Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE HEK: OMAHA. SATfJlJlUY. JVl.X 31, 1015.
BTava aVee rrlat IV Wow Beaooa Press
Vleetrle faae, S7.BO. Burtm-artnlMi
Clsji Oordon No. (1 plcnlo .at Kru
park, July U.
"Today's Complete Moil rrofram
elaaelfled section today, and appears la
Ths Bh EXCLU9ITELY. riod out what
Ok various moving plrtur theaters of far.
Tot Safety rr In Ufa Insurance, are
W. H. lndoe, general agent State Mutual
Ufa AssuraiM-a company of Worcester.
Alas, on of tha oldest (71 years) and
fcest companies on earth.
Baker a Bankrupt Otto Luebke. 411
North Thlrty-ftrat etreet, has filed :
voluntary petition In bankruptcy, elat
ing hla assets aa tm and hla liabilities
as )1,46. ' He la a baker.
Burreaa-aTaah Bayers Oo East A.
pedal car attached to the Northweat-
ern'a o'clock train for Chicago 8atur-
day evening will carry a large body of
buyers for the Burgess-Nash . atorea to
the eastern markets.
Long bate to , Work A. E. Lone,
president of the Omaha Presa club, was
five minutes lato to work yesterdar.
He miUKated the offense by opening a
box of cigars and explaining uhat a baby
girl had arrived at bia home.
Biaaoe Blearing- Tuesday Tony
Blanco,' arreated In Ithaca. N. T.. on the
eharga of murdering Luke Passavano lli
Omaha over a year ago, was In police
court this morning and had his. hearing
aet for Tuesday. Ha Is being held on a
5,000 bond.
Dr. Davidson Kara Dr. W. M. David
son, superintendent of public schools atj
Pittsburgh, is visiting friends here, en
routs to San Francisco to attend the j
annual meeting of the National Educa
tional association. Mrs. Davidson and
daughter, Helen, are with the former
superintendent of Omaha schools.
Plum Gatherers in
No Rush to Taks Jobs
Now They 'ye Got-'Em
That "great bodies move slowly" Is
being demonstrated in the federal, build
ing, where tour of the offices Are to be
turned over to new Job holders. Two
of the four have been In to have a look
at the layout. But there's no hurry, they
Marshal , Warner Is expected "to" "return
from his summer . retreat in : Minnesota
shortly, and when ho comes a date will
he determined on which the office will
"be turned over to his successor.--After
that date 'la set -the office force will
start on a burst of speed making a com
plete detailed statement of all the ac
tivities of "the department frorn' tne end
of the. last fiscal year to the time ' of
the turning over the office to Mr. Flynn.
Similar procedure will be followed In
the other offices. Cadet. Taylor thinks
he will probably hand over his mantle to
Plum Gatherer McCune about 'August 15,
Still, It Is pointed out, if the lucky ones
have spent over two years In shaking
the tree before' .everJ a plum fell, what
Is a montfi or so to get them all' Into the
baskets? ...... ,
Omahans Seldom . .
Join' the Army'at;
JtherIjQcal Station
"By far the majority of 'men who en
,11st In the army at thie station are men
'who do not live here," said Sergeant
Hanson of '. the -locaj 'recruiting1 office.
"When a man is at home, even though
he Is out of worfc- and can't get a Job,
he has a good place to sleep and gener
ally enough to cat, and ho doesn't thln!
'of enlisting.' ' " ,
"It is when, a man is far from home
and frlemte- .and out of work that: he
'turns his attention naturally to the army,
which always has employment, good bed
land bo!rd and steady pay for able-bodied
'men." , , '
The sergeant then showed the list of
accepted recruits for the last .two ;days..
'They are thee:
Earl Snyder. New York City, a machln- I
let. who went Into the coast artillery, j
John P.- Auwerter, Vail. H. D., a j
farmer, who went Into the Infantry.
Norman E. Anerk, Kdnn, Tex., a for
mer cowboy, who joined the cavalry.
Otto A. , itathke, 'Mi Ruggles street.
tOmaha.. whj also wwit into the cavalry.
The latter Is a minor and got' hia pqr
, ents' consent.
Cool Weather Brings Joy to Those
Who Like to Drink
Those who Ilka their lemonade have
been happy for the last few weeks. Why?
Because the weather was so cool, that
those who are Just moderately fond of
lemonade did not, buy lemons. Tiie. re-
suit was that the supply more tha a met
the demand and lemons were eaceptlon-
ally cheap. ' I
No less than a "wagon load of nice!
lemons on display In a showcase on the !
Sixteenth street aide of Hay den Brothers j
a few days ago were selling for 1ft cents
a dosen. They can still be had at a dime
a doxen.
Lemons that cost t a box at thla time
last year are now selling for 13 to 13.50.
By the doien, lemons, according to
grade, are selling all the way from 10
cents a dozen to X cents.
Arkansas peaches have been going
nicely and are becoming more scarce.
The Arkansas Blbertaa have been selling
at tl.Si a crate. The California, Oregon
and Idaho peaches are yet to come, but
will soon be on the market. Following j
these the northern peachee are yet to
Diamond blue plums of especially choice '
grade are selling at 40 cents a basket.
The Rurbanks are selling at a quarter a
Cantaloupes are still Abundant at from j
6 cents to 7 cents apiece. j
Blackberries can b9 had at '! cents a
pint or 10 cents a quart. ,
Ratter heaster. i
Butter la 2 cents off. The best cream
ery can be had at 2" cents In bulk or
r cents in cartons.
Suar la steady and flour la somewhat
trouper. Flour has gone up 16 cents a
Potatoes are J, 25 and 8" cents a peck.
Thc JUmped from 55 cents a bushel to
fO cents, which Jump Is Attributed largely
to the extreme wet weather, which makes
digging of po'atoos almost Impossible. A
few days of drying weather, however, are
expected to bring potatoes down, as deal
ers say the crop la abundant.
Cabbage Is 1 cent a pound, which Is
about as cheap as It ever gets.
Denver peaa and cauliflower are on the
market. The peas ar 7' eenta a quart,
and the cauliflower 10 rents a pound.
Celery Is here from Knlamasoo, Mich.,
and green peppers are here from the
out Ik
Beef Boasts Ikmi.
Beef roaats a As now a dime a pound.
This la attributed to thu lark of demand
for them at this time of year, when
steaks are In greater demand. Rlh boil
ing beef la Ru, cents a pound.
l-ambs are 11 a hunJred cheaper than a
week ago.
Pork is fl a hundred higher. Hams are
reasonable, but something of a shortage
Is looked for.
Spring chickens are SS cents a pound.
a week ago they brought S
W.- J. F.den. for the last six years man
arer of the music department at Hayden
Bros.,' has resigned, to go Into otln r
fields. Mr,. Kden ha several nttractlv
offers which he Is considering, all of
which will take him out or Omah.i. Mr.
Hayden has as yet not selected a new
manager for the department, the work
for the present being' looked after by
the present force. . ' .
Ever since the door of
Logan Couple Gets
Thirty Days, With
Sentence Suspended
John Morris and Nina Wolverton of
Logan; la., were given a suspended sen-..
Itence of thirty days each as a result of
their little love affair of Thursday. They
came' to Omaha from Logan, and were
followed by Louis Wolverton, husband of
'the woman. He found them together in
tha Lange hotel, and awore out a war
Irant for their arrest, but refused to a p
,ppsr agalnat hla wire, when It was sug
gested 'that the government would, pros
jecute them under the Mann act. The gov
ernment then refused to prosecute the
iman without including the woman, in the
'charge, so Judge Brltt gve them each
thirty daya as vagrants and auspen,ded the
sentence, telling them to clear out for
Iowa. , '
The forgiving huaband took wifey under
Ills protecting wine and the tw . ...r
t back to Logan.' The police, kept Morris
until the couple wa afely out of town.
Four rpe-lal tnilna filled" with Shrlners
I y returning from the Sliriner convention
at Seattle paosej through Omaha today.
!' One special via the Fnlon Pa tric-North-
weatern carried about 100 members of
Medlnuh temple. Order of the Mystlo
t fchrlne, ea route home to Pittsburgh. One
special over tha Union Pacific brought
members of Lulu temple, Philadelphia,
and two special over the Burllnkton .car
ried other members of Lulu temple, there
being ill members on tha trip.
A Told la Dataa-eroaa Break It Now,
Bell'a Pine-Tar-Honey is- fin for
."ouglia and colda. Soothes the lungs,
. loosens the mucous. Only 5c All drug
gists. Advertisement. .
i ' f E. E. McQllton and family left yeater-
l day for a trlu ta the Pacific coast.
I Ur Budolpf Rix and family will leave
Sunday for a trip to tha eilHjaltlon.
r n. i.. r.iveii, nenson lumDer merchant.
fTT. Z TZ !
Why ray Morm tor Urugt
and foilet Goods?
10c W illiams' Shaving Soap, 4o or
S for loo
tl.00 bottle Plnaud's Toilet Water
for . . . ... 60
$1.50 box ie Trefle or Axurea
Powder 5o
60c Jar 'Daggett A Kaniedell's
Cream 3o
f0o (anthrox llilr Shampoo . .890
t3.75 bottle lioiltck'a Hoppltal
Malted Milk . . .a.74
4 10c bare Peroxide Roan fPa
60c bottle Phenolaa Wafers . P5c
$1.00 bottle DeWltt'a. Kidney PlUa
for 69o
$1.50 Auto Chamois 9o
M Ribbons, 9c Yard
Fancy Ribbons. Taffeta Ribbons, Moire
Ribbons, Satin Ribbons; 20c, 25c, V. and
35c. ' values ; suitable for girdles, sasbes,
dress trimmings and milliner' use; on sale
Saturday, at one price, yard .........
Black Satin Back Velvet Ribbons in all
widths now shown here attractive prices.
thin store opened, it found
era have tried to live up to
the rtt of the word "guar
anteed" without juggling
w ith the letter of It. If you
buy here and do not find
the purchase satisfactory or
meeting the spirit expressed
by "guaranteed," we stand
ready and anxious and in
sistent to refund money or
replace merchandise.
50c Motor Caps
with veil, choice.
$1.00 Satin Motor Caps 59
1.00 Poplin Motor Caps 49
$2.00 Hats find Ronnets .98
Fancy Quaker Collars and Collar and Cuff
Sets; two specials 25 and 50
Ostrich Boas; special $1.49
$1.00 and $2.00 Hand Bags Verv newest
styles 49 and $1.00
Handkerchiefs at Half.
Hammock Clearance
On Fourth Floor. ..... lUmmorka, full sle, with
valance and pillow ... 81.08
1.50 IlAmmorkg, with pillow
and fringe, good site . . . .)S
$3.8B Hammocks, large sixe.
with wide valance and pillow.
a beauty at
lladfccr Coaster Wagon, large
slxe. special S3.50
Tennis Itarquet KpeciaU -
Entire stock at reduced prices.
Greatest Clearance of Summer Dresses Ever
2406 Beautiful Summer Dresses,
at to Regular Retail Prices
95 distinct designs in all sizes 14 to 44 and in nearly
every imaginable color and weave for summer wear, in
cluded in these Four Special Clearance Lots:
500 Pretty Dresses that sold to $3.9$, in fine lawns and ba
tistes newest-stripes and patterns, 14 late sum- in
imer models for your selection, at y v
782 Dainty Dresses that sold to $10.0028 distinctive de
signs, in newest fabrics and choicest colorings, plain colors,
bordered and two-tone effects, choice ..$2.98
656 Fine Dresses that sold to $15.00, in embroidered rico
cloths, fancy voiles and other popular fabrics, 21 distinctive
designs, in great variety of colors, at $4.98
468 Elegant Summer Dresses Values to $25.00, fine em
broidered voiles, fancy ratines, imported batiste, etc., 32
charming designs in all, choicest colorings, at .$6.98
Manufacturers' Surplus of Silk Kimonos To $6.50 values,
beautiful new styles and colorings,- choice of the entire lot
for ........ , ...;.$2.39
New White Stripe Sport Coats The very
latest novelties, made to sell at $15.00; spe
cial Saturday . . . . . . . . v . $8.95.
New Fall Suits, Shirts and Waists Shown
in broad assortment. See them.
Children s Fine Summer Dresses in real linens and f ancy
fabrics, up to $10.00 Values, sizes 6 to 14 years. .... .$1.98
Two ' Other Splendid . Lots of Children s
Dresses on sale at. . . . . $2.50 and $2.98
. , ...... ' ... -
Any of them worth fully double clearance
sale price. All sizes 6 to 14 years included.
Interesting News for the Vacation Man
All Spring and Summer Clothes
Ordered Out Here
Energetic action always follows final decision in sales mat-,
ters here once we resolve on a certain ourse no unnecessary
time elapses in getting down to work.
and all other high grade makes included in a repricing for quick
clearance that offers more real clothes quality for a given price
than you'll find in any other store.
Don't take our word for it; make comparisons of value for
yourself examine the workmanship, the fabric, the fit, the style.
Your decision will be satisfying to you and to us.
ALL $25.00 SUITS .... .S1G.75
ALL $20.00 SUITS $14.75
ALL $18.00 SUITS $12.75
ALL $15.00 SUITS , ., ; . .$ 9.75
Men's Trousers
Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Princess m r f
Trousers In this great sale, regular iL Sfl
$6.00 and $7.00 Trousers for, only . . V t v
The $5.00 and $5.60 H.. 8. St, M. Trousers, 83.50
And $3.95 and $4.50 Princess Trousers. . .$2.50
Palm Beach Suits
Genuine Palm Beach Stilts; the lightest, coolest
' procurable, wonderful values at 5 and $8.50
Pure Shantung; Bilk Sulta liart, Schaffner &
Marx make and they are priced very low at $15
The regular $10.00 Mohair Suits are now $0.1)5
And the $15 and $18 Mohair Suits g-o at $12.50
Special For Saturday
200 Trimmed Lyons- Velvet Hats
These were just received from New York,
and are the very latest creations. As a
price inducement we put the entire lot on
sale Saturday morning at $4.98. Every hat
in the lot would be a good value at $7.50 or $8.50.
69 c
$1 Corduroy Tarns
White, black
and colors, like
' illustration.
Special Hat' day
Leu Than
Mies' All Silk
Parasols; made
to sell to $3.0Q
in all colors, best
styles, choice ........ .98(
Children's Parasols Made
to sell to 75c, all styles and
colors 19 and 25?
50c Silk Gloves 35c Two
button length with doublo
finger tips.
Men's Hose
12 He values,
black and
colors, pair,
8V4 ;
Entire Stock
of Straw Hats
variety for
To $2.50 values; your
An immense
selection. ...
Panama Hats, $4.0Q values.
for ' $2.45
Panama Hats. $5.00 and
$().C0 values' ...$3.95
Panama Hats,' $7.00 and
$S. values $4.95
All Trunks, Bags and Suit
Cases at ' 25 Reduction
from our regular low prices.
Special Prices on
Cleaa Up Bale for Two Days.
We have odd pieces of new furni
ture, parts of suites, for example,
odd dressers, balance of suite has
been sold; chiffoniers, buffets,
china closets, library tables, dress
ing tables, wood beds, rockers
aud davenports, etc. We could
not enumerate and price each ar
ticle in the different woods or
give description here. We have
piiced every article at much less
than cost to make a clean up.
$30 Kitchen Cabinets, over twelve
patterns, aluminum, nickel, por
celain and fine tops, your choir
r $17.50: others ,.$15.00
Five thousand Pillows on sale,
efch ,40k
8!ze 20x26, art tick, 6-pound,
new, clean, curled chicken feath
ers. 5-pound size 30
Odd Go-Carts, and Baby Buggies,
several patterns from $3.f)5 UD
to . ... $7.50
Ladies' Hosiery
and Underwear
Several very choice bargain
lots arranged for your selection
here Saturday.
Combination Suits, Skirts and
Gowns To $2.50 values, dain
tily trimmed; on sale . .$1.19
Corset Covers and Drawers
Lace and embroidery trimmed,
to $1.00 values; on sale. . .357
Lisle Union Suits All size,
laco trimmed or tight knee
special . . 35 and 25
$1.50 Silk Hose lilac k or col
ors, plain and faney. . .SI. 15
50c and 75c Silk Hoot Hosiery, in all colors and sizes--
snaps Saturday, pair 35c
50c Fibre Silk Hose in all colors, at 29
Infants' Fibre Silk Hose 25c pair values, at. . 15
Final Clearance Sale
All Summer Shirts
(Jriffou, Imperial, Monarch, Arrow and
Ideal brands, npwest styles, colorings
and fabrics. $1.00 to $3.00 values; in
three big lot 49, 69S 98f
Pongees, satinettes, piques, madras,
mercerized and silk finished materials,
in all si7cs.
Sterling Brand Union Suits Lisle, silk
lisle, mercerized and silk finished ribbed-
At About Vs Less.
$5.00 Union Suits at. .. .$3.45
$4.00 Union Suits At". . . . $2.45
$3.00 Union Suits at. .. .$1.75
You can easily save ys on Bathing Suits
Saturday. See our Special Offerings.
Boys' Summer Shirts
With or without collars;
Big assorment
of values to
75c, all slzea
to close in two
lots, 39
and tfj(k.
6 pairs in
box, . guar
anteed for
6 months,
per box,
16 Lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, $l
Lawn Mowers Final Clean-Up Sale Saturday
$3.25 "Swift Cutter," three-blade
Mowers $2.49
$5.60 "Gold Crest," 16-lncb. three
blade, ball bearing Mowers, $3.95
$7.0o Shamrock." 18-inch, four
blade, ball bearing, high wheel
Mowers . . . $5.25
$7.00 Pastime," 16-lnch, four
blade, ball bearing, high wbeen
Mowers $5.25
Thefce are only a few of the many
bargains. Our entire line marked
'May down to close them out quickly.
Any size green finish Door. .$1.19
Any size hardwood oil finish Door
Adjustable Screen Windows, up
from . . . 25
$2.65 size reduced Bafday to $2.10
$3.25 size reduced Eat'day to $2.79
$3.66 size reduced Sat'day to $3. If)
$4.60 sise reduced Kat'day to 83.0H
of ft-qoart sie, while they last,
The Best Fresh Dressed, 1915. Spring Chickens,
Saturday, per pound
f Indauartrrs Fteah
HiirliiK lanib, lb
FWequartera Fresh
Kprlnf 1Mb, lb
First quality Fresh
Pre lad ltlt
Pork lut.
First onslitv Itwr Put Roast, lb
and H
First quality nib Boiling Beef, at
lb ue
Pur Horn llarta Bausaa. lb ...IHo
lure Uuaie JUads Hamburger at.
lb lHe
11 lbs. Best Pure Laf Lard .
mono acxAT arzezaxa rom
Supreme Mama, psr lb , lo
No. 1 llcnlc Hains, par lb 10le
So. 1 f' - hiuMU. nmr IS . ,...16,e
No. 1 Halt Po-- per lb S.o
50c pail r. C. Pure I .and 6c
All kinds of CooktMl and Hmokeu
Uaata (or lunches. plcnlt, eta. I
" TRY MAYHP m Q PinoT it
I Alt " m mmr-M. m mar cases V Tm plV
.K,ng ror our prser-en:
10-U uuek ... , ... aeuis
10 bars Heat 'Em All. Diamond C at
Laundry yueen White Uaunury boap
tor . , , aoa
k lbs. beat White or Tellrw Cornnieal
for iT0
7 It's, beat bulk Laimdrv Starch Sic
4 lbs. bat fancy Japan hioe, 10 -
quality for , afic
4 lha. fancy Pearl Tapioca, or Navv
Heaiis fur a&e
Tail cans Alaaka Balmop ........loo
t cans OH or tlusiurd Hardines, SOo
Advo Jell for dessert, nothing like
It. per vkf tSo
MacLaren'a Peanut Butter, lb., 18 W
K ('. Corn Flakes, pkg (e
W. O. C. or Krurnblea, pks .So
4 lt-oa. cans 'i ndenited Milk . ...te
5I-ot. ara pure Fruit Preserves. SSo
The best iHanrsttc. Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti. ck. TUe
i-in. cans, ranry 8wet Husar Corn.
Wax. hlrinS, Oreen or Lima Benne,
fr can ..TVe
l-4b. cane feiif-trtila Hie UIItm. lOe
Faocy sjueen OUvea. qt ....... o
Lars butties Wurcaatar Baace. Pura
Tomato latsup, Plekles ( assort el
kinds), or Mustard, bottle a
The best Tea Klfiiugs. lo IS We
liulden banios Coftne, lb uto
veoial for Batarday la aider's
1-rod acta Moot a
For every purchase of nop worth of
their prudtiria you will receive 1 can.
of their famous Baked Beans or Bouo
free. i
The best tVeujnciy Butter, carton.
Per II) aM
The best Creamery Butter, bulk, r-er
lb gso
No. 1 Country Creamery Butter. ter
lb , , . a Jo
iood tmlry Table Butter, lb tao
1'snry full cream. New York White.
WiM'onstn Cream, or Young America
Cliee. per lb goo
Imported rwni or Hoquefort Chee-iA.
Br H oos
The balaaoe of ear of raacy Urif '
Jolcy Lemons will re on sale Batasa
day. Tneae lemnne are solid. rw
Im at ZOc and 26c a donen W, 1
nsvs m the pnople the kxtneftt of
our purchases. Batorday, per aoa., loo
' nun riii ,-iiiiu, nae aone wtMl
r a
trip through Yellowstone park