Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1915, Page 10, Image 10
JO TITE IlEE: OMAILA, TUESDAY, At OUST 3, 1015. Nebraska I Nebraska STATE BOARD COTS . HILL LEYY Afieei on Six and Ei&ht-Tenthi Killi m Amount to Be Charped Thii Tear. LXTECT DEPAETMIFTS TO 3?AY (From a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. i. (Special.) The state board of assessment thli morning agreed en a 6 8-10 mill levy for this year, being 1 mill lee than in former years. ' The board ha done some pretty close figuring In an effort to make a record and baa anticipated to ' lomt extent the Income from fees, the dealing In future shoving that the members are depending on the report on Income In fees In the different departments to bring In 9459,000. There will be needed to pay general fund claim .81,23. The board figures on a 4.1 mill lery to raise fl.rt.M0. Add ing the fees of the departments estimated at ttM.AOO will make the general fund re ceived t2.C3.6E0, gtvlng only the small margin of $32,41S to cover the failures which might come In the falling off of business, generally Incident fo the aver age democratic administration. Following Is the Jevy as divided by the board on a grand assessment roll of Oeneral fund at 4.1 mills). 1,71.40.M t-nlvemtty at 1 mill University special building at .75 mills Normal schools at .S mills State, aid bridge at 1 mill t 4M,?f.7 9fit.0Sl.75 . 4MOT.H ..IS.J7J,4.M Total. I t mills, total... Notes from Beatrice . and Gage County , BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. t-tSpeclaU C. Q. Taylor, a traveling salesman of this city, will soon begin the erection of a three-story, thirty-room, apartment block for traveling men who make headquarters In the city or live In rented properties. The new Mock will cost about 130,000. All the rooms have already been engaged About 200 harvest hands passed through Beatrice Saturday evening over the Union Pacific for the harvest fields of South Dakota. One of the men was put off the train at the station by members of the gang, because he was Intoxicated,, and he was later arrested and lodged In jail. He resisted the officer and a free-for-all fight took place, In. which Chief of Police McOlrr was bitten on the arm by the stranger. Charles Kear of this city, who went to Stella last week to assist his father In the harvest field, was severely burned yesterday on the face and hands, when a gasoline engine he was repairing ex ploded. - Twelve boys of this city havs been summoned to appear tutors the county attorney Monday to anawer the charges of stealing husking pegs, brass and other rnaterial from J. H. Ramsey husking peg factory. An eleotrto motor was dis mantled and carried away by the boys. Mr. Ramsey places his loss at about 300, and If the parents of h boys do not make It good ha says he will prosecute them. Body of Burlington Cook Found at Dawson FALLS CITT. Neb., Aug. l3peclel Telegram.) Th body of I S3. Watson, negro cook on a curilaeton dining car, whow ent swimming with three other helpers) from the train that waa held up at Table Rock, July 1, on account of high water and was drowned, floated down th Nemaha river Sunday afternoon and was picked up near the depot at Dawson. The relatives of the dead nan suspeot foul play and an Inquest was held at which a verdict was returned that th man came to his death by means unknown. The three men returned the olothlng which the relatives thought had contained money and also an order for his pay check. The men resigned their positions a few days after the accident, which made the relatives suspicious. Watson was well-to-do and haa property In Kan sas City. The body was taken to Ala fcarua by relatives who cams from Kan sas City. STATE AUDITOR REPORTS STATE WARRANTS ISSUED (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. Aug. t-(BpeclaL)-Oeneral fund warrants lasued by th stat auditor far th month of July amounted to 1188, iZi.H aud numbered 1,470. Th total amount Uaued run th figure up to tWT.IU.M. Next to th general fund th state university building fund was the greatest running to M,87.i, The several funds were drawn on as follows : Coneral fund fim.4SA.23 I mversiiy una T ntverc'ly cvD fund 1 nitrd btete x pertinent station fund . . . Flats library fund (-in aid bridge fund...... h-tilth-Lever fund , ue rommimlon fund Vnlve rnlty income fund F'.wtal university building fund. &j-t'il motor vehicle registration t.r.A luuiuUun cash fund.. ............. I4.fe4.10 ins.ts it l) oj ?;8.u 1 JM t.4M.S 61,tf.sW 4.s. 1U.7.1.U Total !uwl in May h'jtl In Junr 3-nd In April. l-.f1 In March In February Issued la January .. ;xr.vio ..Im7,' H .. 4"4 7S1.1S .. JM Ml. 13 .. '3,71.t7 .. rn IMeade Galltr. FAIRULRT. Neb.. Aug. l- Special Te!f erarn. The preliminary hearing of A tulam Crane, charged with robbing Jerry O'Neal at the Parker House Sat urday, was held In county court before Judge Nutsman. He pleadud guilty and was bound over to an adjourned term of l!tiict court. August 80. Cren and D"Nal. harvest hands, returning from Kinwi, stopped in Fairbury and took room at tbe Parker House. Crane got duiiog tte night and robbed O'Neal. Tea C lerk liufutMe It, "A ciaVrmar caxue Ik to my store th ether C f and said to one of my clerk. Have yoti anything that will cure lUiriUoe? and my cl-rk went and got t. m a bottlu of Chamberlain' Collu, (': 't. ra Hud 'iurrhwa Remedy, and aald '.j I lui. "if tlil dos not cur you, I will c .it i f,tr.;e ju a cetit for It." tx. he took t 1 -.'.. m. 1 une bai k In a day or two a. I u 1 he u oured." wrttua J. H. l-r,y & Co.. t-lt Crerk, Va Obtain (. cTjfher. All drugglca- Adver- t.i(il.!i.t, MOTOR TAX BRINGS CASH Secretary of State Tool Reports Ee ceJpt of Tifty-Two Thouta-d Dollari in July. HEAVY INCREASE IN OPERATION (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Aug. 1 (SpeclaL-Th month fit July was a record breaker In the office of Secretary of State Pool, as shown by th money received. The total receipts aggregated the snug little sum of Hl.liS.lS. as against M6,996.40 of ths corresponding month last year. Cor poration permits were the rest cause of the raise, being greater alone than the -total receipts last July. Following are amounts received In each case: Corporation permits t4fl,tl7.00 V'orporation penalties ... 4 60 Filing articles of incorporation. l,Tns.5 jNotary commissions llrands (Certificates and transcripts labels and trade marks ... Hale of statutes License tinder It. R. No. 44 All other sources 7J.00 61 00 63.9K toe 172.00 on no mot Total tr-2.1H.3 A beery increase Is shown In ths au tomobile department, license on new cars having been applied for during the month. Thus far In ths year 21.718 licenses have been Issued on new auto mobile, whll th number of renewal I greatly In exceas of that In any pre vious year. It required a heavy outlay to operate the automobile department during July, as may be seen by the following figures, as reported to Stat Treasurer Hall by Secretary of fUat Pool as th new law dlreot; ftamp t 700 00 Plate t,343 4 llelp Printing 310.46 Office supplies M .Si xrayag t.ts oTtals U.Kts.St Th fund for this expense are derived solely from a 36-cent tax! upon each license issued, th money being collected by the county treasurers of th respective counties and forwarded to th stats treasurer and deposited In what Is known as the "epeclal motor vehicle fund." against which Secretary Pool Is per mitted to check for payment of all ex penses arising In the administration of that particular act Jefferson Farmers Cannot Cut Wheat FAIRBURY, Neb., Aug. t-flpeclal Tel egram.) Jefferson county wss visited by another heavy rain this morning, inter fering with harvest andw heat stacking. Farmers ar worried over th condition of shocked wheat, as It can neither be threshed or stacked and In many fields, it Is commencing to grow In shock. Hun dreds of threshing machines ar standing Idle In the fields. A number of wheat field In th vicinity of DIHer. are a 111 uncut, as th owners cannot operate harvesters In wet fields and have ex hausted every . means to get th wheat cut Never In th history of th county haa th wheat not been cut tn August About an Inch and a half of rain fell this morning. Lightning Flash Causes Collision SUPERIOR. Neb..,Aug. t-8pclal Tel egram.) While returning from church service last niht th cartage occupied by Mr. and Mr. Albert Qulnn and fam ily wa run into by Donald Montgomery In hi automobile, Th carriage wa de molished and Mrs. Qulnn suffered a dis located shoulder. Th accident was caused by a sharp flash of lightning, which blinded th drivers of both rigs Just be fore th collision. IRRIGATION CONGRESS DELEGATES NAMED IFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Aus. , (Special.)- Dele gate to the International Irrigation con gress at Stockton, Cel., September 11-14; Fresno, September, 16-46; Sacramento, September 17-18, and Ban Francisco, Sep tember to, have been appointed by Gov ernor Morefaead. a follows: W. V. Hoaalani. North Platte: F. E. Williams, Bridgeport; W. J. Scoutt Kear ney; O. P. Rots. Umaha; U. J. Hunt. Bridgeport; W. P. Uyron, Gothenburg; William Morrow. Boot fa Bluff; F. 6. Bible, Paxton: T. C. Klleston, Harris burg; C. H. Dempster, Beatrice; 8. O. Porter, Haigler; W. P. DeVault Bayard; H. 11. Anderson, Callaway; J, C. CVCoy, I. ewellen; K. H. Yale, Lincoln; J. O. Woodman, Morrill; W. V. Harvey. Cul bertson; Otto Jurgens. Minatare: Frank lin Lane, tad well; W. M. Barbour, Scott's Bluff; Fred Plerson, Sutherland; Claud Uelauey, Nortliuort; R. A. Blake, TUsttnga; H. K. Warrick. Scott's Bluff; W. T. Strafford. Big Springs: J. L. Mo lntoah, Sidney: C. II. Heruoke, Bayard; M. B. Smith, BvJdfport; A. J. Weaver. Falls City; Henry W. Halg. Haig; W. T Btonnlw-hlck, Odell; W. 8. Marian, Uc Cook- William Sweet. Omaha; F- H. Han son, Fremont; J. K. Porter, Crawford; J. Vi. IjeHlanc. Bii1irort: William Frank, Grand Inland; Heher llord. Cen tral City; J. O. Graf Tecumeeh; II. Lomax, Broken Bow; 1. B. Palmer, Sew ard; Uan KavenauKh, Kelrbury ; Frank 8. Bplrk, Nelson; O. K. Plttlnger, Albion; T, t ovni, u Neiu: w. m. Keurrman. Brownvllle; John R. Henry. Howell: Oharlws. Krumbausih. Shelby. J, M Gatea, Port I rook; v tuiam Urueber. Byron; John wehn. Lwrellen: iugene Burton. Alliance; Jake eGorhrlng, Seward; Julia Neumann. Wrmore. Eaataeer lajared. SUPERIOR. Neb., Aug. 1 (Special Tel egram.) On and sixty- hundredths Inches of rain fell her last night aad th Re publican river is out over tba bottoms to th south of town egkaln, promising to ba as high m It has been at any time thl year. The Nebraska Portland Cement company ha It whole force at work trying to save th railroad to th quarry. Aooordlng to th government rain gauge th total rainfall for th city of Superior sine April 1 1 tL14 Inch. Only eight clear days, fiv partly cloudy and eight een cloudy days waa th record for ujly. Twe Weeks' HevtvaU. SUPSRIOR. Neb.. Aug. l-(Bpecial Tel- -ram,-WhU C. F. Stuck waa hitching hi team of horse te a mowing maofctoe Saturday afternoon a flash of Uabtnlcg struck th horses and killed both of them and also taaaporaLrtly stunned Mr. Btuck The team was on with which hs had won two prise at th county fair. rBetla4e4f Why euffert Tak a doa of Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight; you will feel tine tomorrew. On! k-u. All dmgglata, Ad verUeraMeit l Nebraska EX-SHERIFF BAOHAH SUICIDE' Bodj of Former Dodge County Offi cii! Found in Platte River, Where Ended Life. DESPONDENT OVER HIS HEALTH FREMONT, Neb.. Aug. 1 Special) Th body of A. Bauman. Jr., former sheriff of Dodge county, who took his own lifs by drowning In th Platte river Friday afternoon, was found by Henry Post a fisherman, two mile east of th Platte river bridge, south of Fremont Monday morning. Th body was In shal low water and was sighted by Mr. Post who was out searching for it with a field glass. Mr. Bauman, who had grown de spondent over business affairs and fall ing health, was seen alive th last time Friday about 1 o'clock when he rod to the river bridge with Ralph Johnson, a Fremont man, who was On hi way to Saunder county on business. When they reached th bridge Mr. Bauman asked to be allowed to get out as he said ha was not going any further. Another passerby soon after saw no trace of th former sheriff. Mr. Bauman wa 45 year of age and I survived by hi wife, his parent. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bauman, and three brother, Cd ward and Henry of Fi-emont and William of Arcadia. For four terms up to 1810 h was sheriff of Dodge county and as a result of his untiring efforts In running down and Identifying crim inals he became known as on of th best known officials In th state. Sine retiring from the sheriffs offlc h had been engaged In the real estate business. News Netea of Oeaevn. GENKVA, Neb.. Aug. 1 (8pecteJ D. B. Huston died at th home of his son In Schenectady, N. T., Friday. Th burial will take place at Tekaraah Wednesday. He leaves surviving htm two sons, on In New Tork and on In thia state and three daughters in Cali fornia, two sister and a brother in thla city. Mis Eva Bumgamar, the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Bum garner of this city, died yesterday of heart trouble. Th funeral will take place tomorrow. Over eight and one-half Inches of rain fell here during July and two and one half Inchea fell last night Wheat in (he hock Is growing and th alfalfa I rotting and there Is no prospect of a letup. Repabllcaa Oat of. Banks. SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 1 8peclal Tel egram.) The Man's league inaugurated a two weeks' revival meeting In a tent erected on Central avenue last night This t spart of the campaign against the oomiiyf liquor ordinance election to be held August la. Dr. Frank Houser or develsnd, O., Is th evangelist Civil War Vet Just Becomes Citizen of the United States Charles J. Harrison, 1701 Park avenue, a veteran of the civil war, 74 years old, passed an examination for nationalisation before District Judge Redlck. Until re cently Mr. Harrison believed he was a cltlsen of th United States. He came to America from Sweden with his father when ha wa 10 years of age. Elgin Boosters to Take In Den Sights The Commercial club of Elgl'v Neb", la anxious to bring a crowd of Elgin boost er to Omaha some Monday night for an Initiation at Ak-Sar-Ben den. Samson has told them all right He ha Informed them that any Monday night they com will be all right He I ready to take car of them. They ar expected to ar rive on a special train on some Monday venlng within two or three weeks. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES SHOW BIG FALLING OFF Scarlet fever In Omaha last month was reduced materially, th total being sixty six cases reported to th health depart ment as against 10T during June. Report of th health offlc show a decrease of all 'contagious diseases dur ing July. 'Continue swatting th fly and main tain clean yards and alleys." la th ad vlc of Health Commissioner Connell. DEATH RECORD. M re. Henry Msartr. MADIBON, Neb., Aug. t -(Special) Mrs. Henry Maurer died at th horn of her son, Henry, In Green Garden pre cinct yesterday after a month's Illness. Mr. Pheob Demmell Maurer la sur vived by fiv sons, Henry. Cart, Frits, George and Leonard, and four daughter, Lenore and Roee. Mrs, Otto Plttberner and Mrs. Fred Raguae, all residing near Madison, and two brothers. Cart and Phillip Remroell of Green Garden, and three sisters, Mrs. John Maurer and Mrs. Andrew Schwarts Of thla city and Mrs. Jacob Maurer of Covins,, Cat Funeral exercise will tak place Tuesday after noon. James W. White. TORK. Neb- Aug. L-SpeoiaL)-James W. Whit died at th Independent Order of Odd Fellows bom. He waa f rear old. Mr. White waa initiated into Pioneer lodg at Franklin, Neb., ta UN, Funeral servloee were held yesterday afternoon and the body taken to Franklin, Neb., for Interment W. J. Beard aaaa. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.W. J. Board man, father of Miss Mabel Boardraan, executive head et the American Red Cross, died suddenly at bis horn her todav. Kaiser Takes Over the Cotton Industry ROTTERDAM, Aug. 1 (Via London.) German newspaper report that th guv. emment is taking over tu entire control of the German cotton Industry. The order which ha been tsaued, aays: "From August 1. all textile factories In Weetohalla will be worked under state control as pert of an arrangement te provide for an equal division of cotton among tbe factories in Germany." I FIFTY RACE HORSES ARR1YEJH OMAHA Large Contingent Come from Wahoo and Other Towns and Others Are on Way. HAL MKINNET IS IN HIGH FORM More than fifty trotting and pacing: horses, together with a retinue of owners, drivers and caretakers and all the varied paraphernalia used by the racers, arrived in Omaha yester day to participate in the meeting which will be held the last three day of this week. The horae caravans unloaded at th station a short distance from th Omaha Driving club track In East Omaha. Horses were placed In the new boxa tails built for them and the grounds speedily assumed a typical appearanc of activ ity. Yesterday' arrivals added to the horse already on th ground brought the total number to date to about seventy-five. More thatj fifty additional speed animals were expected to arrive Monday and Tuesday. Ten carloads of horses came from Wahoo yesterday and two more carloads ar expected from there tomorrow, horse men said. The horeas raced at Wahoo last week, that town having the dates just preceding, Omaha In th Nebraska ciroult Many of the racers entered which ar yet to arrive will com from Iowa tracks. tall (or a la Bear Cat .Arrives, Along with th Wahoo contingent came Hal McKlnney, f Ot pacing, which prob ably will be th favorite for th 3:08 pace here, oa his record of victories since he invaded Nebraska this summer from bis homo In California. II won the fast est race of the year en a Nebraska track Saturday, when he defeated Columbia Fire and Strlaln In the t:0t pac at Wahoo. Ha set new track record at Be atrice, West Point and Wahoo. Hal 1 a bay stallion aired by Hal- B. and comes from the famous strain of Hal pacers which produced many world champions, including Star Pointer, th first harness horse to travel a mil In two minutes. He is In the stable of Clark and Sebastian. Although himself a famous race horse, Hal MoKlnney ha none of the arrogance which sometime accompanies patrician ancestry and the applause of multitudes. In hi stall h resembles the proverbial pet kitten. In fact his sunny, pleasant disposition makes him a pet wherever hn goes. Ha Weakness for Sagar. , Hal like many other successful inAl vlduals, has a weakness. It is his liking for sugar, and other articles of diet which please his palate. He Is especially fond of women folks because they like to gratify this little foible of his. . Upon being Introduced to The Bee's representative, Hal pointed his ears for ward and Inquired whether any ' sugar wa in sight by attempting to put his inussle Into th reporter's pockets. Upon learning that this metropolitan news paper had failed to provide any sweet meats, he laid back his ears and retired to th other side of th stall. Hal's taaacea ta Omaha. . If thla horse I defeated In Omaha he will have a pretty good excuse in that th track her will be softer than would , be most suitable for blm. He I not a big ', horse and firmer footing la better suited to his style of gait He will probably be picked to win, however, by th wis ones. He earn out of th fast raoe at Wahoo Saturday la th best of condition and la fast anough In his present form to cop successfully with the mil track pacers of his class. He wears a six -Ounce rim shoe and two-ounce weight In front and plain, light shoe behind. . . . Among th other stables which arrived yesterday were those of Fred E. Ward, Los Angeles, Cel., ' and Roy Owens of West Point who has LMstrict Judge Sears' pacing brothers, Shadelln and Charllne. Thousands of Houses in Turkish Capital Destroyed by Fire ATHENS, Greece, Aug. t-4Vla" Lon- don.) Arrivals her from Constantinople report that 1.000 buildings. Including th German hospital, filled with wounded soldiers, war destroyed last week by fir. CONSTANTINOPLE,, Aug. L Vla Lon don, Aug. 1 There have been no im portant action .on either aide In th last fortnight en th Galllpoll peninsula. Even th British bombardment of th Turkish position haa lessened consid erably in it Intensity. This applies both to Avt-Bumum and Bedd-El-Bahr. Th Turkish artillery ha been active, how aver. .There ha been no serious Infantry engagements. Th military hospital her and else where, which a few day ago war filled, now ar in many case half empty. Th American hospital la tnoluded among thl number. Big Crowd Attends Becker Funeral NSW TORK. Aug. I Th funeral of Charles Becker, executed In Slog Blng prison Friday for Instigating the murder of Herman Rosenthal, was held today from th Church of St. Nicholas ef Tolerine, th Bronx. So great was th crowd around th church and th Becker home, nearby, that the police reserve i had to be called te handle it. Carriage to tak part In the funeral prooeaalon extended several block from th ohurch. On carriage wa filled with floral tribute. Th largest of the was a .floral croas, bearing th Inscription. "Sacrificed to Politic." Before th body wa taken to the church friend f the former police lieu tenant gathered at th bouse to view th body. Polio reserves formed them into a line that stretched for half a mile. Those who saw th casket noticed that it bore th raw plat reading. "Charles Becker. Died July u, JJU." A Plate re moved by U polio yeaterday bora th allagation that Becker waa "Murdered by Oovernor Whitman. Las than a doaao carriages followed the hears to Woodlawm eematery. A the carriage filled with th floral offer ing wa about to drive through, the gaUa of th cemetery, uniformed employes etepped up and removed th 8acrlfto4 to Politico' Inscription from the floral eras. Hundred of curious persona crowded around the grave as th caaket was being lowered. Apartmenta. flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Tractor Makes a Most Remarkable Run of 1,000 Miles The most effective test of endurance ever tried by any manufacturer of farm tractor engines wss recently completed In Fremont when the Wallls "Cub" tractor, handled by the J. I. Case Plow works, finished Its 1,000-mile d'srabtmy nm, from Cleveland, O., to Fremont There were no previous records in th ttsctor business with which to compare thl work, but the thousand miles wa made In thirty days actual running time, with a dally average of thirty-three and a third miles. This with a machine whose maximum speed Is stated aa four and a half miles per hour. Th run started June XI and finished July 28. Sundays were rest days, but all other days were used to the limit and erlth this rather remarkaVie time was coupled the fact that the engine under went no repair from th time of leaving Cleveland until Fremont wa reached. Not even a spark plug wa changed, but the engine la running nearly aa well as the day it started. Through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois the trip was uneventful, the smooth "Pike" roads giving absolutely no trouble, but with th Mlseteslpi behind, th wearher man took a "hand In the game. Rain, clay roads and flooded valleys all did their best to hinder the "Cub's" progress. With roads turned Into rivers and valleys Into lskes, the tractor pa tiently plodded across Iowa and Omaha was reached at last Mora bad weather was encountered be tween Omaha and Fremont, and when the "Cub" and It's trailing wagon fin ally pulled Into their destination, they were mud from radiator to tall board. This cross-country run mark a new era In tractor building. Several features were brought Into prominence, and lines for futur Improvement were firmly established. Spring mounting, . light weight th thorough protection of parts and surplus power were demonstrated to be th foundation of the dependable tractor. Th "Cub" will be one of the attrac tions at th Fremont tractor ahow next week. Redf ield Orders ' Test of Steamers On the Great Lakes CHICAGO, Aug. t Secretary of Com merce Redfleld stated today that an equilibrium test of all passenger carrying steamers on the Oreat Lakes would be made and that the work of steamboat Inspectors during th last fifteen yeare would be Investigated. John A.. Cotter of New Orleans; John K. Bulger of San Francisco, H. M. Beeley of New Tork, Eugene O'Donnell of Bos ton, all steamboat Inspectors, and a fifth I Inspector, to be named later, will be brought her to assist In the work, th secretary said.' The Investigation of the records of the inspection service will be made by a board on which the traveling public will be represented. The sixth session of the federal board of inquiry into th East- lands disaster was held- today. The Western Electrlo company' plant resumed operations today for the first time since the disaster to the Eastland. Mourning draperies were removed from the buildings and only the American flag remained at half-staff. Today's revision of the casualty list shows 838 identified dead, two uniden tified and 140 missing. Of the missing all but two have been accounted for aa hav ing perished. Captain Harry Pedersen of the East land, who ha been In Jail since shortly after th dlsaaUr, waa released on flO.000 ball today. New Submarine Wrecked. . LONDON, Aug. 1. A Reuter dispatch from Copenhagen says that fishermen, who have returned from Lubeck, are au thority for th statement that a new German submarine, while on trial trip between Kiel and Fehmarn, waa totally wrecked some days ago, twelve of th crew being drowned. 0 A DoHsr Bottle of Lea's liqd Shssrpoo contains full quart; Just eight times es much uln the 25-cent bottles sd, therefore, just 0Q-hslf the cost Clean tetok -dries onlck Isavs no soap la the hair, which goes rigfct back lata Its old training. At drwggtsts or delivered prepaid, tos,29oaUoaUH.Uoa 1.0. GEO. R. LEX CO, UUwettxIe 7X quality printer errjet kit customer . to tptnd money for tooi engraviaxt, because it U money well toertf. The best printer in Vie buslneu cannot get ve il talis est of (In inferior cot. !We male then to mil fie A L.u5'"f C?)um '!. TOO UDGH RAIN IS INJURING CROPS Burlington Report Show that Dry Weather it Needed for Small Grain and Corn. CORN PROSPECTS ARE GOOD The Burllngton'a crop report for the week ending last Saturday ia far from being satisfactory, ao far as Nebraska and Kansas are concerned, the discouraging feature being too much rain. For tba week, the pre cipitation, according to the . reports from the agents, ranged from one half to four ond one-half inches, with almost constant rains since the clos ing of the report. Several stations in Nebraska reported from two to four inches during Saturday and Sunday, with still more rain falling. Dealing with the wheat throughout Nebraska, considerable damage ha been done by the excessive and continued rain and In many localities the loss is thought to be quite extensive. It Is estimated that in the state, et the close of lsat week, K per cent of the small grain remained unharvested. That still uncut Is deteriorating rapidly, a th ground Is too wet to get harvesting ma chinery Into th field. Cora la Gowel Condition. Though late and somewhat weedy th Nebraska corn generally la reported t h In fairly good condition and with a late fall rain will make close to a full crop. By districts, th Burlington officials Substantial Savings in August Sales Remarkable Values Displayed on Evei-7 Hand. Ton Profit, August Sale of Pricing Actually Less Dresses that sold at $8.00 up clever designs at Krcv mo icuiain-aoio vaiues snown in windows. 1 m M . . e . . $5.00 Klosfit Petticoats $2.50 Mescalines and Jersey Top, all colors, in 14 different styles. Don't miss them. AnAugustM Clearanc Sale Oaraeata Worth ' SSe to 39o Dresses, Bootees, Bonnet, Bacquea, Kimonos, Shoes, Bunny Diaper a, etc.. etc. One bt table, at. fx choice....... oC , mMm Staple 50c Pad Hose Sunnortefs 2Sc 35c Pad Hose Supporters 19c on 1T.- C l , r. itow mu importers at xuO . r. 0. Embroidery Cotton, In Domestic Long Remnants of Apron r tr..t. it. iwuh, vones ana minings; per yard Bleached Muslin and brown muslin, 7V26 and 8Vfcc qual-' ity : on sale a V yard . . . . 5t? Brown Sheetings, good quality, 10-4 wide, per yard; at .' .. 23 Bath Towels Extra heavy uuruers ........... . . . e turtraryw rr,v-: Read the Big Special August Grocery Opening Tuesday - - " w 41-lb. sacks beat - hle-h arrada Iia mond H Flour, made from No. 1 se lected old wheat; nothing finer tor bread, pie or cakes, per sack ..$1.70 IS lbs. best pur Can Granulated Bugar . . $1.00 lUU-lb. sack beat pure Cane Granu lated Sus-ar $0-33 The only kind to preserve your fruit with. 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or 'l-eundry Queen White Laundry fcoap 83 10 Iba. beat White or Yellow Corn meal aao 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice or Tapioca for a So 4 lba. fancy Japan Rice ae The beet Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pke. ....... ,rV40 Tail cans AJaaka Salmon loo can Oil or Muntard Sardinia, 96 tl oa lex pure Fruit ''serves, 1M Yeaet Foam, pkg so Advo Jell for desaert, pkg. . ...TW K. C. Corn Flake, pkg. . ". W. O. C or Krumblea, pkg So l ib. can fancy sweet Sugar fnrru Wax, curing, Oreen or Umt Bean for ... T 4 lt-os. can Condenaed Milk Fancy Queen Olives), quart sso Large bottle Worcester Sauce, Pure It s estimate th yield as follows, bastng th figure on a percentsse of 100: Division. ' Division. Omaha M'Wrmnr J Lincoln . MlMiCwi M The figure Indicate a falling off ol t per cent from those of th previous week. According to ihe rr-pcrt. In som 104 s call tics, the corn Is in silk snd tassel; I while In others silk and tassel Is barely1 In eight, and In still ofheis, neither hsv appeared. It Is contended that corn IS greatly In need of warm and dry weether - While pastures are In prime condition, th cutting of hay has been, sorely InterJ fered with, and In many Instance thg first crop has been ruined by th wet. Th prospects for apple and potato fj were never better and th yield promts! to be abundant. t . - ' ' I Italians Capture 17,000 Prisoner ROME, Aug. l.-CVIa Pans. Aug. D-t Prisoners tsken by the Italian forcej now number 17,000, Including 30 officer. LVl Ul.l, . o ...1 II. lllw VY J the Stefanl News agency. Prisoners come) from all parts of Austria-Hungary. While under the surveillance of Italisn troopsj they re under the direct command oi their own superiors. Their ration are) the same as these served to th Italian soldiers. Four Deaths from Heat in New York NEW TORK, Aug. I.-Four deaths and a number of prostrations, caused by the, excessive heat and humidity, were re-' ported ' from various sections of New Tork City today. The weather bureau, thermometer registered M degree during the early afternoon. Nearly all Monday Sale Continued For Tuesday. Women's Dresses Than Worth of Materials to $25.00; broad assortment of $2.98, S5.00 and $6.98 $1.00 House Dresses 49c Light ginghams, madras and percales, all sizes 34 to 46 from regular etock ,49 Of INFANTS WEAR Oarment Worth . Mo to 90 Uong and ahort Dr es. K n 1 1 ting 8 acq u as, Embrold. Bhawls. Shoea, Moccasins big assortment for selec- - op tion, choice. . and: Fancy Notions 15c Linen Haudkerch'fs 7Vc 5c Pearl Buttons, dozen 2Vc 30o quality Tooth Brush 10c per ball 7y2$ Room Tuesday Check Gingiiams, Pretty Dress p Dig assortment to close at, Amoskeag Chambrays, new patterns, a splendid assort ment; at, yard ....... 10? 36-irir Dress Voile Crepes Small : neat patterns, per yard , .......... . . .SHe large size, with fast color, red . 1 7- am iuus sausrTXV vsliT jomato Catsup, Plck.ea, assorted kinds, or Prepared Mustard, bot., gu tor ice tea try our Diamond H Blend, pound The beat Tea Kiftings, lb, (?Oldn Snnlna Ik ..UHe ut Wp Tour Alberta Peaohei'irow. lueeuay we lli have a special car uo tna lancy iruit packed in 4 baa- ket crate and buahela, Tuesday, per 4 basket crate ..... .66 Tuesday for bushel basket us avBscoira. - Lixoai. rxxoxg. str fancy, larg. juicy fcmons, oen j 15 lba. Vw Potato te th peek, 80 Iar boxe California Freeatoa Crawford Peaches aoo Th last of ta Aprioet for canning Tuesday, 4 basket orate faaoy Cali fornia Aprloc'. 913 12 lb. Cooking Apples to peck. 80S Wax or Oreen Beans, lb Ve bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce . ...6o ( bunches freah Radishes ........ a 4 bunctie fresh Onions , Se 4 bunches freah Beets, Carrot or Turnips ,...5 Ripe Tomatoes, lb .., ft Home-frown Cauliflower, lb. . Fresh Peas, nuart f U 1 stalks fresh Celery . . r ir mm . - I s