THE OMAHA SUNDAY HBE: AtHlUST 1, 1010. 5 A NEW SAYINGS BANK ! IS BEINGORGANIZED Same to Be Douglas County Barings Bank and is to Be Backed by Looal Business Men. Stock is now behio sold The Douglas County Savings bank lo to be tbe name of tbe new Btate bank being organised In Omaha, tbe preliminary account of which was re ported in Tbe Omaha Bee a few weeks ago. Several good locations are available at reasonable rental, and these are being considered now. Tbe capital stock is to be 1100,000. Albert 8. White, 748 Omaha Na tional Bank building, Is to be presi dent of the new concern. Mr. White Is a native of Nebraska. He la the nan who organized the State bank of Omaha In 1912. Prior to that time he spent twelve years In Missouri en gaged in the banking business. Some of the leading stockholders In the new institution are O. 8. Montgomery of Montgomery. Hall St Young, attorneys; George O. Wallaoe. real estate man; T. F. Stroud, manufacturer; W. C. Lmbert, corporation counsel of Omaha; Dr. Ira E. Atkinson, Insurance man; Frank Craw ford, attorney; John Douglas, president Douglas Printing company; Dr. A. A. Orandell, dentist; T. F. Tlghe, Rock Creek Conservation company; Arthur Hoover, financial agent; Albert S. White, banker; A, It. Patrick, president Platte Gvel company. Shares Setoff Sold. Shares are now being offered at SIX in order to create a substantial surplus ac count at the outset and also to provide for the Initial guaranty fund assessment, which is reaulred of state banks under the guaranty of deposits law of Nebraska. The promoters of this new institu tion point out that exclusive of South Omaha. - recently consolidated with Omaha, Omaha proper has no savings bank, and that in this respect Omaha stands alone, as practically all the cities in the country have one or mora banks strictly for savings. Although most of the savings banks of the country are organised as mutual com panies, having no capital stock, their dividend earnings, based on any given capitalisation, being merely estimated, the Douglas County Savings bank is to Incorporate with the, epeclflo amount of $100,000 capital. The law of Nebraska does not permit the organisation of mutual savings banks. Woman Wants Pay for Ducks Drowned Mrs. Bridget Johnson, widow, residing at 1044 Bouth Twenty-third street, makes claim against the ' olty for ITS damages on account of the loss of fifty chickens and ducks on Jotr 18, when overflow from a sewer flooded her basement. She maintains the ducks were drowned. The city oommlnloners wUl give this their careful consideration, because the claimant Is a widow and the chickens and ducks were a substantial part of her livelihood. The city legal department, however, is up against a snag: How were the ducks drowned T Did the chickens cling to the ducks and drag them under the water? Ben Franklin Club to Hold Big Picnic The annual picnlo of the Ben Franklin club will be held at Elm wood park Au gust 14. starting at 10 o'clock in the morning and continuing until everybody is tired. More than UOO persona at tended the picnlo last year and it is hoped by the committee in oharge that the attendance this year will exceed even that number. The committee in charge constats of Charles Docherty, C B. Corey, Pert Potter, Elmer Peterson and F. A. Kennedy. ST. LOUIS BUTCHERS ARE TO BE HERE ON THURSDAY A large delegation of the Butchers' as sociation of St. Louis will be in Omaha Thursday, August 6. They are on their way to the exposition at San Francisco. ' The Omaha Butchers' association will show them that Omaha is on the map, and no expense will be spared to show them a good time. Several automobiles are engaged to ex plore the beauties of Omaha with the lsitors and the Fontenelle will be re quested to produce the best it has for a 6 o'clock dinner. Several of the Omaha butchers will go to the exposition with the St Louis delegation. R. BEECHER HOWELL MAKES HIS DEBUT IN CHAUTAUQUA R. B. Howell, manager of the Metro politan Water district, yeiterdav made his Chautauqua debut at Shubert. Neb. He spoke on "Preparedness," his line of thought having particular relation to na tional affairs. Mr. Howell states he has no Intention of going on tbe Chautauqua platform for keeps. BUILDING OPERATIONS FOR JULY SHOW A GAIN Building operations during July were: Permits, 14; valuation. S5M.TS0. The month was ahead Nof July last year, which showed a total of MOJ.606. First seven months of this year, M.015,- tU; corresponding period last year, 13,- M9.&S. The city buQdtng department believes this year will exceed last year. POLICE ROUND UP THUGS FROM LOWER PRECINCTS Seven negroes were arrested at Tenth and Davenport streets Friday night and were charged with being vagrants. The police are trying to dean op that neigh borhood of the thugs who hang about, and this bench was the first hauL "Thirty days," said the judge. But 1 will suspend sen tea oe If you all leave town." LABOR DAY PICNIC TO BE HELD AT GERMAN HOME Omaha's Labor day picnic will be held at the German Home. The committee Is working out plans for a good time for the union men. thler families and friends. It lias been decided to hold a parade in the morning and have the picnlo In the after jooue and evening. Sunday, August 1, 1915. ITsw Tlntor B.oorS. tot Angnst Tow Btsady. -Burgess-Nash Store News for Monday- Agnts for O'naha far ramons Chiekering Pianos.' -Phono Douglas 137. Our First Aug ust ale off FUR Exactness of is possible only with spe cialists. This Burgess-Nash or ganization is one of spe cialists, and each special ist devotes his whole time to one thing. The one thing ho knows. The markets of the world very largely the same in these troublous days -are open to him. He selects, with you In mind. Every buyer has the desires and tastes of many buyers act ually before him; he buys as you would buy if you had time and could afford to traverse the globe to supply your needs. It's the object of our buying organization to bring into our store' the products of the world's industries that flU completely every known want of. the home and at prices that will meet with your ap proval, that we may be "The greatest service to the greatest number." BUROESS-NASH COMPANY. Women's 25c Sum mer VESTS at 15c BROKEN lines of women's sum mer vests, low neck, sleeve less; also pants; were 25c; f in the clearaway, Monday at iJC Burgess-Bash Co WaU Tloor. Women's B5c llixw, lOe Black cotton, broken assortment of styles and sites; reg. A price 25c; clearaway Mon.. 1UC Bnrgsssiraah Co. Malm lloor. Women's 10c Vests, lOo Low neck and sleeveless, white cotton; regular price 19c, 1A Clearaway Monday 1UC Co. SCala moor. $1.50 ITndertmislins, $1.00 Gowns and combinations of nain sook and crepe, with lace or em broidery insertions, medallions and edges; were $1.25 and $1.50, now Burgess-Wash Oo. B.ooad moor. 91.2.1 UndemiUMltns, 60o Lot of mussed gowns, combina tions and petticoats, nainsook and cambric, trimmed with lace or embroidery Bargese-Hasa Oo. Beuond Tloor. 91.0O Coverall Aprons, 79c "Mina Taylor" coverall aprons of chambray, in pink, blue or 7(n lavender; $1.00 qeality ... I wC Burgess-Bash Co Seeoad Tloor. $1.00 69c JUST ARRIVED- New Fall Tailored Suits For the Traveler or the Stay-at-Home At $25.00 and $35.00 ACHA-KMING exhibition featuring at each price an interesting display of unique suit fashions in ma terials especially selected for their newness and beauty. The materials are gabardines, whipcords, broadcloths and many novelty weaves. You'll appreciate the showing. Bargees-Bash Oo. CUoond lloor. You'll Get Your First Peep at New FALL MILLINERY Here Monday "C1 IR8T authentic showing of correct millinery for early autumn wear. Women of dis criminating taste wlU welcom the host of new styles, which will receive their first showing Monday. The shapes are either extremely large or very small on the turban order. The fa vorite material is velvet, trimmed In a variety of exqui site and fascinating ways In dian beads, large flat roses, wings, wide ribbons, etc. It's needless to say there is only one of a kind. Prices $7.50 to $25.00. Burgees-Bash Oo. B.oond Tloor. Odd Pieces of WHITE GOODS That Wero 50c to $1, Monday, 25c Yard "VDD pieces and short lengths left over from our recent sale of wh'te goods, including plain and fancy weaves in both domestic and imported manufacture. Embroidered voiles, crepes, Swisses and piques, also French nov elty weaves. Some are slightly soiled and mussed from display. Were 60o to $1.00, clearaway price, Monday, at yard, 23c Burgess-Hash Oo. Mala Tloor. Clearaway of Crepe de Chine Blouses That Were to $4.50, Monday, $2.75 A COLLECTION of crepe de chine and tub silk blouses of unusual attractiveness. All this season's styles, either high or low neck, long or sleeves, every one distinctive and individual in point of style. Were to $4.60, now 92.73. lingerie Blouses, assortment of styles, were $1.00, now 50o Smart "Sport" Waists, h'd'f linen, were $3.50, now $2.50 Summery Blouses, voiles and organdies, were $2.95 . .$1.95 Burgess-Hash Co. B.oond Tloor. 6 to 7j - Yard Pattern Lengths of Fine WASH GOODS Monday at 95c A FULL dress pattern of fine summer wash fabrics, Including 60-ln. voiles, Scotch ginghams, tissue suiting, dimity, ratine. Also a full kimono pattern In pretty floral and Japanese design. Large assort ment of colors. Lengths from 6 to TVs yards in a piece. Monday at 95c each. Burgess-Vaah Co. Mala Tloor. Special August Sale of Famous Sewing Machines MACHINES world known for easy, quiet, swWt runninr, and all sold with our guarantee of absolute satisfaction. Here are machines of every description, floor and display samples. Some brand new others used and a great many scuffed by handling. Remember in some cases quantities are limited. Early comers get best and complete selection. Singer Machine, was $48.00, now ..$26.50 Standard Machine, was $40.00, now, $29.85 White Machine, was $45.00, now ..$29.75 New Howe Machine, was $35, now, $22.50 The Free Machine, was $40.00, now $23.75 Paragon Machine, was $40.00, now $27.50 Needles for all make of Sew ing Machines, Monday only, 14c a dozen. TEEMS $2.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK Burgess-Wash Co B.wtag Machlae Section TMjrd Tleee, This very special offering for August Sale, new latest model, Standard make, $17 AO, Which Starts Monday Morning Affords a Savings of 20 to 33 Under September Prices H WeDoNot Know When Prices Have been lUliiH .frA' UJ L So Low and It Is Doubtful If They PMll'l IllUS jr i. ...... .s i-i" 'V .1 .'tt'i Of course there is u reason thousands of skins whh-li nrdinnrilv era in T!iirnnnn Viiivrrs hnvp thia vonr hooil iilniM'il & tf y "i . - S 'ou u America because of lack of Euroitan markets. In planning for this sale Extensive Preparations Were Made lor This Sale and the selection of our stock of furs, every piece of which is strictly new this season, was mado with the most dis criminating care, not only for the high quality of pelts, but for the fashionable designing, so they combine value with. artistic effect. Back of Every Piece of Fur Sold Is the Burgess-Nash Guarantee of Quality. Authenticity of Style and Thoroughly Satisfactory Wear W . Save 20 to 33 1-3 Per Cent. If you will make your purchases during this August Sale of Furs you can effect a saving of from 20 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent under the very low prices which will bo in effect after September 1st. Therefore it is not only economy but the very best sort of an investment to buy your furs at this time rather than later on. Hudson Seal Coats Priced as low as "Near Seals" of last season. Prices Range $50.00 to $850.00 Persian Lamb Coats Newest models in skins 'of rare beauty, remarkable values. Prices Range $100.00 to $250.00. Russian Pony Coats In every grade we offer a selection that It would be hard to duplicate. Prices range from $23.00 to $45.00 Black Lynx Furs are very fashionable this season and the prices quoted are much below those of last season. mark Iijmx Muffs .... $20.00 to $45.00 llliick Lynx Scarfs .... $12.00 to $40.00 Hudson Seal Furs Beautiful new effects In scarfs and muffs. Hudson Seal Muffs. . . .$8.00 to $25.00 Hudson Heal Scarfs . . $4.00 to $10.50. . Burgess-Bash Go gsoond Tloor. Furs Stored Till November 1st.. Should you Fo desire, you may mnke your selection now and we will carefully store them for yon until November 1st, upon payment of only 25 per cent of thiir value. You thus not only secure first choice from our large stocks, but lake advantage of these extraordinarily low prices without the necessity of making full payment for the furs until they are actually needed. Genuine Mink Furs Our Mink Eurs have a permanent value, made of the flnAt selected skins. Genuine Mink Muffs. .$15.00 to' $55.00 Genuine Mink' Scarfs $7.50 to $07.50 Hudson Lynx Furs Black furs, a truly remarkable selection. Every pleco guaranteed. Hudson Lynx Muffs . . . Hudson Lynx Scarfs . . $4.00 to $15.00 $2.50 to $10.00.. After-Inventory Sale of Wash Goods In the Basement at About Price ONE great lot of all the short lengths of this season's choicest wash, fabrics, each piece with yardage and price marked on sale ticket. The lengths are desirable for waists, dresses and children's wear. In cluded are sheer woven fabrics, fine madras cloths, sephyrs, percales, voiles, etc. The entire lot will be about one-halt price. niearhed Sheeting at 25o 9-4 Bleached Puritan Sheeting, on. sale from the bolt, at 85r lileached Pillow Coses, at 7Ho 42x36 and 45x3C well-made bleached pillow cases, limit one dozen to each customer, at, each 7Jjc. Unbleached Muslin, at 4 H o Unbleached muslin, yard wide,' standard weight, on sale from the bolt, limit 20 yards, at, yard 4 He Remnants 12 He Printed Scrim, SHc All the short lengths of fancy printed scrim, worth up to 12 He, at, yard SMo. Co. These $1 .25 and $1 .75 Fancy Silks Go Into the Clearaway Monday at 88c A ND in every instance they represent most unusual val ues. The offering includes such silks as Taffetas, Messalines,' Crepe de Chines, Toplins and Suiting Silks, in stripes, plaids and figures. Silks that wero $1.25 to $1.75, Monday at 88 the yard. $1.25 Black Messalinos, at 89c Satin finish and excellent heavy quality; regular price $1.25, Monday, 8lc the yard. Black and Whit Crepe de Chine, $1.19 86 inches wide, for suits and skirts, will tailor beautifully. $1.05 Black Faille Silk, $1.49 42-Inch all pure silk and the kind that will wear. Kimona Silks at 49c 82-inch kimona silk, in pretty floral effects, Monday at 40c yard. This August Sale of Furniture Which Starts Monday Will Afford Savings of j to j Regular Prices IT'S our second annual event and is looked forward to by many as the one best time to buy furniture. Our assort ments are very extensive and the quality of furniture we sell is of the highest possible standnrd. This idea of the reductions: h-r-i-m coil $6.00 Oak Rocker, $3.95 Solid oak, saddle seat, golden oak, fumed finish, regular price $6, August price, $3.05, $15.00 Oak Rocker, $9.00 Solid oak, fumed finish, adjustable uphol stered leather seat, regular price $15, Au gust price $0.00. $2.50 Dining Room Chair, $1.75 Solid oak dining room chairs, very sub stantially built, regular price $2.60, August price $1.75. $13.50 Iron Beds, $7.50 Bungalow beds, either white enamel or Vernls Martin finish, and full size, regu lar price $13.60, August price $7.50. $30.00 Brass Beds, $19.50 Two-inch continuous posts, lV4-lnch fill ers, regular price $30, August price $10.50. $47.50 Old Ivory Beds, $35.00 Beds solid mahogany with old ivory finish, cane in bead and foot, regular price $4 7.60, August price $35.00. $70.00 Old Ivory Dresser, $50.00 Solid mahogany with old ivory finish, reg ular price $70, August price $50.00. $47.50 Old Ivory Desk, $32.00 Four drawers, two compartments on top, cane back, regular price $17.60, August price $32.00. $70.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, $50.00 Solid mahogany, five drawers, beautifully finished, regular price $70, August price $50. $60.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, $40.00 Solid mahogany, specially designed for men's use, nine drawers, regular price $60, August price $40.00. Burgess-Baah Co. Talxa Tloor. $55.00 Circassian Dresser, $43.00 Circassian walnut, 48-lnch top, with French plate mirror, 27x33, regular price $55, Aug ust price $40.O0. $68.50 White Enamel Dresser, $50.00 White enamel finish over solid mahogany, 54-lnrh top with French plate mirror, 26x41, regular price $68.50, August price $50.00. $52 White Enamel Chiffonier, $37.50 White enamel finish over solid mahogany, to match above dresser, regular price $52, August price $87.50. Old Ivory Suite Reduced All pieces solid mahogany of very best con struction and old ivory finish. . Dresser, regular price $56, now. .... .$40.00 Dressing table, regular price $37, now $27.00 Chiffonier, regular price $55, now. . .$40.00 Dressing table chair, reg. $12.75, now $.50 Women's 12 ic Vests, lie Low neck and sleeveless; were 12 He, now in Basement at 7M. MM 'EYE RYD OD3LGTOnE" VWfjitW II v II 1 i J- II I II Women's 12ic Hose, 7ic p Black and colored cotton, broken sites; 12 He, now in the Basement at 74c 5