TIJi: HEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .Til A' 24, V.ilo. PIRATES TAKE TWO FROM THE GIANTS ritUburgh Capture! Both Ends of Double-Header at Hew York. . - MATTY CaFT HOLD Trtalt - - nnrna It INM lTlnruo .11 Totala IMU 1 naUrd for Toner in nnnth. iU1 for Henton (n l-th. Haltfil for fhalrm-rs In eiKhtb. Kan fur Hyrna In eighth. HaMl fm Klxtv In l-nth. hn for Burns In tenth. I Cincinnati ......0 0 0 0 I l- rnlladelphht ... 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 V 1 Two-nase hits: Xiultwlit. B ker. Karnert runa: Cincinnati: t: Phllndriphla, 1. Btoirn Imae: Mollwlt 1 oiit,e iiihv.: llvrne to , liaf.crnff In I .iirf.mia lit. hawl on balls: Off Tunry off , fV-nton, 2;. off Chal- THXII I '. 1: off ftaiiangartiirr. 1. Usees on I Btrurk out: by 1 ' I lonr-y. 4; hy Itenton. 1: by Chliwr, ; NTW TORK. Julr Pittsburg. 1- HauniKai tlier. 1, Hit: Off Tney. 4 In , . . K. k . k-,,,,- . 'n Innlime; orf Itenton. I In two In fested New York In bMh eectlone or Airt)p),. off iH. , inning; off double-header here today. to I At4 I !. i'h,mrr, In eltrht Innings; off liaunt In th. first .am Pittsburgh bunoh4 garrlnir In one innlngt none ont In -... vi.. v..,K.,-, ,H. . lenUi): off Hlxy..ft In one Inning t nv- four hits on Matheweoo In the third in- .irea: Bvron ,J E.,on. ' ' nlng and four more on Ritter In the fifth, i a4a-er. Trias t arde coring three run. In each rase John- , ' BROOKLYN, July 23 -ln a fr hitting ton drove In three of the run and scored , t(uit , futl olfoiee fielding on two himself, jhoth eirirs, Hnwklyn defeated Ht l.oul In the second came Teereau had a had .here lo-lay. to 7. Ttrookivn secured an . . . . . .. . . . . ., , , 'early lead when Hyatt loet Cut.liew a atari and a bd flnlah. He allowed two ll(v m U1 m ,he ll,rinrt lnl,,n .,, rune in the first Inning and then u el- !h,foro the Irrnoktvri worn retired six most Invincible tinfll the ninth. whn, iruna cr .d tne plate. Hoor: with a one-run lead, he permitted three ht ''JJOA ( "RO?bVo A bunched Mt.' tlvlnaj nttaburgh twe run i. t, . i a t iMt-ti rt.., I I anit (ha .m Mnaalna. Ib I 4 4 .xi'Mara. a... I I ' ' - " ", - v. ' . J MiH.r. Ib 4 4 11 rauhwt. I v aivnvr awiii w " 7d,r. c a a lnaf. ir dered off the field In the iwond me ,,"'" and Klem cleaned th. ' an'tlpe Uianl wu.. i,. ''a a i... i'k . . ' i l I I l : Newark ben.h, ehaaint fourteen player off. H.ati. n ... j I I O Millar, a. .4 til 4 ' , . Iuna. rf ... A I I 9. Pall, a I t I 4 Score, flret game: ; tonal. ib....4 all 4An.iiun. p r t i riTTMrRill NSW TTRK ( la. a I 4 41-laffar. ....! 4 4 4 4 AB H O A B HU i .i.n.nii. ... , a fair. If i I a I nunia. If 1 4 4 4 'Kix-ha 1 4 4 4 4 T"ala foiiiM ft . 4 1 1 4 CHnhartaun. if I I I I 1 ! . loiaia an I n 11 a Itnn for Snyoar Ir. the eighth. Haled (or Mfhaua In tho ninth ISL I04ila 1 0 110 1 I 0-7 I Brooklyn 0 0 i t 9 I Two-bnw hlla: lyiina. t nhw. 8len Kl. 1 hrw-tiMao hlla: Wlinat. O. Miller, Arp!'t.m. Home mi- . B-r-.-her. Hioen haaea: I'aubrrt. fJctx FoHrtnd runa: Bi. iyoula. ; Bnkln, 7. luull laya: TERRAPINS BEATEN BY TINKER'S CREW Baltimore Again Drop. Game to Chi cago Whales, Being Held to Three Hiti. COUNT , IS TOUR TO ONE CHICAGO. July 23 -Held to three hit. by' Prendera-aat, while Chicago pounded flugge, Baltimore again loet to the local today. 4 to 1. Thai Vlaltlng battera- could do little txtt pop foula and fllea. Hcore! R. H & Piltlmore ....9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 I 0 Chicago 4 0 110 0 0 4 11 Uatteriee: Baltimore, ftugga. Conler. Iolalre and Jeekllte-h; Chicago, Prender ga.t and Clemnna. end Raiiden; Plttaburgh, Knetser and (9B Iterry. TN Wkl Terrlera, PT. IiOn. July -By timely hitting rooklvn took another game from 8t. Ixiul. her today. I to i CrandnJI al lowed the vlaltora ten blta In eight In- nlnga and VVataon. who relieved him. held the hatter hldewa In the aerenth with Hlmon on firet. Mage hit a home run over the right Held fence. Score: Brooklyn .... II 1 I I I 1 Hit II Ht. Lula 1 0 0 0 4) I 0 1 0-4 Battetiea: Brooklyn. Merlon and , Hlmon.; Et. Ioula, Crandall, Wataou and , Hartly. ( aaeya te Dwwa. KANBAB CITT. July A defeat for I the locale and Chicago- victory over Baltimore drove Kanaaa City from the top plare In the league standing today. ' Four home runa by Buffalo helped them to a victory here. 7 to 6. Kanaaa City rallied In the laet three Inning, and made four run, but the Buffalo lead wa too great. H'ore: HH.E. Buffalo I 1 0 1 1-7 il 1 Kanaaa City. 0 1000021 1-6 U J Battetie: Buffalo. Bchuls, Bedlent and Allen; Kanaaa City. Johneon, Hrnning and Brown. Our Entire Stock Fine Suits How Wnl brook Reglatara Win. HOI.BROOK. Neb., July . BpedaJ Telegram.) The faat Holljrook baae ball team defeated tne Hartley team ei nan- ' ' lewarka l.oae to Rebela. PITTflBfRair, July' 28. -The Newark Fedorala ware train AmfmA hv tui.. burgh today, acore being 1 to 1 Iaporte'k ley in a faat game realerday afternoon .r?r4 r',Pon"thle for Plttahurgh ! by a acore of 7to 4. The main feature. k a i ; " .,i, fun hr inn Tn9 game wee tne rmuna; oi i-i.uttiw-i I I I I 41 , i I ""ml"" naae on nana, hi. Vm CI v a ft r" fi wwnn ana 114 4 4 a ,.'.,... w it, I I II i V." i i.ir p ff BV.n ,n out atflrntacored t,.n,.l... 4 a 4 1 iMiane.1. H.. I 11 I 4 : - " runa riccire: R.H E. ..,.77 : T v v l g j Mttaburgh ..0 0201000 14 0 Batterle: piewark. Kalaerlln, Moran 17 11 Z7 11 I JohMaoa. It. I 14 4 mnrant ih .1 114 4 Hta-haaa. rf 4 I 1 4 t Kleo-her. aa. 4 1114 Waaiwr. ai..,l 4 4 1 IM'rkla. lb... I 111 I flwhar, M....4 4 I I 0 Iy(rl. 4b... 4 1 1 I I Vioa, fb 4 14 1 lunmlaraaa. cf.l 14 Ralr4. lb.... 4 4 11 aHabbhi.l'a. et I I 14 0 Hrhaa. ... .4 All U"ln. r I 1140 adaaM. a 4 4 4 1 'aihaiB. a 4 4 4 4 4 .11114 .1 4 4 4 4 .1 4 4 4 m Van Cleave and Bdlbaugh, and baae dealing of Chehey. Thla make, the eec ond defeat for Hartley at that hand of Holbrook during the past week, Mr-ninto-k- fhldlng alao featured. 11a ac cepter' alx oliance In left field without a bobble. . PRICE Dedal ye atop neceeta&rj to make room. Kocheav tr Hand Tailored Balm 8ktnrdajt 910 HulU now 9A.O 91S 8nJta now 97 Mi 91S RoiU now .... 99.00 920 finiu now... 910.O0 925 Sulfa now. . .919.00 930 Halt now. . .910.00 Remodeling Sale Prices on Trousers Palm Beach, White Flannels and Blue Serges, in Semi-Peg or conservative styles 92.BO Tronacr 93.00 Troaaora 91-O0 Tronfxn 9R.00 Trooaern now IT rnla Total ....M 14 n 1A IRIttar. .. 'Bralaard Mayani .. Tetal. . M 4 17 ll 1 Ratted for Mathemaon In third. ' 'Batted for Iooln In ninth. 'Batted for Hitter In ninth. Pltteburarh 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-4 .'ew Iok 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Taro-haee hit.: Fletcher. Carey. Home run: John.ton. Btolen baae.: Carey (2), Collin. Earned run.: New York, 1; Pltta burgh, . Doulle play:, Wagner to John ton. Baae on ball.: Off Hitter. I; off Adam. 2. HIU: Off Mathewaon, In fhree Inning- off Rltter( I In alx tnnlnga. Ktmck out: Bv Rltter. 1; by Adam, I. Vmptrea: Klem and Cocklll. .Score. e-ond game: riTTBfOH.' kw ynitK. 1 ABH.O.AB MH.Otl farar. H ..... I I 4Buma if a 114 illtn et...4 114 4Ranaon rf.4 14 4 4 JnhnMM. -tl 4 1 4rat, lb... 1 4 114 Hlnrhmaa. rt4 II ariairbar, aa..4 1144 Waaaer. aa. I I I 1 OMerhla, lb. ..4 1 11 1 4 M. Ib 4 til llbart. lb. I t naiH. ,.... Ill 4Hnodaraaa rf 1 4114 llheon. a. ...4 I 7 I 4Mrat. c... 4 1 14 4 4 e-b.oa. .... I 4Tewa. 4 ...1 4 1 1 Mamam. ...1114 1 aatalla t 144 Tetal ....M I 17 11 I Leeear. I 4 4 4 4 Total. ....44 I tl 1 t . 'Batted for Mamaux In nlnthi Pittsburgh 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 t York 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- -Two-baa hit: Vloux Otbaori, Three oaae hit. Mever. btolen baa; Carey, Balrd. Earned run. New York, I; Pltta hurgh, 4. Baae on error: New York, 1; Plttahurgh, 1. Baae on ball.: Off T ee St u, t: off Mamaux. i. Hlla: off Mt mauai I In eight Inning: off Cooper, 0 In Voe Innlpg. ftrur out: By'TfiareHU: I; by "Mamaux, S; by Coomr, I. Paaaed balla: Jlcjer.. I'mplrea: Klm and Cocklll. Cab I .wee ' Brave. . BOrtTON, July 33. Boaton defeated rChicago. 2 to 1, In an eleven-Inning gam today. Hngle by Magae and B.-tunUlt. a Mcrlflce by Hnnth, tollowed by Mai an Mile, hit, mit the winning run ao.roa - (Ulurlitg the final Inning. Boaton'a flrat run we. forced In by Vaughn. A wild throw to the plate by Bmlth allowed Chi cago to score It .ingle run. Hcore;, 1 CH1CAOO. BOBTOK. a , AB H O A AU.II.O.A E. (Inu4. rf 1 1 4 IMaraa, rf....4 1114 l lrt.r. m. 0 0 4 llwi. lb....4 'l' i ( I Aiurrar. It . I 1 1 4 0 Kaui. f.... 4 111 Zitti'ataa. Ib.4 1 I 4viM.llr. II..I 4 4 4 4 Miliam a. I I 4 4Maaae. at. ...4 114 Kawalr. Ik ..I 4 4 1 4H, l,roldt, lb..4 I 14 I 4 Arrber Ib-c. 111 1 IKnilth. lb.... I 4 4 11 llrmliaa. 11 OMaraar HtengH to O'Mara; Uetael to lluggln to J. Miller, O'Mera to Lauhert: O ilnra to vitshaw to liHubert. Flrat baae on e-r-tor.: tit. Iyiul., I; Brooklyn, 1. Haw on ball.: Odd Ih.ak, t; off lull. ; off Alnl ton, 4. lilts: Off lnk. 7 in cue and , two-thlrria Innlng.i off Niehaua, 8 In atx and one-third Innlnge. off I Nil. 6 In four, and two-thlrda Innings: off I'fcffer.l In on and tvo-third Inninga Htruck out: 1 By I'oek 1; hy lell, 4; ty AifHiin. 2: ', by Niehaua, t. Imp I rise; Klgicr and rfart. i'Light Weight Suits ON SALE 1 LififhtWeiffht Prices Langer Breaks the Amateur Mile Ebcord SAN FRANCIBOO. July 23. lAidy Un- . ger of the I Angela Athletic club won the mile Amateur Athletlo union swim- : mlng championship In tidal water tod ty at the Panama-Pacific expoeitlon, break- ' lng the American amateur record for the distance, by forty-two second and better- ' lng previous record, for Intermediate ' dt.tance from a half mil to on mil Hi time waa 24:684. "la, a t 1 I 1 1 TENER TO INVESTIGATE QUIGLEY-EVERS FIGHT BOMTON. July 2J.-Pre.ldent John K. Tenor of th National league 1 expected her today to make a personal investi gation of the trouble -yesterday between Cmpire (julgley and Captain John Kver. of the Boston team. Word of his Inten tion to come to Iloaton wa received at tho offlco of th Boston club from New j York. Qulgley struck Kvers on the chest be cause he says Fiver stepped on hi foot during : an argument.' Chargea against Qulgley were filed with President Tener by James Oaifney. owner of th Uravee, and Qulgley alao reported the Incident. American AfMlaf Ion. At Kansas City- , R.H.B. Ht. I'aul a a Kansas City a 16 4 Batteries: Steele, hamer and Olenni lrry. lb.. 1 1 iwhaiina. e...4 I I 1 Gardener, Regan and Alexander. KiaaHn, a .. 1 41 4Ti. ...... I 1414 Hrortaa. 414 Total. ... .14 7 41 M I ; Tola la ....IT ril 14 I 'On out when winning run .cored. "I'l.aso 0 900000000 0-1 So.ton ,A OOOA10000 13 Two-ha' hits: Tyler. Moran. Areher. ftoien baae.; Msee. Hreanali.u. Double fiays: Archer to bresnshan; FlehT to Ki.ialoy tu ArelMiir: Maranville tif levers to evnimui. rina aaat on errora t 111- . -.i 1 J off Humphrle,-t: off' Tyler. 4. Ilita'' jtf f Vaug'.uui. I In aeven Inning, and f III tH'HII, Ull M I llll'l'l in three and one-third Innlnae. B'.ruck . . ..i. .iti n u t. f 1 iwti iavii 1 n.n.fu. 1. Cleveland I I Ixul llle I I 1 Battertea: Brentun and HII'Iiii-b; North rop, Pttiiforth and Cruaaln, Oilbbin. . At Milwaukee R.ll IX Minneapolis 19 lli 1 Milwaukee' 1 7 3 ' Batterle.: Hoper and Hulllvan; Ittiode., loiigherty and lluglica. . At Coiumuuja K.it.15. Indianapolis I 4 1 0 2 0 liiit : lly Vaughu in. 4; by Ty, ltd Kmaiie. er, 1. t'm- ' Heda Heat Phil. PHlLAIWI.PiriA, July W -Bad work "ia the baaea by both teem figured largely in the name whi-h Cincinnati woe, "J rom rhlladalphla today in ten liialnca. " ,9 to L The visitora eveivanx PlUladel-li-hla'a one-run lead In the eighth, when ilertog alngled with the ba.ea flliod, two tinners scaring. In the ninth, with two Anen nut, Niehoff walked and scored when Mach fumbled NVhilted' aingle. Bauin ; tanner gav Lach a paea at th start "j'f the tenth and lUxey went to the rub lr Mutiwlta'a aacrlflce and Twonibleys -..ut put Leach oil third and he acored t,hen Niehoff fumbled Uroh'a grounder. roore: 1 C flNCIHNATl. . rHILAPKIJ-HlA Ag.HO.AB ABH.UA.G. Jtrak. Ib I I I I Hrrae'. lb.. ..I 4 t 4 &iera. aa .. Ill IHiaca. :...l 1414 CRMSora. lb 4 14 4 Ihiimtl. aa. 4 1114 ha-. Kill., ef-lf.l I I I IHMkar. If a I I 4 Vrtftith. rt. I 4 14 4laar. If ...I 4 4 4 4 larna. a... .4 I I 4Crm.ib rf . 4 I $ k alalia. . 4 4 4 4 4Mb'rt. 2b.,.t I j 4-1 iliiaata. Ill I I I ewauia. f..4 1114 a-k. tf.. . 4 e 4 1 I Ib. 4 4 11 1 4 loallalta. b 1 111 I IB Klllllrr, a.4 4 114 o.r. .... ! 4 11 lltialmara. .14 4 14 !. S....4 4 14 IB aiaardn r. .1444 . 4 4 4 enu.y, a- f -arlnaa I 4 4 4 elauerl wiwvmbla ..14 4'Du.ay 4414 .1414 liatlerte.: Mara and Blackburn: I.vl and t.'olenmn. Sam Peck and Stein Bloch Need no further introduction. They are the "Tiffany" of the clothing business. Ask one of our custo mers; then come and get your' suit at a re duction. Every good mater ial; every good style; " every courteous at tention; just the same as if you paid full price. ALL MEN'S $15.00 SPRING SUITS 50 ALL MEN S $18.00 SPRING SUITS $13 50 ALL MEN'S $20.00 SPRING SUITS J JQ ALL MEN'S $22.63 SPRING SUITS- $16 50 ALL MEN'S $25.00 SPRING SUITS jg gQ ALL MEN'S $30.00 SPRING SUITS 50 We want our tuits to look thiir best , . on you a good ad. . SATURDAY SPECIALS 910.00 Wash Ureas, all col ors and at) led, on f0 Qf salo . . , . , ,i J0eiJ 98c 48c 69c 50c J. UELPHAHD CLOTHING CO. 314-16 North 16th St. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. 91JV0 WaUU on sale 91.00 Child' Pi-ofts) on Ml ........... 91. AO White 8hoes MI anle) ...... 91.00 ItaKfoot Kautdal (5065 Straic ht tV0 Tour Koaand Trt Chicago to , York Circle Tour ViJw cboiea of routes includ ing both rail aved water $3412 ' Lmtmt typm aaai ATsaeAaaal Th II III 1 i a I -aw liitia) aa4a art -Laaaaa Ciaasw IfaAl a. ak Aritaes WiaaaHaa. gel a. 4 New Yecs. US a. as. btodara eeachea. rawa-reeB aad aoaartiaaut all as lag ear. aad abaar.auoo aleaaaag aara. TVs) Near YaA Uaakeal-L dalaa t-4 a. aa. Madera eaeeheat grewiog- Mwsaelaaaana aara Oiaaage 4ePttaairg.Waetag4ea aag New York, end ebear. M wi ptuebawg I Hew Vera, TV Waaaiaaa Maw Yeaw fauim-ln i OaWaa S a. aa. Oaawliig raeaa all aping ear u Wuekwrg. Waataari aa4 Hew Yera, Ceacbe to WaeblagteK Waaa fagnai-laa i riiliiaa hi.m. Of awiaa-raoaa ala4ag ear to Wtti. sag.Wbeattng.Weehlagtae) aad Hew Yeea. Ceaahee to Wheal leg and Wnae Save money -"improved aervic stopover everywhere Correspondingly low fare round tripe to Boston, also Jersey Coast Resorts choice ' of routes long return limits tickets on sale June 1st to September 30th. Keery American should e th moat beautiral of all moving picrarea from th train of th Ealtimor A Ohio lb acanic roU of Eastern America. eJecfri tght4 sfsW (raakt i I 1 ''A i m M 4 Omaha's Progressive Clothing Store keeps progressing with ' the times. Our entire store to be remodeled starting August 1st. Dig Reductions to Make Room. Famishing Prices Cat to f.hko Room tar) ftttlk Xos. as malltr. lO Bxtra ltoaTT Tuli'illli' " M QE Shirts, SSwOS rradea tL93 Vnloa Suite. aU style, standard akea goroaknit and Set- Ct. SBQ4T. S1.00 ralttss II 3U shirt. e( roaraas. Xadraa jr Silk boaona. Sport Shirts, La- QC. fjtadad, $IM vsJaas Jw Choose Any Straw Hat, value to $3.00, Palm Beach Suits Light or dark colors. These suits are all pre-shrunk nicely tailored Special Boys' Depirlnenf Re modeling Sale Specials 33o Clio os. aay Straw Sat, no zoryto4 OT. Boys' Athlatio or Voroahnlt Vnloa Suits, SO rrad. at Sport Shirts, Tong fabric, aTorfolk Salt in a avast models, re modallsg aale nrloeei $1.75, $2.69. 53.75, $4.98 Hosiery Sale Billy Posum,. 20c Hose, all rmlnrs J OJOTW (Q0.IWAENSTCIN 8ic 3op29ycopsAmcp!ctis boauiv and bpain show AS ktalae laaweOrW Ceatrai aeagbaa, PlAa Aka4 ltorrlaaSt,Cti4aag 1L V. STROIIM, Traveunij l'aMK-n(r Aat, Vli M'oodoien of the World Bid;., Ontaha, Nro. - - , , . -. & Ohio SaltainnioE'e Times cKanf e and styles change, but th luiulamanully good things of Uu workl change neither in themaolir nor in popular eatawm. For 29 year Coca-Cola Kas kali and increased its popularity. That's because it is hsndamantally tioin'ious, rWrealurvj and vrholaaoai. rwwand tne tannin Vy full nai THC COCA-COLA CO, AUsmstGa. . a vk. . v i i 1 1 ' 1 li.-vriv.vp.l ;: I. : .1 . II 1 r" u ii f . -r r,- a ' 0 amraay s California e Day We Give aisin Get your coupons ready write your name and address on the back of each one and have it ready to hand to your grocer' bright and early Satur day morning. .For each coupon and 25c presented you will se cure TWO packages of Calif or nia "SUN-MAID" Raisins,wprth 30c, and you will also be given a nice, fresh, 10c loaf of California Rutin Bread made with "SUN-MAID" Raisins .Bread Away Three Redemption Days Coupons will be redeemed Saturday, inly 24th; Monday, July 26th, and Tues day, July 27th. But remember that it is important that your name and address bo written on the back' of each coupon. You remember the FREE COUPONS, of course, those you received within the wrap pings of "Butter Nut" and "Tip-Top" bread last Saturday, July 17th. It Is oar way of giv ing you an opportunity of trying California Kaiein Bread, made with good California "SUN MAID" Raisins. We feel that once you taste It and see how good It Is you will want It often. THESIS GROCER8 WILL REDEEM COUPONS: , OMAHA BLABBT WOIina 8144 Worth Sixteenth. jamais MOACIAH, 4180 north Twenty-eighth. Jjrae,ir HatUH., 860S Coming St. D. SI, VMLBSTJBLAXk 8908 Cuming- St. COaLK.I'a laVAJSicaiT. 1984 Alorth Twntyonrth. T. IAHMOHO, 1188 Worth KlAThteeath. K. SAAIA7, 1045 Alorth Yw.aU.th. K. j. tsuntoa, 41 Coming- at. IDW1KO 1TAALKY, 4615 Dodg St, KOSEHai.rjraf BtAOSs, 103 Berth Tortieth. IglDII gorriTT, TUtlmXIx and Underwood, AT. J. B. O BAM AM, S353 South Twenty-loorth. KOOKB BBOS.. 3 6 HO rarnam St. CALAS. atALXIMSOB B CO., 808 Worth STntsatfc. BAKEB BBOS., 4AOS Worth Toirty-fourth AT. Ik CI.AWVOW. SMI Caster St. SOMAtBB BBOkv, Twenty-eig-hth ana raraam. J. S. BWWTBB. 80ia raraam St. JOT. IT a SBBITVS, Twsatieth . and Taroam. KOCBlt Bavoa., Tblrty-aiath and Faxnajn. B, B. BtflTITT a sow, 815 Soath Tonrteenth. W. 1 W1LL1CI, S70 take St. M. BOISgXSAL, 8808 Worth Thirtieth. JOBMBUB B OAtUOS, 8684 Worth ThlrtlatB. W. OTITf. IMI Spanldlaa- St. . WSWBCAW BBOS.. S404 Casiiig at, ItlHil VBII.X.xra. SBA4 Oasnlne? St. WULrr SOWABDS, Season. WtLUB-BTrcai ll, rorttath sad raraana. f. D. CBKW, Thirty-third aad Arbor. SLAYSBAT BBOS Sixteenth and SodgB. BOSTOW MEAT AJTD OBOCZBT CO, 113 M. Kth. BXXO BBOS, 8833 XeMTCBWOXth St. WALTEB H. HOWILL, 8601 LaTBWOrth St. . J. JOB DAB, 1701 Vinton St. B. KABbCH B CO.. 1880 VlnVoa St. JHBa4.BB B CO., 3318 Vlntoa St. WAL T. ABBTBBOST, 3SOS Sooth Twentieth. J. J. WEISS, 849 South Twenty-fourth. S. HAAMiL, 8033 Sooth Blxteanth. O. P. WAiBIB B CO., SuOO Comin- St, woui a HEirois, aois atndroa St. S. OatBEWBSBO, 8403 SUokory St. O. BUBYEBSOB, 8501 South Twsnty-foturth. - 1 B. B. YOUMO, 8114 Morth.Twnty-lourth. C. ICHMAXH a CO.. Twentieth and Martha, XATEBA B ILOTT, 1881 Sooth Sixteenth. -JOHN I.ABSOB, 8701 Leereaworta St. JOBW BESICHEK. 8711 Jearea worth St. OWtU a 108, 1T18 Laaraaworth St. O. XBOUSTEDT, 1505 Park Art, elhdb abdebsow, sus4 XeaTaaworth St. BLABBIOAW B CO., Thlrty-fUth and leaTaaworth. J. BOSEMBAUM, 3388 Worth Thirtieth. AT. SKBIYEB, Thirty-third and Barker. O. A. HULlTIfOia, Twenty.fonrth and Poonlatoa. - W. K. ITIKHIA, 8418 Sooth Thirty-first. WH. BOWAB, ThlrtT-aersnth and Oold Call. BAIiLrglOW, Sereateenth aad Capitol At.. ELMEB A. JOBBBOW, Park Are), aad I.MT an worth. OXAI. BUBO, 84404) L44I4I worth St. SOUTH OMAHA J. X- CO WW. S34 Worth Tweatr-awraata. rgiD WII.HBX.AC. 830 Worth Tw.aty-aeTaath. , MCBBBIB, 700 Borth Twenty-f onrth. WBLSAt OBOCXBT, 531 Worth Tweaty-foarta. josur rAVLAa, 104 Worth Tw.aty.foarth. JUL-lOa Bbvo., 1 South Twaaty-flrrt. MBS. J. 184 M BE at, aM Sooth Blneteeathi uiiT.iiv itbsk. a bobb. sail Q at. iui MOSTEWBEM, 458 South Thirty-ooa4, b ABtt a a h'Kin,, saa . sloaib aroBB. sioa Q at. JOBW ATTCBWA, 88111 Q St, S. MABXOVITS. 465 Soath Thirty-ninth. A. J. aoMUr, Thirty-sixth and X Sta. BU TAIOUm. 881 Q St. J. A, Wehaar, 689 Sooth Thlrty-Blath. riTBa BOBCBia. 1700 lit. C. BOSWICH, S108 I It, B. at WBITTIHOTOW. 600 Worth Twentieth, AVUVST MIX.I.EB. SOT Borth Thirty-third. J. T. EBAMOL1SOK, 4018 X, St. XS SWATEK, 4O30 X. St, California Associated Raisin Co. Kok Bros. Brokerage Co. FRESNO 219 So. 13th Street California BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . . These ads will start you on the road to wealth 'Oaar you eae aa Aim, taauAui CaaarCaaa