Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Tee Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Fntsred at Ointh postorflre a eooond-clsss matter.
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Omaha The Be Building:.
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Itneoln 3". Llttta ButMlng.
Chicagoem Hearet Building
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IdiSrees communications rlsttrr to new end adf
tortal anatUr to Omaha Baa. dltorlel Department.
State of Nebraska, County of "Douglas, aa:
Dwisht WlliUma, circulation msnager of The Baa
PnblUhlng company, being duly sworn, says that tha
average circulation for tha month J una, 1M4, waa
D WIGHT WTUJAMS, Circulation Manager.
Bnbaorlt-ed In my presence) and a worn to before
ma, thla td day of July. 1iS
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Publio.
Sabecribera tearing; tha city temporarily,
should hare Tbe Be mailed to them. Ad
dim will be changed aa often aa requested.
Thought for the Day
"Don't it aelan, if you've got to b anything
bt a mud turtle, thtn you may hat tome map
to you. "
In that Eastland trasedy It la plain that
someone blundered.
For that preachlng-ln-the-parks campaign,
don't neglect to enlist the co-operation of the
ireather man. '
Summer at the seaside resorts Is losing its
standby thrill. Sea serpents tall to come across
from the war zone.
With a different outcome of the battle of
Armageddon in 1912, every copper cable to
Europe would hare been melted by this time.
Up to the bour of going to press the senator
bad not divulged his intention as to acquiescing
in or opposing those persona-non-grata-Bryanite
lgland Imitating the American plan ot
mobilising Inventive brains Is the most flattering
bouquet tossed at Josephus Daniels since he
manned the pi-box at Raleigh.
The executive committee of the democratic
party of Cook county, Illinois, tosses President
Wilson's hat in the ring for 1916. For the first
time the one-term plank gets the axe.
Looking back on the Baengerfeat Illumines
it as a financial as well as a musical success.
And the tintlnabulatlon in the box office does
sot interfere la the least with the harmony ot
the choruses;
Some day city councils and 'school boards and
other taxing bodies will do their best to hold the
tax rate down Instead of to inflate it to the high,
eat legal limit but that day Is In the dim and
distant future.
The most gratifying newa from the aeat of
war ia that Colonel Maher's typewriter battery
baa not been permanently disabled, as witness
its being again brought Into action on the polit
ical firing line.
Senator Reed of Missouri la quoted as say
ing that the farmers of his state aold second
grade horses and mules to the Allies at double
prices. Yet there are critics who insist' that
American neutrality is lopsided.
Railroad traveling will presently become an
Irresistible Joyride. The Gideon plan of remov
ing the anvil emphasis from conversation by
means of cards ot merit is bound to restore the
standing room sign in the smoke rooms.
It Is now said that owing to defective book
keeping the exact else of the hole In the Dundee
treasury may never be known. Were it not tor
the consolidation, which he Dundee-ites fought
so bard, no one would yet know that there was
a bole in the treasury.
The motorcycle relay eemonstration carry,
lng a message from President Wilson from ocean
to ocean, finished eight hours behind schedule
time. Not a bad showing at that, but for fast
communication roost people will continue to use
the telegraph, the telephone and the wireless
toe a little while yet. .
Vartoua claimant of tba I I Smith etock of
goods ara atlll wrangling aa between Jurisdiction of
federal anA stabs court a.
Judge Dundy and Elmar A. Prank ara making ar
rangement for an axtaaatva hunting expedition next
month, and have ordered tha building of a nsw bar
trap for tha occastun.
Senator Henderson waa notified ay wire of bis
appointment by Vice President Hendricks to attend
the Orant funeral ceremonies.
Mr. and Mra. Oaorce W. JUnlorer ara about to
ats.rt for a European trip, planned to take thaw from
Slnd to Kollautd and Bvlsiuin, and theme to Nor
way, 8weden and Ruata. through Poland. Bohemia
and Uroece to Conalantlnople, returning about Jan
uary I by tha aouthrra routa.
Mlxe Lolile Ret-a of St, Joaeuh Is vUltlnc tha
family of her uncle, Samuel h-. T Mouth avenua.
.r. a-nd Mr. O. M. Hitchcock loft for Denver
I h Ihvlf lutla daughter, who la quite 111.
It. It. V. Conite'.l ia back from a two weeks' v1lt
In oiiin
A. V,'. Jiixk ot tut B. A M. headquarters spent 8uu.
c.-. y lrtnda In (JlfnwotxL
Check Up Once More on "Safety Firit."
Tbe Eastland tragedy reminds us that It Is
time to check up once more on safety first in
every direction where people may be exposed to
undue risk. Perhaps it takes a periodic catas
trophe, like a big fire or wreck or boat-sinking,
to bring us back from carelessness and reckless
ness to common-sense precaution, for that is the
only possible lesson it can teach.
Fortunately, we have no mammoh excursion
steamers In Omaha, but we have a lot of extra
hazard places that should be checked up from
time to time.
FirstThe theaters and moving picture
houses, which have multiplied so fast and whose
patrons are so largely women and children.
Second The bathing beaches, the boata and
boat landings in our parks and nearby lakes
that have already furnished more than their
share of accidents.
Third The grandstands at ball parks, speed
ways, race tracks and athletic fields, which,
though used but seldom, must bold large crowds.
Fourth The schools, churches, tabernacles,
pavilions and dance halls where people congre
gate and require safe exits.
Fifth Factories, hospitals, hotels and other
institutions that house large numbers entitled
to a minimum of fire risk.
Sixth Bridges and viaducts that undergo
uneven strata and are liable to deterioration.
What we aay here does not mean that any of
these places in or about Omaha are unsafe, but
that eternal vigilance is the only preventive of
mishap, and that .the present is the auspicious
moment to make aure there is nothing amiss
that can be remedied.
Bed Cross and the European War.
From headquarters at Washington comes
word that the American Red Cross hospital
units, operating on European battlefields, are
to be withdrawn because of lack of supporting
funds. This brings again to the tore the im
mense amount of humanitarian service this coun
try has performed during the progress of the
European war, and presents a much more seri
ous question for the belligerents to face that
of themselves taking care of their own sick and
From the beginning America has assumed a
large part of the responsibilities that rightly de
volve on the nations engaged in the war. From
this country has been sent out relief in every
form to every country In Europe. In the wake
of battle, where the armies were engeged solely
in spreading death and terror, Americans have
come to bind up the hurts and salve humanity
Ifrom the wreckage. Belgium, Poland, Serbia,
destroyed by the wide-sweeping ravages of war,
have received from us the relief otherwise un
obtainable. Part of this ' work Is to be con
tinued, for special funds have been set apart for
it, but the general work of tbe Red Cross is set
to cease on October 1.
The hearts and the purses of our people are
alike open to the suffering millions of Europe,
and it need not be looked on with surprise if
means are yet found to continue the Red Cross
activities In Europe. Whatever happens, the
contrast between the American expenditures for
relief and the European extravagance for de
struction will never be lees than It is now. '
"Let the Battle Proceed."
With the reputation of never looking for a
fight and never dodging one, Colonel John O.
Maher has wheeled his type-writer battery into
line and fired a salvo, announcing tbe opening
of the expected battle over the Bryan-Hitchcock
selections. With the echoes of this salute
reverberating across the hills and downs of Ne
braska, we may expect at once a general' engage
ment, and such freedom of firing as will make
the local councils of democracy a combination
ot Donnybrook and Kilkenny. Tbe long delay
in the distribution of tbe plums allowed-hope to
spring In many a breast, and in some it took
such root as to become almost permanent. It la
not easy to uproot such aspirations, secret
though they may have been, and the faithful
will surely make the welkin ring with their pro
test. "We may expect much frank dlscuseion not
only of Mr. Bryan's family affairs, but also of
the inner circle of the senator's editorial room.
But It will take a powerful lot ot objection from
the rank and file to secure a revision of the ap
pointments jnade.
Experiment Worth Watching
The department of animal husbandry ot the
University of Nebraska is about to embark on
an experiment, the outcome of which will be ot
much service to the farmers of Nebraska, It
has to do with the feeding of lambs In summer
and fall, and will be looked to to aettle several
very essential points ot which the experts at
present are not agreed. In other experiments
in feeding thla department baa added much to
the useful knowledge of the etock raiser, and
this lateat research work should be of as much
service as any. To determine the best ration,
the most successful care, and tbe speediest way
of bringing stock of any kind to marketable con.
dltion, and the surest way to profit for the
feeder, has been but a part of the work of the
atate'a great agricultural school, but in this it
has served the public far beyond Its cost. As a
food animal-producing state, Nebraska is fortu
nate in having auch an Institution, so well
equipped and direc ted. .
i Under Arreit at Bayonne.
The law of New Jersey is to be given a trial
at the handling of the disorders in connection
with the strike at the Standard Oil worka at
Bayonne. The sheriff has placed under arrest
one of the company's managers and thirty-two
or the armed guards employed at the works,
charging them with inciting riot. This action
appears to be for the purpose of upholding the
law of the state, and to show that It la not neces
sary for private concerns to arm their employes
In order to secure proper protection for property.
Tbe strike of a number of unorganised workmen
at the refineries baa been the occasion of a great
deal of disorder, and several of the men have
been killed by tbe armed guards. The sheriff
has from the first Insisted that be is capable of
handling the situation, and baa refused to call
for militia. lie disarmed the strikers, and his
arresting the guards indicates that New Jersey
is not Colorado, and that the law is able to deal
with disorder on both sides.
"Safety first" is a good slogan for folks on
land as well as In the water.
Culls from Collier's
Tha Dletlartlaa arlr.
NEHRA8KA la an asiirjiliural state, aa all know
who have traveled peat Ita teeming arrea or
lodged In Its hotel. But men do not usually
admire that which la near to their own Uvea: tha
unusual thing has the better chance for applause. It
Is cheering, than, to find that Oovernor Morehead'a
committee, In search of Nebraaka'a moat oMstlngulahcd
cltlxen. has honored tha atata entomologist. Dr. Law
rence Bruner. of the Cnlvereity of Nebraska. When
the chinch bug waa ravaging wheat f lei da by the mile
he found a paraalte which destroyed the pest and de
vised means to apply tha aorely needed remedy. Per
hape this was Prof. Bruner'a most Important and
dramatic victory, but p na muet not alao the ateady
helpfulness of his yeara of work In tha small cam
jwlgns which man Is always waging and must forever
wage against tha blind greed of that swarming insect
world which la all about tie. It la not ao much that
millions of dollars were saved, but rather that tha
victory ever nature waa won for tha men of intelli
gence and care: that earth waa made more of a noma
and less of a gambling place. Thla la not the least of
the mighty aervlcet of science, and Nebraska does
well fo be proud of Ma first cltlaen.
The ftpeahtn- Truth,
Tha refined Boaton Transcript rises up to remark;
"Here's to the mouth! It is the grocer's friend, the
orator" I' pride, and the dentlst'a hope.
Tes Indeed, say we, and also the politician's base
of supplies as well aa his first and third Una of
trenches. For confirmation apply to or listen at Lin
coin. Neb.
A Paw ef niaa Wonld Make a. Mnrkle.
A reader dug tha following letter out or Brother
Victor Rose tee's Omaha Bee, and sent it In to us In
recent morning' a mall:
To tha Editor nT The Bee:
It la a sad thing to poor, Billy people of tha
twentieth century complaining of the high coat of
living and saving that they can't live on salaries of
00 all tha way up to $000. For fifteen yeara my
salary haa ranged from ISO to and t-have a good
sum of money In tha bank, a wife and alx children. 1,
manage thlnga on a common sense basis. No foolish
ness. Nickels spent on moving pictures and candy and
lea cream are wasted. Money spent on finery ia
In my family we have nothing In tha way of
Inxurlee Just the plain everyday food. I do tha
buying myaelf. Cereals, oatmeal, and similar foods
form tha bulk of our diet. We buy one pound of atenk
a week. I hava a piece of It every day because I need
meat to sustain my atrength for my work. The rest
of tha family do not need meat In fact, are better oft
without It. The only luxury we buy la tobacco, and
the cost of that cornea to only 40 cents a week. Wo
save much on buying bread that Is a day old, thua in
creasing the buying power of our money 100 per cent.
Cheese I find a good substitute for butter and more
nutritious, aa well aa coating only half aa much. It la
a very simple thing to raise a family on. a email
salary If a man just haa common sense and doesn't
leave tha buying to his wife, and sees to It that trades
men give him a dollar"a worth for every dollar ha
apenda. I hava only been In Omaha a year, but 1
sua ran tee I hava made my money go further than any
other worktngmaa In the city, and I can prove it If
nacaaaary. A. B. , M.IC K.L.E.
Our stenographer passed this on to us with tha
following oomment: ' . ,
People read thla sort of thing and then wonder
why some of us prefer to remain old maids!
Well, there's a great deal to be said on that.' In
the first place, If our stenographer were Mra. Mlckle,
wa think that something sudden and surprising would
happen in tha Mlckle family. In the second place, a
home and six children, even with Mr. Mickla thrown
1n, are batter than being en old maid. Finally, wa
want to know more about Mlckle. Maybe ha wrote
the letter tn Irony. Maybe he doesn't exist. Maybe
one of The Bee's bright young men Invented him to
add to tha gayety of nations. Won't Brother Rose,
water be, kind enough, at our request, to send one of
his reporters out to see Mr. Mickla and tell tha world
about him? If he is a real human being, there are a
lot of things wa should Ilka to say about him, and
not all of them to hla discredit His Ideas are not all
bad. When ha eats alt the meat in tha family he la
doing tha rest of tha family a real aervlce. The main
point in which ha ia all wrong la his distrust of Ms
wifo in tha matter of buying. Hie case may be an
axoeptlon. but In nlr.e casea out of ten the wife Is a
batter buyer than tha husband. After all Is said and
done, tha outstanding fact about Mtokle la that ha
want and did it. He did marry and ha did raise a
family. For that achievement, compared to him, all
tha whining young men who complain they can't af
ford it are merely objecta of varying degrees of con
tempt. Aa laaportawt wbjaet.
Wa wilt take more Interest In that fine old Billy
season question. "Is marriage a failure?" when wo
meat a few bachelors paat 80 who ara not afraid of
being by themselvee over a holiday. For those wh
know aomethlng about life as It is the above question
haa but one anawer, and that obvious.
Twice Told Tales
) Hla Honey.
A Ban iFrancisco man talis of e flower, growing
abundantly near Santa Barbara, which la peculiarly
attractive to bees.
"Now, aaya he, "there was a young Californlan,
particularly fond of honey, who used to visit a certain
Kanta Barbara hostelry because auch a aruperlor aort
of .thla nectar was to be had there.
"This young man married in due course, and tha
weddmg trip Included Banta Barbara, ao that tha
bride might taete thla aupreme honey. But to his
dismay no honey appeared on the breekfaet table tha
first morning ot their etay. The groom frowned. Ho
called the old familiar waiter over to him.
"Whero'a my honey T he demanded.
"The waiter hesitated, looked awkwardly at tha
bride, and then bent toward tha young man's ear and
In a hoarse whlapar stammered, 'Why, Maria don't
work here any more, sir.' -Harper's Weekly.
Way Oat ef 81h.
Private Doherty was six feet four In hla socks: tha
sergeant waa much shorter. Tha sergeant looked
along the line "Head up, there, Doherty!" ha cried.
Doherty raised his head. "Vp higher," aaid tha little
sergeant. "There, that's batter. Don't let ma aee
your head down again."
"Am I to be alwaye Ilka this?" asked Doherty,
staring away above the little sergeant's head.
"You ere."
"Then I'll aay goodbye to ye. aergeant, for I'll never
sea yes agam." Ptttsborgh. Chronicle.
Mixed Vetera.
' A lanky youth entered the crossroads . srenaral
store to order soma grocertea. Ha waa 17 yeara old
and was passing through that stage of adolence dur
ing which a boy seems all handa and feet, and hla
vocal organa, rapidly developing, ara wont to under
go auddea end Involuntary changes from high treble
to low beaa.
In an authoritative, rumbling base voice he de
manded of tha busy clerk, "Olva ma a can of corn"
(then his voice euddenly chanrinr to a shrill falsetto,
he continued) "and a aack of flour."
"Well, don't be In a hurry. I can't wait on both
of you at once," anapped tha . clerk Pittsburgh
People and Events
A ahortage ot Turkish tobacco suitable for ctgareta
Is predicted by a tobacco promoter. Tha cabbaga
crop la equal to all demands, so why worry?
Rather than marry aa her parents Insisted Mine
Camilla Cuahaw, 18. ran away from her home at
Oermantown. Pa., and sought refuge among frtenu
tn Pittsburgh.
Martin O Grady of Chicago ran HlO behind la bis
alimony contract and Mra. O Grady phoned hlrn to
coma across or go to Jail. "No ha won't" answered
aa affinity voice, coupled with aa offer ot t&OO fpr
a quit claim. Did Mra. O'Qrady algn up? Just as
eutek aa No. t could push over tha money.
The Nonamoker'a league of America met In solemn
convention In San Pranclaco. Accounts differ aa to
tha proceedings, but sjrae that two persons were
present the fo&ndor of the league and one out-of-town
delegate, a woman. Tha latter offered a reso
lution, which waa unanlmoualy adopted, that wives
should not allow their ' huabanda to amcka in the
house. Tha chairman did note vote.
Thnt r. O. F.rrietearr Board.
OMAHA, July j.-To tha Editor of
The Bee: I am one of the many in tha
Omaha poetoffiee whoaa opinion can only
bo eafely given in a namelPM contribu
tlon to tha publio pre, otherwise the
Inner circle would soon find aome excuse
for exchanging him for a new "serf."
The expected haa happened. Tha no
torious efficiency committee haa re
turned. It waa expected after their hi
bernation In these quarters a few months
paat that the Omaha postofflce was to
undergo another InapecUcn within a
short time to see If the office hod
reached that beatific state of perfection
so sought after by the committee. And
now, to ahow the long-eared sagacity of
tha present administration, the same
men have been ordered to return and
check their own work. Tha complalnta
of the Omaha business men are set at
naught and tha committee whoae recom
mendation brought down vigoroua pro
teat, not only from common citizen, but
from the poexmaater and the senator end
the congreanman from thla district, la
auppbeed to go over their own work and
advise the department of their own er
rore, and If will be safe to carry through
their original achama, hatched last winter
In certain well known lodge rooms behind
closed doors. q.
Ne Time far Race Prejadlce.
OQAIjAIXA. Nab.. July J4.-To tha Edi
tor of The Bra: I was much interested In
your report of tha speech of, Hexamer,
head of th Oerman-American 'alliance,
which ha delivered at tha banquet given
In his honor at the Fontenetle .Friday
He atarted whh a strong denunciation
of the American presa, I presume for
the reason they are backing our presi
dent In hla efforts to protect the Uvea
and property of American cltlaens. How
ever, the American press needs no de
fense at my hands.
He next attacked tha publio sdhool sys
tem, of which every true American 1 ao
Justly proud.
It la a wrone; principle to try to array
one class of Americana against another,
and whoever attempte It la lni my Judg
ment making a great mistake. He lays
stress upon tha fact that large numbera
of Germans inlistel in the civil war,
and 'helped put down the rebellion. I
grant you that h true. Probably not one
regiment went to the front without It
German contingent There were severs!
German boys in my eumpany ; they were
true blue and bravo, always ready when
duty called. Wa muat .give them honor
and credit.
But let ua not forget we are all eltlzene
of a common country, either by birth
or adoption, and It was Just as Incumbent
upon one as tha other to rally to the de
fense of the flag whenever and wher
ever it might bo a si! ailed. He further
said, .'The time ia ripe for German
Americana to stand up and assert their
rights." May I ask of what lights thoy
have been deprived? They have been
honored In the highest places in the halls
of congresa, they have helped to make
our laws: In the executive branch, aa
governors and Judges, they hava helped
execute the laws, in fact, they are today
holding places of trust and authority In
all the state. t Thli kind of talk a this
critical time to try to place oue claaa
above another, may cause trouble. At
any other time U would be simply lu
dicrous. ' EDWIN M, BEAJUE.
"A ad All for a! Sonar."
OMAHA, July .-To th F.ditor of The
Bee: Tha splendid team work of 1,000
male voices (Maennerchor) of the cltle
making up the Northwestern Saengerfeet,
on tbe stage of th Auditorium last
week, apeaks for ttaetf of the history of
song to this the first part of the twentieth
century. Few realise what a struggle
tha art of song had tn past ages to build
music to Its present position first
through melody and then harmony and
then symphony.
Tha first scale ot record In History la
one of three notes, made by the natural
Inflectlona of. tha tonea of the voice in
musical speech downward like th Greeka
sang their eplo poetry. Thus: say hello
naturally to the telephone girl and your
voloe will fall in tone on the low to tha
musical Interval of a fourth. It aha doea
not anawer, you say It again, but this
time your voice does not fall so far quite,
but to the Interval ot a major third and
thua wa have the aoale, aay down from
middle C to C.'A flat, O. Next we have
the scale of Sappho (619 B. C), not a
myth or a muse, but a real little woman,
with black hair and a aweet voice. '
At th tuna or the Greek philosopher,
Pythagoras, (S33 B. C.) all ot tha eeven
primary notes were In and a few of tha
chromatic notes . also.' This wa the
seven-note or diatonio scale In whioh tbe
voice struggled for some eighteen cen
turies to make aong In melody and all
through the dark and middle ages to tha
time of the Italian renaissance. Then
Instrumental musio came to the rescue
of cantata music, by tha madrigals or
songs of tha troubadours and menne
alngers accompanied by their stringed
Like them, too, Martin Luther broke
away from tha droning, alng-song chant
and liturgies of th church, still singing
ilka th Greeks In fourths and thus
started muslo In tha melodjr of thirds
with some anap to It and a tuned Instru
ment to check the vole up to, and thua
waa modern harmony born.
Tha ftve-not scales of tha Asiatic,
where th volca went up-to tha fifth in
stead of down to tha fourth, has for
some reaaon never developed harmony
and la very walling to us, like Chines and
Japanese music, or th hoot-che koot-ch
of tb afreets of Cairo. Tha trouble dur
ing all thea renturtea waa tha "terrible'1
tri-tona in tha acala, called in tha middle
agea "the devil In music." They did not
realise that the octave waa tha natural
division of the scale, but they tried to
divide In tha middle of the octave, but
there waa tha trt-tone of three full notea
(from F to- B). To avoid this they made
two acala In the octave and the true
Greek pentachords start on E to F, O, A,
below, and the one above, B, C. D, U
Theae ware simple scale of fourth ehd
major and minor thirds and no trt-tone,
but very tame music.
They knew that to pluck half of tha
atrlng made tha octave above tba whole
string, to pluck three-fourths of tha
string and you get the Interval of the
fourth, two-thirds makes a fifth, four-
fifths a major third, flve-eiaths a minor I
third, etc. but they did not know that
two consecutive thirds make a fifth and
three-third a seventh and by Inversion
third become sixths and sevenths become
eeoonds because they did not know now
to use tha ectav note, nor did they use
fifths and to them tha fourths sounded
better than tha thirds on which modern
music Is founded. It waa tha great choral
master of Italy. Palestrina 415:4) who
brought on octave or diapason music and
bridged around tha devil la muslo at last.
It waa Moaart. a Osnuaif (IT) who flrat
xaade use ot the baritone voice, that
made thla aaengvrfest possible, for It la
the voice of the average man. Before his
time the Italians made some of tha
male voire take the scprano part along
with tenors and bassoa Remember the
tone of the whole string, aa on It Is
founded not only fundamental base, but
the keys of muslo which John Bebsstlan
Bach GttK) also a German, found out by
bis ear alone and afterwards proved by
Helmholts (also a German who died in
lif4, whoso mother waa English) by tha
physics of sound ss mathematically cor
KilaMlaa Antique says she wishes she
could step to the phone and call up her
happv college dava.
Bella hf she did she'd hsve to employ
the long distance phone. Florida Tlmes-I'nlon.
N vttR WS Rxxs Aiwwswar
8he When we were married a year ago
I nver expected to aee you coming home
at 2 in the morning.
HeWell, you wouldn't now, If you'd
only go to bed and to sleep. Boston
Widow But T have nine children.
He (Wretched deceiver!
Widow They are all -working.
Ha 'Dearest one! Michigan . Gargoyle.
Once, while I sat to mdMste,
Vpon a drlisly, rhlilv night.
A vision row around the light
Of fading emlK-ra In the grate. .
I heard weird voices of the dead
Come from the w-lsard'e cabinet
Their living thoughts are with me yet
And heard distinctly what they said.
The actions of all moving things
I'pon lioth hemispheres were aeea
In reproduction on the screen
Around Invention's fairy wing
Below the surface of the sea
fped ships, defying hurricane
And rlratea' guns upon the main.
In comfort and security.
Jove. In his savageneaa and might.
Waa raptured with a peaceful ease
And made to nerve humanity's
Desire for useful power and light.
I heard men talking 'round the world.
And taw them flying tn the skies.
As the material paradise
Kalldnacoplcly unfurled.
Ave. more: they, by the wireless kind.
Their thoughts projected through the
And men and women everywhere
Read one another'a dally mind.
Bewitching beauty, high and low
In woods, on mountain, plain and lea.
By stream and green-hued lake waa
To ev'ry heart that had a woe.
It seemed a real enchanted land
So many wondrous things to sea-"
Such marvelous machinery
To save the labor of the hand.
A startling rng-tlme melody, .
Called "Ev-rybody s Doln' It."
Came dancing from the cabinet
And brought to end my reverie.
The fireplace log had burned away;
I heard the cricket's dismal peep,
And, turning, saw waa I asleep?
No. 'twas a true dream of today.
Now Are the Days
Children Need Card
Summer Heat Dangerous
to Little One if Bowels
Are Neglected
; A mother cannot do better for her child
?han to train It from early Infancy to
.'regular habits, not only as a preventive
'against much of the Illness to which chil
dren are more or leaa subject, but also to
I insure their health in later Ufa.
I Normal activity of the bowels Is the
baala of sound health. This is especially
true with children In hot weather. Do
'not neglect any tendency they may show
jto constipation, but promptly administer
a gentle laxative, that will carry off the
leongeated waste without shocking the
Aq excellent remedy for thla purpose is
jthe combination of simple laxative herbs
Iwlth pepsin known aa Dr. Caldwell's
'yrup Pepsin and sold In drug stores for
.only fifty cents a bottle. It does not wn
Italn opiates, narcotics, or harmful habit
'forming drugs of any description, acta
easily and naturally without griping or
other discomfort and Is positive In It
Dr. Caldwell's Byrtrp Papain ha bees
tha standard remedy In counties hornet
for a quarter of a eentury and thousand!
of mothers testify to Its virtues. If voU
have never used It, get a bottle front
your druggist or write for a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 451 WasU
lngton St., Montioello, IU.
Ok hT-m '
& ' .
to the.
Great Outing Region
of Minnesota and
northern Wisconsin
Ashland, Wis. ....... $2 1.7fl
Bayfield. Wis 81.73
Blrchwood, Wis. .... 1 9. 1 9
Cable, Wl 20.13
Cbetek. Wis IQ.IO
Cisco Lake. Mich.... 23.03
Dnlath. Mian 20.33
Eagle River. Wis.' . . . 23.SO
Gogebic Lake, Mich. 24.33
ITay ward. Wis
Leo da Flambean.Wl
Manltowlah.Wls. ...
Minneapolis, Mlaa.
Phelps. Wis
St. Paul, Minn
St. Peter, Minn
Three Lakea. Wla. ..
. 24.40
. 23.90
. 14.33
. 26.30
. 14.33
. ia.30
. 23.13
Three trains daily via St. Paul and Minneapolis.
umana 7:45 a. m., 6:45 p. m. and 9:05 p. m.
Numerous Cast trains daily to Chicago connecting with the
Fisherman's Special
Lv. Chicago 6:05 p. m. daily for the finest fishing country
in the World.
V For full information pall or addresa ,
JOHN M ELLEN, General Agent
Chicago &
North Western Ry.
140 l-S Farnam 8treet, Omaha, Neb.
(Tel. Douglas 2740)
Try a Colorado
Only $17.50 for Round Trip
Tickets on sale daily June 1 to Sept. 30.
With long return limit "Uocky Mountain Limited"
and otliei fast trains on convenient schedules .daily.
Automatic Block Signals
Finest Modern All Steel Equipment
Superb Dining Car Service
Tickets, -reservations and literature en
request. . j
i. S. M'JiAlXV, I. r. A.,
14th and Farnam, V. O. V. Wdg.