'MK HKE: OMAHA. FIUI)M JULY 23, 1H15. By LIELLIFICIA. I th ft ill JL, of amm Thursday, July 22, 1915. IIE lummtr ini to be quit In keeping with tbe quiet winter, and till more quiet srringtlrua, In that there, it an absolute dlrtb iMfflnli for society folk. Time wag when tbe aaaon stretched Itself to Include, tho en tire part of Jobs and the ear! dart of Jut, at least orer Independence day. MliY SINGERS ARE HERE SECOHD TK1E Fire Year. Ago German Sisg-eri Alio Held Their Eaengtrfeit in Omaha. MANY EXECUTE TO THE COAST The fiaengartwnd of the Northwest, the singing eaaorUtlon which la now holding tU biennial aaengerfeat. or "foettval of but tbera baa been no auch eplrlt tbla year and except for th flurry of " wouM b tMn," IrrUv.U.s for a few victor, and th. plan, of th. debutante, for Mt an- ST .f tumn, even the aspect of the fashionable world would be till. ' (the northwestern section of the United The amusement of todar Is Just the very smallest picnlo party. Even flute. ' that la Rlren o thought, but hurriedly arranged for within an hour's time. , Th twr "ties, end Minne Today '. event of any also U th. luncheon riven at tba Happy Hollow club SJZM. TTZ'. by tba Kisses Alice nuabton, lielea Biieparti ana Carolyn lioimeuiat. The in Nebraska there are nine, located aa sueat numbered forty-two and Included eight out of town guests. At Happy Hollow. The luiwt luncheon for the day at the Hippy Hollow club waa that given by aliases Helen rThepard, Alice Rushton an1 Otrelyn Ho!miu1"t. Tee gnaate, for t wo In number, were seated at a large t shaped table, which waa artistically dec orated with pink Japan llilra, pink glad lull and amllft.1. Cover were placed for: M'iimf- Meedaroee J. VV. H'leMon. C. II. eheperd. J. W. Hvlmqulat, M Vlaeae TVtotly Waller. Orlnne KIMntt. ' F tuatx-th Crawford. Mergretha Ortmmel, Htrlle. R.blneon. tiertiude I'orter. 1 wroth v Hainach. Mart Hloom. lirien Mh.parfl, Alice Kuahtnn, Carolyn Koitnquiat, Harriet haJttA. I'steraon, N. J ', Jim Inn Jurleon. Chit-ago; rlm'lv fper, Nw Ycrk City; AAi Mavnll: hi. I'aul. Mlnn.I Elnnr Kln'iliy, Hue citv. In.; Kvriyn Flndlay, aia Cltv, .; Lriiora Urnbere. MinrapoM: SUrKnrt Smith. IJuroln. 'tjeaaft Mra. C. II. Marlny and Mra. O. B. Coon tae a Iunchon foanrad by bridge to day at the Happy llollow club. In honor of Mra. Jack Coburn of Kanaaa City. Mra. E. F. Pstaraon had irlx audita at itincbaon today. Mr. and Mra. K, A. Bonaon will enter tiin elora cunota at dinner Saturday renin at the Happy Hollow club; 3. XL Jlualiion will have aix (ucate and M. M. l.yona two. llijcellaneenl hower. Tho Mlse Qladya and Hl Fowlar Save a nilwllanmjiia ahowr at thlr home Monday eanir.g In honor of M!se Ilasel Bamr, whom we.Jding will take I!.ira 8 and ay. July S. The evening waa l.nit In mri'Jslo and game and the gueata H. buuhart. pnh McCoy. Vildred Focite. Roblrinn. Ml drd rlin. I cunor Mo iilton, V lrn Hiihm, f Hrl Kllniil, V !nnf A'itln, l.ury (Arvtn. Katherlna Krog, vlyn lflwlch, U!clrd Khodfa, V.rlun tllr, rtora, , lr Fuller. ln Prce. C!r.trn Laofdon, Lilra.!ctli Carr. -Orn'lancn '"Union llemllton, ,1!. K. Fuwlir. jtHVrl nrup, i lir- Hfdn. . 1 ililn tmnrt. h.ium Dd.rcv. .Matin r'l-id Tannin l- bmidt, tiUdya lalor. Mlaaao Marnart Cxitt, Huth Norma.ii, Milonaid l.illie floovor, IIm1 Kowlor. I'lnncti Tltomaa. !iiiB Knwli-r, Uiim Oauvreatt. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mra. K It. prague gave a dlrt rrr lut waning at the Country club. n.nipllmcntary to Mr. and Mm. Jack Partxir. Covura wre placed for: . Mnwara, and Melm Purl'cr. Hprague. Frt Hnmilton. S'r. ami Mra. J. B. Bummti Mr. and iln. F. B. CowglH ent-Brtidr)d U g-twta at dinner hut evening at the C ountry club, W. M. Hurtnaa, tov-J X. J. I.ov, Dirri J. A. C. Kmy, two; C.oncral llarrlca, thme; Cliarloa) E. Mete, four, Mr. and Vr..ll. W. Fpaulding and Mr. Judcon Ikjulrra will have gueata at din ner Saturday evening at the Country club, Mr. John Hanlglien entertained at din ner laat evening at the Country club In honor of Mr. ftoberf. LIUy of LavarUy, Maee. A large baakat of pink Chlneee Uliee made an attractive table center Idoce and the gueeta) present weret Meanra. and Meadamea J. J. Manlgtien, F. It. Itonhatetler, Kanaaa City; Franone JlocbtP-ler- Moaara. FrwJeriok Daugb- erty, deary Itanlghen. folio we: Two In Lincoln, two In Colum bia and one each In Omaha, Ktanton, Talmage, Grand Inland and Heating, Jeat fee Maale. Theae aaaoclatlona are the greatest or ganlaatlon for alngtng In thla country. Dealdea having the genlue-epark, namely the Inherent love of muaic and aong, the affalra of the organlZationa are handled In a bnalneea-llke way and with true harmony. The organisation la free from the Internal atrife that marka many other organlaatlona and they have held their aaengerfeata oontinuoualy from ltt to the preeent time. The flrat featlval waa held In Le Croaae, Wla., in WW. There were aeven alngtng eocletlfa repweented. For four years the feetiveJe were held annually instead of blnnnlally aa now. It waa entirely a Wieconain organisation then. In 1W7 the featlval waa held In Watertown, Wla.: In WS In Milwaukee and the neat year In Madleon. By thla time twenty-two aocletlea were ropre aented. The rule of biomnlal eaengerfneta waa adopted In 19 and contlnuea to thla time. The ftrat eaengerfeat bald ouCalile of Wleooneln waa at Dubuque, la.. In Plnce then they have been ' held In vartoua atatea of the weaC Here rive Veare Age. The big affair came to Omaha for the flrat time In f10, at which time alxty two aaaociatlona wera repreaetited. The - preaent , aaengerfeat ahould have been held iaat year, but waa poatponed ! to thte year to enable delegations from aUUa to th eaat to "kill two blrda with one atoue" by going to tba axposltlone on the Faolfto ooaat. . It waa planned to hold it'ln lenver. A wave of prohibition swept Colorado and made it Impossible to it the German najonal beverage in the Colorado city, aa waa started by Fest-rrealdcnt Btrelilow in hls address Wednesday evening. So the meeting place waa transferred to Otnaha and the 1 I r- a m in I II.. h a lln. HC4.1lIi&A Wfirlf MlpsAe Miaana Charlotte Callahan, JtiHa Coburn, I rri )lflt r:iirfh Heed. JoH phln OMiadon, I.nclle Hwn, Hnbert Lalley, Malcolm Maldrige, Herbert Uevla, I'hilllp rwna, Informal Luncheon. yjt. Harry Jordan entertained eight gueata InformaJly at luncheon today at tbe Field club. For Bride-Elect Mtsa Hea! Pegen waa hostess today at a luncheon and bridge at her home in honor of aflaa Nellie Elgatter, a bride of nest week. The rooms were abloom with garden flowers and four table of player were entertained. At Carter Lake Club, Mlas Ne! Leaver gave a luncheon at Carter Lake club Wednesday. Th table was decorated in pink and green and a oenterpte.ee cf pink rosea. The guests weret Mmo- Carrie Mitchell. Tomthy Merrliim, Florence Chartibare, en iteymona. Aw. II. Jlli!.. MIos Harriet Merrlam, Ali'e C"hmoer, l'itle t':oii hiil, lirtlth luymond, Jo Hall, btclla Wilcox. Adille (lU.llan. falio Iiete, WeddiuffCfCaiiait. The wedding of Mr. Frank A Talbot and Mlae Bite Florence Peterson month" time instead 'of th usual two er. Omaha, therefore, beside , being .the farthest west city to entertain th sing ers, has attained that distinction twloe In five years. t eon. The ceremony was followed by a wedding breakfast at th Hotel Rom. The table waa decorated with pink oar nations and asparagus fern and oovere were placed for twenty-four gueata. On the Calendar. The usual fortnightly dance will be held at Fort Crook Saturday evening. Fcrtonal Hcntion. Mra. Mary Van Oteaon will leave Tua. da tit navt Waak foe Ttria tflfffa T.u1m k. ir.. e .. i .... , Two others are du within a few dajrs summer "lend tl.ey will bring texk thej delagatlon Mr. Chart Kounta and Mr. Iithel,f Chtc "ho went to th ex- SHRINERS PASS THROUGH OMAHA Oft THEIR WAY HOME The first of three trains of Medina b. Tempi Bhriners pnssed througti Omaha. Kountae left thla morning In their oar for Iake Okabojl, where they will spend tbe coming week-nd. Miss Iren McCalg left last evening to Join her uncle, Mr. W. A Kamsberger of Ashland. Neb., and family, at their summer camp at Alexandria, Minn. They will return by auto, nutting in Minne apolis; ft. Paul, lee Moines and points in Iowa. JULIA IS L01IG 01 LIFE PRESERVERS Has Jlore in rrcrcrticn to Number of Feople Carried Than the LuEitaaii. f'OP-E WORTC-THAH IT CAN DO Mora lif preservers per capita of rcw are istorcd on tba "Julia" than Vera on ttie Lusltanta or on tha Ti tanic. Captain AV. B. Stevena dors not,. Intend that,bia crew, which con tiMi vt a deck hand and blmeclf. Lfa.ll want for farlllties of ewapa If llie '"Julia" is tnrpeaoed by a COttoa oi.l sui Ca the Mlazaurt. tn We Jnha uim auvbd away t(7).ty-f UUt Ufa 1-H, all new and In -xltiRi couditl'in. "Wlni tu tlio world do you stj with all rf limee?" t!io cpcin aa arteed. "I )i-t keen them to nmke aurw." he il!trJ, aa lio ii'Hl Into the wiilrllpg wau-r of the Itig Muddy. "To t-ll the tr.uh. 1 uit tlicm there a yeer'or wore eeo shin 1 titd to teWe the family and j filri(l out on the lakes down soma fr a fi.iianii eiptiiillon. We wanted to be j ': nni rlrve I uw up (n-ie I have 1 Fi r iwi-rn i,'. o elf Tht y don't bother in l.i re tl.y aro, and they are always pi i -( t'i.iirf to liae aioniiil." i'!''.:t (ivn on thi ti-ij has ail brn ui i' ui.ni kikI. iiuiln:i cm tii tank ft t'.- rlvi r at the tt cf te Ir.ira :rc-t I'r.fH'e, awai'.a tlie loiiiixg tf lli t i.v-t ' .. c-'.y. 'if A J.;, fa l;sU:il:ff Citm doV & frOJlS !'ivi?'.vr : r 1j tenia a liur.Jred 'OU?i(Jfe, or i: a l.i. . At tl at l.rtura the boat is ?!; f e i..nT"- of locator ew-ther w -nt a t-uiicl. 'ihiy UMsd to ferry i. r !.?! (..a nvif and t'n hax l i h .;. i I y u r i.1 to Cnaa. Then t - v l.il I ) i ;y to be t rrii J l'a K mty. '. t t-d (-! t,r bi.ai.el to get It t i-.a.ni i.-- i Cji,M.-i( ,.g (IiS tL?- ; l.i D . if,et i-n a lln tha !;.. iu- ki: and ti.e i..alit nuu t ;-i itr b-tan-i i ujir.r, c.rd.ng t it.o au.iy the tarti.nr t,av t-.ld Caj 5 -i Mi v.- .4, ti n ihe eot now of gc. t , r. (j i - .. f :i...ir at l'!l uun t.ld to Ir s .. ' . i t 'a t vt! a itsfC.y tu bfcft-i i: :i J'a j-.. '...,ir I in ti.:i?i t.kn,l.a &jd 1 . aa! fjii o. f t.i-tia rj.aha ; ! ' it f iii-Mr tcd t.'.a cj- ! I v I k .i....u t- alv I. ) n i , i- ;a ; . v t r tu to a I i i- t.f - i 1 t i.A-d up tri i ' ':: i i - , ' - ri j - -.S t'.e i;?.r, .... .- i !i: fciff'J tO Ta.O I'. r i . ..i -. t a ftl:-! I - t .r. This Saongerfcst Largest Ever Held by tho Association A bigger attendance at the aaengerfeat of lr.S than at any of the twenty-five aaengerfeata tliat preoedod It. i That la the record that has already been established by th big event. In spite of the tack that Omaha la th fartbeet wt city In whloh tit festival has ever been held, It Is estimated that seventy singing associations ana ' re pre sented here. In mi at St. rani. Minn., there were sixty-eight represented. And at Omaha In 1?H siitty-two association were in the representation. ' inrwuioia are dellgtited. And the weather Is not th least de lightful feature of the affair. It is be having ttaelf splendidly. As 'i)l Aithoune, the tenor, said: "U CVln't reily b. 4ar( and I bav every reason t believe It wl'4 oontinu. Whyt Hwi'iM I have lirought tny um brella and It never rains when I do that." Mayor Ial.lman In Ms edJresa cf wel come Wedneeday took credit for the weather, ton. position. Madlnah Tempi I the largest ehrlne Tempi In America, and about K9 of It mombvr are on th three trains now go ing east. 'Tr other two train still due here wti! arrtvo next week. One Is due her on Sunday and th other will arrive tlie Thursday following. When you want fresh cake, ask tho grocer to send it 10c Susishlne Loaf CrJ:c flavors, freth teery day haa all the delicacy and flavor of home-made cake. Mad by Joea ,Va aacvrf Qovmxt. Sacare af aaaaaa aiMaKa KAHA I!ascn & Ilalin Co., Ths tend quality cf the, pianoforte is of the ut&iCit izapirU-ca to its slrer v."C3 th.a ilo h used as tJ tzur. iz':-:':.t. X have thought tor ccno tin:e cf purcLasin a new l iaso, and, ru yea ray imobe, I have bcea very careful la cay selection. I .vrite a lir.e to say that I have decided upon tha IliLson & Hasilia and have just purchased one of your ritt&buxgU aent3, hecauaa I believe it com lines to tin IncotJiparahld dcjTeo the very qsLaiitie3 v, h!ch Rppeal to the truly musical nature. I corrat tlita yoa ca these unrivalled planes. Cordially ycurs, (ci-icd) cnrjaTinn niLLr?.. Jui 1015. I'ht' UlUiT U tA IcaJlns tovrsna cf the aC-inj; Air c.;J I.zs a l.'aion 2: Hamlin Pia?i3 l.i L;r cpartrsr.ls vfif lAa FcntzntlU Hotel. 1 ii . . i . AMERICA!, POLO FLAYER WIN3 FAME AS AVIA TOR Elliott 0. Cowdin, well known polo player of New York and a Harvard graduate, now in France, has been promoted to the rank of sub-licutcnant and mentioned for bravery. It Js said that he destroyed a German taube in midair, single-handed, in a battle over Verdun, A 'Kit i 11 f v- i i - . Tat on Barhelora. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) BEU1NH, Swltserland, June 13. A tax on ail bachelor and spinsters over 38 year of eg has been enacted by th German town of Reichenberg. In addi tion to the ordinary Income tax they will be assessed e ner cent on Income lea than )T00 a year, th rate rielng to It per cent on Incomes of over 2.u00. PAREHTS TO HAYE DAY 111 THE PARKS PlaygTonnd Soperriior to GiTe the Grown rips m Well aa Children Chance to Flay. FR0GRA3IS FOE DAY CUTLTffEI) Parents' day will ba held .at tho public rwroation centers aa follows: rontenella, Jnly 28;. MUlor and Bemls parks, July If; Thirty-fourth and Leavenworth etroeta, July S7; Ilanscom park, July .30; Kountza park, July 31; Rlvervlew, August 1. The following circulars issued for dis tribution at theae play centers explain. the new features of the public recrea tion sohem: " ' ' "Parents: "The above day is set aside . as a neighborhood festival for the pe. rente and children who live near t1e park. The objeot of thla festival Is a get-acquainted meeting. 'The new expert plfiyaround super visor are now In charge of the plajr gro trade from 11 a. m. to t p. nt. every day, and 'they are desirous Of making the acquaJntane of both the parents and children In the netrhbortiood. "On this day a very rich program of games, athletic events, story telling, folk dancing, a new kind of ball gwm for boys, stunts, tennis for older ones, vol ley ball, quoits for 'grown-ups,' and many other events which will mat the day complete. "Tou are invited to come In th mom- Ing a'tei- W o'clock and bring your lunchea along and enjoy a picnic under the tree "Theae are your perks and your pny ground. Thoe In charge are anxlonel that ynu. receive the greatest poasfbl benefit from them. Therefore you are) moet cordially Invited to attend on thla day." WOULD STOP STORAGE OF ! EXPLOSIVES NEAR FLORENCES John O'rViurke. owner of a farm aAV' parent to the etorege house of th EX V Oupont , de Nemours company, ne9 Florence, asks In a suit In district court that the company bej permanently ev Joined from storing dynamite, gtaok' powder or nitroglycerin there, v The petition allegrcs that these explo sives are capable of deetroylnjt life and property for a distance of more thas one mile. .It agserts that unlee th tn-a Junction Is granted the plaltitif will suC-j fer great and irreparable Injnry, forj which there le no adequate remedy aki law. Dw't I eider Caagaa p Calfla. Dr. Kingfa New Plscovery should hm In every home for coughs and eoldav Children and sjred like 11 tOo. Alt druggists. Advertisement. . , , j PROMINENT ORGANIST OF ! ST. PAUL VISITS HEREj irre. Crandnll. organist at the Houae) of Hope church In et. Paul and friend o Mr. and Mra T. J. Kelly of Omaha.; passed through here on ber way to CsJW fornla. The House of Hope church Is tbejl moet wealthy one In the city of B,, Paul, and lately has erected a new strnne, tur st a coat of over half a million dole, lara, containing one of the finest organs)' t the country. ! i-PIAZA HOTEL- NEW YORK ITirTH AVENUZJ and T1FTY NINTH ST. The coolest hotel in New York. Overlookinj Central Park. Within easy distance of ail theatres and shops. Your address known the world over while you stop at The Plaza. . OUTDOOR TERRACE AND SUMMER GARDEN Special Dancing Features , Siafle Rooms with Beth, $3.50 op Doubts Rooms with Bath, $5.00 aa Te faaarea looni ee fa taraia fori aw iaforaiatiaa aSdraca FRbU Slt-.RHT. Maaalia Uu oney Savers. for Friday '; Da: SB asement M About 5C0 Pairs Women's Pumps ! ' ' In la hseat sijrle and totather. Reoaua kid, elatli bavek, Mian ktwtbee, whits btiekakla tweka. Ail white irahwrk with bioek: tstng, and aattent leather with e Batty ehath ejsjuten., li7 are all aiww. 9 mmmrm mmn Our.Once-a-Year Sal of Odd Hosiery Weenen'e silk beet and llale and eeatM lies mls-anatrd). Maatly blaveks and - whMes, eame ealoee.' Oa eale ea large bargala eqaara. Taey are wart a tip I ISe a pair. Prlee fer afh eteekmg. , 5c A .Determined Clearance Salc"Tv)o Days Friday and, Saturday of T) if rt mi) Priced so low that they cannot help but go. In a hurry. ' This is the supreme, moment for feminine Omaha. 2?ote the prfcea below and then just come and see the dresses. for another lot ef porch and house, dresses : wtany sample In this lot. $1, $13 and fl.50 values. jMad of fancy crepes, fin ginghams and percales, ehambraya, etc, light and dark pattern; a broad rang of sixes, aa wall as extra sizes f?0e fer stout women .....UvC Several hundred children's colored wash drosses, ages 2 to S and C to 14 years; all good wash materials In all the newest styles, 60c, 75c snd $1 value. Crepe, fine ging hams and chambray, etc., suspert dsr styles, middy and sailor effects, etc. splendid dresses for early school war. Batter buy In s supply now, , Your choice ef any summer dress In the basement, made slimmer wash fabrics, all newest up-ts-dxte style; over choose from. Worth from S&6 up to S'-oO, all pretty styles. Gawd range ef sire from 11 to, 44, black and white comMnatlone of fine 300 t $2.49 Several hundred very pretty white and colored street dresses, porch dresses, heoe dresses; made of good wash At OA fabrics. Sixes In thla lot run up te 63; 13.50, S3 and SI j 13-50 value. Also many fin all-black lawn dressa . . .V Hundreds ef white and colored waah dreasse ef every kind street dresses, porch dresses and house dresses. Elaborate whit dresses, fancy colored dreeees as well as plain. Materials are meet any kind you can think of fine ratine, novelty wash materials, fin ginghams, pique, repp, vol la, tleauaa, etc women's misses' ' ng and Junior six. 11.60 to M.00 ar th farmer price. Frl- M day and Ssturdey for, July clearance... , waVa Your, choice of about 400 women's end misses' house dressas. 60c, 7So and $1 value, all grouped Into on lot for July clearance. All good style snd materials percale, ging ham, chambray, -etc ; 39c for odd and end ef girle' wash dressee and romper ; 25c and 39o values, all good wash material, many different styles, moet- Q ly 2 te S-year eizee IOC girls' dra, th bseement Your choice of any white or colored, in department, former price . f up to $1.60, at UiJC Extra Good Linen Value s , r5 AXD ISe MM EN'S AT le A saoaete lo ef faary Itaaaa, eaa statins af daillea, eatnlae. et suaktlr sailed, aw tsa perfect too. tie ZTKZXCS ar BOLJTKJ AT S9e - One lot af epreads hi the rrvrhet klao. aavS baUtara ka alajwaillaa pat aaraa, h ana aiil eode, regalattea eUa. see PAliia IS AW 1 Wu-aa af M bwk'itMi aaeiiing, tae Ova b la flaacad atarfx far r taoi. see Ti urv see AKrnt t IK'S yarde at biavAd aad ee.aia labia daaaaak. all tat dcairaiiW leaatae an rao l pattaraa. AD la t Kl.nl AT , 9 WW mtla af UUL blaa.'BaA aal aAwakraKl, lira. Iluwia tat Uaaa, la a aa4 ie-yaia leagtka. Cotton Fabrics f dr Hot W cathcr lias eaatUy dreae aaaajaa sank wall kam an aeelrabl BCvaratt ilaaata. Ma S.al. Bate aad atheva. Valaaa ag la lSVa yd., riMay awly, yd. 6ic 11-Iah Sreas gtaghaiaa, par iadlga dye. ka all tae laaSimg elaaeka aad ere affaaaa, aaaatataly fast eaawa, ee vataaa, rrl day, yard . . . . ; ;4ic I fabric. I aaa aa ehala, yaed . rax ill raiaawiia draaa vellaal SI, M aad -lark. Bwa:traJ aaaer aaauaa absahilely fast. Vat- f U yard, rrktay -jr. ra-lach drtaa awraala, aaaatly llgai 1 atiittltia" and wraaper amylaa. 1 I tli atandard eaallry. j vatne, imday y. yard. laa. aa - 5c UaMllfal ea-lach priatafaUa, ka all taa aaw aaaaaa'e etylaa. Thay e.iaa la rail aalas aad arnae eaauplae, rappe atylaa, ai. Khc rlaa and dainty ISa a 19c vnJuaa. mday, yard a 84c fce.eral thaataad yarda aaiB naate and rataaaata fram stack af atl gratlea af waa aenleeaWa Ifnatna. aaatebt, FrMay, ywtd Mill raataaata at M-inh fin eeft flalah aaaalla kaf cloth and eaaa brtc. dlrart fnvai the hayleee aa BWacbrryi valaas p t IS'a Sf yard, rrMay anly, yard )1 ' La. a rloti, priatej aaia" wlk, taaa-a chiriaa. atd. tiloaa a a af all dma laaatoa, enert aacta aad raaaatuhtg awiu, while titer laat rrhiay . a only, yard 5c -laek aaMaaaked ebeetiqg, extra r.aa weave, sad earvtaabla ran, aof rtataa, aaally bteavhed, J valaaa, Friday aaly, Jrg ft aad -Iwrk bleached aaeeta, eef flalaa, ait har ptaaa ar haaaauaraed ( awed eaality. S-fenra heaaa, Aa vatosa. rnaar tr Imported; Wash Goods A beet IB bolts left free ear speeial paetaaae af high elaaa ImpertM an. ally waah gentle, aa while aad ere. off aaauaa, uufia, imna rlaa ekMaa, ate. T, and 4 anenea wide, worth oao a yarn, at 15c English araeaded erapa, la plak, blna, inaarr, lavender, taa. reBhaa. Thla Is wave fabrte and r atnmhitaly faM relem) tae Ilff value, fl la. wide, yard. v Keagraaate ef el Ik and eette draea atatavials la Jaeuaarde and minted "swa. i rem i ia a-gara lengxaa, ntaay a aatrh. SI aa larhee wide It wane ate ef ealatad aad while draaa gaada. ararth te tee yaad. at 15c 5c Special Sale Friday of Silk Remnant s Remnant of 24-lnch foulards, meaaaiine, nni poplin, tfftas and creps, In lengths J S up to i yarda, worth 60o per yd, at, yd. . . a-9- JJy Clearance) 5,la Clack IlemiiAnU Hemnants of 35-Inch and 40-Inch black allk taffstaa, crepes, charmeuse, poplins, meaaaiine, meteors, radium, etc., etc in waiat and akirt lengths, at about one-half regular price. 225c THwwju! of bupoi'tar's sample piece af high eiaes at ka, In.-taumg rauiuma. tnxiaiaa, paaay will a aita. tiffervtte, crrpa, er. 1 r,ee p4eeee ar rare nargaui a gl.t. ta ruiay apecbU, aa Rtcatrti it Sills, vert! ts $1.50, jul CCc Sl.CS 40-inch Ctep Jt.Chint tl.CO SS-inch Taffttet S1.C0 2$'insh Msalin3 17.53 40-inch Poplint SI. 50 4Q-inch Crtp Meteor SI 52 43. inch Foulards Worth to $1.E0 per yard, 1713 at Notion Box Sale Each box contains hair pins, neetHaa. threatd, darning cotton, pins, saiety plna, tap, school taLiet, l&rfoj belt, shoe poliah, LaJf net, clastic, hooais tad eyca, clasps, and many outer item which ar not acfwr tiaed. 1.00 worth of notions all for. Oc Household Needs a Diamond C Sap, 10 bar 22 O 20 Mule Team Borax, 1 lb. pag...7o Johnson's Floor Wax, 1-lb. can. .20 o Wiaard Fleer Oil, 11.00 ean i'Jo Jap Crop Toilet Paper, 10c kind, S roll fer 23 O Liquid Veneer, $1 site bottle. .. .CDo Whiak Brooms, wortn 25c, at...fJo Wri.ht'a Silver Cream, 25e !..! Co Strew Hat Cleaner, with brusr. . . fj The Clima of Value Givincf v J aaaaaaaaTanT saBAnBanTasaannTan eaaBnanannnBBBBaH VVC1 C Rracked Friday and Saturday in Our Daaemen t QotLing DepL Men's and Young Men' Suits W bou.ht 685 euKe from a Chicago manufacturer-st less than coet to manufacture. These suits ar pur worsted and caaaimeres. Alt sizes and color.. fsVSO to $12 values, Friday and Gat. , urdsy . ... .-.', A.J 1,100 Fair Men'e Pants Pure worsteds, S2.80 and 13.60 values, Friday and Saturday, Ol CA aWU pair ajj, Men's and Young Men's Khaki Pants, $1.00 1513 Dcv: '!a Street r ri M f f Ft r f7 r? T"? it.i eV-a sVJ a.i t t d 4 j ' M U fc S. " , 1 i .