Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
mi: liKK: omaiia, wkdxksdav; .It'LV iv 1913. I ! JIN w4 STRIKING OIL LIEN RESULTING WORK fifteen Hundred Employe! Return to Bayonne and Tidewater Re fining Hants. SKLSJTF PRESERVES ORDER NEW YORK, July 37. On thou- sand fir hundred men who bad hwn on strike for several days returned to work today In the planta of the Standard Oil company and the Tide water OH company In Bayonne, X J. Mayor Herre Garvin and Sheriff htntead declared that the art-Ike was broken and that by tomorrow all of the strikers would be back at work and that several hundred ffnards who had been protecting the planta could he reraored. The sheriff said he was positive an Increase In pay would be a ran ted the employed before the end cf this week. ' About ,ona mea have hwn Idle tine the strike hnn In the plant of the andard OH company. ' As a result of thla strike' and of dis orders la wWch sererel of the strikers and their sympathisers war ahot and kill, employee of the TU1wter Oil -omny o-iit work, It vm ssid, unwtll Initty. Sheriff Keeps Order. Sheriff - Klnkead had W uniformed polieameo and guards stationed about th Standard Oil plant whan the man aent to work today. For at block t a guard waa stationed every fifty feet and on every corner waa a policeman with a rifle. A crowd of ovarii hundred men, h gmthf red near the otl Works, waa dis persed by the sTierlff. Two arreata ware iiuulo. but tbr waa no disorder and the he riff appeared to heve absolute con trol. ' Many of the alias employee followed tbs English speaking etrlkare eathey entered the oil plant and the sheriff was confident that a! foreigner weuld go baek to work. Tia strike waa begun to enforce a de mand for a U per cent Increase Id waffea. ICaala Plant Tied I p. A tie vp ef the Eagt oil company's plant at Cavsn Point, Jersey City, which began yesterday whan the coopers track, waa made complete today, when virtually all of the. other employee struck, A largo crowd of striker and eym pathliiera fathered outelda the plant and clashed several times with the too polios stationed about the gates. Three strikers wra arrested on minor r hargres. WESTEFJIELD TO . RETURN TO OliAHA AKDFAGE CHARGE IContlniwtd from Pane One.) Pundee rf;e to express their spprecie- tinn of the fntthfitl aa efficient services rendered ta the villas of Dundee, with out, compensation, toy each and every member of the present board of trustee." At that meeting were C. P.. ' Oeorge, W, I Relby, Esra Millard, Jesse P. Painter, A. p. Ilettdrickson. J. J. Podda and I. K Johnson.. . ' .1. ' ( MehHaw teelioa'. The status of tit rhuidtte street light. li;g situation i giving the cly ewn truwloners some concern. A question l l.flng ralw to tha legality cf t .x lUliiing bond sold a. wsake hrfore the tonBoliJatlori, A a, laveetlg. iiun made by the department ot acaount pkI finances riiailoers the fart that F. ). Weed, IMefumubly for tha Metro. -t!Hn . Wte foosro. was high blddse, '.with .a premium of li.uu. Attorney J. U Webster of the Welrr board Wld to itse tipon tha bonds whlih later a ere sold to Uooig & Co., at ilvle eale. JiaUi.y & Co. of t'hii-ags. second low bidders. In a com muiiU-allon Jut received, aula they had no Uuawledg of tha private gala. U Is furfhrr pointed out that th bonds we're eithorised for a llKhtina plant and tight; Ina iyelem and that fallura la build ti r'wnt mtifht' le.valldete the bonds. The villeee rri-orde aUo show that ft3.067 of mis iKnfl Money wae mid to (leorg Co., for their Happy Hollow HkiUSng stem ot seventy-nine posts ami tt,ff. wlrlrh aa to have been md a part ef tha c n.ral vilUge llht ins e. bnrte. The -lty t'otmpll feiently directed (he l'Kil hr(nient to prorecd ajialnM (ha bondsmeo of the contractors, who vtera warded the lntllatlon work of the !nuva liKhUdU yBtem, vien th 111 thp trenches fr the conduits ware orxn nmtfriiU no tlie ground, but woi-k aua. Norwegian Schooner Burned by German Submarine Craft AWsThiftUAM, July I7.(Via Indon -Ihe N(,r-rfc-in schooner llarbee mat an, -t on ire tundey bv -fK,rt e.,ttn,ri. Trie crew, t,.-n'j,as Isn.ird r,er., siv,n fly t t Into the buu. The captain be ,"r"' ether bMis on fire near th v.l h.iw the eitMo was attacked. Tt.e H.rb,. jeTa.hree-mated bark l.iHl In n. ,t ,t r.gln, N. K. ""i 'r.a, j. ei,n,et,ye ,f fh,iM:ttni, iIb Makes V en m . -V J..y in JMI!(( yilr M()mj, em, u.r d.n t w.,.k. Mtlr your liver WCt It King Nw Ijfe nils. All drupel. l)fDri. uedeee. AUivrX. J,,iy T-,.p,ci.l 'fel. " - '"f'-Mtts .4e,-lt.te.: lwa- .'.(tli. i ig -.,inii, tiui.lcna 1-or-' '' " l.-u. 4ig..e-t; Cr. "M'n;, !,J,C ''. John K i.Vonnor, m., i ,.,!; ttunker- , i,y. i,.,,,, r, tee li. w. l.ri,t, i,,; r1B. i.e. ' lay r.nt: oit.l--, y A e i. l ,ir, ty 4w i, bitten, !ar. m t j-'. Ivnt, hiiny . -i K 1-JDftU'l ' "',Ia Wortl'lng. Unc;1n ."IV, V P U- in.l, R, . :c-nr.,rt: ,Mi. '"' -x ' '" M--'aahen, rcp- i. c iiTis ii-"il; ba t.ln ' ; t . '. '. 4 I " ! ' . . i .. A,,. Ii..l.rt It. ftine; BISHOP SCANNELL LAYS CORNERSTONE FOR NEW CIIAPEL of Good Shepherd at the Good Shepherd Home on the west side. :. " , : ' .'. V MAIN RAIL LINES FKOM WARSAW . ARE THREATENED t . (Continued from Fate One.) "in the direction of Tukum. towards hlok, (midway between Tukum and Riga) the enemy's offensive, which be gan Baturday, was repulsed with the asalstance f ships' giini tevndently on vessels In 4ha gulf of Riga). "North fcf the Nlemen the enemy ep proaehed the Pomewlas Ksydany. On the road to Ksvno, from the southwest, there hss been some fighting. "On the Narew front the enemy eon. tlnuee unauacessfuUy to attack our posi tions on the Pssa river, near the vlllnge of Ponvatkl. Routh.of Rosea, after a stubborn encounter with the Germans, who had crossed the Narew, we threw them back In. the region near the mouth ef the Ore, aa ar as the vtiege of that name. "Southeast ef Pultusk (north of War. saw) the enemy's stacks ware repulsed. Bmal engkgementa were begun with the advance defeneea of Novogeocslevk. "On the left bank of the Vistula enemy attacks on , Ivangorod's advance works ware repulsed with suncess. petween the Vietua and the Vleprls the artHlary duel eontlniiea. . VUetweem the Visprs and the Bug, the battle eontlnuea with great Jiitanslty, On the Kth. the enemy attacked along the whole front, with the esreptlott of tha immedla.te volnity of the Vlepra. "North of Grubechow the enemy de livered an energetln attack with strong forces, . but our troops repulw.d aiinnet all tha assaults and successfully counter attacked. There has been no change on thla front except In a few villages,- which paas from hand to hand. ' "There has been no fighting on the Bug, tha Zlote Upa or the tweeter. "Is the -Black fee, on' ftunriay .our torpedo boats operating In the coal re gion, destroyed foily sailing ships laden with coa4. Taey also destroyed a new anal shaft and a suspension bridge." - ' Auto Thieves Taken, After a Hot Ohase . Mj?q.N CITY, la.; July 27.-1 Special Telegram.! After a running flitht when several shots were fired, Charles Wea Icr, and Wi'iiam nsnoh ere arrested last night.' ' Leaving the stolen etito tjiublse In which they were riding" when alutorcjhie. Pgllcenian I'relin was crowd ing. Ibern clo, they fd for the tsll cedi. Other of fleers were' called, ' the men. .surrounded . and they gve , tliein elvea up. They coitfeesed etealing tha M ', Tnlh tnurln car at MiUoket wo dy before. 8hrlf Rrweather aed In the city this afternoon and took the in"n to Maquokela, Publiols Asked . To Continue Search MAtON CITY., la... July St.-ii.iai. Telcgram.)-hcar V. Ooltitherpe and his ife have Issued a public statement, a ak in for continued dfrorta on the part ef the pcopel to rind their child, ttilcwlng for five day. .They gre sauericd. as are hundreds pf p!hr, thst th,a child wss killed by n automobile or was stolen, fublla highways re l-elng scarwhtd for mllrg In cveiy dl)ectlo). SHENANDOAH COUPLE ELOPES TO MALVERN K 1 1 KN ITS I iOAI t, July . JT,-ipevlai.)-t iJI"lltig v'hlle the nie'ubcrs of her family hi-ere attsndtng the cliuulsuviua at Sidney, Mus Fern lirckal nt Harlan lUleton drove to k1lvrn SKimlgy afternncn and were marned at the home of Che Kv, frank faidweil, patr of the Methocl'W church. The wcd.iirg at this time rumri ag a aurix-lse to the nienibura f both the biide'f and g'ooin's famlllo X note was nt beck by the drivrr of the autprru4tta frvm Klilney to htr parenU, fr. and Mrs, Ueorge W. tteckel, telling of the wedding nda letter to his mother, M ra H. K. Ral ston, waa the ftnl nevrs re-elved by hie family. The bride hss Wen g tacher In the Ftiensndoah luil.liu schools tha lat l yeaia Mr. JUIf.uii Is a traveling !. men for a tiardmere company of Chlcaso. Mr. and Mrs Helstuii wftl maka tbvlr hmne In Marehalltoan. lit The inarriaire lli-oiaat was obtained H.uir1y at (jiru- o'vd - A f Ull.iltl km .; i lntr ajn. ill lui lt p ,;thd -I. a lv. ,; ?v -f m vr-rA ;.v- V .-'"" ' I i i '- . , ; L -- . t ' . - ; ; '.. I : i ,;-"'. ;-.e .:;, -. - .t. . . ... . ... , ,... , J ' s . f '- ' " , 1 .: : . - i " ' lr i f ? - ; w , A.,. . t, i . , i ., ,,, LJ ""iiyr; i,,,.,,,,,", !. hhii.i.iiii. 1 " i EOAT OVERLOADED, v IS STATEMIBY ' STATE'S ATTORNEY . i (Continued from Page One.) one ticket for two when they went to gether, and tha federal inspector counted only one for such two children. The reecuss of bodies have shown that many children of this age went on tha boat. - "There' were seventy mombers of the crew and there wss en orchestra ef at least half a dosen men. se that to make a total of 3,704 on the boat we only ha"a to allow for about seventy-five small chil dren," bgbles end children under 11." Seamen's Leader Makea eeetlona, "There are only two ways that poaelbly can establish and maintain safety at aea,' Andrew Furuaeth, president of the International Beamen'g Union of A mer le said, "One Is to make the shtnowrv era responsible In damages to the travel. Ing public! for Injury or death to pauses, gers, thus giving to the shipowner a epe ctfled financial Interest In safety. "Coupled with guoh responsibility to tha passengers the Insurance laws might be o amended that either ever-insuranee or complete insurance would he prevented, thus leaving part ef the risk with the owner Instead of distributing It over the public. "The second method would be te enact by law er regulation such rules for aafety a shall he needed. Our Inspection laws provide for a superior Inspector general and one supervising InspAotor far each district. The supervising inspectors, by authority of congress, to make such rulse as shall Insure fty In travel, . "The aupervlslng inspectors are ap pointed either directly or tndireotly upon the rerommendattgn ef ehjp owners. They are covered tinder olvll servtoe, but if either local Inspectors or supervising ln speotors develop too great activity or too Itvely a consolsnea. If, In ether Words, they benoma obnoxious to the ship owner In that dleUitt In acme way they get out of the service. They know these tilings and. of course. It Influences, either con sciously or .uncutie. Iously, not oely all the rules they make, but the way these 1 rules art carried out,". ' . r r'aaerale H'edaeeday. While- tomorrow' will be known 'as "Blaek Wednesday" In Ocere and other Weet filde sumirba that suffered heavily from tha Eastland disaster, yet seores of funerals ware held today. Free funeral service have bean provided for fajmlllea left destitute, and to morrow eommurttty ssrvlres will he held In vsrhmie churches In three suburb:. - i It Is estlmatctd that 4.000 persons will be In Immedlaio need of eunport when all of the bodies have ban buried. Ex-Tennis Champ . Pleads Guilty to Charge of Larceny N5W Ytax. July. r.-Jusuve , jr. Tourtherd. 36 years old, former Indoor tennis champion, and for several year a keen cpntiniler In outdoor national tournaments, pleaded guilty today to the larceny of golf tut! Is valurd at lie) from Abercrombie Kit oh, dealers in aiotrt Ing goods, where he was employed. Jthlge Rosalsky, of general sessions, be. tot wfcem Ite Kia.le Ms wnundtil him for sentence until FHday. George Oordon Walt'.a ceunsai for Tpitchsrd,- In asking for mercy for his client, told the court that early this year Totuihard e wife dld In child-birth aod that the defendant was left with the baby. - Poetoro and medicine bills, ha said, had piled up, and his client' resources were at an end. Then came temptation and he fell. Italian General r is Killed in Battle UAINK. Italy, July Jt-tVig Paris, July (7.1 Ueneral Antonio Cantors has ln killed In battle on the tsoeae frnt. He la tha flret offUwr of that rank loat by Italy. He sen a general s eommlnsion hy the hsrnlam he dleplgyed - during operations In Tripoli. Uvneial Oantore hd charge ef amlons which resulted irt the ocrupattoa of Ala snd otner villages pear Roverta, ta Tren lib'J. He ass armed only with a rMlng whip, with ahich be direrted bis mea fiom lis) most spfd poellioB. JeSar iig ha would be efmm-l to run ls risk thsn hi Srtlrlirrs A "For aete eg mn turn sveund fcfctd fi.iinHuri' into caa. -Beautiful structure Building and Loan Assets Increase One Hundred Million SAN KRANCJSCO. Cel.. July 7.-The building and loan associations of the United Statea Increased their assets a little mora than $100,000,000 during 1914, marking a growth of 1.72 per cent over the prevloua year, according to the an nual report of H- F. Cellotlug of Cincin nati, gecretary of the United States Lasague ot Local Building and Loan As sociations, made here today at tha twenty-third annual meeting. Secretary Cellerlua continued: 'Considering the fact that this period Included six months of the great, war In Kurope, during- which time there alga ex isted in this country an Industrial depres sion more or less severs, this showing peaks volumes for the thrift and saving habits ef the wage-earning classes of our cltUen, who are the chief patrons of these Institutions. ', - "Tha hard tiroes apparently have stim ulated and enforced economy and the re duction of unnecessary expense, which In times of great prosperity are usually on the increase, and have brought hoine to the people the necessity of conserving their resources. A a result they -are saving as much, or more, In proportion than they did during the prosperous periods. t "There are now In the United States 6,613 building and loan associations, with a membership of I.U4.4S6, and assets es receting el.36T,4a,03ij. an increase over laat year of lht associations, 8t?.oot mem bers and flOt.teO.MT In assets. The aver age amount due each member la (U7.U, as against 1410.1$, the amount shown last year." Eight Men Killed : by Explosion in Illinois Coal Mine CHRISTOPHER, 111. July P.-Elght men wre killed and fifteen badly burned In a gas explosion at one of the entramaes ef the Moderwell mine here today, Three men are missing. The number of men In tha mine whea the aacident occurred is not clear, figures ranging from about 2M to 4i0. Lgs than thirty men ware at the entrance where the explosion look place, the other Work men being at the ether entrances. All but those af the burning entrance escaped. ..... . Oil Employes Vote ; to Return to Work NEW YORK, July t7.-The strikers, of the ftandard Oil company at a Itreet meeting late today voted to accept the (.ropoeJiloa ef Q h. Hemteeey, the plant superintendent, and return to work to morrqw. GERMAN SUBMARINES SINK NINE TRAWLERS IJN'DON. July V. Apparently deter mined to demoralise thi Hrltialt fish sup ply as piuch a possible, two German g-i JLJ-'-L fz, : , - - i? jmrrrT. ?' i. . " J After the game you will be fa tigued and tired out. It is then that you will especially tPfrty appreciate a cold bottle of Krug J,hj a beer of quality. Save cuponsTndTpet premiums. oiUILL1E1nCANTILi: CO- DUtrlbutor. wonl ovotA isa ij HArg A BilVV UOKM. being erected for the Sisters C 1 V i e ,' j. , submarine have appeared suddenly among the fishing .fleet off the north coast of Scotland, and by shell fire sunk nine trawler. L1RS. TIIOFslSOfl 1 TELLS MEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , ) Philadelphia, Pa. '1 am juat 62 yean of age and during Change of Life I suf fered lor glx year Urribly. I tried mv eraJ doctors but none seemed to give jna any relief. Every month the pains were Intenae In both aide, and made ma o weak that I had to go to berj. At laat a friend recommen ded Lydia E. Pink ham'g Vetretable Compound to mo and I tried it at once and found much relief. After that I had no pain at all and could do my housework and shopping the same as always. For years I have praised Lydia E, rinkham's Vegetable Com-' pound for what it has done for ma, and shall always recommend it aa a wo man's friend. You are at liberty to use my letter in any way. "-.Mrs. Thomson, m W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa, Changs of Ufa is one of tha moat critieal periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through this trying period as Lydia E. piukiism's Vegetable Compound. If you want apeoial adyica vrrltn to Lydia K. l'inkham Mod ioine Co. (ontideiitlal), Lynn, Msvea. Your letter frill be opened read and answered by a woman and held in (strict confidence. . . . HOTKI.S. rS!Sn!Sinm0(!tm i s31ssiawSTwsiliW Glen Morris Inn Christinas Lake, Mlnnetonka Popular Rendsezoas of Omaha People , 0wne4 and Operated by HOTKLKAUISSON CO., alinneanoU, Minn. 3' Thompson Come Tomorrow to the July Sales .You'll find many fine bar gains that are not advertised in the newspapers. Nets for Blouses ; Both plain and fancy, in black, cream and colors altio 'crepe chiffons in all colors. i i VIA iooss 6cotraS B. B. Choic of oircaitonH und direct routes to New York and Boston. Attrao tire rraie8 to . all Eastern Besorta. Optbnal Oscsn, La'ic end Diver Trips Liberal CtopQvoroV Let ds assist in planrrin": trip affording1 visit at , Principal Cities and Buminer Kesorta in the East Long and Short Limit tickets on aale daily. Information and Attractive literature Freely Fnrnisbed. S.NOETH, '. . Diitrict Pa8Ben,ftr Agent, Phoca Don. '284. 407 South 10th Ct, Omaha, Neb. !lilMr X mm A Safc Investment Of the many forms of investments of fered to Omaha people, none are more productive or. safer thRn OMAHA REAU KSTATE. Real Kstate wllj never be cheaper in Omaha than it U today and the future was never brighter. Omaha is tha most prosperous city io the I'nlted State today. The btst Heal Estate bargain are al ways advertised in THE BKE. It will pay ' you to read them carefully each day. To quickly sell your Real EBiate, place an ad In THE .DEE, ' "The Big Heal Estate Paper of Onuhs." The Omaha Bee ' Classified 1 !!. - 101 He HiilUlliig. EflSTLflllD DISASTER BM" , ttm i stock nariieT. ELI PllEGS i Edwrard Lynch nJt: TODAY I THE ONLY GON mmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ KaUnses, lBa-SSo Svga, SJo-SSo-Mo i: . . , f - - - - - - LAKE MAN AW A rr I atuag. aaMtaa-. Baaotar Hj nc r way to satisfy j aa otges auraetisag. h i your want is through ise eTa!nr,MAaii7Tb!rr- E J I of the wjtnt ai paffea of The y go.. -,, of la. tvuiw- g Dc Try Dee want ai. - Bel den fG0 Burkland's Baby Bands Medium weight all cotton, double tab in the right place, all sixes 20.. 1 Third Floor. ti. it (mi Tyler toott. 3 y