Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 25

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    TllK OMAHA SUNDAY BE1K: JULY 25, 1915.
Farattare, Mnaaraold I.Mai, Etc.
THRFTE-PIECE mahoirany parlor wt,
$12. heavy fla pole, 3X4 Lafayette
j-7io W Fmm pit. t. 61H.
$60 buys a well broke, neck rein saddle
hore. 3323 Hri-tton rU, phwne Wo. 'A
Grocers, Attention!
OUR large itnrk of delivery wagons
(Studesaker'a, and our own make), of
fered at low prices to make room for
our new Automobile truck and Ford
truck bodle.
152-31-:a N. 16th St.. near Clark Pt
HORSE, buggy and harness, $; Wal
nut 16396. o
FOR 8ALE-Bxeellent A-No. 1 fresh
family cow; prtoa 75. Phono South
h. or 1640.
ONE fine mlleh row. 5318 Farnam Pt.
Mulral luVrvmvMtl.
Nightly uei hi a), arran. olano. t. tpl?.
COIN -OPERATED Instrument at give
away prlceei
$600 Regina muelo box $ 50
$1,009 Eleotrto Banjo $36
$450 Pianola $lo0
V Majestic Electric Piano.... $23
$1,0(10 Standard Electric Piano
with flute and mandolin at
tachment 460
fold on eaay terma and every Instru
ments fullv guaranteed.
yv-l PIANO, standard tmko, fine tone,
tUi. A ply SJO Novillo Dtk. Doug. 44-7 .
fci-NoTE music rolla; brand new; claaalc,
ras or latest popular: 5 for $1 postpaid
' In I'nlted States. J. R. Morgan, 174 Belle
Jilalne Ave. Chicago.
Poaitrt. anti .spur).
! bTEREOTYPE matrices make the brat
end rheapeHt lining for poultry houses.
They are 17x21 Inches, stronger nd more
durable than tsrred fell and practically
fireproof. 7lo a hundred at The Hee office.
THE eggs you aell make the profit In
the poultry business Wejch'a wonder
ful White Indian Hunner Ducks lay more
large white-shelled, good eating eggs than
hens. My flock averaged over 20D egva
each for 1 year. Hatching eggs 11.60 for
12; IS per 100. J. J. Welch, Cherrycroft,
Omaha. Neb. Benaon 403. o
AiiaF.D Brain, 100 Jba. $1.85. Wagner, bOl
N. 16tH.
TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired.
Central Typewriter Kxe. lw Farnam.
MONARCH No- : bargain. -?S Bee Bldg.
FOR BALE New and second-hand carom
and pocket billiard tablea and bowling
alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all
kinds; eaay payments. The Brunswick?
Balke-Colltnder Co., 407-41W o ltrcn bi.
BIQ sale on trunks, bags and sultcasea
Friedman. 1211 DouglasBt.
TOOLS, shovels, picks, .lackacrews, win
dow glaas, 2 carpenter benches. II each;
10 match machines, 50c each, 1 hot water
boiler complete, $10: combination electric
fixtures, 2&c each; Iron beds, complete, 12;
good horse, 30; harness, 110; good ex
press wagon, J75.c
Tel. Harney 242. ' 703 S. Mat Ave.
Golden West Whiskey. 4 full
Quarts ootiisa in uonu, pre
paid. Cackley Bros., Omaha.
1-IT. P., 270 volts, 3 phase, new I $7
I-H. P., IX volts, S chase, new 40
-H. P., 220 volts, 1 phase, new M
i-H. P.. 220 volts, S phase, new 17
I-K. W., 110 volts, D. C, new $ 71
e-K. W., 110 volts, D. C, new 100
t-K. W.. 180-60 volts, new W
1-11. P., gasoline engine.. SO
t H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov
ernor 10
313 S. 12th Bt o
BEST domestic and steaming coal. Low
est prices. Get a trial car. Agents
v. anted. I. M. Cox. North Platte, Neh.-q
3u0 CAMPING wall tents, 3x10 ft.. W.SOl
10x12 ft.. 17.40, with poles and stakes;
heavy 10-ounce duck; used one day; sat
isfaction' guaranteed. Carnle-Ooiudle "Co
Kansas City, Mo. o ; . : '
ti to $iO-Nlce lots In D.-uld Hill. 0
OFFICE furniture, including good sate.
Room 14. Arlington Block.
53 feet suit and cloak cabinets, 8 feet
deep, oak aeneered with .eight.. JtlTpncn
bevel plate mirrors.
One 80-arm John II. Best rug rack.
ThiM war figure, two of these are
J. It, Pnlmenberg's 1914 make; jointed
arms, with limbs, shoes ana stocKings.
One 8-foot notion case and five uther
floor show cases; all best quality.
3 Lamson rapid and two air line cash
carrier stations.
One 6-gallon T. P. Gasoline lighting
plant haviug fifteen lights; 2 years old,
food as new.
Also many other first class store fix
tures. 4
Reason for selling, have gone out of
the retail drv grwls business.
Beatrice, Neb.
MOTOR boat, lS-ft., 6-h. p., 2-cyl.. elec
tric, liehts, , dynamo, storage battery,
searchlight, horn, finest equipped boat
on Carter Lake. Johnson, M 8. 12ih
St. D. 2465.
LATEST type IS II. P. Westing-house
traction engine; guaranteed; 40.
Wood worth. 415 Karbach Bldg.
Clerleat and Office.
STENO. and bookkeeper, experienced.
' Steno., experienced, good salary.
Steno., experienced, city position.
101&-16 Cltv Nat. Bai.k Bldg
STEN., 1 week temporary, at ..$16.00
MfciN., z weeks temporary, at
STKNOGRAPHER, wholesale house 26.00
COMPTOMETER operator, weeks.. 80.00
STEN. & bookkeeper, splendid place 60.00
lSlv-HO Woodmen of the World.
INSTRUCTOR, com'l college cap 176
KTKNQ., Al. temporary 66
riijiiv,. iiiuaL uq nkpitA. w
OFFICE) ClJiRK. stock books, etc.. 6
BTENO., ep. in credit and coll'n work 60
STENO., insurance office 60
STENO., temporary, rapid 50
STENO., P. B. X. operator, etc 86
7M Otrmha Nat. Bank Bldg
STBNO. diet, operator $76
STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house.. 75
BTENCWIUPHEK, real estate 65
WATTS REF. OO.. 8M-4Q-42 Brand. The.
Aaeata mmi silrtnomta.
WOMEN agents wanted to handle line of
concentrated flavors and household ar
ticles; good profits for the workers. Ad
dress T 60. Bee
WANTED Lady 30 to 60; well educated;
good address, forceful worker and
fluent talker for fastest selling proposi
tion In the homes: suitable party will be
Instructed and paid weekly guarantee;
no money required; give full particulars
first letter; advancement, when qualified;
A-l references required; do not answer
unless you are foot loose, healthy and
able to travel as directed; you mht have
confidence In yourself, and be willing to
work hard for good pay. Publication
Committee, National Congress of Mothers
and ParentTeacher Association.
Arbyle Rldir., Kansas City. Mo.
2 OR I BRIGHT, neatly dressed ladles.
capable of railing on the better class
of people, short hours, man's pav. Call
Monday. 10 to 12, Paxton Hotel. Inquire
at desk for Mr. Fisher
Paetarr 1-rasles.
QIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm.
HtHkern a a 4 Doateetie.
THB (servant Girl Problem Solved. The
Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad
FREE until you get the desired reeulta.
This applies to residents of Omaha, South
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Hnotf ad to
Tti a Bee office or telephone Tyler Km).
GOOD nuild tor general housework; small
family. H. 64&
YOUNG . girl for general housework.
Harney 741. 1&4 8 36th St.
WANTED a girl for general houaewora.
Mult furnish reference. 3.n Hurney
COM t" kTT EN T girl for general house
' work, no waabina, good wagaa, 4115
llonaekpeaera and Dotaesttca.
EXl'EHIENCEl) steady girl f vr general
iii.iork. H. 7l"4. 1S H. Ave.
A COMPETENT girl wanted In a family
. "f two. Sfwrr Harney Pt,
W A NTKIv-(ilrl for general housework.
"!! Hs-ney 1M
YOl'N'il Klrl to aasiit with nouarwoik;
god h-inie to right parly. IT N. nh St.
WANTED 5lrl for general housework.
Apply UK Co. 30th. or phone Harney WS0.
UlKli for general hmieework, must fur
nNh reference. WIO Harney tt.
A VOI'NO girl over l to assist with care
of 2 cblliiren. Walnut W.
0H)D home, good waeea and lieht work
for reliable girl. Telephone Harney xT4.t.
MtMcel la ima,
TOCNO wonren eomlns; to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
AVomen's Christian association building
at St. Mary's Ave and 17th St., where
they will be directed to suitable boarding
place or otherwise agisted. Look for
our traveler guide at rnion station.
WANTED Several ladles to prepare for
Omaha, September posiofflce clerk ex
amination. Sple'idld salaries. I con-
ducted government examinations. Trial
examination free. Write Orment, 27L,
St. Louis. o
WOAIAN to keep house on ranch In Ne
braska, 3 In family. Direct Postofflce
Box 72. Omaha.
GUARANTEED salary paid any woman
to distribute hosiery to customers; ex
perience unnecesaary; all or part time,
for particular and complete outfit ad
dress International MUls. Dept. 1. Nor
rlstown. Pa.
GOVERNMENT matrons wanted; Omaha
examination Sept. 15; good salaries; po
sition permanent; free living quarters.
Write Oxment. 63 M. St. louls. Mo. o
LADIES do sewing at home, material
furnished; no canvassing; stamped en
velope. Acme Sales Co., Dept. 80, Denver,
Co!o '
WRITE for newspapers and magatlnes;
earn IK) monthly; details free to be
ginners. Reporting Syndicate, 169 Victoria,
St. Louis.
WRITE motion picture plays; $60 each;
experience unnecessary; details sent
free to beginners. Producers League, 182,
Wainwright, St. Louis.
lerteat ) Of flee.
HIGH-GRADE commercial position.
TC2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
AN accountant one familiar with loans
and mortgages, $150; young man for
country bank; steno., railroad; steno.,
rood salary.
1016-1 Cl'y Nat. Bank Bldg
Traveling, salesman (fruit house), $75$"l00.
Office clerk, good penman reoulred. $70
Experienced Storage Battery Man $100
131!-20 Woodmen of the World.
EXP. stenographer and bookkeeper.... $60
Exp. elevator and implement man.... $78
1 grocery salesman.
Salesman, A-l specialty man. $125
Managers, notions, silks dress good.. 1126
Route Man, prefer grocery man $100
City Salesman, must be hustler $HX
Salesman, exp. imp. man will do... .1100
Cashier, bank. Investment $ 5
Hnles Correspondent, experienced $ 86
Retell Clerk, shelf hardware I 75
Bookkeeper, some Investment I 75
Collector-Solicitor, able to drive car.. I 75
752 Omaha Nat. Bank Uldtf.
SALESMAN Neb. terr.; must give bond.
SALESMAN City, salary depends.
SOLICITOR-City. A-l proposition.
WATTS REIF. CO., J(3fM0-42 ranTh.
SALESMAN Grocery "llne.."...........$l
SALESMAN ...$ ft
STENOGRAPHER Out-of-town $ 0
CITY SALESMAN Investment $126
NEW location, 540 Paxton Blk. We have
several positions open. Rogers Ref. Co,
Asjenta, Balestaea and Solicitors.
CITY solicitors wanted. Best of refer
encea required. Salary to right man.
Call Mencray-Omaha Nursery Co., 433
State Bank Bldg . or 21st and Avenue A,
Council Bluffs. Ia. j
I WANT men for a Ford accessory that
gets $100 per week. Bonanza for live
wires. Write today. Manufacturer, 1496
Sarah St., St. Louis, Mo
MEN selling sideline specialties, wltlu
A-l ability, 1 can use you. Have a
sales promoting proposition for the retail
merchant- greutest thing out; big money
maker for you. If you have pep and mean
buslnss, write at once. Manager Retail
Merchants' Business Promotion Depart
ment. Toledo Cooker Company, Toledo, O
EXCELLENT aermunent position open
August 1 for capable salesman in Ne
braska. Staple line for general retail
trade. Liberal commission, $36 weekly
advance. Ralph II. Ide, 3130 Williams
Bldg.. Detroit
SALESMEN, agents, everywhere; new
auto fuel; permanent, profitable. Tan
kit, Cleveland. O. o
AGENTS Wanted to manage territory
and aell new vegetable soap; experience
unnecessary, everybody will buy; we cre
ate the demand; sensational results; big
profits; relieves torturing skin diseases;
recommended by physicians; permanent
positions. Clinch this opportunity today.
Samples free. Dept. D. Purity Products
Co., St. Ixuis, Mo.
$10 DAILY, relinlshing chandeliers, brass
beds, etc.. bv new method producing
amaxing results; no capital or experience
necessary. Write for Information. Gun
metal Co- 27. Decatur. III.
NAMES and addresses wanted by mall
order houses; big pay; no canvassing;
Information for stamp. G. C. Smith, Cov
ington. Tennessee.
AGENTS I-arpe manufacturer wants re
liable men, women, to sell guaranteed
holsery, underwear, shirts, direct to
homes. Write for FREE samples. Madl-
son Mills, 6M Broadway, New York. o
LIVE agents wanted everywhere; posi
tively fastest selling men's specialty on
the market today; patented heatless
trousers press. Write Immediately for
territory and proposition. The Allen Co.,
Grand inland. Neb., Box .
SALESMEN wanted f ornoi-thern Mis
souri, central Indiana, northern Kan
sas, Washington and Oregon. Must be
experienced 111 selling pharmaceuticals
and specialties to the retail drug trade.
Apply by letter, giving ax, experience,
firm represented, and salary expected.
William R. Warner & Co., Manufacturing
Pharmacists. St. Louis, Mo.'
SALESMAN. lty, good portion.
Salesman, Neb. ter., good salary.
Salesman, protected ter., permanent.
Salesman, city, good salary.
ims-il City Nat. Rank Bldtr.
WANTED Commerclnl . salesman with
short sample line to 3oln me on trip
through Nebraska in auto. L. L. Harl
son. Hotel Csstle. ffunday.
Very Desirable
Space for
Printing Office
Light, water and Janitor gerrlce free.
Cheap rower
Inquire The Bee
Building Co.
Superintendent's Office. Room 101.
and large commission paid for sell
Ium our sens.tioiul voting contest
and new retail-premium, . trade
winning assortments; also oiwn
stock, to all classes of merchants.
Side-line men can make big money,
and penruuienl oeliiens with ex- .
1 1 unl territory will be gtvon
salesmen producing good business.
We msnufacture "Everlasting"
guaranteed aluminum ware. D
partmeut 24. National Aluminum
Works, ElnUra, New York. u.
KOKO Wheal Crisp, $J0 dally profit; new
confection; 6c package costs 1c; can of
samples. 10c Particulars free. Machine
17 6. prepaid. Corneal! Co., Dept B 44. 6U
Aarata, Salesmea aad Hollrl tor.
SALESMEN wanted. Top-notch era. Ex
ceptional money making opportunity
for high class men to sell memberships
In big nstlonal organisation of automo
bile owners. Permanent positions, lib
eral commission. A chance to nke $.t.(M)
to $.(W or more per year. Your sales
efforts hacked by $f,o09 advertising cam
paign In leading magailnea Experience
selling automobiles and supplies or Insur
ance and stock and bonds valuable, but
not neceasary. Unlimited flelrt. Every
automobile owner a llva prospect. No
competition. State fully your experience
and qualifications. Want hustlers, not
"chair warmer." Territorv going fast
Write at once for full details. J. L. W..
Room 727, 327 B. La Salle St., Chicago. o.
AGENTS You want a fsst seller; every
woman wants a pair of automatic
shears; booklet free. Address Nichols
p., nnn v, Aiianena. in
(AUEXTS-We have a new household
specialty, one which every hotiaewtfa
wants, write at once for free particu
lars. The Johnston Specialty Co., Fay
etterllle. Ark. o
COMMISSION salesman wanted to sell
the Jamons' wire woven cover whips
to retail dealer. Peck Whip Co., Kan
sas City. Mo. o
WANTED Salesman to sell high-grade
temperance drinks In small country
towns. Commission contract with $40
weekly drawing account. Crown Com
pany, 107 S. Commercial 6t., BU Ixuls o
SELL TREKS Biggest year of all; Stark
Bros." centennial year; celebrating Wi
successful years in business with great,
easy-selling centennial offers; cash paid
weekly to home and traveling salesmen.
R. L. Gibson. Browning, Mo., made fcr.S.00
In t weeks; C. W. Dickinson, Griggsville,
HI., cleared $165 In 11 days. Selling out
fits free. Includes Grand Centennial Dis
play book, shows every variety of fruit
In actual colors, full sixe. Exclusive light
to sell famous Stark Delicious and Stsrk
trsdemark trees. Free tree pay ex.
penses. Write quick for salesman's cer
tificate and location. Stark Ifros.. R. R.
W. IxMilstana. Mo
AGENTS WANTED own your own
business; sell Frltch's Vegetable Soap;
write for free sample. .3 A. Frltch, St.
Louis, Mo. o
EARN $60 weekly selling collection cab.
inets to merchants. Write for free asm
pies. Sayers Co (61 Laclede Bldg., Bt
Louis. Mo p.
AGENTS Get newest, quickest sellers,
direct from makers: full list free. Nat l
Agsnta Aasn US Michigan Ave., Chi
cago. 4
SALESMEN wanted; specialty only; we
want the big one with reforenoee, to
sell our automobile contest to merchants;,
blKgest trade getter and account collector
ever put oni large commissi mi to men
who can qualify; our proposition is new.
The Perry Co.. Frankfort, lnd. o
WANTED Good salesman, middle aged
man preferred, also one acquainted in
Nebraska. Fine opportunity for right
iimn. i,aii w Biaie nanK mug.'
MR. AGENT Send your name today; you
"i iwu yvu uin. ARcnu oervice,
819 Herald Bldg.. Jollet. 111.
ACTIVE agents; something new; sells on
sight In every home, store, office and
cafe; sanitary cork, for milk, liquor,
catsup, etc.- ojiens and closes in bottle;
lnets a lifetime: big profits. Sanitary
Cork Co.. Suite 2181 220 Fifth Ave.. New
York City.
WANTED Salesman to call on grocers,
general storo and confactlorers In small
country towns; 25 per cent corulniwdon;
$i6 weekly drawing account. Sales Man
ager, aB B. 1st St.. Bt. Louis, Mo. o
SALESMEN Pocket side-line. New live
proposition; all merchants In towns of
1W.0U0 and under want It. Pays $5 com
mission on each saK No collecting; no
risk to merchant. We take back unsold
goods. Eajaiest. biggest paying side-line
evbr offered. Canfleld Mfg. Co., 2t Slgel
6t, Chicago.
MFG'R will pay a man $100 per month,
traveling expenses and commission to
call on automobile trade. Dept. 164, Sales
Engineering Co., 6025 35 Wabash Ave.,
SALESMEN Whole time or side-line; 10
minutea' time pays you $10. Pocket
samples; prompt commission. State ter
ritory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co., Inc.,
111S Michigan Ave., Chicago.
$160 MONTH and expenses, salary or
commission, Introductlng King Separator.
Produce finest butter from cream or
milk, sweet or sour. In S minute; re
tall up. Free samples to worker
DeKlnfC Mg. Co., Dept. -H. Chicago.
SALESMAN For general mercantile.
trade in Nebraska, to sell a new propo
sition of merit. Vacancy August 1. At
tractive commission contract, $36 weekly
for expenses. Mile F. Blxler Co., Whole
sale Jewelers, 321-30 Carl in Bldg., Cleve
land. P.
SALESMEN For greateat premium ad
vertising system; sells to merchants In
every tiwn that has a moving picture
theater; big commission; outfit free.
The "Moo-Vee" Co., Transportation Bldg.,
Chicago, III.
SALESMEN Wanted Laces, embroid
eries, side-line, lh per cent commis
sion; samples light; only men with trade
now traveling; need apply. Merk & Co.,
416 Broadway, New York.
SALESMEN Wanted Experience i'n
necessary: easy work; big pay. Write
now for large list of openings offering
opportunities to earn from $100 to $600 a
month while you learn. Adresa nearest
office. Dept. 439, National Sales-nrn'a
Training saoriatlcn, Chicago, New York,
San Francisco.
SALESMAN Big new side-line for hust
lers making furniture dealers, gro-'e-w,
general stores, hardware, garaees; $25 to
$60 weekly Line strong enough for en
tire time. State territory traveled. Write
Dept. 40. Keep Nu Co., 2K44 Sheffield
Ave,, Chlcago
SALESMAN traveling to sell mill line
to retallena. Blankets, Flannels. Drees
Gooda, Attractive side-line; good commis
sion. South Philadelphia Woolen Co.,
Box 1341 Philadelphia, Pa,
REPRESENTATIVE wanted in every
town In this locality to sell printing,
stationery and typewriter papers. Good
commissions. Catalogue sent on receipt
of 26c, which will be refunded on first
order. This proposition can be handled by
ladles. Acme Printing Co-, 1202-04 Grand
Ave., Kansas City. Mo.
BIG summer seller. Make $10 a day. Big
season Is on, get busy. Sell Concentrated
Boft Prinks. Just add water. Delicious
summer drinks for the home, picnics,
parties, fairs, ball games, stc. Every
popular drink, small package; makes W)
glaeses, lass than 1 cent a flaa. Guar
anteed under U. 8. Pure Food Laws.
Woods made $16 first day, Qulnn took In
116 orders two days. Others coining
money, selling to soda fountains, soft
drink stsnds. etc. 60 other hot weather
sellers. Over 109 per cent profit. Territory
going fast. Complete outfit furnished,
sample case free. Just a postal today
now. American Products Co.. 3703 Third
"WANTED Nursery agents In every town.
otart now. I'UUll iree. rim iiiuui
Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y .
AGENTS make 6u0 per cent profit sell
ing Novelty Sign Cards. Merchants buy
10 to 100 on sight 800 varieties. Catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren feu,
Chicago, III
WvANTED Salesmen to sell oil to the
farmers: must have a carl we pay a
good commission twice a month; goods
are guaranteed; experienced men pre
ferred; we pay 35 per cent. Address K
779. Hee.
WANTED P-cltable stats sales manager
for htfch i;raue cojt reducing special
machine. Every store your customer
Attractive coiniinsslons. adresa The Buck
ley Specialty t Machine Co., Lima, Ohio.
LIVE agents wanted everywhere: posi
tively fastest selling men's specialty on
tha market today; patented healleas
trousers' press. Write immediately for
territory and proposition. The Allen Co.,
Grand Island. Neb.. Box 6D4. o
SALESMAN" wanted to sell t j estate on
easy payment plan. Will jr I per oent
HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney t
WE have a good place for a live insur
ance man. Mutual Heneflt Health Ac
cident Aes'n , 4J City Nat Bank Bldg.
GET new one. Evans Out-Door Reel Com
plete, Bolts, Pulleys, Hooks, etc. Beat
ever. Tons of money made selling this
new device. Buy direct Sample $1. Infor
mation with sample order. Evans Manu
f iu turing, JO0, Chicago.
REPRESENTATIVE- wanted; exclusive
territory. New invention guaranteed
by reputable corporation, saving 2e per
cent to gasoline users or money refunded.
Automobile, motor boat, stationary en
title owners buy at first offering. Terri
tory going quickly. Gas Bavar Bales
(a MKaulaajr. Near T-i s
Asreata, Salesaiea aa4 Kolletfer.
AGENTS New game fof rlgar stores.
eaay seller; big repester; particulars
free. United Sales Co., 306 Walnut pi..
Philadelphia. Pa.
CHEWING Ot'M Sell to dealers, rta
profitable business built up qulofclv with
our novel packagea, popular flavors.
Write today. Helmet Outn Cte., Cincin
nati UNH hustling agency In every city; at
tractive delicacy. Just out; no competi
tion; genuine repeater; 100 per cent profit.
Jos. A. Anderson, $67 K. ISHh St., C'leve
Jand.0 IE8T A BUSH ynureeit in permanent.
profitable business, selling our guar
anteed hosiery In home locality. Ex
perience unnecessary. Men or women
successful. Full or part time. Rider Mfg.
Co., Iept. , Coshocton. CV
AGENTt-"No-Toll." the washday won
der. Rapid seller and Immense profits
astound live wires. "Smash the wash
board" Is women's Joyous cry every
where "No-Toll" Is used. The original
labor saving, rest-whlle-you-work wash
ing compound. Contains no acids: will
not Injure the finest fabrics. Sells at
sight Big repeater. Men or women leap
to prosperity by our unique selling
methods. Credit given. Experience un
necessary. Territory going fast. Write
quick for free samples. Fidelity Sales
Co., Dept. H, 301 E Main St., Staunton.
AGENTS New sensational. Big money
maker. Handsome changeable signs In
gold frame, Hc; sells 36c. Wvery merchant
buys, sample free. Peoples l'ortrait.
IDept, K. Chicago.
$5 DAILY guaranteed hustler. In each
territory, calling on automobile owners.
Introducing Orolo, guaranteed carbon re
mover. Territory distributors also wanted.
Orolo Mfg. Co.. Louisville Ky.'
LISTEN Can you sell gasoline at 1 rent
per gallon? If so. sell Uaeo-Tonlo. Olvee
40 per cent more gasoline mileage; elimi
nates carbon. Auto owners grabbing for
It. $10 a dav eav. Heisy made $ first
day. Act quick, man. Details free. White
Mfg. Co., Dept. 33. Cincinnati, t.
AGENTS Here's what they all want,
Concentrated Beer Tablets. Makes
genuine beer by adding water. Not near
beer, the real article. Carry goods right
in pocket. demand, large
profits. Write us today. The Ambrew
Co., DDt.i44. anoinnatl. P.
MEXICAN DIAMONDS exactly resemble
genuine: same rainbow firei stand
tests: sells at ai4(ht. Live agents wanted .
profits IM weekly and up. Nnte quick
tor sample offer free. Mexican Diamond
Importing Oo..Bo.ALa Cruo , N. M.
WONDERFUL kitchen invention; saves
$e0 yearly. Demonstration creates sen
sation,; costs 10c; sells ; 700,000 sold In
Chicago. New sales plan; eliminates)
canvassing. Triumph Manufacturers,
Transportation Ming.. .V"rfL
STARTLING offer for live agents, don't
hesitate, grab today, biR profits, free
particulars. M. O. II., 714 N. Main St.,
Sheridan, Wyo.
Factory a4 trades.
Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg.
Free Tuition
for a short time. WESTERN BARBER
COLLEGE. 1404 Pod ire Bt.
WE need men; had to turn down two
jobs per week, lately. Get in. Learn
by our method. Oet one of these Joba
Catalogue D. B. tree. Nebraska Auto
mobile School. 1417 Dodgs St
WANT good butcher, good wages. Apply
H. Duve, 2920, Ixiavenworth St;
Special summer rates. Catalogue
mailed free. 110 Bo. 14th St.. Omaha.
Positions Now Open.
2053 Farnam St..
Free Catalogue.
nsges paia. xoois iin.
guaranteed. Call or write for Information
Wages paid. Tools given. Positions
Trl-Clty College. liMDOugi
BUILDER who wants oontract to build
small house and has the money or will
get building; loan on the property, which
1 furnish. Will give share of profits
besides paying full contract. Addresa
J 631, Omaha Bee.
M isoellaaaoas.
MEN wanted: government joba; $90 per
month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15.
Sample questions free. Franklin Insti
tute. Dept. 221 F. Rochester, N. T.
GOVERNMENT positions in postofflce,
railway mail and other branches are
good; prepare for "exams" under former
U. 8. civil service secretary-examiner.
Booklet U 96 free. Write today. Patterson
Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Man to represent us In your
own territory, i per month, traveling
expenses and commission; expertenoa un
necessary. Write quick. R. D. Martel, 2V0
Indiana Ave., Dept. 1623, ChlctLgo.
WANTED Traveler, beginner;, age 17 to
6'); salary, commission and expenses al
lowed to right man. J. B. MoBrady,
WANT EM Ford car owners, every
county, to demonstrate Padco automatic
$10 starter; $u0 weekly. Send with ap
plication five Ford owners" addresses.
Over 21,000 sold. Answer quick. American
Dadco, Detroit. Mich.
$!) MONTHLY and expenses, to travel,
distribute samples and take orders, or
appoint agents; permanent. Jap Ameri
can Co., Chicago.
GOOD MONEY made at home knitting
hosiery; machines furnished on time;
we buy or sell your goods; easy and con
stant work. Gieason Wheeler (Ino.), 337
Madlaon, Chicago.
LEARN the real estate business; our
complete lntrix-tlon book teaches list
ing, appraising, management, salesman
ship, insurance brokerage, advertising,
renting agency, forms, etc; 121 subjects;
excels (20 correspondence course; buck
eye cover, '.6c; silk cloth, $1, postpaid.
Realty Book Co., 6930 Euclid Ave., Cleve
land. Ohio.
WANTED First class horseskioer, no
other need apply; good wages. Address
Mark Doran. 24 So. 10th St., Lincoln,
WANTED Names of men, 13 or over,
wishing government )6bs. $A month.
No pull necessary. Address T 601. Bee.
ABLE BODIED MEN for firemen, brake
men. $120 monthly; experience unneces
ssy. Address Y 603, Bee. o
GOVERNMENT Positions Thousands of
appointments to be made- Free booklet
'.elltng where they are. what they pay,
with specimen examination questions.
National Correspondence Institute, 430 7th
St.. Washington. D. C. O
AT ONCE Men to qualify for motormen
and conductors. Interurban roads In
Nebraska. $70 to $90 monthly. Experience
unnecessary- Stat age; details free.
Write Manager. Electrio Railways
Bureau, Syndicate Trust, St. Lvuls, Mo.
grocery man familiar with general lines,
also experienced grocery mn willing and
able to do heavy work. Give references
and state salary expected in xirat letter.
Hablcht & Habicht, Weaaingtoa Springs,
S. D.
MEN Ablebodled, young; to qualify as
chauffeurs and auto repairmen; $85 to
$150 monthly. We assist to positions;
booklet free. Wm. Crabb. Dept. A-13,
84 Reaver St., New Tork.-
ARE you satisfied T Would you like to
better your position and earn more
money? We ran use an energetic youns
man. If you are wide awake. Write S.
611, rare Bee
WANTED Sober, Industrious man, capa
bis of taking charge of farm year
around; poii-i to right man. Address)
8 7S3, care Bee.
WANTED Names of young men and
women desiring positions in Southern
California. Enclose postage. N. A.
Co., 731 Grant Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cel. o
r ; - ,
COLORED girl wants work as night
maid. Webster 6n.
GIRL wants position to assist In house
work or care for children. Call Web
ster E44.
LXPEH1ENCED draughtsman 4th tech nical
education, both as mechanical and
civil engineer, wants a position or will
do surveying, leveling or any engineering
work In bis line. Drawings and tracings
nada. Address 0 76 Bee,
RELIABLE colored (Till nts to assist
alth housework; can glvs references,
go home nl,ht, Red HCi.
W ANTEl---Place to look, by first class
colored lady, in or out of city. Ad
drees R TMt. Bee.
STENOGRAPHER Y punt msn, exin-rl-enced,
desires out-of-town position;
tood reference. 612 8. 10th St. Red ll
RKVlNb.D-young lady-a Ju id The pol
tlon as companion; nure or to assist
In light housework, or housekeeper. Ad
dress M He.
EXlRlENCkili chauffeur wanta posl
tlon; will do other work. Address A
773. Bee,
LINOTYPE operetor wsnt situation.
union or unorganised ; l.s'uvl lines;
teniiverate. Address Operator, 1J So. llth,
Sallna. Kan.
COMPETENT young man wants rawtllon
as office clerk or bookkeeper; steady.
Industrious, rellsble, good penman, eight
years' experience, first-class city refer
ence. Call IViugliia 4)st4.
MIDDIJI aged lady desire poallion as
hoiwk eepcr. Inquire 911 8 ?tnh St.
RKlLIABf.K colored girl wants steady
wrk. Webjrter 396
COMPETENT housekeeper want pol
Hon In small family. Address K 7T7, Bee,
MIDDLE-AGED lady want place
housekeeper. Address F 7H4, Bee
DAY work of any kind, by neat colored
woman. Telephone Webster 9V
tXU)HBO girl wsnti position as lu ie
keepce or chambermaid. Call Poim, S'mT.
GlltL has been working In first- las
hotel In New York wants work a bead
pantry girl; familiar with all sorts of
fancy salai'Sj Address J. 776. Hee.
SALESMAN, sales manager and silver"
tialng manager, with specialised knowl
edge and experience In marketing pro
ducts used by farmers, telther direct by
mall or through lumber, hardware, or Im
plement dealers), want to employ a part
of his time in advisory capacity with
Pmnha concern; highest local and na
tional references; pnrrrwpnndenco Invited.
Address A Too. Omaha Hee. o
RESPECTABLE woman and daughter
would take care of home In exchange
for breakfast and supper. Addresa Y-4U1,
FLOUR salesman wishes to connect with
reliable; mill. Add, Box lftg, Muart. la.
WFi HAVE a department which helps
business men to secure competent help
Service free to employer and employe
Remington Typewriter Co. IHiuglas 12M.
REFINED middle aged lady; oompotent
and reliable, desires a position as house
keeper In a private home, or will take
rare of invalid, or child's nurse. Highest
city references furnished. Address 11 7,
Bee, or Phone Web. 6M6,
AN experienced colored man would like
a position as rook In a cafe or hotel.
Phone Webster 4731.
ELDERLY LADY would take housekeep
ing with elderly party where full
charge will be given. Addresa M 767,
MIDDLE-AGED Woman desires place on
a farm. 23 N. 21st St. Mr. Z.
EXPERIENCED office man and book
keeper desires permanent position; A-l
reference from lumber, bank and public
accounting office. Addres C 7Sfl, Bee.
AM BITIOI'8 young lady wanta position
as housekeeper. Home In city. Ad
dress R 78o, Bee
Piles and
Fistula Can
Be Cured
Why persist In having that terrible
sickly, low spirited reeling that occur
to all suffering from pile and fistula.
Call and see Dr. Maxwell, he will cure
you without surgical operation or pain.
No detention from business. Examina
tion free. Pay when cured. A written
guarantee given In every rase treated.
Dr. Maxwell has resided In Omaha
twenty-eight years and specialised dur
ing this entire period treating diseases
of the rectum, piles, fistula, etc., with
undoubted success. Hundreds of. the
most prominent people in Omaha and
all parts of the I'nlted States will tes
tify that Dr. Maxwell cured thorn of
pne and fistula.
Their names may he obtained by re-
?uest. PaUents must come to the of
Ice for treatment. Hours 9 to t. Sun
day 10 to 13.
Dr. William
Creighton Maxwell
Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical
College, New York City, New York.
408--l0 Omaha National Bank Bldg.,
Seventeenth and Farnam Hts.. Omaha,
Long Distance Phone, Red 4380.
RUP7 URIC cured In few days without
pain. Call or write Dr Wrav, $04 Bee
Bldg., Omaha. Established ItfM. o
RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re
sults gucranted. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bes Bldg.
Dr. B. R- Tarry cures piles, fistula and
ether rectal diseases without surgical
operation. Cure guaranteed and no
money paid until cured. Write for book
en rectal diseases with testimonials. DA
B. R. TARRY, 340 Be Bldg.
YOL'NO women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
YvuruBus wnrisuan association builulng
at 17th St. and SL Marv'a Av.. wi,er
they will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise asslstei'.. Look fur
our travelers' aid al the Cnlon station.
THB Salvation Army Industrial home so
licits your old clolhlna. furniture man.
Ktnes: We collect. We distribute. Phone
Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call.
Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-
111 AJOUSV Bl.
IF YOU or any of your family, youn
or old. ara troubled with Indiaestlon
constipation, write the Continental pro-
quel Co.. r.w w. iislstead. St.. Chicago.
GORDON, the Magaslne Man.Tel.DougT
LADIES write to me; I want to have a
little talk with vou about beauty; it's
free. Muriel Mandevllle, Box 6W. Denver.
Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise
something that you no longer havs any
use for and get something you really
needf It costs you nothing to loin the
Hw uppers' Club ax id you will find It lots
of fun swapping things. Write Room 104,
Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler loop.
A LARGE Drucker 4-tray trunk, tent fly7
3-A Eastman kodak, set De Maupas
sant (17 vols.), I. C. 8. Mechanical En
gineering (6 vols); want double type
writer desk, or what have you? a). C.
1241, Bee.
AlTTO-vManley steamer, 10 h. p., 4pass..
fully equipped, silk mohair top, Ruah
more lamps. Presto; trad for gas csr;
might pay some difference. This Is In
A-l condition. S. '. 13, Be.
BRICK to trade for t or 7-panger
automol lie. address B C. 1164. Bee.
At'TO 1'12 model Maeon touring car, and
also truck body; a ant to swap for cat
tle or mules, or what bare you? 8. C
7H6, Be.
AUTOMOBILE For ether autoniobl.
bargains see the) "'Automobile" daaslfi-
Good Demand for Old and New
Wheat, Old Commanding Pre
mium Over the New.
OMAHA, Jnlv 24, 1915.
The wheat and corn markets made
sllKht advances today.
There was a prettv good demand for
both the o'd and the new wheat, but
the old wheat commanded a substantial
pmmlum oer the new.
Corn aas In good demand and most of
the amples were quickly tsken up St
advanced price.
Yellow corn sold at about tc premium
01 er the yellow.
Oats remained practically unchanged.
The receipts of this cereal were fair and
there was sufficient demand to take care
of the supiiU-.
The fact that the farmer has been un
able to haul his wheat to the country
elevator Is largely responsible for the
present advance In wheat. The receipts
of the new crop have been light since
ti arrival of the first car. but. with Im
proved weather condition and better
roads, It Is thought that there will be
a Mg run of new wheat.
Cles-ance of wheat and flour were
equal to i22,"0o bushel; corn, 7W,i bushel-;
oats. 379. 01 bushels.
Lives-pool spot: Wheat unchanged 1o Hd!
higher; corn, unchanged to 1c nlgher.
1'rlmary wheat receipts were 979.000
bushels and shipment T.T.OnO bushel,
against receipts of 2.W9.0PO bushels and
shipment of 1,4.16.00ft bushels last year.
PrlmaYy corn receipt were tiW.OOO bush
el and shipment 214.000 bushels, against
receipt of 497. coil bushels and shipment
of SSO.oiD bushels Isst year.
Primary oats receipts were 48,000 bush
el and shipment 462.000 buhel against
receipt of mo.fliX) bushels and shipments
of (90 000 bushel last yer.
Wheat. Corn Oats.
Chlrai 3!tt lat 141
Minneapolis ino ... ...
Duluth 15
Omaha 11 46 19
I Kansas City 1H HI
PI. louls 1J3 37 23
Winnipeg m ...
Thesa sales were reported todsv:
Wheat: No. 3 hard winter. 1 car told).
$1.31; 3 cars tnew), $I.17H; 1 cars (new!
i ii. ino. I nsrd winter. 1 car (oim ii.2;
1 car (new), No. 4 hard winter. U
car (old). $1.30: 1 car (new), $1.10; H car
tnewj, ino. spring, l car, i J.
AUTO lull Model Overland; body In fair
condition: would maka a good truck;
rtiKlne; Just overhauled. Will trade for
anything I can use. Address B. C. 1243,
BULLDOU English bulldog, about I
yvars old, to trade;' fine wntchdog.
What have you? Address S C. l'ee
CAMERA 6x7 alia, plates, fine lenan and
shutter, all in Al condition, with 13
extra plate holders. Have many other
sises in other cameras. What have youT
Prefer diamond. Address S. C. 1240, Bee,
riTier niamono. Address o. i.:, iu. ties.
CHEST full of automobile tools. Will
trade for diamonds, or what have youT
A .1 .( ia i-t , i r j .
nuuirnq rs . 1 1 1 -' , i n i r i.,-e.
DINING table. 4 oak chairs for sale
cheati. Harney 4717.
PIRKT-CLASS 4-room massage parlor,
best down-town location In city; doing
(tood business; steam heat, elevator serv
ice; wlil take city lot or diamonds. Ad
dress K. C. 124H. Bee.
FOR SALE or trade for new automo
bile or diamond, standard and regis
tered paring stallion, 4-year-old, sound,
fashionably bred and a fine rating pros
pect; ready for development. J, E. Fos
ter, 240 Harney rlt.
GOOD Oultar to trade for Mandolin, con
ceit slse of $26 value with case. Want
a better Mandolin, willing to pay dif
ference. Addresa H. C. 12til. Bee.
OOOD residence lot In Cedar Rapids, la.,
to exchange for late model roadster or
five-passenger car. Addre Y-626. Bee.
GENUINE mink furs, kodak, opera
glasses, hand-made china, cabinet and
$uO brass bed. Will trade for diamonds.
Add res, g. C, 1266.
LOT Have a lot In Casper, Wyoming;
none but Omaha buyers In this addi
tion; will trade for Underwood type
writer, new or In flrt-class condition,
or whst have youT Address S. C. UM, Bee.
LOT In Fairfax addition, near 3 car line.
Will trade for 6paengcr car, or what
have you 7 Add ress, C 736, Bee.
treble $:i0 worth of new 1 urn tier or build
ing material such as you may seleot
for second-hand automobile. Or will ap
ply this amount of credit on lumber I'll I
as first payment on a good lot. Address
H. C. 124i, Bee.
1U14 MODEL Carnation auto. 4 pass.;
will swap for Ford roadster or will
aell cheap for rash. Address 8. C. 12!9,
MAHLIN pump gun. Will trade fur
diamond pin. rl. C, 1246. Bee.
M OT4 I tC Y CLE llarley-1 a vldson, 1H1 1
model, 4-ii. p.; equipped wkh horn, car
rier and mirror. This Is good machine In
Al condition, single cylinder, belt drive.
What have you to trade? Prefor dlanmnd.
Address 8. C. 1249, Bee.
MOTORCYCLE liarley-Davldson motor
cycle, 4 h.. p.; equipped with horn, car
rier and mirror; machine In Al condition;
will swap for diamond or anything I can
use. Addres H. C. llSS. Bee.
ONE dresser, 12 rolls of player piano laU
music, one 6x7 camera, 1 sanitary couch
and a lawn mower, In good condition.
What liavji vrvit In A ,1,1 r-a- f '
Kj202, Bee.
ONE isMiu h steel and fibre trunk; one
16-inch leatlher lined handbag; will
i rsde. Address B, C, 1261. Bee.
PIANO What have you as partial
payment on now standard piano? Ad
dresa ti. C. 12,-,7. Bee
PRINTING outfit, consisting of two
presses, motor, plenty of type. Impos
ing stones. Will trade for land, automo
bile, stock merchandise valued al $1,200.
Address 8. C. 12I0,
PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros.,
almost new; first class condition; pre
fer diamond or lot. Address eV C. LX.,
PRINTING PRESS Must trade $110
pencil printing press within 3 days;
complete drying rack, etc., ready to
finish advertising pencils. Party with
some capital can realise 300 per cent oa
the Investment In three months. Ad-
dress, B. C. 1142, care Bee. .
RKFIlia ERATO RJn good condition
value about $10. What have you to
trade? Address 8. C. 1211. Bee.
BEWINO MACHINE Singer: good condl
Hon; drop-head. Will exchange. What
have you? Address H. C. 1210, Bee.
SEPARATOR -Automatic cream sepa
rator, slightly used, almost new, lo
trade for cow or Ford chassis. 8. C. 1159.
care The Bee.
too galvanised iron feeder, waterer and
oilers for chicken. Big seller to poultry
men end farmers. Retails at $3 each; all
new. Client leaving city and will trade
them for light car of any make; quick
action necasaary.
416 Paxton Block. D. 3.V1.
TOOLS Chest of second-hand carpenter
tools for trade. Address. K C. 1344, Bee.
3-YEAR-OI,D bey mare for diamond, or
what havs vou? Walnut 2480
7-Y EAR-OLD mare and diamond valued
at $46 to swap for motorcycle. Address
fl. C. 1342. Bee.
THEATERS Buy, last or sell your the
ater, machine and supplies through
Theater Ex. o . 141 Farnam Bt. D. 1W7.
TYPEWRIT 'K What have you that Is
useful for a $'6 Ha nnvond typewriter
Addre-,i. C. le
TYPE WRITER Smith Premier type
writer No. 4. In good condition: $16 or
trade. Make offer. Annress B C. m, Bee.
VIOLIN Have 2"-year-old violin; also
bow ana case; Deal or stiape; to traon.
What have vou? Adders S. C. 119, Bee.
60 VOLUMES law text books, messages
of presidents snd encyclopedia, for any
thing I can use. Address, H. C. 1366. Bee.
WILL swap Hupmobile, horsepower
roadster repainted, redesigned, thor
oughly overhauled, new tires and fully
equipped excpt top, will take motor-
cvcie. wnat nave your Aaaress . c. 1264,
H wa.
WELL secured mot gage on Omsha prop
erty and difference for diamonds worth
up to $"0. Add reus R C. 1103, care Bee.
WANT good Ford runabout; have new
-l-- .It--, or Vlctrolaa to trad in. I
Ti ter 2l W. I
5' "-"
, r, - , V, -v I. Ill 1,
at a. 'c. Faninle 1 rara 47V4a Corn:
No. 2 wnlle. 1 car, icc. i0. !", 1
car, iK'tC; I' j lais, " . No, yeuow,
car, m'v:; n cars, i.e. ,no. yeuow, i
cars, 77c. No. yellow, I car, inc. no. I
mixed, 1 cur, 7'c. No. 1 mixed, 4 car,
"'c: 3-i car, li'ac; 1 car, iHc, No. H
mixed. 1 car, 7k,c. No. 6 mixed, 1 car.
76,'. No. 6 mixed, 1 ear. 76c. Hample, 1
car, 72c; 1 car, 71c; 1 car (hot), 6iC
Omar Ch iTicos Whest : No. $ Tur
key, $1 .ir.ii.33; No .1 Turkey, $l.lrVf 1.H2;
No. 1 hard. l Ifisfl.Sl: No. $ hard, $1.14
1 ;: No. 4 hdid, $l.u4Ai.2H; No. i rprlna,
$l.3mU'l 32. Corn; No. 2 white, 7tvmj7ic,
No. 4 white, h4("61H"; No. 4 white, 7RU,
Nj. 6 while, ioSaiTo-Vo; No. 6 while,
).vuiri-; No 2 yeliow, riflc: No. 3
yell-jw, 7N77c; No. 4 yellow, ifV&'7'.tc;
No. S yellow, 76V.'6'c; No. I yelloa,
7aS7c: Nr 2 mixed, . 7(Vrf TrtUjc ; No. 8
mixed. ,..VD'74,ic No. 4 mixed, i6W.-;
No. 6 mixed. TRUHc; No. 4 mixed, 76W
76V; Sample mixed. 67tr72c. Oats: No.
2 white, 4HifH'c: standard. 494j4V ;
No 3 white. 41ki49c: No. 4 white. 4iVi!
46 o. Barley: Malting, 67KV; No. 1
feed, 6VutC. Rye: No. X 8S"pWc; No. 8,
Featoree of the Trading; ea Cloalasj
Prices oa Board of Trade,
CHU'AOO, July 24. Wet weather and
black ruet hsd a bullish effect today on
wheat. The outcome was a nnrvoua cloe
at lWc to .'So above Isst night. Corn
flnlshid off to ac up; oats. ctfS. to
So advance, and provisions with losses
of 6c to 371 r.
Wheat tended upward almost con
stantly throughout the session. The
tlshtenltur of prices made Itself felt hard
est In the July options. Moreover, the.
outlook for the bears w rendered worse
hy reason of dlssppolntlnn rhrerhtnsT re
turn, especially from Kansas,
Although black mst damnge to wheat
remained almost wholly prospective, de
cided uneasiness continued In regard to
the question of the safety of the spring
Export demand was raited fair and a
bulllnh visible supply statement was pre
dicted for Mondav. .
In the corn market an Increase of rural
offerings seemed to offset the Influence
of whest strength and of the adverse
weather, as well as of an active shipping;
call. Oats, like wheat, developed nota
ble strength on account of the g-nnersl
rains. The equeexe was cmefljr In tha
Ju'r delivery.
Provisions received Inadequate wpport.
Heavy offerings of pork bore down tha
rest of the list despite higher prices early
foe hog.
Closing prices oa options!
Artlelel Open. I High ' lxw. I C1oe, Ye y
Wheat I
Oct. .
in, iu
1071 lOSVl
1 in
J 76
14 47
14 63
374! 381
14 10 1 14 10 1
14 26 I 14 26
14 45
14 67
I 25
14 66
14 67
i oa
I 23
I 10
t 23
10 AO
Qaotatlons of the Day oa Tarloaa
NEW TORK. July t4. FLOUR Firmly
WHEAT Snot, firm: No. 1 red. new.
$1.18, and No. I hard, new, $1.22 c. I. f.
New York. Futures, firm; September,
eoiiiN pot. steady; no. z yeiiow, c.
prompt shipment.
OATH rt pot, firm; standard. 4c: wo.
t white, 63ci fancy clipped white, 647c.
HAYRtcadv; .rlme. $1 .3SW.:. No, 1. tl.'JM
i.TV,; No. 3, $1.32; No. 3, $1.16; shipping,
HOPRMarket steady: state common
to choice, 1014. t(tl3c; Pacific coast. 114,
KffiUic: IMS. frllc.
HIDES-Bteadr; Bogota. X831c; Cen
tral America. JNc.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. Bet
seconds, 30-U-31O.
PRO IsioNS Pork, unsettled; mess
$1K.RrlM.&0; famllv, $1.0Mf22.00; short clear,
$1016721.60. Beef, steady; mee. $1.00
13.60; family, $1 out).&0. Lard, firm;
middle west, $8.0(4) 8. U.
New Tork Money Market.
PAPER Mr per cent.
STERLING KX CH A NO E 60-day bills.
$4-7176; for demand, $4.7660; for cables,
B1LVFR Bar, 4714o; Mexican dollars,
Closing prices on bonds:
C. - r.t. ta. rsg... tTH.. K. T. 1st 414.4
do coupon 1 Mo, rxirie rv. t. U
V H. . ta imf4N. Y. On. 6cb.
to coupon lo" N. Y. C 4. 1MJ lut
V. H. 4. reg N. Y. RUU 4W...Hi
to ooucon 110 N. Y N. IL A H.
Psnamii . eoupon l"! ev. 6 li
Am DimUot. a....lia Nortfl.rn Pacltlo 4s. to
A T. T. r. 4'.l.i do 2S
Armour Cs. 4iH4 0rt. H. L. rl. 4a.. w
Atrhlao .. oPo. T. T. 6.... tr
Haltlmar Ohio 4s V Pen. Poo. 4s lS
ntrnl Pirltlc it. MI4 (Is . 4s 7H
fh. Ohio M Readlns n 4s t
C B J. 1. PL F. r(. 4a 67
C" M F IV I' Boiithara Paa. bt. 6a T
C. R. I. P. r. 4a II to nr. 4 a1
Col. 6 io rat. 4a WH 6oiiihrn Railway la Mis
n. R. d. rat. IS.4M t nloa Pacific 4s.... 4
r.rla . 4a W do or. 4a
(l.naral Blaotrte ta..lOt 1. S. RuhbT ....1H
at N. i 44S... -.t.t'. g. itaal a 101,
Illinois On. nf. 4MWahsh lat a lol)
K O H. rat. ta I7waii-fl t'nloa 4a tlS
L N. uo. 4 II Wt. Else. ct. 6. .104
. Bld.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. July t4. COFFEE) Tha
market for coffee futures opened un
chsnged to 3 points lower because of
selling Influenced by the lower rale of
Rio exchange. There waa very little out
side business, tha trade holding off t
await the outcome of Braxlllan finances
snd the close was dull with prices un
changed to 1 point net lower. Bales were bans. July. 6.4c; December, 6.87c:
May. 7.0Uc. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 7Vc;
8a ut os No. 4. rSc Cost and freight of
fers were reported a little easier and
scarce with 4s quoted at t.iou.juc and 7s
at t.OOc
1 i
t'klcaaTO Live Stock Market.
CHICAGO. July 34. CATTLE Receipts;
200 head; native beef slers. ao.Hoff'lo at.;
western steers. $7.0l.30; cows and helf
ers, $:l.80.u26: calves, $7.00i!d0.60.
HOU-RecelpU, 7.0 head; market
strong, 6c shove yesterday's average;
bulk, $; light, $7.46.a?.0; mixed,
$H7oT7.76; heavy, o. 467. 40; rough, $6.46
6.70; pigs, $6.7Mi7..
SHEliP AND LAMBfl-Recelpts, 3,000
hesd; msrket strong; sheep, $5.7&0ii.7&;
1amls, $6.0x(.20.
Oil aad Riwls,
Firm at c; safes. 360 bbla: re
ceipts, Stio bbl.; shipments, 74 bbls. ;
stocks, 26.102 bbla.
ROHIN Firm; sales, 769 bbls.; receipts,
1.240 bbla; shipments, bbls.; stocks,
6706 bbls. Quote: A and B. $2 00; C and
!' ritio; E, ti.ufrflllO: F. U. H and I.
$3.15: K, $3.65; M, $4-2064-&! N, i 00; WU,
M.00; WW, $0 06.
I " '
Baak ClearlesT.
OMAHA. July 34 Bank Clearings for
Omatia today were $2.3u2,021.67 and for tha
corresponding day last year, $2,2!,0h3.K
The total clearings for the week wera
$16,627,6u.16, and for the corresponding
week last year. $16.305 32.7.
Mlaarapolla Grain Market.
July, $1.41; September. $1.PSV. No. 1
hard, $Lo2; No. 1 northern, $1.41L61V;
No. 3 northern, $1.3ni.4a.
4'oltoai Market.
Spot, moderate business done. Prices
steady. American mldling. fair. 6.07c;
good mldling, i.61c; midline. 6.31c; low
middling, $4 76o; god ordinary, 4.36c; ordin
ary, 4.06c; sales. 7.000 bales.
Kva aorateel Apples aad Dried Fralts
APPLK9 fjulet.
DRIED FRt ITri rrunes, steady; apri
cots, steady; peaches, firm; raisins,
toaldm would b bnatlt4 If in latap
muW suanarlf rpo ta. An anlrla In tha c .
ml laau ot TUB. uOD IX)T HKVIEW. tl.
yr. H4 tor h,a sampls eoy. Pubi:aj
br J.Jm Mulr a Co. l Uroadway, N Y l
1 11, 1 U
1 07 1 001?
76W 76
63 64 1
37 3X1