Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1915, Image 1

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    a Daily
Everybody Reads
A"Ji tiappenfng eve.-y y.
If fetta doa't re4 year star
we; rry day, t' roar fault.
Oa Trains, at Hotel
Maw Stands, sto., M
ON $20,000 BOND
General Manager of Indiana Trans
. vortation Company First of Six
Hen Named to Be Taken
Into Custody.
General George Uhler Testifies Be
' fore Redfield in Investigation
at Chicago. '
CHICAGO. July 29. Lato In the
afternoon on an application to Judge
O'Connor the bonds of W. K. Greene
laum were reduced to $20,000 and
he was released, his sureties being
personal friends.'
CHICAGO, July W. K. Greenebe-jm.
general manager of the Indiana Trans
portation company, which chartered the
Eastland, wai the flrat of the six men
ordered held' to the grand Jury by the
verdict of the coroner'a Jury, arretted.
He wn ordered taken Into custody on
a coroner'a mittimus and taken to the
county Jail. Tear that Mr. Greenebaum
might be harmed by other prtaonera
caused the Jailer to detain htm In the
Jail office rather than the cell room.
There are three prisoners In the Ja'l
who lost relatives In the Eastland, caid
the jailer "and those men and their
sympathisers might attempt to attack
Mr. Greenebaum." Bonds for Mr. Greene
baura were fixed at tao.OCKX
General Uhler Testifies.
General George Uhler, supervising In
spector general of the federal steamboat
Inspection service, testified today before
Secretary Redfield, In the Department of
Commerce Eostland Investigation, that
no case of overcrowding or violation of
the passenger list had been proved In the
last twenty years. He said lnspectora
frequently turned away hundreds of per
sons who wanted to board vessels al
ready filled. The penalty for overcrowd
ing ha aaid. was $600. while for a second
offense the vessel's license might be re
voked. General Uhler, speaking of the Naviga
tion department, said:
"We never have had such an efficient
force as we have now. The men pass tha
hardest examinations we hold, and
Inspectors this year work daily, while
previously they worked only on Sundays,
Saturdays and holidays." -
Confident Boat Not Overloaded. .
Robert P. McCreary. deputy collector
f customs of tha sort of Chicago. In
clHWya Of tm'tgutluu lnspectora, expttffnW
that navigation Inspection, explained that
navigation Inspection Is . entirely", differ
ent from steamboat Inspection.1 McCreary
told In detail of placing Inspectors rtn
tha Eastland to count the paisengers
and- of making arrangements for one c f
the Inspectors to sleep on board Friday
night so that no . passengers could be
taken aboard without being counted.
"1 went to the boat about 7 o'clock
Saturday morning," said McCreary.
"There I taw Inspectors Oakley and Lob
dell In charge on the gangway. I watched
them until the count reached 2. ISO. W. IC.
Greenebaum, who had chartered the boat,
was also there and then aaked me sev
eral times about the count.
Coant Inclodes Bablea.
"Whs the count reached 2,450 I took
Oakley's place and counted to 2,41. Then
' we shut off tha gangway unm oniy asm
' (Continued on rage Two-Col. Four.)
Three Children Are
Beaten to Death
TEMPLE, Tex., July 29.-Three chil
dren of W. R- Grimes, a farmer near
here, were beaten to death with a ham
mer last night. Grimes and his wife
also were beaten Into unconsciousness,
and Mrs. Grimes la not expected to live.
When Grimes recovered consciousness
ha dressed his three remaining living
children, sending them to a neighbor half
a mile away for help. Blood hounds have
been sent to tha Grimes home. ,
Two of-the dead children were twin
babies and tha third a 7-year-old boy.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Krlday:
Nebraska Partly cloudy;
much change In temperature.
at Omaha Yesteraay
6 a. m
( a. m
7 a. ra
t a. m
a. m
' 10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m.
1 P- m
2 p. m
I p. m
4 p. m
p. m
p. ro
7 p. m
5 p. m
Loral Record.
lKlfi. 1414. 191.
SS 95 100
W 72 7S
75 1 M
0 .70 .00
Highest yesterday...
3owest yesterday....
(Mean temperature..,
Temperature and
.. 77
.. 2
partures from the normal
Normal temperature
fDeflctency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1..
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
Teflcency for the day 11 inch
Tntal rainfall atnee March 1...1ftTlnrha,
Kxoess since March 1 1h Inches I
Ifeflclency for cxir. period, 114. S.24 luetics 1
tUeflciency lur cor. period, inches
Reports from Stalloaa at T P. M.
Station and Puts Temp. High- lUin
of Weather. 7 p. m. eat. fait.
Cheyenne, clear 73
Iavenport, clear SO
Jxtnver. partly cloudy 76
Da Moines, clear 80
Dodtte City, pt. cloudy. ..SO
Lander, partly cloudy 7
Koxih Platte, cloudy 6
Omaha, partly cloudy 81
Pueblo, clear fj
Rapid Ci'y. cloudy
Salt Lake City. pt. cldy..M
feanta !, clear... 1j
(heridan. cloudy 72
Mom t'lty, clear k2
.Valentine, partly cloudy. .is
78 .60
M .(
M .W
W .w
78 .00!
M .00
fo .00
M .09 !
78 .00
M .00
78 .0
7 .0)
M .
U .W
. U A. WbL-SH. Local forecaster.
Dennelley, who gave his life in
i -i i I i i . 1 r mi
in aerDia, i Dunea. oir a
officer paying honor to Ills
Sixteen Munitioni Factories Estab
lished and Ten more Soon
in Operation.
LONDON. July 29. Sixteen, na
tional munitions factories have been
established In England and after con
sultation with the French ministry,
the British government hat decided
to set up an additional ten large
establishments. ; v ' " ' "''" ;
asaajrta ail'lW'Uinjetiient was 'made in the
House of Commons this evening by the
minister of inanitions, David Lloyd
George, who told of the progress made
by his department In overcoming the
Mortage' In shells that had prevented
the army on the continent from doing all
It might otherwise have done.
To Doable Bapply.
These new factories are being erected
In the vicinity of the arsenals and the
existing armament establishments and
according to Mr. Lloyd George, when the
government has completed In a few weeks
the developments it Is now engaged on,
the supply of shells will ba doubled.
"This." said the - minister, "will not
merely enable us to support our men,
but will enable them to cleava their
way through to vlctpry."
Adds to Force. . ,
During three months his department
had succeeded In adding nearly 40,000 men
and women nearly half of the men skilled
-to the ranks of the workers connected
with armaments and they were pouring
In further supplies. His department had
also enrolled 100.000 volunteers, but It
had been found difficult to remove tha
majority of these from their present
employment. ' However, scores of thou
sands of skilled men, who had enlisted
had. been traced and arrangements were
made with the-war' office for tha return
of these men to the factories.
Test of Eadaraaec.
In moving an adjournment of the Brit
ish Parliament to September It Premier
Asqulth said the war had become and
would likely continue for some time a
contest of endurance. The premW paid
high tribute to Russia's gallantry and
expressed the belief that the objective
of tTie Italians "in a short time will ba
vithln their reach."
Ambassador Gerard
Has Talk With the
Kaiser's Chancellor
BERLIN, July 29. (Via London.) Dr.
Theobold Von Bethmann-Hollweg, ths
German Imperial chancellor, who returned
to the capital yesterday from a visit to
the army headquarters In the field, where
he talked with Emperor William, sent for
James W. Gerard, the American am.
bavsador to Germany, today.
The conference between tha American
ambassador and the German chancellor
Is expected to have an Important bearing
on tha future development In the relations
between Germany and tha United States.
FAIRBCRT. Neb., July 2S fSpeclal
Telegram.) W. F. Cramb, editor of ths
Falrbury Journal, and a supporter of W.
J. Bryan, received his appointment as
postmaster here today In a. letter from
ths first ssslstant postmaster general.
The choke Is a recess appointment to
succeed Lew Shelley, who has held the
office for eight years. The candidate
supported by Senator Hitchcock waa Dan
Kavanaugh. A. P. Dagger wss also a
Shelley has held his office for six
months following the expiration of his
term during the patronage deadlock.
W. F. Cramb has been In tha newspaper
bualnesa In Falrbury for eighteen years
snd was chairman of the Jefferson county
central committee at tha time of Presi
dent Wilson's election.
I v"
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r. James
nomas q,m
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Chieftain Reports Defeat of Flyins;
Villa Column Moving .Towar4
the Capital.'? ,"
WASHINGTON, July 29. General
Carranza cabled his Washington
agency today that his forces after
six hours' fighting . had captured
I-achuca and routed the Villa flying
column, which was working south to
relnfoce Zapata forces near Mexico
City. " - -
General Carranta's despatch was ths
first word ' from behind the veil which
has covered military operations about
Mexico- City ' for almost two weeks.
When General Gonsales'' and Carranxa's
army evacuated Mexico City on July 17,
It was announced they were going out
to meet a Villa force moving south.
Ths Carranxa authorities claim their
victory eliminates Villa forces from
central Mexico.
Bo serious has the food shortage be
come In Mexico City that the United
States will make Immediate representa
tions to Carranza and Zapata urging
that provisions ba permitted to get
through to the starving people in the
capital. Stories of alarming conditions
have reached the Stats Department under
data of July 25.
Representations to General' Carransa at
Vera Crus and General Zapata, whose
forces are said to be scattered along
tha railroad and within Mexico Ltty
itself, will go forward probably today.
Ths report from Mexico City, said
there were soma Zapata troops within
the city, but no mention was made of
tha Carransa army.
Gambling and Lax
Morals on Excursion
Steamers is Alleged
CHICAGO, July . Lax morals and
gambling prevail on excursion boats ply
ing out of Chicago, according to a re
port of an investigation by the Juveniia
Protective association, presented to Ira
B. Mansfield and William Nicholas, fed
eral inspectors of steamships, snd mads
public today.
"License Is synomous with liberty on
most of the excursion steamers plying
out of Chicago, and the moral .atmo
sphere Is of the free and easy kind,"
the report says. '-Ths whole influence
of tha life aboard during week-end and
holiday trips so far as It bears on the
young Is demoralising."
Judge Refuses Writ
. To Condemned Men
PHOENIX. Arlt.. July 23.-Suerior
Judge McAllister late today denied the
writs of habeas corpus for the four Mexi
cans condemned to be hanged tomorrow.
Attorneys for the anti-capital punish
ment adherents will attempt to appeal
the cases to the supreme court.
The decision was unexpected. Counsel
for the condemned men confidently ex.
pected that the court ruling would not
be given out until tomorrow.
Two possibilities remained in the strug
gls to avert ths death penalty. Appeal
to ths supreme court wss one and the
other lay In consideration by the State
Board of Pardons and Paroles of a re
quest for further reprieve, received front
Secretary of State Lansing. . The request
was based on an appeal from ViUa rep
resentatives and was sent "in view of
the political situation In Mexico." It is
known that Wiley Jones, one of three
members of tha board, does not wish to
grant tha request. The board's meeting,
set for today, was postponed temporar
ily, pending the habeas corpus decision.
Governor Hunt said today he had re
ceived personal letters from three mem
ber of the president's cabinet, but would
not disclose what they said.
- c V
Governor Refuses Request of
Doomed Man's Wife and Last
Hope of Slayer of Rosen
thal Fades.
Mate of 'Former Police Lieutenant
Meets Iter in Hotel at
POrGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., July 29.
Governor Whitman at a conference
here tonight with Mrs. Charles
Becker declined to interfere with the
electrocution of her husband set for
tomorrow morning.
The exeoulon' will take place at S:4S
O'clock tomorrow morning, eastern time.
Asrrecs to Meet Woman.
A LEANT, N. T., July. . .-Oovernor
Whitman agreed over the long distance
telephone at S o'clock today to meet Mrs.
Becker and John B. Johnston of Becker's
counsel, at a hotel In Poughkeepsle. at
o'clock this evening. Mrs. Becker and Mr.
Johnston agreed to leave hera on ths S:S7
o'clock train.
What She Will Praaeat.,
NEW TORK. July . According to
Attorney Manton. Mr. .Whitman had In
his possession at the time of the Becker
trlsl a report that Becker's first wife
died under suspicious circumstances. Mr.
Manton said this information was ' en
tirely erroneous.
Mrs. Becker will present data to correct
any Impression tha governor might have
regarding this matter, Mr. Manton said.
She will show that the first Mrs. Becker,
Instead of dying under mysterious cir
cumstances, really died of tuberculosis,
after a long Illness.
Commenting on Mrs. Becker's efforts
to meet Governor Whitman, Mr. Manton
said: . . ; ,
"I have learned that when Mrs. Backer
telephoned to Albany this morning ths
governor said ha would be In Albany
until noon, but that ha left at 10 o'clock;
saying ha would see her at T o'clook to
night, la view of that situation she
could , not see her husband before the
hour set for his execution If she wanted
to see tha governor. We advised her to
do what la beat and to follow (he dic
tates of her conscience.'
"I have decided not. to go on to Sing
sing today," said Becker's counsel. "I
believe ha should have this day to pre
re to meet J$)s God.",, ;
lasses Stated.
W, Bourke Cock ran, Becker's chief
counsel. Issued a statement which lis
said brought the: ease down to "ths
present' moment," "The statement,'
said Mr. Johnston, Mr. Cockran's assist
ant, "went to Albany today to make
three requests of Governor Whitman,."
First was that the governor reconsider
his determination to dispose of Backer's
case alone, and that ha take tha advice
of seme prominent person "la the in
terest of Justice."
The second was that If the first re
quest be' refused the governor himself
hesr objections to the execution, based
on the records and the latest affidavits.
Tha third request was for a reprieve
to enable tha court of final review to
decide whether Supreme Court Justice
Ford was correct In holdtnr that the
supreme court did not have the Inherent
power to set aside Judgment of death
under existing circumstances.
Governor Will Not Interveaa.
BEACON, N. T., July- .-Oovarnor
Whitman, who motored to Camp Whit
man, near hera, to review the state mili
tia, today, announced that he did not 4
pert to Intervene In behalf of Chartaa
Becker, although he had an appointment
to meet lira. Becker.
Wife of Coadeoaaea Man Baas Oar.
eraor Whltaaaa, '
ALBANY, N. Y July J. Mrs.
Charles Becker arrived here at 11: SO
today to make a final plea to Got
ernor Whitman for her husband's
life. She was accompanied by John
b. Johnson of Becker's counsel. Mrs.
Becker did not learn until after her
arrival of the governor's departure
from the city. She said her plans
were uncertain.
Governor Whitman telegraphed
Mrs. Charles Becker today, in reply
to a request for an interview, that
he would see her tonight after bis re
turn from reviewing the state troops
at Camp Whitman, twenty miles
from the Sing Sing death house. The
governor then left for the camp.
The publlo entrance to tha executive
chamber In the capltol was closed and
guarded by a detective today. An uncon
firmed rumor said that tha authorities
had learned that soma New York gun
men had arrived In Albany,
William Orr, Governor Whitman's sec
retary, after conferring with Mrs. Becker,
(Continued on Pass Two, Column Three.)
Free Coupon
For the
Best Movies
By s portal arrangement with
eight .of the lea fllna; moving
picture theaters THE BEE Is
enabled to gl'e Its readers a
eomblnatlao coupon good for
a free ad mission to an 7 one
of them on days specified.
In Sunday's Bee
Mound of Flowers
Body of Unclaimed Little Boy
CHICAQO, July !. In the morgue of
tha Kantian dead there still Ilea the
body of "No. a," an S-year-old boy,
unclaimed and unidentified. Except for
a hole In the knee of his trousers, there
Is no distinguishing mark about his ap
parel, and none of the thousands of the
searchers for the missing ran place him,
so ths publlo baa claimed him for Its kin.
A mound of flowers Is rising about the
little body, and to each wreath Is pinned
a kindly message, "For SM. a poor kid,"
reads one. "For the little boy from
Mrs. O. J. I..." say another. "For No.
SM-the poor little kiddle." la a third.
Another voices a spirit of resentment
against those responsible for the disaster.
If nobody misses a little boy with a
Condemned Slayer of Rosenthal
Bears Up Well Under Realisa
tion Hope is Gone.
OSSIN1NO. N. Y., July 29.
Charles Becker, former New York
police lieutenant, condemned to die
tomorrow for Instigating the murder
of Herman Rosenthal, the gambler,
was reported to be bearing up well
today under the ' realisation that
virtually all hope of his escaping the
electric chair had passed.
Less than an hour after Beceker re
ceived word that Supreme Court Justice
Ford had denied tils appeal for a third
trial the condemned man threw himself
on. his cot. Becker lay with his fsce
to the wall and the guard aaid he did
nbt move all night Becker arose at T
o'clock today. After breakfast he was
taken from his cell while the final prepa
rations for his execution were msde.
When Becker returned to his cell he
found that all of his clothing, personal
belongings and even the few furnishings
of the cell had been removed. On a new
cot lay a thin black suit, white shirt
with soft collar and a black tie. Black
stockings and soft felt slippers were also
provided. The left leg of the trousers
was not silt when Becker donned the
clothes, aa the slitting Is done Just be
fore a condemned men Is led to the ex
ecution chamber.
Father Cashln, the prison chaplain and
Becker's vplrituat adviser, will be with
the condemned man today and tonight
and will accompany Becker to the death
Mrs, Helen Becker, wife of the con
demned man, was expected to arrive to
day te apend tha last liours aJlowofl her
with her husband. : Other members 'tot
Booker's family were expected. Thomas
Mott Osborne, warden pt Sing Sing, an
nounced e w ill - leave the prison late to
day. The' warden Is opposed to capital
punishment and has never been at ths
prison during an execution.' Deputy War-1
den Johnson will have charge of the exe
cution Of Becker and Samuel Haynes, a
negro, who will probably be electrocuted
a few minutes before ''Becker,
Two Shiploads of
Canadian Troops
Arrive at Plymouth
ST. JOHN, N. B., July . The steam
ships Hesperian and Herachel, carrying
three regiments of Canadian mounted
rifles, numbering 1,800 men and 450
horses, on their way to Join the British
forces In the field, have arrived safely
at Plymouth, England, according to cable
dispatches received today. The men were
sent out from Quebec.
Belgian Steamship
Sunk by Torpedo
LONDON, July . The Belgian steam
ship Princess Marts Joss, of 1.K3 tons
gross burden, was torpedoed snd sunk
today by a German submarine. Twenty
one members of the crew of. twenty
five twere saved.
The Day's War News
Warsaw, Bashed forward with not
able taerrr for m period covering
saora thaa two weeks, baa sot
made aay material progress since
Tneedar, aeeordlasr to reports
from Petrograd, Losdos and Ber
lin. Oa the roatrary, the Raaslaa
aathorltlea, la their latest official
annoaaeemeat, reiterate their
elalsas that tha German advaaee
movements la tha direction af tha
Polish capital hare bees cheeked,
aad they specify when and where.
disrate Petrograd.
AT GRtBECHOW, a point elosa ta
tha Gallelaa frontier, aorth af
Lembera", tha Germans have made
determined attempts to advance,
bat have been drives back, accord
ing ta tha nasslaa war afflee, aad
little farther ta tha saath, at
Sokal, tha Rasalaas declare they
havo arsis a sareeaafal offen
sive mevemeat. Desperate fight
las; Is still going aa at this polat.
today reports mlaor activity, bat
an flarhtlaaT of aay Importance,
while the latest Italian announce
ment aaya the progress of tha
Italia a farces aa tha farts plateaa
has beoa satisfactory aad that they
have bcea saoreesfal la mlaor cn-
cesaters at ather polats.
wha retaraed ta tha capital yestcr.
day from army beadaaarters,
where ha saw Emperor William, Is
la conference todny with Jnmcs
W. Gerard, tha Amcrlcaa ambassador.
Built About
hole In the knee of his trousers, No. SM
Is sure to have his trip to the burial
ground attended by mourners. More than
a riosen have volunteered to bury the
lad. and the Boy Scouts have offered to
gle Mm a military funeral.
Coroner Hoffman says the body will
be preserved as long s.a possible possibly
another week for Identification.
It la believed that No. SM did not be
long to the families of any of the West
ern Electric, company's employes, whose
plcnlo wss terminated Saturday by the
rapslslng of the Ksstland.
Among the thousands who have viewed
the body two or three have claimed to
recognise It, but later Inquiries revealed
that the identification was wrongly made.
Berlin Paper Prints Belgian Corre
spondence Said to Show Com
bine Against Kaiser.
BERLIN, July l. (Via London.)
The Norddeutsche Allgemelne Zel
tung began the publication this
morning of a series of documents
purporting to be secret Belgian
diplomatic reports found In Brussels
by the Germans, and deecrlblng In
ternational political events from the
time of the Moroccan crisis until the
beginning of the present conflict. The
purpose of their publication is to
prove that Germany maintained a
peaceful attitude throughout this
The papers pubtlahsd this morning In
clude alleged reports msde to Baron De
Favereau. former Belgian foreign minis
ter, by Count De Lalalng, former Bel
gian minister to Great Britain; Baron
Orelndl. minister to Berlin; Baron La-
ghalt, at Parts, and Count Dursel, charge
d'affaires st Berlin. These reports date
from 1W6 and deal wrm European politic,
especially the attitude of tha triple en
tente towards Germany.
Count Lelalng and Baron Grelndl are
quoted as having reported in February,
190S, that British hostility to Germany
was caussd by Jealousy of ths lstter na
tion's commercial and naval growth. La
lalng Is said to have asserted that the
British fesred the days of their naval
supremacy were numbered.
A statement attributed to Baron Leg
halt, writing under date of May T, 1906,
was that while King Edward was In
Paris,, he said the, confidence existing
between Germany and. France had dis
appeared and conditions were like those
twerty years earlier. '
Baron Orelndl la said , to have been
the author of a letter written September
23, 1906, praising the drelbund, led by
Germany, for having maintained Euro
pean peace for thirty years and declar
ing the nsw disposition of the British
fleet was unquestionably directed against
The same minister Is quoted aa having
asserted in a later letter that King Ed
ward was hostile to Germany and that
Germany's Isolation was the act of Brit
ish policy. All the letters printed em
phasise efforts said to havs been mud
by Great Britain to form a coalition
against Germany.
Good Roads Day
Finds Conditions
Bad for Any Wqrk
Roads all over tha stats were so muddy
that practically nothing could be done
on Good Roads day, proclaimed by Gov
ernor Morehead for two daya. It Is ex
pected, however, that considerable work
will be accomplished today. J. K.
George, president of the Omaha Auto
mobile club and vice chairman of the
Commercial club's ' good roads commit
tee, had ten teams at work In Douglas
county on ths various roads.
It Is reported to the Omaha Auto club
that tha roads of Nebraska and Iowa are
so muddy that tourists are shipping their
cars across these states rather than wait
for the roads to dry,
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., July (Special.)
Roads were worked In every direction
from town today. The town board recog
nised oGod Roads day by having all
streets drsgged and tha approaches to
crossings put In first Jlass shape.
Westerfield Near
Omaha, is Report
EX H. Westerfield. former treasurer of
Dundee, was reported early last night to
be nearlng Omaha on the Los Angeles
limited train. He was due to arrive at
:) o'clock.
The Westerfield defense now is going
to be that there Is no hols In the treasury.
"There Is no real deficiency in Mr.
Westerfleld's accounts. There is money
In ths bank to cover any apparent deficit
which may havs been found by ths city.
Mr. Westerfield has not yet been asked
for the funds," declared A. C. Fanooaai,
attorney for Mr. Westerfield, thus sug
gesting that the missing money baa been
or Is to be put back.
- "You can't get away from the short
age. The books show It," waa a state
ment of Commissioner Butler, who made
the check of ths Westerfield accounta.
County Attorney Magney yesterday
completed the drawing of a complaint
against E. II. Westerfield, Dundee treas
urer, alleging embesslement of S21,otS be
longing to the city of Omaha.
Swedish Brig Sunk
By German Submarine
LONDON, July 2.-The Swedish brig
Fortune was torpedoed and sunk In the
North Bea today by a German submarine,
according to a dispatch from Copenhagen
to the Exchange Telegraph company. The
crew was saved. The brig was SKXi tons
gross burden and was built la lilt
Petrograd Claims to Have Thrown
the Teutons Back Across the
Dniester River by Coun
ter M0T8.
Reported Capture of One Village
Sixty Miles from Warsaw is
Only Definite News.
LONDON. July 2. Except from
Sokal, Gallcla, where the Russians
claim by a counter offensive to have
thrown' back the Austro-Hungarlans
across the Dnelster river, little
definite news reached London this
morning from the eastern battle
front. To the east of the Narew
river, the extent of the German ad
vance from Roxan is marked by the
capture of the village of Ooworowo,
which lies only six miles from the
The exact status of the oneraUons
on the eastern frontier Is proving a
pussie to students of the Warsaw
campaign, even Petrograd belnr un.
certain whether the vast operations
Between the Bug and the Vistula
rivers mark the crisis of the battle or
oniy a pause, to allow one side or
the other to draw breath or re
arrange It forces.
Along the western front eotnpsrattve
Quiet prevails, with n.i- i.,. ....
- . c. Claiming ana
rarla admitting the inoccupation of
irmcnrs in uia Bouches sector.
Lall A Ion sr I son so.
Roma explains the lull along the Isonso
river front on the ground that the Italians
are engaged in organising and securing
the Positions which they won on the
Oarao plateau, but Vienna claims tha lak
of activity means the termination of
Italian suooeas after an Austrian-Hun- .
garian defense along the whole chosen
German submarine warfare which raged '
around the Orkney Islands at the end
of last week, presumably against trade
with the only open Russian port, Arch
angel, has been transferred to the north
east coast of Suffolk, where several
neutral aa well as British ships have
fellen victims to the undersea commerce '
raider. --- - . , .
Hoamaala May Feed Teatoas.
The situation In the near east remains
apparently unchanged, so far as any de
parture from neutrality is concerned, but .
the entente allies already are showing
considerable Irritation over Bulgaria's
successful negotiations with Turkey and
they soon may transfer their displeasure
to ltoumanla, which Is reported to ba
ready to lift the embargo on the export
of grain, thereby supplying the central
powers with a hugs a cessation of food
Preach Official report.
PARIS, July 29. Ths French war da
partment today gave' out the following
"In the Artols region there was the
customary bombardment last night and
in ths Bouches sector, there were several
engagements with . hsnd grenades and
bombs. In the Argonne there has been
fighting with bombs and torpedoea In
the vicinity of Dagatells and at Courta
"Near St. Hubert, as well aa In the
forest of Malancourt, we blew up by
means of mines,, ssvsral German posi
tions. "In ths Vosages at Lingekopf. In ths
positions taken by us July 22, we picked
up yesterday too German corpses ' and
took possession of two machine guns. 209
rifles and a great quantity of munitions
and equipment. The German forces left
on ths ground at Barrenkopf more than
400 dead. The exact number of German
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five.)
All Ktskts Ratr4.
This young atarrisd auea
Kas regained bis health. -
And not only that
ale's gaming mac wealth.
Sis crops are real good,
Xxteod out for aillas.
And wbea he thanks 01 floe
Me stands there aad aiallss.
Xf farm hands are soaroe
Aai be needs Hum bad.
It's mis at y near a ciaoa
SsU use a sl Ai.
Continued Tomorrow.
Ths central west has finished bar
vesting the largest whsat t-rup In iu
Now Is ths time to make your lent
offering to the great army of land buveia
of this section tlirmiah the I'laaj-'fi 4
Columns of "THE OMAHA UEK ." Tc!e
phons Tyler 1000 now an 4
rrr it is thk ommh ui:e.