Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1915, Page 5, Image 5
TIIFi BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1015. BRIEF CITY NEWS Km Mwr Ms T Tfow hwrni run Cleetrle faae, tT.BO. Rurtm-Ornta Zees Ton Money and valuables In the American Bae Deposit Vaults, 21S South Seventeenth street. Bee building. Boxes rant tl for three month. Today's Complete atovu Frog-ram elasatfWdl asotloa UMway, aal appears ta The Fee KXCL.CITI!LT. TVid out wkat the various moving picture theaters offer. Tor Safety First In life insurance, se W. H. Indoe, funeral agent State Mutual Life Assurance company of Worcester, At us., one of the oldest (71 years) and beet companies on earth. Impersonate an Officer R. H. rrla coll and M. II. Hutcnlngaon were fined 115 and costs each In police court aa a re milt of their arrest on the charge, of Impersonating an officer. Ad Club Talk Mr. Anderson Pace of the Chicago Advertising association will speak to the members of the Omaha Ad club Wednesday noon In Room A, Com mercial club. His subject will be "Ad vertising." To Ham Sarpy County t Con gressman Liobock states bo will name a Sarpy county man as on of the deputies under the new United States marshal. He explains that Sarpy oounty la entitled to this patronage. Steel Work Bobbed The Omaha Structural Steel works office at Forty eighth and Leavenworth was entered on the night of July 0 and t20 was removed from the cash drawer. Nothing else was touched and the thief made his get away. Mill yornau Xeldr Mike Foreman. 90 Homer street, was arrested by De tective Fsynowskl on a charge of "shoot ing with Intent to kHl." The shooting occurred on May 19 and the heating has been postponed until August 7. He Is being held on to.OOO ball. Stolen Oar Bsoovsred H. Wsndel born had his car stolen at Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets Saturday night. By Saturday afternoon he had recovered it through a detective agency. The oar was standing at Fortieth and Farnam streets. It was slightly damaged. Thiers Enter Drug; Store The Rin le Drug company, 213 North Twenty fifth street, was entered by thieves last night, who stole merchandise to the) value) of S3. Two Automobiles Stolen Two autos were stolen from Seventeenth and Doug las streets last night, the owners, C O. Pickett, ttO ' Park avenne, and W. M. Lana of Council Bluffs, reporting the thefts to the polltoex Goes te srsw Torfc Samuel H. Aoker man. the ladles' tailor in the Flatiron Iralldtng, leaves tonight for Mew Tork City to study the new fall styles and models. As a special feature of his shop Mr. Aokerman is going to install an ex clusive ready-to-wear department. To Bsa jrrankHn Convention C. D. Traphagen of Lincoln, Joe Redfleld and Sam Bees, sr., will Sep resent Nebraska at the National Typothetae and Ben Franklin Clubs of America convention to be held in Los Angeles In September. About the middle of August the master printers will begin to move toward the west for the exposition and convention cities. ' Brandeis Buyers Move on New York For the Fall Stocks Fourteen buyers from the Brandeis tores will leave tonight for New Tork City for the purpose of buying fall mer chandise for the various departments of the establishment. In a few days this buying party will be reinforced by an-' other group of seven Brandeis buyers. The party headed by George Brandeis, includes B. I. Dan forth and Mrs. A. Archer, assistant, oloaks and suits; Miss F. La Boschen, blouses; M. Cahn, silks; El Ella, draperies; W. C. MoKnlght, laces, embroideries, hosiery and under wear; F. Srhrlmph, linens; D. Carter, toys and novelties; Mrs. M. Willows, wash goods; Frand Reld, art needlework; F. Nisaen, boys' clothing; Meyer Xaijer, basement cloaks and suits, and M. Zaraonek. i The later party will be composed of D. i Amsden, A. Adler, H. Boyd. Will Culkin, Miss C Jones, Miss Burro aster. Miss R. Kanimerer. It may Interest the Omaha public to know that some of these buyers makes seven or eight trips a year to the east in search of the newest things, and when a number go at the same time they travel always by different routes, so that, in case of accident, the store may not be disabled by the loss of its entire staff at once. Even in New York City, these repre sentatives scatter to different hotels, re porting evening and morning to Mr. Bran deis at the Brandeis headquarters at U1 Broadway. At the latter place is main tained a staff of experienced employes who accompany the buyers on their visits to manufacturers. State Commander Of Maccabees Coming Omaha Tent No. 75, The Maccabees, will have a regular meeting Monday evening. Colonel A. I. Lee, state commander, will be present and be has a number of very important matters to bring before the Tent. The new entertainment commit tee will have something special on for that evening. CEMENT WORKERS HURT WHEN HIGH WALL FALLS W. P. House, a cement worker, and three helpers, employed by Frank J. Carey, In erecting a concrete wall at B23 Fark avenue, came near meeting with serious injury yesterday, when the re taining wall weakened by the incessant rains toppled over on them. While all were almost completely burled and more or less bruised, none was seriously in jured. The wall which was 150 feet long snd almost fourteen feet high, is a com plete loss and will all have to come out. Traveller H'i Eiperltact, "In the summer of 1838 I had a very se vere sttack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over me from. 4 a. m. to p. m. without giving roe any relief and then told me they did not expect tne to live; that I had best telegraph for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter H cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and tke no substitute, I took a double dose ac cording to the directions and went to sleep after the second dose. At I o'clock the next morning I was called by my order and took a train for my next stop ping point, a well man, but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack," wriies H. W. Ireland, Louisville. Ky. Obtainable every where. Advertisement. KILTS AND CAPS AT CLAN GORDON PICNIC Omaha Scots Turn Out in Force for Twenty-Seventh Annual Merrymaking- at Xniff Park. ODD PROGRAM OF RACES HELD 'Twat the twenty-seventh annual picnic of Clan Gordon No. 63, Order Scottish Clans and the "R'i" were rrrolllng might menrrlly rrrround Krrug parrrk Saturday afternoon and evening. Tls a fconnle thing- to hear the burrrr of a true Scot when he speaks the English language. The clan was there In force, the lads and the lassies and the little ones, and a jolly time they had. There were several lassies in the full highland costume with the kilts and the cute little caps on their bonnle heads and they entertained the crowd with some very clever danolng of the highland dances. Seme Piper. And. hoot, mon. dlnna forget George MoDougaH. wT his bagpipes. He Is the piper to the clan and .he can certainly pipe. He also wore the full highland cos tume. Mast of the afternoon was taken up with the contests of various kinds. Be sides the ordinary race and Jumping contests there were several novel events, soon as the "mental race," which was for the ladles' auxiliary and clansmen's wives. After a most spirited contest Mrs. W. J. HlHlop carried off the first prire of 12 and Mrs. David Cathroe the sec ond prise of ft. Another edd race was the "plnn'.ng clothes contest" A clothes line was stretched loosely between two trees. Then the contestants, using the right hand only, endeavored to fasten as many olothesplns as possible on the line in tho space of one minute. Mrs David Cathroe won this by putting twenty-seven pins on the line. Mrs. John McTaggart and Mrs. Kenneth Flnlayson hod to play off a tie of twenty-four pins twice before the former finally won by one pin, taking the second prise of L Bath Wins Babies' Baee. The babies' race, fer children under t years, was won by Kuth Strlbllng. A novel race was that for little girls. In which there were prises for all five con testants. The prises were beautiful dolls, and these were set up at the goal. All the little girls had to do was to run right up and clasp the dollies in their arms. Fannie Mann, Annie Mann. Hasel Engler. Bonnie Kelly and Margaret Mulr were the "winners." Other results were as follows: Girls Race. Under 13 Tears First prise. 75 cents, Christina McQovern; second, 60 cents. Gertrude Hlslop. Girls' Raoe, Under 16 Tears First prise, fL Elisabeth Donley; second, 60 cents, Ida HIbIod. Boys' Race, Under 8 Tears First prise. 71 cents. Malachal Donnelly; second. 50 cents. Donald Douglas. Girls Race, Under 8 Tears First prise. 75 cents, Gladys McGaffln; second, 60 cents. Elsie Strlbllng. Running Broad Jump-First prise, 13, F. Roberts; second, (L Julius Festner. Putting the Shot First rise, $2, Andrew Dow: second. tL Julius Festner. Running Hop, Beep and Jump First prise, & Jullua Festner; second, tL K. Fouser. Young Ladles' Race First prise, 12, Elisabeth Donley; seoond, H, Mary Man ila Clansmen's Raoe First prire, gold badge, I. Howard Home; seoond, gold button. Donald Munroe. . The officers of the dav were these: Clerk of course. Harold Fernandas : starter, Tom Meldrum; assistant starter, Robert Gait; Judges of sports, W. J. HlHlop, John McTaggart and Robert Mal colm; linesmen, Alex McKie and Art Fal coner, The committee on the picnic was aa follows: Kenneth S. Flnlayson. chief: R. G. Watson, secretary; W. Hlslop, treasurer; Harold Fernandez, financial secretary; Art Falconer, Robert Gait, Howard Home. Everybody brought lunches, and there was plenty of ice cream and cake and lemonade. And there were the good old songs of the land o'WaUaoe and o' Bruce. Burnasco Buyers Go to New York and Other Cities East L. C. Nash, vice president of the Bur-gess-Nash company, with a corps of buy era, left for New Tork and eastern mar kets last night on the Northwestern, for the fall and winter buying trip. A full supply of goods for Immediate shipment as well as purchases for future delivery will be ordered, and a complete line of holiday goods. "Yes," said Mr. Nash, in answer to the question If he was satisfied with the season's business, "we are more than satisfied we are highly elated with the really wonderful strides our business has made during the sis: months Just closed. When we take everything into consider ation, the weather, which has toeen very unusual, the market conditions, etc., we feel that our gains have been really phenomenal, even surpassing our most sanguine anticipations for a normal season. "And light here let tne say we are certainly very grateful for the patience and Indulgence of our patrons during the torn up conditions of our main floor, while installing the new fixtures. "Our buyers have been instructed to buy with discriminating care, and special effort will be given to the selection of merchandise for our basement store. We expect our stocks this fall will be the biggest and best ever on our shelves. I am fully in accord with Speaker Champ Clark in his belief that the fall season will realise a wonderful business, and especially throughout the territory around Omaha. The people are here, the money Is here and the demand will be here. It is up to us to provide and we Intend to do that very thing." Those who accompanied Mr. Nash in cluded: A. B. Curtis, merchandise man ager; Hiram Jones, for silks snd dress goods; W. E. Grout, for the men's and boys' clothing; J. W. Little, for women's and men's shoes; A. C. Hoover, for women's and misses' ready-to-wear; J. L. Weinberg, for women's and misses' ready-to-wear; Miss Mary Durr,. for dresses, and Miss Margaret Butler, for laces, neckwear and handkerchiefs. Mrs. Nash also accompanied Mr. Nash, as well as Carl Phelps. It Healty Vara Relieve Rheaauallsni. Sloan's Liniment does give almost in stant relief. Nothing better for r lieu ma tt m, backache and sciatica. Only 36c. All druggists. Advertisement. A "For Sale" ad will turn sscond-hand furniture into cash. , iwtlllilili iKSfSS Bellevse Collesre. Prof. Edward Kriokson la at his home in Morehead, Minn. Mlas Luelta Carter Is spending the summer In the Michigan lakes country near Detroit. Miss Jeanette Goodwill of the hlaii school faculty Is In California at the San Framinco exposition. Miss Evelyn Hopper of Omaha has been In Pouth Dakota enjoying a short rest after a very busy season. Prof. E. M. Jones of Omaha has din continued his summer students, prepara tory to taking his vacation. Prof. Oscar Pchmledel has been In Belli. vile all summer. He expects to see California before school begins. Prof. P. W. Evans has one more week In his summer school. This has been a very successful session of hard work. Carleton Yodrr, who has been doing work under Prof. Evans In the chemistry laboratory, left for his home in Wymore. Vice President Raxkerville, Is hooked for a vacation the InM of August, Nit he denies mont emphatically that he In tends to take one. A few members of the faculty find time too valuable to rest. Dr. Tyler has been In poor health for some time. He has. however, been nble to work at catalog ing his herbarium. Mrs. Lyda Churchill Is settled for the summer at Riverside, Csi. Khe will reach Bellovue a week before the opening of school, September 13. Only six more weeks now tmtll the beelnnlng of school and the majority of Hellevue professors are ' still "vacation ing" in all parts of the country. Prof. Albert Snore has gone to Join hi wife in Wyoming, III., after spending a few days laat week looking after busi ness interests at Beaver Crossing, Neb. Dr. C. A. Mitchell Is passing the sum mer very usefully at home. He spent a short time visiting his brother, but even' that short visit aded sest to his re search work. The prospect for students this fall Is unusually promising. The college build ings. Including Philadelphia hall, are be ing mode ready to accommodate the In coming crowds. Mlas Parah Bailey has Just finished her work as Instructor in home economics at the summer session of Peru Normal school. Miss Bailey will leave Immedi ately to Join Miss Hunter on the Pacific coast. Prof. W. A. Peters returned Wednesday nhrht from his last trip through Ne braska In search of students. The re mainder of his time will be employed In the suburbs of Omaha and In western Iowa. The gymnasium building grows on apace. Only fifteen days remain until the contract time expiree, and It Is ex pected that Contractor Harte will put a large force of men to work to rush it to completion. For some members of the faculty va cation Is only beginning. Acting Pren1 dent W. E. Nlcholl and Mrs. Nicholl left Saturday for a three weeks' camp ing trip in the mountains near Estes Park, Colo. Prof. E. L. Puis and Coach Benjamin came In Wednesday from "the road," having completed their share of the student canvass. Mr. Puis left Saturday for his home In Buffalo. N. Y. Mr. Ben jamin, after supervising the Improve ments on the athletic, field, also left Saturday for Albion, Mloh. Miss Myrtle Hunter stopped In Bellevue Wednesday between cars. Hhe has Just returned from a long automobile trip through the state and is on her way to California to visit the expositions. This Is Miss Hunter's first real vacation In several years for she has spent her sum mers specializing In Latin at the state university. Coiner I'alverslty Notes. Chancellor Oeschger made a business trip to Omaha on Wednesday of last week. I Mrs. O. A. Thomas, head of the normal department, has been spending the week In a teachers institute at Fu pulton, Neo. Mrs. May Hart, who has had charge of the college hall during the last year, has returned to 31mwood. Neb., her former home. Jesse Iee Payne and wife have gone to Alnsley, Neb., to beTBne during August. Mr. Payne will be a senior In the mediuai school. Rev. Mr. Neel. the pastor of the Uni versity church, will spend the month of August in Colorado, going on his snnual vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Cutter, who have been on an extended vacation for the last sis weeksj have returned, They spent the time on the Padflo coast. The Misses Cleo and Ruth Dixon of Blair. Neb., are moving to Bethany with their parents They expect to make Bethany their future home. J. H. Blcknell, the college secretary, has been spending a short vacation at Kenesaw, Neb. Th's wr the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Blcknell. The medical school will be opened on September 15 as an affiliated school of Ootner university. F. I Wllmeth will serve as dean of the school the coming year. Nebraska Wesley ni University. Because of the unsettled weather Mon day evenlna- it was necessary to give the plnv "MM Summer Nlvht'e Dream" In the auditorium Instead of In the open air. ns prevlouMv announced. The large number In atendance pronounced It one rf the best productions ever seen at Wes. leyan. The summer session came to a close Friday morning with the annual summer school commencement. Muslo wss fur. nlshed by Profs. Krlcdemann and Movl" of the conservatory of music. The ad dress wss delivered bv Rev. A. O. Hln son of Holdrere. his suWect belnc "Ms Ic ing a Living While Making a Life." In he absence of Chancellor Fulmer. Vice Chancellor Bchreckengast conferred the degrees and awarded the diplomas. The The Nebraska Wesleyan University COLUOl OT LrcZBAX, ABTI Islfuexa OOX4,GrJI ACADEMY COMtESTlTOBT OT MTIIO sexoox. or ExiK.EHsiojr AMD OKATOBVT acxoox. or abt 3or taformatloa and free bulletins, address THE REGISTRAR, Nebratia Wtileyan University University Maoe, Xdaoola. Nebraska Lutheran Ladies' Seminary Bod Winr, MinaMOt A coisX.OB roB aimia offOT Junior tAjiivfjei, KBiliAry i'uarmm, I'rvtHira lory, Horn Kouiomy, ComKiufclitl, Ait. El ut.,ejt PUno Violin Vol. t;4, t,iajhisMi t-tchr, beautiful lcHAtioii: moltTTi uulldins; iA tannic hil. With tedrW rf) tpr sKU ii.MliUtWl ttUt frnf. 14 kUDDfl. Hotrrj 'td tuiOuB, $ib to 1- r Tfir fcteni f'tr uw raHl'i &SV. H. ALIdiaJT. Aod Wi&f, Mlnn-otv . in'SB II' v J iiviiisi arTkA m - . vi i i i i i ' i i la 1 1 . at degree of bachelor of arts was conferred on Hasel Adam. Ralph Austin, llvt Norrls, Chester Soott and Ruth Warrick. Twenty-five teachers' certificates of va rious grades were granted and four were graduated from the academy. Dr. A. FJ, lY1nhlp of Boston addressed the students at convocation Thursday morn ing. York College. York la needing another building. The Century dictionary has been placed In the library. Prof. Misner was called to Omaha re cently on account of the Illness of his sister. The campus has presented a very at tractive appearance this summer. The cool weather has made summer school work very pleasant. The college quartet has Just closed a successful meeting at Scranton, Neb. President McLaughlin assisted the quar tet during the last week. The summer term closed Frldav, July 30, with an enrollment of elRhty. Courses were given In college, academy and nor mal subjects and In the nrislc and art departments. A round table on general school problems wss conducted twice a week at the chapel hour. Great Interest waa mantfnMcd In this feature of the work and the discussions were not with out value, A New Building. The college is located at Eighteenth u1"? trp. Denver. It was es tablished in 1909. with forty students. Pf"fnt enrollment Is ISO students. Colorado Woman's college expects com pletlon of a new building In 191 to help accommodate the school's rapidly crow ing student body. This school has al ready reached its aim for this year. WM n,M"n freshman class high chWl0eB a,ua,e of cr0l MCK HOLT RECOVERS RAPIDLY INSIDE STATION Jack Holt, Twenty-fourth and Howard streets, lives In a neighborhood where all the houses look alike. Last evening he got on the wrong porch and while ruminating on how to find his own, fell off the railing, seven feet to the hard pavement. Neighbors rushed forth and adminis tered water, both Internally and out wardly, but Jack appeared to be dying fast, so they sent for the police. Officers and doctors arrived and tenderly lifted him into the emergency, thence speeding swiftly to the station. But Holt recuper ated rapidly, once within its shelter, and strive as he might, the physicians could find no spot where he had been Injured. BEWATXar 1 AOASBKT. Midwinter home, St. Augustine f wriui. An ouiaoor. tutorial school for boys. Every boy on a Reg. team, a o areas, Chas. Carey. J Istrar. Prairie du Chlen. Wis CENTRAL COLLI XiE OP OSTEOPATHY XAjrnA OITT. MO. Strong Teaching Force and Double Advantages In Clinic. EARN MORI WITH Lets AII tf kanlar at fata fmr ms r Miam nlH to mtytr. rufilhmt tt M mn m4. IWnftiaa hmtaKtloa Umm :.nla( IVIhs, tl IM4i fjpat aj stsaMp m, Omm ssl ssat sassv Wsia. , HIGHLAND PARK COLLEGE Oeerge p. Msgill, A. M., 6. O., Freshta Dm Melase, Iowa CuTBflL BUSINESS COLLEGE offers the best opportunities; Hth year Largest. Beat Write today for our special proposition. laa-aa Oak at., Kansas Qity. Mo. St. John's Military Academy THE AMERICAN RUGBY TRAINS the boy for Me. Edu cational (ads are avoided and stress is laid upon old-fashioned ideals. The result is an Improved body, a trained mind and strengthened moral fibre. The boy is prepared to take his proper place in the world and ''make good." St. John's it classed by Ihe Oovemmsnt a one ol the " Honor Schooli." tpitco pal. but ill other denominations received. Situated on high, well -drained land. Our cataloiut will tell mors ol our successful method. ST. JOHN'S MIUTtRT ACADEMY 14 DeUUcM. Waukesha Cs, WH. CKIOAOO IFgl!STATrrg . tail MmmU twfl tkw. Outral II II Mebraska Klilitary Academy (nrcostroBATxo.) TOUR BOY must he propertly educated and developed. The NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY (Inc.) is a school close at home, where you can send him and be sure that he gets what you want him to have. This HCHOOL, understands boys and deals with them, individually. Prepares for college and business. lr Information, talk to our patrons, visit ths school, phone or write for catalogue. Address, COLONEL B. D. HAYWARD, President. LINCOLN, NEB. THE KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY HURT, aTEBBASXA. To provide thorough at the loweet terms boys from s to It. LOCATIOBT Two miles from Kearney, In ths Platte Valley. XQUiratEBT SB acres of land. Four bulldlns-a. Oymnaalum, swimming pool, bttparate lower school building. TACUI.TT College graduates with business sxperisnca. COUKSSa Cnllege preparatory; eommerclal law and buslneea meth ods: umnual training; mechanical drawing; agriculture and animal husbandry. ATKX.ETICS Kontball. baseball, basketball, track, tennis, swimming, calisthenics. CATAX.OOUB Ail. I it as Harry Roberta Drunuitond, Headmaster. "tmciMcr xa Tata ttbt or bduoatiow. -IrrSV'iiiihii !:' J Mrs. Miriam Boyce Suing for Divorce Charging cruelty and that her husband went as far aa to strike her at times, Mrs. Benjamin R. Boyce, formerly Miss Miriam Patterson, a society girl of Omaha, has filed suit In the district court of Cook county, Illinois. Mr. Boyce is the son of a wealthy pu Wisher and explorer of Chicago. A month ago Mrs. Patterson left her home In Chicago and la staying at Lake OkoboJI, la., at the summer oottags of her father, D. C. Patterson of Omaha. D. C. Patterson of Omaha, father of Mrs. Boyoe, says he hopes still that a reconciliation mny be effected, for the sake of the little daughter, Jane. Little Jane la with her mother at Oko boJI. The baby Is 1 years old. Since the birth of this child, Mrs. Boyce alleges In her petition, her husband began to abuse her. The wedding of this couple occurred June 11, lm, In All Saints' church in Omaha. It was a society event. ART SCHOOL titb runs axt tnm. TUTS, Kansas City, Mo, 1020 McOee Ht. Thorough trainlna In Drawing, faint ing. Design, Illustration. Write for catalogue. OOOMTS SCHOOL, rounded la 1SBO, A country school for young ladles. Near Philadelphia and New York. Jay Cooke estate, 61 acres. . J , , Miss Abby A. Hutherland. Principal. Montgomery lo renna. WH1TTON-CARL1SLE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS rrlmary Intermedins Hlfh School Boarding department limited. Hps rial department for girls from to it. 8 mall enough to be a "Real Home," and large enough to be a "Real School." Fir catalogue, address W BCHOOX., Section A, Xiaoola, Vsb. Nurses Wanted A Profession of Helpfulness In mitt to be ths greatest hats la the phrstclaa you aheuM hara a thorough eoune In namas. eorrettllT and mailtoal mulattos, electro- anA hydro-lharapr. Wa kin tha flnaat aquipmant In the eoantry ani caa stve ru the nnA vonela ana thorough eouraa. Both phratolaa sad Jttlant of to4r want ttM auraa whs ul rtan1a thao branch Wa aava aa aaeoclall? atrartlva oonraa arranges tor auraaa; eomethlnt entirely new. Call on ua ana w will tall ynn all about It, or write tor booklet. Olaaaae now forming. Penna. Orthopaedic Institute lT0t-U QHBEN gT., FhllaJelphla, rasa. PRESTIGE COUNTS Big business men employ our gradv. atea year after year because they al ways make good. Our students pass the government examinations with high ratings: they are sought for by tne leading ' railroad companies, bankers, wholesalers, manufacturers and nrofea slonal men; and are so trained ths they may advance to coveted nosltlons of trust and responsibility. PHBSTIOH1 COUNTH when you are seeking a posi tion. Our prestige is due to two th " thoroughness and oommon sense courses. Our graduates are worklna- n 22 states. We help you to a position. If you are thinking of taking a short hand or business course, write for our now 1U catalog. It Is free to those who are thinking of taking a course. Address, Hastings Business College (We do not employ solicitors.) Dept. A. Hastings, jrelereaka. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE ARD ACADEMY Conducted tsy the Haters of the Holy Cross Notre Dame, St. Joseph Co., Ind. One mile weet of tha VnWerattr of Notre Heme. Two houre ride from rhluaso. Two miles from Boutk Bead, Indiana. Tha School for Your Daughter Tfeoee who are Interested la tha educa tion ot glrla and roung wvmm will find so aekool where they eoaw do mors for tuaatelr plaaed than at St. Marr'a "ollae and Aeedwrar, Noire Dame, Ind. Hero are fouod caroful training, thorough lertme tloo, serfeot discipline and aurroundlnsa whlah at one raise the Idaal toward tha hlehaat aad ba In Ufa. The srenOco! aide la aot aesleotod and tha puplle of St. tUrr aoqutre a toannatlon wlilrh I a praparatliHi for Ufa with Ita pleasures aod vlclaottvdoa. Manr fnaturaa ot this eoaool of blsh Heale, Ita haaal Iful sroanda and edinuea, oaonot be touched upon or Illustrated is tha ilmltad evade of this anneuaeament. Tha Dtrectreie therefor, mat eordlallr Invitee oorraapondenee from parents having daushtera to odueate, and will lake plee eurw la melitng an llluatratad catalogue, which slvee a eomplete out I tee of work la Preparatory, aaademlo aad (llitate Do partmenu. sluale. Art. Hoaiebold Aria and Athlottoa. (Tiena win be raeumad a hnuoter 1Mb. AOdraee TK1 SIBSOTmlnM St. Mary's Collect and Academy ox Ita, lrotrs Dame, St, foeevh Ooh Isdiaaa. TvrxarrT-roTrBTaT tsak. mental, moral and moral and physical training it with efficient work. For 1160 00. consistent Charges; 1872 DOANE COLLEGE 1915 CRETE, NEBR. A URAL OOI.IiROK WITH COLLEGE T!UlITIONS, OOLLEOK IDKAIiH and COLLEGE SPIRIT. Ask anybody who knows. 44th year begins Sept. 14. 115. WILLIAM O. ALLEN, President. BRO W NELL HALL Omaha, Xebreska. Boarding and Pay School for Olrls and Young Women. Certificate admits to Bmlth. Vaasar, Wellelev end other collegee, Preparation for Bryn Mswt and Radcllffe. . ADYAHCXD OOUBSEB TQ KXOH BCHOO& OsVADOAIHS. Household Arts. Muslo, (lymnsslum - JUsTIOm DAT SCHOOL TOl lITIll OW.. ' FY, r.l.lno,.. uMreaa the Principal. MISS BUFHEMXA JOKITBOW. ARCADIA COLLEGE J.. FTTatFOSlJ To develop true womanliness. Careful attention to manners and morals. Conducted by the Ursullne Sisters. .,.,. VX tlctureaqueiy and nestled In the timber-crested hills record has been remarkable. 8pe and well lighted and ventilated. iclally llot Ample sn1 attractive grounaa. CvaaiCUUC la comprehensive and guarantees a sound and refined educa tion. Exceptional advantages In muslo and art. You will be Interested In our free Illustrated catalogue, sent on request. Address MOTKII tmiklOB, Arcadia, JCiisoorl. Noted fee Its CeBega Ewwassss. ke elualas Yala, Harvard, Priaeetsea, Columbia, Jokae Hankies, ete. College of Saint Thomas SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Undtr tht Control sns Direction of Jrtkbuhop Ireland A CATHOLIC MILITARY COLLEGE ColltiM Commircla! Afitmlt Prtpartltrf Cartful Mmtal, Moral and Jtelifioiu Training Seven Hundred and Forty Students from Twenty-four States Last Year For tlluitrsted catalogue address Very Ree. H. M0YN1HAN, D. D., President THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA The University of Nebraska and Schools: THE GRADUATE COLLEGE, THE COLLEGE OK ARTS AND 8CIENCE8, THE TEACHER8 COLLEGE, THE COLLEGE OF AGRICUL TURE, THE COLLEGE OF ENGI NEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LAW, Tha University opens for ths ISth. One may enter also at the February) or the Bummer Session On any point of information, THE REGISTRAR Station "A. The Curtis Publishingf Company Says: "Those young people who come to us from busi ness schools which are carefully administered and In which the instruction is of high grade, are able to anallfy for better positions taaa they eonld other wise do. It la, of course, necessary that they get training either within or without the company before they can be of any considerable value to it. To this end, we are believers in the well-established and Intelligently conducted business schools." E. M. HOPKINS, Mgr., Employment Dept., Curtis Pub. Co., Philadelphia. The Largest Salary Always Goes to the Man or Woman Who Has A BUSINESS TRAINING The men and women with business training get the good positions, the best salaries, the eaaieat houra, and the beat urtortunltlea for promotion. What's left will go to those who come Into the business world raw untrained. This difference In salary and opportunity. U tlie price yoa will pay for doing Without a business training a difference you can take advantage of if you will get the training open to you any day in the week at iOYKS COLLEGE Boylea College trains you In short hand, bookkeeping, telegraphy or civil aarviie preparation. Boylea College equips you with these Instruments of knowledge, these tools of business then teaches you how to uae them to make ths most for yourself. CtU3mhlesa Tlilar4fvs W, e ST. JOIN'S JUUTARY SCHOOL, (Eaucosal) S.liaa, EatMi Development of character and individuality com prise the serious Work of this school. Thorough preparation for colleiie or business; accredited by State University. Kvery boy receives careful and Individual attention Special Instruction in Ath letics. Modern buildings, extensive campus, com plete M equipment. Ixiwer school for younger boys With verv careful supervision. Catalog on request. KAJOm W. Tj. OAWSSI., Commandant. ' situaieu in me dmuiiiui jiry oi anwna of t he tT.ark mnge, this school's health designed bull'linga modernly equipped - watar heat, complete rire protection. 16 Buildings 200 Acres 1000 foot abvra aoa UvoL 10 saUae aamta of St Peal tstfc year. Founded and conducted on the same broad lines sa the famous Engllah schools el Wla eheater and Eton. Equally efficient In training for collage, business snd technical fields. Noted for clean athletlea. Dealgnated by U. & War Department aa an "Honor BobooL" For catalog and particulars, address COL. VAS A E. STOLBRAND. C E. HeaeWk Drawer T, Faribaalt. Mkea. Six week Summer School June to Angiut Includes tha following Colleges THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, THE SCHOOL OF AGRICUL TURE. THE TEACHERS' COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL. first semester on Wednesday, September beginning of the second semester (about (usually ins lirsi iun wees in June;. address Lincoln, Neb. Bt. B. BOYXJZS, Fres. Boyles Training Inspires you with aimbltlon and determination endows you with ability and efficiency; teaches you the science of initiative snd leadership which will put you ou the top rung of the ladder if you rightly apv'y your knowledge. Get Our Special Tuition Offer Drop a postal for our free 114-page catalog, which tells all about the school. We find you a place to earn your exponaes while attending. If you wish, and will enroll now. We positively obtain a posillou for you, free of charge, when you graduate. BOYLES COLLEGE It B. BOYLES, Prea. 1815 Harney St. Omaha. Neb.