TIIE KKE: OMAHA, SWiTKDA Y, .HM.Y '21. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET BERLIN ANNOUNCES GAINS' A OCwlPARISON Would bsj the. most convincing proof of what w continually a1vertt. That our prlcN9 are absolutely th lowest that onr assortment are Itu-Rcr- iwul th quality of our furniture and gtMic-rM home furnishing Is really much altove the average the kind that will make a home roiy and comfortable and will Mand the teat of hard service. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT Clothing Dept. Second Floor Sale Is Now On Clothing Dept. Second Floor Sale Is Now On Seuion Largely Repetition Those of the Day Preceding. of German War Office Tell of Minor Snccesiei Made in the ' West. WAS SPECIALTIES DECLINE GRENADE ATTACKS FAILURE NCTT TORK, July .-Ro tnr ss nottinj results wrr roncoind todny's stork mar Vrl wni largely n r-t"'tltion of the dsy Immediately prfcwdlnir Thfr wna a further downward revision of Seme of th. war specialties, to which HetliUhim stt-ei common and offered proved the must notaMe exceptions, the fiTmer rerK-stins. Its raornt h'Kh quotation of J04 and th. latter making a new M,h at 1JS. Hnldwlti locomotive also broke Into new around at 77Hc. A few other Industrials end equipments participating more or less actively to profitable war contract to and fell within comparatively narrow limits. Railroad stock were more prominent but almost wholly at the expense of quoted values. Mi area like fit. Paul, Canadian Pacific Southern Railway piefer.ed and Texas Pacific descended to low prices In years, Bt. Paul's minimum of 8 belna ths record since 189S. All the carriers In the southern and southwestern sect i ns of the country were heavier at decline ol 1 to 4 points. Actual ne low prices were established by Missouri Pacific at 2K. Seaboard All Mne p;eferred at S M. Rock Island at jow and Forfolk ft Southern at 17. The chief factor In connection with tht riesvtnes of the aouthern stocks was the diacou sains; cotton outlook , resulting from the war, together with unfavorable earn'ngs. Cotton options were mostly higher, however, In response to an ur -ent dr-mand for the staple from ftp. sign sources. Dealing- were the lightest of any re cent session, ths overturn In the sneclsl tles being f:om H to Mc under that ol the midweek. Baldwin locomotive, West inghouse and American Cn togetht with Vnlted States Steel, made up one third of the total of 476,000 shares. Internat'onal conditions particularly the Impending reply of this government to Germany, furnished the tea1 for much of the day's hesltatlm. There were no developments of Interest In the markets for foreign exchange. The p-obahle sue. cess of the new Canadian note offer'ng by one bankers threw some light on the Investment innul y. Monetary condltinns were unchanged except for a more fret acceptance of Industrial collateral loans Bonds were lrregvlar with a renewal of foreign selling. Total sales, par vslue, ag Te sated $', "BL OCK). United States bonds were unchanged on call. I New Yrk Money Market. NEW TORK. July 3. MERCANTILE PAPER 3S?3Vfc Pr cent. STEFI.'NO EXCHANGE Rlxty-day bills, 14 7190: demand, S4.7MO; cables. U 77. SILVER Bar, 47V: Mexican dollars. 86We. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irieru'ar. MONEY-Call, steady; Mgh. I per cent; low. 1H per cent; ruling rae. l per cent; Inst loan. 1 per cent: clo'ln Id. 1H per cent; offered at t per cent. Time loans, firmer; sixty days, 2fc per cent, ninety days, 2 per cent six months, 3ViQ3V per cent. RH r"Tng. OMAHA. July 23. Bank Hearings for Omaha todnv were 2,47S.."40.5, and for the corresponding: day last year, 12,39, C25.JG. D EP RTMENT OF LABOR SPECIALS HERE NEXT WEEK The United Btates Department of Labar Is sending fifty people to the California exposition In two special cars which will pass through Omaha at 10:15 a. m. next Wednesday. The Chicago & Northwestern railway handles them from Chicago to Omaha and from Omaha the party travels over the Union Pacific. BERLIN. July 23.-(Vla London. : p. m 1 X Ik we nfflc todsv the follow lng communication was given out "The nightly hand grenade attacks of the enemy north and northwest of Sou ches were repulsed. In the Champagne district we successfully blew Up several mines and occupied the border of the 'ipenlng thu made. "In the forest of Ie Pre t re a French n'ght attack failed. In the Voages fight ing Is proceeding. An attack by the enemy against the Llngekopf-Barrenkopf line, north of Muenster, was repulsed after severe fit-lit Ing at close quarters before ar.d In the positions of ths Bavar ians and Mecklenburg Chasseurs. We captured two officers and sixty-four Al pine troops. "A French attack ajralnst Releh-Acker-kopf als,) was unsuccessful. Near Met seral we ejected the French from their advanced positions, which, according to our plan, we evacuated In order to avoid losses "As a reprisal for the repeated bom bardment of Thlaucourt and other places between the Meuse and the Moselle, our artillery yesterday bombarded Pont-A-Mousen. Our airmen dropped bomb on the railway triangle at Pt Hlllare, In Champagne, and forced the airmen of the enemy to retreat." "The barracks at Oerardmer also were bombarded. In an aerial flight over Con flans we destroyed a battle aeroplane of the enemy. "Faster theater: In Courland there Is continual fighting. Wo are pursuing eastward the retreating Russians. Yes terday we enptrred threi machine gun and many munition cars and field kitchens. "Our troop advanced , closer to the Narew bridge head position. Before Rosan .we stormed at the point of the bayonet the village of Mlluny and the fortification at lsygl. At the latter place we captured 2-"0 prisoners Night sorties from Novogeonrlevsk failed. Southeastern theater: "The west bank of the Vistula was cleared of the enemy from Janowlec, west of Kasmlerx, to Oranlca, In the wooded ground south east of Koxlenca fighting la proceeding with rear Russian guards. "Between the Vistula and the Bug the Teutonic allies succeeded In break ing the obstinate resistance of the enemy at several points and forced the Russians to retreat. "Llngekopf and Barrenkopf are three and four kilometers, respectively, north of Muenster. Oranlca la ten kilometers south of Ivangorod." A "Tot Bale" ad wm turn second-hand furniture Into cash. Pubstantlid Lawn Mowers are IS inches and guaranteed to g've ex-ei lent service. Our price $2.95 Child's Indian Tent, made of heavy canvas, nicely ornamented, complete witn aiAKe, pole ana rope. Our price SI. 10 An excellent Porch Rocker, made of heavy fter In the brown flnlali. Ex- reptionailv well made with a closely ao,'iii woven back and seat Our price I a closely SI.95 "RS. JAMES C. ENEW0LD D'ES IM SAN FRANCISCO Mrs. James C. Enewold, former pioneer resident of Omaha, died Thursday In San Francisco at the age of 68 year. Mrs. Enewold came to Omaha In 1S78 and was during her residence here a promi nent member of the Danish church. She Is survived by her husband, now In San Fronclaco, and throe children, Henry J. and Frederick C. Enewold, and Mrs, C. G. Carlbery. and two sisters, Mrs. Eliza beth Hendrlckson . and Miss Itanslne Boes. all lh!n? In Omaha. m - t r m i i . a i A spleiiuid four-passenger Lswn Swing, finished In red with natural wood seats, which are ad1us"ie. The entire swing Is thoroughly we'l bolted and screwed to gether. Our price . jumv we'i $4.95 You will actually save from 25 to 507c by buying your porch and lawn furni ture at the Central Furni ture Store. The quick- r?5? est ice cream freezer on the market. Will freeze ice cream in five minutes. Ice Cream Freexers that are abso lutely sanitary. No solder uaed on the Inside of cream can. AO A Our price U YO'J MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS AT THE CENTRAL 's ClotSiiii Mem Ordered Out! No matter what the value, no matter how high the tjuality, it is time for Clear ance. ,So all cMn's Suits ami Trousers have been ordered to move. Radie&l reduc tions are the rule, as the most desirable of wearables go marching out of the store. The sale includes all our high-class Hart, Sehoffncr & Marx Suits; Hart, Schaffsr & Marx and Princess Trousers, as well as elegaut Palm Beach Suits certainly very desirable right now. Look at the bargains: Hart. Schaffner & Marx Suits All f 25.00 Suits . . $16.75 All $20 00 Suits . . $14.75 : All $18.00 Suits . . $12.75 All 415.00 Suits . . $ 9.75 Men's Trousers Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Princess d Trousers in this great "ale, regular y $G.(X) and $7.00 Trousers, for only The $5.00 and $o.50 H., S. & M. Trousers S3.50 And $3.03 and $4.50 Princess Trousers $2.50 4.50 Palm Beach Suits Genuine Palm lieach Suits; the lightest, coolest pro curable, wonderful values at... $5.00 and $8.50 Pure Shantung Silk Suits Hart, Schaffner & Marx make and they are priced very low at. . . .$15.00 The regular $10.00 Mohair Suits aro now $0.05 And the $15.00 to $18.00 Mohair Suits go at. .$12.50 it liv,. fyi Afffnrs'nyi it PATS PATS Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly through Bee "For Kent" Want Ads. v v - a kb w a a m a arm.m a mm (diuceci NEW Maximum Lighting Rate, OLD Maximum Lighting Rate, 8 Cents. 11 Cents. EFFECTIVE AT ONCE Applicable to All Bills Rendered on and After August 10th Lower Electric Rates Promote Household Comfort An Electric Iron Should Be in Every Home Electrical Household Appliances Lighten the Housewife's Electric Irons save in time, steps and temper. They can be used wherever there is an electric light socket. They do bet ter work than old fashioned irons. Electric Fans, Table Stoves, toasters, washing machines, ELECTRICITY IS DOING MUCH to reduce toil and dis comfort in the home to make life easier and more worth liv ing for women. Chief among the most favored electrical appliances is th3 Electric Flatiron now sold at reduced prices. Burden Saves Time Vacuum Cleaners, Coffee Percolators and a host of other do vices are playing a big part in making woman's work more attractive. See them at our office or your electrical supply store. OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY GEORGE II. HARRIES. President Maximum elee'ric lighting rates have been reduced approximately 40 within the past 2 years due to physical improvements and growth of bminess