TIIK HEK: OMAHA, MONDAY, JITLY 2f, 1915. I t The Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments I HEXRV COX, Director. f Ouaranteei the quality of the progress of its students. During July and August communicate In writing only. THE KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KBAJUTXT, STESKAgXA. rWHrTT-TOUBTH TBAB. Aim lOCATTO actixty OOtTKSSa ammoi cataxooub To provide thorough mentiil, moml anil physical training at tha lowest terme consistent with efficient work. For boys from to It. Charges; 1850.00. Two mile from Kearney, in tha Datte Valley. 3S acres of land. Four buildings. Gymnasium, swimming fool. Separate lower school building. College graduates with bualneae experience. 'olUjre preparatory: commercial law and business meth ods: ntanuaJ training; mechanical drawing; agriculture and animal husbandry. Football, baaebaiU basketball, track, tennis, awlmmtng, calintnenlra. Address Harry Roberta Pmrnraoni, Headmaster. A School Specially Woted for Ita C'ollra; F.ntrancea. This achool. lorated at Faribault, Minn., la designated by the United States War department as an "honor achool." Ita college entrances Include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Colum bia, eta. It makes a special point of recognising the hoy's Individuality and developing his Initiative, self-control and leadership. The University. School of Music TjssnanananBsaaWasnaBs 11th and R Streets, Lincoln. Pianoforte, Organ, Voice, Violin,- 'Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Cornet, Trombone and all Theoretic Branches. Public School Method!, Piano Tuning, Two Orchestras, Aesthetic Dancing, DRAMATIC ART Complete Courses in all departments leading to degree. Fall Term Begins September 6. Write Department A for New Catalog. WlfXARD KIMBALL, Director. , st.John's J Militarv L ij i "rrrxczxarcrr xs Tn mt or xduoatiob-. M " f r -ieA I Academy flr, - Ia - i 1 TRAINS the boy lof life. Edu cational fads are avoided and stress is laid upon old-fashioned ideals. The result is an Improved body, a trained mind and strengthened moral fibre. The boy is prepared to take his proper place in the worldand make good." Si. John' ii c!aMd by the Qovemmtnt at one ol th " Honor Schools. " Eplicc ril. but til othtr denomination received. Siluiltd on huh. well -drained land. Our cilaloiut will Icll more ol our lucctislul methods. IT. JOHN'S MIIITIIT aCaDtMV -144 Oelalltld, Waehedia CeK Wis. ORIOAOO airiEMKTATTTI . ttll KmhIi Tmala fkM. Otatrtl MM 1877 Old Zatabllahed Bohori 11S Chaffee-Noble School of Lxp res ion 8 Kaaeoek Ave. X., Detroit, Klohlgaa. Xra. Sdaa Chaffee Kofcla, Sireotor. Mrs, Helen Chaffee Workman, Vrtaolpai. Will Open Jept. 22 Three Terms of Vine Weeks Xaea. pedal and Individual Oonreea. DiploauM Olvea, Write for Catalogue. UNIVERSITY'S HIGH RANK Many Other Schools Maintain the! Middle West's KepuUtion as Center of Learning-. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL Nebraska la Justly proud of Its state unlveratty. No other state can look down upon It In the matter of equipment, high standards of scholarship, number of students or any of the other standards by which great educational institutions are measured. Within the last decade It has at least doubled Ita capacity and Its faculty and the number of students Is constantly In creasing until today they number Into tha thousands. Its faculty la made up of men who are famed throughout the country and some of thorn all over the world. Some of them are the authors of textbooks that are In uee In many of the eastern In stitutions. No university haa finer buildings and few have more buildings than the Uni versity ol Nebraska. It Includes schools and colleges as fol lows: The graduate college, the college of arte and sciences, the teachers' college, the college of agriculture, the college of engineering, the college of law, the college of medicine, the college of phar macy, the achool of commerce, the school of fine arts, the school of agriculture and the teachers' college high school. It Is thoroughly co-ed ucatlonal and as open to women aa to men, which Is a point In which It differs from most of the older universities, some of which are entirely closed to women and others of which allow women to take only certain courses. The university's next term opens Wednesday, September 15. Doane'a New Coach. As has already been announced through the press, Taut J. Schiasler of Hastings has been engaged as athletic coach for Doane college for the coming year. Ha Is a graduate of Hastings High achool and has studied In Hastings college, Uni versity of Nebraska and Annapolis Naval academy. In all this experience he haa been ac tive in athletlca and haa gained a wide and intimate acquaintance with school and college athletics over the country. The Isst two years he has been the efficient coach or Hastings High school, developing successful teama In the vari ous lines of school athletlca and espe cially cultivating the athletlo Interests within the school. He comes to Doane, not only with this successful record, but also with very high recommendations from responsible men In Hastings, who are also friends of Doane. Doane college haa always stood for the highest Ideal of clean college ath letlca and welcomes Ml. Schissler with enthusiasm. The last week Prof. Taylor has been covering the territory from Clay Center to Fairfield, Kdgar and Beatrice, touch ing some Intermediate points. He found several students for Doane this fall and more for next year. roundlngs, Is published each year by the faculty. The buildings have a frontage of nearly 400 feet, and Include the college, the academy, the chapel, and the conserva tory of mualo and art. Tha plan of the buildings Is such that every room has a sun exposure for some hours each day, and there are thorough systems of electric lighting, heating and ventilating. Brovrnell Hall. Browned Mil, the famous achool for girls at Omaha, has Issued an excep tionally fine year book announcing Ita fifty-second year. It was founded In 1863, less than a de cade after the first white person came to live In Omaha. Its founder, Bishop Talbot, designed It aa a church school for girls. Much of the money was rslsod In the diocese of Connecticut, and It took ita name from Thomas Church Brownell, third bishop of Connecticut. The first building was north of tha city of Omaha, at Saratoga. In 1868 tha school wss moved to tha corner of Six teenth and Jones street The present building was begun on the ait given by Herman Kountze in 1WW. The building la of stone, brick and Iron. It haa three great stairways and several Independent exits from the building, and there is a fire escape extending from the top floor down the outside of the east end of each wins. It has a gymnasium sixty-five feet long, forty feet wide and twenty-feet high, giving ample room for Indoor basket ball, captain ball and other games, and la equipped with Swedish apparatus. The infirmary consists of a suite of rooms and private bath. A trained nursa Is in Charge. The building has recently been reno vated and new furniture and equipment have been added. The blshon of K- braska la president and the following are trustees: The Right Rev. G. A. Beecher. mis sionary bishop of western Nebraska: Very Rey. J. A. Tancock. Rev. S. Mills Hayes Lincoln: U D. Richards, Fre S?.?1!.0' w' Lvman. V. H. Davis. Barton ;....,n,u. v.. b. Montgomery. Clement Charles C. Oeorge. John W. Ourdon W. Wattles. Abraham Dmitri, Charles T. Redick. Ward M. H. Buo Chase, Towle, Heed. Arthur f Kountse. WIMIam A. IHurseaa, Lather Drake and XV. iiuis ui uniana. 111 inveraty oft it. M braska The the The Graduate The College of The Teachers' The College of The College of The College of University of Nebraska includes following Colleges and Schools: College, Arts and Sciences, College, Agriculture, Engineering, Law, The College of Medicine, The College of Pharmacy, . The School of Commerce, The School of Fine Arts, The School of Agriculture, The Teachers' College High School. Th Unirertity opens for tha first semester on Wednesday, September 16th. One may enter also at th be Sr,rz & the second semester (about February) or the Summer session (usually the first full week in June). On any point of information,, address THE Station "A." REG ISTRAJR., Lincoln, Neb. Mount St. Joseph. Situated on a pictureaque eminence overlooking the city of Dubuque, la,, is Mount Bt. Joseph college and academy, conducted by the Sisters of Charity and affiliated with the Catholic University of America. It commands a beautiful panoramlo view of the surrounding country, the towering bluffs on the Illinois shore, the alr hills of Wisconsin, the wooded up 'ands of Iowa, and between, the broadly, lowing Mississippi. On the grounds of the college which cover about fifty acres, every Inducement to healthful exercise Is found-tennis, archery, golf, natural groves and fragrant pineriea Beyond the grounds, to the north and west of the college, hills, valleys, cliff, .n woods stretching away for miles afford Ideal conditions for walks, outings and excursion. A supplement to the year book, containing views of the buildings, heir different departmenta and their sur- THIRTY YEARS OLD, Ml CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE offers the best opportunities; nth year largest. Best. Write today for our special proposition. lga-g Pax mu Xamsas City. kto. Morthvrestera Conservatory of ale. Art aad Expression. Minneapolis Is the location of this in stitution, with thirty Instructors and an enrollment of WO students. With It U affiliated Stanley col logo and Stanley hall, which' has a record of a quarter of a century of success and use fulness. It gives certificate rights at all colleges for women. Rellevne College Notes. Prof. Albert Snare, principal of the Bellevue Union High school, left Wednesday for a short stay at his farm at Beaver Crossing, Neb. From thero he expects to go to Wyoming, III., to join Mrs. Snare, who left Bellevue, Tuesday, for that place. After visiting relatives in Illinois they will return by way of St. Joseph and Kansas City and Shlck ley. Neb., where they will visit their sons. Dr. Charles A. Mitchell haa been vUlt ng his brother. Archibald, In Iowa, dur ing the last week. Dr. and Mrs. Theodora Morning and family of three daughters from Inde pendence. Ia. arrived In Bellevue Wednesday, and took up their residence in Fontenelle hall. Dr. Morning grad uated from Bellevue In 189. The family came In their automobile by easy stages of a hundred miles. Coach Benjamin spent the week-end In Bellevue after a successful trip through southeastern Nebraska. He left again Monday on another route. The contract was let last week for a large amount of papering to be done In the college buildings before the begin ning of school and work has already be gun In Hamilton. Walter Webb, president of the De baters' league, haa put the debate room In working order and expects no delay In the beginning of work for the coming aeason. At present debate prospeots are very hopeful, for all except one of last year's squad are expected back and a number of new members are expected. KEARNEY MILITARY. "Efficiency Is the Teat of Edaca tlon," Is Ita Motto. Entering its twenty-fourth year, thle In stitution at Kearney, Neb.; has an en viable record In the training of boya from s to v yeera of age. It Is located on thirty-five acrea ef ground, two miles out of the city, and has four buildings, with a gymnasium, swim ming pool. etc. Its courses Include commercial law and business methods, manual training, me. chan leal drawing, agriculture and animal husbandry. Among its athletlo activities are foot ball, base ball, basket ball, track, tennis, swimming and calisthenics. Hospital Builds Addition. A new addition to the Wichita Hospital and Training School for Nurses will be opened this fall. The addition will pro vide accommodations for fifty additional patients. One of the features of the building will be a finely equipped and thoroughly up-to-date operating room. In construction the addition will be the "last word" In hospital science. "The largely Increased capacity of our hospital will mean that we will have lsto 1915 Stan ley Hall Stanley College m55ii"1B' Northwestern and f T,w,. j;'ar"', 1f oUago. Work fully accredited Cftnttr. aula I at I'nlverslty of Minnesota. I VOnSC!" vatory Music, Art and Two years' Junior Collage. Work fully accredited at I'nlveralty of Minnesota. Stanley BaU opena 2(th yesr September tl. 118. Cenlfiiate rlglita at all colleges for women. 8uc cesarully fits for Bryn Mawr College- Examina tions. Normal Course In Home Economics. Sec retarial and Vocational Courses. New Buildings and enlarged grounds In the best residential dis trict of the city. arorvwestera Conservatory. Begins JOth vaar In bent., 11(16 or over 00 Over SO Instructors and an enrollment I atudenta each ver. Puiilie irhnnl ana puouo scnooi art. ixr illustrated catalog of either school, addreaa Oim A, BTB1M, pres. tlie-tiaa ruaaaat Avenue, Mlaaeapolla. Jratfttrft NeU J f r Its CaJUoa Eat hdai Yale. Hamrd, Mb a. CelaatUe. Jakas Hepklaa. eta. 16 Buildings 200 Acres 1000 fk ak m Uni. SOsailessoBtaef St,al Deslrnsted by U. t. War Department aa "Honor School." Nationally noted for Its aeademle work aad aleaa sports. Ufa at Ehattuek appeals to tbe waU-Uteatioaod tor. Honor system. fUeornttlon of boy's individuality develops Initia tive, aU-eoatrel and leadership. For catalog and pajrtlc alarm, address OOU VASA L STOLBRAND, C L, Haadaissteg Drawer T. rarieoak. Mia. Six weeks Souwr School Jose to Aoiwt Spalding College Spalding, Greeley Co.. Neb. Conducted by Fathers of Third Order, Regular - of St Francis. Where Your Boy Gets a Thorough and Practical Education Up-to-date Methods. Modern Conveniences. Healthful Location on the beautiful Cedar Eiver. Courses: Elementary, Classical, Commercial, Agriculture. Send for Catalog. room for a much larger number in on nurses' training class," saad. Dr. B. M. Trueadell, superintendent of the hospital. BOYLE9 BISIE8S COLLEGE. Ita Stadeata ta Demaad Aaaeaa Lead las; Employers. Boylea' college reports an activity greater than ever before In Its prosperous history. In this commercial age the de mand for woll-traJned business employee Is great and the heights to which the soundly grounded can climb la almost, without limit. Many Bcyles graduates today have businesses of their own, or hold high ex ecutlve positions with large corkema. "It Is more difficult to find good em. ployes for waiting positions Oils year than ever before," said President Boylee. "The young person who gets a good business education such as we give them here Is on the high road to success an 1 Is bound to get there. "Our courses are the open seeamo to the word of tovelnees. with '.ta big re wards for competency and faith fulneea. These coumes give the equipment to the big positions and the sure ability to hold them and to rise to higher things. "We go even further, giving special ln splratlon courses in character-building, personal efficiency and personal worthi ness." Hastlaa-s Colleare. One of the strong and growing Chris tian colleges Is that at Hastings, Neb., which shows the remarkable record, ot a 100 per cent Increase In the last two years. It la equipped splendidly for the physi cal as well as the educational well-be lng of Its students, having dormitories for both young men and young women students and its student body la marked by true loyalty to the traditions of thta high class Institution. Its next term opens September U. Wentworth Military. At Lexington, Mo., is the oldest mili tary school wett of the Mississippi river and one that succeefully prepares Ita students for college, university, technical schools and business. This is Wentworth Military academy. Just forty-three miles from Kansas City. It Is a school with high academic stand ards and is noted for scholastic honors. Theories are made practical In flold maneuvers, field telegraphy, bridge build ing and so on. St. Olaf College. The Institution located at Northfleld. Minn., ' is Lutheran and co-ed ucatlonal. Last ' year ' it had an enrollment of ESS students. It haa thirty-four teachers. It maintains standard four-year courses leading to tha B. A. degree. It ha also an academy with courses preparatory to college entrance. Its equipment Is of the finest and Its location exceptionally healthful. Nebraska Wealeyaa. Thla Institution under the Methodist church, located at University Place, Neb., a suburb of Lincoln, has had an un interrupted career ot Increasing success for many years. It Includes a college of liberal arts, a teachers' college, an academy, conserva tory of mualo, school of expression and oratory and school of art . Immaealate Conception. This academy at Hastings, Neb., Is accredited to the University of Nebraska and has also commercial, preparatory and primary courses. All departmenta are furnished with modern improve ments In lighting, heating, sanitation and ventilation. The campus is extensive, furnishing every facility for outdoor sports and exercise. School of Expreaatoa. The Chaffee-Noble School of Expres sion, 89 Hanoock avenue, E., Detroit. Mich., will open September t for three terms of nine weeks eaoh. Thla school was known for thirty-eight yeara as the Detroit Training School of Elocution and English Literature, but adopted the new name given by the alumni association of the achool. Holyoke-Dos School. This school offers instruction In kin dergarten and first four grades to boys. In addition to the regular work there are classee in French, music and folic dancing. Children are received in the sohool at the age of 4 yeara and even younger, where mental development makes this desirable. t. Catherine Academy. The sisters of the Order of St. Dexnlnle conduct thia high grade class sohool for girls at Jackson, Neb. It is accredited to th University of Nsbraska, has normal training course for teachers aad excep tional advantages in music Tha nsxt term opens September 7. Orthopedic laatltate. In Philadelphia is the Pennsylvania Orthopedio institute, which gives mstruc tlon In massage, correotlve and medical gymnastics, electro and hydro-therapy. It haa the finest equipment in the coun try and its Instruction Is considered of especial value to nurses. la Chlcaa-e. Beautifully located on Drexel boule vard. Chicago, is the Stevaa School for Girls, of which Mrs. Luella M. Wlllsoa la principal, it Is a school of firmly grounded worth and a constantly growing student body. Meant St. Mary. , The Servants of Mary conduct thta school at Cherokee. Ia., and aim to give a thorough rellgloua and secular train ing for girls and young ladles. Home life la combined with school life la a practical manner. Oatdoor School. Down In St. Augustine. Fla., where balmy breeses blow In the winter time. Is the Keewatln School for Boys. This Is Its mid-winter home. Chsrlrs Carey, Prairie du Cblen. Wis., is its registrar.