niH BEL: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY , 1915. ENGINEERS TRY TO TRIUEASTLAHD Auiitant Tells of Efforts to Fill and Empty Ballast Tanks as the Ship Listed. - ONLY WITH THE BOAT TWO DAYS CHICAGO. July 28. What hap pened la the engine room of the KmI Und la the seventeen minutes Just before the steamer overturned at 7:30 o'clock last Saturday morning was told at the coroner's " Inquest today. . Fred S. Enow, assistant engineer, said that he and Chief Engineer .?. Erlckson were busy trying to trim the ship and restore It to an eve a keel by pumping water In the star board or dock aide water ballast tnnks and at the same time trying to empty the tanka on the liver side. Snow Mid that he had Wn on the Kastland two day and that ha had anrked as engineer en lake boats for ten years, but never on boats having- water ballast tanks similar to (he Eastland. Tea Itallaat laaka ta Huat. "There- wera flvt atr ballaat tank en earn side of the Rutland," Snow aid. " That morning when the boat was loaded wi started to fill tanka I and t on the dock aHe and to empty tanks 2 and I on the river side." 'Why did you' work only on tanka 2 and I Instead of oi, allT" aaked Assistant State's Attorney Hulllvan. "There wera two reasona," aald Know. The Intake pipe would not fill all at nee and tanka t and S wera supposed to respond more quickly than the other. " "Wera the ballaat tanka foil or empty when you tied up at the dx k that morn lnr 1 "I don't know. There was nothing- In the engine room to Indicate whether the tanks wera full or empty. It waa custo mary to empty the tanka when the ahli docked,' then we knew how much water we had." - Km I. title A boat Oaf I. The witness aatd he did not know how long It would take to fill the ballaat tanka and trim the ahlp. In response to a' question he said ha did not think It necessary for the engi neer of suhh' a ahlp a the Kastland to know how long It would lake to fill tha ballaat tanka. He aald he did not know how much 'water the ballast tanka held "The vessel first listed to tha dock aide and wa let water Into the tanka on tha river sMe. 'Then, whan- tha loading be came heavier, it listed to tha river aide and we began to fill the dock side tanks and empty the' port or river aide tanks." Snow aald that ha left the veaeal when the list became ao great that water poured Into tha gangway. Deeertblng- the efforta to fill tha star board tanka. Snow aald: "We bad pumped etit tha port tanka and began to fill the starboard tanka. afr. Erlckson aatd, -J. think It la catch trig,' meaning that tha intake waa work Ing. Wa had no Idea that tha tanks ware not filling." Young Eastland Oiler Testifies Crew Was Used to Boat Listing C1I1CAUO. July . St. rprter Khckaon, a l-yar-ol4 oiler on tha . Eastland,, a brother ef J. M. JCrlckeon, chief en sinner, testified at tha coroner's Inquest It was the custom, to , empty, the ballaat tanks on tha Eastland whan tbe .vesael dorjied and that en ordara from tha engineer he opened the valves to empty fjur ballaat tanks on the morning of the disaster. "Later when the boat listed vary rediy they aent ma up to aae if tha boat was caught on the dock." ., . Uricksoq eajd the Eaatland frequently naught no tbe dock while tha tanks were being filled or empttec. "1 don't know whether the boat caught on the dock or not," aald tha ooy. "Wheu 1 got up on the aeoond Jerk the water waa pouring la and I had Just time to grab the dock and climb out " "Was there much excitement In tbe "erialne room while the boat waa listing T" "No." replied Krtcksen. "Wa were used to the boat tinting. It alwave Hated ene aide or the other." FJtckaon aald his brother, tha engineer, since the accident had told htm he "thought the boat atuck on the bottom or - that there were too many people on 'board. ' Plate's Attorney Hoyne aald today: - VThe slate 'a attorney's office la pro ceeding oak the theory that somebody Is , guilty of manalaughler and certainly some owners of common carriers are guilty' of gcoaa criminal negligence. Bec ' tlon S ef the criminal code In the latter connection makes It neceeaarv only to endanger Ifves of paaeenrere they need iMit be loot. "There are three contributing agencies or causes of thta aoctdent, as I see H. They are the government ,nanectoTa, steamboat people and the operating force or crew of the boat" No Ono Has Power to Pass On Design of! Boats, Says Redfield CHICAGO. Jdy 3. -Secretary William 1 Redfield of the Department of Com oierca. who le eondurtlna' an Inquiry lno h alnklng of tbe Baetland, en In structions .'mm President Wllaon. de clared thet the responsibility tor Ignor ing aUe;d faulty ooaeu-uotion of the t! i'fttct be placed on federal ln- "T!(r, ia no ' fcmmluBloa, body or de partment tn tha errvtce that hae-any uowcr to ait in Judgment on the stability of a vessel. In ray iretorto I have called ! l-ntlon to tie tHjA xt (4dltlonai pow er," aatd Secretary liedeld. "A year ito bofore tbe Association of New Tork, I epoka on the necessity of ' !ng the erv greater powers of In !. tun ovr f iMtitttKieta" A. I. Tt.urr.ian. ksallcllor for the do partuieui, aald: "A man mxt build - any son of a boat f. sees ftt. He can take any OKXiol he drr.a aod 'got It Into commlaalon. with out ar.y tnciuiry at all from tbe govern ment ae to whether it 1c a stable craft, 't here is no board with authority to pass en its deelga. fk- iflirx luvlCitld aays hla inquiry l!l ) of s tet riK Al nut and wtll be dlrecJed to finding wrra the en eptlonaJ . lr- 1'imaianie that rtaultrd Id t!i cspeuung ,f H.e .. el. FIGURES IN FIGHT FOR MILLIONS OF LATE MOR MON Mrs. Bertha Eccles, legal wife of the late David Eccles, the Morman timber and sug-ar millionaire, and Mrs. Margaret Gecldes, a plural wife, and her 16-year-old son, Albert, who will share in his millions, unless the Utah court is reversed. ( c;jv- :. I .... .iUv-t '1 ( V.' j fe-Av ?: f 'r - ' J . .fx ;-N I LrfL 1 I J SIX MEN WILL BE . INDICTED IN CASE OFJHE EASTLAND (Continued from Page One.) boat cupauMKi, In the hope of finding ad (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) dttlonal bodies. One more body waa re oovered early today. Pederaoa Not Allow t Testify. ClllCAUO. July M.-Captatn Harry Psdereea of the Eaatland waa oaJled aa witness by the . ooroner's Jury at laat nlght'a eeeeton'. He testified that he bad aalled, among other ahlpa, the Northland, which for a time piled between Chicago and Hamburg, Germany, and had been a master of ships for twenty years. The etate'a attorney Interrupted to say I You made a statement In my of floe and I don't think Mutt you ahould testify here, aa you may be Indicted for man slaughter." ' I am willing to tell the truth," aald Captain Pedereen. but on advtoe of coun sel, the captain left the stand, and waa at once taken Into custody by officers. Joseph M. Erlckson, chief engineer of the Eaatland) waa excused from test'y Ing on the aame grounds aa Pederse MAGNET WILL DRAW . . COMPLAINT TODAY . . i (ConUnUfMl from Page Ont ) that criminal proceedings be started, and then it the. county attorney ahould, In hla Judgment, decide otherwise i wui let the matter drop. If Weaterfleld'a aots do not constitute embeaslement, then I want to know iwhat doea constitute em beaslement," declared the mayor. The mayor believrs that Weeterfteld'a dertalon to return wsa the result of ad- vlre to him that circulars bearing bis picture would be sent through police channels all over the country. Differ front Mayor. Commissioners Hummel, Drexel, Jar dine and Wtthnell dp not share the iewa of the mayor aa to the criminal proeecu tlon of Weeterfield. They maintain that If the former treaeurer of Dundee makea good the ahortage the matter ahould be dropped. "I believe there waa mismanagement on the part or Wssterfleld. I don't be lieve he waa a .crook or criminal at heart," aald Commissioner HummeL "I believe the members of the Dundee village beard are morally guilty for not having checked the Weeterfield aocounta, aa required by law," waa a statement by Commissioner Butler. Asaerta Ha Waa lck. A composite aummary of tha altuatlon, ae expreaeed by several who are eloae to this matter. Is. " Weeterfield will return voluntarily and will plead he haa been sick, that there are some errors In his books and that there la money tn the bank to meet any ahortage on. account of such errore." Corporation Couneel Itnbert la pre paring the papera to be eubmtued to the county attorney. A certified eopy of Com missioner Butler's report will be trans mitted to County Attorney Magney and the corporation counsel will outline what evidence the city haa In the raae. Tbe county attorney wtll require a little time to review the evidence before filing a complaint. An Independent check of the Weeter field accounts le In progrrea In" the city hall. It la expected Weeterfield will arrive on a Friday morning Kansas City train. He wired he started from 'an Bernardino, Cal , Wednesday. fe Proaeeailoa Mlaht Kail. The county attorney bWlevee, however, that if the shortage is made good by Mr, Weaterfteld prosecution probably wuld fall. ,"( doubt whether prosecution would be euccesaful If Mr. Weeterfield makea good the etvortage," said Mr. Maguey. "But If city officials dealre tbe proeecu tlon to t4 made, regardlees. of whetl-er the ahortage Is repaired. 1 have no objection t continuing It." UriMtrlateat Oraere. WABIIINOTOM. July 8etlal Tel egram I Nrhraeke peiielona granted: Mary M l'Uli. brownewlle. Ill: Ttiereea Mtrutatrffen. ljncnln, u, t'haiitte Tom, luutuo, Hastinas, IU, Fiancva M. barker, ti ' ' mill im' vl linulavllle. III; Kllsa 8. Wheeler. Pleas antilale, 112. Victor II. Mantpeakcr waa appointed mall rarrter at Arradla. Nrh., and Otis O. Hears at Fontanel!-, la. John J. McCrecy' was appointed poet maatar at Pawaon, I 'alias county, Iowa, vice Kate Oaskell, resigned. Favorable Week in Winter Wheat Belt WASHINGTON. July .-The most fa vorable week of the season In the winter wheat belt, and continued favorable week from the spring wheat belt were reported today by the National Weather and Crop Bulletin. In tha far west harvest Is near Ing completion. .i . Spring wheat Is nearlng the heading atage In all northerrrt districts end is ripening In some southern districts. Other small grains, rye, oata and barley, are reported In good condition. Oorn continued small and backward. Need of more rain for later plantings la now becoming general In the south, and rain would be beneficial In many central sections. British Ship Sunk Without Warning LONDON. July 8.-The British steam ship Hogarth was torpedoed and sunk by a German aubmerlne off Aldenburgh, a watering place, off Suffolk, Eng. The vessel waa aent to the bottom, it la alleged, without warning. Some of the crew were saved, but others are missing. The masts of the steamer re main above the water. S I 1 JS1M Trjiply Protected First, the inner container of paper, next the big yellow carton, and then, the outer wrapping of waxed paper, sealed air-tight and dust- groof . Superior protection for tho uperior Corn Flakes I ' These delightful flakes are made of the finest white Indian Corn, steam-cooked, daintily seasoned, rolled and toasted crisp and golden-brown. Post Toastiea reach you fresh and delicious, perfectly protected and ready to eat. They are mighty good with milk or cream, or witn any kind of fruit. I at The Memory Lingers eold by Grocers everywhere. LETTERS TO FLYHN BY THE WHOLESALE Congratulations and Applications Mixed in Heaty Mail that Fol lows New Appointee. COMMISSION SENT TO MUNQER Letters In bundle, sacks and great packages followed Ttaomaa J. Flynn, new-y appointed Vnlted States marshal, on his vacation to Lemars, la. He returned last night and It took an extra trunk to bring In the ma.ll that bad been sent him on his vacation. Many of the missives were congrstula tlons on his snpotntment and many of them also were applications for place. The marshal has a large staff to name and a great host of democrats, now that lie hsa secured the Job, Is anxious to aerve under him. Mr. Flynn, with his fsmlly, went to visit his wife's parents at Lemars. la., for a few days after the appointment had been reclved. He had not been In the retreat long, which Is on a farm nine miles from town, when he was railed up by long distance telephone asking him about the outlook for place. He has received word that his commis sion hss been sent In care of Judge W. If. Munger, having been mailed at Wash ington, July 23. He will be obliged to furnish a 110.000 bond and will begin the work of arranging for this today. Marshal W. P. Warner, whom he dis places, 'la at present In the Mtnneaota woods on an outing. He la fifteen miles from a railroad and Mr. Flynn will await hla return before taking the office. This will probably be about August 1. Three Danish and One Swedish Ship Sunk by Torpedoes LONtKX, July JS. German submarines show no cessation In their actlvty In the North Sea. The lateat reports set forth that the FTcdlsh steamer Emma and three Danish schooners, the Maria, the Neptunla and the Lena have been sunk by them. The crew of these four vessels were landed at Blyth today. DEATHREC0RD Jnarpk If a t tenbat'h. DEADWOOD, 8. D.. July 2S. (flpeclal.) Another of the one-time prominent early-day figures of Deadwood panned away In the death here of Joseph llat tenbach, a pioneer grocer. Mr. Hatten bach came here In 1ST7 and with hla brother, Aaron, opened a grocery that I -ere me the leading house of Its kind In the hills. Later he entered the mining business, built the first smelter in this country at Carbonate and waa Interested In the Far West and other well known properties. Prervloue to coming here he had been in business In Slous City, where he leaves a sister, Mr. David . Maghee, and three brothers. David, Mitchell and Louis. He leavee a wife and three chil dren here and waa tt years eld. Jack Robbloa. - WAHOO. Neb., July 28.-(8peclal)-Jack . llobblne. who haa been a resident of Wahoo and Saunders county for forty alx years, died last night at his home here. of, paralysis, aged 70 years. He leaves his widow, three eons, Louis, Al bert and Henry, of Ithaca; three daugh ters, Mrs. Grant Wagner of Green pre cinct, Mrs. Lee Knlpple and Miss Edith Robblne of Wahoo. Silas Slela. STELLA. Neb.. July . (Special. ) Mlaa Slvla, 67 years old and unmarried, died at St. Joeph'a hospital In Omaha Tueaday. The body will be brought tn Btella for burial. A brother and slater, James Slvla and Mrs, Is'ancy Btlne, reside here. Mr. Blvla had made his home wth hla brother at Stella for some time. Apartments, flata, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Bent." I 9 'A 'A 'A A I I I I N 'A A Great Loss of Life on Chinese Coast BHANUIIAI. July 28.-Tbe forve of the great typhoon which sprang up along the Chinese coast Monday night appears to have been centered tn Hang Chow Bay to the south of HhanKhal. Communica tion between Bhanshnl ant Hang Chow haa been severed. The tolj of live. It Is believed, will be' heavy and consider able damage Is known to l ave ben done to native craft. The Vnlted States cruiaers Saratoga and Cincinnati were li the thick of the storm and while at first some fear van felt for the Cincinnati the anchors of bot.t ei shlpe held fast. The t'nlted Ptatea collier No. L Hear ing completion at Shanghai, dragged t anchors across the river, where It stranded on the opposite bank. Fifty large junks were sunk durtna; the storm In Woo Bung river, ten miles north of Shanghai. Impeding navigation. NEW TRIAL IS DENIED TO HERMAN S0NNENSCHEIN PIERRE, 9. D.. July tFpeclal.) Judge McNenny today refused a new trial to Herman Sonnenachlen. on a con viction In the Stanley county court, on a charge of cattle rustling. In which he was given a sentence of five yeara, which ia concurrent with the sentence fiven In thla county on a trial on change of venue. Judge Hughes, In thla county, on a Plea of guilty to obtaining money under false pretence sentenced William Harri son, an Indian, to five months In ths penltenlary. A "For Sale" ad wlu turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Various Forms Of Headache "It is neoessary In order to treat head aches properly to understand the eaases whleb produce the affection'' aays Dr. J. W. Ray ofBlockton, Ala. Continuing, bs sayti Physicians eannot even begin the treat ment of a disease without knowing what causes give rise to It, and we must remem ber that beedaohe Is to be treated aooordtng to tbe aame rule. We must not only be par ticular to give a remedy Intended to coun teract the cause which produoea the head ache, but we mast also give a remedy to relieve tbe pain until the oaose of tbe trouble baa been removed. To answer this purpoae Anti-kamnla Tablets wtll be found a most convenient and satisfactory remedy. One tablet every one to three hours gives eomforl end rest In the most severe oases of headache, neuralgia and particularly the headaches of women." When we have patient subject to regnlar attacks of sick headache, we should oautton blm to keep his bowels regular, for whlob nothing Is better than "Actoida", and when he feels tbe leaat sign of an oncoming attack, be should take two A-K Tab leu. Huob patients should always be Instruoted to carry a few Antl-kamnla Tablets, so as to have them ready for Instant use. These tablets are prompt In action, and can be depended oo to prodaoe relief la ft very few minutes. Ask for A-K Tablets. Anti-kamnla Tablets oan be obtained ataU druggists r Working for a Irving? ; Making regular wages T Then every time you re ceive your wages, take out of It some sure, cer tain fixed gum, and be fore you gpend a single dollar of your wage, bring that aum to the bank and deposit It. It isn't the amount that counts. It la the doing It regularly, gygtematicaUj, keeping at tt all the time. ANTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES Mora Hart y Lett Ah-No i Smoke - A.k ' Your DeavW. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BttlCOrVfE INDEPENDENT A Future For You t A laeratte prmeUce aa a lite of ueefutnete U assured erery asea aad woessa whe ere c-uox l.n tlcma snfl will enroll In a ecaooi of repute feus, ed la ia4 ss receanisea br the Feaa State BneM Dlpleaua are arsatea la bmihi, aiediaal 4 eeremlve (Tmnaetlce aaS elenxe ui Hydrotherap. t'leeeee mow rorealna. Write or sell at eaee tor Inlonnsttoe anit rsteleciie. Itatea wttlila reach ef all. FINN OHTHOPAKniC INrrriTt'TV AND WHtViL. OF MIM'HANO-THERAPT, llOS-11 Oreea 8t . rhllatelphia. feaa. 3 AMUSEMENTS. XKW SHOW TODAY 1LTUO rUQlT "A Might am a Baalah Taeat." Ioyle a Blalae Bogart a allooll The DeffjdU OirlS Todelere lgbree'e Doge, CaaJne Woadare 'WHOM THS 001U WOOLS DTSTravOT" A Fsalare dneioa "Mam. tbe Btatne" "Jteant-SeUar STews" -a Labia a XrUassuaa" 1 1 ASMiaaiosr WeMI STBg. 8 S BafSi ass urrs TBJtTU I lal MLI II ILK TII BTOCX FBaVTBCT." Edward Lynch ut. THE ONLY QON Matlaaee, He S8e BTrs- B6e-SSe-eOe LAKE MANAWA BattUag. Boatlna. Baaelag aaa otba AnraeUoaa. x Free MoelaaT rtetaree. Taie Beeaiaari "The Blare uiri.- -Dug- goae XI. "Btuni el tae vourv- lie II aves-a Beets. ioe Sit re u nnnriDEis SBBt Thompson-.Belden Women's Gauze Underwear With two whole months of summer left, these gauze garments are ap pealing to women, who de sire the utmost comfort at a modest price.' , Women's Gauze Vests Low neok, sleeveless; reg nlarlv Thursday for 10. Women's Gauze Union Suits Low neck, no sleeves: regular price 35c; Thursday, 25. Women's Gauze Union Suits Low neck, oo sleeves, fitted or wide knee; 65 a snit. Underwear Beotloa Third Tleor. The Store for Shirtwaists Dainty Wash Waists, special values for Thurs day's selling. 2 m .- .g The solution an extension telephony mm " - 11 Count the steps up and down stairs to answer the telephone. Wouldn't it pay to have an extension tel ephone up-stairs T The Doctor gays so. Residenca Extension 50 Cents a Month. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY s -j I its. ;i.1f' "' i ? V " . y ' -A -e :'; '.-- --, , ':' ' , va-s;'' ' :'V ' --'" it- 1. " i. 'i - : . ..-'. ' ' : V; $ s , & Co Genuine Comfort If your corset is a Redfern fitted by one of our ex perts. Corae Section -Third Floor. , 4J5W;r:Mi"'i. 1 ' i to i Wr": 7 Choice Apartments Apartments and Flats are quickly coming Into their own. As the Fall approaches calls are Increasing- daily; people ar making; preparations - for their Winter homes. ' It will bs very profitable for you to adrertise your Apartments at this time, even If your leases do not expire until October 1st. because many new leases are being made now. The Omaha Bee wfll carry your message to the very best class of apartment tenants In this city at a cost of only a few cents each, day. The Omaha Bee will gladly help you write your advertisement, or will gi you any other help that you may feel la need of. Phone us a nee. a Tyler 1000