4 o JACK WANTS TO COME BACK UY Arthur Johrfson, Who Ceased Abruptly Iit April, Wnt to Tight Willard Apiia. COHKLITS HOrEv IS CHESTY By Bitn'inn, S'EW YORK, July K-Oantl Mdtn, kindly (upprw your Wlarloua outburst tipon rending the following few quoted linos. The gentleman hu not b feel ing th Mint elnoe hi lata unpleasantry with a Mr. Jess Wlllard down lit ran way. Listen: , I will fight Wlllard eywhra In the world and will post $,009 that X will hnvk him out In a flnlaii fight "Tour truly. "JACK JOHNSON." Now, who would have expected any thing 90 raeh from John Arthur Johnson, who up to last April wiut considered Quit aaneT Con tt ba that "WUIaM'a flnlehlng blow hu tipeet Johnson' fntndf The funny part of It all Is that Johnson I slnoer about It, or pratanA to be. Kvldently Jsok It planning a plunge Into va'xleville, snd figures this on way of getting hi nam Into print. Wa thought w had read tha ttperaaabd Johnson' ring obituary aarly last April but Jack always was a humoron auaa, Tt may b thai Johnson la In dir nd gasoline for his thraa or four auto mobtlea; th upkeep for tha bus wagon la ao distracting to tha bank roll, w are Informed, However, tha fact remain that John mm aaya h want to fight Wlllard, and Wlllard, tn rebuttaL ay h will not play wtlh Johnson, or any other negro, any mnr. flo Johnson's statu la speed 11 r determined. II ahould forget all about ring matter, for, aharn of Ma title, Johnaon Isn't worth mora than HU to any promoter In his right mtnd. Wlllard will lgnor Jon neon' a belated challenge, appreciating that there will ba no jmWa clamnr for a return battle wtt!t tha once formidable Ethiopian, When shown Johnson's cablegram asking for another tnatoh, Wlllard amtlvd and CftMl CavpttBMata, tha Smelt. VcVa a ttoa eld toy at thatj "bat h tia no business In th ring. SI Is thrmigb-abeohitaly. He was as a weak ling In my bands, and tha great fight ha jTut up In th first twsnty rounds hraa Ma last gasp in the fight game, as .'ft were. Ha could rmt go through that again If his Ufa depended on its per form&noa, "Poor Jack. Thsfg iS I cu it fbr Wm. lis w a clean fighter, but It was tsnoloan living that robbed him of hia atrength and subsequently, hist oham. plonehlp, I would like to cable baok rny Mgrata to Johnson, but that would only a wart of toll, for Jack know I ewM novar fee dragiwa Into tha ring ! with a negro I fotttfhc Mm only beoaue he had tha ttUa, and x Knew In my heart that X oouid win ft from him. c Johnson must rflre onoa mora to th aoelufdon cf Ms eh)ekei regular fowl farm on tha outskirts f Fare ajd talk no mora cf ring matter, ezospt to ex prsss an opinion or two. when askad ta is DO, Tha appearance on tha' pufrtJlfltia hor Uon of Thomas Cowler, th Cumberland tnnn mountain" (aa he has bean dubbed ty Tad), baa tn.1otod Tvr lnteit lntt the ni-et for a logical opponent for Jeaa VUlard when the champion la ready to rotors to his adopted profaaMon, Waal Talc Two at Tea. Cornier saw At Ketoh and Tin Baraga r?at!e through tm rounds, sn7 begrad his' disoovofer and manage Jim ttr bett, to Mm him up to meet tha peir In the same ring on the soma evening. Tfct sums up Cow Uis stlma.t!on of tha two hayyw!eht oantihlatea. orbtt ta-atlli unleotld as to Oo-rAai't flrct opponant for his Introductory bont in this vicinity, but it Is Ukaly Vh Jim r,rf.-y, conli1red the tou1t of tla V HUrd cl,fclloP(rers brljril, will t rh.wn t.i tt Cowler imttlK Majiairar H. lly OH..n hs promised Corbet that I. o wmiH pit Ms Hnmommon glnt r!ilr.Kt llie Cumbnrland man mountain hk fMn as a suitable puma offer Iteelf, The nmnsgement of on of th hi trrno tight eronas has mad a tentative effor and It w)U be anted upon ehortly, ' The bout will 1 roiiably ba held tha aarty part of next month. y WfUHi oa a Varatlnsw Frederick Welsh., who stm cUnga to th llghtwtleht title, Is taking a ftiUch ntjd tacation jn the cost. Ht ba don a niiich UuiatHng In the rl g In the last few raor.ths that ha it til tlrel rut. After tha aieata WW will ba ready for some mora danoltm rnsanmenta with lhe conUndlna IlKhtwelgnta.- Charily While, wboee buitnasa S flgbt. lug. win onr.tla.je m marry htxwVovt 1 be gull lr. l,et Is left of the summer. White' recent vMory oti Waijin h plao.l Wru la great denuind, and darey Is cot evr looklna aay clwkcoa of ltaoiitratlng fh he la rean ar fUhtsr. a ho loves to C-ht re-w4.ei of th alia cf tha puns. Just o long aa Whit oiearg train. In aarpenae he 1 cootmat. He figure that wTf vcI-jt a1,1s to hi popc'aiKy aul prsstljrs and tWa In tlsa veVX brtg Pop-Pop Eaoe3 and Ball Games Carded At tlie Fair Grounds Co souuunt of uIuuhUj Ountluiis tli 1-3 pmrain booked fur th 1ookU fa! arour.tls fr lant ft'iruiay had to be post pomA Arratiseuionls will prvbebly be ty the luir!as Cour.ty Fair ao- fi ,;'.. tj t ve the uto-puli tr:i. bej-e tm t aiirivBy aiKi iMly. An es oci.ent pfoffam cf motoroyle rarfs wtll l.-e fi'.t.i..;3 out tt th groui j toSsy, aal ' a ptr of b"M hall The s.iiif ti t between lour f unulit'i cr' It tni. cft.xTiicriHy n lair of rl..-v.-y argvini,!s aia looki-d f r. i he liit rr Uil aftrrntxnt i;l be a f!ie-iils msjt.-rcyclo race between ema-t.-nr. Tlten the tr1 rl1rs will itiitp i.x-r U-e turf fur tun mills. Iu fcU vrob ti i'.y tha fK-fur-aU f .ftefO-miie jnotur ii race ti:l irwe tL most ejc-Hhig. 1 ran.. lintel sitJ-r this rae tlie slae-tar im. t u ycli-s wul fumuo the uauii-iiu'iit. J.i, st..n alil-i.t.ra vlll vhcs aruuiid '.; o l4 tsk Tr t'x Uls to asix-rtbiu v!.(, ci UiS fluU. The lBist race ! the pioiristn l'.l be a twv-ruU t4:y : . U(i,ri about tn pvdal lh. x if Xv. n U.f.iy& cao 4t up -iae ' the riil auto i'iit t;,ey villi pi.t up t . .hi,, i ,r.-a l, a. fw a-ito reca to r i:.-t b. 'i-Uiy. Ha rivalry exUis h't' t: e .' r ia toJuy's race a on . .via :-f t! lima j,urs put up fjr i . i ! ' lit l '- . I Uliurll lir v t-ur, hci..'i1 hy HUSKY ATHLETES THE BEST menxe x;eciarei uie zoam wlta a . . .m . m . a Oentroai Fac&ds iltXet the Beit Pall Flayer. TT COBB 13 OUE EXCEPTION Br FRANK C. KIW TOTtK. July M.-Welgbt hand! car prtae flKhters, but In many ln- stanoos It keps ball plerera "Gabhy" Cravat h, the slugging demon or tna jtiiimm, waa quite a frail crea ture a number of years ago when, ha mad his first big league appearance; Ha didn't last long and waa sent to tha minora While sojourning In the minors Cravath began taking on weight About forty pound was added to his frame. And then It iwas that Cravath bgan to gain In fam aa a hitter ao much fame, In fact, that ba got another chano In th v i . V 'IS HMfUea What tha forty-pottnd-heavler Cravath has don In tha batting line since then la base ball history. Tom Clarke, the catching star of th Rads, wasn't tnuoh of a catcher aarjy fat iis career, tie naa aointy and bram. but fce didn't have the weight II beamed only arounJ 13 and wasn't eb! to hold th speedy stfioota of tha big Red pitohera. ut soma year ago Thomas began tha Ofward movement tn tha weight lln, tonehe around 171 pounds and ranka aa on of th greatest e,tcher In tha business. They say that Thomas ran atop cannon bUl-ejid that atatement doesn't Mem. toe tnttoh cf an anggenu uon, Rata la To Fra.II, -nobe- Marnuard of tha Giant a oould pick up aboot forty pounds ha might rank as on of tha teadlost and moat reliable pltohsra In th game. "kud" la tall, but ha la frail. He has no reserve fat to fall baok on, and that faot cause hi frequent "eraoklng' In pm turns, r..v, . . . . . " " a migniy arm, out no phywlqu to baok tt up, "Rub" tire easily because hia oonstltntlon cannot atand, tha pfthing strain. If John Mo- uraw could d!oovr aoma fattensr and fd it to Tluba" he mtaht tranaform th lanky left-hander from an eooentrio w a reliable twtrler. "tMJie". Farrall wasnt much cf a bank. wp VJTien h was a akinny yor.ngnten Aa soon h put on weight ha beoain a atar. Amos Rusla. one cf the ni,K pltrtiars In tha history of basa ball, didn't roaon ma eenlth cf hi eareor imtJl h toj on wehrht In good quantrU. wac Fowau, tha "Bollarmakor." who waa famous aa a piboher for the Pt Louia Browns, was a hugs party. "Thre Fingered" Brown always: carried what looked to ba exceea welnht but whih Kally was rasarva fat Th same was tree oonoemmg "Cy" Toung. JaeK Cheebro used to have a .. window." but It didn't seem to affect hi pitching skill -Bill" Dineen ni another fat-acd-famous pitcher. tnrough th page cf baas ball tory w find that tha pitchers and oatoh r who have been th most successful kav been th one -who haw bean In cUnad ta stoutness. Of couraa, thar are loeptlons, but tha .exoaptlon ar few. mtreni Ar, KaasUar. - mar batsman, as a rule, ba v, htukl. taUoia, Wagner, Ed Xlahanty, Dan lirouthers, "Cap" Anson. Jess Burkatt Jlinmy CoUlns, Cy Seymour and soora cf other war men who vargad on th atuut s Ty Oobb la on of th aoeotlona-hut Ty t an txoeptlon tn evamhlng. pvob. ably if Ty ware bulky ha wouldn't ba uuun around hi present avaraga, b cans his spaed anabl him to beat out many bunt and puny grounder. Eddl CkiSUua 1 another xoaptlon-and tn Uv The Hypodermic Keedlc :By rasa s. DO YOTJ TTVTZiX mtZt IT lillCU Tina wiling tlou "woiiiufl TiUMMEX BT A Jvo t for my drivt, Jt'iig waJy to ving, 'Jhi I'd mk it tit fivt, Was mart cerioi, tsAsis btngi Somebody anaesed. aomabedy whaaaed. eomeoo&y epoka, sotneDody Jukad, Bounabody giggled, aoraebody wigsled. Itag tt 1st live, Datibd w aay tvw, Ows ta tha rerh, PaU4 ak-fcaaa saaft, Pir Ilka a mat ftUse4 Btt VOtt, Aw, fiAtsh U raraelf. Prcfcabty, If you saver apok thualy yourself or never hrd anybody ao do. you via ,.av a chano when tha crc4 Mturn from Clavaland. ss.T a t:s.5ss ti ctisr C-r trtlcli. aid "Kvt much das to CUvelaad. Qol$ toMmtr, but y ou can't maka Earn Jlsrs nolds, Jack Ilughea. W. J, Tx7 and a few othera bvileva it v Oae, Gaeaa Wkt, Jack Barry waa knocked out the other day when Buck Wver tag4 Mm on th head. Wa ask you how many XUturVra i.ul,t Luv aulfeied Utiir a similar ocourronoa. Back t Toprha, After watching Mm carefully In eewcral garines v Lava coma to tha conclusion that as aa uih.i'.r cue Attytt U a aweli dotectiva. ( Or Klatbeah. The swnrs of the tank,s have pronv J t lt the club train In Cuba if New Y.-i!t ro.-i tn the first dlvlsioA ef th tduidma" o the Ameilcan Uue. OUter wl. we presume.' It will be Mesiuok Ti Sack L' W. NXhila tl ey ii y ui aci uctums, ' A it,i cml fur hi'Urm'ii iinints, Jiiffuit. ouiiAuts uur auiivi, jlnl any thrr're bums and shames, n,.w li,.,v'li iiovirr vt tia, Airl u (i n. e l:,.. r urnf flirtv warii-, lix-,lng puiuLa iff lis ci.iurlne. The V, V.l Box have at lust bit thdlr '.ri'.e and If C'lovelBiil decan t have a tare the said Kox l-l beat u out of Uiitt booby prte. At liit ws have come to (ieutt the vtraclry 'f th wrll kitvwn and rtupccted Ass, Sited rre. The said will known and rertptx'tM Atu-.iutwl I'rrs ys tj'j:ly bur!-.J cue Jol.r.n Evors mt Hh.i Juhnny dhlu't bit back. P;i!l at that. Jui.iiuy iniht have been II n,Wl:. cf the time, one i'.'lor puahej Ci.ui-iey Katsug' ncao so !x in'.o his Western Tennis Stara to Play in ' 'Cr ) X'l'A;, 1 - : V BAN rRAlfCISCOv July Ji-AfUr com. plating a whirlwind victory over tha eastern tennis stars at tha tournament nald at the Panamar-Paotfto exgmalUoa thl month, flv of tha weetern oraioks have signified, their Intention of going est next month to oonvpet tn tha national ohampiotuhlp on tha oourt of th Wt BVie Tenet oivlb, at Foraat I UH. U X. Tha tournamont will begin 06 August M aame way as Tyro. H1 a great nltta mainly because Ms speed enable him 'to beat cut many throw aaoh yaaf that would retire other runner. Jossphua Jaokaoa dS tha Cleveland base ball club 1 a very rare exception. Jo aephu Isn't fated ha icn't abnormally fast But Joeephua, duaptl hia apparent eklnntness, ha a pair of arm and shoulders Ui&t are a mighty aa th drtv cf a piston rod. AAd. thssa enable Joanphui U keep the Clavalasd Indian from falling ttUI tut of th Anrloaa Uagua, ztnrrza: fac that t took a oorisorsw to pull It out again, I la leaped from trenoti to trench. And chnrgn4 tha drnnnn fot l-auMhoJ at tli shrinking shrapnal, tuooa whr saa btiiubs bliiW, . ., the 11 r i In aacb. atu.uk, And vaJleU a rauoua Jeer, AVhaa a vU.liua C uuu, ' bullst ' Took away a piece of ear. The captain took a squint at him., And hollered, "Who Is bar "I used to ba'an ump," he Mkl f 1 "And this la meat for m.1' . . W know thla 6 noVMng to d with port but w must tell It: Our Idea of a real . Uf wwild b that of a traffic oon in Vsnlo. ... Bt Xioai fan sea Xls hapas fading, n a headline. AV&addyyameaa hopes? There 1 no getting around it, base ball ia on tha blink. Tha ether day St Louis fan applauded Bobby Walitce whan ha made hia first appearance in tha mound city a an umptr. N ; A New Tork acHb writes aa follows i "Olant tans see sloOraw thundering down tha stretch." .What atretohT And what oa ha meaneth. "downr i Jaok Kasa may have beaten Ty Cobb' reoord for hita made in ounsscutha games, but he nor ' anybody else can touci Kclbie i.lm'e record la ounsecuiive tilt with, unwstre. NVke'U ta mm im tba W, fc,t Is, af eeane, ary mm caa teU, oat w aara m kaaeh this sissk relt. vvbi etv avnt dear Itearkaleis ta taa bs4 IL-ail. Bav sa4 r all aa u!4 gat kaell, Theea !imiU' Swaltra faetl. arc rale r. ii. u. wertst, who labors dtlt- gantlir ss boss of the day telegraph dok on our dally mealtuket. slrped us this cwaie uronuauon the other day. lie ays that the most prominent Nubraskena are ss follows In tha fuliowing ordr;i fam Crawford. rover ttev-land Ahrzinder, Joe Stevhar. S X'rof. Lwrnoe rrjuner. W. J. Bryan. And for a rvt-Won, he's oaUed tha turn. Now that the d77uil Is dina w will proccd to granJlukenlrhoUs for home. KrIUy ta Ctaata. The I h t.irla rlnb has sold Flntt Tia. nmn (l,ii:t .NiiUot.4 liub Ke.lcy lo 13 . New .,rk Indlaes Mo alias. Tha ( l.i!kiut i-lnh h. .ii 1-, -. 1 'f'l n of ti.a dtiaiict lug Orand -; ikL jii. the omaha Sunday bek: july Of tha flv men who are going east, three have previously oompeted In na tional tournaments. They are Maurloe McLauglilln, tha aenaatlonal ohamiloh; Thomas C. Bundy, on ttm champion, and William M. Johnston, also a title holder. Clarenoa J. Griffith.- former national clay oourt champion and Ward Dawson, tha latest and youngest of th Paolflo coast ptaysre, are new entries la tha national oom petition. Amerioan League Averages Clck BattlaaT. O. W, U T. A.B. R. K. Xct . 62 st t rm i44i 7f. .rj Team. rtrolt Chicago ... Boston ... ITilla. .... Cleveland CS'ew Vork ,.T M M 1 M hi ti i M 10 M 1 ,.M H M 0 tl ft t M ill ha a 71T 41 7si i J7S1 ns .SM) ft. Louis ft A M 637 WMK. .....W it ii X 8T 8o 63T .254 Olab Ftcldima Tfm. O. . W. A. EX DP PB.TP Pot. nw York S3 2 u ion 1 Tt Chloago ...f T 1W iN) 47 Boston ,,,.rt t -4 3 i9 4 Wash. i-o inn 1.U M aetrolt ....rt it O 4 Clevsland M tn iu H 41 ft. JUiuia ,.M J,7 1167 W W Phlla, s4 2jo1 liMl 14 S .m .961 Iadlvtdaat Battlag Stavrar. a AB, R. . SB. Pet Cobb.Ie W Olootta, ChL ..l 7 121 II 17 S 103 ( 0 23 11 fiuui, noaton it li Collins, ChL T t-0 .W .m .nd .) .8-4 .M Ml .815 .817 '.lit .8"9 .KH .S"4 .H . 'eaon. Iet ....84 "4 season. Cle. ..! i a Crawford, lat ,.M is Klrke, . Clev. ..M 64 Wood. Boston ,. ti Beunurn, N. V. ..XI M 62 111 21 ii U ' 1 . 11 82 ( K 4 1 ,: lounilor, Chi. ,.U M U Ppe&kur, Boston W i4 U r.l,...l. TVV.I H IV'A Ji tady, Boston ..4 W 14 ljole, fhUa. ...4 7 Maleel. K T M IW4 Mclnnia. Ptilla. ,.7 Ml Iewls. Boston ..t) (16 to i' W W T Si 1 IS 818 It H I 6 W ' fr-iTu..::R U Thompson. PhlL is 83 Pltchieer Reeards. Player. - Q.IP HBO.BB.80.W.UPct Orvjiif. Boston 13 t 111,) 1"00 llrt Jioetuer, lrt .. 4 hhan. Phli .1 Klei.fer, Chi, ,. I Fl. Walsh, IThl. wood. Buctua .15 Plrh. N. Y J4 ,8 17 1 10 loi A 10 1?4 0 i i 40. ! 8 4i 11 J.0 .7-3 .6 1 .tT .69 t .f'l .tt .-y .1..) .6 Foir. P. .. 'abr. Oht. ,...k7 1 8(i, CnL ....is fS 14 f-nore, Boa ...JI hi A J 114 14 41 i Sit 71 It I 44 4 7 14 T iwnas, - I t ..rr 1 iher, N. T. ..1 U4 i:t. Ht. i .. t si la 17 HS l! IA 1M l.il . 74 Hi ' t lii . w 88 U Huth boxton .17 114 Jo'stm Vtasn, 7 1-5 liens, CIO. ....20 141 ni ii 14 i t4 45 7 4 41 M It f 70 ii f II K I i HO K 4 4 tt UU I li t? 4 1 il 83 18 l5 ti X i 4i s n io 70 8 8 foe "ike. lrt. .?7 1 C!1weil. N. T.21 O.I.ia, Waah..U Ayis, ah. ) i'Uhio, l)Ux.!t M t'--vit. T-vtrvit 11 V.va'n. fat. U Volncl, 1 t. ..tt Morton, 1ev.- .S4 hlinaj, Wa.ah, M 1.J M 1 70 Ui 11 11 J.s I'louu. ChL ..A l.n i-'i r"tr, N. Tli 15 14 ta - 1 H I W "4 T T 84 47 f I W 5 f t-'ern. Imt. . ii lf K ColUna, Bos U 1 I.onard, lts. .11 W Kn'inm, 1M1. . t Iveivi.l (i L 4 4 p.,iMil, ChL ..a J1J W'aihop N, T. 17 US Jnrt.es, Ht K .. l:.l W jn-koff, i'lilla HI Maya. lot. n ..Hi it )i !!. 1, C1V. JO 4i ' M ti hcll. t'lov. i in l'VIIIHM M, 1'OS l"i tA L d tiiiia, t, U.M VJ( Hs i" n, t'iv..i b Ham U u, f-t. n M Knatlng, N. Y.11 7 l' j"a, bt. LU W N ffH4.-, ClU.W M rviM Phil. ..4 i l-I 74 6 I'd li l.M i I 1 4 t I I It I ! 45 ( T J 6 6 t 9 10 4 1 8 10 6 411 6 4 I w 1 1 8 I 11 7 11 8 8 lal 114 lit it 17 44 2$ 1st (0 4 4 81 IX) IM Pis M li 11 86 64 (4 i 7 Id M r.4 l-Tt bi K) 61 1 11 ' 41 W l X S 14 16 1 Wanh. ..14 in ials. N. X.lS ',1 Pi:all. Phil. ' . H 1'4 It TI 81 61 79 14 87 S 21 iJ S 21 11 11 1 lj-.lr, Ptill l M 61 N 26 arm. dev. .16 I. l iuh. .11 li 4 1 M 21 l'rvn, N. y. ..10 Couml, CI0V..31 Crowed. Plill.. i H. W k-r, Clev. 17 Hh bt. U ..U ii K doer, t't. I T H-ppr, Wash 11 V. fiavls. l'nll.10 Ci'ltrell. N. V. T Haas, Phil .. 4 1 Kjiu.vari, N Y. 8 Bowfifiiiu. Clev, I to 11 Hers lels Jh. Winston-aleln has rrlrtae,l ritcher Bursa, and Aahvlll bas sisurd him. 25, ifi5. National Meet Bundy and &Tctughltn hold tha na tional doubles champlonshfp, and, wilt defend their title In the east It was tated that tha championship would go undefended this year, but tha decision of Bundy and McLaughlin to enter th national championship has piaoed the doubleatournament ahead of everything elaa. It will -be tha largest feature cf th meet . v i i a Western League Averages' Clab Battla Teams. O. W. UT, AB. R. 4?6 H. 84 81 SO .? 48 M 768 iDonver 4l rat 700 7S Omavha .'......IT ii ii Blou City.. ,.61 87 45 Lincoln 83 48 87 To nek a ....... SS 4i 8 Wichita ...,.2 80 61 St Joseph. ...80 82 48 SKlg 1 741 '.9 ij ei 674 177 ttfS Clwb Fielding Tfiimi ar e. dn.Dh. tn T.lnooln ...1..M n mo m Ia a h TVs Moine..64 "(J III! 1 M igl 1:71 w 17 6 li o ns ii-4 im n o 1 llrtO 171 7 10 0 tUH 109 110 Si 15 1 1160 1U8 170 to 11 llua 1018 ,100 4 SO lopeKa 84 Blou Clty...M Omaha 87 6t Joeph.,.flO Wichita 0 Zenver 79 lagtrtdnaj Battla. Fifteen games cr mora: Plarera ' a in . .i. - 404 (Forsyths, Omaha..t S.,1 lw ll'jwo WJKUOl B. U, DO M M TI I Jones, IX M 84 817 us loo 6 Bpahr, Denver (4 114 11 87 1 Ppenoer, lienvar...7 8a (0 K 6 Pneips, 8. 0 14 4 11 1 Krug. Omaha 87 111 i fta t Vox. Wlob.lt. 84 Si 87 1 10 .pn, .4.1 .41 .421 .49 There's .40 j .5 B I .3 i I . -1 1 .5 1 ' , '.-l .S 1 .s: ) ' !'' I"-'- '.N il 1 11 W III ill'111111'! I i . iiliiniitillJ. . . . ' : f ; In tht' ill llfe ' " . --MkA . Last - - r- - :ha ' . - ' i;;;j;;i"Inni j-jiit::. 'rLA of the Day, , . -:mm You'll m mm . :M -EL'Tello Illlllllff A tumUr, $M.OO in rajlij 4tk largcit number, J-U00 iu ca.K Two bauds front Little El Je!A Cisr couivt as on from .21, .ii .lKX . .2T .i-J .IU I .'! I .Oh i .iwl j . o '; Large El Tello, SAl'E YOUR lUXDS Small Si .0.) .tvj I 5Ce "'.I. J Vclntyre, Tnmln 7 Krueser, mah..r rruion, Whlta... si7 m w n it rj X 4S P) n .310 t-Xt S R& 10 11 ..iii t 1 1 1 .1 M 88 81 10 14 8-1 47 M 10 J4 .an 17 81 II 8 .ij 64 8t 16 J .f M 11 ID 1 i8 8h1 61 M 31 18 ,2vl t4 M !7 8 17 2W 1 M I g .2ns 5 87 80 l .iwl 277 41 79 4 .2 "V, I 1 .?M 339 87 86 8 ' 6 .Da W M 81 II 14 2 M H 11 H .: 17 M I 0 .t9 8 n 41 8 a .in H H 17 18 .278 ' 17 8 1 2,'6 2T5 80 76 f 10 .r 2S5 40 61 15 25 .175 179 40 76 14 14 .172 Sal W H 18 11 .171 2"0 87 78 t 24 .SW M M 41 II II . 9 23 63 16 11 174 It 4 7 .I'M 87 II 13 1 I .14 t SI 13 19 .23 llf 11 81 9 13 .23 81 21 4 1 .M 96 10 15 4 97 10 25 t I . 74 7 1 I I .7 89 . i 10 I 0 .2f,6 (1 1 11 I .2f 1 10 69 10 l .rs If 17 78 8 f .2.-8. X 83 64 T T .13 84 15 It I 6 ,m 34 6 11 .InO 111 89 78 15 8 .149 190 41 47 7 II .'247 25 43 70 11 18 .146 216 20 88 T 10 .25 SiO 81 71 18 14 .45 m 11 47 IS 4 .245 171 80 M T 10 .244 r7 15 68 I 4 .244 34 1 61 83 11 8 .241 4 16 4 0- .242 211 14 Bl 11 I .241 211 86 51 T 15 .241 84 I 20 1 .219 59 t 14 I 0 .219 U8 18 48 4 I .M4 65 5 13 ' I 0 .216 87 41 71 19 19 .2 61 6 16 10 .115 179 11 41 .2.5 Ft 6 12 0 1 2M 40 63 6 6 .til 18 28 89 T 1 .2 l I ii I I .2:u 3H 84 6) IS .27 88 11 20 4 1 :iV 61 4 14 0 .221 21 23 49 6 6 .225 67 6 15 6 0 . 224 67 8 15 1 0 .224 N H ! .H 13 81 1 1 -i't 172 14 88 0 .221 50 1 1 0 0 .ZJ" 61 I 11 I 0 .216 51 7 11 T 1 .216 75 10 16 I t .213 61 8 13 6 i .218 61 6 13 0 .211 118.10 25 1 4 1 .211 17 8 8 1 0 .211 24$ 83 50 t .2"S 225 1546 1 t .204 114 10 23 6 0 ,2' 189 21 88 ll .&1 184' It 25 1 e,.1H7 131 26 48 1 .1M 88 1 7 t 0-.1S4 88 . 4 T .1 0 .184 131 15 24 U .11 44 6 6 0 .12 89 11 14 1 0 .1M 2S 8 10 0 .179 68 6 10 2 1 .1"2 37 0 6 7 0 .K2 M 4 4 1 0 .US 103 4 16 -ff 0 .146 41 8 1 .1 Bl ' 5 7 6 0 .137 75 0 0 .120 84 8 4 0 1 ' .118 yoman, wich., 77 Jprkann, Torx-ka..!4 tlunn. Totexa....M t". Callahan, Orn. 77 Hartford. 1 . M....M .Mnsllng a C....7I Ifunti-, n. M 7 Mnt.'ormlck, l'fn..M MoUafflsan, Ijln..t Wolfe, jMni'oln 1 Kane, a " rj( Plllo, I. M u H. William-, Ft J.7 Morrl1c U. M....W H. Fchriber, IJn M Lattlmore, Top. ...M B'lfilck, Toplia...4 Griffith, Wlch f.9 Hahn, LI. M 84 Boche, Wrhlta....3 C. Clark, a C H. WIIMms, Lln..7 Coffey, Itenver. ...84 Mayr, Top!ka..,.74 R. Breen Omaha.8 Wataon, Ht. J 7 Trainer, Topnka...s TVIholaon, 8t. J... 87 Whalen, tnver...M Powneall, Wlch... 21 Cochran, Topka..7 Wares, Wichita. ..82 Mora, Lincoln... i. 8S Orover, Topeka....! Matthews, Dun.... Henry, Wichita... .14 Boothby, S. C 18 Dawson, Lincoln.. 21 Lloyd, Lincoln 84 Thomas, Ommha... 81 Daley, IJnroln 71 R. Alteon. Wloh...4 Payne, Omaha 17 Srhl'ehner. Om.,..84 iShields. Denver... 81 H. Patterson, Wh.84 Davidson, 8. C....M Kell'hr, Denver.. 81 J. Clarke. B. C M napp, Pt. Joseph.74 'losp. Wichita 88 .,mltn, Omaha 84 Thomas, I. M W Rapps, Topoka M Page, St. JoBph.M Mitchell. Denver.. 36 Narveson', Lln 32 Breen. D. M l Khman. Lincoln. ..19 Pawyer. D. M 78 Pouthem, Wlchlta.84 Talllon, a C 47 droehling. St. J...W Cooney, 9. C 88 Yants, Lincoln 84 Tonneman. St. J. .89 Whalen, Omaha.. .88 Price, a C 81 Wldeman, St J. ..17 Monroe, Topcka...l Blolrett, Omaha.. 29 Oelsi. Wichita 40 TahhehtU, D. M...79 CrUp, S. C M Aheatak. Denver.. .M Harrington, Den.. 17 Everdon. Omaha.. 19 ,B. Schrelber, Lln.23 Oray, Wichita H Mueser, D. M 11 Caspar, 8. C.......H McAllister, Lin...4l Powell, Lincoln. ...15 Charles, Wichita.. M Ewoldt B. M 7 Graham. D. M 40 iDell, Topeka &4 Toung. . C. 36 (Fisher, Topeka.... 67 Cantwell, uenver..ii Arrelanaa. Den..,. 16 !Mtller, Denver 83 Brown. Wichita... Kafora, Omaha.... 87 Baker. Wichita. ...M Kelley. B. C 2 3aklll. Denver. ...20 Johnson. imina..i J. WTilte, Wichita.15 rcillliron. D. M 15 IL Cochran, Wlch.28 Vance. St. J 'Hallman. Omaha..l8 Pitching; Records. g. tp.hbo.bb. so.w. I. Sterter, Denver.. I w SI N 14 0 Thoint'son, Oma.12 94 73 13 40 8 I Mitchell, Dn 'A 155 121 80 ll 15 4 Mogrld&e. les 846 154 68 117 17 8 Mutser. Des M..23 132 132 65 113 1 2 t Gillusan, Des M.15 119 80 .19 8)1 4 Oaspar, 3. l,....i 173 162 86 78 IS t wideman, BU J. .si loi im aa w I Clark, S. C 18 luG 109 14 59 8 4 Geyer. 8. C 41 66 18 19 I Hoffman, Oma.. 84 81 7 t Blodgett Om...!S m 1 25 71 IS Narveson, Lln. -.23 1M 136 6 65 li Rr.ir.an. IJn J6 1M 121 81 28 7 B. Schrelbcr, L4n.l9 138 123 37 87 10 Cantwell, Den.. .l17 116 103 64 64 8 Clunn, Topeka.. ..36 1S6 126 48 77 . 1 Laraen, Omaha.. 7 46 45.18 11 3 60 13 Pet Thomas, D. M... .29 184 175 67 Vsnoe, Pt. J 27 1! 141 64 .171 149 13 Grover, Topeka... W 178 151 81 86 IS 10 Cochran. W ten... H 147 144 70 77 I I .m .268 .249 Harrington. Den. 17 113 121 78 79 t 7 Hallman. SC-O-.to 108 109 84 47 8 S Arrelanes. Den... 16 86 JJ 6 26 86 4 Panders, Topeka.10 6b 49 36 29 8 8 North, Omaha.... 6 46 88 11 21 I I McCoy, Topeka.. 9 86 41 12 4 1 1 Dashnor, Topeka..27 148 144 69 97 I Dawson. Lln. .....a 143 11 47 66 6 Kelly, 8. C 26 147 140 62 87 7 8 Lakaff, Torka..21 114 1 21 49 65 7 8 Southern, Wlch.. 28 143 148 62 88 7 Oaekill. Denver.. 30 1 1?6 89 41 "7 10 Morse. Lincoln. ..11 63 66 13 28 1 1 WtlHa. Omaha... 7 37 89 It 7 I I I-?verdon. Omaha..19 129 118 38 26, 4 7 P. Johnson, Oma . 20 92 84 44 84 4 T Powell. Lln 12 94 106 47 ' 29 4 7 Pat Mi .861 .861 .Del . -fOelst, Wichita... .? 128 142 34 HO til Brown. Bt.J.-W..?4 140 180 69 63 6 10 Bnker. Wlhlta... 89 121 86 17 I Gregory. D, M... 20 23 11 111 Vandervelde, D M. 6 80 83 1 3 11 1 1 Flanaa-an, Ht J..14 81 63 43 52 I 7 Pulllvan. Wl,ih...?i 84 90 38 16 1 6 Wllley. Pt J. ....17 91 66 19 21 . 1 8 Nelson. Wlch 7 88 41 16 7 1 1 Bonthby. B. C...16 10819 4 fs 3)1 Dpyle. a C 4 80 39. 17 17 0 4 .a.4 .825 .814 .814 a aualUiXZibout that's as satisfying as your "easy chair" Datitlall nlhaiasU, Read This T ,to?.man,f0?,entinI Pte.rt umbr of EL TEIXO Cigv Bandi by SeptemUr j..., w 1 ivcB, luaei 10 iae vvoria t tuaiupionship Series of Baebli Game, snd sj sipeu.es to and from the place where the games at pUye.1. To th one tire.entinj th, oj Luetst Buillbcr of bauaa, (-O.C0 tn Cuh SJ Uracil "iir M , ' 7 L J tnchnm, 8. C 8 28 n alan1er, Oma. I 18 11 UoKhorn, Penvei. 31 31 Taylor. St J 6 2 Pi Hosan, D. M 3 33 17 Hfnilre, Wlch.... 8 11 21 H-ntley. Pt. J... 8 4 11 Cluman, Omaha 11 3S 81 Lam'icrt, ft J... 1 Id 19 VnMlna-hnm, Pt.J. 19 8 I-otiilrrmllk. Pt.J. I 9' Holmes, Omaha.. 118 It 9 nw 11 9 10 . 8 18 6. 4 4 8 National Leaguo Averages Clab BalnT. g. w. I. t. h. Chicago ., New York ft. Lnuls , .4 48 S 1 27t3 8'4 7'J .2f- 80 K8 PS 8 2r4 817 .Tt, 87 41 48 I 2786 5 ?4 ." 83 83 44 t 27('l 24 679 .261 Cincinnati I'hllndolphla .79 44 34 1 2 '19 If.'l 618 .216 Bmnklvn M 41 38 I 2716 271 674 . 244 Boaton ,.SS r 44 I 2771 817 9 .14t Pittsburgh 88 40 41 I 1671 19 834 .284 Clab FlrldlBg. ..6 83 ..87 ..79 ..84 ..Ml ro. a a. dp.tp.pb.pot Cincinnati Pittsburgh Pt. Louia., l'hlla Chicago ., Boton .... New Tork Brooklyn . 123 ITS 111 79 2161 2:JX8 2119 221 l2l 7f8 mi in 67 I 10 0 w 0 8 0 4 0 1 0 11 67 63 46 61 Udo 172 Iff !.', 22W5 ll'O 11 ,.80 216' 11 137 7i ..M 2.h3 1U67 141 Indtvldaal Battlaar. FIFTEEN OR MORS) OAME3. . g. ab. r. h. . sb.pot. uautrt r no at w i .Doyle, N. y 78 85 -48 89 10 Merklo, N. Y 65 1.12 21 75 81 Urol., Cin M ii Luderus, Phlla....6Z. til Robertson, N. T..78 280 bnyder, St. L...y.Sl ftl J. ISmlth. Bos 85 'l rAaler, t'hUago....M 2 W. Kllllfsr, Cln... 274 83 l& 41 26 H Si 72 91 81 83 8) 83 Pitch I na; Recorda. g. ip.hbo.bb. so.w. L pet Rltter, N. V 11 U ?H 8 9 1 tfchupp, N. Y 11 83 85 144 14 i Plorce, Chlcaax..2l W 88 46 67 t Alexander, Phlla.2S 214 130 84 150 38 Majnaux, Pitts. ..13 144 It 47 83 13 8. Bmith, Brkln..l4 H1 87 21 88 Mayor, Phlla 23 U16 147 87 66 14 Dalo, CnnclnnaU..9 151 119 60 68 11 COomha, Brklln..) 8K 66 61 19 7 jamcr, Bonton...lS 413 63 MH1ows, St L..20 1S6 125 PMffcr, Brkln..l8 U4 122 Dell, Brkln 20 162 115 Davis, Boston ., 8 65 44 Harmon, Pitts... 20 148 129 Haftm, Boston.. .20 1S.1 114 Rucker Brkln.... 9 69 73 Doak. St. L. 93 164 m VauKhn, Chicago 23 143 1?4 Ptroud, N. Y....18 loo 8S 20 45 44 77 11 84 84 17 M 41 23 I 60 8 89 t 61 28 8 48 10 46 I 13 4 80 10 80 11 44 6 21 Pfhnelder. . Cln...21 128 MS 61 47 Marquard, N. Y..19 188 140 25 66 ShI!n, J!t. It 24 141 129 84 63 McQuillan. PlttS.ZS 12B i:4 84 46 lavender, Ch8Po..l8 81 81 80. 63 Robinson, St I.16 78 7 Toney, ilnn 18 76 60 Stand ridge, Chi..l9 64 68 Cruncher, Boston.14 48 49 Niffhaus, St- I. 26 2.1 Btrend. Bos 26 Testtu, N. Y...21 I08 1S1 Cheney, Chicago 25 112 ins Tyler, Boston...! 118 106 Msth'son, N. Y.1S 101 103 17 40 81 88 27 24 11 17 IT U 8 II 45 86 46 fi 49 60 10 T 8 5 8 6 4 6 til ( T 6 9 ft? 5 8 4 T 611 11 27 Humphries, Chl.J5 84 81 11 Rudolph. Boa.. ..23 177 1U 88 21 81 64 R9 8T 47 87 Rlney, Phlla 16 109 98 Ortner. St L...80127 1O4 G. Adams, Pit. .21 127 1?6 Perrltt N. Y....18 1 121 Huffhee, Boston. 23 151 131 7-abcI. Chlcapro..2i 111 80 Demareo, Phila.17 84 77 49 38 24 28 32 63 90 40 n 'Prnton. Olnn....2H IM 186 68 71 Perdue, Bt. L...18 81101.15 ti 4 8 Lear. 01nn.......2t 90 83 21 24 24 96 11 26 85 80 26 89 80 85 17 19 16 61 15 18 IS , 18 11 14 Ames, CInn.....,.17 fohauer. N. Y...16 App!ton. Brook. IT Chalmers, Phlla. 15 n Tl, m A 87. 84 pet 42 41 78 M 91 47 85 84 86 16 83 17 l.OoO .789 DoiiKlaas, , Brodk.lS Altchion, Brook. 8 K. Adams, Chi. .18 C. Brown, Clnn. 7 Conxelman, Pit. 14 B'mgardner, Ph. 7 .77J .706 .6112 .04 ,ai7 .667 .667 .607 ,6f.a .647 .636 .626 .615 .600 .600 .f9l .6H1 S 1 1 Stoekdale Lnde "Job. Otis Stockdale, last year In tha Was ern, hss become an umpire In the Inter national to take the place of Jim Mullln, who Just name to the Western. Wood k Bl; Help. Tha COm.ha.1r nf fimrtlsw. Y TXTA V.i ucrn a lit IKS lielP to me HWIDIl Kd Hoi: res hi If Wood holds up tha Red Hose stand a .6"0 .600 good chance to cop tha flag. .5"! .600 .6j0 .600 .no .471 .471 .4T .47 .438 .412 .400 .400 .S!4 .34 ,'.4 .31 .33-1 .813 ."3 .8T1 M .26 .171 .20 .111 .000 DOCTORS ADVISE DRlllflG MEN" CAN'T BK CL'UED of their. Hart, stomach, livur. klilney and other ' serious ailments until the poison of al- ' cohol "stored up" In the system, is elliuli- Lutid. No excuse for any person becoming a mental, -moral and physical wreck fro .11 continued indulgence. In a few days at home or Institute the Neal Treatment will eliminate the poiRon, create a loath ing for llnuor or drua. restore natural appetite, sleep snd normal mental and physical conditions. Call or address the head Neal Inp'ltute, No. 1002 So. Tenth street, Omaha, Nb. 60 Neal Institutes in Principal title; Er. Tft t o All bonds must be preienteti at our office not later than noon of September l8ih Me CORD BRADY COMPANY XKatn'frartavk OMA HA' arge Size 10 and 15c, f .U7;si.i 1 1 1 J MO .00 .) .'"') 0 .ft1 .(! OO 7 e. h. vt. 867 .9"7 .91 .m .89 .Sue 1 S37 8 6 813 3 9 .817 .814 .810, . .8"! 0 1.000 0 1.0U0 1 .80 4 ' .811 4 .76 .750 ,0h7 .w; .61-6 .625 .616 .615 .6-0 .600 .68 .671 .871 .656 .650 .65 .638 .518 .(VO .609 .6(0 .6f0 .6T0 .m .60(1 .600 .474 .467 .4i .44 .444 .429 .417 .400 .400 .400 .8S9 .8S3 .-44 .813 .3?3 .3'48 .818 ..31 .300 '.273 .374 .221 .00 .000 .4M) ,o .too