Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    ...THE-IIKK:. OMAHA. . SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1913.
Vienna Diipatch Says Fall of Lub
Vn and Chelm ii Question of .
Few Hours.
BERLIN. July 23. (Via London.)
A dlnpstch from Vienna to the Na
tional Zeltung Bay tbe final attempt
of the Russians to stop the advance
of their opponent In the critical bat
tle of the new line southward of the
Lnblln-Chelm railroad southeast of
Warsaw has endsd in failure. The
decisive action la this connection Is
likely to come In the territory be
tween the Vistula and the Dug rifers.
Tbf Rimolon southwMitrrn front Is ser
iously menaced, the dlapeteh adds. The
railroad Una running through Ivangorod.
l.uMn and Ctwlm la now only a few miles
no:-thwrd of tbe Teutonic linn and thi
capture of Iubtn and Chelm la raid to ba
a quaation of only a hrlef time.
Th coi uwpondont of tha National
Olt lire at Tarnow, Galiola. while re
porting that the A uirtro German forcei
are advancing steadily, potnta out that
there ara difficulties to be met Ha aay
the RiKlnn have to contend with a lack
f ammunition, but the statement that
tlMir morale la shattered la untrue. On
the contrary, they am dlaplartrtg the
greatest bravery and endiwance, and only
In the case of eontlnptrenta without
hitrner officers do they surrender readily.
Deerat right at KruaeitiT.
At Krannoatav, thirty-four miles south
of LuMn, there occuirol an engagement
at close quarters which was unusually
desperate and deadly. The Russian
awaited their attacking opponents and
resli ted them with the bayonet. They
had assembled strong reserves and the
Qermana and Austrian had to expend
the greatest efforts to overcome them.
It was necessary literally to throw the
Russians from thasr trenches.
The lack of good roads in Poland pre
sents an - specially unfavorable - aspect
from the standpoint of tha Invaders.
, Deep sand makes the movementa even of
infantry alow, while from ten to twelve
teams of horses must be utilised to draw
heary guns. '
Bitter rear attacks mark tha slow re
tirement of the Russians In south Poland.
They give way only one step at a time,
thus delaying although not preventing
the Austro-Oerman advance.
The oorrasi-ondont says that the achieve
ments of the Huashms In view of tholr
lack of ammunition are remarkable.
(Continued from rage One.)
was born at Taunton, Mass. He started
when a young roan a a journeyman
Dlumber. He has two sons, John and
William. " ' '
Daatoei-ate arl "r k"k
Vpmm holes as Bryaa Victory.
, , (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July SI (Special. -Tha fed
eral appolnttnenta mads by the perlsednt
for Nebraska came as a surprise to most
of. the politicians around Lincoln who
bave been waiting for more than two
years to hear tha plums drop from ths
political tree. That many democrats are
not satisfied Is apparent, though, if
course, they are not talking for publi
cation. There Is a general feeling Sena
tor Hitchcock will fight confirmation ol
at least two appointee. '
Most o fthem look upon the appoint-
' mania a a decide Bryan t victory, the
earning of Mr. Mryan's brother-in-law
while that of Oeorge I Joomls of rre
brlng, of course, a Bryan appointment,
mont for collector being equally so.
The others appear to be conceded as
Hitchcock men and bear all the oar
marks, according to ths wise ones, tf
being a compromise. It does not appear
that Hitchcock strengthened himself.
None appear to want to criticise tha men,
' but from a political standpoint It looks
as It tha senator could have done bet
ter lob tf he had placed tha appointment
of marshal out la the state somewhere
The customs appointment they figure
would naturally go .to Omaha, but the
other ahould have been given to Bonis
good, tried and true democrat ' out In
the state. - - .
Irai Oat la Cold.
It was conceded that with John Byrnes,
Chris Orurnther and Judge Corey out of
the running for consideration that one
of the appointments would surely go to
- Ik rt Pprague of York, secretary of the
democratic atate committee, tha only
ini.lgn manager who has besn suo
iaful in putting a democratic atate
ticket across since tha organisation of
the elate, but when It cams to making
appointments. It appeara that Fprague
was not In the favored list.
There Is considerable grumbling. Lots
of people are talking, but not for ths
newepapers. "Watch an3 see what will
happen." appears to be the sentiment of
mont of them. - 8ome appear to be satis
fied, but reliable authority gives It out
that the whole thing Is a decided Bryan
victory In that Hitchcock did not get a
(Ingle man he wanted while Bryan Is
perfectly satisfied wltb the ones he
What Deaaacrats Thlak.
Comments on ths appointments are
mostly short and rua about as follows:
Dr. P. L. Hail. di nix ratio national
committeeman. "What is. Is and la
Kelts Newton, former Bryanbst. "Well
J dunno."
W. B. Heater, twenty-five years mem
ber of Lancaster county democratic com
mit ts and tea years its chairman. -Well
if ths otliar fellows are satisfied, I am."
Tom Allon. "Perfectly aaliafled."
Judge W. H. England, democratic phil
anthropist "It la tha last death grip
thai w. J. Bryan will ever get on ths
C. t. Harmon, food commissioner. "Kkv-
Vniy satisfactory to )uc In every re
Ma.!. '
H. C Richmond, Omaha, democratic
ntembtr of tha last legislature. "Four
gxl democrat get the Jobs."
K- P. Muniford. private secretary Oov
enr aiorehsad. "Sulu me all right."'
hrraa Saa lllteheaek Last.
According to Mayor C W. Brown, aoaa
vf ths three federal appointment plums
Landed doan this morning to hungry
1 mocrata In Nebraska was a Hitchcock
f4iitnent. lie gives oredlt for the
c.ituut attorneyship and th collector
'.ip to Mr. Bryan, and the I'nlted Hi at re
iti.aihtleriip te Msvor ' Iiahlman. The v( -olleilor of customs for
Omaha, he ui was a purely Inral ap
P"lntnipnt. FWardlna; the candidacy of at. L.
Corey of Clay Center, for either of the
positions. Mayor laryan says, his selection
was simply 'Impossible." lie saya the
appointments "are rhe most gratifying to
the proarresalva forces of ths state, who
have own supporting the administration."
N" ..".V.N.DIljwmcmfw rmf cmf cmfwy
t Continued from rage One.)
governments ss Irrelevant to any dis
cussion with ths Imperial Oerman gov
ernment that this government regards
as grave and un)ustlflaMa violations of
the rights of' American cltlsens by Ger
man naval commandnra. ,
"Illegal and inhumane acts, . however,
justifiable they may be though to ba
against an enemy, who Is believed to '
have acted in contravention of law and '
humanity, i are manifestly Indefenslbl
when they deprive neutrals of their
acknowledged rlghta. particularly when
they violate the right to life Itself.
"If a belligerent cannot retaliate against
an enemy without Injuring the Uvea of J
tioutrals as well as their property, hu
manity, as well as Justice and a due
regard for the dignity of neutral powers,
should dictate that tha practice be dls- ,
continued. If persisted In. It will under I
such circumstances constitute an unpard- j
onabls offense against ths sovereignty of
the neutral nation affected. j
. Realises the Condition.
"The government of tha I'nlted States
Is not unmindful of the extraordinary
conditions created by this war or of
the radical alterations of circumstances
and method of attack produced by the
use of Instrumentalities of naval war
fare, which the nations of the world
cannot have bad In view, whan tha
existing rules of International law ware
formulated, and It la ready to make every
reasonable allowance for these novo!
and unexpected . aspects of war at sea;
but it cannot consent to abate any es
aentlonal or fundamental right of Its
people, because of a mere alteration of
circumstances. Ths rights of neutrala In
time of war ara based upon principle
not upon expediency, and the principles
ara Immutable. It la ths duty and obli
gation o flbailigerents to find a way to
adapt the new circumstances to them.
"The events of the last- two months
have clearly Indicated that It is possible
and practicable to conduct such subma
rine operations as have characterised
the activity of the Imperial German navy
within the socalled war sone. In sub
stantial accord with the accepted prac
tices of rssrulated warfare).
World latereated.
"The whola world has looked with In
terest and Increasing satisfaction at the
demonstration of that possibility by Gor
man naval commanders. It Is manifested
possible therefor to lift the whole prac
tice of submarine attack above the criti
cism, which It baa aroused and remove
the chief causes of offense.
"In view of the admission of Illegality
made by tha Imperial government when
It pleaded tbe right of retaliation In de
fense of Ita acta and In view of the mani
fest possibility of conforming to the es
tablished rules of naval warfare, the
government of the United Btatea can
not ' believe that the , Imperial govern
ment, w(li longer refrain from 'disavow
ing 'th wanton act of Its naval com
mander In .'sinking the Lualtania or of
fering reparation of tha American IKea
lost' so far as reparation -caa. bo mad
for a needleea destruction of human me
by an Illegal act.
" A pa -relates "rlendly Spirit.
. The government of ths United States,
while not Indifferent to the friendly
spirit In which It Is made, cannot accept
the suggestion of tha Imperial govern
ment that certain vessels be designated
and agreed upon which shall be free on
ths seas now Illegally proscribed. The
Vry , agreement would, by . implication.'
subject other vessels . to Illegal attack
and' would be curtailment and there
for an abandonment of the principles
for whtoh bis government contends and
which In times of falmer counsels svery
nation would concede as of course.
"The government of the United Plates
to fnt
' " -.. Y v Cl
- - .,.;...
anj the Imperial Ueman government
are contending for the eame great ob
ject end have long stood together In
urging the very principle upon which
the government of the I'nlted tHatee now
eolnmnly insists. They are both contend
ing, for the freedom of tha sea. The
government of the United States will
continue to contend for that freedom,
from whatever quarter violated, with
out compromise and at any cost It Irw ,
vltea the prertli'al co-operation of the
Imperial German government at this
time, when co-operation may accornpllxli
most end this sreat common oblect bo
most strikingly and efficiently ac-hlevwl.
"The Imperial German government e-
presses the hope that this object may be
In soms messur accomplished even be
fore the present war ends. It can be.
The government of the United Stale not
only feels obliged to Insist upon It by
whomsoever violated or Ignored, and In
the protection of Its own cltlsena, but is
also deeply Interested In seeing it made, 1
practicable between tne belligerents
themselves and holds Itself ready at any
tlmo to act as the common friend who
may be privileged to auggeet way.
this government sets updn the long and
.unbroken friendship between the people
and government of the I'nlted fUatee ami
the people and government of th Ger
man nation Impell It to Impress very sol
emnly upon the imperial go.ernment tho
necessity for a scrupulous observance of
neutral rights in this ' critical matter.
Friendship Itself prompts It to say to the
imperial cGrman government that repeti
tion that the commanders of th German
naval vessels of acta In contravention of
those rights must be regarded by the
government of the I'nlted mates when
they affeot American cIIIicds aa deliber
ately unfriendly. LANSING.
(Continued from Page One.)
He said he believed the strike could be
settled without further bloodshed and he
asked for their hearty co-operation,
which was promised.
" I want to warn the strikers through
you, as their commlt-tee," he concluded,
"that I have Instructed my. deputies to
arreat the first man who fires a shot, and
I have force enough to do It I have
also Instructed my deputies, tf any
shots are fired from Inside ths plant
to go In there and get the man 01
men who did It" - -
Sheriff Klnkead announced that he had
asked authority from Governor, Flefder
to gather an additional force of .00
picked pol)ce officers from the cktce
In Hudson county under his Jurisdiction.
These policemen, he said, will come to
Hay on no In uniform and will be sworn
In ss special deputy sheriffs. They will
remsln on strike duty until further
orders, .
Commissioner of Publlo Safety 'Wilson,
In a statement, said hs believed the
situation was well In hand and that It
would not be necessary to call out troops,
lie also announced that's volunteer city
commission, in the course of the day,
will act as mediators in ths strike situa
tion and will present to the standard
Oil officials on behalf 'of the commttee
of strikers a formal written request for
sn Increase tn wages. ;
All the saloons In Bayotine were or
dered -closed . today by. Majror Cfarvin
and tha order was generally obeyed.
Heretofore only the Constable Hook
section has been affected.
Federal Conciliators Arrive.
reoerai Conciliators John A, Moffitt
and James A. Smyth arrived In Bsyome
toaay. Mr. Mtffltt conferred with the
strikers' committee end Mr. Smyth went
to the Btandard Oil works to- consult with
officials in charge.
Th funeral of th Hot victim, John
Ktrachlk. It was announced later, has
been postponed until tomorro-s or fun
day. It was thought best to Uefer burial
of victim until th feeling among the
people' la th strike district had ' sub
sided further. . . , . .
Fourteen, of ths Injured In Bayonno hos
pitals, it was said today, wore suffering
from sever wounds. Of the it wss
thought by tha doctors, John fiurgea
and Michael Bel sec could not live.
It's Your
for your own
be sure jV
(Continued from Page One.)
well rendered. He fairly carried his au-
i die nee away.
Lotria Srhnauber. son of Henry Pchnau-
ber. one of the directors of the Oman
Paengerfest association, showed splendid,
i mastery of the violin In his solo. "Fan-
tasle Appastonata."
The orchestra rendered also Thalberg'a
"Orand Valse de Concert," and as a clos
ing number a medley of Oerman songs
of special charm and melody.
Accompanists were Mrs. F. A. Delano,
Mrs, C R. Zabriskle, Miss Corlnne PauN
son, Jean P. Uuffleld and BlgmunJ
r.andsberg. ,
1 AjTrnrn nnT'tflTTO III
yUlljl rtLLlAlLo IN
(Continued from Page One.)
Thomas J. Flynn, city clerk of OmaJi
He ha now been appointed.
"For collector of customs at Omaha. I
there has been onlv one candidate C.
W. McCune, night editor of the World- I
Herald. He waa widely supported by j
active democrats all over Nebraska. 1 !
endorsed him and he was appointed.
"Buch, tn brief, are the facta They
cover a period of two years, during which
I have -endeavored to secure action on
the federal- appointments In Nebraska.
I have siad a large number of Interviews
In Washington and Nebraska, not only
with representative democrats, candidates
and party leadera, but with the president,
Mr. Bryan and various members of the
oaMnet, and the announcement now mads
Indicate that the president has con
cjuded to settle the matter for the pres
ent at least. The men named will soon
enter upon their duties. When congress I
meets In December their formal nomina
tions will be sent to the senate for ita j
action, and I ahall then be called upon '
to oeciae ror my part what course to
Former Denison Man
Dies in Panama
DENISON, la.. July 23. (3peclal.)-T.
J. Garrison of this city baa received a
cablegram that his son. Judge Edgar R.
Harrison, died In Panama July 25. Judse
Garrison was fnr a time clerk of the
courts of Harrison county, Iowa, letter
he served as Judge tn the Canal Zone
for a number of years, " making a fine
record. When the office was abolished In'
the reorganisation of affaire be became
Interested In a cattle ranch far In the
Interior and communication with him has
oeen difficult. The cablegram asld full
particulars would follow by letter.
Little tilrl Fatally Rarnrd.
MASON CITY, la.. July 23.-(8pecla-Myrtlo
Keeney. aged 8 years, was ner.
hap lately bumed yesterday morning Mt
rne ramny home In this city, xne threw
kerosene on the fire In the kitchen Move
and, an Immediate explosion followed.
J , . . ...
mi sunm were Dumed to a
crisp, Moat of,;her clothlnij was burned
i rum ner oooy. ens is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J, Keeney.
' hymeneal:
: 1 ' Raa-HreVafeld.
(BpectsD-willlam J. Rau, cashier of ths
Manley 8 tat bank at Manley, and Miss
Oefln Breckenfeldt of Hlnvwood n
married Wednesday at Utlca, Neb., the
home of the groom's parents. .The cere,
mony. was performed at the Catholic
ohurch by Rev. W. I D. Hlgglns of
. Jones. Andrews. -
WEFPTNO WATER, Neb.. Jury 21
(Bpecial) Miss Alpha Andrews' and Wat
son C. Jones war married . Wednesday
afternoon at the homo of the bride's
parents; nine miles southwest of here. '
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad.
--"' tr';';t-)V'x.,..i'v.'r f'
TO be in tip -top condition
on the courts or in the
business world. You need
real stamina to play a fast gamo
and stand the gaff. Cool nerves,
quick, eye, flashing thought and
grit depend largely on physique.
Here's a tip for you plenty of Ice
Cream helps a whole lot ' Eat all you
rant of O.
Unusual Special Values For
Saturday's Business
In the Apparel Sections
Second Floor
Palm Deach Coats
Values to $14.50
Spring Suits, Values to $35.00 - -Summer
Suits, Values to $16.75 -Summer
Dresses, Values to $10.50 -
The Store
Special Values, Wash
Our line of Novelty Sunshades greatly
$10.00 Sunshades,
now $6.93
$5.00 Sunshades,
now $3.50
$4.00 Sunshades,
now. $3.00
BRELLAS Just what you need when
traveling, $2.50 and $4.00 each.
Bathing Suits
Careful selection of materials and -finishing
is what has made our lino popular.
Women's Bathing Suits, sizes 3i to 46,
at - - $2.25, $2.75, $3.00, $4.50 and up
Children's Bathing Suits, sizes 6 to 14
years, at - $1.00, $1.75 and $3.50 each
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
;, . ,'. ORIGINAL
Malted, P.1 ilk
Upbuilds arery part of tha body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Morses the world ovar for
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolve in watsr.
Agrees when other foods often, fall.
Samplm fr, HORUCKTS. Racinm, IVZs.
fcaj No Substitute l"JustaGood"
M HORUCK'S, th Original
A toOrt prawrmtlca of mrrto.
IT pip. tarMjlca(dnaraC
fmr RoriB Color mm4 '
leautr trndrmw er Feaed Hak.
Ha. and it. Mat trutrvta
Glen Morris Inn
Chrlstxas Lake, Minnetonka
Popular Rendezvous
of Omaha People
Owned aad Operated by
Minneapolis, Minn,
Lake r.lanaiva
And Other Attractions.
ing Pictures This Kvt-jUng.
Title of llcteroa: "Tho New
Janitor. Others: "Truth of
Fiction,- "A tacky Transfer,'
"la Wrung."
u tm bates IStL MaL & Evnz.
th btoox raaraor
Edward Lynch AVu5t
A Coatcj of Bverrear X.LX
Special Aflda AtUaetioa. SCAB AKBT
Xauaeaa. l-be Mvss. ass asa, aos
for Motoring
- $ 5.75
$ 7.35
$ 3.95
for Shirtwaists
Waist - - $1.00, $1
Simmer Ox
' There i a FRY Man'g
for. every o ie e a i o n,
whether it's a dress shoe
porting mo . I, it ia identified
by ita distinction of style.
Palm Beach or
White Oxfords .
Ia a full range at sizes, with many
styles to choose from, now quoted at
I 1 lMIUIIIlIllUlUUIII 1 H'NiMiij'il
These Snappy little circles with a
smooth lemon flavor are a delightful
treat in sweet cakes for tea or dessert. "
5 cents at your Grocer's.
If you do not already know the
better quality of
Baked In Omaha BxSCUftS
we will send you a Sunshine 5ar
prise Box, Free, containing 6 differ
ent kinds for you to try. Send your
name and your dealer's to
JpftSVojca'liscoiT (oeoASX
- M sr i i . aa -
Silk Hose at Modera c Prices
Black or White Silk Hose, both regular
and out sizes 75 a pair
Special prices on all Children's Socks:
$1.00 and 75c socks, now - - - 50
50c and 35c socks ----- 25c
25c socks, now - - - - - - 15c
Ribbon Section News
Beautiful little hows, garters and bonnet
bows for children, made at Ribbon Section.
Sample Snshes, all half price.
Hair Ribbons in pink, light blue, black,
white and navy. 25c per yard.
Moire Taffeta, 7 inches wide, all shades,
35c per yard.
Talcum Powder Special Saturday
Woodward's Trailing Arbutus Talcum, In pink
or white; this largo jar of fine talcum we will
sell Saturday only 15, or two for 25
Closing Out Pennants
Omaha HlRh School, Crelghton, South Omaha, and
vaiuea to 2.00; Saturday,
or a