Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Faalls bniHM Aajastar Ossrgs
hroder. tut Win block, Ksd .
Tryiac to OoUsct em Bonds County
Attorney Magney hu filed A dozen suits
In county court In an attempt to collect
oo forfeited police court appeal bonds.
Tooay'g. Oomptota Ham Frog-ram
elaastfls4 aaotlon today, and appear In
Th Baa EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what
to vartoaa mnvlng ploturt thaatars offer.
Tor Safety First Hi Ufa insurance, ara i
A. II. Indoe, general agent Stata Mutual
Life Assurance company of Worcester.
Mass., one of tha oldent (71 years) and
beat companies on earth.
Bnaa to Anto Aooidsat Barbara
Moscrop, aired 10 years, la autng Mra.
Sarah Cohn and Loyal Conn In district
court for $15,000 damages for Injuries al
leged sustained when she was run over
by the Cohn car In Council Bluffs. July
li. The girl was severely bruised and
burned, she alleges.
Burdsso Bound Over John Burdesh,
arrested at his place of buslneee, 1112
Douglas street, on a charge of violation
of the "dope-1 laws, waived preliminary
hearing before I nlted States Commis
sioner Binghaus and was bound over to
the grand jury under $-100 bail, which
was furnished by his mother.
Thieves Taks Tonne and Old Chicks
O. J. Hall, 1824 Locust, was so unfor
tunate as to lose twenty-three chickens
of the feathered variety Tuesday night.
He has a chicken coop, which was broken
Into, and seventeen spring chickens were
taken out and decapitated on the spot.
Tha thieves then made away with six old
Bar. 1m. Oroa Back from Coast Trip
Rev. Dr. L. Qroh, pastor of St. Mark's
Lutheran church, ,haa returned from a
trip to the Pacific coast. He was gone
about three weeks and visited the exposi
tions at Fan Diego and San Francisco,
and also friends in those cities and In
Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Denver and
Lodge Pole, Neb. "
First Order for
National Camp of
Veterans is Issued
DCS MOINES, la., July 2R. (Special.)
Colonel D. J. Palmer, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Array of the Repub
lic, has Issued a general order with
reference to the national encampment
to be held at Washington, D. C, Sep
tember 17 to October 1. The Raleigh
hotel mill be national headquarters. At
the national encampment the question
of establishing permanent national head
quarters for the Qrand Army of the Re
publlo after January 1, 1916. will be
voted on. Other questions which will
come before the body are the following:
That aons of veterans over IS years
of age be admitted to membership In
the Grand Army of the Republic, but
that they shall not be eligible to any
elective office; that all sons of veterans
or honorably discharged soldiers and
marines be admitted to "honorary mem
bership;" that the title of assistant ad
jutant general be changed to depart
ment adjutant, general.
The following from Iowa have been
appointed aides de camp on the staff of
commander-in-chief: John B. Anderson,
Wlnterset; John W. ;Co. Valley1 Junc
tion; W. H. Davidson, Manaon; J. K.
Ewlng, Shannon City; W. F. Gilbert,
Burlington; J. Heffelfinger, Grundy
Center; Thomas W. Hyde, Des Moines:
J. H. Mills, Redfield; Neal Wilkin. Bur
lington, and W. H. Willford. Mount
Flags Train With
Sister's Red Dress
SHENANDOAH, la. July 28.-Special.)
Flagging an approaching fast mall
train with his sister's red dress as a sig
nal, Albert Armltage, the small son of
Dr. A. C. Armltage, was the hero of an
automobile accident that happened to the
Shenandoah excursionists on the plains
of New Mexico, seventy miles from Santa
Fe. When the car, running twenty miles
an hour, fell over an embankment. Dr.
Armltage was knocked unconscious, Mrs.
Armltage seriously injured, and tha
daughter, Claire, also hurt. The lad
escaped Injury. The accident was on ths
right-of-way and the youngster crawled
from under the car that had turned tur
tle and stopped a train to Santa Fa,
which took the injured members of ths
party to a hospital.
They returned to Shenandoah by train,
starting back as soon as they could
travel. Reports had been circulated In
Senandoah that Dr. Arimtage was dead
snd the rumors were only quieted when
he appeared on the acene to deny them.
Russia Calls 1896
Class to the Colors
PETROGRAD. July 27.-(Vla London.)
An Imperial ukase Issued today calls
to the colors men born In 196. It Is re
ported that a governmental order Is about
to be Issued for a general mobilisation
throughout Siberia.
RAPID CITT, S. D.. July 28. (Special.)
Did James Shlck of Rochford, who died
at his home recently, succeed In cutting
off his adopted daughter by some
changes in his will made Just before Ills
death? This is the question the probate
court hers will have to decide. Snick's
will originally left his 96,000 estate, con
sisting of a mountain ranch and other
real property near Hot Springs, to his
widow, who later died, with ths proviso
that his adopted daughter receive it on
ths death of Mrs. Shlck. Before hs died
he desired to change his will, according
to his spiritual adviser. Rev. Devers of
Kedfern, to susbstltute his grandchil
dren as heirs for his daughter. Tns min
ister added an apostrophe and an "s" to
the word daughter, whose attorneys now
hold that the change waa not properly
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., July (Spe
cial. )-Flana are being perfected for the
erection of a big augar factory at this
place. Representatives of ths sugar
company have been here a few days and
options have been taken on several hun
dred acres of choice sugar beet land
close to town. A careful survey shows
1hat there are fully M.ono acres of avail
UU land In ths Bridgeport territory.
Different Counties Report Especial
Bill that Showi Difference in
Method Uied.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 28. (Special.) It has
cost, the counties of the stale all the
way from IJl.TOS down to $-'"0 to make
the annual assessment of property for
1916, according to reports sent In to fee- J
retary Berneckrr of the State Board of
Assessment from all but nine counties
of the state falling to report the cost of
taking the asessmnt.
Douglas county loads with the higher
figures, while Rock county was able to
take Its assessment at a cost of only
IJfA Lancaster stood next to Douglas,
while Holt stood third. It will be noted
that Cherry county, the largest county
in the state, paid 14.223 for Its assess
ment, while Holt and Custer, the next
In slse and of about the same area, are
far apart In the cost. Holt paying out
It.tlR and Custer only expending fl.Wi.
Following Is the amount It cost each
county to make the assessment:
Arthur t 4r; Jeffersrm ..
2 .KA
i.'ix'i Johnson ...
J,(tli Kearney . .
WW Keith
Box Butte
'heyenne ....
tkto Keya Paha
!.7i9 Kimball ;J
1.5141 Knox !.
1.7.M, lniasler 10.176
0 Lincoln S.i:
...Ixjgan til-
J.22 U.tip MS
2. W Madison 3.'
8,4631 McPherson ... 773
S.J23. Merrick 1.7'W
842 Morrill 1.7
4.22il Nance 1.7i
1.54 Nomina 2.Sw
I.7;t2i tickolle 2.4M
1.621 Otoe S.V
l.fctti Pawnee l.2f
1.6281 Perkins AM
1.6-il: Phelps 1.!M
1,7141 Pierce 2.73
1.384 Platte S.IT'i
t.m Red Willow... 1.762
4.3tV), Richardson ... 1591
Douglas 11.7061 Bock J80
Dundy l.WTI Saline S,4l
Fillmore l.tiM, Sarpv
Franklin ,8i Saunders
Frontier l.5 Scott's Bluff.. . .
Furnas 1.1271 Howard 2.862
Gage Sheridan 2.2
Uarden l.lsfi' Sherman
(iar field 648 Ntoux ...
Gosper 1,001, Stanton
Oreeley ...
Harlan ...
Howard .,
. . . Thomas ....
i.S37! Thurston ...
2.6WJ Valley
L732 Washington
7i Wayne
: Webster ....
4.41SI Wheeler
472 York
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE; Neb.. July 28. (Special.)
Mrs. Amelia Bartela, - an old resident
of Beatrice, died Tuesdsy st her home
In this city. She Is survived by her
husband and one daughter, Elisabeth
Bartels, a teacher In the city schools.
At a meeting of the city commission
ers Tuesday the tax levy of 40 mills
was adopted, as compared nrtth mills
lst year. The water fund waa In
creased 26,000 for extension of water
mains, and 26,000 was added to the firs
fund, because of ths proposed purchase
of a motor truck.
Mrs. J. J. Hubbell, a pioneer of Wy
more, died Tuesday, aged 64 years. The
remains were taken to Utica, Neb., for
In a runaway near Plckrell Monday
Dewey White waa thrown out of the
wagon and kicked In the stomach by
one of ths horses. For a time his con
dition was serious, but he waa reported
considerably Improved Tuesday.
George W. Steinmeyer of Holmesvlll
whose application for a power site at
Barneston, this county, has been ap
proved by the State Board of Irrlga
tlon, stated Tuesday that he Intended
to establish a hydro-electric plant at
that place, connect up with the Holmes
vllle electric light plant and sell juice
to towns along the Blue river.
Democrats Run Up
Immense Water Bill
(From a fltaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 2S.-(Special.)-The
democratic state administration Is using
water. A bill presented to the state
board having In charge the stats house,
shows that the ''great unwashed"' have
consumed In some way or other 2130
worth of water during ths past three
Nobody for a moment believes that the
three score or more democrats In the
building have drunk that much water in
tflree months. Secretary of State Pool
explains the matter by saying that It
was used for washing purposes.
When the republicans were in power
the tanks on top of the building were
kept full of water for use of ths depart
ment clerks, but sinos the democrats
have come In they have allowed ths tanks
to become dry because they were afraid
they might burst and flood the build
ing. Consequently ths city has been
furnishing water to ths state house
during the time the democrats hav
been In power and a grspe Juice tank
has been installed at the igacr stand and
those following in the footsteps of Mr,
Bryan have been trying to break off
traditional habits.
AIJJANCE, Neb.. July 2.-(8peclal.)
At a meeting Monday at the city hall
ths business men of Alliance agreed to
close their places of business Thursday
at 12 o'clock and remain closed ths bal
ance of ths day In order to observe good
roads days as proclaimed by Governor
Morehead. Ths business men and sli
their clerks srs going out to work on the
roads. Within two hours after ths meet.
Ing thirty-seven business men and pro
fessional men agreed to close, and this
means practically every line of business
will be represented that day.
Vsts Beads at Brldceyort.
BRIDGEPORT. Neb., July 28. .Spe
cial.) Bridgeport voted Monday on the
proposition to issus 230.000 bonds to erect
a fireproof school building, ths vote be
ing practically unanimous in favor ' of
the bonds. This, with the funds avail
able from the sale of the present school
buildings, will insure the erection of
building to cost about U5,a0.
At the left in the carriage is the famous Sergeant
O'Leary, who. single-handed, captured twenty-five Ger
mans and was decorated with the Victoria Cross. O'Leary
has been wounded several times and was reported killed,
but turned up in true miraculous stylo. He is shown here
with T. P. O'Connor, M. P., riding to Trafalgar Square to
speak at a recruiting rally.
'avv.-w!l'I'i-s iSSISlSmSL)sism' '. Jwi.igm9
n fe'"" ; :,.r....,.:rrr I
i E aas .. 's 'ism nsi isnsw immmKtw.',mntim K
! f ... J - "I"'1' ll'l''WMiusfgsjWawiliiiii'iiiw m in il. ,, 3
,N -" - T IT Ulsslll II Mil i.L 1 1 I 111
t ; .-T T- VXe.y -OVST V.-S)e ISSJ.Si u lllia AII SIISSIIMj. .imillll UUISS llS llnan m si i - - isi
Attorney General Reed Rulei Lines
Obliffated Wbere Parallel
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 2.-fpeelaI.) Rall
roadsmust mow the weeds to the center
of the public highway where their roads
parallel the public road, according to an
opinion rendered by Attorney General
Iteed in answer to a letter written to
the state legsl department by Frank
Kelley, county attorney of Custer county.
It Is made the duty of each and every
county treasurer to enter on the tax sale
records of his office a cancellation of alt
tax sales on which five years have
elapsed since date of sale, with date of
entry affixed In language about as fol
lows: "Cancelled by section 6M9, Re
vised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913," ac
cording to an opinion, given by ths at
torney general to ths county attorney of
Custer county.
Money Paid lajarea Olrl.
After considerable delay caused by the
bond not being satisfactory to Stats
Auditor Smith, a warrant was drawn
this morning In ths amount of 26.000 to
Miss Cassis Dwlar, ths young girl who
wss hurt in a washing machine at ths
Beatrice institute and which amount (was
voted by the last legislature. In voting
the amount the legislature stipulated
that ths trustees should give a bond and
that the money should be Invested until
the girl became of age.
Complaint Piled with Coffey.
A complaint was filed today with Labor
Commissioner Coffeyy against certain
proprietors of Greek shining parlors In
Lincoln, alleging that the places were be
ing kept open on Sundays after 11
o'clock In the morning and that the own
ers of the places were working young
boys beyond the hours specified by law;
also that these proprietors were taking;
from the boys the tips given them by
customers. The labor commissioner will
look Into the matter, although there Is
no law covering the keeping open of
these places on Sunday or the confisca
tion of tips.
Rock Island Objects to Tax.
E. P. Holmes, local nttomey of ths
Ttock Island railroad, is ohjectlng to
tlie payment of 22,600, the amount paid
by other roada in the states as a cor
poration tax, claiming that the road
can only be required to pay on ths
amount of property owned in this state.
Last year the road pal. 2660, Secretary
of State Wait holding that the amount
was sufficient.
tie c retary of State Pool holds other
wise and the matter will go before the
board having the matter in charge. The
board consists of the secretary of state,
state auditor snd treasurer, with the as
sistance of the attorney general.
Two ( barters (iranted.
Two new state banks have been granted
charters by the slate banking board.
The Farmers' Stats bank of Humphrey
with a capital of 23.000. with P. U
Kelly, president; Vincent J leer, vies
president and P. J. Termus, cashier.
The Farmers' State bank of Grant,
with a capital of fl6,000, and M. B. Kel
ler, president; 11. K. Ponkouln, vies
president, and E. E. Jack man, cashier.
AV. H. Murray of Franklin, until re-
That Economy Coffee"
Only In
2-lb. Cans
Oas Soacted direct in the flame
quickly not in ovens ilowlj
saves yon the strength and deli
cate aroma that is economy.
Then buying in a 2-lb. can at 60o
the quantity price is economy.
IV ) '
A Trio Can Will Convince You
s g . ,'A..BBb J La t m
csntly deputy state treasurer, who re
turned to Franklin as cashier of ths Halt
bank of that place, waa married yes
terday to Miss Anna Frown of Western,
according to Information reacliing the
state treasurer's office.
Tramp Shot in Fight
on Train at Jansen
FAIRBITRT. Neb., July .-(8peclal
Telegram.) Odell De l.otler. a3 years of
age. Is dying at a hospital here aa a re
sult of bring shot through the stomach
about midnight last night at Jansen, six
miles northeast of here. De Ixsler and
several other tourists were traveling on
a Rock Island freight train. The In
jured man aaya he was on a flatcnr when
another tourist came from a boxcar and
demanded money. A quarrel ensued and
they cllwhed. Ie lxsler falling to the
ground. His adversary fired at him
while down, the bullet penetrating hla
stomach. De Loster was plrkd up by a
train crew, taken to the Rock island sta
tion and brought to Fatrbury on a local
passenger train. County authorities noti
fied his wife at Peoria, III., also his
mother at Tuscola, III.
Three hundred tourists came Into Fair
bury laat night on freight trains. The
police were powerless to handle them.
The tramp who shot De Iosler disap
peared In ths night and Sheriff Hughea
oannot locate him. On July 9 two tramps
were shot at the same place In Jansen
In a battle with a train crew,
Relief from Aeate Rheamatlstn.
John H. Gronx. Winchester, N. H.,
writes: "I suffer from acute rheumatism
and Sloan's Liniment slways helps
quickly. 26c. All druggists. Advertise
BRTDQEPORT, Neb., July .-Spe-cial.)
The vata and machinery are now
being placed in the new pickle factory
at this placs and everything will be in
readiness to handle this year's crop of
vegetables. The new building, which If
ftOxuV) feet, is completed. Otto Kuehne,
president of the Otto Kuehne Pickling
company of Topeka, Kan., Is managing
the new enterprise. The output will In
clude pickles of sll kinds, sauer kraut
and other products.
7 :... "a
The Food-Drink for all Age
Rich milk, malted (rain, in powder form.
For infants.invalida aad growing children.
Pur nutritioo.upbuildingtas whole body.
Invigorate nursing toothers sad tae aged.
Mora healthful than ta or coif so.
Vmlomm yoa mmy -HOKUOICS-yommmyget
m Submtltutm
a i l
Head of Lincoln Highway Say 2 Mr.
Parding-ton, Who It Dead, Gate
Hinnelf to the Work.
DF.TROIT. Mich.. July 2S - (Ppcc'M
Telegram. A. H. rantlnaton. died here
rsrh' this morning. He wss wldeJy
knoan ss the first chnlrmsn of the
American Automobile association con
test board, and his work ss vice prel
iVnt snd active head of the Uncoln
Highway association, made him a na
tional figure.
In commenting on Mr. Purdington's
death, Henry H. Joy, president of the
Lincoln Highway association, made this
"In the death of A. H. Pnrdlngton, the
patriotic work suffers an Irreparable loss.
Ills collaborstors have lost a command
ing officer of peerless efficiency, of un
flagging effort, of unflinching Judicial
fairness, with a patriotic devotion to the
cause o the great memorial, the Lincoln
Highway, such aa could not be exceeded
In any cause.
"Mr. Pardlngton gave of his own means
and of himself so liberally that he stim
ulated every person with about he came
In contact to becotno a s.ihiler In t'ie
cimse of the Lincoln Memorial Hlghwny.
Stretched on his bed i.f siifferln.T. know
ing his approaching end. ho gsve his aide
Instructions verbntly, aa bis waning
strength would penult, as to affairs of
the highway, which he desired to ha
go on after hla departure in wava that
lie ad thnugt fully planned.
' His examplo of self-sacrificing devo
tion to te highway has gl.en tlie cause
an ever Increasing army of followers who
will aid more liberally by donation- and
personal work ns the result of the Pr
dlngton example of levutlou an t patriot
ism. "It la not too much to sar; It 's not
enough to say, that the Lincoln 111!. -
way Insignia, stretching from Jersey city
on the Hudson river to Paklan I on the
Pacific, la more his work than thnt of
any other man. Thousands bave given
dollars to the cause. Pardngton gave
Nineteen Thousand for ((uarter.
TORK, Neb., July 28 (Special.) A deed
filed with Register Davis Saturday shows
thst Fred Bruna sold a quarter aertlon
of land aeven miles southeast of Waco
to Charlea Prhark for 219.000.
Don't Wash Your
Hair With Soap
When you wash your hair, don't use
aoap. Moat aoapa and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali, which la
very injurious, as It drlss the scalp and
makes the hair brlttls.
Ths best thing to uss Is Just pJkln mul
si fled cocoa nut oil, for this, pure and
entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and
beats aoaps or anything else all to
plecea. You can get thla at any drug
atore, and a few ounces will laat the
whole family for months.
Hlmply moisten the hair with water
and rub it In, about a teapoonful Is all
that Is required. It makea an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, cleanaea thor
oughly, and rinses out easily. The hair
dries quickly snd evenly, and la soft,
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and
easy to handle. Besides, It loosens snd
takes out svery particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Advertisement.
.Reduced Electric IRate
Applicable to All Bills Rendered on or After August 10th
8 Cents
Charming Electric Lamps
Among the new ideas in decoration are these diminutive ELECTRIC LAMPS
with ivory tinted bases and delicately colored shades. Their cool, airy appearance
makes them particularly desirable at this season of the year. They are inexpensive
and add considerably to the charm of the room.
ENJOY ALL THE COMFORTS OF ELECTRICITY a fan, a flatiron, a few cook
ing appliances. With the new reduced rate they are inexpensive to use.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Company
List of Stores Selling Electrical Avnliances:
American Kltrtrir Co. ja Ho. IUi M. D. 1481
llurge-.N'kh t'o. v,x and Harney Sta. D. 137
Hums, Jos. M., Co. 704 N. 24th St.. bouth Bide South ttt0
Hur(resB-;rnd'n t'o. 1MI Howard St. T. ONI
IWton & Mt Co. 4 1 So. 1UI h 8t. II. 885
KramleU fiiore lth and iKiuglas Bta. 1. 1014
lliirkhaii, frank V. So. llhb Ht. , 1. 78
Vurr, JainM, Kletrlc Co. 20ft 80. ltfth 8t. I). 44(14
Ihirkin, Thomas. 41i Cunilim St. I. 2310
Hajden Itro. Store. lbih and IouKlas 8t. D. 20OO
Hart man Kurnllurfl M Carprt t. 1414 Itouslag 8U I). 1878
Orchard Wllhelm Carprt Co. 414 80. 10th Kt. I. 818
KirA-Pope Company, Inc. 1907 Farruuii Kt. n. S44S
Ktibel FnrulturA Co. 1 SI 8 Howard 81. I. 8osl
Milton Iloyrra Sons Co. 1515 Harney St. I. 124
Sherwood, W. W. 215 80. 20lh St. I. 73
Thew A I.uhr. no X. 15th St. II. 227A
Wolfe Klertrlc Co. IKie Farnam St. T. 1414.
William, i:. B. 80S 80. iMth St. T. 1011
Captain of Lcelanaw
Has No Complaint
WASHINGTON, July .-Oonsnl IWi
tilson st Dundee. (Gotland, reported to
the Htate department today that the rap
tain of the American ship l-elanaW
stated . under oath today he had "en
denvored to escape'' and only brought
hla ship to stop after two warning shots
were fired at him st a distance of two
miles. He had no complaint to make of
his treatment by the submarine com
mander. All Babies Dastincd
to Great Achievement
To b born Is to be great. For Ihoro
r pce-siliiHtics In every tiny human in-
VvV fant. And for thio
iS'syt rrMon vsry saa
,i Tl should remember that
whatever Is done to
aid the mother, to re
lieve her of distresses
during her trying
months, will surely lie
of marked beaeBt to
the child.
Among the sterling
aids la a splendid ex-
I V A'X 1 ternsl remedy known
I VSV I si "Mother's Friend."
I 0 a J t l what la railed aa
tmniiriSM I ml.meailnn. It Is an.
plied to the abdominal muscles, gently
rubbed In by your own hand guided
by your own mind. It makes ths muscles
pliant, they expand quite nsturally and tha
effect upon the nerves la such that they ad
jut themselves to tha process of expansion
so that pain from this source Is slmost elimi
nated. Women who use "Mother's Friend'
refer to the absence of morning sk-iness, tbey
are relieved of a great many minor dis
tresses, sll apprehension disappears and those
peculiar nervous "fldrrls" no longer disturb
I lie nights. It Is well named "Mother's
Friend." Oct a bottle today of any drug-
Fist. Then at once write for a moat enter
sluing and Instructive book for all prosper,
live mothers. Address UradBeld Regulator
Co., 70J Lamar llldg., Atlanta, tie.
This book explsins the physical action of
'Mothers Friend," tells why it enforces
strength to the muscles and relieves undue
strain. It also contains letters of eiperlrac
from msny happy mothers. It Is Just such
a handy little hook as every worn so will at
ince rerognlie as Just whst she hsd always
wianen to rrau-plain facta annul herself,
lb book Is inslled free W aay address,
.Urlts for It today, '
I -. - - '..- I
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West,
ramily trade supplied by WM. JETTER, 2602 N Bt., South
Side; Telephone South 863.
1 Ii u
What to Do to Get Fat
and Increase Weight
The Real Cause of Tbinneu
A Physician's Advice
Most thin people est from ons to six
pounds of good snll fat-making food
every day and still do not increase in
welaht one ounce, while the other
hsnd many of the pnimp, chunky folks
eat very lightly and keep gaining a'l th
tune. It s all bosh to any that this Is
the nature of tlie Individual. It lent
Natures wav at all.
Thin folka stay thin becsuss their
powers of asslmllstlnn are defective.
They absorb Just enough of the fosl
tbey eat to maintain life and a sem
blance of health and strength. Stuffing
won't help them. A doxen meale a day
won't make them gain a single "stay
there" pound. All the fnt-Droducing elo
nients of their food Inst stav In the lo
teatlnes until thev psss from the bodv
ss waste. What such people need Is
something that will prepare thee fatty
fond elements so tlmt their blood ran ab
sorb them and deposit them all about
the body something, too. that will mul
tiply their red blond corpuscles and in
crease their blond's carrying power.
For auch a condition I alwavs recom
mend eating a flargol tablet with everv
meal. Ssrsol is not. as some believe. .
patented drug, but Is a scientific com
bination of six of the most effective and
powerful f leKli-hulUIIng elements knoan
to chemistry. It la absolutely harmleaa.
yet wonderfully effective and a slngl.
tablet eaten with each meal often hM
tlie effect of increasing the weight of a
thin man or woman from three to flv.s
pounds a week. Haigol la sold bv the
Sherman Mct'nnnell drug stores,
Omaha, and other good druggists every
where on a positive guarantee of welgnt
increase or money hack. Advertisement,
Don't make the fatal mistake of nee
fectlng what may seem to be a "sic
pie little backache." There Isn't anv
auch thing. It may be the first warning
that your kidneys are not working prop
erly, and throwing off the poisons as
they should. If thla is tha caae. go after
tlie cause of that backache and do it
quickly, or you may find youraelf In th
grip of an Incurable disease.
HOLD MF.DA I, Haarlem Oil Cairsmle
will give almost Immediate relief from
kidney and bladder troubles, which, msy
be the unsuspected cause of general 111
health. HLl MKDAI. Haarlem Oil
Capsules are Imported direct from thn
laboralorlea In Holland. They are pre
pared In correct quantity and convenient
foitn to take and are pnsltlvelv guar
anteed to give prompt relief, or your
money will be refunded, (let them at
any drug store, but bs sure to insist on
the (lOI.D MKDAI. brand, and take n
other. Prices Jfc, 60o and 11.00. Ad
vertisement, .-N l - V
Rate 11
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