa 87. nw" collage. 511 per month, illi a. 1Mb St. Phone Douglas M7a For Rei.t IVsirebl -ixm m, I ."" tonntruction Co.. South Oraalia. K.'h L' 1. 1 ..... . . . r-mn . 1 1 I OT SiJ. (CONTINUED ON PAOE NINE, COLUMN ONE.), ( (CoiulDued on Col. 7, This Pass.) I