Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 33

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4 ;
I -
C Bringing Up
VAVlT TirirV
OMAHA'S baM hall team ha
lumped badly within tha last
few weeks. It was going along
finely, a contender for first
honor, but at the end of a
twonty-five puna atay on tha home
sround. tt left In fifth plaoe. On dope
tha team ought to ba well planted In
first. Lp to last Tuesday It had played
threo more (rwnea than any other in tha
Western, had made more base hit and
. more extra base drive thun any; had
. made more runs than any, and otberwla
on the ahowlng ahould have been lead
ing.' But icinu thing are true that do
not appear on the aurf&ce. Omata. ha
' alao had more men left on baae than
' any other team: at leant KO Rourke run
ner have been left stranded when the
' third out wa made for the Inning. Tor
, week th team haa not come from be
hind and won a game. In that time many
many and many a batter has gone to
the plato when a hit meant victory and
failed to deliver. ' Thomaaon, tor ex
ample, who had always been relied upon
a moat reliable pinch hitter, didn't
produce one during the ie&fcon. Rourke
ha tried energetically to overcome the
J10G&OO that haa purrued hi team during
' thla time. Twelve pitcher have graced
the Omaha roater this season, more than
any of the others, and a long string of
fielder have come, and gone, in the pur
cult of some combination that would
bring about a winning streak. It may
' yet be achieved, for Pa hasn't given up
hope, although he ha felt much dis
couraged by th unprecedented combina
tion of hard luck he haa gone into. Maybe
. booster's day will bring the change.
Many of the followers of the fortunes
of the Rourkes sorrowed to ee Artie
Thomaaon dropped from the team, for
they recall with much of satisfaction his
servlcee in the past, but thla la another
nil Thomaaon' work has not
been un to his own mark. Neither hi '
' '
li tHrrmonfo .
hitting, his fielding nor his base running Wff Sunday, September . In event the
was so good as It was last season or Omaha team eop the grape, they will
the eon before that, or any other of buck up asaint elther Chicago or Louls
the several aeasona he wore the Omaha,,, cour, piling these team U
uniform. Whether he Is 'slipping J ony a pru on tu of the
doesn't enter into the calculation. HlB wrter for th, purpo(M( of the f&n(
days of usefulness in Omah aj n w , , an idea of -what to expect
and while It will be a long time bel tore far aeveland and Pitts-
Omaha will get a better outfMfei -th , b
erve require, and o had to go. He J pjveland and Pitt,
will doubUes. land in a place where he Buwh ' " 0n" n win thla
w bo happier, and there will make hi. MunK or whoever 1. the winner wUl
old maVk ain M a ball pl.r. Itat'f ! FrnC,,J,0?1 nd th rt-
good luck to him. - th. limtoatloo -.oonteata tad
i - ' in the west at the exposition ground
Vhe combination of forces back of some time during the latter part of Oo
booster's day seem to promise that It tober. ' . ' ,
will be a success from the standpoint Play "on Twe Teams,
of attendance at least IU object to th. wlI ilnotm WM
such a. ought to J called last weok only few were con-
fans, and in no way can they show . b , abence. The flrat
their fHendahlp forth. instltuUon bet- thP on J TwTtoUle a
ter. than by going to Rourke parU on j Uon OWen J
iMtta, dv nA iwlnf a real ball aame. ' . .. .
w.- -
Johnny Kver is a busy lad this
don. He first had a run in with a sycll
of fever, then with a broken shoulder;
President Tcncr came next on the list
- . , . . a Ml 11.. 1 I
Ci,klfcley took a swing at him. None of
these have diplicd the smile from the
i Trojan face, and he has emerged from
all but the last unscathed.
Omaha's" disorganised army of home
roasters la , being reorganised, arid will
be marshaled under leadership" of an
agency that ha. don. but mtl. to help
demonstration la not clear. bu it Uu't
going to help base ball any.
Joe SUcher will find plenty to do.
whether he meta Ootch thla yaar or not
Kvery heavyweight grappler in the !
. country haa hi. ,y, pn the lu.ciou. load.
vi money joe w ure xo carry wnen n ,
hoe Into the ring. That bait I irresi-'
tibia, and the young champion Is hot go
ing to lack for employment on the mat
- if he want it
ComUkey the latest manager too pro
tost that umplrlcal Interference la cost
ing his team a chance to win the pen
nant Tbl Just about make It unani
mous, and almost convinces on that the
umpiring In the American leag-u la good.
Only on team can win, but all can lay it j
onto the umpire.
Wichita showed what can be don. by
letting six Class A ball players go and
ttrabbing six clas D men to take their
places and going out and winning. Maybe
if Ham ' Patterson had released the en
tire teanv himself Included, Wichita would
liave a chance for the pennant.
A th nation at war are needing for
their nan use the entire output of their
factories, th competition of foreign tlr
manufacturer ha been greatly leesened.
The Ooodyear Tire and HuUoer company
In an effort to secure a share of tha
i port bualaeaa. Is seudlng representative
to India, Australia and South America
In ti e countries Ooodyear la now enter
ing, tire havt- been selling at exor
bitant prices, and Goodyear's entrance
into these field will be welcomed by
ail tire users.
"or-iKi - kiik .
MiNuTtAb, we
rv?c TO HAVE
Quigley Warn Sandlot Athletes to
Be Careful and Not Violate
Any Rule. :
. Ton managers that have a look m to
grab the pennant in any on of the va
rious lesgues ahould be careful and not
break any of the rules. Remember that
all of your competitor ar aohing for an
opportunity to oU h you asleep on tha
Job. They have their blinker busy and
a bad move by you would be ' as wel
come a a month of sunahin. All the
managers are acquainted with the way
the director handle belligerent man
agera For the benefit of th doubtful
ones they believe that discipline should
be maintained and that drastic punish
ment should be. handed to., recalcitrant
players. It la immaterial to them how
prominent a player la . They deal with
all In a nonpartisan manner. Conse
quently all players that don't walk the
chalk line will dread seriously the con
sequence of disobeying the rules, espe
cially If they are eliminated from . the
championship contests. The main error
a manager can make Is to negotiate
with Ineligible players. Any question of
eligibility that Is brought before the
board will be investigated fully and no
mercy will be ahown to the manager that
undeavora to slip something over.
Jake Isaacson, president of the Omaha
Amateur association, received a letter
recently from the secretary of th Na
tional association giving him the par
ticular of the championship final . to
ascertain the real champion amateur
class "A" team of these United Btatea
The Initial game that Omaha la inter
ested In will be played on September 1
between St. Paul and DuJuttw The win
ner of this game will play th winner of
the Greater Omaha league on the follow-
I MfiAKF WAUM )Ui .lrfW I .. . i
championship struggles These two stal
warta love the gam so much that the
piay two games every Sunday, on In
the morning with the Drexel Shoe Oe.
and another in the afternoon with th
I f", ' ffSB?- . er
themselves are unable to formulate an
opinion, but, nevertheless, the .director
gave them until tomorrow to let their
thought reservoirs digest a decision. In
case these allow are unable to utilise
their thinking machinery the director
will decide for them.
Th contest protested between th
Brown pk 7",
wa. ordered replayed.
Spark 'at bian4 Paat.
Reed and Pre fit picked up ten bone
and rations aptcen last Thursday work
ing aa a battery in Cornlns, la".
rouiuses can i catch tmr m,.v
fl'"i Iteaan. the ch'ef custodian of
,e" Paj,tur,s ' the Indiana
wafriwft 'JlTr? XrlrZ
trim the village horse-hide handlers
In the last game Pete alcnu!re work
hits were as scarce as raiium nueta
vniy uno vu secured orr his slants.
AccTCIna- to ms ".nt-l ehlf of he
Alsniltoa. Carl BtenKnl Is the prrmler bag
plllerer or the Ureutsr Omaha league.
It Is a mystery difficult to solve how
th Munn brathers and Probst brothers
get along hooked to the same tbam.
To date the Indians have not playad
a sm tn Onialm. All of their contests
have been with dilferent country bur4.
i. vw" Jm Milnta of the Urown
Park Merchants dropped back among u
He spent bla vacation down .on the larru.
The Chicago Union Olauta win oe here
Main on next aufirdiy and Sunday.
They evidently like to mix wiih the Mori.
Iiokett Is the new manar of the
Wasdaa. Hs weuld like to piay a few
out-of-town games. Call him at Mouth
Wullivan of Gentleman's Hollya la going
better every na.ny. He ouKht to be able
to draw a ticket' for class 4 circlta nxt
The Standard Oil Co. combination has
at last decided to Jota the baturday Class
A league. A good decision evn ;( a
trifle lata
Although I-eo Kiln Is etching mag.
ni'ic 'U for tne Bourneoln band,
nevertheles th boy fall to appreciate
ru efforts.
Those Kohout Cult and K retire have
aura tiioculatcd th betting fewer,
Humor haa It that they will play for
Sullivan of the Armour pitched all the
games tor th John Ieer Plow C'o. ut
tlie Malvern. la., base ball tournament
and won them ail. -
Those Mlckel Vlctrolaa have not b-n
dllli! out that rnti-aiiriiig uuisu- tnis
season. They play all rifcht, i,ut nut
ii'M-e fM iinh.
The Ncoraska Auto achool would like j
to s-ur a ie- out -ui -iu m u r 01 J
Copyright. li. International
Ni' Pervlc.
further Information call Webster and
iik for Frank Jacob. 4
Nothing much Is heard about Elmer A.
Heffner si no he threw up the rein of
the Town sends. Que he got enough
of the managerial Jon.
Blno Hlatt. formerly ene of the main
spr.ngs of the Armours, was appointed
a gas cart rhaser he haa trloken ba
ball off of hi program.
What was all this exoltement relative
to George Oraham playing with th Ar
mours? Anyway he I sUll stationed at
tation two for the Btora.
John Danniaon, leader of the IjUxus,
aaked Mlnden, la., for SW and expenft
to play one game at their town. H will
g-t It Uk thls-no, no, no.
From appearance It look Ilk. 'Walter
Overman la resting some where In Camp
Haabeen. At that lie will probably b on
tnv comeback ilst next term.
Those Chris LycWs ar a trifle erratla
One Sunday they play Ilka the New York
Giants and the next 6unds? they drop
back to the kid leagu. stuff.
From appearances Harry Setrft haa e
cored a corner on all the umpiring for
different tournament staged in Iowa
Anvway h land all the good Job.
The sale of tickets for th elimination
chamiyonshlp contest will have to strike
a boom in order to give the association
safe passage over the financial aea.
In the Mercantile leagu a fellow tag
Fed Hlllard Morearty, associated with
Brandeis Stores, only claims a modest
batting average of .MT or thereabout.
In and around these Jungles outside
of Omaha the two best teams can be
found at Blair and Plattsmouth. They
ought to bump before the curtain drops.
Abhoud 'Is one of the star gardeners for
the Midland Olass snd Paint Co. team.
He Is a IB st, clever fielder and a good
bit smith.. He dp them high and far.
Bill Baudo' three-base whang didn't
prove very efficacious during tne Wood
men of the World-Midland Glasa and
Paint struggle, because Bllliam died on
Anv else" A t"ni ns"i ti" rt-rvV
of an excellent fir grabber who is fast
on his pedal and good with the hilly
" "'ebstor S22 and squawk for Harry
Wright .
At the bginnnit of the season seven
Hams in the Olty league said the Ne
braska Auto school combination would
be fish It they are they are sure hard
to catch.
Ioks like Dusty Clarence Hall ha
ri'e'lv rlrerl Trr et,v rr-it-: m
base ball: When in trim Dusty, used te
make the fly catchera back up against
the board. ; ' '.
When talking about tabulator don't
forget Delaware Is on the Job. Ha does
all the book work for the Armoura and
acr-cring1 their players he Is extraor
dinarily proficient
Grossman, formerly with the Ancient
Order of United Workmen, Is now holding
down bag one for the Indians. Long
smashes manufactured by bun help the
Indiana ice tangles.
Here of late 8wingwood of th. Joe
Smiths hss hit , his stride. He is now
slashing the pill to the remote corner
or tne ATrt'etie Dan lot. uesmes ne is
fielding sensationally.
- Over at Corning. la., last Thursday
Fred Prefke bad two chewer knocked
out and is still suffering from a Jaw that
la sprained anrt bi'lv swo'len. He was
at bat when th rent on third attempted
to steal home and Prefke was hit with
the ball thrown by the pitcher and the
runner rausht him with his elbow In the
Jaw simultaneously.
Amateur Game s Today
goath DIo.
8:30 niack's Kats against Chris tiycks,
North Diamond.
S-.30 Brown Park Merchant against Ne
braska Auto School. .
1.30 A. O. U. W.'s against Luxus. , 1
1 JO Fonter.elle against. Browning-
: Alamltos against Bourgeois.
1:80 Trimble Brothers against Gentle
man Athletic
' 1 SO Omaha Rubber Co. against Ford
Motor o.
i.wQ. A. Nelson against J. D. Crew.
hiverView park.
l;3o Merchants Hotel against William
l:Jiv-Kenndy Beelln against South
Omaha Merchant. '
i:3o St. Francis club against Twenty-
lourtn otresi namoiers. .
fontenellb park.
East Dlamoaa.
1:30 Dundee Woolen Mills against
Nourse Oil Co.
s.Ho-Murpliy-Dld-Ita against Holly.
West Diamoag.
J:SV-Thorpelana aralnst Auto Kow!
.JO U. Pred against Riversides.
East Dtamead.
l:3i Mandy Ieea against West Lavn-
aorth Merchant.
3 30 Southeast Improvement Club
agalnat James Corr k.iectiics.
West Dlamoad.
l ao-Omah Printing Co, against Na.
8:jo Brown Park Juniors against South
Oiuaha Midseta
North Diamoad.
l:iv-Sprtng Lake Parks against Vinton
1:30 Tradesmen against Central Parks.
Stuis s a) nt Chicago . Union Giant,
doubl-rcaler, at l'.ourk trk.
Luiky Holms at Blair. Neb. .
Joe Mnlih aalnst Aruioors at AthlsUo
park. Council bluffs,
iirowuin Kla; Co. at Louisville, Neb.
Meratagc Oaiaes.
Drexet Rhee Co. against King-Peck Co.
at Kivervlew (ark at lu a. ut.
Brandeis More against Uupinoblle at
Thirty-seoond and Uewsy avenue at
IV a. 111.
riurga-N'ash ' sgsinst KUpatriok at
Fort Omaha at 10 a in.
Tuer Is l)tlmitl.
........ - . . '-.iiuini imiijv
auy mm ball is un Jiinsolnj a bi- raaiuie
nnd will ratumd Us nornittl tliu. beture
tiie Anifiican jiubllc bbfore long.
Fifteen Years a -iaat.
flirisly Msthctisoii his roundsd out
flftwn Vrs as a nx-niber of th New
Viik Vut'.y Juinid McUraw's
'!tw July 17. 1a0
l w -1
I "1
Pitcher Who Wears
5 r-
Svev( -MJliJMS.-vi ttjW. 1ma Ji .VAvitJhW-.
V 1 THOi
T kino
. -
II. 'e-.
-:.. ....
smaiciain. ' II I llll I I , V 'l
MUler Huggta of th St. LuU Card!-'
nals haa the only pitcher (n major league
ball who wear glasses all the time,
while pitching and off duty. And those
glasses hav never fallen off In a gam
either. Th wearer of th spectacle t
Lee Meadow, .who according to Hug
gin, la th greatest pitcher ou th. Car
dinal staffs. This I his first year in
th big how and h. ha been winning
Northwest Bowlers
May . Join with Those
of theMiddle West
The Midwest . Bowling association,
which center around Omaha, and th
International Bowling association, which
hadquartr in Minneapolis, may con
solidate and hold but on tourney next
year, tli. Midwest Th Midwest tourna
ment will be held In Omaha.
The International bowler hav. held
their .venta In Minneapolis, but thl
year hav. not mad. any plan to bold a
1S18 tournament. Rumor among Omaha
bowler hav. It that the International
would b. willing to Join with th. Mid
west and th. Midwest would b glad to
see such consolidation. Correspondence
on the matter ha been carried on for
some time between officer of th two
associations and It is thought that a
merger will be efected which will make
the Midwest tourney In Omaha next year
the blgkest in the country outside of the
American Bowling congres.
The members of the Bellevue college
foot ball squad who ar ponding th
summer In Bel!vu. began the season'
grind last week. I'nder the leadership of
Captain Webb th men hav been out
on th. athletic fit 14 paaaiug and kicking
And generally getting In line for opening
tract lo at the first of th siiooi year.
Tha arhUtlo field back of Clarke hall la
being whipped into condition by harrow.
big and rolling. Th. t frails court which
hav. been inside the running track will
be moved nearer to the building. This
oheng. will make the field easily o-
cessibl from tb new gymnasium.
Mills Hslui Hood.
Mills, the former Notre Dame athlctl
star, who is holding down first I wise for
ILp Neafros, uii.jvi to be nuke a bass
t-allrr. j j
2 .1915.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
TMt Mam -ru
woNOHAN r place
out the poj-ice
ARE CUARruM". it!
wt of HrKre ha,
TU- PLAct t
ONDtS Quarantine
Glasses All the Time
.-fwdna! -'S.Wl ..fJSt-. ss- w.J -VrJ
a larger percentage of his gam In' the
bl" l?le, thB h dW, n 5 DU"-?' J oa.e. of .tar, of year, ago com-
bv .iS- ?fTr,CAdI?,1T.Mv'n ' to own again. Jack Coomb,
by tha Card after Connie Mack and .,.,,
other manager had him up be. ' rm"ly ,of ,,1Ath,"'C- n,4 "W
cauM of bad y... Huggin. took a'"" ",nl,;f "aU for Brooklyn, and Jo on th. youngster, signed' him of ft '
spec, and all. and ha. not regretted H P Aching with Wh. m effclvn h
o fsr.- Msadows certainly looks Uka a! dld m Mt- -ner .xprtenced two
Willard Picks Up ' .
Pool Table and the -
Ball Mis in Hole
NEW YORK, July M.-Nat Lewi tells
a little story about Jss Willard which
should dispel any Idea that th big c ham-
hi gymnasium to do llttl. training,
On th. floor below w. a billiard room.
wher. th. boxer adjourned for a llttl
play after the dally workout One. day
Willard and Kddl McUoorty. the Osh -
koirti middleweight, hooked up tn a pocket
billiard maUh of twenty-fiv balls. Th
mu.aU . - ai ......
i 11 tt mm iiikuq inrougn ' a aldding
L. . . rr . . . 1 . . . . .
wn, aiuuwrif tnat n wi
th best flKhter-culst In the world,
WUlard disputed his claim to th. title,
so they put up a llttl bet to make it in
teresting and th battle wa on,
McGoorty set a fast para and led from
the start. When he had pocketed twenty
three ball while Willard score stood
ai ninriren, ji loosed UKe cinch th of Kucker. Robinson haa rebuUt hi en
Oshkosh boy would be the winner. But tire ststf and he has shown rare Judg.
thst Was vh, Tm thai -A-vlwiv f . I .. .K . .
... , "" .
I'. hvVn llh ,un of f,v-
' --'". rrotcn ana
ufTZ1: t1t ' .Sr. .
-' vaiNS wa VII !,AtJfI U - Ult f
on the cripple," but suddenly th ball
started moving attain and dropped Into
the slot. rivlM Willard th. m.K-l,
i.le bet. I
McOoorty wss more dated and niystl-1
fled than If he bed been hit squr.rely on !
the pQltit of the Jw by a right uppereut,
but gamely coughed up his money. I
It wae a long Urn ftr that WUlard!
tipped off how he beat Mo'loorty. audi
he probably wouldn't hve let Jt out the
but for the fact be repeated the trlok. '
When ho saw the ball wabble and that
It wssn't going to fall in ths pocket, he
reached down with hi right hand and
tllt-d th table enough to roll the bat) in,
waving his cue ln his left hand at the
sumo time to divert the attention of
McOoorty and those watching the game. J
" 1
: '
r Y
WE fAf
. . , . , .
English Writer Declare, that All
Priie Fighters Who" Clinch
Should Be Barred, .
NEW YORK, Jyly l.-That clinching
should be altogether abolished from .box
ing la th contention of an English writer
who advocates a change tn th rule
making It a foul to embrace an oppo
nent. .Rather a atrang stand for a
countryman of Treddl Weldh to. take
considering that It In England that
th leading exponent of the jab and grab
tyl of boxing wa handed th light
weight title!
That boxing would he a hundredfold
mora xcltlng It th clinch could b liro
Inated goes without saying. , In tut cast
practically vry bout would be doolstv,
either ending tn a knockout er a dis
qualification. However, th Idea obvi
ously I Impractloabl for many . reason.
Clinching I Illegal . under the present
rule, but th full penalty never la Im
posed, because to do o would make the
port a Uttl too strenuous for safety.
The most practical Interpretation of the,
code, a followed by tha best referee,
la to penalise th man' who Jorces th
clinch on point Under thla system th
boxer who Jah and grab get no credit
for hi work, a th point h core for
landing th blow is offset by th pen
alty for clinching. If thl sty I of Judging
bout were followed mora closely men
of Welsh' type would be forced to hot
cleanly tn order to gain Credit for a rio
ter y on points.-
Oaly a Last Resort." '
The really great boxer hav. been those
who never clinched except as a last re
sort when loo -dosed -and wsakoned to
block accurately or to us. footwork.
Under these condition th. - clinch Is
highly necessary, but as a general thing
tt ahould be dUoouraged aa much a po
Ible by Imposing th penalty.
Whll It I doubtlessly Impossible to dis
pense with th. clinch. It would b. nightly I
Interesting to try th. .xparlment, Per-1
bap two boxer can be found willing to
put th. matter to th. test In a trial bout
Such a contest certainty would prove a
great drawing card. . . 1
Only Two Big Loop
Hurling Stars Come
Back to Their Own
1 .
NEW YORK, July 14 -Th. present baa.
ball season ha furnished many sur
prises and disappointments tn the work
of the pltohers. Many of last season'
stars have failed to display th form
frnnt ,Hat v. j,.v. n ,wa
poor easona Furthsr than this, more
youngsters hav. mad. good thl season
than In almost any two previous season
combined, ' ... ; . ' ! , . i
With th. race In the National league
so dios that not a slngls team eaaj b
considered entirely out of th race .van
at thl late date, th final standing will.
In alt probability, be decided on th.
merit of th rious pitching siaxa la
thl respect Brooklyn ha th. dg. on
the other elub. While th staff of both
Boston and New York hav. bean en-
AutMk ..A-l ..-,....&..'.. ,11 . . 1 . -
,h 1 11 ' 1 .iT '
h . ? h
' " h. present Urn. When h wa with
' Tork h avriof McOraw'g piloh.
!'' nd H wl" "cII,d th r
I th olhnt' Planing s'aff wa the equ4
f ut "' ,n lR National leagu. Along
' atutllt tHm l-ildill J n m 1 , . I u .a ... . - kA
; - - m .
filar..' a . . i . I
1 i-iv,iwi- mvv tw --"kiy w-ia visif
i and hav never completely recovered
their effectiveness since.
.About the sani time the lirooklyn staff
began to show sign of Improvement and
1 hav continued to improve until at the
present time they ar feared by every
Uaro In the league. With th xceptlon
lupin m picaing roundsmen. I jut year
' developed Ffeffer, while this year he
j, brought out Pmlth. Dell and Apple.
.burl during . sesaon h. 1. ,u.
ally satisfied. Robinson not only ha de.
veloped three good man, but he also se
cured Coombs from Connie Maok at the
curr1 "m t
' II I I
r 1 I
9 I J f DON'T Wf 1
V 7 AN( OHE 5 LV
VVns 0 t'U. CMCKB' ) iZ. Y
MA-HA-HA!, jy
alver price, thereby proving to his fol-
iomwt h " th best judge
0t iivht" ln h "
..... 7 ,-Tw, .T .......
" U Dingman of th otewart-Toosar
Uotor company haa excepted a position
'"h the H. A. Witmore Motor company
of Bloux City, U. Mr. Plngmaa I very
well known among those Interested to
auUimobllca and ha added muck to hi
eA pertence and frlendshlpe during the
last two year spent with th. Stewart-
3 R
Tooaer Motor companyMn th rapacJty
of sale manager.
Although Mr. Dingman is- changing lo
cations, he ta stlil staying with th. nam
ear. th Chalmers, and will ha In artlv.
charge of tha II. A. Wltaior Motor 00 m
penj'. V
And Now it is Said
That Jess Willard
; Will Take a Drink
NOW YORK. July K-Jae John, In
England, Is being Interviewed quite a
xtenslvely as wnen h wa champion.
Whn asked by a London writer who
would hav. th. beat chine to beat Will
ard. not drawing a color Una In. his se
lection, h. replied that he'd pick Frank
Mora a for th Job. Which shows that
Johnson ta still a diplomat Moran I in
Iiondon, Is popular, haa won th cham
pionship of England front Bombangker
Walla, and might poasiblyi draw a big
hou. with Johnson If Johnson cared tn
fight 'again. Incidentally, Judging front
th Jhnson-Morn fight In Paris. Frank
wouldn't cause th diplomatic Jack m
great deal of trouble.
A for anyone' beating Willard no-
body now In eight 1 going to beat Will
ard unless Jess drinks, er In soma other
way dlstppate away hi fighting ability.
Having Che confidence that goea with
holding a title, hs' going to be a tntgtUy
hard wan to beat 1
As for Willard' 'losing out through
dissipation, there' little chance of It
The tale that hlg Je Is a stanch foe
of th. Demon ' RuVn - le all poppycock.
take, a drink when he want one.
ani Instead of Innocuous soda water he
drinks plain whisky. II learned to drink
when he wis a cowboy, before he ever
became a fighter. On of Ms favorite
stories la of the days when he uved to
Piny poker and each man in the gnme
started with' a- full bottle and stayed
Until Jt was empty. '"v. ...
But Willard indulgence m strong'
liquor I only occasional It's not a
hahlt with him, and onleee the constant
temptations thrust before a champion
change htm entirely he's not likely to
drink enough to have any rffect in th
next few year. In his 1 present fin
clean oondltlun, and with hi maaslv
frame and splendid constitution,' It would
take year of real dissipation to bring
him down where any ordinary heavy-.
weight would hav a ' chance to eves
worry Mm.
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in eighteen years snd a half; while Ty
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eleven years.. .
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