Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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vr 7o
he Omaha Daily
VOL. XLV NO. 32.
Oa Trafas, at Bote!
ewa ttnd, eta 80
Grief-Stricken Thousands Are
Searching Through Morgue for
Bodies of Friends and Eela
tives Anion Victims.
Coroner Issues Appeal to Public
for Funds to Bury Unidenti
fied Dead.
CHICAGO. July 25.-The Eastland Ilea
cn ltd side In the river with divers still
, floundering through the Interior of the
steel coffin and burrowing under- It.
while Chicago, uppMled, Is Just beginning
to realize the sixniflcnnee of one of the
greatest of murine disasters, costlnsr l.fW
lives. While grief-stricken thousands nre
searching through tha morgue In the dec
ong regiment armory for friends or rela
tives", state and federal offfc-ials have
turned! their attention to placing the
blame for the catastrophe and the work '
of paving relief of those left destitute. j
Acting Mayor. Moorhouse and his ad
vlsora at a meeting today began rals.n?
a relief fund of J200.000 to be distributed
by a subcommittee artlne; under the di
rection of the National Hed Cross, the
Associated Charities snd the municipal
health department.
fonlrUli.lfor r.t fnmltnv.
In addition to this, the Western Elec
tric compnny, whose help formed the
majority of the lllefated excursion party,
has announced that 1100,0 from Hs. em
ployes' Insurance funds is available for
Numerous private relief funds have
also been started.
Meanwhile, Mayor Thompson, who was
at the Panama-Pacific exposition to take
Tart In the ceremonies In celebration of
Illinois day, Is speeding toward Chicago
on a special train to take his place In
the direction of the relief work.
Coroner Hoffman today Issued an ap
peal to the publlo for a fund for the
burial of unidentified dead.
In churches and homes throug?iout the
city today were offered prayers for the
suffering and victims. TEhe day was.
ono of gloom. The sky was cloudy and
, a mist. ixunsvJa-JthajUr..., There waa more
than the usual Sabbath quiet everywhere
and the crowds of out-door pleasure
seekers were thin. As was the case yes
terday, base ball games were postponed,
two double-headers belr.g set back be
cause of the Eastland horror.
Vnr'nnn Theorira IVacoased.
Various theories as to what caused the
Eastland to turn over still are being dis
cussed, but without a prospect of a defi
nite explanation until tha coroner's In
quest and the federal government's in
vestigation, to be begua tomorrow, are
,. The most discussed theories are as fol
lows: That the boat was overcrowded;
that It was not properly ballasted; that
the tug that made fast to warp, the East
land fast to the docks started pulling too
last; that congestion of passengers rush
ing to the port side, attracted by some
passing senatlon. tlj'ped the steamer over.
Drown Within Grasp at Bank.
Every effort was made by thousands of
persons on the river wharf to rescue
the drowning men, women and children.
But many drowned almost within grasp
of the river bank. Mothers went to their
death while thels children were snatched
to safety. Other children died In the
arma of their parents who were finally
saved. Hundreds of girls, freed for a
day from their tasks of making tele
phones and other electrical apparatus in
the factory of the Western Electric com
pany, dressed in their smartest white
frocks, drowned miserably.
Kolin avenue, a small street near the
factory of the Western Electric com
pany, was in universal mourning to
night. Every house lost from one to ail
its occupants in the dinaster. And many
of the ill-fated residents of this street to
night, lay in the morgue, or beneath the
steel hull of the Eastland, over which
searchlights shot their blinding glare
while hundreds of men searched for mora
Arrests Are Made.
Efforts to discover the cause of the
accident, were begun long before the
work of rescue was over. Federal and
county grand Juries were ordered, a
coroner's Jury was impanelled and all the
(Ounl.ij.uid on Page Two. Column Two.)
Tho Weather
Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Tern.
6 a. m 64
am 63
1 a. m t.
la. m 3
a. m. M
10 a. m M
11 a. m
1! m 71
1 p. m 73
to. m 75
In. m 77
4 p. m 75
5 p. m 73
( D. m. . 75
7 D. m U
(onipi ratlv Local Heeord.
Official record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the correspond
ing period of the last three years:
li li 1911 1911
Highest yesterday 77 W M )
Lioweat yesterday 61 - 7ft 66 T4
Mean teinperatura 70 M 74 so
Precipitation 00 .1)0 .00 .00
Temierature and precipitation depart
'ires from the aonnal at Omaha since
March 1, and compared with the last
to vfara:
Normal temperature 77
Tfl-t nc for the day T
IXfh'leney since March 1 1.6
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
Deficiency for tha day 14 Inch
Ptwtnltatlon since March t--16 1 inches
iflci. ncy since March 1 7 inch
tfl-lenry for cor. period. 1014. t 71 Inches
Xaiieocy tut cor. period. 19U. I M Inches
Teaaperatar at'
the overturned
side and the crowds otdous
View of loads cn
moved from capsize&bsel following
disaster. Immense numbers of people
gather to see dead taken from river.
1.. M" " . TS
Fund of $2C0,OO0 is Raised on Short
Notice to Help to Care for the
CHICAGO, July 25. At 'a meeting
of the majror'g citizens' advisory
committee, called by Acyrlajrojd
Moorhouse today, It was planned to
Immediately raise a fund of $200,000
by public subscription for the relief
Of the families of the Eastland vic
tims. In addition to this sum of
ficials of the Western Electric com
pany, who attended the conference
held in the mayor's office, announced
that the Employes Benefit associa
tion bad $100,000 available for re
lief work.
The Western Electric company officials
stated tho.t not more than one-tVrd of
the victims were employes of the com
pany, tha othera being members of the
employes'- families and friends.
A committee composed of Julius Rosen
wald, chairman; J. B. Forgan, A. A.
Pprasrue, John Scott. R. J. Dunham,
James A. Pugh, B. .K. Sunny, W. A,
Gardner, Cyrus H. McCormick, E. J. Buf
fington, George M. Reynolds and James
Pimpson, was appointed to obtain sub
scriptions to the relief fund.
HI a; Faad Guaranteed.
' Actlne- Mayor Moorhouse said the 1300,"
000 relief fund was s;u ran teed by the
sub-commit tea and would be available for
use within twenty-four hours. The relief
work will be in charge of the National
Red Cross,' the Associated Charities of
Chicago and tha city bealtn department.
At. noon today. Acting Mayor Moor
house telegraphed a detailed report of
the relief work begun to Mayor w. H.
Thompson. Mayor Thompson affirmed
everything that had been done and re
plied that he would leave Ban Francisco
late today on a special train and -pected
to arrive in Chicago next Wed
nesday morning.
Relief Committee.
The following committee was named
to assume direction of the relief work:
Health Commissioner Dr., John Dill
Robertson, chairman.
Daniel J. Schuyler, secretary.
Charles Wacker.
Chief of Police Charles C. Healy.
J. J. O'Connor of the National Bed
Cross society.
A. A. S:rague.
William P. tijdeley. vice president of
Western Klectrle company.
Rev. John V. Brushlngham.
Manacers of Chicago theaters Instead
of closing their places of amusement to
day announced they would keep them
oien and give a percentage of the re
ceipts to the relief fund
All Aid la Relief.
The entire force of the city government
w be at the disponal of the National
Red Cross society. Acting Mayor Moor
house announcod today. He said that
nurses of the health department were
giving attention to mourning families.
The department of public welfare, In
charge of Mrs. Louise Osborne Rowe,
opened a bureau of Information and used
Its employes In the relief work-
Ernest P. Blcknell. national director
of the National Red Cross, arrived In
Chicago tonight to uke part In tha re
lief work.
"Chicago is nobly responding to the
csll for relief and we will not need as
sistance front outside the city," said
Acting Mayor Moorhouse. Ws have an
efficient organisation, all the . money
needed and every car of the sufferers
will be promptly relieved."
Acting Mayor Moorhouse received hun
dreds of telegrams from officials of cities
all over the United States and also In
Canada, expressing sorrow at Chicago's
grief and offering aid.
steamer showing the rescue
lo - v" iX.2aies re-
(KfJ (.,YV.
victims of the sunken steamer jut after it went down.
Czar's Forces Operating in Courland
Defeated and Dispersed by
von Buelow.
BERLIN. July 25. The following i
official German aUtement was ls-
sued: I
"Eastern theater of war: j
"General von Buelow baa defeated
the fifth Russian army near Shavll.
"After ' ten days of continuous
fighting and marching German
troops yesterday succeeded in arrest
ing tha retreat of the Russians In
the district of Rozalln-Ssadow and
defeated and dispersed them. The
booty since the beginning of these
operations on July 14 has increased
to twenty-five cannon, forty machine
guns, more than 100 cars loaded
with ammunition, a great quantity
of baggage and other war material.
"On the Narew river tha army of
General von GallwlU stormed irre
sistibly the fortresses of Roxan and
Pultsk and forced a crossing of the
Narew between these places. Strong
forces are on the south bank of the
river. ' Further north and to the
south, our troops are advancing to
ward tha river."
Two HshUs Ships Ink,
LONDON. July J6.-The Russian ship
Rubonla has been torpedoed and sunk
by a submarine. It crew of thirty was
landed on the Orkney Islands. The
trawler Htar of Peace was also torpedoed
and sunk off the Orkneys. It crew was
landed at HUomncs.
spectators' drawn to the spot.
ics. -
F It
. vfj ,
4S JrtW ft
Special Train to
Come to Omaha on
Steelier Day at Den
When Btecher comes to town there will
be a crowd at Ak-Sar-Ren Den. He is
due to be at the' Den August 111- That
date will be known as Stecher night at
the Den.
George Wols of Fremont Is one of the
busy-bodies arranging for a special train
to bring the Dodge county crowds 'o
Omaha on that nieht for tho Initiation
and entertainment at the I-n. lie has
announced that the train will be run
from the town of Dodge so that everyone
In Dodge county will have an oppor
tunity to come.
Joe Btecher la to ituga a wrestling bout
with his brother, Anton, on that nltfht
at the Den. He Is to Illustrate his fa
mous scissors hold' on that occasion.
German Submarine
Sink Five Cessels
LONDON, July 25. eGrman submarines
today resumed their activity In English
waters, sinking a French steamer and
four British trawlers. One of the un-der-aea
boats Is reported to have been
destroyed by bombs and gun fire.
NEW YORK, July SS.-An explosion of
unknown origin occurred In the forward
hold of the British freight steamer Crag
aids at Its dock In the Hudson river here
today and was followed by a fire, which,
however, was speedily checked. The
Cragslde, which was to leave here to
night for an English port with a cargo
of luO.ouo bags of sugar, will be delayed
for a few days.
The fire and watr damage to the
steamer was estimated at flO.OA.
1 A
work in progress through the
n n
Regard Fact U. S. Will Not Insist on
Abandonment of U Attacks as
WASHINGTON, July 25. Count
von Bernstorff, the German ambas
sador, left Washington today to re
main from the capital until instruc
tions from his government or new
developments make it necessary for
him to confer again with officials
It was learned In German circles here
tonUht that the Oernian Interpretation
of the statement In the last American
note that the lives of non-combatants
may not be put in jeopardy unless a ves
sel resists or seeks escape, was taken to
satisfy the German military authorities
of the fact that the United etates has
not insisted on a complete abandonment
of submarine warfare as such. It Is the
belief that thui point would be considered
as a concession and would add weight to
that element of official and public
opinion In Germany which Is urging a
more conciliatory attitude toward the
L ulled Slates. .
Standard Stands Pat,
Men Do the Same
NEW YORK, July SC-The Bayoano
strikers were notified late tonight by
officials of tha Standard OH company of
New Jersey that the company would not
accede to the demands of the strikers.
The strikers Immediately called a meet
ing and derided not to return to work
on Monday.
Photograph of
Soirow, Spread Over City, Hangs
Lowe it in Armory Where Dead
Are Piled.
: CHICAGO, . July 25. Borrow,
which spread over the city with tha
Eastland disaster and engulfed thou
"sahdr of homes, hung lowest today
over the silent forms of tha Victims
In the drill room of tha Second regi
ment ' armory, Chicago's temporary
" Bide by tide they lay, from one snd of
the hall to the other, with narrow path
ways betnem, alors which slowly
walked anxious hundreds seeking to
Identify a missing loved one. Time and
again a group would pause beside a piti
ful bmdle. There would he a gasp, a
low-voico exclamation, a merciful flow
of tears and ' another would be taken
from the list of unidentified dead and
placed In the known column.
Load oa Load IteeelTed.
All through the night load after load
of bodies wera received at the morgue,
and through the morning, " at leas fre
quent intervals, the procession continued.
. While tho victims were btng Identified,
fifty undertakers and ' forty enibalmers
who had volunteered at the call' of Cor
oner Hoffman worker rapidly In a spaoe
at the north' end of tha hall, preparing
the bodies for burial ' '
' As the morning wore along tho Curtis
Street front of the ' armory become
crowded with hearses, and the Incoming
stream of bodies from the Improvised
morgues and the overturned vessel was
passed by ' another line ' of bodies,' Iden
tified and In the keeping of an under
taker. ' ' '
.... prepatratiaga rerfeet.
Before a body passed out the Identifi
cation was recorded by a deputy coroner
and the name of the nearest - relative
placed on file. Bo perfect had been the
preparations for the work of the coroner
that from noon until 1 o'clork more than
100 bodies were taken away, and a few
hours later less than 2u0 bodies remained
In the temporary morgue.
Approximately .000 persons, most of
tUua friends or relatives of victims, had
gathered about tha armory before noon
; today. Two. and three abreast the lines
extended along two sides of tha armory
i square and a block east In Randolph
j street.
Two and three hundred at a time they
were admitted and when all of one group
liad passed out another took Its place.
Price of Grain and
Fodder Regulated
Throughout Germany
BERLIN. July .'-By Wireless to Bay
vlUe). The federal council has Issued
its long-expected order regulating price
for necessaries of life, and especially
grain and fodder. The order provides
that severe punishment shall be dealt
dealers who unduly Increase prices or
withhold articles of food for the pur
ilse of artificially raising prices.
The German empire Is d Into four
districts, esch of thirty-two departmenta,
were prices vary, according to the spo-
! clal conditions.
Corn prices remain about the same fig
ure as heretofore. The price of rice Is
fixed eU 220 marks (K6) per ton for the
Berlin district, at 215 marks for
ths eastern district and S34 marks (7.60)
for ths western district
Ths price of wheat is fixed at 40
marks (110) above that of rye, and be
ginning with a certain date the regula
tions provide for a bi-weekly Increase ol
Us (narks (37 cents) per ton,
mam at 1,000
Eastland Late Sunday Night Had
- Given Up 820 of Bodies of Vic
tim! with Many Still
in River.
Divers Believe All Removed from
Veiscl Except Those Crashed
in Mud Under Port
. Side.
CHICAGO. July 25. The death
ship Eastland, had tonight given up
the bodies of 820 of its dead. Tha
estimated total number of those who
went down to death in the Chicago
river yesterday morning when the
steamer bearing 2,400 excursionists
rolled over at its dock remained at
approximately 1,000.
Of the i W persons on board at tha
time of the catastrophe. MT2. Including
the crew of sventy-two, have reported
as safe. Of the &8 thus remaining unac
counted for. It Is believed 400 are alive
and failed to report, and that IBS bodies
still are In the river.
Slaty Bodies Recovered.
About three score bodies were recov
ered today. By noon today, divers had
concluded that all bodloa bad been re
moved save those that may have been
crushed Into the mud under the Eaat
land's port side and those that had gone
down the river with tho current Under
the glare of snrachllghts and arc lights
strung about the ship reacuers are con
tinuing their work tonight.
Undies Are Seat TJs.
While thos on land were disposing of
the dead, Injuied and rescued, tha divers
In the heart of the sunken vessel sent up
an almost constant stream of corpses
from the submerged decks. First It was
a gally-drvssed girl In her teens, who
had been taught between a pile of chairs
and a cabin wait' Next It was a boy,
gathered from tha lifeless arms of his
father. t.Ttven .foUo wed aiUul&Wom!Ui
a ho had gtme. aboard the ship to watoli
her grandchildren, or a little fclrl with
bare less and with ribbon matted against
tha lace of her holiday gown.
One thrill passed through tho crowd
as word came from the steamer that a
girl baby had been found alive among
the dead. The child was discovered in a
starboard stateroom, where she had been
held from the water by a chair that
jammed against tha berth. The baby
only half awakened as It was carried
to land. Its mother could not be found.
. Two women , were found alive In an
other stateroom on the protruding side of
the Eastland, but that ended the hopes
that any number had e soaped death, In
the death trap itself. There were still
at least 100 persons in the hold when
these three person were taken out alive,
and the explorers at the hulk said that
all were dead.
Orss4 Jury to la vest laa ta,
Tet amidst all the horror and heart?
aches officials of tho various depart
ments attended to preeslns- duties of
(Deposition of the dead and Injured, trae
Ing of the missing. Inquiry Into the oausa
of tha disaster and precautions against
disease from sunken bodies and tho car
rying of corpses up tho river toward
the canal locks. Federal Judgo Land Is
ordered a grand jury impanelled to In
vestigate the accident.
The state's attorney started an inves
tigation. The coroner Impanelled a Jury
to Inquire Into tha deaths, poltoa ar
rested all of the officers of tha Bast
land and tha health commissioner ar
ranged to purify the river, for fear dlseasa
might be spread by the presence of so
many bodies In the stream.
Arrangements were made to get at tha
sunken vessel to determine the underly
ing causes of the accident Derricks wera
taken to the side of tho Eastland and
mariners were engaged to make an In
spection of tho treacherous ship.
The reasoa that tha waa bars shows
Wears such a ssntlor
ts that he nearly every day
Uses ths VtUI M., !,...
And be never never fails
Oa the days he does not use It
To take enoagh time off
To carefully peruse it
STow this man's yearly business
Is Increasing readily
And the paper that he's asing
Is The Onaaa Daily Bee.
If you hsve money to Invest In profit
sh'e concern, if you need a partner oS
additional I'apllal in your bus'nveo. nit
will find what vou dealre In THR Bl'BU
OMAHA Bt-K, or Telephone Tyler Wou
And Put an Ad la The) Omaha B.