Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Federal Chief Says Minors Hold
Whip Hand and Don't Hare
to Stand the Grief.
CHICAGO, July . Declaring hla be
tter that the minor leagues hold the whip
,fcand and need not "stsnd the grief."
Unless they choose. President OH more of
ithe Federal league today replied to a
protest by C. T. Chapln, president of the
Rochester International league club,
against the St. Ioula Federals signing
(Arthur E. Korea, whom Rochester bought
from th Boston Nationals for 12.500.
Mr. Chapln enclosed Korea' contract
jrlth Rochester and wrote:
"Fleaae note contract has five days'
Klause. Korea left the Rochester club
rlthout giving; any notice whatsoever of
!e Intention to do so.
' "We are curious to know how you
fuatlfy the action of Flayer Korea, In
Bellberately breaking- his contract and of
the St. ioula club In encouraging the
flayer to do so.
"How It ean be possible for any such
flayer to receive the endorsement of
the Federal league, we cannot under
stand, any more than we can under
stand how you can expect to bring about
Recognition for your league by Organized Rail tn the face of such questlon
Wble methods that only tend to widen
the gap.
, 'W( assure you that Instead of creat
ing a desire for a compromise, you are
doing Just the reverse, aa far as we are
Mr. Qllmore answered today:
, "When the Federal league first en
tered the field we expected to recognise
jtontracts of ball players. Intending to
deal only with those whose contracts had
Expired. In other words,, we expected
I to recognize everything about base ball
contracts except the reserve clause.
"My first and only conference with
jBan Johnson, In February, 1M4. was to
Wacertaln If he would meet us on that
round. When he declined there was only
one course open to a new league and we
I Have followed It.
"I am, of course, aorry that the minor
BMs-uea are standing the brant of the
fight, but aa I view the situation, they
hold the whip hand and need not stand
the gTlof unless they choose. You are
entitled to protection and there Is a way
,to secure It, but the minor leagues chose
I to be guided by Messrs. Johnson and
frlerrmann. at their Omaha mooting In
ijs'oyember, 1914. Therefore your complaint
I should have been forwarded to them In
stead of to me."
More minor league stars and promising
'aa..,,.. astara aavaa YiAinaT anilffhi hv tVliX PVd.
"rrals, It was learned today. Among them
la Pitcher Hall of St. Paul. At least one
(well known major leaguer has been of
fered a Federal contract within a, day
Br two, according to Mr. Ollmore.
feds Agree to Let
Compton Go, as He
Is Not a Free Agent
CHICAGO, July 2 learning that thlr
previous Information regarding Outfielder
Jlash Compton'a contract with the Kan
aa City association team waa wrong,' the
Ft. Louis) Federals today agreed to the
Circuit court'a enjoining him from play
ing In the third league.
The court granted the permanent In
junction. The stipulation of counsel filed
with the court, stated that the fine of
j00 Imposed on Compton for Jumping to
the Federals would be remitted, and that
Ma aalary of 2,0 would be paid.
The Federal club gave up the contest
for Compton'a aervlee because It found
lie waa not a free agent. Hia contract,
t waa) said, called for notice In writing
whenever either party considered a
breach to exist. Such a notice It was
as Id, had not been given Compton. Comp
ton said he would abide by the agree
ment. Under the rulea of the National agree
ment, Compton la now an outlaw under
automatic suspension for three years be
cause he played two games with the Bt.
Jouls Federals, last Saturday.
, .
Booster Day to
Be a Success in
j Western League
That Booster uay in th Western league
to-Ill be an unqualified succesa Is evi
denced by the Increasing enthusiasm In
All the citlea of the eastern wheel on
which the dates for the big doings have
been announced. Dates for Booster day
on the western swing are yet to be
Omaha and Dea Molnea are especially
taking an active interest in the day. In
both cities the commercial and fraternal
bodies have given the plan their sane-
tlon and declared their Intentions in as
sisting to make the day a success. In
Omaha the Commercial club. Rotary
fclub, Associated Retailers, Manufactur
ers, Wholesalers, Elks, Eagles, Knights
of Columbus and others have assured fa
Bourke that they will do everything In
their power to make Omaha Booster day
the biggest Booster day In the league.
Velvet Collars for
Overcoats This Fall
CEDAR POINT, O.. July .-MenS
overcoats for next fall and winter will
be shapely, knee length snd single or
double breasted with velvet collars, ac
cording to styles approved by the In
ternational Custom Cutters' association
In session here today. No change was
recommended In the atyle of men's trous
ers for geueral wear.
NEW TORK, July 2?. Announcement
was made today by the Westlnghouae
Electric company of the receipt of a fur
ther large order for war supplies. -
It waa understood that the order called
(or SO0.O00 rifles for foreign governments.
Mrs. G. Goets, 1414 Jones street, wss
knocked down by an auto st Twenty-
fourth and Cuming sheets last evening,
but mlracuous'y escaped without a
Public Library Hours
and Library Funds
The closing of the Omaha Public
library on 2 o'clock Saturday after
noons till Monday morning for the
first time in the history of the
library. Is explained by members of
the Library board as due to lack of
funds at their disposal. The library
fund for the last ten years has been
as follows:
1905 $18,920.69
1906 21,475.34
1907 20,177.38
1908 25,379.18
1909 26,703.48
1910 31,021.61
1911 31,068.15
1912 31,211.11 .
1913 31,999.19
1914 33,693.26
For 1915 the full limit of tax ap
propriation has been made for $30,
000, which with estimated other in
come will go up to a total of $32,600.
Oeert' Mare Wina by Stretch Drive
in the Two-Ten Class
PFTTHOIT, Mich., July 29. Because of
the slippery condition of the track, own
ers of horsee entered In the M. and M.
110.0m stake, this afternoon refused tj
take chances with their horses In the
mud and the feature event again waa
postponed. Other races on ,the Grand
Circuit program were contested.
Oeera won his first race of the week
with Ouy Nella In the 2:10 trot. Tn the
first heat Lu1u Tannine beat Ouy Nella
by a nose. In each of the next three
heats Guy Nella lay bark with the field
until the stretch waa reached and then
went to the front.
The 2:11 pace went five heats. Hal
Connor, after breaking twice, won the
first heat In impressive fashion. There
after his unsteadiness kept him tn trouble
and the best he could do was a division
of second and third money with Duat
lesa McKlnney. Clara Walker finished
second In two heats and won the other
three. Under the pohit system, Dust less
McKlnney, with no firsts, shared In the
money ahead of Rex Heart, winner of
the third heat.
Tommy Murphy had a good day, win
ning1 the unfinished 2:22 pace In straight
heata with Jean, and driving Peter Far
re n to a straight heat victory In the 2:15
pace. The latter event waa a atruggie
all the way between Murphy's horse and
Bud Elliott, piloted by Geera, but Peter
Farren waa a little better at the end of
each mile.
Weather conditions tonight were more
favorable and it seemed probable the
M. and M. could be held tomorrow.
Pacing, 2:22 class, three in five; purse,
$1,000. (One heat Tuesday):
Jean, b. in., by Kiosks (Murphy).. Ill
Hedgewood Patchen, ch, g. (Mc
Donald) .' 1 2 I
Lady Aubrey, b. m. (Snedeker) 4 3 2
(J rare On Kale. (Squires); Marriott, b.
m., (.Marvin); Hal Flex E., (Ueers), also
Time: 2:1014, 2:144, 2:14'.
Pacing, 2:11 class, three in five; purse,
Clara Walker, ch. m., by
Early (Cox) 2 112 1
Hal Connor, br. h. (Geers)... 12 4 4 2
Dustlesg , McKlnney, b. h.
(Murphy) 2 4 3 2 2
Rex Heart, (Valentine): Present Quen,
(McAllister); Fleeta Dillon, (Bhuler), also
Time, 2:1U4. 2MB. 2:12, 2:13, 2:15H.
Divide second and third money.
Pacing, 2:16 class, three in live, purse
Peter Farren. b. h., by Peter The
Great (Murphy) 1 1 1
Bud Elliott, br. g. (Geers) 3 2 2
Little Director, br. K. (Valentine)..! 3 3
Time, 2:14. 2:15. 2:144.
Willie C'affee (Snow), Rella E. (Mc
Allister) and Crescent Simmons (Mc
Mahon) also started.
Trotting, 2:10 class, three In five, puras
Guy Nella, b. m., by Guy Axwor
thy (Geera) 2 111
Lulu Lumlue. h. m. (Murphy)...! 2 2 4
Lizzie Brown, b. m. (Snow) 3 3 3 2
Divide second and third money.
Time. 2:12. 2:11. 2:11. 2:12.
Laramie Lad (McDonald, Baby Doll
(Qulnn). Captain Caeada (McMahon)
and Fair Vlngtnia (Cox) also started.
Boy Equals World's
High Hurdle Record
SPOKANE, Wash., July 29. Cart John
son, a 17-year-old Spokane High school
boy, equalled yesterday the world's record
100-yard li'gh hurdles when he went the
distance against cracks from the New
York Irish-American Athletic club in
thirteen and one-fifth seconds. He fin
ished with plenty to spare over Gibson
of the University of Washington and P.
O'Connor of the New York club.
Jonnson also hod an easy time winning
the running high Jump at five feet six
inches snd the running broad Jump at
twenty-two feet one-half Inch.
A large crowd is expected Saturday
and Sunday at the Douglas county fair
grounds to greet the famous auto polo
tosms. They played a game hers
couple of weeks sgo snd the contest
proved to bs a thriller. The Murpny
brothers, representing New York, will
buck up sgalnst Barratl and Ross, the
Chirsgo pair.
This game la generally played in Ford
machines that havs been stripped snd a
large hoop-shaped Iron ts placed over
the machine to protect the occupant
when the auto turns over. Several ma
chines srs always on deck, ss well as
extra polo players, to Jump Into the
arena in case of accidents.
One machine caught fire and one of
the Murphya waa badly bruised during
the gsms staged here.
Along with the auto polo a couple of
ball games will be on the progrsm Sat
urday and the same on Sunday. There
will be two motorcycle races on Satur
day between professionals, ons for five
miles snd another for ten miles. On
Sunday there will be three motorcycle
races, one for five miles, another for
seven miles snd snother for ten miles,
between professionals.
In alt probability a horse race for ons
mils will bs on the bUI of fare.
Sestbera Aaaselatlea.
Little Rock. J: Atlanta, I.
Nashville, ; New Orleans, 1.
itemnhts. 1: Mobile. S.
Chattanooga. 2; Birmingham, 0.
NsrtkwMttrs I. rags.
Tacoma 4; Vsncouver, .
Keattle. 4; Spokane. 1
Aberdeen, I, Victoria, 4
How Aged Billiard Hall Proprietor
Came to Stay All Night in
Hit Hall.
HeMnrlch Dreesen, a red 78 year,
of Florence-, who waa badly burned
in an explosion Tuesday night at the
Nebraska billiard parlora. Sixteenth
and Howard streets, la In a very seri
ous condition at St. Joseph's hos
pital. Scant hope for hla recovery
la held by those attending him.
Investigation as to the cstise of the
explosion revealed nothing new of Im
portance. The vessels of fluid iound In
the rear of the establishment could nut
have occasioned it. authorities ieclaie.
Although the explosion' an J firs hap
pened before midnight Preswi'e family
knew nothing of the affair tnit'l aftr 2
o'clock Wednesday morntne. whn the
agent of the building In which the par
lors are located telephoned to the lest
dence. Odd ( trrnmst nar.
It seems that because of she cough
condition of North Thirtieth street Henry
Dreesen, jr.. had not brought the auto
from home Tuesday mornlivr and as the
Dm sen residence is some clistunoe froir
th cm line the elder Dreesin, wh. is
prcttlrlcr of the parlora, had decided to
atr.y all night In his pla.'e tf bi.S'ncss
rather than brave the rain and mid.
OOrrwtse he would have left the j.'aea
lonir before the time of the SKp'.ci.r..
The son, who attended the se-'crd
evoilnn performance at the Fiur-itss.
hern' the fire engines solna south on
8i:t' atreet upon leaving the rbow
fo home, but thought nothln.T Jf it.
SeMral occupants of the building tell
of the queer sctlons of a swarthy in
dividual, apparently an Italian, who,
after loitering about the bKck waa
ejected from the drug store above the '
pool hall, and moved away muttering
Believe It Accident.
The Dreesen famlry. however, are con
fident thst it was an accident. The in
jured man celebrated his Mvcoty-elxth '
birthday Monday and expressed Ms in
tention of living to be ons hundred. He
had no enemies, his son dnrlared.
Ha Is a veteran of the civil war, hav
ing been severely wounded in service.
For the last twenty-one years he has
been a resident of Florence, coming
from Plattamouth. He has four chil
dren, Fted and Henry Dreesen of Flor
ence, Mrs. Nora Jacobs of Llttlodale,
Is., snd Mrs. Henrietta Bernekir of Fan
Francisco, also six grandchildren. Mrs.
Dreesen died at Florence six years sgo.
Des Moines Auto
Race is Postponed
Until August 7
DHS MOINES, la.. July Jp.-The Des
(Moines Speedway SOO-mlle automobile
race was this afternoon postponed from
Saturday, July 31, to Saturday, August
r. Heavy rains of the last few days
were responsible. ' The postponed race
waa authorised by J. Decker French of
Davenport, la., representative on the
National Racing board.
American in Berlin
Faces Grave Charge
WASHINGTON, July .-Harry L. Wll
son of Portland, Ore., recently a clerk
In the American conaulate at Berlin and
now under arrest there, faces charges
that are considered extremely serious by
State department officials.
Wilson ostensibly wasdetalned at the
Danish border for attempting to leave
Germany without a passport. The real
complaint against him, however, accord
ing to Information forwarded to Wash
ington, Is that hs aided a British subject
in obtaining a passport asserting thst hs
knew the applicant to be an American
Ambassador Gerard reported the cans
about two weeks ago. Whether Wilson
had left Berlin before that time has not
been revealed.
Unlike diplomatic, representatives, con
sular sgents ars extended no immunities
or exemption from prosecution for of
fensea committed In another country. It
Wilson's offense should bs proved sa
charged, it would constitute a treasonable
act The German government is under
no obligation to grant leniency in such
cases, but could do so upon a request
from this government.
Standard Oil Chiefs
Decorated by Sultan
28. For numer us humanitarian services
the sultan had decorated W. E. Bemla,
vie president of the Standard Oil com
pany, with the order of Osmanleh, second
clsss and Oscar Gunkel, manager, snd
L. I. Thomas, assistant manager of ths
Constantinople branch of ths Standard
OH compsny, with ths order of Osmanleh,
third clasa
CLTRINDA. la.. July .-f8pedal Tele
gram.) Tha Chicago Union Giants won
three straight games from ths local team
during the Knights of PytMaa celebration
here. Scores: R H.R.
Olants 1 0 J 1 100 0-4 1
Clartnda ....1 1400494a T4
Batteries: Burch and Coleman; Myers
snd Morrlts.
Score, second game: RU E.
Want 0 I I M I 1 I 1 ii 14 I
Clartnda 44141010O-144
Batteries: HiU and Coleman;, Galloway
and Calf
Score, third gams: RH E.
Olants t 0 1 I A I I 0 It 14 1
Clartnda 0 000444O-444
Batteries: Binnpaon and Turner; Hall
and Calfe.
( ktrske Wlas.
STORM LA KB, Is . July .- Special
Telegram.) After holding Cherokee for
seven Innings, Burrhner tased up snd
Cherokee scored four runs, winning, I to
1 Oanno started for Cherokee, but was
taken out In the third. aBltertee: Burch
ner, Chapman; Qano, Brown and I-udwtg.
Pious Raplda plays a double-header here
Friday. '
eaatr Mars Tasa gala Dees.
A beautiful woman always has good
digestion. If your digestion la fsulty.
Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement
Clan Gordon
Park, Juljr n.
No. d plcnlo at Kni
Patrons of East Side Postal Station
Sign Petitions Asking It Be
Seven petitions, protesting the recent
efficiency order of poetsl suthorltles In
sbnllshlng postal station No. 11, formerly
situated at the Anderson Drug company
st Twentieth snd Missouri avenue, are
being circulated among cltlsena of the
east end. Th petltlona will be forwaidcd
to Postmaster General Albert Hurlonon,
Washington, asking that the- station be
When the sub-station waa abolished.
It Is said, that it was doing more busi
ness than any other of the three sub
stations In West Q street. Brown Park,
and Maple avenue. Tie condition ft
further maintenance waa that Anderson,
proprietor of ths drug atore, who had
charge of tha former .sub-station, bs
allowed but 21 a year In place of the 160
formerly paid. This waa protested aa
unfslr and the station wss immediately
Citlsens signed several petitions to se
cure the Installation of the station some
months ago and It was through the per
sonal efforts of Congressman C. o. l,o
beck that It became a reality. Mr. An
derson has agreed to take charge of the
station at II per year If the other station
mastera are reduced to ths aams allow
ance. Ma iad an Tark Improvements.
Improvements on Mandan park have
practically been completed under ths di
rection of the Omaha park commission,
headed by OommlssloneT Hummel. The
driveway into the park from Fort Crook
boulevard lias been considerably widened
and.reaodded In several places. Seats
constructed from unhewed tree limbs
have been strengthened and painted. The
sewer system of the entire park baa
boon repaired. Several water taps now
dot different psrts of ths place.
A small rest pavWIon has been erected
In ths main renter, with other conven
iences. Summer picnic parties may now
be sccommodated In every way to the
convenience of all.
Mandan park has long slnco held a
record all of Its own for its natural
beauty. A splendid view of the Missouri
river from the east edge of the park la
obtained. Ravines anl hollowa, all cov
ered with grown graas, add much to its
natural beauty. Elect! lo aro lights havs
been hung in several places along the
driveway and In different parts of the
Indian Missionary to Speak.
Jessie Brewer, missionary to India, who
has Just returned from active service
In Indie, will speak at both the Sun
day school snd church services of
Bt. Luke s Lutheran church at Twenty
fifth and K streets next Sunday. Rev
8. H. Yerlan, pastor of the church,
made the announcement yesterday.
Miss Brewer will tell of her exper
lencea with the natlvea of India and of
their rellgioua endeavora. The progress
of the American missionary campaign
will also occupy a part of her talks.
Miss Usher Retaras Irons Vacation.
Miss Phylllse Usher, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Usher, S818 8 street,
returned Sundsy from a three weeks' va
cation spent with relatives In Denver.
On the return trip she made several short
terra visits at Colorsdo Springs and other
Colorado points with her friends.
Miss Usher, who formerly was organ
ist st the Besse theater, will resume
her duties at the playhouse Hundsy aft
ernoon. Charter Metis ToaUht.
Chairman B. E. Wilcox of the recently
organised South Side Charter Revision
club, has called a meeting for this even
Ing at the South Side city hall building
at Twenty-fourth' and O atreets. All
cltiicna south of Leavenworth atreet are
John Paul Breen will not speak as
scheduled. He Is reported to be out of
the city. Members Caldwell and Banger
of the program committee have arranged
to perfect a permanent organisation.
Several speakers have been Invited.
Said He Was Robbed.
Thomaa Calahan, laborer, South Bide,
waa brought to the police station at 9.15
o'clock last evening charged with being
drunk. He told the police that he had
been slugged and robbed of 270 In the
vicinity of ths Tomanelc drug store at
Twenty-fourth and J streets. Hs wss re
leased this morning by Police Judge Keea
In police court. His story ws not be
Fire la Print Shop.
Fire of unknown origin damaged the
printing shop of Butler O'Brien and
the plumbing establishment of W. C.
Sheehan at 626-27 North Twenty-fourth
street to ths extent of about 12.600 at
noon. Butler O'Brien suffered 1,000
loss and Sheehan I&00, ths remaining being
to the building.
Magle Tlly Gossip.
Miss Ruth Ooddard la visiting with
friends at Kansas City.
Mr. snd Mrs. John C. Rlha will leave
soon for two weeks' trip to the Pacific
R. DeYoung of Armour Co., Is spend
ing a month s vacation at King s Lake,
nesr vstley.
Wanted Offles
boy over 14 who does
Address X. Bee office.
not go to school.
Bouth omarm.
Principal B. W. Moors of ths Bouth
Bide lilgh school has returned from the
west, where he went to visit with rela
tives. Miss Ms He Mundt, who has been visit
ing with friends st Colorsdo Springs snd
Denver, has returned to her home in this
mive men were srrested st Twenty-
seventh snd L streets, Just Above the Mis
souri Pacific railroad tracks, ai iu o hock
last evening on a charge of vagrancy.
Mike Novak, 214 B street. Bouth Bide,
was arrested st I o'clock this morning by
Bergeant Shaehan. Officer Dworak snd
Chauffeur Houghman on ths charge of
disturbing the peace.
An Ira man social will be given to
morrow evening at the Toung Men's
Christian sssoclstlon building by the
women of the Central Interdenomina
tional mission.
Chris Chrlatensen, C. O. Rilejr and Lou
UmiFhr enloved a motor lids out
throuah ths ststs last Sunday. On their
way bsck they slopped and visited
friends at Fremont.
Miss Jesaa Brewer of India will be at
hmh the Bunday school and church serv
ices of Bt. Luke's lAitheran church uext
Bundav morning. Miss Brewer will oc
cupy ths time of tbs regular sermon.
Pmimntnunt of ths ice cream social
thst was to havs ben held st the home
of Loren C. Banner, has been msde until
the roads Improve. Infinite announce
ment wll bs made In the daily papers.
Tha hoa receipts st ths local ysrd
were the Isrgest on ths river yesterday
anit with the exception of Chicago, ths
largest on the map. Ths dsy's run was
the largest since ths last part of Juns,
mkln a considerable Increase in re-
oelpts over ths corresponding period last
T. Q. Carlson of Mason City, la., wss
on yesterday's market with a carload of
mixed stock, among which were forty
one hosa that were good enough to brins
h tO per hundredweight, a cents lower
than tne top price paid yesterday. Hry
son Bros. Commission company handled
the consignment.
Fred Parks, accompanied by his wife
snd son. Alfred, returned from a thre
weeks' auto trip through Nebraska, MJs
entirl and Kansas. During the trip con
siderable trouble ass eiixrlencrd in
plowing through nut.lilv road. At one
point the mat hlna note over a twelve,
loot embankment. None of the party
Mrs.Rorcr Tells
About Salads
Stn neutrality wa ot -served hv Mrs.
Barah Tyson-Norer, vullnsry cupert. In
her lecture-denionsltatlon tn "Salads"
at the Orchard-WUhelm store Wednes
day afternoon. To an assemhluge of
I women which taxed the Inriie auditorium
on the fifth floor, crowding every Inch
of floor siwce up to the elevator, Mr.
Horer discoursed on salads and salad
dressings of International appellations.
Swlrs fruit salads, chicken with Kus-
i Sinn dressing. Havana cheese salads.
Swedish carrot salads, Japanese sslar,
Hungarian, Italian and the r.ver-presnt
French dressings, to say nothing of Kar
toffel salad and other delectable concoc
tions were prepared and their aeathetlc
appeal emphasised by Mrs. Rorer.
Society and club women are greatly
In evidence at Mrs. Rorer's dally cook
er)' loctures. Among those seen In ths
audience were Meadamea Howard llald
rlge. F. H. Sprague, A. J. Iove, W.
J. Coad. Roy Byrne, T. M. Orr, O. A.
Start the Summer with
y 7 1 -a
help. For a o() day poriod (already part gone) we
aproo to install in your city or Bummer home a new
88-Xote Player Piano, made by the Aeolian Company
itself, the
Aeolian Player Piano
together with a beautiful Bench, Scarf and selection
of music, for
Wo have made the "Ways and Means" very simple: A
small initial payment and $2.50 a week la all you need.
Please feel free to come to the store and examine the
instrument. Piny It yourself and ask any questions that may
he in your mind.
This la worth very serious consideration. If you wlah
to make your home a musical home, this la your chance.
-v ... V- .
The most typical of Colorado mountain resorts, a region of canons, glens, splash
ins: streams and placid lakes, a paradise of mountain air and wild flowers, a natural amphi
theatre of 150 square miles, with
of Denver, at the foot of Long
a two hours' journey to Lyons and by auto alon the Bt. Vrain river. Or, it is reached from
Denver by the Colorado & Southern Line through Loveland and by auto through the scenic
canons of the Biir Thompson River.
Through Burlington Tickets Are Good Over These
There are excellent hotels and lodges in the park, also camps, ranches and cottages, all
described in Estes Park publications.
One can leave Omaha at 4:30 p. m. one day and be in the park for lunch the next day.
One may leave Omaha at 12:15 a. m. (sleeper ready at 10:00 p. m.) and reach the park for
Colorado Springs included
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Farnam and Sixteenth Sts.
Giimmel, F. A. Photwell. William Berry.
Mark Coad, Townsend, If. C. Pumney,
Frank Norton. H. Oehrle. Phillip Porter,
K. J. McVann. J. Palmer Flndley. W.
F. Mllroy, O. 8. Itoofman, Henry Hlller
and Miss F.llen Crrtghton.
nlad Sentiments hy Mrs. Itorer.
No aesthetic person likes sweet salads.
It offends the taste to havs beautiful
uri'iiscs inld with mayonnaise grease.
French dressings should bs mode at
the table and served at once.
Salad dressings should be used the same
day made. No advantage In making it
the day before unless you are making it
for a church eupper snd want to make
people 111.
Sweet red pepper and raw onions, finely
chopped and strained through a cheese
cloth bsg were new seasonings Intro
duced by- Mrs. Horer.
"Venetable and Egg Cookery" will bs
the subject of Mrs. Rorer's talk today.
Two negroes atrorur-armed Thomas I,ee
of Mlnden. la., at Tenth and Capitol
avenue last night, snd robbed Mm of
8. McDsnlels, colored, was arrested a
half hour later by Detectives Rich and
Psisnowskl as hs wss casting Les's
empty puree Into ths street.
And It Will Follow
You All tha Year!
The innin thiriR is to
frot Rtarted. We aro
doing all we can to
Office Furniture
$51 Mahogany Roll Top Desk 42
$4G Golden Oak Flat Desk. . 7
(43 Golden Oak Typewriter Desk
for $33
$60 Golden Oak Typewriter Desk
for 94o
We are showing a complete line
of filing cablneta. Globe-Wernicke
make, in both ateel and wood.
We cordially Invite your inspec
tion. Orchard Wilhelm Co.
snow-capped panoramic barriers. It ia seventy miles northwest
s Peak, and is reached from
journey from Omaha, the automobile tours, and, if desired,
a side trip from Denver to Colorado Springs and return,
the Pike's Peak and Manitou region. With all that it in
cludes, this is a very attractive excursion fare for a moun
tain vacation in the midst of Colorado's resorts and out
door life.
3 Daily Trains fo Colorado
Daylight "Denver Limited," from Omaha 7:10 A. M.
Afternoon "Express," from Omaha 4:30 P. M.
Night, "Colorado Limited," from Omaha 12:15 A. M.
Ask for publications: "Colorado Handbook", "Estes Park", "Colo,
rado Side Trips."
Shirt Sale
Choose Your Shirts
The early buyer
has great advantage
in size, 1 e n g t h of
sleeve and pattern
and their celebrated
make of shirts offers a
powerful inducement in
fashion satisfaction and
value. .
$1.50 Manhattans 1 or
for aplss-iD
$2.00 Manhattans i
for ipI.OD
$2.50 and $3.00 i qj
Manhattans v
Kuppcnheimer &
Hart, S chaff tier
& Marx
Summer Suits
2 IT OuE
,13 a. & .DOUGLAS
Lee's Liquid Shampoo
A Real Hair Soap
Cleaos quick dries
quick letves no soip la
the hair, which goei right
back Into Its old train lag.
At druggists or delivered
prepaid, 4 oa. 25 cta. 12 oa.
BO eta; 32 ox. 1.00.
LEE CO., Laboratories
Omaha, Nebr.
Denver over the Burlington by
Two Rail and Auto Routes
Phones: D.. 1238 and D.-3580.