Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
TIIE V.TX: OMATTA. TlJKSDAY, JULY 27, 191D. ,t ; J I a 'J r' -. v. v I By MELLIFICIA. IF ROYAL blood counti for anything, little Mini Elizabeth Davit wUl be a future queen of Ak-Sar-BeD. Tiny MIm Elisabeth la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Tom Davie and Is Juat 8 days old. She numbers among her family connections several members of the royal household of Quivers. Her mother, who waa nil us Beanie Brady before her marriage, reigned as queen of Ak-8ar-Ben; then, Mra. Btewart, her second cousin, ss Mlas Oertnide Kountse, was among the earlier queens; and her a tint, Mlas Elizabeth Darts, reigned as queen two years ago. Princess Elisabeth Is also the third Elizabeth in the house of Ak-Sar-Den, bavin been named after her mother and aunt. In Europe the hand of a princess who Is so well connected Is greatly 'sought after, so In democratic America we may look forward to conquests galore for little Elizabeth when she makes her debut. V At the Country Club. Among others dining at the cltih lest evening were Mr. and Mra. Fred Hamil ton, who had three guaata; Robert Burns, two; D. M. Vlnaonhaler. two; George Prim. thr, anil Vrrr fllhhernaon, four. Complimentary to Mra. CharVe Turnar tf Fremont Mr. and Mia. Louts Clarke save a auppr of right covers laat even ing at the Country club. Mr. and Mr. Glann Wharton's guests were Messrs. and Mesdsnws Moilchr Col potior and Wlllard Hoaford. Dr. and Mra. Frederick lAe enter Ulnrd at STPer laat evening at the Country club. Their gueste Included Mesara. and Maedames John U Kennedy and Harry loorley; Mlas Ruth Hitch rock and Mr. Lwrence Drinker. " Mr. and Mra. H. C. Hows' were host at the largest aupner rarty laat evening at the cluh. 1-lnlng with hem were Mra. Krnet.llart, Cornell niuffs; lliw (1r Hart ami Marlon Howe; Mra Henry Hart. F.ldred Hart. Alec Beckner of New York City and Robert Howe. ; At Kappy Hollow Club. uppers wrre she n Sunday evrnhig at the Happy Hollow club by Ir. and Mra. i Falnvr Klndley, who had aeven guests; J. C. Howard, three; Kugane Duval, 1hree; Vale Holland, two; James Drum- mimd. three; H. E. Patteraon, three; R. Jf. Booth, two; F. C. Aldoua, three; George Carter, five; E. F. teary, two; J. R. Webster, five; If J. Mitchell, aeven; 7i. K. Goane. two: R. W. Reed, two; P. M. Garrett, two; Harry Bowman, two; E M. Wellman. five; Walter "malls." two; I U French, four, and Mlas Rahtn, two. Mra. H. G. Browne will have eight guests at luncheon Tueaday at the Happy Hollow cluh. Mr. C. F. Weller and Mr. -Byron Haat- ln will httA-e Ritoata at dinner Tuoeday evening at the Happy HoHow club. A urikfst will be. given Wednesday mornlna at the Happy Hollow club In honor of the t letting Helta Gamma glrla. Covers will Ins placed for 160. At Carter Lake" Club. Mr. John Bevrldfte had five gueats at dinner Sunday at Carter Lake club! W. i J. Vlnail. tliree; Thomas Durkln, foorj O. J. Uothard, three; T. R. Woods, two; ! R. Cox, two; C. J. Cain, four; R. Orrln, t five; R. Drake, two: Grant Patera, two; ' P. II. Nolln. three: R. Weirion, two; T. A. Jonea, two; W. P. Fuller, three; 'a Wlnstrajn, two; Jack McCarthy, twoj Jk. A. Zlpol, two; J. Eldrlge, twelve; John A. nine, two; D. Creadon, sis; H. I.. Hannah, two; A. F. Mullln. two A. A. Burnt, two; John Huth, two; V, I two, end It A.' Newell, nine. Mr. and Mra. M. T. Pfleffer enter AFFAIRS ATJOUTH,0!IAHA Call Bcal Reported to Be Well on His Wny to Recover in Lincoln Sanitarium. ' ) ' rHONOGIUPH CAUSES TROUBLE fail '. Fouth Rtde High echoel sth lft. In.inrnl ea the reault of a etrenu tiii4 tarket ba nession at the state high si liool onruainrnt at IJncoltl laat March, t i.llr p' inj( fnr the local school, is ex r '!'! to be ah! to return horns within a month.,-' Heja now oonrlned In a private (.Anlurl -im at Lincoln and Is reported to J.nve Improved wonderfully. Friends are rejoicing ever his recovery. Many of the local alumni are planning .to make a special trip to Lincoln to vlalt )te athlete. He will probably never be able to entvr athletics asaln. rbnaoatraah Oeta ITortay. ' AlaiDi . kick thief stories bave.beea fskc.-titnnuall.v and even aeml-annually, a'corti ng to the feellnga of the reading I . but INe tbouth MJJa puUoe have a rnnd m cne that no one can oall fske. Saturday . nlk'ht an Irate woman called the ttallcn and demanded that the police at ome itieperae "aeveral drunk caroua irr" who were landing uninvited vocal incliwtlcs in the region of bcr hema at Tcnly-aeond and M street a. The auto petrol with Chauffeur Beugh man. conductor Grace and Sergeant Prioe han rushed to the auene and apent ftf trn minutes ef sleuth-like riding up and down" alleys in the vicinity ot 'the cell. trare of t'n "vocaliets" could aa found. The aeanh was given up and the jiairol rnt hark, exrept Kergwaut Bhea br, who rlofrmined to mveatlgate the nwtti r 'I'-ii r-.lir.itee later Bheahan walked Into the station. Haughinan looked up toupee tantly and Mr. Bheahan announced: " ; tmiii graph Tl: hsd eiplatned to the aer gfnt artrr he had found her that aha m'. -t.-'k the nfti!o from a phonograph In a i'ifehhnrlnr hoaaa, as that of aome tli ii'l.Cii csrousbls. i Halarra Are Baay. Ttr-e tasca of e'lfged dlaordarty hoiiKs. two allcgod UwUegging Joints. )ookrd ly tte police Sunday. !-t.-the- Alli n and tJiH-n of the day force TKl'i-4 a saloon at Thirty-slsth and V eti -cis t I" o clo k la the morning and arifiicd three mrn en rhars of keep ing uiortiei'ly houoea. Tbey ar: John hasii ki, koloou k-rir, Tliirty-sisth and ' tre1; Hn!e Skndrn and John Merl V it'll. !alior-m l,lng at 3o7 Q fctreet. At 4 ''k in the aftrnoon, Jje Ixu )lr rsl u rreid on the charge of e-'JMMiig a Cliordcrly bouse at 1771 Walnut a!:-t t'v Alln-n and Oilltn. Itr In the vci.lhg Ceinaln Hriisjs, H.-tectlvea Za Pou1. k id fpliiBkl, ra)l.J a plit.a at w Dt --r tilth end U stt-wta and arretted Jke It' krnff as proprietor on the rtiarg n.f . I li'K iut-r. lie aal'l lhet lie fc-i'i'.iy n,kirg fM-nt' ' while ceiebrat. I' i l it t i'-iluloj'. Four fmn of b-cr r .... I 4 Li,. . 1 1 ire n:-o were found In tlir t- nen were, iu'liti Jhn Za'oudflc and Andrw Monday, July 26, 1915. tained at dinner Sunday at the Carter Lke club. Covers were ptaoed fort Mlse R. Phell. Meaara.: A. Shell end Edward Pfelffer, Lincoln, and Mr .and Mra. Pfleffer. At the Field Cluh. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Russell entertained four giJeTrts at supper last averring at the Field club: Mr. W. H. Herd man, three, and Alee Flck, two. Original Monday Bridge Club. Mrs. A. I Reed entertained the mem bers of the OrUrtnel Monday Bridge dub today at her home in Bsnson. Suchart-Samp. The wedding ef Mlas Haset Irene Samp, daughter of Mrs. F. W, Samp, ana Mr. George Huchart was celebrated quietly Bunday afternoon at the horn of the bridegroom's parents, Mr., and Mra. George Burhart. The Rev. Baltsly of the Kotintae Memorial church per formed the ceremony. There ware no attendants. The bride wore her go away gown of blue !ardlne oloth with white fox fur end blue hat. After a trip to Kanaas City and the northern lakes Mr. and Mrs. Rurhsrt will be at home In Omaha. For Rome Guest. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ayfert gave a small buffet supper laat evening at their apart ment In the New Hamilton In honor ef her slater, - Mlas Dorothy Maullck of Broken Bow, who Is her house guest. Twelve guests 'ware entertained. Wedding Announcement Announcement was made laat week In Lincoln of the approaching marriage ef Mlae Annie fk-hroeder, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Sohroeder, and Mr. Lrnn Trobee of Omaha. Personal Mention. Mrs. Walter TUloUon and Miss Mae Foley are the guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Watson at their cottage In EU orado Hpiinga, Colo, Mrs. Edward Fries will leave this week for a few weeks' stay at Port Arthur snd Ontario. Mrs. Allmaa Is visiting friends In Lin coln. , In and Out of the Bee "klrt. -Miss Louisa Bldwell.Is the gueet. of Mlas Alloa Proud fit in Lincoln. Mra. P. M. Malloy ef Tulaa, Okl., was the guest of MUs Maria McBhane e few days laat week enroute to California. Mrs. Wade Is the meet of her stater. Mrs. F. Brown. In Lincoln. sixth and M streets at o'clock last evening. A neighborhood quarrel at that point had brought eome SOO people to the place and when the two detectives nova in view a third or more of the mob waa engaged In a freevfor-all. . . io uiiis, Kick Flilar and Mike Cliscas, Greeks, 'were arrested.- Tha latter ear ned a pockatbook with $10 in gold sewed In hie undershirt. The police believe that fight we, started by the other two to get away with this money. Later it develop that the man waa ti-ylng to pacify the mob. Polio Make SUal4. An alleged gambling joint at Twenty, fourth and Q etreete waa raided by the polios, led by Captain John Brlgga, early Sunday morning at l:ft o'clock, lour fBen. W. Twenty-fourth etreeti U Crlsneckei1. la borer. Twenty-first and I streets; John Thomas, nioa flttar. gnrtvrntirK r streets; . Haokar, laborer, Forty aacend ana km atreeta. ana Maunua- ini BeventeenUi and Cblaaao . taken. X table Was eo&naoated. Raoltal Tvnesr, - Junior dudUs of Edrwanl r ra,.iu South Bide, will alva a nUnnAi. . . -,' Tueadav evenlna: at tha Uhr. v.n -. Twenty-third aud M streets. South eMde. prsarani nas Men arranged. Several wall known ln.l slat. Mlas Eva Tarlan, daughtav af paa tor g. It Tartaa. af 8L Luka'a T.iv, cJiiuxh. will give a reading anUtlad, "At i-iratoarapnara.- rjtttars whs will easlet ere: John McTunrt m.i.1., WUllam Kooh, baritone, and Elmer AUsn. vtollnUt' f'""iee t VM. B. E. M'llooa. ch ,. v . revision coramtttaa nafrul lmt .v v.. called a meetlna r.f . Thursday evonhjg at the South Side city hall. All Omah Laavanworth atreet are Invited to attend. MU City Qaaalp, William llMth.. t - . . i ... ... - . at C-edar itaXVdl w,ln ' BII w y" C'ub nimah" Plcnlckad -- f tei vej , .."""i"" P bk hM returned from fc fUhtug trip to iarid oty. Neb. Louie koley cawa back atuKlay from a week'a Ulfl to feorla. lit ' lllbnl Si's Wr' "'" ".other at Kuulia and Enaoula Mangaa returned boiiw nuauay fcitr apwmliuj a Weeka A'twr a month'a tour of tha wast. Mra F. li. L.U.U. Xwaiity-sisih aud C auweta has leluru4 to hut tioiua. Miss MonMlh I k"X k r ... firm street, im ssnaing a week s Vacation rTl? ilf.?m or4a' lvn by the ladles f the HlliaiUe l-iaptlt tburxli last Bat- "-j w...... wju aiinaea. Kmll Hsnsen retarned yeaterday from a two wveka' vacation, ai'ent vWltiu lelnwea aud at tYeinotit and Mlsa Merle Cooper, Fort Madleon. la. r.,.',n-."'h' v'"" Uh her tiunt, Mrs. C. U. Krr. luis Mortk TWen-ty-alxtn eirt K. A. Hsllgren.' North Nineteenth aiiaet. returi.rd ycsiwOay from BUelby. !., where he h. ltu 4.iV,.g wlfb l.ts lughter. Mis. Will l-avis. A fire or iiiikiiowit ,risin t, out at Miniuv enln- in the Loum o- r.-lil-i t.v il.rtha 10., bou,l, lwrni. fifth street. The r.i.i J,i,rt i..nt c.iie.l. Ii, di,ia.. and 't'oie the iitise as eni.k- U. S. NOTE ANGERS THE TEUTON PRESS Victory of Enemy Supreme Law and Neutrals Muit Make Beit of It, Sayi One Paper. AMERICA WONT UNDERSTAND BERLIN, July 26. (Overseas News Agency Dispatch by Wireless Telegraph to 8ayrllle.) The latest American note to Germany concern ing submariner-warfare was received most unfavorably by the German newspspera in which it wss printed Sunday morning. . The Vosslsche Zeitung, in a lengthy editorial, says: - "The refusal to accept Germany's prso-tk-al .proposition t protect American paanengers shows an absolute lack of readiness to understand the v German standpoint. The principle that belliger ent states must protect .neutrals Is un tenable If applied In tho fullest swnae, as It would mean abdication to neutral coun tries. It is true that belligerents muat reepeet neutral rights, but only provided neutrals do everything to prevent their cttlsene getting Into situations where pro tection la impossible. - , "Victory over the enemy la the si preme law for every belligerent. Those who render more difficult this task than does International law, support ths en emy. . The wsr on land tiaa ahown clearly that reatrlctlons are neceaaary. A per son who remains within a belligerent fortreas or walka into a gun fire son risk a his life without ths right of pro tection from his home government" This Journal continues: "Tha aame alao la true of naval war fare In aplte of mlataken praise for tha freedom of the seas. It is gTsnted that the'ooaan la frao for peaceful travel, but havat battlea alao take place on It. Neu tral ships nailing between fighting battle ships run ths risk of being hit by shells) and also of being struokby mines. The submaiine'a only tnetr'umenta are the firing of torpedoes. Saya It la Not If trallty. ' "Those who demand that Uarmaay should conduct the wer according - to rules laid down by some academio pro- fesaor, expect Germany either to endanger He submarines or to give up this war fare, which means ths weakening pf Ger many In he Interest of Its enemy. . This Is not neutrality, but partisanship against Germany. '"We know, today .that the faaaengere (of the Luettanla) could have been saved, but thet they were neglected. Germany regrets their desth, but) it hss a elean oonaoiance snd has no reason to disap prove of the conduct of Its submarine oommaadera. "President Wllaon conaiders the further torpedoelng of British warships carrying American passengers a deliberately un friendly sot. WMle Germany always is glad to respect American friendship, ft has conceded everything that can b con ceded. One bit more would be con sidered humiliating by the German na tion, whose armies have bean victorious upon all the battlefields In the east and In the west." The Tagllche Rundschau and the Kreuirfltung, similarly declare that the American note oalle for the moot decided opposition and that It reculrea Great Britain to show at least an equal re spect for the spirit of International law as the president demands from Germany. Oat ( the (taeatloa. The Tageblatt says: 'Ths Bote shows clearly that the American government carea more for the crippling of our eubmaiine war than for the safeguarding of American lives. The United States muat realise that to change our submarine warfare Is out of the question. Tha note proves that pro- Brltlsh Influence has gained an upper hand In President Wilson's circle. We hope the common sense of the American people will prevent cltlaens from serving as protection for EngUoh munition shlpa." 1 The Tagea Zeitung writeei, "Neutrals have lights, but so also has a great nation fighting for Its life. Though maintaining submarine Warfare, Germany always Is willing to , respect the Justifiable wishes of Americana, put not at any price." Count Ernst von RevenUow In the Tagea Zeitung declarea that the oontente aud wording far exceeds svea the most unfavorable anticipations. Count Bevent low writes: . - 'The note uses language whloh will find no response with the overwhelming majority ef the German nation, since It means In the laat analysla. an appeal to fear, a threatening, domineering de mand. The note will make a Quaceav- Tha Doctor Cayt It Wrffff r W'tfWsJB)s w iaj i arias agatsgi I ay ipsa 'rrWiH4weiMeu. jf i; -W-teispno- WSyX "Tbafi VTr jury to your ! Eesideac f u ) " -1 '2 r Fayi ably bed Imptreaeion among the people alnce it larks utterly the friendly frank ness of the German note and breathe almost hateful disregard to the German government s standpoint" Reference to Tree' Speech Stirs Bryan BAN' FRANCISCO, July X -William Jennlnga Pryan, former secretary of Sate, who delivered an addresa here to day at the t'nlted Evangeliata' taber nae'e, resented a remark made by Illahop Bdwln Holt llughea of the Methodist Episcopal church In Introducing him, that "on thle occasion, MrT Bryan was speak ing without a cent of coat to tho com mittee." Mr. Bryan prefaced his address with the statement that the blahop'e refer ence to a fee waa humiliating. In view of the fact that he had not accepted com pensation for religious addresses for the last fifteen years. He told his hearer that ambition waa an Influence that helped keep office hold ers In tha path of rectitude and that the god of fame, while a false god, had some thing In the polnta. Concessions Made to Russ Radicals PBTROOmAD, July i.-Vla London.) Tha Ruaalnn government hastlecided to give socialist. and labor members of the Duma repreflpntatlon on the military snd naval committees In proportion', to their numbers. Heretofore eorlallat and labor daputiee have not been admitted, and In conse quence the constitutional democrats have refused to participate In the work of these committees. This Important concea ston to the radicals Is dealgned by the government to ahow that all political par- tiee are harmonious In this time of war. The Price She Pays. There is hardly an American woman nowadays who can keep pace wjth the demand made upon her time end energy without paying the penalty of Ill-health. It may be that dreadful backache, drag ging pains, headaches, nervousness or the tortures of a displacement. It is the prjes she pays. To women In this condi tion Lydla E. Pink ham' a Vegetable Com pound comes aa a boon and a blessing. A simple remedy made from roots and herbs which brings glorious health to suffering women. Advertisement ' Teutons Hold Million and a Half Russians! BBRLIN, July M.-(By Wlrelefle to fiayvllle.) Ths total number of Russian i prisoners or war In the hands of Ger many and Auatrla-Hungary since the be ginning of the war. Including tha figures reported by the general staffs yesterday, surpassee l.SOO.OOO officers and men.' ZWiy.'CM Tear !fT w , ror uquor ana jDi rug U sers Removee permanently the for Liquor and Irugs. . craving Always Improves the general health. Burroundlnira pleaaant eyetem hu mane, nothing "heroic," Drugs are withdrawn gradually, and with the aid of our tonio remedies patients autfer no collapse. Do not be pursuaded that all treat ments srs alike. Oura le the onlv effective one. as time and experi ence provee. Come to ua without delay. Theae con ditions are serious and there should be no experUnanta. . . Bend for illustrated booklet. Corre spondence atrictly confidential. The Keeley Institute Cornet aath and Case Streets. HOTBLI. Glen Morris Inn Christmas Lake, Mlnnstoska Popular Rendvezous "tf Omaha Pecple Owned and Operated by HOTEL RADISSON CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Uovm to yKJ. !! ! Fir of tn times a day yon make trips vp and down the etalri to tha telephone. ttreeotJQtv and an ' in- health. (0 Cent) a Uonth. - 1 1 J Motorcycle Hits Post and Racer Killed SACKA M PINTO, Cat., July H-W. Lueders of Chicago, holder of amateur motorcycle championships st fifteen miles, was killed In a race here today when hla machine ran Into a )oat Lueders had won three racea and he White Lined, t , - - 'irrzrs llliiiftpas $mm$ l a j Pre-Inverilory v We begin our inventory of stock about the end of this week and between now and then we hope to have all. these fine shoes out of the way. We are confidenfthat these unprec edented .values wiir accomplish that end. These Are for Men 1,000 Pairs of Fum Oxford, in tan or black calf or vici kid, button, blucher or lace. All the new styles, such makes as Strong & Gar field, Reynolds, Drake & Gatel, etc., etc. Not a pair worth less than 1 4, and the majority $S and $6, all sires and widths, for I 'A CfWJV r'jy- - : II ---'.i . . .1 ! A' Pair A j ' f H LI '1 I '-lmi I. J i II ii iMr jii nj wwi isnljuTii ii i ii in ii i n n i I 'i'" "' t ... 'T 1 ' -'".tf 'Mi I 1 .1., , i riai L.,t. ,', , iLaJBssjegassaiaggasssi t 'i ,.,i. l....... i. ., .., , '.y r . Y4 i ..--i.- w-jrr--jMt..aji' .r.imwta....i. , . - - . ......... .. - ..-,., - -- S I . i 104 Bee Building. waa trying, in a t wenty-flve-mlle con test, to equal a time mark he made laat year st Pt Louia. la the second lap, his pedaling chain broke. Instead of stopping, he attempted to steer with, one hand and remove the tangled chain with the other. On the far side of the track the motorcycle was seen to waver and then crash Into a poat Lueders was thrown twenty-flv feet and almost Instantly killed. The ma chine reMunded from the fence snd con Worth up ta 15c each .Here 1$ another lot of these sanitary, duraWe uten sils desired in every household. We are glad to be able to mane wis Bargain otter torone day only, Tuesday. The lot consists of . Coffee Pot$, Preserving Kettles, 5 wash Basins, Covered Buckets, Sauce Pans) German Kettles, Baking Dishes, Mixing Bowls On sale) Tuesday all at one) price. ......... 15c Sale Continued Tuesday OWN A HOME It la not how much you make that counta; it'i how much you save. x You can buy a home on a small cash payment, and the balance in monthly payments of less than what you are now paying in rent. Each'month you will be acquiring a little more equity in your home, and before you realiioit you will have it paid for. Omaha real estate dealers have always advertised their best home bargains in The Bee. " Today you will find a great number of these choice offer? ings in The Bee. Read each one carefully. THE OMAHA BEE Massif! ed DepevrtaMHtt. V t".'i"'i, ,.X- tinued down tha track for nearly SfWj yards, cauaing Al Settle of Ban Jose tej be thrown from his machine, Zettle escaped with minor Injuriee. ,J the Yr Cwagh aai Cwl. Bell's rine-Tsr-Honey gnee right to thaj spot. Check the cough, . eaaee throat, kills (he cold germs. Only ffo. All 4rug-t gists Advertisement Bent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad, 49c, Tuesday X of Shoes w are And These for Women 2,500 Wemsn's Pumps and Oxferde Patent leather, dull leather, rid kid, bronze kid, white cum All the new styles, straps or plain; 'also combloaUons of all kinds, grey, fawn or white. Rubber Bole and Sport Oxfords. AU sixes. The moat exceptional chance) to purchase tha best ahoea for so littla money Every pair worth from $2.60, to $3.60, all at one price- : ' Tyler 1000. u.::: i.-V I inn Ir.iy a near riot at Twenty- fr -.j...