Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1915, Page 5, Image 5
Till: HEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, 1 JULY 1915. U. S. RED CROSS AIDES TO RETURN L&ck of Fundi Makes it Necessary for American Nurses and Doctors to Quit War Zones. TO BE WITHDRAWN IN OCTOBER WASHINGTON, July 36. Amer ican Red Cross cocton and nurses win be withdrawn from th Euro pean battlefield October 1 because of lack of funds to maintain them longer at their station. It is possible that the two units in Belgium, wnere ins greaien nwa exists, will be continued, but th other fourteen detachments will re turn to the United States. , The BrMo sanitary communion and other work supports by the special contribution will tMM lone as ttioss contribution art available, but the sn ersl fund contained In the United States, amounting to Sl.8ao.000, will be exhausted on October 1. MsJatalseal Tear. "The America n-Rd Croaa by CWstober 1 will have maintained it pereonnel In each country a year with the exception of the Belgian unite acdlhe sanitary csmmlsslon," says the statement made puNlo today by Mine HaWe T. Board Snan, chairman of the Red Cross relief committee. , "The tour of duty required of each surg-eon and nurse does not exceed six months, o that a number have returned and . substitutes have been sent. By October a large number of those now In Europe will return. The cost of transportation of these ' surgeons and, nurses going and coming makes a con stant and considerable financial demand npon the Bed Croes treasury. The monthly payroll is also a large Item of ' expense. "lit view of these facta snd because .' Its funds are rapidly becoming exhausted ' the Amerloan Red Cross has dectded by October 1 of the present year to wlth- draw the pewonnel now In Europe: pos sibly with the exception of the units In i Belgium. Much as It regrets this neccs- Standard Oil Chief and 32 Deputies at . Bayonne Arrested NEW TOR K, July 3.-amuel II. Ed wards, general superintendent, and thirty-two guards ef the Tidewater Oil company's plant In Bayonne, N. J., were arrested today, charged with Inciting to riot, by Sheriff Klnkead and bis deputies. The arrest occurred after guards had fired shots near the plant. FEEDING OE LAMBS TO TAKE Oil WEIGHT s Interesting Experiment to Be Under taken by the UniTersity of Ne braska Annual Experts. WHAT IS TO BE ESTABLISHED HACKEHZEH CAH HOT GAIN GROUND Only Progress Being- Made by Teutons Ag-ainst Warsaw is North of that City. GERMANS LOSE IN ' THE WEST sity, U realises that no- Red Cross of a neutral country ever before rendered so long and extensive serice In the way ef personnel to nations engaged In war." . WkaTRfi Crnn leal. The Red Cross, the report shows, sent to the' warring countries S67 persons en gaged in humanitarian enterprises. Of that number, seventy-one were surgeons and 253 nurse, while forty-three were members of the Serbian Sanitary com mission. England, France, Russia, Ger many, 'Austria-Hungary, Serbia and Bel Slum each received one or more units, which means one or more complete hos pitals, with doctors, nurse and other attendants, and with alt-' supplies and equipment. . - , Thousands of wounded and 4ck have been cared for. . Financial aM has been sent also to hospitals, and other institu tions in many "countries, and supplies of bandages and drugs have been rushed 'to the war cones by every steamer. The ad ministrative expenses of the huge under taking have already amounted to SH.S91, and this has been paid by the Red Cross Itself and not taken from the fund con tributed for relief. '-- , ri ..saasary ef lerrtaesv Following is a summary f aerrlcea rendered- each belligerent government: So. at . Shipments. Value. Austria It Belgium .' 12 England ...IS France , M Germany k Italy , 3 Montenearro S Poland 1 Russia 9 Serbia , S Turkey. I The finsnclal statement showr expendi tures of H, 460,306. leaving a balance of 1171818 on hand, for which the demands slready are heavy. Of the expenditures, the cash remitted totalled $42,8S2f salaries of surgeons and nurses, t21,CtS; travel and supply trans portation, Slig.472; war insurance, flO.US; equipments and outfits, 138,208;. appro priated out of the contingent fund for widows of surgeons who sacrificed their lives in the work, 116,000. For ttie1 Amer ican Sanitary commission for transporta tion, supplies, salaries and equipment, ij,000. S W.70S. 87,846 Zle.lnfr 183,795 14, 4.71 1S.53S 7,K) 89,61 1S0.W7 France Uses German Prisoners to Help ' Harvest Its Crops (Correspondence of Associated PreaeO ORLEANS, July M.-The experimental uee of Germsn prisoners of war as bar vosters hd begun here in the old prov ince of Orleans. It may solve the ques tion, of the harvest without the return cf the soldiers at the front. Two' hundred Germans who were cap tured at Csrency and sent to the prison camp at Usoudun were transferred to falestierbee -end there in groups of twenty sent to the different communes that have applied to tUe military authori ties for farm help. Bach detachment Is - placed under the supervlaloa of the mayor of the commune acting: for the military authorities, and is subject to the same discipline as In camp. The men are to be paid at the rata of about 110 per month, in addition to their board and lodging, directly by tfcoea who employ them. Thus far the experiment has developed no difficulties and if it continues to prove successful, other conwoys of 300 each will te font, to other farming centers. The present harvest . outlook in the crest wheat country of the Beauce aur- Iaaes all previous expectation as to yield and quality. CANNING DEMONSTRATIONS ARE TO START WEDNESDAY George SL Fan-ell, assistant agricultur ist. In charge of Boys" and Girls' club work, of Washington, will be In the city . Wednesday to give canning- demonstra tions. Mr. Farrell comes from Lincoln, where hs has been giving canning de monstrations this week. Three demonstrations win be given, as follows: Saratoga school, Wednesday. M a. m. Caatellar school, Wednesday, I p. m. Young lien's Christian assembly room, I p. in. Kvery garden oiub member, boy or girl, may be present, as boys can do isnnlng aa well as girls. - An especial invitation is extended to all momsu to be present. A "For bale ' ad will tarn second-hand Cumlturs Into caaU. The college of agriculture of the University of Nebraska is beglnninc an experiment In connection with the feeding of lambs on a scale that is expected to determine gome practical1 results as to summer and fall feed ing of lambs. Prof. H. J. Gramllch of the department of animal hus bandry, peaklng of thig undertak ing, says: "We have Just purchased a carload of Idaho lambs here s,ths university snd expect to start them on experiment within the next few weeks. The purpose of this experiment will be to obtain figures on the cost of producing 100 pounds of gain on dry feed compared with producing it where various pasture crops are used in conjunction with corn. Mere Tbey Will Feed. 'A field of corn has been seeded to rape and one group of the lambs will bs fattened In this field. An adjoining field of corn, planted and cared for under iden tically the same conditions, but not seeded to rape, will furnish the feed for a second group, of the lambs. A third group will be on blue grass pasture, with a medium feed of corn. A fourth group will have a medium feed of corn and ac cess -to both a blue grass pasture and a rape pasture. A fifth group of the lambs will be put in a dry lot with shelled oorn and alfalfa bay -for a ration. A, sixth group -will bs put In a dry lot and fed corn and corn sllsge. A seventh group will be fed on shelled' corn with rape pasture for roughage and an eighth group will be put. on a ration of corn and oil meal with access to a blue grass pas- turs. Soane Established Jfotfoas. "The experiment will probably continue until November. For many years the popular belief has been that gains could be made much cheaper on any class of fattening animals where the ration con sisted of grain and grass,, than where the ration- consisted of grain, and dry roughness such . aa hay. . like wise of recent .years many people have felt satisfied that lambs turned la oorn fields , In August and al lowed to clean up the lower leaves, weeds and other roughness before getting to the ears made cheaper gains than where they were .fed grain' and hay in a dry lot The matter . of whether It pays to sow rape In, a 'cornfield or. not has received con Siderable dlsousslbn. As we have figures oa the actual cost of seeding the rape In this experiment, we will be able to tell from our results Just what benefit ac crued from it by oomparison with lambs running in a cornfield without the rape. "These lambs weighed fifty-three pounds when purchased and are of aver age quality, many of them showing a tendency toward black faces. The aim will be to care for thenvin the same man ner which the average farmer and feeder would and " thereby secure results which would bo directly comparable." GraM Council of 'Delta Gammas Now Meeting in" Omaha Omaha is entertaining the grand coun cil meeting of the national Delta Gamma sorority - at . the home of Miss Ethel Tukey, who Is editor of the sorority pub lication, "The Anchors." The council of ficers were honor guests st a luncheon given at the Field club yesterday. They are Mri Adah May Brown,' Rhlnelander, Wis., the president; Miss Agnes Burton of Petrolt, the secretary, and Pauline Hagaman of Rochester, N. T., the treas urer. , All are en-route' to the Delta Gamma convention at Berkeley, t.'aU Local Delta - Gamma officers include Mrs. Fred Cuscaden, president; Mrs. Brace Fonda, vice-president; Mrs. Harry flafpenter, secretary, and Miss Carol Howard, treasurer. ' The special train carrying dslegates to the convention In . Berkeley will reach Omaha Wednesday morning at T:tt. Over 100 sorority girls will be entertained dur ing their three or four hours' stay by local Delta Gammas. The council officers will go on west with them. Miss Margaret Rustln and Miss Louise Curtis, Omaha girls who are now on the coast, will also attend the convention. LONDON, July J. Only the northern tKrtnt of the pincers, which I the Aiyitro-Germana for more than I week have been trying to close around Warsaw and the Russian armies In the Polish salient has made any progress during the last few days. Thle point has forced ite way across the Narew river be tween the fortresses of Pultusk and Roian and is advancing toward the Bug river, which stands for the greater part of the way between It and the Wartaw-VUna railway, its objective. The other point, which Field Marshal von Msckensen Is directing at the Chelm- Lublln railway, has hardlyv gained a yard of ground since It reached the vil lage of Rclovets, Just south ef the rail way. Threaten TMaekeasen's Flaws:. In 0'ferlng stubborn resistance to the Germsn advance, the Russians are mek- Irg a continual threat at Von Macken- sen's flsnk slong the Bug river from the east of Chelm to east of Lemberg. Be tween Krylow and Sokal their attacks have been particularly severe, compellng the Germans to send reinforcements, probably Intended to support Von Msck ensen, to meet them. Alone I ho Vistula to the south and west of Warsaw there has been no change exoept In some positions evacuated by the Russian when they drew in their line. While Warsaw Is under heavy pressure, the Austro-Germans have a lot of stiff work before them if they are to bring their operations to a successful ending by its capture. . A Hacks la North Daagrerwws. Many are of the opinion that the moat dangerous attacks at the moment are thtose which are being made in the provinces of Cou'rland, Komo and Grod no, at the lines of communication n- tween Warsaw and . the northern In terior of Russia. Those attacks - are lcing delivered for the moat part by cavalry and" will doubtless he met In due time by the concentration of Cos sacks in these regions. : . The French report another success In the region of Vosges. where they clslm to have taken more than 800 unwounded prisoners. The Germans admit ths loss of a portion of their trenches there. There Is no diminution in ths Italian offensive along the Isonso river, which the Italians say Is proceeding favorably for them, but whloh the Atistrlans de clare Is meeting with no success. Cross Narew River. BERLIN (Via London). ' July M. Tha Germans have crossed the Narew river on a front from a point south of Ostro lenka to Pultusk. Southeast of the Pul tusk fortress ths Teutonlo allies are ap proaohlnr ths Bug river. These two advances of the German troops In Russian Poland are announoed In today's official statement. Issued by the German army headquarters staff. The", movement Indicates that the Ger mans are makfng'for the Warssw-Petro-grad railway, which runs parallel with the 'Bug river, twelve miles to ths south east. flowers. Out on the Kmg park line she went all for a nickel via the Omaha A Council Blurts Street Railway company route. There the wandered alone for a half day gathering flowera. An arm ful of anldn rods she hrousrht to the office and a rare collection of roses In a red basket. . Then Dad Weaver, the Saniaon of Ak-Sar-Ben, being a man of solemn mln snd steadfsst decorum, then snd there performed a marriage ' ceremony In the north window of the office. Now ths stem soldier and his smiling brWe stand guard together. Council Decides on Redisricting flan , for Greater Omaha To con ply with a law limiting the number cf wards In Omaha to twelve, the city council has derided on the fol lowing redlatrlctlng scheme whirh will not orwngs any t the existing precinct boundary lines of Greater Omaha. The territory now known as the Fourth ward will g Injo (he Eighth ward, giv ing the latter ward twelve preclnot. In stead of six, ss at present. The new Fourth ward wt'l bs the present three south wards of South Omaha. The Tenth ward will be divided In this manner The second, third and fourth precincts" added to the Second ward, whlcr will have ten precincts; the first, fifth and sixth preclncle will go Into the First ward, which will be increased to signt precincts under the new arrangement. Ths new Tenth- ward will comprise ths four north wart of South Omsha. The two precincts in Dundee will bs added to the Eleventh ward, giving that ward six precinct a By preserving the existing boundaries ef ths precincts the election commissioner will be saved much work. HALF A MILLION UEH FOR AMERICAN ARMY Administration Plans Contemplate Larger Military and Naval Forces of Nation. OFFICIALS ARE ALREa'dY BUSY TAKES AFTER WIFE WITH HAMMER, THEN USES BRICK An esctting few minutes st the morn ing session of police court occurred dur ing ths description by the vsrlous wit nesses of a family row between Mr. and Mm William Brsnnlff. William returned home from the ball game late Sunday afternoon, and was probably a little up set by the ' outcome ef the game and the refreshments he had ; partaken of.' When his wife gently upbraided him fer spending his gqod money In such a frivo lous way he took after her with a ham mer and chased her Into the back yard, where he struck her in the back with the hammer and finally threw a brick at her. Wife was Justly indignant, and so Wil liam was taken to the bs stile and locked up for the night. In police court, after telling a rather wobbly story, hs was fined SIS and costs. . WASHINGTON, July 2 Pending President Wllson"s return from Cor nish, NV II., when he will formulate with Secretary Garrison and Secre tary Daniels what the White House announced to be a sane, reasonable and practical program of national defense, army and navy officials are busy assembling the Information upon which the new military policy will be founded. No announcement haa been made as to whst the army and navy boards at work on ths needs of the respective services have concluded, but It Is defi nitely known that navy plans contem plate a big increase in submarines; the building of thirty, snd perhaps fifty, be ing recommended: that several battle cruisers will be, urged and st lesst four dreadnoughts, and there will be sn ef fort msde to Increase ths suxlllsry fleet and navy aircraft. "everal additional small navy yards to serve ss submarine bases will bo suggested. It Is thought. ftuch a program would carry with It an Increase in the navy personnel and probably ths enlargement of the naval academy at Annapolis, where navy offi cers are trained.' Army plana look to ths building up of an army of regulars and mllltla within territorial United "tates. To make the plan efficient It Is believed soma sctveme to federallse the militia will bs advanced, and also that methods 1 of building up reserves for both ths rag' ulsrs and mllltla will be proposed W . mm T - .liJf a. ws . . W - ui T Take Along a Case of Cheer when you go into the big silent woods, or down the swiftly running streams. JTirYl ft '"'''"asaassSWsJSSsjsiSJI II If 1 1 1 1 yg.ii mil gg I I .. 1 Bttr will bring you many a pleasant evening and make you enjoy your vacation by adding zest to your meals and sociability round your genial campnre. SC. BLAH. Mgr. Omaha Breach t3flu-B4 Leaveaworta at. Doug, eai ti. r i r : r wuu yuiK. linreuil v. OABT, mrBTsT. JMstrlbntor. La Croeee, Wis. Tie B. leth mu rhoae song. 4e34. M'ARDLE IS BOUND OVER TO THE DISTRICT COURT Harry MoArdVe, who escaped from to Hoe Officer Harry Jackson at Twenty slath and Ivenworth streets a week ago and was captured when he applied at a hospital in Council Bluffs for treatment for the wound hs received at that tlms In his heel, has waived examination In police court and was bound over to ths district court. He Is chsrged with break ing snd entering and Is being held under a $1,000 bond. Tske Dr. King's New Discovery end you won't catch , cold. It kills the cold gerrrs, koeps yott well, iOa. All druggists Advertisement. . Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful. Dad Weaver Plays ' Part of Preacher at a Big Wedding The collection of mascots at Ah-Bar-Ben headquarters. 1717 Douglas street. Is growing. All year a lone little baby sol dier of plaster of parls kept vigil in the north window with his hat recklessly turned uU In front Today he has a comrade. Bam Gluskin of New York, who last year had the doll concession, at the Ak-?ar-Ben camlvnl grounds, has just sent a new doll to Miss Bdythe Maloney, assistant secre tary of Ak-Sar-Ben. ; This time It is a lady doll, dressed in rare laces ami epotleea white skirt. 6am Gluskin knew that the Ions soldier was keeping his UH at' the north window ' all toe year without company. Sara knew It la nit good for man to live alone. Hence he sent the plaster of pari a lady in white. , Bo Miss Maloney set about to gather Want New Law that Will Protect Public Ths ordinance for the regulation of motion picture houses was laid over for a week, pending the writing of a more comprehensive measure. It is proposed to create a board of five examiners to comprise two exhibitors, two operators snd. the city electricians, and to require operators to be not less than a years of age. Exhibitors 'and operators clashed be fore the city council, the former con tending thst the proposed board might enable certain persons to grind their axes at ths expense of competitors. August Herman, business sgent for the Motion Picture Opeis tors' union, declared tbs ordinance Is not a union measure, but was designed for ths protection of the public Referenos was mads to several fires In local picture bouses. Use Cocoanut Oil for Washing Hair If you wsnt to keep your hair la good condition, the less soap you use the better. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. ' Just plain mulsifled coooanut oil (which U purs and entirely grease less), la much betten than sosp or any thing else you can use for shampooing, as this oan't possibly Injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it In. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, orsamy lather, and eleanaes the hair and scalp thoroughly. Ths latber rinses out easily, snd removes every particle of dust. dirt, dandruff and excessivs oil. The hstr diles qui-kly and. evenly, and It leaves it fine and silky, lirlg ht, ' fluffy and easy tn manage, " . Tou can get mulslfied -coooanut oil at most any drug siore. Jt is. very cheap, and a few oim--i la enough to last everyone In the family for niootliK. Ad vertisement . Turkey Cedes Part of Road to Bulgaria I3NDOV, July M.-A dispatch to the Times from Sofia, dated last Friday, says that a convention reding to Bulgaria, the Turkish portion of ths Dedeaghstch rail way wae signed In t'onslantinupls Thurs ty JdfKm A&xj wW A rf sVs.tew,.tf fJ W ' ' v L ai We Break tike D uuuvuuuiy o eaciiiioc ? If Germany's national existence depends upon a submarine policy which contravenes those neutral rights , which' the United States Government must and will uphold, and if, at the same time, the two nations aro determined to continue their friendly and peaceful relations, something 'of a problem is evi dent. To our German-American editorial friends the solution is as clear as daylight we should accept the German view completely but to the great majority; of the American press the latest German reply appears to offer no solution of this problem consistent with our national self-respect. , In THE LITERARY DIGEST for July 24th every phase and angle of pub lic opinion on this perplexing question as reflected in the newspaper press of this country, isj)resented in graphic form. Mobilizing Brains to Aid the Americanv Navy Another feature which will be read with interest is a comprehensive ac count of Secretary Daniel's novel enterprise in drawing upon the inventive and scientific geniuses of the United States and forming them, into a board to study the problems of modern warfare in : conjunction with army and navy experts. . Other important features in this week's number, are: Bomb Masteries on Munition Ships Botha's yttric&n Victory Culture of a Peasant Nation The Swarming of the Poets Asylum or Hospital for the Insane? ' How the Russian Army Takes a Bath Adulterated Preserved Food on the Firing Line . The Hopes of Lithuania Poland's Half-Loaf Crop Outlook Our Best War Order Rudyard Kipling Tells Why Britons 1 Should Fight Modern Turkish Versifiers . A Geological View of William II Should Cousins Marry German, French, English and Italian Press Views on Germany's Note to America Berlin Editor Says England is Affected with "Invasionitis" ; As usual, the DIGEST for July-24th is well illustrated with a selection of the best cartoons from the world's press, and by photos, sketches and maps. The demand for this favorite periodical is increasing so rapidly that many readers are often disappointed because news-dealers sell out their supply quick ly. It is therefore advisable to place a standing order so that you will not miss a single number of this most necessary weekly news-magazine for busy poople. Get It From Your Newsdealer Today 10c , Lke MKY'Jm FUNK & WAGNAIXS COMPANY (PubJuhcn ef A Faoo NEW. Stiodinl Dictjoatry), NEW YORK T1 ' it , ' m