TIIK MKK: UMAIIA, Tl KSlA. .It IA 1 !..'. 11 I OK SALE llo'a nnd (oIiixfi. M I seel la neon. W AVVU ijtjT Farnam. O. 'US, FOll ('( HAIRED. 112.502005 Paul R rms.. gas. writer paid. 115.002323 8. 1th 8 mm., toilet, kk.s. 1 1 water. I in.!H im I'n'ino-T rm.. mon. ex. neat. 1306 8 th A vp., 8-r., modern, :i. 2'OS-lO N 13th, 10 r , mod., each 120. 1U X 21. 3-r.. 913. W KMIN'AH SMITH i n. Phone P. 1"64. 1120 Farnam St. u-H' 'O.Yi l.U Leavenworth. Phone D. tore and Office. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevatov and Stain Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. WANTED Desk room. Address B 773. Rpp. FOR RENT Ground floor and basement Masonic brick building, 30x80 . fpet, Knwneer front, coiner lot, business auc tion, count- seat. Inquire of .1. L. Grimm, Wilber. Neh Office on 17th St; Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Trlrate Office Waiting Room 180 Sq. Ft. $18.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. RE AX. ESTATE CARU RANCH LANDS FUIt SALE California. Live Oak" Colonic, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 913-14 City Nat. Ba. D. 218., Colorado. NORTHWEST 4. Sec. 29, Twp. 12. Range 48, Cheyenne County, Colorado. Perfoct title. Make your beet offer. R. M. Bet tesworth, Cedar Rapids, la. lona. ItAVK YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a (rood description of your land and send It to the Sioux City. la.. Journal. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five worda every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for 12; or 60 words, 4, or 76 words, 6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 250,000 readers daily In four great states. Minnesota. MINNESOTA farms; low price, easy terms. Minnesota Land Co., P. O. 317, Omaha. 240 ACKKd 46 miles from Minneapolis, on mil from town: 160 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good et buildings, consisting of s room bouse, large bam. granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; ths land will pro duce 09 bushels of corn per acre; tele phone in house; country thickly settled: complete aet of machinery : 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and years old; six good horses; 25 hogs: chlokens; one-half of this year's crop and everything on farm goes at 150 per acre; half cash. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mluoirt, BLACK alluvial, soil; corn, 90 bu. acre; wheat. 40 bu. Alfalfa and hogs make the . farmers rich.. : Notice the price, 125 per acre; 14 acre cash, balance twenty years. Opportunities like this are rar. Be Independent. Buy a firm now. G. P. Stebhlns. Nebraska. FOR SALE Choice farm bargains and ranohes; also city property. Write me your wants. J. C. Murphy, O'Neill. Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bscn. Neb. FarmsFarmsFarms ALL sWITHIN ' one hour's automobile ride of Omaha. BARGAINS. Let us show you the goods; all sixes, all prices, all terms. Belling farms is our specialty. OR1N 8. MERRILL CO.. N. R. Cor. 23d and M. Sts.. South Omaha. New York. New York Farms For Sale St bushels of wheat and 6 tons of alfa per acre proclaims no longer the land overlooked hut the land of great and glowing possibilities TURN ON THE LIGHT AJfD BUY A NEW YORK FARM RIGHT. 160-tvcre homestead, buildings worth 9 thousand. Price 96,000. 22-acre Syracuse Trolley farm 12,700. 47-acr summer re sort, new bungalow house, farm J.5flO. 7 -acre city view homestead no better land on- earth. 100-aor registered hol steln cow farm. $ano buys any of these. Free showing. Railroad fare one way to purchaser. Et Munaon, 2426 8. Ballna Bt. Syracuse. South Dakota. FOR 8ALE3 A No. 1 stock and corn farm adjoining good town, southwest corner Roberts county, 8 D., good school, churches and market; 90 a. cultivation, fine pasture and hay. Price 175 per acre, half cash, balance terms. Address Y 628, Bee. WashtaeTtoa. "FREE lumber with every sale land near Spokane raising fruits, grain, vege tables, stock. Free booklet. Consoli dated Land Co., Elk. Wash." REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, f, PE3R CENT. TOLAND & TRt'M BULL. 449 Bee Bldg. 1109 TO 930,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Famam Bts. CITY and farm loans, 6, 64. 6 per cent J. H. Dumnnt A Co., 419 State Bank. WANTED City loans and warranta W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Famam St WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. BETTERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam. CITY property. large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg. MONF.T on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O-KKEFK REAL ESTATE- CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 9715. PRIVATE MONEY. 92.000 to loan on improved farm. Geo. EX Relff A Co., 53 Brandels Bldg. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neh. ITnlted StaU-s Trust Co., Omaha. Key CITY LOANS. C. a. Carlberg, 310-19 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED city and farm loajis; lowest rates. V. G. Temple ton. Cu3 bee. T. 2090. REAL ESTATE WANTED 46 ACRES Grand county, Utah, li rig able land as flrat paymt-nt on 9 or 4-roo'ii. Phone Hartley (679. 1 TO CARE FOR YOL'H REAL ESTATE SALES AND RENTAIJ, IOANS AND INSURANCE. F- D. WEAD, 1H01 FAR NAM ST. REAL EUATE INVESTMENTS MINNE LUSA The largest addition ever platted here will soon tte on sale. o FOR SALE or runt, trackage buildlua, 11th and Seaard. 96xK8. Apply 1U Gust St. REAL ESTATR NORTH SIDE Wait For Minne Lusa IlEAl, ESTATF SOUTH SIDE 7 ROOMS, $2,800. Field club district all modern, south front lot. splendid location, on Maron St., cloee to school ami osr line. C. (I. CAULBEHd, 312 RrandPt Theater Bldg. Wait For Minne Lusa F1VK rooms modern except heat, 2415 S. 2oth Ave., 320 down: $2000. B. N. Rob ertson, W O. W. Bldg. Phone P. 45 8-R. cottaee, 1715 Ontario, large lot, city water, gas, shaded fruit trees. Inquire 3447 So. loth. After 6 p. tn. Sun. Red 691.". FOR SALE by owner. 2 acres, 8-r. house, chicken house, bam, all kind fruit. S. 3701. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE MINNE LUSA The largest addition ever platted here will soon he on snip. o FOR SALE Perfectly new 7-room house, In cathedral district on West Farnam car line. A beaufful homo vlth every modern convenience. Must be sold. Bar gain price "! easy term If taken soon. FRANK BARRETT, Owner. Phone Harney 510. For Sale By Owner New modern six-room house on 42d St., near Farnam; oak floors and finish: has fireplace, sleeping porch and built in bookcases and cupboards. Must be sold and will sacrifice. Call Douglas 2070 during business hours. REAL ESTATE VACANT LOT 40x130, well Improved walks; shade trees.' etc. Frire, 9T00. Inquire 1306 Jaynes St.. N. Omaha. Wsb. 4574. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dt Wonderful Minne Lusa Soon on Sale FOR SALE or trade. 10 loU all in fruit: 6-room modern bungalow, close to car and school. Phone Benson 282 or 401. Dr. Parsons. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS MA KB offer for 2 new B-r. mod. cottages; best offer takes either. Douglas 3do7. Wonderful Minne Lusa Soon on Sale LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals wOl be received at Lincoln, Nebraoka, by the Board of Edu cation, Nebraska State Normal Schools, up until ten o'clock a. m., August 3, 1U, for the erection of a brick and stone auditorium for the State Normal School at Kearney, Nebraska, In accordance with plans end sped (icat Ion prepared by J. H. Craddock, Architect Room 12, Continental Building, Omaha, Nebraska. The Board of Education, Nebraska Stats Normal Schools, will also- receive proposals for the heating, plumbing and electrlo wiring for above building, ac cording to plana and specifications pre pared by the architect. 4P until the hour and date above named. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check for five (ft) per cent of the full amount of hid, made payable to G. E. Hall, State Treasurer of Nebraska. The Board reserves the right to accept any or reject any or all btds. Signed by the President and the Secre tary of the Board of - Education, Ne biaaka State Normal School. Jy-2idl2t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth and Mason. Chicago A Northwestern NORTH. DsiMut. rwla City Express T-.tt am tkta FuMKr k 1:44 am gloux City Local ll gHI Minneapolis Bxproas a 4:46 pa Twin Ulljr Limit a . pm bast. Dnr gpaalal Carroll Loral a 7 o am Havkays Kipraea a 1 . am Chicago Local all W pm Carroll Local . lI M m CT.Icaio Hpaclal a 4:09 pm Ban tt'rannlBTO Lamltad a!2 fid am ArrlTa al0:J0 pm a :M am a I '46 pm U K la a 7:11 am eT:K am a I N pm all 61 pm a 1 :4i pm alO 00 am a 7 :M am alO:U am a 1:94 am alttf am aU:44 an Oierland Ltmltad ...a pm Oraton-Waahlnrton UniUad. .a I II pm . - . I .1 m 11. - ft LK nM wiaT. OhaSron Loeal ...a 9:19 am LtDcolnsP!' m 9:Ja am a 1:90 pm a!4:ll pm s 1:2 pm a l:M pm aU:4 am Jjlnooia-AvODS rinm m a.ta psa Halnsa-8uprtor 9:19 pm rmdoood-Hat Kprlnaa I l:H n Caapr-laB4ar I H pa W abash Omaba-et Leuls ipraae....s 4:il pm a 9:45 ass Mall an4 Bapraaa a t.tl aja aU:W pm lulon Pacific Ovarlana Llmltad s I -90 am a 1:41 pm Calllornla Mall a 4.M pm all 44 am Omaha Kipraas i a I M pm Atlanta Bipraaa a 4:0 am Loa Ansalaa Limited all H am a9:4pm Colorado Bspraaa a 4:14 pm a 4 IM pm Colorado Dpaclal all 10 am a T:4U am Baa Francuco umiiaa aiu:w am facKl Uuiitai ...au.4am a 1:14 pm Orusou-Waatalnfton Llmltad alO M am a 1:11pm North Platte Local a 1:14 am a 4:44 pm Orand klul Legal al:Mpm ai4:)aja nil 41 pm bll:M uuk gtromaburt uoeai . Illinois Centra Chlcase Limited a I'M pm a I N am Cbloaso Bioraas a : am alMpm All)ton-Oaa4al k 4 10 pm b 1:26 pm lalcavo, Milwaukee dt St. Paul Pacille Umttad a 7:40 pm all-K am Chloaio bpncial a ( 40 pm a J :U am Cbloaso DarllaM Bpaolal a 1:14 am all IS am Calltornla Mall a 1 1 pm Manilla Looal a i.00 sm ail:W am Lklcaaro rat Western Twin CltT Limited a W pm a 1:3 am Twla City Ripens H sm Ohloaso KIP"" " alMpm Mlssoarl Pacific . C. I II u Bipraas ....a 9r9 am a T 44 am w 0 a L. Bapraaa all:wpm a IM pm k & 8t. Paul 9 44 m a 1 44 pa Ckleavo, Reek Islaad Jt I'acUlc BAM. KackT Mountain Ualtad....a 1:04 am all 06 pm C'Mcaso Local Paaaansar bl 04 am bll 94 pa Oilcan Dallr gipraaa a 4:14 am a 4 40 vm CJilcaao Ntnt Epia a 4 14 pm a 1:M pa raa Moinaa Local Paaaaotar. .a 4 TO pm all. a am Chlcau-Nabrmaka Umttad..a 4 4 pa a l.U) am nhl -Nab. Limited to Llnooia a 1:14 am a 1:47 pm Colorado California , gas.... a 1 44 pm a 4 pa Okuaoma a Taiaa Bipnat. 1 04 am all M am ILskf Mountain Llmlwd all It pm a 1:4 am BliBLIliTON TATION Teata and Maaoa. Barllngjtoa tJNSH WKsrr. Dtpvt Arrlra a 7.u4 aa a 4:14 pm a 4 14 pm b 4:44 am nl:ai aa Denr Llmltad . Kabraaka Ideal .. Nabraiaa Eipreaa ..a 7:10 ai ..a l as am . .a 4 U am ..b 1:W pm b l oo pa Lkuoola Local Loulavllla-echaylar rT.r.bwaat. Ulack Hill.. uua and Waahlnatoa .a 4:19 pm s 1:14 pa Baatrloa. na-xiua ww brand Ialaad a 4:11 pm Dar-Cllforale 4 SO pm Haatinaa-Oraad lalaod a 4:44 pm Lincoln Local .a 1 .44 pa Caloraio-Calilorala, Nortk- wal-iral Northern all It am LI.NBU Chicago and Illinois a 1:11 am Iowa Local a U am Platumonth-Paairio Jtiect. . . .a 4 M pm Fiatlunoulh-Hacma Junot... alt t4 pm all U pm a l:to pm all:14 pm a 1 :4tf pa a 1:10 aa a 1. 44 aa a 4 id am a 1 44 pm bll 04 aa a I id pm IMta all 41 aa a 4 no pm all t4 am a 4 .44 aa Craaloa Local o S a pm Chtcaso Cluoaao Ckloa4 Kiurwaa 1 a 4.44 pn Lioiiud a 4 44 pm ' axtd llllnola a 1 10 am LIN MS BOOTH rHtr-Bt Joawk a 4 14 am la, Mo a 4. Mi pm aaaaaa Ultr-St 4oaapa all 44 sa a daily, k dally ajcapt susdar. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Active Demand for New Wheat Puts Price Up One to Two and a Half Cents. OLD WHEAT TEN CENTS HIGHER OMAMA. July 2. 1915. There was ah active demand for new wl:ent today and the mat kpt sold 1c to 2L,o higher, old wheat lenialued un (hang.d, but sold about loc higher vcr bushel than that of ihe new crop. There wa a good supply of corn on tlie floor and although there a a pretty fair demand the market declined Vu V'. Oats were A trifle weak and sold HV lower. Receipt of this cereal were light and there was only a fair demand Kalna were reported In the Nebraska wheat belt and It n ill probably cause some delay In ha.illng tlie grain to the country elevators. Weather unfavorable for harvesting ha been reported l the importing roiin . trios and It Is thought that they will have to look to Nortu America for their supidli-s. ' learanoes: Wheat and flour e-iui I to iSJ.um hu. corn, 14S.010 bu., and oais, 4':4.W bu. I.lvervail rlo-ed with wheat Vrf'-d hiaher and coin unchanged to 'id up. Primary wheat receinta weiv l.7.0cn hu. and nhlpmeota of 73,OiiO bu., agalnm r ceipts of S,fi!7,nnn bu. and shipments of 1.7l2.rt!iO bu. Inst year. Hrlmai'y coin reoelpta were B'W.'m bu. and shipments of 4W,ouo hu., against re ceipts or 73B,0i bu. and shipments of (Mi bu. last year. Primary oata receipts werj tl.0n0 bu. and shipments of 575,(H bu. anatnt re ceipts of tSo.oon bu., and shipmenta of fiSl.om) bu last j-ear. CAR 1rjL' RECEIPTS. Wheat. Ctrn. Oats. Chicago Mln 1 110 Minneapolis 3'H lnluth i Omaha W &2 1 Kansa Cltv !! Ij Winnipeg M Those eales were reported tooay: Wheat No. ! hard winter; 2 cars toldl, 81. 1 car mew), II. a): 1 car inewl, ft.IVS: cars (new. ll.lKtj; cars (new!, II.1H. No. J hard winter: t car (old. $1 3H; 1 car (old). II. ii; 1 car (newl. It IT'; 2 cars (newt. 11.17. No. 4 hard winter: I car (old). 11. tt: 1 ear old. 11.23: 1 car (new). 11.14;. 1 car inewl. 11.11; 2 cara (new). 91 10. No. 4 Miring: 3-f. car (old). 11.90. No. 3 durum: S-R car. 91,05, Sample: J-S oar (smutty), II .or,. Rye No. J: 1 car. 96c. Oats No. S white: 1, car, 4sttc. No. 4 white: 1 car, 48'c: :t cars 4c. Sample: 3 cars. 47c. Corn-No. 2 white: S 2-6 cars, Wc No. 8 white: 1 car, 76lsc No. 2 yel low: 8 oars. 7V": 2 cars, .liUje. No. 3 yellow: 3 cars, 7(',ijo. No. yellow: 1 ear, TSWc. No. 2 mixed: 8-6 ear. 7o: 4 cars, 764e; J cars. 75Vc. No. 3 mixed. 6 cars. 7hHc No. 5 mixed: 1 car, 16c. .o. a mixed: 3 cars, 7So. Sample: 1 car, 70c; 1 car. 8c: J ears (hot). 67c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. J tur key, Il.2llft1.32: No. 3 turkey. I1.9MP1.81; No. 2 hard, I1.175'130'; No. 3 hard IUfiHi1 50: No. 4 hard. l1.09Hjrt.2o; No. 3 spring. 1.2S,fM.82: No. 2 durum. I1.0M91.O9: No. 3 dunim, 11.041.05. Corn: No. 2 white, 7M4iJK9o; No. 3 white, 7r.'4Jj'7fiS!; No. 4 white. 74W75c: No. 6 while, 7f4fr 75c; No. 9 white, 74fr74He; No. 2' yellow, 7(Afi"7e: No. 3 yellow. 76i'9,7fiHc; No. 4 vellow, 7M(fi)7c: No. 8 yelionvi 7M"5W: No. 2 mixed, 75WS7fic; No. 3 ndxed, 76'ifi 75t4c; No. 4 mixed, 74 VriTSV.ic : No. 6 mixed. 74t4ff7fic: No. 6 mlXPd. 74'iir7ric; sample mixed. 87ff70c. Oats: No. 2 white, 49i4r4Hc: standard, 4S4!)c; No. 3 white, 4Wu"4)"c; No. 4 white. 4K."u4S. Barley: Malting, 7if?fifc; No. 1 feed, 64?nsc. Rye: No. 2. 9B$je; No. 3, 94a)C. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Hoard of Tade. CHICAGO July 26. Wheat prices turned decldely weak today, owing to big receipts here and because of tha sink ing of the Leeln.ua w. Quotations closed unsettled nt 2'j0 to 2V- net decline. Other leading stanlesi. too, all showed losses corn, 2Vic to 2io; oats, 44i'c to 2Vie, and provisions. 25c to 75c. breaks in the value or wheat did not begin until after the market had scored a moderate advance, the result of rainy weather, light world shipments and tlie announcement that the Italian govern ment had determined to buy large ouan tltle of wheat abroad. It was expected by inanv traders that the ralnv weather, esieclally In Illinois, would make deliv eries on July contracts more difficult. A different prospect, however, suddenly developed when estimates w'ere posted Indicating that the day's arrivals of now wheat would prove far more liberal than had been looked for. The actual total Inspected was 643 carloads, as agalnat 115 cars on Saturday. News that the Leelnnaw had been tor pedoed gave the wheat market fresli Impetus down grade, but the effort did not exceed the limits frequently reached In consequence of Inclement weather and crop developments. Nevertheless, no Important rally ensued, despite word from the seaboard that 600,000 bunhelB had been disposed of there for export. Declines In the corn market came about chlofly through sympathy with wheat. Country offerings, though, were fair and eastern demand less active. , In the oats crowd tho call from shorts was soon satisfied. Something of a col lapse In prices then took place, owing to the heaviness of other cereals. Stop Iosh selling carried down pork to the lowest level since 1903. Lard and ribs were also under pressure, but not to such a notable degree. The setbacks wore ascribed largely to the weaknesses of grain and hogs and to the sinking of the lelanaw. Closing price on options: Low. i Closed Sat y. 1 JUkl 1 114 1 14', 1 Otil 1 04 1 0M. 78J ' 794 804 744i 744 764 6141 51Ttf 64 874 37S 394 13 35 It 35 14 10 13 60 18 524 14 25 7 80 7 96 8 10 7 96 I 7 96 8 224 9 50 9 80 90 J 60 I 9 60 9 834 Wheat I July. 1 144 1 16J Sept. 1 ( 1 Corn I July. 904 80Va Sept. v 75Vt 7&St Oats I July. M 55 Sept. SXW 8ti Pork Sept. 18 96 14 05 Oct.. 14 26 14 25 Lard Sept. 8 00 8 024i Oct.. 8 07t, 124i Ribs 1 Sept 8 80 Hi I Oct.. 9 974 9 7241 Chicago Caan Prices Wheal: No. 2 red, ll.iait'l.iO: No. I hard, new, ll.liVirl 1V lOorn. No. 2 yellow, 794rttlc; others nominal. Oats: No. 8 while, BWi7c; standard. &34(.Sc. Rye: No. 2, 11.02. liar ley. 7W&o. Heeds: Timothy. 4.60fa.oO; clover. R5hic6.0n. Provisions: Pork, 113124: lard, I7.66fif.724; ribs, I90TX&9.60. Bf'TTER Market lower; creamery 214(6 254c. KOGS Market steady; receipts, 12 712 cases: at mark, cases Included, 14gn74; ordinary firsts, 16'4igl4c; firsts, '174 174c POTATOES Market steady; receipts, 36 rare; barreled, ll.3fy'1.40. POULTRY Alive, market hlghep, fowls, 184c WKW YORK GEBtKKAL MARKET Idaolalloas of the Day oa Varloaa I'ammodllles. NEW YORK, July . FLOlTRnteadv; spring patents, 6.6ui(i'i.00: winter patents, V6o("6.76; winter straights. 6.26'36.4o. WHLAT Spot, weak; No. 2 red. new, 11.19, and No. t hard, new, 11.21, c. I. f. New York; No. 1 northern, Duluth, new. 11.13. c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, weak; September. II. CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, 904c. prompt shipment. OATS Spot, steady; standard. 4VI4c; No. 3 white, 64c; fancy clipped white, 747 6X0. . HAY Firmer; prims. 11.40; No. 1, 11.36 if 1.374; No. 2, 11.3(1; No. 3, 11.26; shipping. tl.sT('1.10. HOPS tjulet ; state, common to choice, 1914 crop, 6IV. Pacific coast, 1914 crop, I2h1fic, I9'3 cron. Jsaile. HIDES Steady Bogota, KfjSle; Cen tral America. 28c. LEATHER -Firm; hemlock firsts, 32c; seconds. Sotfillo. PROVISIONS Pork, unsettled; mess. t18.00irTl8.50: family, IM.0OH22 M); short clear, 19.0Oig2i.o0. Beef, steady; mess. llAFIAVAY TIME CARI WK8ITKH sTHuitSr TAT!OM n.. teeatk aad Webster. ChleasjOi Paul, sflaaeaavslts a Omaha Depart. Arrlva IVIa fly Pawnor... k 4 14 aa k I a. pa Sloul CUy Eipraao k 9 44 pm kll:Uaa Btoux City Pajeaogar a I a sa Kinaraoa Local k 4 IM) pa k 4 14 am a dally, k dally si east litaaay. 1sX.;14 So; family. 19 5'. lard. mvimK; nihldl- weal, .'.M'ri,tK Tallow, idiill, cii), f. c: counli, 6'i'iH ; l" ml. : . . I HI'TI KU-Steadv; receipt, k.. lulis. ci i'auu r . extras. 2'tnrJ7 c ; firsts, Ji"lVJ' !ic: sci.iiid. I'Ar'ti. I KOtiS IrreauiMr; receipt, l.PV cases; fresli gatheicd, exliaa, 24ihs extra firsts, J1Si.'2ic; first a, lVi-lc; seconds, i;si imv CIlKlK-Weak: receipts, l.Wa bxcs; state, whole milk, fresh, flats and twins, white snd colored. specials, mdl':".'; same, average lam v. KiliMc. IHlfl.TltV Live prices not- settled. Dressed, steady; western frosen roastmit chickens. 1wc; fresh fowls, bed, Wtftt1 17c; turkeys. Iced, lfwiUV. I Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, July A-I'llA I HI K HAV Cpland. choice, IS.f""" 14 (; No. 1, I11W 11 13. en; No. 2. in.ifii l.'.W. No. X. Is Wr flO.00; midland, choice, ll:i.Vri'l3.Sn; No. 1, liafconnm; No. 2, $ll)l)'(Jl2.i. No. 3. IS WoUVfln; low land, choice, Ill.Ki l.'.K); No. 1. IHHu 11.00; No. 2, I7.0oji!.ii0: No. 9A 0iti .0o. AlFAIKA Three cars on the market: practically no demand. No. i t" vholce. new. U .fttii 12.00; No. 2. l9.(4iU.0A: No. 3. IT.OO'tj'S.lX). OMAHA UR-KRII. MIRKKT, PVTTER No. 1. l ib. cartons, 2c; No. 2. 0 ll. tubs. 24c. CM EE8K Imported Swiss. J.',e; Amer ican ilsa. 2i;c; Mock Swiss. 22c: twins. KV: daisies. I'!1'"; triplets. IR'c; Young- America. IS'ie: blue label brick. 17c ; Mm-jju burger. 3 lh 20c; New York white. 19c; lniKrted French Rouupfort. 40c. FISH Trout, lie; whlteflsh. 13c: hali but. i:tc; channel catfish. V". herring, 7o; codfish. I0il2c; mackarel, bc; salmon, 13 u He. SWEET POTATOES Kanana. 12.75 bbl. BEEF Cl'W- Ribs: No. 1, Hit; No. t, 18c; No. 8, 17'c. l.olns: No. 1. 2,e; No. 2, IKSic; No. 3. 18Vc. Chucks: No. 1, Htc; No. 2, lie; No. 3. 10c. Rounds: No. 1. lMc; No. 2, ir,V: No. 3. 14c. Plates: No. 1, tVc; No. 2, 8e; No. 3. 84C. f ruit and vegetali. prtces furnished by rjll'lnnkl Fnilt ComCS"V FRCITS Oranges, tVlifornla Valenclas, 100s 12;s, 'a. S:4s. i:ns. I4.no per box; California alenclas, !fos, 14.25 per box; California Valencia, 17ta, 2"0s. 2Hls, 250a, I4.i0 per Ikix. Iemun, extra fancy ( lol den Bowl. :m0s, 9ii0s, fi ",0 per box;' extra fancy Sunklst, 300s. SKOs, "oo per box; Ic extra fancy Red Hall, B, 3os, IN) er It box. Peaches. California Crawfords. 76ol(' per box; Elhertn. four basket cratea, niki l, j'Pr crate: Ellierta, four basket crates. ,- els. 11.26 per bii. ; Klbertas. 2,i-bushel lots. 1120 per hu.. Plums. Hurhanka jam ner crate. Pears, California Rartletts, 12.25 per crate. Blackberries, 24 pr. cases 12.00 per crste. Bananaa, medium fruit 2.0i) to 12.2 per bunch; Jumbo fruit, I hangulnola and Port Llmon, 4c per lb. Cantaloupes, IVnlea, Ms, 12.25 ier crate; Maopa Nevadas Standards, 13.00 per crate V BOUT A HUl'JS Cabbage . homegrown and southern, ltc per Hi ; hd. lettuce. II. 0i per doa.; poppcia-, no. er basket; If. lettuce. 20c dox.; tomatoes, 11.75 per box; onions, Wssh., 2te per lb.; celery, 8ic per dot.; cucumbers, 11.76 per basket; parsley, 95c per doa. ; wax and" green beans, 60c per basket; green peas, R0o per basket; new beets, carrots and tur nips, 411c per uasKet; raniaues, 20c per dox. New potatoea, VV per hu. Sweet potatoes, 91.16 per hamper. Nuts, No. 1 walnuts, IHo per lb.; filberts, 16c per lb.: Brazils, 12Hc per lb,; pecans. 12Vxc per lb.; almonds, If"' per lb. Miscellaneous, Crackerjack. 13.50 per case. Cornpops, 13.26 per case. Crackerjack, 11.75 er half case. Cornpops, II. 96 per half case. Peanuts. No. 1 raw, tic lb,; Jumho raw, 7a! Der lb.: No. 1 roasted. 8c per lb .: Jumbo roasted. 9c per lb. Watermelons ' 1'V P" ! N I i'S .o. 1 walnuts, ISc lb.; filberts. 15c lb.: Brazils. l?Vc lb.; pecans, 12V lb.; almonds. Sue lb. MISCELI.AN EOlTB Crackerjack, 13.50 case; M cuse, 11.76; cornpops, 19.26 case; H case, 11.65. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, 6c lb.; No. 1 roaeted, 8c lb.; Jumbo, raw, 80 lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 10c lb.; salted, 11.26 can. Honey, 14.90 case. Limes, 12.00 basket. Watermelons, lHe. lb. Kansas City (.rain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 26. WHEAT No. 2 hard. Il.334rf.47: No. red. 11.20; July. 11.20; Septemlier. l.O3ff'1.034; f1 cember, 11.04. CORN No. t mixed, 78V; No. I white, 78c; No. 2 yellow, 74c; No. 3. 7c: July, 784c; September, 724c; December, 614c OATS No. 2 white, 61JTJMVso; No. t mixed, 4(W464 BUTTElt-Cieamrry, 27c; firsts, second?, 23c; packing, 18c. EGGS First. 1'74e; seconds, 124c POl LTRY Hens, 12c; roosters, broilers, 179il9o. 35c; Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK, July tW. Evaporated apples quiet and steady; fancy, 8V"jtl; crolce, 8fa'84; prime, 74fiTV DRIED FRIUTS. Prunes, firm; Cal ifornia. 1V44(114; Oregon, 74,fil0.. .Apri cots, quiet; choice, tly84; extra choloe, 84; fancy, fAjifjilOVi. Peaches, steady; choice, 4ii5; extra choice, fvtrMi; fancy, 64fu'. Halslns, firm; loose muscatels, (i'4f"74; choice to fancy seeded, 7MU'; seedless, 64Cf74; London layers, tl.SOfii 1.40. Minneapolis Itrain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 26. WHEAT July, 11.464: September, 11.064; No. 2 hard, 11.60; No. 1 northern, tl.atrV.ffl.d.SV; No. 2 northern, I1..V.45'1-164- KLOl R Advam-cd; tancy patents, 17.25; first clears. 16.90; second clears, 11 ('. BARLEY Mor73c. RYE 95(91. 0(. BRAN $21.50 ' CORN- No. 3 yell.iw. 77'-i7Rc. OATS No. b white. tili4i5l'-. FLA X l.ri (a 1.5S4. Liverpool tiraln Market. LIVERPOOL. July 26. WHEAT Spot market, quiet: No. 2 Manitoba, lis 104d; No. 8, lis 9d; No. 1 northern Duluth, Us 64d; No. 2 hard winter, lis 64d. .CORN Spot market quiet; American mixed new, 8s 6d. FIXJI'R Winter patents, 43. HOPS In London (Pacific coast), H ISs-tjaJS 12s. 1 St. I.oala Grain Market. ST. 1iClS. July 'Hi. WH EAT No. 2 red, IllO'vfil.ll; No. 2 hard, 11.1801.19; July, 11. lo1. : Septemtier, 1.04. CORN No. 2, nominal; No. 2 white, 93483c; July, 804c; September. 734c OATS-No. 2. new, 60c; No. S white, old, fi8. Coffee Market. NEW YORIv. July 26. -Tlie market for coffee futures opened at a decline of 1 to 4 points under selling by trade Inter ests prompted by large receipts from Brazil and a decline of l-32d In Rio ex change on Loudon? but rallied on sup port by leading operators here. Subse quently the market again eased off under renewed selling n the circulation of July notlrea. The riose was four to aevon points net lower. Sales? 16,000 hag: July, 9: Sept., 678,- Dec... 692; April, 497. Spot? quiet. Rio 7. 74; santoa No. I, 9. Coat and frelgnt offers were report ed as unchanged frm those of Saturday. Mllrels prkue were unchanged at Rio and lis) reis lower at Santos. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July .-XyTTO,N-pot. quiet; middling uplands, 9.05c. Bales. 600 bale. Cotton future opened steady; October. 9 10e; December. 8.4e; January, 48c: March, 9.7Sc; May, 8.9tc. Cotton futures closed very steady; Oc tober. 9.06c; December, 9.82c; January, 9.41c: March, 9.66c:. May, 9.99c. Cotton closed very steady at a net de cline of only 10 to 13 points. ' LIVKRPOOU July 2.-CfrTTON Spot market easier; good middling, S.45d; middling. 5.16d; low middling. 4 5ttd. Sales, 10,000 bales. Oil and Hosiu. MAVANNAH. Oa., July 'M. Tl'H PEN TINE Firm, 8t4e; sales, 632 barrels; re ceipts, 848 barrels; shipments, M barrels; stocks, 26 2o barrels. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1,720 barrels; re ceipts, 1,110 barrels; shipments, 1.673 bsr rel; stocks, 69,145 barrels. Quotations: A and B. 12 86; C and D, IJOo; K. I't.iKKu 3 K: F. 13 108.16; O, tl. 124411. 15; 11 and I, 13 15; K, 13.60:. M, 14.201(4.25; N. 6O0: WG, I6.00; WW, I6.116. ' , Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 26 METAf-lea 1, offered x5.fi0. Speller, not quoted. Cop per, easy, electrolytic. 119 00. Iron, steady: No. I northern, 1 1 4. 01 15 no- No. 2, H4.2bi'f'U.7(; No. 1 southern. tl4.iV(f 14 SO; No. 2, 913.7.'& I4.a. Tin. dull. 15. wijy 50. A( London: Spot copper. 71, 16s, 6d; electrolytic, S8, lis. Spot tin. tlM, 16s; futures, (159. Antimony, 125. Iead, (24. 10a. Spelter. fi. H's. Rent rooms quick with a es Want Ad. I OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large and Prices Sharply Lower Sheep and Lambs Quarter Lower. H00S STEADY TO TEN LOWER Sol TH OMAHA, July:. 1915. Chrep 4. ic.noi Receipts were: :.lt1e. fee. Estimate Monday .... 4.100 R.0 Sump dnv last awk.. &.10S 7.177 Same day 2 weeks ago 4.272 .'2 Same day 3 weeks ago 4. if 9.1,d S.-imp day 4 weeks ago 3.779 9.t Same day last year... 4i 4.275 K I I U-t9, 10.9 f I Ihe following tan.o miowt tn k' erage price for hogs at the ro ih tmia:,!!t lle stock market for the last f -w Jys, with comparisons. Date I 1915 19U 'V1.uu? "ill , 1 1910. ;19o0. July 10: 4 a 47 x Till 7 241 :."!! I T 10! t: 9 441 T 97 lJuly IT; I 4 fit 71 July U l 9 S'i ; 9 74 7 i 9 .131 7 fil 7 lrt 9 80 9 21! 7 97 I ?4: 3 291 7 Tii 7 IM N 9 Sf.l 7 "2 T 15, II 291 7 99 7 i;. 9 so; 1 7 74 7 171 b' 34, 9 SVil Jtity 13. 1 atUI 9 95 Ju v H.l K tai 9 M 3 9x1 jniy is. 9f. i K M I Jlilv 19. T 02 9 95 9 781 ;"uly 17.) J 0M 9 7i'' 9 2 1"' V 1 ,s ,T s 91: Juiv ii.i 7 on,' R rs: 7 20 9 16 9 31,1 7 79 JUIV SI or.n. :: a I 7 29" Si S JS, 7 75 1 !Jnlv i'1.1 1; 9Tt 9 71! 9 v I g 'JT! 9 Ml T 711 iJuly 22. i 77',! 9 6 9 KS iX :; H ;;, K kS 24.1 11 i 9 f." 9 r;i 7 IV I S3! 8 43; 7 59 7 241 18 38 . 7 li 7 28 (i XV ' 7 51 July 'y July 'July K It ! 9 54! I 77 7 47 3 S S 281 I 9 K9' 7 671 9 4,'.' 8 27 7 til !inday. The following tahie ai,,,ws tha receipts! or came, nogs and sheep at ::ie ioutn Omnha live stock 'narket for the year to dale, as compared with lal year; 1915, 1914. Inc. Cattle 9,-,.1,9f,3 4Sl,M'r l'.1.4 Hogs 1.797.!1( VM9.CH 2i7.K Nheep 1,232.740 1.231.9A1 l.OtW Rei-elpts and disposition or live stock St the I'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha, , .... mt-ui.T-iiMir nuurp enaing at u cioca 1. m yestenlNV: HECEll'TS-CARLOADrt. Cattle. Hogs. Knee p. Il'r'a. ,C. M. SI. P. Missouri Pacific... I'nlon Pacific 13 N w east... A N. V., west.. , SI. P., M. O.. , H. g , east ... . H. y . west .. It. I. .v P.. eaat. !.'.' '.""'" ' ' ; lc WfRgo l.t. Meat , . , , j Total receipts ..17ii DISPOSITION 1 r. 81 19 -HEAD. lie. Hogs, .'stft tiiSI h31 1,I2 Ml :, 6:U I3T 1JI) 143 22 8 1H 58 15 W 12 42 95 140 2 44 2(1 13 18 18 I 8H 66 360 Mirrls , Co Swift a Co Cudahy Parking Jo... Armour Ai Co Sch warts eV 0 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pat-king Co... Kelloirg Packing Co... W. M. Vansant Co Benton, VansHiit L, Hill Son K. H. Ivewls 4,1 7iW 1,403 i Huston A Co. J. H. Root Co J. H. Bulla I. F. 11 usx RiBpnstook Bros V . P. Kellogg Werthcliner Degan.. II. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Mo. Kan. Calr Co.. Hlgglns Huffman Roth Meyers (Ilnsabprg Tanner Bros Joiin Harvey Other buyers 491 Total ..3.410 6.5: 8.130 ttum- 1 AlTLEv-Hecclpts this morning ""'"f cur, oi ing smaller than a t ago by l.ouo head and larger than a week ago by around 700 head. Other market points were heavily loaded and early sd Mce from eastern and southern points were especially discouraging. As a result local buyers started out with the evident determination of taking off 10&.L5O, or more, and their blda were even woree than that. Sellers were very slow about making the coticession demanded, so that It was wall along toward midday before enough cattle had changed hands to really make a market. In the end tho packers succeeded In buying their cattle around 10g15c lower and that would apply to practically everything In the beef line. Stockers and feedern were very slow and showed about the same decline as killers. (4'iotatlons on cattle: Good to choice yearllnga, 19 .fKkMO.00; fair to food year lings. 8.0fK.0o; good to choice heavy beeves. I9.i6fuw.90; fair to good comfed beeves, l9.5iKfiH.a6; common to fair corn led beeves, 7,W"fi8.60; good to choice fed heifer 7.0(9.7u: good to choice fed cows, ttl.5iW.60; good to choloe grass helf- rs, 6.6K'if7.26, good to choloe grans rows, t6.0oti6.76; fair to good cows, 6.&Orij.0O; common to fstr row t3504(i5.26; good to choice feeders. I7.7srtt8.46: fair to good feeders, S6.7btj1.50; .onirrum to fair stock ers, t5.60tMi.60; stock . heifers, 15.756 75; stock cows, o. 50414. IT ; stock Calves, 16.00 ;f7..V); veal calves, 18 009.75; fat bulls, stags, etc., I.50tjj7.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I. .. 17... 11 .. 21... 1... 7... 4... ... II... I... II. .. 11 ... 4... 1... 1... 1... T... 1... 14... 17... 17... 11... A. Pr. No. At. 102 .11.11 .1401 Pr. 9 to 91 4 70 1S35 ,1161 .1101 .1171 I OHO . 417 . ( .1141 . Ml toon 4 ',1 14.. ; it . 7 to II. . 71 COWS in 1.. I in 14.. 176 1.. 4 HI 7 . . 4 li 1.. .1170 ..low .1041 . . wi ..1244 4 Mi 1 Ml I 4t, I 71 I 00 COW 8 AND HEIFERS 411 4 it H EIFTCRS. m , 4U 4 25 1 4 W 1 Hl'LLS. 41 1 4 to CALVES. I On I 1 .1114 . 124 7 24 8 00 .1240 .1120 .1417 1 If 970 IJO 10 I 4 11! 140 STOCK EKH AND FEBD&'HS IM 4 25 1 2 424 4 74 M0 IH 10 711 4 14 4 Ul I Ii u lil 4 s, n.. 10k 1 40 740 4 44 to 1210 1 4a HO 14 A moderate Monday run showed up, about eighty-five cars, or 6.4UO head, being reported In. This Is l.Tofl smaller thun last week, but is 7o0 larger than two weeks ago, and a gain of more than 1,000 over laet year. Shipping hogs sold freely at above steady prices this morning. Hangs of shipper prices landod at W.MKjl.&O. the latter price being thu day s top and as high as anything has sold for several days. Considering the else of rl supply shipper purchases could tie onnsidured as fairly liberal. Packer trims oiienl put slow snd lower prices were practically a certainty frjni the outset. Sellers hung on for a whlls In an effort lo bolster values up a little, but when tha bulk of the offerings finally started to move, It was at figures that were all of 641 10o lowor, and sane sollors thought fully a dims iff. Trade was very dull throughout and the clone was. If anything, a little easier, most of the lata sales lookll g a flat dim lower. Trier were still a few loads left in first hinds at a late hour. Most of tho packer hogs moved at 16.50 ictMiii, with a few of the mot desirable bunches over this figure, an! a scattering of packing sows down to 16.40. Shippers were badly scattered, a bunch or two selling as high ss 17.60, the day's top. Prices paid for f it'll load a showed a spread of 11.10 today, ranglnt from 15.40 to 17. 50. Representative sales: Ho. 14... W... 44 ... At. Pr. No. A .. .11 ..4T ..241 ..244 .210 ..174 ..til .222 . V.'7 .241 .214 .127 ..1117 ..111 ..114 ..141 9b Pr. 4 4t 4 S3 4 W 4 44 1 00 7 10 1 10 7 11 7 in 7 1 XI 1 to 7 44 7 4b 7 4K 7 50 ...444 ...Hoi ... ...404 ...114 ...IM ...I" ... ..lit ...ri ...m ...171 ..ISO .. 141 ...i;o ...241 . . 2W) 4 44 4 44 I 40 4 44 I 44 4 ti 4 51 4 II I 40 4 00 4 44 4 46 I 14 I 14 4 74 4 74 4 40 44... m... 71... 44 .. IK... 41... 44... 44 .. 44 . . iA .. 44... ... . 40... I... I... 14... too 40 4U i 17... ii".::: i".:: I 4... 70.,. 13... I 113... 42... 40 2110 IM 70... 11... 7 40 SHEEP Hheep ana Ismb receipts wer the lightest for a Monday since Juns 14, only about sixteen loads, or 4.9UO head showing up, as agalnat 16,0ul last week, 10H6 two weeks ago and 12 918 last year. Receipts for the year to date are prac tically what they wer for the sains period of 1914, showing an Increase of only a little over l.ouo head At last week's close It wss sntlclpated that unless supplies wer overly heavy todsy prices would continue to show a strong trend, and as only a very mod erate run put in an appearance, lambs were held at shnrply higher prices. Peckers made a fight against isylng th money saked, and It was late before much wss done, but last week ons ll'tle string reaching VI'. with another hunch none too ri -suable from a packer's stand point st IS The ma 1 k f t close I erv alow and weak, the atfenutl and nctl'llv of the early nw'i'iiintr I elng pretty well wiped out to wsrd the last Ki'Mifscntat 1 e sales; 74 Iowa lain! 79 8 I4i Idaho feeder ewe t IW M' Idaho ewes I.'s 09 i7 idsho ew. s 92 190 Idaho es 92 "0 t II It A t.O l.ltE STOCK Mlllh ET 4 sllle Kasy Unas W eak 9heei glrona. CII1C.V041, July ;M.C.TTLlv-Receipts. 1."." head; market easv, native liccl eal'le. a.2iVbUi.2."v western steers, SviMP 8 u; cows and heifers, l.2rKU9."; calves, I7.(ff lo 2.V MUCH- Receipt s, 4. (KM head; market weak. 10c to IV under Saturday average; bulk of sales, !, .Hn,ir7.i'.; light. 7.li7.7:,; mlx1, flMiflTi; heavy, (i.:iuni'r.20; rough, JK . !. .Mi; pigs. KTtu 1.75. SHBiCP AMI LAM liH-Receipts, 1.',ii head; market strong; sheep, i.s5H(t..N0', lambs. K2b"i.8t. Kauaaa 1 1 r Live gtook Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July SH. Cattle, Ilecelpta, ln.700: lower. Stmkers and feeders, steady; prime fed steers, IS.flKSi' 0.00; dressed beef steers. 82Mi9'0; west ern steers. 17 lOHiS 2T.; cows, 4.,sl7 .50; heifers. ;.(IIM9.MI; smokers arid leeders. vSotViiA.M; bulls, !6.6cb700; ral-ves, ItiOurr 10. 25. Hi MIS. Receipts, Kd0: steady. Hulk, IT.35iif7.S5: heav, 7.ixc7.3R; packers snd "butchers, 7.2.Vu7.,V; light, I7..W7.HO; pigs, .7,Vii 7 95. BHKKI1,-Receipts, 2.0V: higher Iambe, I7.niik.ai; yearilnKa, 6o47.; wetheis, ii.0iV(i.7&; ewes, 5.50fl50. along l Lire Stock Market. SIOI X CITY, la., July art.-CATTLY:-Rei-elpts. 3,5iiO head: market, 1(til5o lower; native aleera, t;.fi.5o: mwn and heifers. t5.0nrfg.nt); canners, I4.tWrt.76; stockers and feeders, 5. 251-7.99; cslves, ti.(i((iV.0o; bulls, ntags, etc , tfva'iriT.oO HklSKe dpls, 4.taa heaii.v market. .incnitv lower: heavv. M.Toli'i.tf; mixed. I.4or8.70; light, tii.rf4l.40: bulk of sales, K1 4(17.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. UK1 head. St. I.onls Live Stork Market. ST. L01HS, Mo.) Julv 99 Cattle. Re ceipts. 7,2); lower. Nstlv beef steera t7.5omin.16. Cows and heifer. M.ttff4 X0: stockers and heifers, H.O!;i.25; southern steers, 95.25m.'.1i; native calves, KOiW 10.50. HtKIS Rerelr-ls. S.200; higher. Piss and lights, 7.3fb7.86; mixed and butchers, 7.aof7.9b; good heavy. I7.50tfl7.'i. SHEEP. Receipt. 2.700; steady. No Reoeipt. 6.800; steady. Bulk, t7.J6itfT.65; ehavy, I7.00ti7.96. packers and butchers, nr.ri4 a . ..t ad m ai.MHii i.w, i'is, e. OHO I. OP. Live Mloek in Sight. ' Receipts of live stork from the five principal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4.100 5.400 4.. UK) Chicago 15,000 4.4wi l(,,ft)0 Sioux City 3,5110 4 000 irl St. Irfiuis ?.2ii0 6,200 2,700 Kansas City 10,700 5,8n0 1,000 ' Tnlnls 40,500 34.400 24,100 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July SK.-OATTLW-Re- ceipts 2.900 head. Market lower: steers, t7.00fi1(U); cows and heifers, I4.6O&9.50; calves, .it(9.afi. HOGS Receipts, 5,200 head. Market steadv to a shade lower; top, 17 60; bulk of sales. S7.2fiii1.46.' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.003 head. Market strong: lambs, 7.0uig.li0. Newspaper Man Mayor of Tokio (Correspondence of the A ssoclated Press.) TOKIO July 15,-CUln Okude, former minister of education, has been elected mayor of Toklo, to succeed Baron Baka tanl, resigned. The new mayor, upon being elected by the municipal assembly, as Is customary In Toklo, promptly with drew his affiliation with the Relyuksl or Opposition party, of which he was a prominent member,' with the professed desire to conduct thi municipal adminis tration on broad, nun-partlaati basis, lie did not think that allegiance to a political party would he helpful to that end. Mr. Okuda began life as a newapaper man and exemplifies the growing tend ency among Japanese Journalists of find ing their way to public life. He did his first writing for the Japan Gazette, the organ of the British community nt Yoko hama, and he has had a long and honor able career In the Dirt. DOG SLEUTHS WORTH $1,000 " Canine Detectives Make Ho Mis takes and Pear Neither, Maa or Derll. Out In Montclalr, N. J.. Ixuis .1 Win ter trains German shepherd dogs for ths police. He imports tha animals from Germany when they are puppies, and carefully accustoms them to their work. When h Is through with them he has made a sleuth more unerring than Wier loek Holmes or Dupln, and afraid of neither men nor devil. The scent of thee dogs la marvelous. A bloodhound Is a clumsy amateur com pared to them. Ths writer, wishing to test on of D Winter's dogs, took a handkerchief from his pocket, walked a distance of about four blocks across the fields, and hid tha handkerchief under a tuft of grass, where It was absolutely out of sight. Meanwhile, De Wnttsr held one of the dogs, a uleek, black fellow, Kens von Boron by name, behind a hurdle where h could not ses what di rection had been traversed. Then, at a nod from De Winter th dog was off Ilk a shot, followed ths trail to ths handkerchief and brought It hack In less than a minute. But this was only a simpls test. Here is one which really proves what these dogs ran do. A girl, wss murdered In Ridgewood, N. J., about two years ago. fin had been struck on the head with a piece of Iron pipe and dragged aoross tha mad about 200 fart Into a wood. Bloodhounds war put on tha track of ner assailants, but without avail. Finally Do Winter vol unteered to put one t his dogs, Herta von Ehren grund, on the case Tha dog was given the plec of pipe, to smell, and Immediately took up ths trail. A mil and a half away the pursuers cams to a farmhouse. Tho farmer told them there had been a stranger about thsre a night or so before, but h could give no dsrintee description of him. From ths farmhouse the trail lea to a building In the courss of construction. Thers ths dog rushed to a pile of pipe, and from on piece they found a length had been cut. That was where ths murderer had got his bludgeon. Again the dog took up the trail, and finally cam upon a deserted shark. Her he led ths searchers upstair, wher they found an old mattress with bloodstains 'upon it. Evidently they wer on tha right track. Ths dog again struck out across coun try, and toward evening th party rams i upon a group of men talking by th road side. The dog suddenly leaped upon on of them and pinned him to ths aarth. This fellow was arrested, put In Jail, and ultimately confessed that he and a colored man had cownlttsd tha murder. New York World. Apartments, flats, houses snd cottages ran he rented , quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Movements of Shares Are Unusually Large on the Exchange. SINKING SHIP CAUSES BREAK NEW YORK. July 26.-Movements of stocks were unusually large today snd speculation, particularly In the war Issues, found wide play. The tendency wss de cidedly upward, hut news of the torpe doing of the American steamer lelanaw gave the market a bad turn In the middle of the session. There were severe breaks In a number of Instances and the whole market sold off. but tlie persistency of the buying movement was shown In the prompt recovery whlrh was effected. Total sales were 9-6,(in shares. The sensitiveness of the market to In fluences growing out of the International political situation wss Indicated strtklimly bv the quickness of the break following receipt of the first news of the Leelanaw Incident. In some instances prices broke a point or more between sales. The low prices lor Bethlehem Stevl was 15 points under Its top figure for "lie day. The extreme movements In "llaldwln lore,motlvr. Can. Westlnghouse Electric. Heel Sugar, Amer ican looomotlvp. General Electric, Cruci ble Stopl American Coal Products and AUIa-Chalmer tan from 4 to 9 points. As details were received concerning the cir cumstances attending thp sinking nf tlie Lcolanaw. the market recovered from Its alarm and buying was resumed with con fluence, many shares rising above their earlier high levels. ( n the conatt uctlvr side a number of Influences were brought to bear. Receipt of further large rnders helped the war stocks. Reports of a propyosed new com bination of steel companies stimulated tln slocks of the corporations concerned. There were signs of heaviness, however. In some quarters. Coppers dragged on unsatisfactory trade conditions and con sumers were said to h holding off for further price concessions. Railroad shares continued their recent reactionary trend with particular weakness In St. Paul, I'nlon 1'arlftc and the eastern trunk Una Issues Several new high records were estab lished, among them Bethlehem Steel, at 22?4; Bethlehem Steel 1 preferred. 139; Baldwin Ixiconiotlve, 93'. and American Can. 91S- Dn th curb Electric Boat made an earlv rise of 98 point to a new high mark at 490. It broke to 290 snd ' closed st 370. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. 11,900,0110. Numhar of aslaa and lesltng quttlsnt en storks wera a fellows; Alaika (lold.. 1.4m 11H 81V4 7 Amairamatrfl t'nppar ,., Km wiH 7s ' 70 i Amsrlraa Best Sugar. ... lS.fo & 4"i M Amsrlian Can 104 M 41S Amerloan 8. R 4.400 71 74 77 American 8. H., pfd 1094 American Sutar Kf..., M 14'4 147S 174 American Tl T.I ... w 12IH 1214 l14 Amsrlcan Tobacco 400 ltd J3 1W Anaconda Mlnlni 4 UK) 014 m4 M Atchison I.imi IM 111 inns ,Baltlmra 4 Ohio l.on 7S 74 7H Brooklyn Rapid Transit. TOO RM at M California l-atrelantn ... ?,nn ai 14 Oinalan Pacific I.mn IM14, Ullt Cantral Lsatnsr I WW 4tH 41 414,, iWml. Ohio Ml II " W t ' (lllcaar. Ot. Wnat 10 rhi , Mil. st. p.... i.ino 7i4 nit 4-hlcaat) s Northwaalarn. fen 121 121 1l rhino cVippar l.A0 444 4414 4414 Coin. Fual 4 Iron II.M10 lt I114 US Colorado Bouthsrn 144 Penvar a Rte Oronda 4 Denver R- O. pfl ' t Mstlllara' gacurltlaa .... ll..s 2T' 94 M'4 grle 4. Jo 15S 24 24 (lanaral Rlectrlc U.KKI 17S 1 17K4 I treat Northarn pid M10 ll4 111 111 Ul. North, tlra rtft l.ouo (, 14 I44 lucnh.lm Kiploratlon. 404 414 Sf"H lllnol Cantral Wl Intarbnrouth Mat. pfd... .4000 71 II 714 Inspiration Cwpnar 244 2S Kaniaa Cltr. doutliarn V Lahtsh aVllay 1.400 IMS 124S 1V loulavllla Nanhvlll 104 Msnlrnn Pairnlaiim 9,700 71 60S 71 Miami Copper WH Ml., Kan. Taiaa 1.IW0 lit, 1 MlMonrl Pacific 4.100 24 I National Biscuit 1' National Iad "0 2X 41 42 Nsada Copper 7(8) 14 14 14 Now York (Sntrsl l.M 4 4'4 " N. Y.. N. H It 9" 7'4 4 Norfolk Waatarn 9,a 1 , ot 1" Northarn Pacific ..' i'M H-4S m4 mi Pacific Mall . W '54 4 Pacific T.I. t- Tal ISnnaylranl t,!m 104 114S 10S Pullman Palara Car ...... I Ray Vn. Coppar I.4H0 5t4 !'4 V24 Haadlns II.K") I4T 14S 14S tl.puhllc Iron Steal. .. 20.400 S74 94 It,iclt I land Co 4 Rock Island Co., pfd , H St. L.aS. f , 24 P'd i;. 4 Kouthsrn Tarino I.ino 44 8V J4 Hontliarn lUllway ., J.O 4 J4 1 T.nnaaaaa Ooppar 1.109 144 34 Taxa Company R2. I nloS Pacific 18.1(19, 127 3244 14 fnltw Pacific pfd Son 1 . ;4 J"U l nlta.1 Stataa Hteal 1.4.000 41 2S 444 1 nl.id 9it I. pfd. 4.JW 3 "IS 114 1I4S t tah Conoar KV IxiS 4 44 Wabash, pfd ., Waatarn I'nloa Wast liixhfliis Kkrlrlr 700 S 74 41.400 11I4 1014 1"4 47 Mnntaua Power Total tr tha day, 421,000 ahara. Ncw York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 26. MERCANTILE PAPER 31 34 per cent. oTLiiiiMii KXCHANGR wO-dav bills. 14.7150; demand, 14.7650; cables. 14.7710. SILVER Bar, 4is.c; aie,xican aouars. 34e, . BONDS Government, sieaa) ,y raiiroaa, 'rMONEY Call, steady; high, I per cent; low 14 Pr cent: ruling rat. 1 per cent: last loan. 2 per cent: closing bid. 14. per i-ent; offered at S per cent. Tim loans, firmer; " ly4, 24'2a per cent; nlnetv days. 24Q13 per cent; sis months, 341(134 per cent. . ,,..! n,mi.i cm mi bonds todav were : V. g. rat. la, ri.... 974M-. K T. 1st 4s.. 7S da coupon ' - fT- f I k th 100'4N. Y. Own. dab. 4a. Wis do coupon .n 100SN. Y. C 44 OPMI.int U H, 4S. tag I N. f. Stat 4H....1044i 4o eonnos ""4N. Y. N. H. a H Panama la, ceuwon..KS v. 4a ... .i ...... .10t4 Am smalttra 4a. .. .1044 North. Po. 4s S A T T. ct. 4SS ,1"4 ta 114 Armour Co. 4S-. ' 2' ' V l1, 4" " Atrhlaon nan. 4s. . . . soj Pao. T. aT. to.... JJ4 n.. nk,. Am Uk ymnl. con. 4Ua. ...10214 .. :., B...i,i. iu uuPsnna. nn. 4a HU ( has O. 44S. ... MSItaadlna n 4i ... 42 C g a Q- saw ' r. aa nsa C 'm 8 P 44a.. 1'W So. Pac. ev. ! Pis ft K I. P,. r. 4a. 41 So. Pac. rat. 4a.... U Colo . a r. 4S-. "1(4"". nanway aw , rs r A R O. r. 4a.. 44 Pnlon Pac. 4a 4J' grla son. 4a sfnloo Pan. ct. 4a. MS O.n. BlaHrlc la. . . .loa(4 V. H. Rubber 4a.. . Wis nil. North. 1 44 t' " Wl I 1", Ill On. rat. 4a.. MH Wabash lat 4a. ions g'. C. B. ral. Da.. 4714 Waat. 1'nle 4Ss ... IIS LAN. an. 4a.... 91 waat. glee. ct. ta..llS Bid. Oftarad. London Stork Market. LNDON. July 26. American sectirltlei on the stock market were not affected by the not to Germany, owing to tha absence of speculation. United State steel was fairly active, but ths other shsres wer neglected. The closing was steady. SILVER. Bar. 2241 per ouncs. MONEY 4ii44 per cnt. DISCOUNT RATES Fhort bills. 64 per cent; thre months, 643(14 per rent. ( I Rank Clearings. OMAHA. July 26. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 2,o8i.i4ti.ii. and for tne corresponding day last yesr,. 12,511.- ?32.30. star Market. NEW YORK, July 26. SUGAR Fu tures were aoout I points lower during th forenoon on renewal of liquidation. Raw sugar, quiet; rut loaf, 7c: crushed. 6.90c; mould, A, 6.56c; cubes, .S5c- XXXX powdered. 6.25c; powdered. J0c; tin granulated, 6.10c:. diamond A, 6.10c; con-fH-tloneia' A, 6c; No. 1, 6.95c Dry Good Market. NBW YORK. July lev DRY OOOl Th cotton goods situation was unsettled by the cotton shipments today, 'iouay. goods wer In better demand. Raw silk was firm. New lines of men's wear, worsteds and woolsns were opened. Oar of Ihe F.arnest Advisers. "You ought to be sshamed to taks no Interest In work," ald the woman with the severe expression. "I want soma wood chopped." Lady," rsplled PlodClug Psl. "I d, taks an Interest in work. I'm on of da (hampeen lcturrs on de economic con dition an' de failure to bring 1 work man an' de Job togat'ner." "What good'll that do m'.'" "lady, you Jes' wait an' listen to d lecture I'm goln' to give your husband lur nut ihoppin' dal wood." Washington tits I . T.roa. frank, timaly ceroment en Naw York Stack Pt,'hant Invi stuiaut opportunluaa. la THROUP LOT RFViKW. Pub;uhad hy John Mulr a Co. Hand fur fra aaaiplt r pi 41 Broadway. Na Voik City.