THE BKIE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY "a. 1015. Nebraska REED -PROPOSES POLICY CHANGE Attorney General Submits New Clause for Nebraska Covering Uie of Electrical Appliances. TAKES RAP AT THE COMPANIES THE LEELANAW, LATEST AMERICAN SHIP SUNK BY A GERMAN SUBMARINE off Kirkwall, Scotland, en route from Archangel, Russia, to Belfast, Ireland, with a cargo of. flax, which had been declared contraband. IF CProm a Staff Correspondent.) LtNCJOLJf. July .-Seclsl TelKTani.) -Attorney OnsraJ Keed today fired a volley at the Insurance companies and the methods used In the past by the In surance department, criticising the forms used by former Insurance Commissioner Brian and objecting to them as prepared by A. O. Beeson of Omaha, j. (ra insurance uoara mn vine noon and the attorney seneral read the-n j Ills "resolutions,- whicn in erreci was an attack on the clause In the present pol icy, which reads: , "Permission to use electricity In th within described premises on condition that the assured shall use diligence to maintain the electrical equipment In full compliance with the standr.-d require ments of the national electric code, it being- further understood that tnls policy j does not cover electrical apparatus un less specified herein." t In Its place the attorney general would Insert: "Privilege Is hereby irranted for the vse of electricity for heat, light and power." ! The board took the resolution under advisement and will meet again soon. Mr. Brian, former commissioner, says that the clause In the policies wss sim ply a protection to the company and also to the parties owning the building and -as of mutual benefit to the company and also to the owner of the property. Arraa Property Accounted For, The etate Board of Equalisation held a session this morning to which several county assessors had been called, to ox plain why the acreage In their counties had been cut down to less than in for , mer years. These assessors satisfied the board thst the loss In acreage was due to the plat ting of land Into town property and that It all had been accounted for in the gen eral roundup of real estate. The Lincoln Traction company, on mo tion of Secretary of State Pool, was cited to appear before the board to show why Its valuation did not compare with that of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Ttailway company and other companies cf llko nature. Grand Army Headquarters. According to general orders sent out by the Grand Army of the Republic state department headquarters. the head quarters of the Nebraska department will be located at the Hotel Sterling. Thir teenth and E streets, Washington, dur ing the national encampment, September 17 to October 2. The official train will leave Omaha, September 28, at p. m. ever the Northwestern, arriving in Chi cago at 7:8 o'clock at next morning. The Pennsylvania line will take the train to Washington, arriving In that city Sep t tember 28 at 1:28 o'clock In the morning. Averasre Passensrer Fares. Average receipts for passenger fares over forty-five railroads Interested In the . recent western advance rate . esse a, rpresenting 120.100 miles of road, aecord- ' ln to Rate Clerk Powell of the State Railway commission have been In the last fourteen years per mile as follows: Cents. I Cents. 2.195 19(18 ....2.0O2 2.1B4 110 2.006 2.197 1910 2.024 2.1W 1911 2.079 2.070 1912 2.119 2.127 1913 2.I&4 1.175 1914 2.089 Colfax Coaaty Pays. Colfax county has mads another pay ment on Its) Insane account due the state. the amount sent In to the state auditor today amounting to $1,684.32. yA I ,4f- .... s k ' i f'?i-'is i I. m mm it w t """" siwwii wiiwiiiwimwiwwuiw.y si 0: ; S-3-LllVfiAW' WOULD AVOID MARCH TRAMP 1901 1902 190S 1904 1908 190 1907 Kaiser Seeks Recruits in Ty . by Mail BE1ATRJCE, 'Neb., July 29.-(Sptlal. Policeman Frank Buchholi has received a letter from Germany making Inquiries regarding any men In' this vicinity avail able for military service In the ranks of the imperial army. In the letter was a blank to be filed out by the party to whom It Is addressed as to whether or not he would enter the army. These r letters are' evidently being sent out to soldiers, who have served under the kaiser. Mr. Buchhols was formerly a lieutenant In the German army and ervsd In the Thirty-sixth wheel ar tillery regiment. United State i Senator Norris Says Doesn't Want Conditions in Ger many to Prevail Here. MAKES ADDRESS IN LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOIiN. July 29. (Speclal.)-Unlted States Senator George W. Norris was In Lincoln today and addressed the picnic of the Odd Fellows at Electric park this afternoon. The senator confined Ms address to matters pertaining to the fraternal orders. When asked how he stood on the presi dent's plan to Increase the fighting strength of the army and navy and whether he would back Mr. Wilson In this. Senator Norris stated, it depended on how far the president would go In the matter. "I am not very strong on the military side," said the senator. "A short time ago I was In Germany, and in traveling through that country on the trains I noticed that in the hay fields there was always a dosen women to one man doing the work, and at night 1 would be awakened by the tramp of the men passing through the town on military service. I do not desire such a condition here in America." Operator at Calhoun Accused of Robbery BLAIR, Neb., July 29. (Special. ) II. F. Olds was arrested In Omaha and brought back to Blair this evening by Sheriff Compton. charged with having robbed the Calhoun depot of some cash and a new typewriter belonging to Agent Marr. Ho will be given a' preliminary hearing before County Judge Eller tomorrow. Olds was employed by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha railway at Calhoun, and to make his getaway, had wired Blair asking that the midnight freight slow down. Under the name of Joe Clayton, Olds hsd Just finished a sentence in the Douglas county jail for forgery. ROCK ISLAND TO TEST HIGH CORPORATION TAX (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July 29.-(Spoclal Telegram.) It Is probable that the Rock Island Rail road company . will make a test case of this afternoon and It was hinted by the attorney for the company, K. P. Holmes, that the action would be tested In the courts. Drcesen's Condition Remains Critical Mclnrlch TDreesen. who was seriously burned In the basement explosion and fire at Sixteenth and Howard streets several days ago. Is still In a critical condition. Flra Warden Morris has not yet been able to decide what caused the fire, although he la working on the theory that some substance that gave off ex plosive gas had been scattered about the room. As yet he has no tangible evidence of this, but he believes that In no other way can the peculiar explosion be ac counted for. I CHIROPRACTORS WILL MEET AT LINCOLN AUGUST 1-2 The Nebraska Chiropractic association Is to hold Its annual convention in Lin coln. August 1 and 1 The Llndell hotel la to be the headquarters. Dr. Lee Ed wards of Omaha I to lead a discussion on typhoid fever. Dr. W. R. rurvlance cf Omaha la a member of the prorrsm committee. A substantial progra of uslo and scientific papers on various phases of the practice Is to be carried out. The officers of the association for the ensuing year are to be elected on the second day of the meeting. HEAVY YIELD OF WHEAT REPORTED FROM GAGE BEATRICE. Neb.. July 29.-SpeclsJ.)-Chrlst ' Thomsen, east of Beatrice, fin ished threshing a twenty-acre field of wheat today, yielding forty-three and one-half bushels to the acre. This is the heaviest yield yet reported. JOE KIRBY ON THE STAND ' IN DISBARMENT CASE Minden Officer Has ; Battle with Robbers PIERRE, 8. D.f July 29.-(Spec!al.)-At the afternoon hearing of the cases In whlrh Joe Klrby, a prominent Sioux Falls attorney, was called to answer to contempt and disbarment proceedings for alleged statements that the court dared not act on the matter cf disbarment of George Egan for fear of political effect upon the court, Klrby took the stand Ir. his own behalf, and whlla denvlnff some the provision of the law which Secretary I of the details of the publication, admitted of Rate Pool construes as requiring It the statements in ths essential features. io pay a corporation tax on the entire value notwithstanding only a part of the line in owned In Nebraska. Former Sec retary of State Walt held that the com pany only had to pay on the Nebraska valuation which amounted to a tax of 1680. Pool holds that the road must pay on the entire valuation which will be 12.800. The board upheld the secretary of state Sale of Steamer Trunks These ar soma of the most wonderful values we hava ever offered. Made of fine basswood box, covered with heavy, oil painted duck, bound with vulcan ised fibre, hardwood slats, and heavy leather straps; good brass ed hardware and lock, neatly lined and fitted with covered tray. Note these prices and come see, the trunks; you couldn't do better elsewhere: 30-inch AC (JA Trunks OeOVI HASTINGS, Neb., July 29. Following the holdup and robbery of two men at the town of Minden last night -of $87, by a pair of desperadoes, the sheriff of Kearney county this evening traced the robbers to their hiding place, four miles out of town. A demand by the officer and his deputy that the suspects surrender was replied to with a volley from their revolvers and a running fight began, extending over two miles, .when both the robbers were shot and captured. One of the men had his hip fractured by a bullet, and Is in a serious condition. The officers were unharmed. Mrs. Johnson of Mead Kills Herself but declared that when making the : statement, he intended it to refer to the state political machine and not to the court, it being his belief that the organisation-was the motive back of the move ment. . No arguments were presented by either the state or the defense, both resting at the close' of. testimony and the court taking the case under advisement. .-.'.. MRS. KRUHL'S BODY WILL - BE BURIED AT DODGE FREMONT, Neb.. July 29.-(Spec!al.) Mrs. Anna Kruhl, - who dropped dead at Plattsraouth while visiting her sister, for years operated a hotel In Fremont In the pioneer ' days. From Fremont she vent to Dodge, where she continued In the hotel business. She retired several years ago, removing to Walthlll, where ahe had made her home with her daughters. She was about 65 years of age. Her husband died several years ago. The body will be brought to Dodge for burial. I I BRYAN AND MOREHEAD WILL BE AT TRACTOR MEET FREMONT. Neb.. July 9.-(Spectl.)-WlUlam Jennings Bryan will be here for the opening of the third National Power Farming demonstration, which begins the week of August Mr. Bryan will be tn Fremont that day and address the Chautauqua In the afternoon following the power farming demonstration. Gov ernor Morebead has sent word that he will be here to attend the tractor meet. He Is said to be In ths market for a tractor. I runur i niTf w Theater. FA1RBURT. Neb., July . Special.) A Chicago company has decided to erect a large motion picture theater In Fair bury and work will be started Just as soon as building material can be de livered. C. W. Bartlett has been tendered the management of the new concern. The building will have a seating capacity of S)0. It will be fully equipped for road shows and a company of fifty or Ixty people will have ample room on the stage. Aaaeylas; Saramrr Csach. The first dose of Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey will help you. It kills the cold germ. Onlx 25c. All druggists. Advertlse m r.t. , WAHOO, Neb., July 29.y(Speclal.) The body of Mrs. David C. Johnson, liv ing one and a half miles north of Mead, was found hanging to a rafter 1 1 the cob house at her home there this morn ing about 7 o'clock. Coroner Swanson left to hold an inquest there today. Last week the Johnson home wss struck by lightning and Mrs. Johnson was stunned and It Is thought that she: had not fully recovered from the ahot. No other reason is known. She was about forty years of age and leaves a husband and one daughter. YOUNG FARMER KILLED IN MOTOR CAR UPSET FAIRBURY. Neb., July 29.-(Speolal.) John Modlne, a young farmer living near Helvey In this county, died from a broken neck st 9 o'clock tonight when lils automobile upset a mile north of Falrbury. Modlne and W. O. Norman, I another farmer, were returning from 1 Falrbury when they attempted to pass a horse and buggy at high speed. The machine turned over a number of times. Winu Will Vot On Reiver "Bonds. WAUSA. Neb., July 2. (Speclal.)-ln response to a petition signed by sixty- six resident freeholders, the village board j has called a special election for Fri day, September I, to vote on a propo sition for the Issuance of sewer bonds. The preliminary survey and plat of the proposed system have been made. The estimated cost of the proposed system, Including disposal plant, la 120,000. D RACES THE ME EWES Weak, unstrung nerves a "shaky" feeling, agitation and excitability, resulting- from mental Stress or suffering caused by lack of phosphates in the nerve cells. Kenew the nerve-force, and brae the nervous system by taking IIORSFCHD'S Acid Phosphate (NoAIcoboIic) Keep s settle h year ksae She Couldn't Find Her Pudding Pan So the chemist's wife took one of her husband's queer-Bort-of-glasa things a battery jar and baked in it, better than she'd ever succeeded in doing. . That's why we sell you today . Pyrex'(Fire-Glass) Dishes for Baking. They are made by a fine old house that has won and held Us fame by everlastingly-proving that nothing Is impossible. , - You remember the day before good train lighting when the conductor came for your ticket, holding a lantern on. his arm. That lantern and Its mates had to suddenly go out side, for signaling purposes to be met by rain, cold wind and, for a long time, its principal condition was, with "broken, smoked globe, al most useless. The Corning Glass Works said, "We'll make you lantern globes that will stand the strain." And they did.' ' Then railroad yards become more complex and signal lights grew in importance. The glass face of the signal lamps couldn't break without Inviting disaster. Said the boss of the Cornln Glass Works, "We'll make you lamp fronts that won't break, and we'll make them so that they will not diffuse the rays of light, but hold them close as a close-shooting gun holds the shot." Signal lights are strong, without glare are not annoying to the engineer's eyes. Then came the percolator the coffee pot in which you see the water boll up Into the glass top. No glass top would hold otherwise the percolator was the "best coffee machine " Bo the Corning Glass Co. made glass that the heat and cold and boiling didn't bother. . , Here are the things we have-! of Pyrex: 1- quart Pyrex Baking Dishes t 75. 2- qusrt . Pyrex Baking Dishes t 81.00. 2-quart Pyrex Covered Casse role at 81.75. 8tt-nch Pyrex Bread Baking Pan at 75. 8 -inch Pyrex . Pie Plate at 75. Pywx oval or round Shlrred Egg Dish at G5. ' 6-ineh Pyrex oval Baking Dish tS5. 3 -inch Pyrex round Custard Cups at 20. Mrs. Rorer Lectures Friday Morning and Friday Afternoon At a vote taken by the ladies at Mrs. Rorer's lecture, It was decided to have the lecture, scheduled for Saturday afternoon, on Friday motn Ing instead, as many felt that they would be unable to attend Saturday. Friday at 10:30 a. nie- "Simple Desserts and Pastry" Friday at 2:30 "Meat Substitutes" On the Fifth Floor. No Lectures Saturday Mrs. Rorer believes in Pyrex Glass baking dishes. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-418 South 16th St. 32-inch Trunks 34-inch Trunks $6.00 $6.50 Freling & Steinle "OnaW. Beit Baffip Builderi" 1803 Farnam St. What work today, Madam? Washing? Cleaning? Try doing it the Fels-Naptha way with soap in cool or lukewarm water. Save elbow work; save fuel; save time and temper. It's worth while. rdikCa, Pblladslsbla. K i in ii i in n . j, " .iirflTf'CTMssrn After the game is over you will find a cold bottle of Krug most delicious. It will not Jf cost you any more, then why not insist on a beer of quality. Save Coupons and get free premium. Phone Doug. 1889. LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Distributors Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented qu, ly and cheaply by a Bee For Rent. Factory Announcement We wish to announce that L E. DOTY, Inc., 2027-29 Farnam Street, Omaha, has been appointed dis tributor for the VELIE MOTOR CARS in Nebraska and Western Iowa, succeed ing the John Deere Co. of Omaha, who formerly handled this factory's product in this territory. q The VELIE line comprises some of the most popular six-cylinder cars in the. middle West. GI The new Biltwell Six at $1065 is a remarkable car both in per formance and appearance, and before territory is closed, dealers should see it. L. E. Doty, Inc., will carry in stock at all times, parts for all models, and is in position to supply the demand without delays in delivery. Velie Motor Vehicle Co. Moline, Illinois