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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA. Fill PAY, JULY 2, lOlfi. BRIEF CITY NEWS ! XV Wow Imhi FrM Wtrt. faa. tT.SO. Burcac-Oraad.a. Public Iuwum Aljutar Owri Echrodr. War. block. Had ""feday Complete Kotu mrW rlaaalf ted .aoUon Kxmjr, and appears ta Th. En EXCLUtMVKLY. rind out what th. varleu nwr'n- plcturt thcatar off.r. To Yao. an Xmaaealamaat Chart" Walter J. Berlo, charged with embrtxllnc t0 from tho Lion Bonding Surety com pany of thla city, waa brought back to Omaha yesterday from Cleveland. O., by Detective J. T. Donahoe. YUM Cato Taylor Mr. and Mr a. W. B. Taylor of Chicago are In Omaha vlnlt ini Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Taylor, 2112 Burt treeL Mr. and Mra. W. B. Taylor formerly Ure4 In Omaha, but have for aeveral years been in Chicago. Hnrte Calf Whea He Baa a Tt U C Cottroll of Miles, Ml., feU In an epi leptic fit while held aa prisoner at the city Jail Wednesday afternoon. He sus tained a bad sralp wound, which was treated by Dr Shook and Holer. Tnrney a Co. Secure Biff Contrae One of the largest contracts of the kind let so far thla year has been awarded to F H. Turney Co. to Install Monarch metal weatber strips on all the windows of the new Grain exchange building. eld fot SootUgtfnrChrla Ylndall, North Sixteenth street. If being held by tha police for aclllna liquor to Indians. Ylndall la an Indian and one of his raco was taken from the above number. He will be turned over to the government authoritlea. Softool T.aohar to Coast Two ape clal cars of school teachera from the Twin Cities are to pass through Ornalia Kunday on, their way to the, eoast. They are due In over the Oraat Western ami will leave over the Burlington. They plan to go to Colorado and tho Yellow atone park. Prof. Iehnerta ii In chargo. rnasral of Trancl B. Bobbins Funeral servicea for Franola B. Bobbins, aged 10 years, who was drowned in a pool in til m wood park, will be held this morning at i:90 o'clock from the resi dence of Mrs. John E. Marsh, 306 South Thirty-first street to St. Peter's church at t o'clock. Interment will take place In Holy Bepulcher cemetery. GERMAN INYASION CAPTURES OMAHA Massive Bank of Kale Chorus, with Sixty in the Orchestra, Beady for Its Part MANY CITIES ARE REPRESENTED Ad Men Encourage Women to Join Club The Omaha Ad club Intends to en courage Omaha women who are active in the advertising business to Join the club. At present but four women are members and it is hoped that before many more meetings are held that this number will be considerably Increased The subject came up at the noon meet ing at the Commercial club, when Charles Dooherty, Tom Devaney, Charles Ayres, Victor White and T. L. Combs, who were Omaha delegates to the national con vention, gave short talks on ideas they had picked up at the Chicago meeting. Raw Meat Nearly Fatal to Infant Lillian Johns, S months old, daughter of Phillip and Mary Johns, 11 North Nine teenth street, almost choked to death when the mother fed her a piece of raw meat. - Police Surgeons Shook, Phillips, Folt and Harris worked for several hours trying' to restore the little one to normal condition. After the offending piece of meat .had been removed tho use of the liulmotor was found necessary in order to Induce natural respiration. First New Wheat is Received in Omaha The first car of new wheat was re ceived at the Omaha Grain exchange yesterday morning. It was consigned to the Nebraska-Iowa Oraln company by the Waverly Oraln company . of Waverly, Neb. Weight wa sixty pounds. The car was sold for 11 1. SOMEONE FIGURES EARTH MAY CHANGE ON ITS AXIS Now that the weather hag somewhat settled. Forecaster Welsh has begun a little reading that he has wanted to start on (or soma time. The first of the series Is "The Philosophy of Cos mic Revolution," and explains in detail Just how the earth is going to act when we have burned up a little more of the coal and wood In the northern hemis phere. After a while. If we continue at the rate at which we are now going, the earth will become muoh lighter north of the equator than south of it. and then tbe poles will suddenly shift, and all weather conditions will change. Of course this la Just a theory and Mr. Welsh does not figure that he Is soon to lose bis Job as a result of the com ing cataclysm. . The twenty-sixth saengerfest of the Saengerbund of the Northwest is now In full swing and a real musical at mosphere Is pervading Omaha. Badges showing singers from nearly every city of Importance In the west are to be seen on the streets and In the hotels and all seem pleased with the magnificent reception which Is being accorded them by the local committee. So great Is the number that the commute has lost all count, bvt the visitors run Into thousands. Morning; Rehearsal. The great mass male chorus sf 1,000 voices of the Sanngerfest was at re hearsal in the Auditorium at 9 o'clock yesterday under tho vigorous direction of Conductor Theodor Kelbe of Milwaukee and with the full orchestra. The entire Program for the evening waa gone throuKh. The directors and local committees are simply so busy thev don't know which way to turn. The saengerfest has assumed such huge proportions that It takes every minute of their time and they are hardly stopping evan to eat or sleep. Prof. Kelbe, director of the mass male chorus, U a little man, with a sandy mustache, and he came from hla task of rehearsal dripping with perspiration, though the temperature was not high. "I cannot talk." I he exclaimed. 'I must have some time tojreat. After a rehearsal of 2,000 singers andTmore than sixty musi cians it is necessary that the conduotor Set away where be can be quiet and re poseful. This is the sixth year that I have done It." Noted Soloist ta Cool. Prof. Btedinger caught the conductor by the arm and presented him to Henri Scott, who was standing near looking as cool aa a cucumber In his soft white collar. The conductor waved a nervous hand after the formalities of greeting and laughingly referred to his exhausted condition. Ah, If I would get $1,000 a night like you, I would not need to care," he laughed. Mr. Scott made a movement of th head and shoulders Indicating that $1,000 was a mere bagatelle. He blew into hla straw hat and then turned out the band of It and explained to Mr. Kalbe that ha Just stuck the bills in there, right In mere. Robbed of His Roll While Fast Asleep While Henry Snyder, giving his address as Winnipeg, Canada, waa sleeping the sleep of the Just in Jefferson square shortly after nildnlnht. a. hnM nmi.r lifted the sum of twenty bucks, his en tire fortune, from Mr, Snyder's person and was Just preparing' to divest Mr. Snyder of a few of his personal effects, starting on his shoes, when William Jay, 413 North Fifteenth street, appeared on the scene and frightened the thief away. Snyder reported his loss at police headquarters. Damen Musik Verein to Entertain the Visiting Women The Damen Musik Verein will enter tain all the visiting women of the Saeng erfest at luncheon at the Commercial club thla noon. German and American flairs will decorate the large dining hall and covers will be placed for over ITS guests. Mra rtohert Strehlow, president of the namen Musik Verein. and Mrs. Charles Pihlauber, president of tho Concordia Singing society, are arranging the lunch eon. The luncheon will be preceded by an auto ride through the city. Pioneer Omaha Real Estate Man is Dead Larmon P. Pruyn, for many years a prominent real estate man of Omaha, died at Excelsior Springs, Mo., Wednes day after a long Illness. Mr. Pruyn wat one of the pioneers In the real estate business in Omaha, but of recent year has only spent part of his tima here. He has a brother In Omaha, W. D. Pruyn, m.5 Caldwell street. lie was about 66 years of age. INTERSTATE COMMERCE EXAMINERHOLDS COURT Special Examiner Wood of the Inter state Commerce commission Is at pres ent in Omnha and is holding several hearings on matters tn regard to rates. Mr. Wood's hearings are being held In the north court room on the second floor of the federal building. LAD AT THE TRACTOR SHOW Will Drive Smallest Auto as Well as One of the Qiant Tractors. WILL PLOW IN THE FIELDS A diminutive automobile driven by a diminutive boy. Master A. J. Sweeney of Kansas City, is to be a feature every forenoon at the National Farm Tractor demonstration at Fremont, August to 14. Master A. J. Sweeney was bom Just a decade ago. In other words, he la w years old now. The Sweeney Traitor company of Kansas City, of which young Sweeney' father ta boss, has built an automobile to order for the favored son. This automobile Is five feet long. No, strree. It Is not Just a toy Christ mas automobile to be propelled by foot power. It is a real gasoline-consuming, snorting, self-starting, spark-plug, car-buretor-eQulpped, six-cylinder little giant. It even has electrically lighted head lights. The little lad will drive tt about the big fields of the tractor demonstration and about the streets of Fremont every forenoon during the tractor show, while In the afternoon this sturdy lad will mount the big tractor recently put out by his father's company, will Jerk the throttle of the big 4,&00-pound "Sweeney Iron Horse," will manage the levers and guide wheel and will proceed to tear up several acres of ground with the big gang plow attached. Thua the boy will not only demonstrate his ability with the big machine, as well aa with the little one, but he will also demonstrate the tase with which the giant tractor can be handled. How Heat Affects the Vital Organs Hot Weather Conduce to Chronic Constipation and Diarrhea, A disposition t confine one's diet to eold food and to Indulge freely In Iced drinks, la on reason why oonatlpatlon and diarrhea I so prevalent In summer, and there la no season whan bowel dis turbances should be more cansfuly avoid ed, as much serious disease Is directly traoeabl to those conditions. To regulate the bowel and quickly re lieve even an aggravated case of consti pation, the combination of simple laxa tive herb with pepsin, sold In drug stores under ths name of Dr. Caldwell's By nip Pepsin, highly recommended by many physician and all those -who hare used t Unlike cathartics and! violent purge Hives, Dr. Caldwell' Syrup acts gently bn stomaoh, 11. ' and "bowels, without grtptng or other dlaoomrfort, and brings relief in aa easy natural manner. Mild, pleasant to the taste, and ln.xp.ti jslve. It I the Ideal family laxative. By joleanslng the bowel tract and eliminat ing the foreign matter and poisons that Irritate and Inflame, It will quickly check an attack of diarrhea and restore nor mal conditions. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin haa been the standard remedy In countless homes for more than thirty years, and la sold in drug stores everywhere for fifty cents a bottle. A free trial can be obtained by writing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, iU Washing ton St., Montlcello, 111. " COMES TO GRIEF WHEN ' HE SWALLOWS FISHBONE Lawreice Hughes, M5 North Eleventh street, swallowed a flsti bone at a picnic Wednesday afternoon and after suffering three hours without extracting it ap plied to Ir. Phillip, who removed the offending particle. 1 INSPECTORS EXAMINE THE OMAHA P0ST0FFICE W. T. Aflmon of Topeka, George EX Iewt of Oklahoma City and H. ex Randall of Lincoln, all United State inspectors, arrived in Omaha . Wednes day morning, and are at present en caged In examining the Omaha postoffloa. They had a conference with Postmaster Wharton, and will be at work hare for some time. Tor Safety rirst In Life Insureno see W. II. Indoe, general agent State Mutual life Assurance Co. of Worcester, Mas., one of the oldest, 71 years, and beat companies on earth. ' IMMIGRATION EXPERTS ON THEIR WAY TO COAST A special train of United State and (tat. Immigration comtssioners will pass through Omaha from Chicago to San Francisco next Wednesday. A. Camlnettl. commissioner general of Immigration, while here made arrangements for the main party, which will number about JIS. They mill arriv over ths North western and will go west over the Union Pacific, Mow Mr, ttarroo Ooi Hid o( liar tesaarh Treabl. "I suffered with stomach trouble for years and tried everything I heard of, but the only relief I got was temporary until last spring I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of thern at our drug store. I got Immedi ate relief from that dreadful heaviness after eating and from pain In tbe atomach," writes Mrs. Linda Harrod. Fort Wayne. Iod. Obtainable every m hsre. Ad ve rtiseroent CARPENTERS AT WORK Remodeling A. Hospe Cos Store Deeper Cots on New and Used PIANOS We must move them before the dirt and dust ruins them. The prices do it. Henderson Upright Pianos $225, $250, $275 On 5 Payments. 8tool and Start NEW PLAYER PIANOS Full Slxe, 18 Note at .WO, 0, $379. 03 USED PLAYER PIAJIOS Terms, $15 to t5 down; 8 to 115 per month. A large variety to select Vrom. Player Rolls, 9c, lc, 2 So. 4e. The Art Stock 1 moving fast; off, - off. Vt off, Is dolor; it. IM h.i -MaaTs-Bftaaa7aaTgW VU. md mm. rwiM i tea FsTJHIttM To get in or out of b usiness A. Hospe Co., . 1513 DouglaB Strtet Read the "Business Chances" column of Thi Bee. Below are are a few of the opportunitie offered in last Sunday's Bee: Substantial corporation, investment of $300 to $1,500. Choice 94 millinery shops, investment of 300 to $600. Choice farm mortgages, 7, $300 to $5,000. General merchandise business of $30,000 a year, invoice $8,000 to $9,000. Furniture and undertaking, invest $3,000. Blacksmith and wagon shop in thrifty farm ing community. Garage in county seat. Drug store in Omaha, doing business of $12, 000 a year, sale price $4,200. Two good restaurants and candy store. Four good moving picture shows. Lumber, (coal, and cement business. Bakeries etc. Why not get into a busings of your own and be ind' endentf Work for yourself and put the results of your lain n your own pocket. The "Business Chances" columns of The Bee offer 1 arge number of good honest opportunities every day. TtUphone Tyltr 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Rtadt Be Want Adt -JiStore Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. Mi-. ... - - BURGESS-NASH GOI'iPAEM. Kri'lnr, July 8.1, 1010. 'EVER YD ody's STORE STOlti: NKWS Hill FRIDAY. Thone D. I U, In the Basement A Maker's Surplus Stock of SUMMER DRESSES For House. Porch and Street Wear; Including Values of $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 Friday at "71 v. U4 .rr. -i i ' vr IT IS Wyond question the biggest and host Summor Press buying opportunity we'vo offered for n long time, and we expect thtj entire lot of something over 1,000 dresses to go in record-breaking time. The dresses are all the season's latest styles, made up in n great variety of pretty models, from Vuieh dainty summer materials as pinlipnis. fhambruys, lawns, bitistes and crepes. Ther are all sizes from 34 to 44, and the real values are $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. Very special Friday, choice, 95c. . nrres.Tali Co- Ban.m.nt. 25c Neckwear, 5c INCLUDING flat collar, bo-vs, tie jabots of lace, net and or gandy, soiled from band- C ling, were 26c, now.... OC HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen and linen lawn handker chiefs for men and women, plain or white colored border, ( each OC 25c BUSHINGS, 5c AUo pleatlngs, white, cream and colors, net and chiffon,. tZg were 25c, now OC LACES AT lc. Lace and embroidery lnaertions, good "election of designs, yard ' 1 C LACES AT 2yac. . Val, torchon and linen lace, new design, at Q 1 yard IC ,LACE SAMPLES. Also embroideries, chiffon and nets, from H to 1H yard, at, each lc, 5c and lOo aarg-7'Ba Co. Ba.m.nt. DktmftraTC" Good Quality 4-Tie Brooms, 19c 15c 10c E. Sarin NJ""- W 'V X"' Diamond C Soap, f) OCp Hpeclal Friday. . , L bttrtDO LJi Cocoanut oil toilet aoap, 7 cakes for 23o Er"zs;j?r:.& for 18c Fela Naphtha, laundry Soap. 10 cake . ,0c Toilet so apt, regular 6c, 1 at, cake .JSc Toilet a o a p a, regular 10c, at, cake. 60 Bath spray, us ually n.oo, Krldax . . . .49o Rubber gloves, 76c kind at 8t)c Tooth brushes, rearl Wldto Soap at 7 cakes for 25 Burf.i.-Haah Co-Sasm.nt. 8 5c and 860 kinds, at... 12c Borax, 20-Mule Team brand, 1-lb Wc Peroxide, pint for 17c Household am monia, 1 qt. 18c Au t o m o b 1 1 sponge, 75o sice for 80c Liquid veneer, 60c sice., . .8O0 Liquid veneer, 26c slxe,. . ,18c Seam lean potato rlcers, regularly 26c, now. . . . Brooklyn egg and cream 1 ( whips, were 2 be. now.. IOC Grass hook, regular price IPC, now Gras "hears, regular it. price 16c, now IwC Hampers,, regular price SQ50 3.50, now t Toilet paper, crepe Us- ng sue, lOe rolls, 4 for.., DC Toilet paper, silk tls- ng sue, lOo rolls, 4 for . . . alOC 3-plece pantry set, regu lar price 11.76, now.. Cedollne oil mops for . ; i Lighthouse cleanser, can Bread boxes, white round corners, very spe cial at 45c. 55 and 2qt, galvanised frees era, worth J1.Q9, at. ,.. S-qt. galvanized frees ers, worth 13.26, at. . Co. a.mnt. ' 9joo 39c 4c enamel, 65c Women's 25c Cotton Hose for 10c 10c 10c 25c BROKEN line of regular 2 So quality, pink, white, blue, tan and black, were 25c pair, now....; 19c TO 25c COTTON VESTS, 10c. Women's cotton vests, low neck and sleeveless, were lOo and 35c, now , . WOMEN'S 50c HOSE, FRIDAY, 25c. Odd lots of women's Imported and domestic made hose, black and colors, were 60o pair, now. , , ; Bargs-Wali Co. Baf.m.nt. 39c FEATHER PILLOWS AT 39c. Dustless, odorless, pure feather filled pillows, art tick cov ered. Just the thing for porches, etc. Bedding Dept., each. . BLEACHED MUSLIN AT 6yac. , Soft finished bleached 36-lnch muslin, good grade, desirable 1 lengths, will make durable sheets and pillow cases, at, yard, OsC Barr..-Ka.a Ca Bassmsat, 95c ?2.50 Full. DRESS PATTERNS for 95c In the Basement Salesroom Friday m HE finest wash fabrics. 27, SC and 40 Inches wide, such as X woven Lorraine, Egyptian, tissue, woven flaxon, embroidered organdie, woven stripe and part allk voiles, mlied silk and cotton crepes, fine rice cloths, etc. . You are sure to find the color, tbe stripe, check, plaid or plain color wanted, as the lot consists of the most de sirable or tne season s taiesi aemgns ana weave. u , special' bargain square for Friday at, pattern, 0ftc. 18c MERCERIZED CREPES AT 7Vic Fancy mercerised, yard wide crepes, stripes and figures, 7jL the 18c kind, on sal at, yard 2 C REMNANTS 25c WHITE GOODS, 5c. Remnants of assorted white goods, including odd lots from f our stocks, values up to 26c, plain and fancy, at, yard. ..... OC 10c DRESS PRINTS AND CREPES, 3y,c. Dress prints and floral crepes, the regular 10c grade, at, ol yard ' OJC Women's PUMPS and OXFORDS 1.15 Regular $3.00, $3.50 and $ $4.00 Values for ... . THE best values our lmsement shoe store haa ever of - fcred. 600 pain in the lot; all leathers, sizes 2Va to 6, Iatent leather, gun metal, tan Itussia Calf, black satin, black cravenette, white uubuck and white canvas, $3.00 to $4.00 values, for $1.15 Women's $2.53 to $3.50 Shoes at 89c. Button and lace shoes, mostly small sites, ft. 60, $3.00 and $3.60 values, for Friday only....gOd Boys' shoes that were $2.50, for.. SI. 15 Child's and misses' pumps and Oxfords, worth to $3.60, for 81.15 Oo Baa.m.nt. -BURGESS-NASH COMPANY: Men's $3.50 to $4 Shoes or Oxfords, $2.25. Choice of all tho men's tan, Russian calf boots and Oxfords and black calf button and lace Oxfords that were to $3.50 and $4.00, for $2.25 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES These ads will start you on the road to wealth r - -- . 1 sasaaSeTWsiijs eMMs-eMi